#lioness selkie
abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Fated AU, The Secret Kingdom, Sacrificed
Word Count:  2k
Warnings:  slight angst.
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“We have nothing to offer you!” Ransom said firmly as he stared at the three nymph kings, each of which were sitting in their designated thrones, “the lives of the women you were promised have been lived with others, and we are not going to force them to tear themselves from it.”
“Chantel is my mate!” A woman said softly, from beside the selkie.  Chantal gave her a soft look and took her hand, offering a small kiss to her knuckle, “we have been together since we were fifteen…and while no official mating ceremony has been completed because we do not dwell within the same kingdom, we share in a life together.”
Nick frowned, looking at the woman who was promised to him, years and years ago.  His jaw clenched, “and what do you say of this, relationship…Chantal.”
“I am gay, king of the fire nymphs,” she replied in earnest, “I have been with her since we were teenagers, and I will not leave a true mate to stop a war that I did not start.  My family accepts my choices.”
“A lesbian,” Lance scoffed, the king of the water nymphs finding the situation hilarious.  He looked to the iota lioness who was very much covered, “and you, lioness…what is your excuse?”
“I renounce relationships,” she said definitively, “I have no mate, and I have given myself to the mysteries of my worship so that I may service a higher calling.  I will not marry you, or any other, as my mind, body, and soul has been given to a higher power.”
“I do not accept your choice,” he spat, crossing his arms, “I was promised a daughter from Joseph Rogers, and I shall have one.  I have waited patiently, and you are simply spitting in my face by claiming that you serve a higher power.”
“What has become of my maiden that she wishes to not marry me?” a polite voice asked.  AnnMarie bit her lip and looked at him, standing on her own, “king of woodland nymphs…I am AnnMarie…the omega dragon promised to you…”
“Are you to be my wife and fulfill your father’s promise?”
She bit back a few tears, and almost nodded until the door slammed open.  AnnMarie’s husband rushed to her side, and her hatchling clung to her dress.  Jefferson’s heart plummeted in his stomach as he realized the woman he was going to take so willingly was already living a life with another. 
“I reject you as my betrothed,” he said softly, knowing that he couldn’t possibly do something like tearing a family apart, “I release you of your duty.”
But Jake’s breath caught in his throat as his three biological sisters stood where AnnMarie’s husband and hatchling had just burst through, “Jennifer.  Annalise.  Samantha.”
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Jennifer boldly stepped forward, Annalise and Samantha following nervously behind, “We are here to promise ourselves on our sisters behalf.”
Jake’s eyes widened as he looked to his three sisters, who were quick to rush the three elder ones. 
“No…no.  They cannot do this.  Annalise and Samantha are only seventeen.  And Jennif-“
“Their proposal is accepted!” Nick said quickly, cutting off Jake’s words.  Jake had missed the reactions of his sisters and the nymphs as they each had an immediate similar thought, “three daughters of Joseph Rogers promised to the three nymph kings.  Lance.  Jefferson.  Do you accept the trade?”
But each of the other nymph kings were caught in their own emotions.  Lance stood from his chair, and in a few steps he’d made his way to one of the twins.  She gasped, taking a step towards him.  Her hand reached out but retracted as soon as her hand touched his cool cheek.  The water nymph shuddered. 
“I accept…” he said quietly, “I shall take this daughter of Joseph Rogers as my wife…and she shall be the queen to the water nymphs…tell me…tell me your name my sweet wolf…”
“You will want for nothing ever again, my queen,” he promised softly, staring at her wondrously.  It was as though his exterior melted away with her the longer he stood in her presence, “anything you want…I will give to you without question.”
But Jake was quick to rush to his sister’s side.  He placed himself between Lance and her, and growled at the water nymph, “get away from my little sister.”
“She’s seventeen!” Jake growled, glaring at Lance, “Ransom, tell him he can’t take her.  That they cannot take any of them.”
“If it is of their own free will they can do as they wish,” Jefferson uttered.  Samantha looked up at the wood nymph king, completely taken by him; by his soft, kind demenaor, “our laws are not the same to the ones in the human’s realm.  They are adults by Queen Linda’s law.”
“And we want to take their places!” Jennifer said quickly, looking at Jake, “we won’t let the kingdoms be destroyed by the nymphs…n-not if we can help it.  And we know that they will let you keep Nessa and Mira if we do this…right?”
“Whatever you desire, just utter it,” Lance sighed dreamily, still looking at Annalise, “the water nymphs will not wage war on the secret kingdoms so long as I may take her hand in marriage.”
“The woodland realm will withdraw should this be the choice of it’s future queen!” Jefferson said delicately, looking at Samantha, “what do you wish I do?”
Her heart fluttered in her chest as she looked at the nymph. 
“I think you sh-“
“You’re not marrying any of my sisters.”
Lance and Jefferson looked at Jake.
