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wzart · 1 day
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(prostřednictvím "Hory 1" podložka pod myš na prodej od Wartist )
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ocemsemlci · 9 months
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Stanislav Novotný se ptá Dušana Lukášika, iniciátora petice Mor ho!, kde je hranice, kdy lid může povstat proti nezodpovědné vládě, která odstraňuje demokratický řád lidských práv a základních svobod   https://ocemsemlci.cz/o-cem-se-mlci-dusan-lukasik-2/?feed_id=1291
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vipnoviny · 1 year
Zničte lesy! Nám se to hodí
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To je vzkaz vlády, která nabízí občanům levné dřevo, pokud si je v lese sami pokácí. Co udělá český občan? Ze strachu před umrznutím a v hamounské touze získat otop za pár korun řeže, kácí, shromažďuje zásoby dřeva na několik topných sezon. Ve své sobeckosti se nedívá na to, že ničí plíce země, teplotní regulátory, poskytovatele domovů mnoha živočišným druhům. Vystrašenému člověku je jedno, že přispívá k přírodní nerovnováze, podporuje vznik ničivých suchých období nebo katastrofických záplav. Hlavní pro něj je, aby on sám přežil. Je smutné zjištění, že mnoho lidí bez zapojení rozumu opět skočí vládě na lep. Věří, že stát se dvěma jadernými elektrárnami má nedostatek energie, kterou následně musí dovážet, že musí zavřít všechny kohouty ekologického plynu z různých absurdních důvodů.  Zdá se, že vláda se rozhodla naši zemi zničit nejen po stránce ekonomické ale i přírodní. Tak jako je nežádoucí, aby člověk pracoval ve své firmě nebo místním malém podniku, tak je nepřípustné, aby si pěstoval vlastní potraviny na své zahradě nebo, nedej bože, choval dobytek pro obživu. Potlačení těchto aktivit je zajišťováno výše zmiňovaným povolením kácet lesy téměř zadarmo, tolerováním používání glyfosátů, vybíjením drůbežích chovů bez důvodu, podporou letecké dopravy, která vypouští těžké kovy do ovzduší, což má za následek např. extrémní počasí nebo negativní, oslabující dopady na rostliny, které jsou pak náchylné k nejrůznějším chorobám a škůdcům. Člověk snaž��cí se o zajištění alespoň nějakých zdravotně nezávadných potravin vyčerpán nepřetržitým bojem proti zmíněným faktorům často rezignuje. Pak už není obtížné dosáhnout takového stavu, aby lidé neměli jinou možnost získávat svoji obživu než pracovat jen v obrovských nadnárodních firmách, zavření v halách bez denního světla, dnem i nocí, odtržení od svých rodin. Bude o ně postaráno. Budou pod kontrolou. Živeni potravinami obsahujícími jeden chemický koktejl, zdravotně opečovávaní dalším chemickým koktejlem budou lidé žít bez radosti v depresi a nemoci. Malá jiskřička naděje je v pár procentech obyvatelstva, které jejich představám vzdoruje. Mají potřebu být svobodní a svůj život naplnit prací, která jim dává smysl, potravinami, které jsou zdravé a radovat se ze života, a to bez kontroly, bez podmínek, bez dovolenek. Ptají se, proč najednou utichly ekologické výkřiky, proč nikoho nezajímá stav půdy, krajiny a lesů. Zanedbáním péče o toto národní bohatství se každá země postupně přibližuje chudobě. Přemýšlivý jedinec si položí otázku: „Proč by demokraticky zvolení vládcové měli jít proti blahu své země?“ To je ovšem další obsáhlé téma pro jiný článek. Read the full article
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modnisleva · 4 years
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 months
hi! do you know if theres a reason why, in fanfictions, aziraphale calls the bentley "lesi"? only i see this a lot from various different authors and i was wondering if this is a fan-given name or inspired by anything neil gaiman has said, or something like that
Hiya! :) It's because of the shitty subtitles that were on Amazon Prime when the show came out (Neil was on strike so he couldn't check and they for some reason didn't check against the scripts).
Wrong subtitles:
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It seemed that Aziraphale called the Bentley "Lesi" :).
Right subtitles (corrected months later):
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Aziraphale says "Let's see" actually :).
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divatmarkak-hu · 6 years
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roxannepolice · 9 months
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Talk to me about Higgins Advice Line?
(From this WIP ask game) Thank youuuuuuuuuu, answered here :) But here is another snippet:
“You once said I was a great man. Did you mean it?”
Leslie did not expect Beard to be on the other side of his door when he opened it, and he definitely did not expect him to be holding baby Vera and a changing bag. Julie swooped in and grabbed Vera from Willis, taking her into the sitting room, cooing at her as they went, while Leslie led the coach to sit in the back garden.
