#just go block the anti tag!!!! and its gone!!!
I'm an A-Level student and so many of my classmates use ChatGPT for essays in Law and RS and stuff - like, they sound proud of themselves, as if they're cheating the system and being clever? Just makes me feel very bleak. What are we doing man
Well, the unfortunate news for them is that they are going to struggle if they make it to uni.
This is the big problem with AI - it cannot analyse a single thing. If I were to say to you "What are the features Tumblr users would most want and why?", you are a human being with a brain and experiences and decision-making skills, and you could probably sit and come up with an answer. You would base that answer on things you personally find lacking, or want to see; you would also base it in things you have seen others bemoaning on the site.
For example, I reckon I'd say something like:
The permanent ability to boop people with a cat paw, which is implemented as opt-in. Also customisable, so you can choose whether you want a random cat paw to appear on your screen each time it happens to you. Also a different animation for super boop/evil boop, and maybe more boop options than those two, and maybe also different paw colours.
Actual enforcement of hate speech rules. We all agree to them when we join, so it's perfectly legal to delete someone for spouting Nazi shit AND YET.
No more banning or censoring queer folks' accounts
More ability to adjust the interface for disabled bloggers, e.g. colour and contrast, font, layout, switching off moving GIFs or other animations by default, etc.
Tag editing, it's frustrating having to delete whole tags.
Tag memory! Where have my tags gone??? For a year now I have slightly better luck on desktop, but for the most part, which of my tags are remembered by autofill and which are never, ever offered to me has been wholly divorced from how often I've used them. And my tags are often lengthy and odd, so it's become much harder to use mobile.
No data scraping. This is the anti-cap site thank you. Also on that note, get rid of the For You section and any other algorithmic tracking, because it's just as likely to show you a Nazi blog as an anti-Nazi one as long as you have spent any time at all discussing Nazism.
Better blocking ability, on that note.
Better search function
I could go on, but you get the idea. That's analysis that I've done, based on discussions I have seen and taken part in, and my own experiences.
I just asked ChatGPT. Here's what it had to say:
"Tumblr users have diverse preferences, but there are several features that many users would likely appreciate: 1. Improved Content Discovery: Tumblr is known for its vast array of content, so improving content discovery mechanisms such as personalized recommendations, trending topics, and enhanced search functionality can help users find more of the content they enjoy. 2. Enhanced Customization Options: Tumblr users value the ability to customize their blogs extensively. Providing more themes, layout options, and customization tools can empower users to express themselves creatively and make their blogs unique. 3. Integration of Multimedia Formats: Tumblr is a platform where users share various types of multimedia content, including images, GIFs, videos, and audio. Enhancing support for different media formats, improving media upload and management features, and optimizing the viewing experience can enhance user engagement. 4. Improved Mobile Experience: Many Tumblr users access the platform via mobile devices. Therefore, optimizing the mobile app for better performance, usability, and feature parity with the desktop version can greatly enhance the user experience. 5. Community Engagement Features: Tumblr has a vibrant community, so features that facilitate interaction among users, such as improved messaging, reblogging, tagging, and commenting functionalities, can foster a sense of community and increase user engagement. 6. Content Moderation Tools: Given the diverse content on Tumblr, providing users with robust content moderation tools, including options for filtering, blocking, and reporting inappropriate content, can help ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for all users. 7. Monetization Options for Creators: Many Tumblr users are content creators who would appreciate opportunities to monetize their content. Introducing features such as ad revenue sharing, subscription-based content, or integrated e-commerce capabilities can incentivize creators to produce high-quality content and invest more in their Tumblr presence. 8. Accessibility Features: Improving accessibility features such as alt text support for images, screen reader compatibility, and customizable text sizes and color schemes can make Tumblr more inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities. 9. Privacy and Security Enhancements: Enhancing privacy controls, data protection measures, and account security features can help users feel more confident and secure when using the platform, which is especially important given concerns about online privacy and security. 10. API and Third-Party Integration: Opening up Tumblr's API and allowing for easier integration with third-party services and apps can encourage innovation and development within the Tumblr ecosystem, providing users with more options and flexibility in how they use the platform. Overall, focusing on improving content discovery, customization options, community engagement, and user safety while also providing opportunities for creators to monetize their content can help Tumblr retain and attract users in a competitive social media landscape."
It's possible that feels alright, on first glance. But take a closer look.
Every point made is vague, and disconnected from any real life examples. In the very first point, it thinks we want better search functions (yes!) but also more algorithmic recommendations (no!). It wants us to have personalised recommendations AND better security, in fact, which are incompatible - but an LLM doesn't and can't know that. Monetisation of the platform is something that has historically faced appalling backlash from users, and this thing is suggesting ad revenue sharing and subscription services.
Because, its suggestions are generic suggestions. These are not Tumblr-specific. No mention of queerphobia, no mention of Nazis, and absolutely zero understanding of what the specific users on this site actually want.
... all of which is to say...
It's what is academically known as descriptive work. It lays out some facts, but there's no depth, no analysis, no interpretation of those facts at all. Why would we want third party integration? What apps are we calling for? Give examples. Would that aid ad-blocking? Search functions? In that case, wouldn't third-party integration be tackling the symptoms and not the cause? Shouldn't we work better ad-blocking and search functions into Tumblr at a base level?
And in school - even up to A Level - that's okay. You won't get top marks for that, because it's all too vague and too descriptive, but it's fine. School-level assignments tend to be more broad and less applied, too, which LLMs fare better with.
But in university, you start with descriptive facts, and then you are expected to analyse. If you cannot analyse, you run a very real risk of failing. Which means if you've spent your GCSEs and A Levels not bothering to learn those analytical skills and letting ChatGPT do the work for you, you are going to face an extremely uphill struggle when the expectations of study increase.
So, to round off, try not to get too discouraged. You know you aren't doing it, which means you are the one actually learning and developing and growing. Others will learn eventually, and probably more painfully. You do you!
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trykefag · 27 days
Hi.... :] before we get into this I wanna say one (1) thing: I'm pro-Palestine AND (shocker) pro-Israel. I'm hitting a hornets nest tagging this with pro-Palestine when how I view being for Palestine is so drastic to others' views.
Any sort of harassment or antisemitism will be reported and you will be blocked. We don't hate Jews or Israelis here. Also, if you tag this post with "to the river to the sea Palestine will be free" you're ignorant and dunno what the fuck you're saying.
This post is lengthy (imo) and just my personal spew on stuff, it's nothing like...revolutionary lol. I just need to get shit out somehow.
I don't get the anti-Israel crowed like....they know nothing and its so baffling they'll just say shit they don't understand the concept or history of. You can be pro-Israel and hate the Israeli government, you can be pro-Palestine while also realizing that the history is very convoluted and if you did a simple YouTube search about history on Palestine and Israel you'd be more educated. You can be both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine...shocker I know!