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“Jennifer is of age,” Nick said quickly, looking to the eldest wolf sister, his heart racing as he looked at his true mate, “would you be willing to put the fire kingdom at peace?  Or was it just merely a teasing suggestion?”
Jennifer looked at her brother and bit her lip.  She rushed Jake and threw her arms around him.
“Y-you don’t have to do this,” Jake offered, tears falling down his cheeks as he held onto his twin, “we-we can find another way.  We can make so-“
“Our mother always told me that we do what is best for our pack…for our kin,” she whispered, kissing his temple.  She backed away enough to cup his face in her hands, “we are doing this so that we can protect you, Ransom, Nessa, and Mira…”
“I don’t want you to leave me,” he whimpered sadly, “I-I don’t want to be alone again, Jennifer.”
“You’re never alone, Jake,” she sighed, tears spilling down her cheeks, “you will never be alone…”
“Let us help you, Jake,” Samantha sighed, stroking her brother’s arm.  Jake shuddered, and Samantha and Annalise joined their brother and sister in a hug, “let us do this for you…”
“What if….what if we have terms,” Jefferson offered over the otherwise silent court, “what if for now…Jennifer does marry Nick…as a sort of promise…you worry that your sisters are too young to marry Lance and myself-“
“I want my wife!”
Jake growled at Lance, but Annalise hit him, quieting her older brother. 
“You believe in the honor within family, and packs, and mating…what if we wooed your sisters before their birthdays,” Jefferson offered, staring at Samantha, “what if-you reside within the realm…under your brother’s care…of him and his mate…and Lance and I come to court the two of you…properly.  So that they can see that we are treating you well…”
Samantha’s heart fluttered even more as she stared at him, wanting with every fiber in her being to accept the offer. 
“And if they decide not to marry you two?” Ransom asked, cutting Samantha off, “Jennifer is marrying Nick as a placeholder or a promise that the offer is on the table, but what happens if Annalise or Samantha decide that they want to be regular girls…that they do not want to marry a nymph king.”
“Then I’ll-“
“Lance,” Jefferson growled, cutting the water nymph off.  The two shared a look, and Jefferson took a few steps away from his throne, “I will relinquish my claim on the daughter of Joseph Rogers…and I will maintain peace with the Secret Kingdoms…all I want is for a chance…”
“Jefferson!” Lance growled, glaring at the nymph, “do you know what you are doing?  Do you not feel the pull of the-“
“I know what I feel, cousin,” Jefferson said in a confident tone as he stared at Samantha, “just as I know that she can feel it to…if you are not self-assured in your own relationship then-“
“Do not make such accusations about me and my own…” he seethed.
“Then let your mate have her choice, just as I am offering one to mine!”
Jake’s attention turned to Jefferson, a growl raising in his throat, “my little sisters are not your mates…”
“Actually…I think we are,” Jennifer said quietly as she noticed how Nick’s eyes never left her own, “I-I think good old dad just promised off the wrong daughters when he gave us up to them…”
“So do we have a deal?” Jefferson asked patiently, shrugging his shoulders, “I am only asking for a chance, sweet wolf.”
Jake looked at Ransom, as though he were silently wishing that he could stop whatever it was that was going on, but Ransom only frowned, “my hands are tied, mate…I cannot interfere in a matter that falls outside of my jurisdiction.”
“We accept!” Jennifer replied, still holding onto Jake, “I will marry Nick, king of the fire nymphs, and Jefferson and Lance may woo my sisters, in an attempt to gain their hand in marriage…the clock starts today…which means that they have ten months…”
“I will not waste a second of it!” Lance promised, looking at Annalise.  He reached out to her, and she stepped away from her sisters.  He sweetly kissed her hand, and a bracelet that had seashell charms appeared on her wrist, “allow me to leave a small token so that you may know where my allegiances lay…to you, my future queen.”
She giggled and nodded, allowing the small trinket to remain on her wrist. 
“I will send word in just a few days…but I shall announce to my kingdom that I have found my mate and may be marrying her in ten months’ time…” Jefferson promised softly from beside the water nymph.  He offered Samantha a soft smile, and then he was swept up in a burst of wind.  In his place was a simple silver bracelet, with a charm in the shape of a few fall leaves, sitting on a crisp red pillow.   
She too was quick to reach out and take it, securing it on her wrist with a soft smile. 
Jennifer looked at Nick, and went to step towards him, but was caught in Jake’s arms still. 
“Y-you don’t have to do this,” Jake offered once more, “please…”
“I won’t ever be far,” she promised, leaning in to kiss his temple, “this isn’t goodbye, Jake…”
“She’s making her own choice,” Nick reminded him, “I will be a good husband to your sister…I promise that to you, King Jake…”
“Take good care of Annalise and Samantha,” Jennifer asked sweetly, “they may seem innocent, but they’ve managed to keep Chantal, AnnMarie, Sarah and I on our toes for years…”
“I’ll take care of them…I promise…”
“My queen?” Nick asked, holding his hand out.  Jennifer gave Jake another soft look before taking Nick’s hand.  Nick wrapped his arm around her waist and looked to Jake, “I will honor and treasure her, King Jake and King Ransom…our kingdoms will have peace between us.”