“I think you were right,” Beard said once they were outside. “About Jane. I don’t think she makes me a better person. And that was fine when it was us because she brought a beautiful chaos to my life that I could never imagine with someone else. But, now we have Vera, and I’m worried that not only does she not make me better, she’s preventing me from being the great Dad I want to be and that Vera deserves.”
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autumn816 · 10 days
gewis in 47 +51
Not a date + Accidentally married
“Alright, what’s—”
Alex pauses when he finally catches a sight of the scene in front. George is leaning against the headboard, the blanket pooled around the lower half of his body while Lewis is laying down on his stomach, the blanket covering shoulders down.
“I know we joke about being a package deal, George, but I’m not being involved in this. I have a girlfriend whom I love very much.”
Lewis lifts his head from his pillow. “You’re giving yourself too much credit to even think we would involve you in this.”
Alex gets offended. “Fuck you! I’m great in bed.”
“Okay,” George steps in, “we don't have time for this. Did you bring some clothes for us?”
“No,” Alex says sarcastically. “I just decided to carry this huge bag with me for no reason.”
“Alex,” Lewis says, “it’s far too early in the morning for us to listen to you so stop talking.”
“It’s 1 in the afternoon. And you should be nicer to the guy who has your dignity in his hands right now.” Alex shakes the bag he is holding. “I can take these with me and then you can walk out of this room naked.”
Lewis snorts. “Is that supposed to scare me? If anything, I’ll be doing people a favour. Give them something to look at. No one would complain.”
Both George and Alex stare at Lewis.
“You know It’s true, man.”
“All I know is how big your ego is.” Alex rolls his eyes.
Lewis opens his mouth to say something but George steps in again. “Alex, just pass over the bag.”
“Say please.”
“I’m this close to smacking you.” George brings his thumb and forefinger as close as possible. “Do not test me.”
Alex grins. “Did Lewis not fuck you hard enough last night? I thought sex is supposed to help with all this tension.”
Lewis laughs while George reaches behind to pick his pillow and throw it at Alex but his best mate ducks.
“See, I know you so well I knew that—”
George pulls the pillow underneath Lewis’ head and throws it at Alex, hitting him square on the face.
“Why did you have to use my pillow?”
George ignores the whining of the two. “The bag, Alexander.” He stretches out his arm.
Alex drops the bag on the floor. A big thud echoes in the room. “Is that—Is that a ring on your finger?”
Alex climbs into the bed, forcing George to shift closer to Lewis.
“You have a ring on your finger,” Alex accuses.
“Yes, I know.”
“We accidentally got married last night,” Lewis quips, enjoying Alex’s reaction.
“You’re not funny.”
“Not even trying to be.”
Alex leans over George to wrestle Lewis’ arm from beneath his head.
“Alex,” George groans when Alex’s pointy elbows and knees whack him until he finally sees a matching ring on Lewis’ finger.
“Okay, what the fuck? How did you go from ‘it’s not a date. It’s just dinner’ to “we accidentally got married last night”?
George and Lewis had decided to go out for dinner in the chaos of Charles’ wedding week. They had reached the end of their straw being around so many people and needed a quiet night away so they got dinner together.
“Alcohol happened. Now, go away.” Lewis wraps an arm around George, hiding his face into the younger man’s waist.
George smiles, running his hand through Lewis’ curls and scraping at his scalp.
“I can’t believe I missed my own mate’s wedding. You have to get married again.” Alex gets comfortable on top of the blankets, plastering himself on the other side of George. “Also, you need to brush. Your breath reeks.”
“What part of ‘go away’ did you not understand? This wasn’t an invitation for yourself, Alex.”
“I just found out you two got married. I need to know everything. Tell me everything.”
I know there isn’t even much of the tropes but I started writing Alex and this whole scene decided to write itself. Whoops😅 Hope it’s still good :)
Mash-up trope
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real-odark · 15 days
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herbertpock3t · 15 days
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Oogaly boogiealy imma steal ur coochie🤑🤑
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jaybeefoxy · 3 months
I'm trying to convince myself that Lesie Howard isn't perfect to see in my mind's eye when I think of Captain Thomas Nightingale, last State Sanctioned Wizard of the British Isles.
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onocringe · 2 months
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I sent you bush pls respond
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purenonsens · 9 months
Not going to use the bluesky app, sorry artist friends. Still feeling the fatigue from using twitter and insta over the years. I fear it might be the same like the thing with mastodon, pillowfort and the rest... none of which proved to be a good alternative. If I'm mistaken and it grows to be something better, pls let me know though.
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microcebusarnholdi · 4 months
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the royal trio in matching frog hats in a forest picking blueberries
a result of a very long conversation with my friend. i don't think i can make anything better than that.
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