I've learned more from YouTube than in history class. I've also learned that antisemitism is very easy to fall into, which is something I knew but didn't understand. Pro-Palestinians I don't doubt actually care, I'd love to think most Pro-Palestinians actually give a fuck about the murders that're happening! The downside is that they're falling and repeating shit the fucking Nazis would say in the name of activism and see NO ISSUE. (Saying "gas the Jews" and holding up Nazi flags is, even in the name of activism, antisemetic.)
I try and not be cynical, but like there's literal dog whistles and antisemetic shit being spoken about and there's signs being put up that says "No Jews" and there's even fucking Tumblr blogs with "Jews DNI" on them. (I've seen them, they're very much real. Most of them have "Zionists DNI" which is usually just a dog whistle to Jews, but I digress.)
Don't get me started on fucking Zionism actually, no one knows what the fuck that is and they claim they do when they don't. It's so brain numbing!
"Go back to where you came from!" that'd be Israel....which you wanna get rid of. That's also what Zionism is btw. Jews are from Israel...please Google things before you open your yapper.
I can only find solace in the Jumblr tag (& similar ones) because they have knowledge about what the fuck is going on and I won't get called a "Zionist Nazi"!
In the face of chaos I will say that studying and my plans to convert one day is the best decision I've ever made; you can't get rid of Jews, no matter how much you want us gone. Reading the Torah, researching about Israel, learning the culture, the food, the language, etc. It's healing and I'm glad to be coming home slowly but surely. Am yisrael chai.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
Wishing for anti-endos to loose all their friends and spaces and to be ostracized does not help pro-endos. It makes anti-endos even more set in their beliefs. It makes people who are on the fence go "yikes, I guess the anti-endos are right". I'm firmly pro-endo and your recent post makes me want to take some distance. This isn't how we gain allies.
I know, these people suck. I know, it hurts to constantly be excluded and hated for the way our brains work or the reason why they work that way. I know, many anti-endos are too far gone and aren't people that you or I can reason with unless they decide to unpack their shitty beliefs.
But posts threatening them is not the way to go. They already see us as the enemy. We don't need to add fuel to the fire. Let's make sure people who are on the fence or who don't know much about non-traumagenic systems see us acting in ways that make them want to listen to our side instead of the fakeclaimers. Let's make sure anti-endos who are starting to rethink their beliefs feel like it's safe for them to do so and to start listening to pro-endos.
I'm sure this post is gonna get lots of interaction. But if it makes people less likely to read your studies, to listen to your arguments, to hear out the systems messaging you about their experiences? That's all for nothing.
I... actually think adding fuel to a fire can be useful sometimes. As long as you can keep it a controlled burn.
I'm counting on most anti-endos on Tumblr who would be scrolling through the syscourse tag already having me blocked. They won't see my post.
I'm counting on neutrals probably not following my blog or the syscourse tag either one. And most of those that do follow syscourse have already made their minds up about me.
I made that post for a very specific audience. One that doesn't actually need anyone to fuel its fire because they've built an entire community on seeking out systems to mock and attack. They already cherry pick the worst posts they can find to keep their friend group indoctrinated. So adding one more to the pile shouldn't matter to that specific group.
I don't think anything I say is actually going to make them hate the endogenic community more than they already do because they're surrounded constantly by people who will always reinforce that very generalized hate.
But I do think I can direct that hate they already have. Focus it as much as possible on one specific person. Me.
And the more they see me as a threat, (whether or not I am,) the more hateful they respond to me, the more their community will crack.
Users will be more likely to break their rules, making moderation in their subreddit more difficult for the unpaid mod team who will hopefully start rethinking how much of their life they want to dedicate to a hatesub moderating an angry userbase with nothing to show for it.
And while a slim hope, I'm waiting for them to be pushed far enough for Reddit to ban the whole subreddit.
So yeah. I don’t mind tossing as much fuel on the fire as possible if there's a chance their ableist hatesub burns.
Besides... I'm not actually saying anything untrue.
Plurality IS going to become more accepted. They ARE losing the scientific argument. And anti-endos and cringizens WILL lose friends and community support as plural acceptance spreads unless they're willing to change. A safe space for endogenic systems can never be one that houses anti-endos.
This is not a threat. This is a promise. It's a natural result of progress. And I'll do my part to accelerate this. But it's going to happen with or without my involvement.
I'm just making sure that when it does and they go looking for someone to blame because things have gone bad in their lives and their bigotry caught up with them, they'll direct their anger toward me instead of anyone else.
(Although maybe they can direct it inwards too since, you know, it was their fault for being bigots. But I think that would be too much to ask for.)
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jedi-enthusiast · 3 months
On the note of random Mace antis just appearing out of the wood work; honestly it feels like they purposefully go looking for Mace appreciation posts, or any positive post about him (or any other Jedi appreciative/positive post for that matter) and purposefully say wrong/mean things because they think their opinion was asked for and they just have to remind everyone that this character is Actually The Worst, when they aren't. Its like they can't handle us having fun and loving genuinely wonderful and good characters (like Mace, Yoda, Luminara and Ki-Adi for example. Mace cause he's the current target of it, and the other three cause they're usually used as examples of the "worst Jedi" by the antis' standards. When, again, they aren't.) Like we're fine with leaving them be and letting them enjoy things the way they want, but they can't handle doing the same. Like they can go in their circle and have fun, but let us do the same! (Sorry for random ramble and I hope it made some sense, but I had strong feelings lol. But I loved seeing you defend Mace so beautifully. Very Nice XD)
Don't worry about it, it made perfect sense! And I appreciate the ask, it's nice to know that there are people out there who are as passionate about this stuff as I am <3
Honestly, though, it's insane how desperate these people are to argue and how attention seeking they are!
Do you know how many anti-Jedi people I've blocked by finding them posting stuff in the pro-Jedi tag??? I don't understand what's so hard about just posting things on your own blog instead of being a dick on the blogs of people who have a different opinion than you.
As is probably obvious by now, I hate Anakin Skywalker, but I have never gone on someone else's blog---who clearly likes him---just to argue about why I hate him. Hell, I only talk about him on the blogs of people I know agree with me!
Why can't anti-Jedi people just do the same?
Also, on the topic of Mace Windu, I fucking hate the way that fandom has treated him---he deserves so much better! Their characterization of him isn't even rooted in canon, it's them just wanting to bash him because god forbid anyone ever say no to their uwu fascist man baby- (let alone a POC).
Just- ugh.
I'm taking away fandom's Mace Windu privileges until they learn how to act.