But before anyone could respond, a fire had swirled around them, and they were gone.  Jake and Ransom looked around themselves.  Sarah, Chantal, and AnnMarie, and their partners had been standing off to the side, far too surprised at what had happened that none of them had processed it. 
“What do we do now?” Sarah asked softly. 
“You live your lives,” Ransom sighed, giving her a soft look, “you need not hide in my mother’s kingdom if you do not wish…Chantal…you and your mate can be together…AnnMarie…you and your husband and hatchling can finally be a family…and Sarah…”
“I’d like to meet my brother…if at all possible…is he…is Steve-“
“I will send word to our brothers,” Jake promised, “if any of you would like to meet them…no longer do any of you have to be our hidden sisters.”
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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epona21382 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: Out Of Effs Standing Marquee Light.
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Selkie Kween
My name is Maggie. My people all think that I am just a really odd human, but in all reality, I am a selkie.
For those that don’t know what a selkie is, it’s... well, the most well-known version of a selkie is a being that puts on a walrus skin to become a walrus. And takes it off to become human. They’re like sirens in that they dive with your body underwater and eat you.
Me, on the other hand... I carry a lion skin. That’s right. I turn into a lioness when I wear my skin.
But none of my people know this. They also don’t know how I turned against my original pride to become their queen... or the fact that the pride of lions that regularly attack their kingdom... is none other than my old pride.
I paced the corridors of my palace, went out to the balcony to stare down at my people... and immediately grimaced. I recognized the people that were approaching my people as if they were normal humans... it was my pride... they were using their human form to seem like just another set of people. But I knew better.
I ran all the way down to the gate and warned my people not to open it.
“Don’t you dare - for the sake of our people!” I warned them. They looked at me like I was crazy.
“But... they’re just some starving people!” My people argued, staring at me dumbfoundedly. I looked down at the people approaching the gate. Indeed, they did appear to be starving, but I knew this ruse. I glanced back at my people.
“Don’t open the gate,” I told them again, eyes gleaming in a warning. They stared at me.
“Is there something you need to tell us?” One of my men asked, holding his spear close, like he was ready to strike me with it.
“Stand down. I just know this trick,” I told him.
“You appeared out of nowhere,” he said, obviously still not believe in my innocence. “How, if you are innocent, do you know about this trick?” I held my breath for a moment before responding.
“I know because I’ve had some men accidentally killed by this same ruse.” We stared at each other for a minute, him defiantly and me nervously. “Please believe me. My men died because of people playing this game,” I insisted.
Thankfully, he believed me in the end... and they kept the gates closed.
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dwellerinthelibrary · 6 years
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The first half of the Fourth Hour of the Amduat, as seen in the tomb of Set I, painted by Giovanni Belzoni. You can see Thoth and Horus in the centre. The two-headed snake at top left is Nehebkau, and standing in front of him is a figure labelled “Divider of the Netherworld”; in the tomb of Tuthmosis III, he has the head of Set. Top centre, the three-headed snake with wings and feet is called “The Great God”. The uraeus at top right is the goddess Selkis / Selket. The lioness-headed goddess at bottom right is “She who has teeth”. (All this comes from Hornung and Abt’s The Egyptian Amduat. Check out a couple of photos of the original tomb wall.)
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Witch, part 1
What is your name?
Who are you?
And why do you think to claim me so?
Who are you?
Tell me your name, sir
O-o-oh, who are you?
And why should you think to use me so?
Who are you?
Who are you...
O-o-o-oh, who are you?
[his given name, his given and surname, his given, middle, and surname]
[his given name, his given and surname, his given, middle, and surname]
Have you no notion of what I am? Have you any idea the power that courses through my veins? You are no one. You are nothing to claim ownership of my body!
[his given, middle, and surname]
You who would take me for your own purposes but I do not belong to you or any man.
I am the girl of the garden
The maiden of the meadow
The damsel of the dell
And the lass of the land
You who so easily forget the women you claim to love and respect.
I am the daughter of the dale
The niece of the night
The grandmother of the grotto
The sister of the spring
And the aunt of the autumn
You who would have me as your slave and exploit my desperation. 
I am the whore of the water
The courtesan of the coral
The hooker of the hummocks
The prostitute of the plateau
The concubine of the coast
And the drab of the dawn
Not even in childhood do I escape your attentions.
I am the lolita of the lagoon
The rosebud of the rainbow
The babe of the brush
The doll of the drumlin
The jailbait of the island
And the flower of the foiba
Yet you would punish me for my own pleasure. So many things you’d call me.
I am the harlot of the hollow
The strumpet of the summer
The trollop of the thunder
And the jezebel of the ice
It never ends, it never ends.
I am the slut of the sun
The piece of the pingo
The slag of the sand
And the barbie of the barchan
Does it ever end? Will it ever end?
