quaildoodle · 3 days
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I present….Dracopia and Drakatya 🖤🩷🦇🦇
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trofysisters · 1 day
Катя. Ч. 1
Кажется Катя что-то задумала. (It seems Katya is up to something)
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Ни разу они не ездили в путешествие. Пора уже исправить это упущение, заодно и с дочерью время провести, а то ни разу она родителей не навестила за время учебы, сама не звонит, не пишет. (They never went on a trip. It’s time to correct this omission, and at the same time spend time with my daughter, otherwise she never visited her parents during her studies, she doesn’t call or write to them)
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Даже дождь на острове Твикки не мог испортить настроение супругам. (Even the rain on Twicky Island couldn't dampen the couple's mood)
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Увидев пляж перед бунгало, они радостно бросились копаться в песке. А какой восторг, что из песка можно ��епить, например, замок. (Seeing the beach in front of the bungalow, they happily rushed to dig in the sand. And what a delight that you can sculpt, for example, a castle out of sand)
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Вода теплая и не пахнет хлоркой?! Большего для счастья супругам и не нужно! Только Карина оказалась более придирчивой и потащила родителей на общественный участок. (The water is warm and does not smell of bleach?! Spouses don’t need anything more to be happy! Only Karina turned out to be more picky and dragged her parents to a public lot)
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На горячих источниках проводился мастер-класс по гавайским танцам. Ну всё, теперь точно жизнь удалась, а путешествие стоило своих средств. (A Hawaiian dance master class was held at the hot springs. Well, that’s it, now life is definitely a success, and the trip was worth its money)
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Пока семья попробовала экзотическую кухню, Карина рассказывала о своих успехах, что она лучшая студентка университета и ей якобы вручили за это приз. (While the family tried exotic cuisine, Karina talked about her successes, that she was the best student at the university and that she was allegedly awarded a prize for this)
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Пока Катя обучалась технике массажа горячими камнями, Карина заявила отцу, что не хочет к ним возвращаться после университета, пусть купят ей квартиру. Сашка был, мягко говоря, шокирован, что его кровиночка собирается бросить престарелых родителей. (While Katya was learning hot stone massage techniques, Karina told her father that she didn’t want to return to them after university, let them buy her an apartment. Sashka was, to put it mildly, shocked that his daughter was going to leave her elderly parents)
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Кате он, конечно же, ничего не сказал, но во время катания на парашюте был рассеян и плохо затянул ремни себе и родным, поэтому семья упала в воду, и настроение было окончательно испорченно, (He, of course, didn’t say anything to Katya, but during the parachute ride he was distracted and did not tighten the seat belts for himself and his family, so the family fell into the water, and the mood was completely ruined,)
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но только не у Кати. Пока остальные спали, она устроила себе ночное купание. Никаких бортиков, никто не плавает перед носом - как же круто! (but not Katya's. While the others were sleeping, she took a night bath. There are no sides, no one is swimming in front of your nose - how cool!)
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На следующее утро Катя решила, что вести себя перед аборигенами нужно достойно, а не как дикари, выбравшиеся на отдых. Она купила сувениры и легла позагорать, (The next morning, Katya decided that she needed to behave in front of the natives with dignity, and not like savages who had gone out on vacation. She bought souvenirs and lay down to sunbathe)
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пока ее муж и дочь, как дети малые, бегали по старинному пиратскому кораблю, дергали штурвал, забирались мачту, ходили по доске. (while her husband and daughter, like small children, ran around the old pirate ship, pulled the steering wheel, climbed the mast, walked on the plank)
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Ближе к вечеру семья отправилась смотреть на туземный танец с огнем, а после - на тропических рыб через стеклянный пол лодки во время экскурсии. Катя не смотрела фильм "Челюсти" поэтому ночью вновь плавала вдали от берега, не обращая внимание на зловещий плавник неподалеку в воде. (In the late afternoon, the family went to watch the native fire dance, and then to watch the tropical fish through the glass floor of the boat during the excursion. Katya had not watched the movie “Jaws,” so at night she again swam away from the shore, not paying attention to the ominous fin nearby in the water)
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Остальные туристы были более осторожны. Возле костра они рассказывали друг другу жуткие истории об акулах и призраке капитана пиратов. (Other tourists were more cautious. Near the fire, they told each other creepy stories about sharks and the ghost of the pirate captain)
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А у меня сегодня День рождения! :) (And today is my birthday!)
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shouty-y · 1 year
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Rewatched Goncharov (1973) and did a few studies of my favourite scenes
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runfreebirdrun · 1 year
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i’m so glad we’re finally talking about Goncharov 1973 because Katya... Katya Goncharov... all i’m saying that dress up scene does shit to me 
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dumb-bitchass · 5 months
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Goncharov 50th gonchiversary bash !!!!!! 50 years with the greatest mafia movie ever made, crazy how fast time goes.
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In a way Goncharov (1973) really is the greatest gangster movie ever made. There are thousands of people dreaming up their own versions of this movie. With more plot threads than could ever actually fit into a 2 hour movie. No actual film could ever compare to the imagination of a million strangers and that's weirdly beautiful.
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ms-musers · 1 year
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GONCHAROV (1973) Dir. Martin Scorsese.
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dyleeart · 1 year
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Concert of the BATTS 🎵
This was my work for the Hexes and O’s zine :)
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kittyofinsanity · 1 year
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[enters IMGflip] [emerges 3 hours later with Goncharov (1973) and The Goncharov Trilogy book series memes] Please appreciate what I do for you with nothing more than a vague recollection from reading the books as a teenager and only recently finding out there was an entire movie made from them, apparently.
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andreycoded · 1 year
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Cybill Shepherd as KATYA GONCHAROVA and Robert De Niro as GONCHAROV in GONCHAROV (1973) dir. Matteo JWHJ0715 produced by Martin Scorsese
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greeneyed-thestral · 10 months
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nopanamaman · 1 month
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whats her problem
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can't believe in a month it will be a one-year anniversary since tumblr reintroduced the greatest mafia movie ever made that was lost in the sands of time, Goncharov (1973).
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months
I'm loving all the articles about Goncharov in honor of the film's 50th anniversary but I have to say the way so many reviews fixate on Katya's appearance and wardrobe feels a bit reductive.
Yes she's very beautiful. Yes her looks and iconic white dress are important to the contextualization, arc and symbolism of her character. But the same can be said of Andrey or of Goncharov himself. And you don't see the same hyperfocus on their looks in the anniversary retrospectives and reviews coming out today. Feels a bit gendered to me...
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mjulmjul · 1 year
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ohshitsherry · 17 days
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Hi. Wanted to take a break from ocs but my definition of a "break" is a whole ass 7 pages comic. Anyways i wrote and drew the entire thing by memory so If anything is out of character or canon divergent i do not careeeeeeee
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