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diezmil10000 · 1 year
hi 👋 you can call me diez or chisi
i am from spain and i like to draw lesbians. this is my main blog, if you're only here for my art and not for my reblogs you can follow my art-only blog
FAQ under the cut!
what software and brushes do you use?
i work on ibisPaint X and Krita on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite. i use a lot of different brushes for lineart but mostly these ones:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
are your commissions open?
no, but thank you for your interest!
will you someday sell your art through an online shop / convention?
no, probably never,,
can i repost your art / use it for edits?
i don't encourage it, but i don't mind. asking for permission and linking back to any of my social media would be appreciated too ♡ just don't use it for commercial purposes (sell merch, use as streaming layouts, etc)
how do you do X part of your drawing?
i recommend checking my speedpaints if you're curious, the name of the videos is the day i finished that drawing in YYMMDD format (as in, year-month-day). i also made a tag for art explanations, but if you still have a question feel free to send me an ask and i'll try my best to explain it
where did you learn anatomy?
i used to watch a lot of proko and sycra videos (on youtube), and also do gesture/figure drawings from photo references and k-pop dance practice videos
when / why did you start drawing?
i started taking it seriously when i was 15. seeing lesbian fanart was what caused my gay awakening and i felt like there wasn't enough of it, so i decided to get better
do you do traditional art?
i kind of dislike it. i have filled over 1000 A4 sheets and 7 sketchbooks over the years, but it's all quick doodles to practise or warm up. when i bought a tablet i could carry around i stopped drawing traditionally as often, but i still find myself drawing in my sketchbook from time to time when i want to sketch midlessly or get better at something.
do you draw nsfw art?
very rarely, but i only show it to my friends. i do consume a lot of nsfw content tho, just not in public 👍
how do you keep yourself motivated?
a combination of drawing only what i like and a strong desire of seeing more lesbian art. that's why i mostly make fanart and almost never participate in art trades or make art gifts. i also don't want to make a career out of drawing
have you gone to art school?
i'm currently doing a degree in design at college, but it has almost no correlation with the kind of art i share online. before that i never studied art academically
are you seriously a furry?
are you seriously a communist?
i will always stand by the workers of the world and oppose capitalism on its fundamentals. you can call me a communist, socialist, leftist– i don't mind, i'm not informed enough to stick to one label
are you an anti or a pro shipper?
if someone seriously asks me this again i will go to their house and kill them
are you aware that you follow someone who did something problematic?
in most cases i am probably aware and it isn't that deep for me to unfollow them (please stop caring i don't know who you are)
do you have any ocs?
plenty! but i don't like to talk about them
can i be your friend / talk regularly with you?
i don't like to talk to strangers, but if i'm following you feel free to interact with me at any time~
what's the name of your cat?
yonyon ! she's a female cat but i treat her by any and all gendered terms
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why have you disabled your DMs, story replies and sometimes comments?
because people in fandoms have no shame. i don't want to read weird comments, block overly friendly DMs or watch strangers have a public debate about my moral standards. i'm very thankful towards all of you who love my art tho, even if i can't read all of your positive thoughts!! also, there are plenty of ways to contact me, they're just not in plain sight 💋
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
from our favorite jm anti : @/mimikoolover
since the asshole blocked me mrs-monaghan let me just say everyone knows you showed your ass as a jk and taehyung hater numerous times. stop pretending you're not a jimin solo and fuck off
the honest to god truth is that these fucking jokers harass me for for being a 'jimin anti' while continuously droning on about how like crazy deserves more than seven, is a better song than seven, seven doesn't deserve a grammy, like crazy would have been more successful than seven, jk wants bang pd and scooter to sabotage jimin, jk wants to ditch enlisting - (BLAMING JUNGKOOK FOR SOMETHING HE DOESN'T EVEN DO, AS USUAL), don't celebrate seven because jimin is mistreated AND NEVER GET CALLED A JK ANTI.
Aaaaaah. This is the drama? Bitch please. What happened between me and this anti was a back and forth that was actually cordial until she said "fuck you" to me and then blocked me. I know this because I was trying to reply to her and suddenly all her comments were gone and I couldn't click on her name or tag her. I didn't block her but it would have been a great idea.
Y'all have seen my posts I'd like to see someone show me when I hated on JK or V for that matter. She's mad because I stated facts. How is it hating when you say JK got more support than Jimin? JK solos always get triggered by this statement because its true. Everyone and their mama knows he got all the push and others didn't. Not just Jimin. Its not debatable. It is what it is.
Saying this is not hating on JK and if you get sensitive over it then you're the one who needs to work on you.
Thanks anon (and the other one in my ask) for enlightening me on what's going on. Whoever is gonna report back to her because there is always that one person, please tell them to change their fucking name! They are not a Jikooker and they know it. People like her pretend to be one so they can get into people's heads and get more people to hate on Jimin.
Coz if a naive person thinks "oh a Jikooker is saying this?" Then they're more likely to start seeing things their way. Same with Jkkrs who hate JK. Tkkrs have been using this tactic forever. Pretending to be Jimin fans so they can set him up for hate.
So Mimikoo you ain't fooling nobody. Drop the mimi part of your name we all know you hate Jimin. And tell your friend Mina to fuck off too while you're at it. All you Jimin antis are the fucking same! 🖕🏽🖕🏽
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xiathiau-myshif · 7 months
Uhhhh people do pinned posts about themselves don't they
Hi I'm Xiathiau (you can call me Xia or Somno) and I'm 15. (NSFW blogs that follow me will be blocked)
I am queer, nonbinary, polykin, and fictionlink/fictionflicker. I'm also british, and I'm posic.
I'm autistic, and my special interests are hypnosis (SFW!!) and space, specifically black holes.
Any pronouns other than he or she are fine, but below are my preferred
Xe/xem/xyr, ae/aer/aers, it/its, kit/kits, and mer/mers
My blog doesn't really have a theme, I'll just post whatever
I have sideblogs for most kintypes
Sideblog for my Original Work ao3 story: @the-city-edge
If you want to confess your autism-related sins: @unhingedautisticconfessions
Type list:
Theriotypes: melanoid axolotl ( @goth-silly-guy ), ragdoll cat ( @cotton-candy-fur ), and melanistic red fox ( @fuzzy-fox-kid )
Kintypes: vampire ( @red-roses-and-fangs ), sea dragon ( @mariana-creature ), and angel ( @alien-seraph )
Strongly kinsidering: doll/robot/animatronic of some kind. Have gone with haunted doll ( @haunted-aerie )
Fictionkin: Ribombee (Pokémon, @i-am-a-ribombee )
Copinglink: AIDAN (The Illuminae Files, @aidan-illuminae )
Note: shifts are confusing, I rarely shift and it's usually phantom shifts
DNI: Exclusionists of (almost) any kind, e.g. ace, aro lgb without the t folks. Homophobes, transphobes, racists, misogynists, ableists, paedos, antisemites, Nazis etc. Basically generally terrible people. Also Dream stans, therian/otherkin/fictionkin antis, neopronoun antis. As my description reads, TERFS will be shot on sight.
Though I am not a system, and this is not a place for syscourse, if you are anti-endogenic/non-traumagenic system, kindly educate yourself.
Spam likers/rebloggers are completely welcome, as well as asks, whether you want to show me pictures of an animal or a landscape, anything like that.