I am the bimbo of the basin
The ho of the hogback
The nymphomaniac of the mesa
And the skank of the strath
But am I not giver of life, keeper of the home, and provider of counsel?
I am the midwife of the moulin
The nurse of the knoll
The maid of the moor
The nanny of the nimbus
And the mother of the mountains
Or am I not the parragon of purity and innocence or else frigidity?
I am the virgin of the valley
The prude of the prairie
The cocktease of the cove
And the nun of the nebula
For woman’s beauty do you not take me? Or is it not we who make you hurt us so?
I am the belle of the bluff
The broad of the brook
The wench of the wash
The minx of the moon
The gal of the gale
And the temptress of the twilight
For an animal you take me, meat to consume.
I am the chick of the cosmos
The swan of the sound
The bird of the beach
And the pigeon of the pool
An animal you name me, a pet you own.
I am the bunny of the butte
The dove of the dust
The fox of the flowers
The kitten of the cave
And the filly of the fields
An animal you call me, when I refuse.
I am the shrew of the shadows
The cow of the clouds
The sow of the snow
And the vixen of the volcano
And an animal I am, or don’t you see my claws?
I am the lioness of the lightning
The raven of the river
The cougar of the crater
The tigress of the tides
The puma of the peninsula
And the she-wolf of the squall
And so you promise well-treatment for my submission, which I know through centuries of tears and blood is a lie.
I am the bride of the bay
The widow of the wind
The mistress of the mist
The fiancee of the fire
And the wife of the wild
No part of me can you not use to denigrate me.
I am the waif of the waves
The vessel of the vale
The dyke of the deluge
The nag of the galaxy
The ball-and-chain of the channel
And the biddy of the bight
None can possess me though you try. I am always short of your grasp. Take ownership of me by the laws of men, but you will never have me.
I am the fairy of the forest
The sylph of the sky
The mermaid of the marsh
The goddess of the glacier
The nymph of the northern lights
And the selkie of the sea
And you turn to anger, to insult me, hurt me, denounce me when you know.
I am the harpy of the hurricane
The ogress of the ocean
The vamp of the vent
The siren of the stone
And the succubus of the swamp
Do you understand all that I am? And when my hair has turned to gray and my skin hang loose upon my body then shall men have other things to call me. I am all of it now and ever shall be.
I am the crone of the crags
The harridan of the hail
The beldam of the blizzard
And the hag of the hills
And there are things you call me now, when I do not obey.
I am the cunt of the canyon
The spinster of the stars
The frump of the frost
The slattern of the salt
And the bitch of the bog
It never ends, it never ends.
I am the karen of the cavern
The radscum of the ravine
The suffragette of the stacks
The feminazi of the fens
And the TERF of the tornado
Do you understand now what you have tried to take? By taking me? By taking any of us? Call me what you will.
I am the lady of the lake
The madam of the magma
The doyenne of the dunes 
The madonna of the mud
The dame of the day
And the matron of the meteor
How hard you try to erase me.
I am the AFAB of the air
The TME of the terraces
The ciswoman of the cyclone
The organ-haver/bearer of the oasis
The process-or/er of the pond
And the non-man of the moraine
Yet I am more than you’ll ever know, more than you can understand.
I am the empress of the earth
The countess of the cascade
The princess of the plains
The duchess of the desert
And the queen of the quagmire
Tell me my name, know me by my nature. What am I?
I am the witch of the winter
The enchantress of the estuary
And the sorceress of the summit
Try again.
I am the female of the floodplain
The heroine of the rain
She of the shore
Her of the headland
And the woman of the woods
I am every woman and girl who has ever lived, those who spent generations in peace never to know the terror their descendants would face and I am those who’ve never known a life outside the control of men. I am their tears, their blood, and their screams, and I am their songs of hope.
And you...
Part 2
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ravusnightblossom · 2 years
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ooc;  Alright, the primary wave of tag redoing/replacing is done. The master list is below if anyone needs to retrack or reblacklist anything!  I’ll miss my aesthetics, but accessibility is more important.
⚔♛⚔ — Dirty Little Prince  to  (Dirty Little Prince)     Note: (unsafe for tumbles) is also the n. s. .f. w. tag on this blog. The above one is primarily for “intimate” things.
⚔♛⚔ — ooc; “Mun speaks!”  to   (ooc; “Mun speaks!”)
⚔♛⚔ — ooc; The Adventures of Murphy  to  (ooc; The Adventures of Murphy)
⚔♛⚔ — queue; “until we meet again.” to  (Queue; “Until we meet again.”)
⚔♛⚔ — Musings to  (Musings)
⚔♛⚔ — Memes  to  (Memes)
⚔♛⚔ — Self Imagery; Beautiful Disaster  to  (Self Imagery; Beautiful Disaster)
⚔♛⚔ — Aesthetic  to  (Aesthetic)
⚔♛⚔ — Asks; “That will be quite enough!”  to  (Asks; “That will be quite enough!”)
⚔♛⚔ — Meme Replies  to  (Meme Replies)
⚔♛⚔ — Headcanons to (Headcanons)
⚔♛⚔ — Romance aesthetic; Lead me to the light  to  (Romance aesthetic; Lead me to the light)
⚔♛⚔ — Dash Banter  to  (Dash Banter)
⚔♛⚔ — Error - 401 : Unauthorized {mobile messages}    to  Error - 401 : Unauthorized {mobile messages}
⚔♛⚔ — Crack; “You're slipping.”  to  Crack; “You're slipping.”
⚔♛⚔ —  Dash Commentary; “Spare me...”  to  Dash Commentary; “Spare me...”
⚔♛⚔ — The Oracle Sister ║ Lunafreya  to  The Oracle Sister | Lunafreya
⚔♛⚔ — The Chancellor ║ Ardyn  to  The Chancellor | Ardyn
⚔♛⚔ — The Prince's Shield ║ Lysander  to  The Prince's Shield | Lysander
⚔♛⚔ — The Chosen One ║ Noctis  to  The Chosen One | Noctis
⚔♛⚔ — The Champion ║ Hawke  to  The Champion | Hawke
⚔♛⚔ — The Seeker ║ Cassandra  to  The Seeker | Cassandra
⚔♛⚔ — The Priestess ║ Amari to  The Priestess | Amari
⚔♛⚔ — The Lioness ║ Cersei  to  The Lioness | Cersei
⚔♛⚔ — The Sea ║ Bluu  to  The Sea | Bluu
⚔♛⚔ — The Warden Queen ║ Avery  to  The Warden Queen | Avery
⚔♛⚔ — The Assassin ║ Zevran to  The Assassin | Zevran
⚔♛⚔ — The Advisor ║ Ignis  to  The Advisor | Ignis
⚔♛⚔ — The Dragoon ║ Aranea  to  The Dragoon | Aranea
⚔♛⚔ — The Flower ║ Aerith to  The Flower | Aerith
⚔♛⚔ — Mother Knows Best ║ Sylva  to  Mother Knows Best | Sylva
⚔♛⚔ — The Martyr ║ Nyx  to  The Martyr | Nyx
⚔♛⚔ — The Fighter ║ Tifa  to  The Fighter | Tifa
⚔♛⚔ — The Little Prince ║ Novus to  The Little Prince | Novus
⚔♛⚔ — The Lion Prince ║ Simba  to  The Lion Prince | Simba
⚔♛⚔ — Chasing truffles ║ Desmond  to  Chasing truffles | Desmond
⚔♛⚔ — Pspspspsps ║ Lexus  to  Pspspspsps | Lexus
⚔♛⚔ — The King of the North ║ Robb Stark  to  The King of the North | Robb Stark
⚔♛⚔ — The General ║ Loqi  to  The General | Loqi
⚔♛⚔ — First Pup Of Tenebrae ║ Nero to  First Pup Of Tenebrae | Nero
⚔♛⚔ — The Harbinger ║ Chaos  to  The Harbinger | Chaos
⚔♛⚔ — The Rose ║ Margaery  to  The Rose | Margaery
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; FFXV  to  Verse; FFXV
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; The Hidden Prince {ASoIaF}  to  Verse; The Hidden Prince {ASoIaF}
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Into The Breach  to  Verse; Into The Breach
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; The Swordsman's Oath {ASoIaF}  to  Verse; The Swordsman's Oath {ASoIaF}
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Sovereign of the Sound {ASoIaF}  to  Verse; Sovereign of the Sound {ASoIaF}
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; A Templar's Obligation  to  Verse; A Templar's Obligation
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; The Selkie King  to  Verse; The Selkie King
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Tenebrae Reborn  to  Verse; Tenebrae Reborn
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Tenebrae Rising  to  Verse; Tenebrae Rising
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Modern Dance  to  Verse; Modern Dance
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Daemonic Tendencies  to  Verse; Daemonic Tendencies
⚔♛⚔ — verse; Fenestala / Pre-Main Game to  Verse; Fenestala / Pre-Main Game
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; World of Ruin  to  Verse; World of Ruin
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; FF7  to  Verse; FF7
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Meeting of Kings  to  Verse; Meeting of Kings
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; FFXIV  to  Verse; FFXIV
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Party Prattle - FFXV to  Verse; Party Prattle - FFXV
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Altered Fates  to  Verse; Altered Fates
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; History Rewritten to  Verse; History Rewritten
⚔♛⚔ — Verse; Versus XIII  to  Verse; Versus XIII
〘You Will Never Be Forgotten With Me By Your Side ❣ dragcnlxrd〙  to (You Will Never Be Forgotten With Me By Your Side :: dragcnlxrd)
〘I’ll Keep You Safe; You Keep Me Wild ❣ dragcnlxrd〙 to   (I’ll Keep You Safe; You Keep Me Wild :: dragcnlxrd)
〘Your Arms Feel Like Home ❣ kaaras-adaar〙 to  (Your Arms Feel Like Home :: kaaras-adaar)
〘Fractured Moonlight On The Sea ❣ intothewildsea〙 to  (Fractured Moonlight On The Sea :: intothewildsea)
〘I Lost My Halo To Your Renegade ❣ inimiicus〙  to  (I Lost My Halo To Your Renegade :: inimiicus)
〘You've Been The Only Thing That's Right ❣ topmechaniic〙  to  (You've Been The Only Thing That's Right :: topmechaniic)
〘That's The Beauty Of A Secret ❣ strictomiles〙  to  (That's The Beauty Of A Secret :: strictomiles)
〘You Make Me Smile; Please Stay For A While ❣ battleshot〙  to  (You Make Me Smile; Please Stay For A While :: battleshot)