Uhhh my hobbies are video gaming, reading, and music composing. I like cats, snakes, and foxes.
Tag system (this is pretty new so older posts will not have these tags unless I go through them):
#xia irl - irl posts
#xia kin stuff - otherkin posts
#xia's hoard - reblogs
#xia's random posts - just random things
#shutterbug xia - pictures I took
#xia's autistic moments - new hyperfixations I develop
This might be updated if I remember something I missed, or the info becomes outdated.
Thank you! :3
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
You may have seen this recent addition in the Billy tag but oh my goodness people have no brain cells anymore. Here’s just a part of the post
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I couldn’t fit all of the buffoonery in this post in one screenshot and it took me so much self control to just block the user and not leave a comment on their grammar or their logic.
Like, dang, ignoring that Jason literally shot at and beat Lucas up, reducing Billy to nothing more than an asshole racist, AND saying that Jason was a good boyfriend when Chrissy felt like she couldn’t even talk to him about her problems?
Yeah, I've seen it 😃🤌
It's all over, my friend 😑
I was hoping after that scene with Jason and Lucas, perhaps antis would give it a rest... but then I started seeing Jason apologists pop up.
Now, Jason is a fictional character, like Billy. If people want to... like him... they can. What really upsets me is their hypocrisy, and the unwillingness to acknowledge that the Duffers' shitty writing also applies to the characters they just love to hate.
If you want to like Jason, you can. But despite the tiktok edits, love didn't make him crazy. He wanted an excuse to go after Eddie, and I'm certain he would have gathered up a mob for he and Lucas even if Chrissy was alive.
I'm glad you brought up the fact that they're saying Jason is a "good boyfriend". Yeah, he's so great that he doesn't notice something is off about her. What he cares about is that Eddie (someone he hates) was who she chose to confide in.
I think Chrissy was afraid of Jason, and I say this because Jason has a vendetta against "freaks", and she doesn't want anyone to know about her visions because she doesn't want to be another "freak" in Hawkins.
No hate to Jason's actor, he did great. But Jason Carver is worse than Billy. I'm actually disturbed about how antis aren't using critical thinking.
They're so used to hating Billy, that it's a learned thing, and as you mentioned they clearly lack the brain capacity to unlearn that behavior.
Jason scares me more than Billy ever could- because we don't see Billy gathering up a fucking mob to kill people. We don't see Billy unleashing the basketball team on Erica and Lucas.
Jason's behavior is eerily similar to that of racist extremists and right wing movements, and for people to ignore the fact that what Jason was ordering Lucas to do is straight out of a fucking cop's mouth mind boggling.
I've seen enough dashcam videos of racist cops on the news that when he pulled out that gun and started talking I forgot this was a Sci fi show.
My point is, Jason felt real for a whole another reason than Billy did.
The Billy Hargroves of this world don't scare me. It's the Jason Carvers and the Neil Hargroves that do. And people that go on rants about hating a teenage abuse victim with no proper grammar.
Antis can't make this connection because the Duffers aren't able to either. They are as smart as their audience. They wouldn't have thought of making Robin gay without Maya. They wouldn't have thought of Billy being abused without Dacre. That brings me to my next point; THEY DON'T THINK.
Stranger Things is not as complex as they think it is. Notice how complex, real characters with any hint of a troubled life are shown (Billy, Eddie, Chrissy etc) they're killed off. Because the Duffers cannot write complex characters. And by extension they cannot write social issues.
Racism is not an aesthetic. If you bring up even a hint of it, you cannot gloss over its ugly effects. Once the Duffers attempted to bring social issues into a Sci fi story, they could have gone into depth about it. But like I said, this is a Sci fi story. And it was never supposed to feel real. If that was their intention? They failed.
I related to characters like Billy and Max more than I did El, and not because El has powers. Because Billy and Max (and their sibling dynamic) brought a new kind of darkness to the show that the creators didn't know how to handle- reality.
In a show about monsters and kids with special powers, Billy and Max were among the only characters who were more than stereotypes. They had real issues, and as I mentioned, the Duffers gloss over social issues.
The difference between them and say, Stephen King? For one, King can write and address social issues and still scare the pants off of readers. Because reality is scarier than any fictional monster. Plus he didn't try to humanize characters like Pennywise. He actually spent more time on developing his main characters, and he didn't gloss over their trauma.
In all seriousness, I blame the antis' lack of critical thinking on the Duffers. They backtrack everything. They wanted Steve to SA someone. They wanted Billy to say the n word. But if this had happened... I still wouldn't trust the Duffers to know how to handle either.
I love how fans are just now realizing how shitty the writing is- but it's not just because of Byler or Stancy. Apply the same logic you use on Eddie and use it on Billy. These characters are only amazing because of the actors, and they need to realize that.
Where was this defense of Dacre when he was being harassed online for playing Billy? The creators (and I use that term loosely) just sat back and let him take the blame for a character they only wrote to be Henry Bowers 2.0.
They wanted Dacre (as Billy) to say a slur, and he didn't. The writers wanted Billy to be racist so that he could be hated. They wanted him to spice up the story line, and further Max's character (which they failed).
This is a knock off of Stephen Kings method: that only irredeemable characters are racist or homophobic. He tells readers from the get go what characters to root for by doing that.
Plus reducing Billy to what the writers wanted him to be? They really should appreciate Dacre's push to make him more.
Also good for you, because self control is something I myself struggle with when I see this bullshit from antis. You're better than I am. I personally hate it when someone not only rants with no sense but bad grammar 😭
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madame-fear · 3 months
What is with this HOTD fandom?! Never have I ever been part of a fandom that attacks each other the way this one does. I have never seen “fans” as malicious, cruel, and relentless as the ones in the HOTD fandom! It’s insane. Vicious people are running content creators into the ground or off Tumblr or ao3 completely simply because they don’t like a certain ship, or trope, or tag, or dynamic, or a certain character etc etc. Its like the thought process is “I don’t like x, y, or z so instead of simply ignoring that content and not reading it, I’m going to make this everyone’s problem and find the people that make this content and harass them as much as possible. I’m also going to find as many ppl to help me gang up on this person and destroy them! You like something I don’t so that makes you bad. You don’t think the way I do so you need to be dealt with!” Like come on y’all, so you don’t like smut, or fluff, or lucemond, or rhaenicent, or character x reader, or modern fics, or dead dove, or enemies to lovers, or alpha/omega, or bottom/top, or you hate Lucerys, or Aemond, or rhaenyra, or daemon, or Jace, or the Blacks, or the Greens or whatever there may be, like no one cares! No one cares you don’t like something in fandom! What happened to “ship and let ship?” If you don’t like something, that’s fine, that’s great, I hope you are able to find all content you do like, but you don’t have a free pass to trash other people! Just ignore it, don’t read that story, block that specific creator if you want, just move on and find the stuff you do like. Why do these ppl feel the need to turn into a vicious pack of hyenas, relentlessly attacking content creators, literally running them off with death threats and doxxing etc etc like damn y’all! You just experienced this a few days ago with an “anon” who turned out to be a username I recognized and have seen around for a long time. And here they are acting the way they did. Like what?!