〘The Fire In Your Soul Sets My Heart Ablaze ❣ lastxdragon〙 to (The Fire In Your Soul Sets My Heart Ablaze :: lastxdragon)
〘I Could Open Up The Sky ❣ Zack Fair / the-nexus〙  to  (I Could Open Up The Sky :: Zack Fair / the-nexus)
〘Right In Front Of Me ❣ origami-assassin〙 to (Right In Front Of Me :: origami-assassin)
〘Every Vow You Break ❣ deusdraconis〙 to  (Every Vow You Break :: deusdraconis)
〘Lightning before the thunder ❣ sanguinepeccatorum〙  to  (Lightning before the thunder :: sanguinepeccatorum)
〘She Is The Sunlight ❣ oflockharted〙  to  (She Is The Sunlight :: oflockharted)
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beebrainedstudios · 3 years
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Trying to bring in a little of my non-book-fanart stuff onto this blog (if only for easy self-reference), so here’s some revised concept art of three fae characters I’ve been working on over the past few weeks. Design/Concept notes below if anyone’s interested.
These three are from a project I’ve been working on that can loosely be described as a fantasy version of Dracula, Frankenstein, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde all rolled into one. It’s complicated, but the main thing here is that involves a whole bunch of fae, who are primarily the antagonists and can be almost any sort of mythical/folkloric creature. These three are sub-rulers of the fae, second only to their king- Vesper, Svante, and Keegan. I tried to really push what could be defined as a fairy while still following their universe’s rules, so the only requirement thus far is at least some insectile features (specifically antennae) and some human characteristics. 
Vesper (top) is the resident queen of the Hive, the mountain where most of the fae live (there’s many species of them, all of them are social, and most of them form complex symbiotic relationships with the other kinds of fae, so a lot of them live there). She’s in charge of the largest group of fae, aptly named Hive fae, who are in charge of construction and defense of the Hive itself. Hive fae have mostly feline and bee/wasp-like features, but like real queen bees Vesper looks very different from her subjects; namely, she has a centaur-like build instead of a more upright humanoid one. She’s also huge- her subjects come up to her hips and larger fae to her shoulders- which allows her to carry a few of her subjects with her as she moves throughout the underground Hive. The fact she has so many limbs allows her to more easily climb around and interact with large groups of fae at once; the only downside is that she struggles to use all of them together, so at most three pairs of limbs can be in motion at one time. Design-wise, she’s obviously based on hornets, wasps, bees, and lionesses, but there’s elements of black-footed cats (the deadliest feline on the planet in terms of hunting success), tarantulas, and praying mantises too.
Svante (middle) was the first one of this set that I worked on. He rules over all of the northern species of fae (mostly harpies and selkies) who while social with their own species are less likely to live in the Hive. He’s also much more magically inclined than his fellow rulers and is capable of both illusionary and weather-based magic, which he uses to lay siege to the human villages in his territory; his subjects have a lot of human encounters and most of them are violent, so he has a strong dislike of people and wants them all gone. Among other fae he’s fairly tame, though he’s prone to bouts of laziness and sarcasm that can make him difficult to work with. His design is based on pheasants, peacocks, butterflies, and ptarmigans, specifically the red cracker butterfly and Reeve’s pheasant.
Finally, there’s Keegan (bottom). He’s in charge of the army and border defense of the fae’s kingdom, a job that suits him well considering how high-energy and durable he is. Unlike the other two, he grew up near humans with no other fae around, so he harbors less hatred towards them; that being said, he’s loyal to his kingdom and doesn’t mind that the fae are at war with humanity. His species is incredibly rare and highly social, so he spends much of his free time near hive fae (especially Vesper) since there’s no one quite like him around to talk to. He’s also incredibly agile and strong to make up for his lack of wings, and in combat he’ll often lunge several stories into the air to crash into opponents like a very angry flea. Design-wise, he’s based on lemurs, monkeys, foxes (specifically the cross color morph), the cecropia moth, and the sinosauropterx (mostly for the tail).
Congrats if you read this far! Enjoy!
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river--glass · 4 years
Reylo Fic Recommendations: Monster Edition
In honor of Spooky Season, I wanted to make a list of fics in which one or both of them are more than human. Cryptids and creatures and monsters galore. (This one is for you, monsterfuckers.)
Count the Rings by Lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora). (E, Modern, 63K) When camping with her friends, Rey jokingly decides to marry a tree thats rumored to hold the spirit of a trapped man. Spoiler alert, the legends were true. Featuring accidental marriage, demon deals, and soft soft demon Ben. Sure there’s some angst and danger but this is mostly sweet and wonderful and Rey having dreams come true.
The Hand That Feeds by persimmone. (E, Victorian, 46K) Rey has managed to avoid unwanted male attention for thirty years, until the opening of a mysterious artifact burdens her with an accidental husband. Luckily, her new consort is not the average man. Or better, he's not... human. Featuring eldritch abomination Kylo who is so sweetly in awe and reverent of human Rey despite being powerful and older than the universe. And who also has... a tentacle form.
All The Ashes by neonheartbeat. (E, Modern, 37K) Rey, living in a terrible Brooklyn apartment and desperate to escape, posts a Craiglist ad as a half-joke seeking a marriage of convenience to just get the hell out of the country. It's unexpectedly answered by a mysterious Romanian count. Featuring soft monster Kylo, good friend Hux, and beauty and the beast elements. I loved this soft Kylo and thirsty Rey.
I Will Always Find You by kuresoto. (E, Modern, 24K) Featuring Lilith!Rey and Lucifer!Kylo. I love this. They fuck like monsters (and as monsters!) and Rey is the queen of hell and they're so viciously in love. Read It!!
Deliciously by @secretreylotrash. (E, Colonial, 18K) Puritan/Salem Witch Trials/The VVitch Inspired. Witches, demon Kylo, orgies, death... This was WILD.
The Devil’s Lucky Number by Avdal. (E, Modern, 10K) Pure smut. Demon Kylo shows up out of the blue for the sole purpose of making rey orgasm. It’s what she deserves.
The Devil You Know by KyloTrashForever. (E, Modern, 10K) In which Ben finds out the hard way that he shouldn’t play with old magic. AKA, lucky bastard dumb college student Ben accidentally summons himself a succubus girlfriend.
The Demon Within Me by Avdal. (E, Modern, 8K) Shameless demon Kylo smut.
Come To Me In The Clearing And There We Shall Dance by QueenOfCarrotFlowers @leofgyth . (E, 1600′s, 5K) She had been hoping he would find her - her only friend. Kylo. She supposes he’s a demon, or a devil, or one of the heathen gods, but she's never worked up the nerve to ask him and he has not volunteered that information.
Proposal by AKyloDarkly. (E, 4K) Lilith!Rey and Lucifer!Kylo.
Mercy by bunilicious. (E, Victorian, 3K) A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/Demon AU. AKA, Rey is thirsty for her demon husband and refuses to wait any longer.
For Love of a Flame by thewayofthetrashcompactor. (E, Fantasy, 8K) The shadowy Order has advanced across the forest, bringing darkness in their wake. Rey is hungry and desperate, willing to face the Order themselves to steal back what they've taken from the land. What she finds there is not what she expects. Fairies/mothpeople! Weird! I’m into it!
Drawn to the Light of Your Burning Sorrows by Kyriadamorte. (M, Modern, 7K) Mothman Ben! Curious outcast Rey! This was the first mothlo fic I ever saw. Me when I saw this fic: Mothlo? Mothman Reylo?? God and Ryan Johnson have truly abandoned this fandom. Me after this fic: Mothman Kylo is the best boy and bring on the cryptids.
Macrolepidoptera by ceciliasheplin. (E, Modern, 3K) Rey runs after her Mothman to show him how much she loves him. Nothing like a 3K word fic that hits you in the feels at the same time that it’s giving you mothman smut filth. This fandom is magical.
Nature Spirits
Oh Autumn, Oh Teakettle, Oh Grace by diasterisms. (E, Modern, 31K) Ben Solo didn’t believe in dryads, until one snagged his coats and freed herself. She’s pure bliss and magic and he is captivated. If she has to go 2000 miles back to her tree, he might as well drive her there. Dryad Rey/smitten human Ben road trip! What a lovely fic!
Looking For a Breath of Life by Fighter_for_Solo. (T, Fantasy, 18K) Featuring Elf Prince Ben and human hunter Rey! A really delightful story.
I met you once — ( In a dream ) by persopilliankore. (E, Fantasy, 10K). Where Ben and Rey are soulmates and Ben is more than meets the eye.
Fearless by KyloTrashForever. (E, Fantasy, 6K) Featuring tree Ent Kylo and the softest tentacle porn you’ll ever read.
Sea Creatures. Mermaids, Selkies, OctaKylo, oh my!