HOTD isn’t real! It’s fiction! It can be whatever people want it to be, people can use whatever trope they want, completely random ships between completely nonsensical characters can exist, a story can be set in the Amazon or freaking space, a story can be the sweetest, fluffiest story to ever exist or it can be the strangest, darkest, most messed up thing you’ve ever read and that’s fine! It’s fine! Surround yourself with what you do like and just let other people live, why is that so hard?! So sorry for my rant, I had to get that out
FUCKING PREEEACH ANON, SAY IT LOUDER! Please please please rant as much as you wish, darling. 🗣🗣🗣
No you literally said EVERYTHING there was to be said about this fandom. I joined the fandom a day or two after the series ended, on October 2022 and BELIEVE me when I tell you that the fandom has gone completely deranged by now. I don’t like blaming anyone in particular, but I kind of have the feeling these big accounts that are always in the centre of some drama are the cause of the toxicity lingering in the fandom :/
I mean, I for example don’t like certain ships like Lucemond. It makes me feel so uncomfortable and off, and you know what I did? I filtered the tag, blocked some people on those tags, and went on with my life. I live and let live. I never even harassed someone or commented on their posts against their likings. This one big account that also started a huge ass drama recently was telling everyone to stop writing for bimboism because its anti-feminist or something — LIKE EXCUSE ME???? You don’t like something and you are making it EVERYBODY ELSES problem? Naur. And its worse when they send a troop of minions to attack and stupidly doxx... damn. I wouldn’t even be surprised if you already saw on other occasions the user harassing me previously... 🙄
I don’t like the concept/trope bimboism either and I never even considered on writing about it. But does that give me the right to tell everyone to stop writing for it because I simply dislike it? No, not at all! Because its also the right of other people to read and write for whatever they enjoy the most. Yes, she has her right to have her own opinion on her blog — but this shouldn’t apply only to a certain group of people! As far as I’m concerned, there’s something called freedom of speech; meaning we can all say and like whatever the fuck we want, unless you want to establish a mediocre social media dictatorship.
I also love how their friends stick up to them while they pretend to be on a hiatus to victimise themselves further. This one friend of them told a mutual "you will stand down" and "you will not win this" like the CLOWNING in here is real. Babygirl you are arguing against strangers online for a fucking fanfic trope, we aren’t in the middle of some medieval battlefield, wdym??? 😭😭
And also they blamed this same mutual telling her that she’s been harassing this one account for over a year (the big account mentioned previously that she had never seen my mutual before or something like that, and they never even talked before this???) even if the drama is recent, and said that... The drama was triggering the miscarriage this account had like a year ago. I swear to God this is too much to handle and it too sad. Especially to bring such tragic personal event like a miscarriage to put the weight on somebody else for an online argument about fictional tropes.
You literally said everything about this. I can’t believe we have to argue about this. And then the friend of a mutual said that its the right of the big account to have her own opinion but they aren’t respecting the opinions of others? Like damn just block people and filter tags, man. I don’t know what to tell you, because why would the world stop merely because you don’t like something and then everyone is like "OOO ESOKEEE🥺" to immediatly boost their ego by hating on other people going against what they say.
yk what, nonnie? You are absolutely fucking right. HOTD is fictional and we can do whatever the hell we want. And we shouldn’t be scared of speaking up. I’m tempted to publish my drafted post about this because I’m sick and tired of having to walk on knife edge just to not be harrassed. Thank you for the rant!
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foreverautumn89 · 10 months
PS. **Was going to just re-blog but I honestly struggle with what the correct way to do that was. When the messages get too long I just create a new post so hope thats ok.**
I hope you know how much you're appreciated. I try to show my appreciation by liking your posts or commenting/reblogging, but now I'm just going to say it outright that I really appreciate you adding whatever content you can to keep the tag up and running.
In reply to our conversation/the reblog:
Yeah its a little silly that I can't talk about an st ship or a fav character from ST with the ST fandom. I've come across a lot of toxic fandoms, but this one is a little too backwards for me.
If I want to talk about it, I have to either: -talk about it with friends who I've talked about it with a million times before and we just end up having repeated conversations most of the time -or talk to people who don't know what ST even is [usually friends] and they try to be nice about it, but don't even know what I'm talking about so it kind of falls on deaf ears
It's ok honestly about me stepping aside, it does suck I can't talk about ST with the ST fans that is a REALLY crazy concept to me, but I think I'm better off just keeping my love for Stonathan and Jonathan to myself [at least when it comes to interacting with ST fans online] so I can enjoy it at least without all the unnecessary drama. It was supposed to be fun, not this constant battle with the fans. The fights and the battles just aren't worth it. I'm still baffled about the fans treating Jonathan like hes the main villain of the show, but it is what it is.
There are rare times I come across a Stonathan post that has a lot of notes/likes, but then I quickly find out thats because most of them think its a joke. Either they say it in their reblogs or the comments. Stuff like 'that's so funny' when the post was not intended to be funny or they insult the ship some other way.
I've never come across a fandom this crazy and thats saying something. I used to question a lot where all the fans had gone too because back in the day back in S1 time, I remember a lot of people being into Stonathan and now they all left. But considering the stuff I had to deal with the last year and all the hate towards Jonathan, I can understand perfectly why they left and don't seem to interact with the rest of the st fandom anymore. It just sucks that we don't get to see their content anymore because the fanbase scared them away. I even had a friend on here recently that stopped coming to this site all together because of the Jonathan/Stonathan hate so now we lost their Stonathan/Jargyle content too. But I can understand needing to get away because they want to enjoy it and you can't enjoy it with the majority ST fans because they suck the happiness and fun out of everything.
I try to block the anti-Jonathan people/anti-Stonathan people so I don't have to deal with their nonsense, but it seems to be the majority of the fanbase and I can't block almost the entire fanbase.
That's what I was doing before too-carrying the Stonathan ship on my back. I wasn't carrying the ship alone there was like 10 other people here. But it was exhausting and burnt me out trying to make content daily. Theres still a lot of stuff I haven't even posted that I don't have time to edit. It doesn't help that my last computer died and I have to remake the stuff that wasn't backed up so now I need to re-do stuff like the videos.
I will offer a piece of advise-when I couldn't find Stonathan content on here, I would go to other sites for crumbs of it like twitter in particular I found Stonathan content being added on a weekly basis at least.
Exactly-its definitely not a joke or a crack ship for me either. Especially since its right on the show its canon that Steve changed for the better because of Jonathan and Jonathan saved Steve in more ways than one that night-that alone should make it a popular ship. Ever since the end of S1, almost all of Steve's whole storyline has been about him being in love with Jonathan and becoming a better person for him/because of him and putting Jonathan's and his friends/family needs and wanted ahead of his own. And people just ignore that and act like its a joke for them to be paired together. It blows my mind. I just don't get it. Meanwhile, in other fandoms there are enemies to lovers ships and in canon they don't have what Stonathan has-showing in canon that someone has changed for the better because of this person canonly and showing how much they care for them. Steve even gave up Nancy at the end of S2 and told her you should go with Jonathan-that wasn't for Nancy's benefit it was for Jonathan's. He put Jonathan's happiness needs and wants before his own.
Also, their relationship is so messy and complex has so much depth to it-honestly I don't know why its not more popular, but then again its also not my problem to fix. If they want to miss out on Jonathan and Stonathan, that is their choice. I don't need their Steddie-like level of content because I got my own. So I can't be too worried or bothered by it.
Its like Drarry from HP and that is the most popular ship for Harry Potter. You'd think Stonathan would be a lot more popular too… Steve is a nicer person than Draco since Draco never adopted a group of kids and took care of them and Draco didn't start changing for the better until the end of the series, but considering all that you'd think Stonathan would be a more popular ship just a little bit at least.
Thank you. I appreciate it. It would be nice to have someone to talk to about the ship besides the same few people I've been talking to about it. Not that I don't enjoy it, but its become a bit of an echo chamber and us just rehashing things we have already said before.
And I love that you're such a huge fan of Jonathan! I love finding people like you. It's like finding a unicorn or something seriously. It's not often you can meet a genuine Jonathan fan in the ST fandom [as ridiculous as that sounds].
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the-writer1988 · 4 months
Just looked through the new dream hashtag, can you be more specific as to where the hate is coming from? Not to be too technical, but I do remember a consistent cassandra criticism and hate flare up around the beggining of this year, but other people were very vocal on how that was wrong (it is), and also around new dream appreciation week. Some of the talk came from people who'd just finished the show, others were unfortunatley just really nasty towards her character. Is there something more recent that's happened? :(
Apologies for the delay in replying! I got the ask through just as I was going to sleep last night and as I was working early this morning, I didn't have a chance until now to reply!
To answer your question there was a post I reblogged whilst I was at work - a New Dream picture set - and I just automatically copied all the tags. I thought I had removed the anti-Cass ones and then I got a message later from one of my close tumblr friends that she'd seen my post and had got upset by it. I quickly edited the tags after that to remove the offending tags. It was a mistake that I hadn't realised had gone through and I felt awful about it.
I see quite a few Cassandra fans are ostracised by New Dream fans even though they are New Dreams fans themselves! Cassandra fans cannot interact with New Dream fans and its sad. One of my closest tumblr friends is a Cassandra fan but love New Dream but cannot interact with or talk to most New Dreams fans because they are blocked!
There is so much more to Cassandra fans than just being a fan of Cassandra! And, I really wish New Dream fans were more welcoming of people who like Cassandra too.
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will-o-the-witch · 2 years
I love your blog and was reading through a lot of your witchy/spiritual/religion asks and posts, which are chefs kiss honestly. You don’t have to answer this and can even block me if I offend you (which is not my intent at all) but I’m a Christian and really wish that people would specify who and what they’re talking about when they badmouth Christianity. Fact is most of the harm is being done (or was done) by Catholicism and white/European interpretations of the religion. I’m part of neither, and when people talk about Christians going around the world and colonizing people and forced conversions and hating women and ripping up Africa and slavery and abortion etc etc etc, I want to rip my hair out because literally that’s not what it was ever about for those of us who are nonwhite and come from nonwhite countries. Idk it’s just frustrating that people can’t see that all of that was performed by wealthy white European men for political and power purposes and they used Christianity to do all that because they realized it was effective to weaponize a religion like that and found out they could take it globally. They could’ve used almost any religion to do this, they just CHOSE “Christianity” for proximity purposes thanks to the Holy Roman Empire (get fucked, glad that’s somewhat gone) and people who don’t ascribe to any of that, who actively condemn all of that and just happen to be Christian shouldn’t be forced to answer for those actions. Catholicism is its own thing, evangelism and fundies are their own thing, and I hate when people lump us all together just because people purposely use the broad Christianity umbrella to engage in decidedlyunChristian behaviors. Someone in the abortion tag just said something similar and I realized how fucked it was that people and anti theists are like that.
Anyways, I enjoy reading about and learning about Judaism from your blog. I wish every cultural appropriator, antisemite, genocide apologist, nazi (neo or otherwise) and Lilith worshipper a very die and get blocked by you (bugs bunny meme)
Hey there! I understand you're approaching this in good faith and so I'll try my best to do so in the same way. Sorry this is long:
I understand that not everybody's individual relationship with Christianity directly stems from sharing the same colonizey mindset, but if you're Christian, the modern-day Christian hegemony still benefits you. Even if somebody doesn't have white privilege or wealth privilege, they would still have Christian privilege. If you live anywhere like where I live, you will never have trouble finding a variety of different churches to choose from (or anything else you need access to for your faith,) can expect to get ample time off for your religious holidays, and can publicly express your faith in almost any situation without fearing for your safety. Many people will even go out of their way to help you because of your faith. (On the flip side, I know businesses around here that went under because people found out the owner wasn't Christian and stopped giving him business.)
Catholics may have been the military powerhouse back in the day and evangelical protestants may have a vice grip on US politics, but a lot of the concerns us minority religions have with Christianity are not exclusive to those groups. Evangelicals are NOT the only ones telling me I'm going to Hell, secretly feeding Jews/Muslims pork without their consent, having cute little "Christian Seders," etc. There are some things written in the "New Testament" Christians of all stripes use to prop up how awesome and moral Jesus is, which are very troubling and uncomfortable to read as a Jew. Pretty much every denomination I'm aware of emphasizes the importance of "spreading the good word" in various degrees or endorses the idea "mission trips" (which are fucking evil.) I've never seen any denomination of Christianity actually formally denounce these things, even if some individuals do.
It's worth mantioning I have absolutely nothing against Christians as individuals and have many dear pals who are Christian and understand perfectly that it's not a monolith. Sadly, though, saying certain behaviors are "unchristian" doesn't do much to make me (and others) feel better when pretty much any form of Christianity given systemic power throughout history has tried to expel and eradicate Jews, convert others, establish a hegemony, etc. It's a "No True Scotsman" fallacy. Like it or not those people are Christians and these issues need to be addressed rather than brushed aside as not being "real" Christianity.
This honestly comes off to me similar to the #NotAllMen sentiment. (I don't say that to be hostile or dismissive, just to convey the feeling it gives me.) If you're a Christian and aren't doing X Thing people are upset about, then the statement isn't about you. If you feel personally attacked when oppressed minority religions don't like/feel uncomfortable around Christianity, reflect on why that might be. And if you want to change people's opinions on what it means to be a "real" Christian, lead by example.
Also important to point out: falsely conflating Christians with other Christians does not have the same negative impact as conflating Jews/other minority religions with Christians.
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Here's the kind of stuff I come across and get me down:
" #who am i kidding #even if we get a little bit of corruption arc it will all be merzost's fault #and they will find some magical medicine to cure her #maybe by Mal's true love kiss 🙄 #the war was completely erased as well #and alina will cure racism simply by being a flashlight and changing fashion #and there is no way i hell that those writers are bringing darkling back #and i would actually be surprised if ben wanted to stick around for season three #he's finally free of this monstrosity of a project #and netflix is finally rid off the character they hated the most #and since it was a character that fans loved most #i predict that sab is dead #they just don't know it yet #also persecution is almost no exist in the show so it's not like Alina will have to watch Grisha enslavment"
I really don't see why the Darkling wouldn't come back in the sequel, since they're adapting books where he's present. I don't see why Ben Barnes would refuse either. As for that "netfliix hates the Darkling" rant? I don't understand this kind of thinking. Yes SAB is not the best series in the world with flaws, but there is a limit to exaggeration anyway.
I mean they are almost certainly bringing back Aleks in season 3, they dropped too many hints not to, the whole make sure there's nothing left of me but there still being his hand thing, the fact that we saw someone being brought back with merzost showing that is something that can happen. The bee showing up during Aleks' funeral, which King of Scars spoilers but is a hint at Elizaveta who resurrects the darkling in the books. If they wanted to only reference the character and not the resurrection plotline then they could have had that bee show up at some other time, like the coronation scene or when Zoya, Alina and Genya are in the room getting ready for the coronation, but they specifically chose Alek's funeral which to me is a very clear hint that they are bringing him back.
As for netflix hating the character I don't think that's true because they have gone to alot of effort to make Aleks a much more nuanced and developed character than he was in the books, you don't put that kind of effort into making a character that is as sympathetic and nuanced as show Aleks if you hate them. I do think that the actors and producers etc are overly careful about talking too sympathetically about Aleks, but that, I think, is because of all the loud purists who yell ab*se apologists at them if they do, not because they hate the character. Ben also hasn't given any indication that he wants to leave the show, it seems that he is very interested in his character and he clearly has a good bond with all the cast so I don't think we have anything to worry about there.
It's understandable that the negative comments are getting you down, I'll admit there have been times this week I have avoided going into the darklina and character tags because of the negativity, when going into the tags I like to see pretty gif sets, fanfics and people excited about the ship/character not negativity as of course that is going to bring your mood down. But at the same time everyone is entitled to their own opinion and have the right to express it so my best advice would be try to ignore it and not engage. If you start reading a post and it looks like its going to be negative then stop reading and just scroll past it, its what I've been doing, or if it is really bringing you down and you feel the need to, block those accounts. Also if you are feeling negatively about darklina and Aleks or Alina's characterization this season maybe consider using an anti tag or putting a warning at the top of the post to make it easier for those who want to avoid negativity. That's the best way around it I can think of anyway.
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ursaspecter · 1 year
Before I get into it I just want to give a disclaimer: this is not a personal attack on anyone or me trying to gatekeep Danny Phantom. I am simply just airing some frustrations. This is all my opinion based on what I've seen from the current state of the fandom.
Also I'm writing this at 1am.
Now that that's out of the way, I'm really frustrated with the way this fandom acts at times. I've been a fan of this show for around 10 years now and only relatively recently came back to the fandom after being away for a while. It's nothing like what it was when I first got into the show, and I think that comes from the fact that a lot of people in the fandom haven't actually seen the show and have only read fanfics. And that is where I think the problems start to come up.
Now, ok, the show isn't for everyone. It's loud, has flashing colors, and certain parts haven't aged particularly well since its run from 2004-2007, and that's perfectly understandable as to why someone wouldn't be able to watch the show. I'm not faulting anyone for that. I only take issue when someone has a popular headcanon and a majority of the fandom acts like everyone agrees that it's canon and then get all up in arms when someone says they don't like that particular piece of fanon. I know in the grand scheme of things it's not that big of a deal, but it really bothers me whenever I see something like "I love how we all agree that [fanon]" or "so we all know how [fanon]"
Little things like ghost cores, haunts, obsessions are whatever I don't care that much, but when it gets into the territory of replacing fundamental aspects of the source material is where I have a big problem. See, I got back into Danny Phantom because I wanted to explore a darker take on the story that's a little more grounded in reality, but when every other thing is angst or torture or just treating Danny like a punching bag (most of the time written out of character), the idea really started to lose its luster ans made me hesitant to share my ideas.
The biggest issue I have though is with Wes Weston. Gonna be honest: I never liked him. I thought he was unnecessary from the moment I saw him. Then someone (I'm so sorry I forgot who it was) pointed out that Valerie was the perfect character to fill the role of the skeptic that tries to expose Danny, but the fact that the fandom wanted to focus more on an unnamed background character who happens to look like Danny was very telling.
Obviously I'm not saying that if you like using Wes that it automatically means you're racist. There's more nuance than that. I think what Wes does reflect though is just how much of the fandom just rejects the show? How so many people probably didn't even know about Valerie because perhaps she just wasn't in the fanfics they've been reading? Hell, I see more focus put on Dash than Valerie sometimes. Another one-dimensional white boy minor antagonist instead of a complex black girl anti-hero who is probably the best antagonist Danny has in the show AND the best love interest.
Also the overabundance of DC crossovers where Danny gets adopted by Batman are really annoying. I blocked every possible tag that could've gone with the crossover, but still somehow whenever I go through the main tag one sneaks through. Seriously between Frostbite, Clockwork, and now Batman why are y'all so obsessed with giving him a new father figure when you can just give Jack a better personality. Oh right because then you won't be able to write him vivisecting his son if he actually cared about him. Silly me I almost forgot!
Anyway thats why I only follow like 5 dp blogs and like 2 of them dont even post about dp most of the time. And schnuffel-danny my partner in chaos and shitposting. Gonna start a petition for a Danny Phantom reboot on the CW and make it the most edgy cringy shit ever and it'll have blackjack and hookers and Wes Weston is not invited.
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someoneimsure · 1 year
Hello.. I dunno where to start with this but I need some advice if you’re willing to give it. When I just joined the site around a year ago, I had nooo clue about internet safety or warning signs or even what an anti or a pro shipper was. I barely knew how tumblr worked basically. I had always identified as asexual after hearing its definition from a friend a few years ago, so I didn’t know that would be a problem on the internet, either (spoiler alert: it was) basically when I was very new to both tumblr and the whole fandom experience I kind of accidentally fell into a really, reallyyyy bad, toxic subsection of fans because those were the blogs recommended to me by tumblr 😭 none of them identified them as antis (didn’t know what that was) but said if you were proship not to follow them, which I also didn’t know what that was, so I just followed them anyway. When I had like ~35 followers some biggish account follows me back and starts acting veryyyy buddy-buddy. Sliding into messages, trying to pressure me for personal information like my name, age, and selfie. I said a fake name and my real age but refused a selfie because of internet safety and made me feel guilty for it.. they also reblogged a bunch of reblog bait CONSTANTLY like ‘what color are your eyes?’ ‘What hair texture are you?’ ‘What’s your skin color?’ And tagged me in it. I was dumb and participated in it but now I feel sick that they were manipulatively trying to figure out what I looked like. They also tagged me in several little ask games where you also tag your other mutuals at the end of it, that will be important later. Basically, they literally OUT OF THE BLUE went on several long, longggg, vitriolic rants about how much they absolutely despised asexual people, how we are single handedly oppressing gay people and trying to ban gay sex, how we want to be oppressed so badly, how straight we ‘basically’ are, how much asexual headcanons annoyed and disgusted them in fandom, etc. mind you, I had my sexuality in my bio at the time. I was very meek and naive (this was only a year ago lmao how times change) and decided to respond to the rants in the morning about how they made me feel. Went to bed, woke up, found out I had been softblocked on the false assumption that I was a dirty hidden proshipper because I had reblogged from someone with a username like antis solve nothing or something idk, again didn’t know what that was but actually was following them for their niche fandom meta, I learned later what the whole fandom shipping stuff was and don’t feel one way or another about it but am starting to think it was just an excuse to softblock me since she knew I was asexual lmao. Also how do I know she softblocked me for this? She made a post about it and called me a cockroach which… wow, where have I heard that one before… (I’m Jewish btw so if I’ve become accustomed to being compared to a bug) But this is all just backdrop. I blocked them and moved on with my life because tbh I don’t really give a fuck one way or another, but I started to receive death threats periodically from makeshift side blogs, occasionally from anonymous as well. They always say the same thing and I only get them once in a great while, so just going off that, there’s no way I’d be able to find out who actually sent them… except that the death threats also targeted my mutuals. Specifically, the mutuals who I tagged in the little ask games I was asked to participate in by the toxic mutual. So that’s why I think it’s them, and it’s honestly scary how far they’ve gone to circumvent my various blocks (I must’ve blocked them like 11 different times now) and ig. I dunno what to do. Or even if it is actually them. But I have a strong suspicion it is. What do you think?
I am so sorry you experienced that anon! I agree with your suspicion. This is very typical anti behavior. You’ve accidentally become their hyperfixation, and now they are stalking you.
There are ways to solve this problem without deleting your blog, but your friends might have to change their urls so they are no long being linked back to the ask game. (I assume the stalker in this scenario has reblogged the ask game already. Unfortunately, your solution is going to be complicated because changing your url will not prevent them from finding you.)
For all of your friends, I recommend blocking the stalker, changing your urls, and then all of you doing this:
Turn off anon. You can do this from the app and from the web browser. In the latter, it’s located under Edit Appearance.
Turn on invisibility. This is located in the web browser version under Edit Appearance at the way bottom.
Tumblr media
Wait a month before switching back.
This is the bare minimum measure to prevent and avoid being harassed on tumblr. It is not foolproof, but it will force the cowards to think twice before harassing you. If they continue to harass you, they won’t be on anon when they do it and it will give you more credibility when you report them to tumblr for spam and harassment. (Though I don't believe I have ever seen the staff do anything about it... hellsite <3.)
There is a more complicated way to solve this problem, but it’s a headache. It involves deleting your blog.
If the above doesn't stop them from harassing you, or worse they come back to harassing you after a month, you may have to delete your blog. I would need to do a little more research before I can say how to do so without losing your url. Some sources say you can't use your url after 24 hours of changing or deleting a blog, but that has not been my experience with switching accounts. As far as I know, you will have to be very vigilant and fast to grab your url again. I am hoping to find some way to avoid that though.
Fortunately, tumblr has an export/import ability on the web browser so at least your posts can be saved and recovered. The same cannot be said for followers, following, and liked posts, so if you must take this option you will need to at least save the names of all your mutuals so you can follow them when your blog is up again.
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narashikari · 2 years
Kari, I'm offering my own two cents on that post. While I think it's fear-mongering, I don't think it's "trolling", so to speak. As someone living near Marawi and was away from home at the start of the siege due to work, the fear in my heart for my parents' safety was kinda paralyzing on its own.
Then there's the thing I experienced as a ten-year-old child.
I've experienced things with terrorists even if they were false alarms. As a 10 y/o child, left at home, suddenly you hear people panicking and running away from homes because, apparently, a terroristic group would launch an attack, my parents could not rush home because people were on the streets, running away for their lives, blocking any vehicles from passing through.
As a child, then, I didn't know what to do. My parents could not risk me going missing so they opted to tell me to turn off all the lights in the house and just be quiet. [It does not help that I had an older brother that died during infancy, the one that was born before me]
Thank god it all turned out to be a false alarm, but I don't think I came out of that situation the same.
Now, I'm rambling.
Basically, I think the post wasn't trolling but was expressing fear that the VP's Angat Buhay NGO could be a start of a new terroristic group. I think it's disingenuous to invalidate that fear. Even if I think that the person was too early to cast judgment on VP's new organization.
I knew people that were kidnapped by these terroristic groups and knew relatives that had gone through more than I have. It's one of the main reason why I opt not to engage in political posts because I know I'd be upset with posts that invalidate the fear I felt then, or at the very least, posts that, I feel, invalidates the fear I felt during that time.
This is my two cents, I hope it's alright with you XD
Sorry, I just don't buy it. I'm sorry for what you experienced, but... I really cannot stand the bullshit anymore.
The second they mentioned the NPA... No. Just no. It's red-tagging, pure and simple. This has been a tactic I observed among pro-Marcos and pro-Duterte people, not just online but irl. Literally anything done by the opposition party/ies or dissenters are communist in nature.
The government literally had a list of universities and colleges that were supposedly communist recruiting grounds. Gee, what a coincidence that all these schools are liberal-leaning (and generally anti-Marcos and anti-Duterte) and encourage student activism...
I'm from one of the red-tagged universities and I can tell you... four years of university and not once have I heard a single whisper of communist ideals in my studies, from my professors or fellow students.
The one who red-tagged Adarna House is our chief of intelligence. Strange that he did it after they had a very successful sale on Martial Law storybooks, huh? Oh, wait, the Inquirer even called it "expected".
And now, they're saying this is a possible terrorist/communist plot... right after she announced that she was transitioning her operations to an NGO?
These aren't isolated incidents. This is coming from the government these people support.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Try to fool me a hundred, a thousand times? You're just a fucking troll.
I see what they're doing. And I'm too pissed off now not to call BULLSHIT when I see it.
Ftr, Leni has been given the highest rating of the Commission on Audit for three years in a row. Even under Duterte's government they couldn't deny that she was transparent and didn't misuse her office's funding.
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