Beyond the Veil by dachenbritta. (M, Modern, 40K). Deep within the waters of the Oregon coast, a lone mermaid longs for the man she's watched for years. Her wish of joining him comes true but comes at a cost. This was hilarious and emotional and such a great read.
Sirens by SageMcMage. (E, Fantasy, 21K) In which Merman Ben tries to woo Mermaid Rey by little gifts on her doorstep. Adorable! 
Yn Beisht Kione by Melusine11 @hellomelusine . (E, Modern, 5K) They say a beast roams the sea. Protecting a treasure long hidden in the Headland's caves. Some say it is the soul of a man killed by pirates to protect that treasure. Sailors have been known to throw casks of rum at the beast in the hopes of placating it, so they don't get eaten and can pass in peace. Most people though, don't believe he exists, and Rey is about to find out how wrong they all are.
I Found You by Kyoloren. (T, Fantasy, 5K) In which scavenger mermaid Rey finds a strange black T-shaped object in her waters on Kef Bir and is determined to return it to its owner. Mermaid Rey!Cute little fish people soulmates!
Octopussy by KyloTrashForever. (E, Modern, 5K) Three brothers at the beach plus one horny sea monster equals a lot of holes being filled. Smutty monster filth, no need to look for a deeper meaning than that. You like tentacle porn? Here ya go.
Live by the Sea, Love by the Tide by Twin_Kitten. (E, Fantasy, 4K) Rey and a few other mermaids escape the clutches of Unkar, and stumble into the territory of another pod of mermaids. Ben's pod. Soft caretaking mermaid Ben!
Where the Blue of the Sea Meets the Sky by HarpiaHarpyja @thisgarbagepicker . (T-E, Fantasy) A Short delightful little series featuring Selkie Ben and explorer Rey! I seriously cannot say enough good things about this author, do yourself a favor and go read EVERYTHING she’s ever written.
Tentacle Dick (that’s it that’s the plot)
Damnably Unbecoming by cuddlesome. (E, Canon-verse crack, 5K)
Froot (i've been saving all my summers for you) by kuresoto. (E, Canon-verse crack, 4K)
In The Dark by KyloTrashForever. (E, Modern, 44K) A Dark Shadows AU!! It’s not “finished”, but it ends well where it is! Featuring vampire Ben who is very sorry about drinking blood and human Rey who is even thirstier than he is.
A Little Death (Goes a Long Way) by crossingwinter. (E, Modern, 23K) A Vampire & A/B/O AU. Weird and dark but I am here for it.
The Lioness by Lilia_ula. (E, Fantasy, 13K) Rey goes bravely to her death after being chosen as the village sacrifice, but upon meeting the beast things don’t go as planned. I love to see Reylo fics where they both revel in who they are and what they are together. Fascinating.
Beneath the Pale Moonlight by bunilicious. (E, Historical Recency, 15K) A fluffy fic about vampire Ben falling hard for Rey! 
The Curious Case of the Aquarist and the Vanishing Walrus by radioactivesaltghoul. (T, Modern, 6K) Rey loves spending time in the walrus enclosure at the aquarium she works at.Ben is a vampire with an unusual ability. This is bizarre and wonderful and just such a fun read. I think about this fic daily.
we decided not to kill the wolves (we wanted to be wolves) by crossingwinter. (E, Fantasy, 32K) A pack of wolves lives in the woods to the north of Raddus and as winter looms, they have their eyes set on Leia Organa’s stronghold. Rey may be new to Raddus, but she’s not about to do nothing while it may be in danger. And besides, Poe must be exaggerating about wolves the size of bears. She’s not afraid of monsters.
Howl by monsterleadmehome. (E, modern, 2K) When Ben Solo is trying to earn Eagle Scout status, he spends a night alone in the woods. A chance encounter with a werewolf girl named Rey leaves an impression. Ten years later, he runs into her again and this time, they're all grown up.
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sleepingeasyrp · 3 years
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Lifespan : 100-1000 
Basic abilities : water breathing, water manipulation, decelerated ageing, enhanced healing 
Characteristics : thicker skin, often smell of salt water, sharpened teeth and nails, thicker body types depending on variation (more muscular, more fat), varying skin tones and hair colors 
Age of maturity : ~25
Merfolk come from all over the world, and have been a part of human mythology since humans learned how to sail. Nearly every country has some sort of legend around a sea creature, or in this case: merfolk. Merfolk are classified as half person, half fish, with the lower half of a fish and the upper half of a human. Despite popular belief, merfolk are not all female, there are male merpeople and they function the exact same.
Merfolk operate under matriarchal tribe-like structures, with the female presenting members of their community holding most higher positions within their society. They make up the brunt of the hunting population, much like lionesses in a pride, which is why most (if not all) merperson sightings are female. Male or male presenting merfolk often stay with the young and are healers. of course, that's not to say that there's never any deviation from this, especially in recent years, more and more male hunters have been appointed.
many merfolk weren't exposed to human culture (languages or otherwise) until later in life, especially merfolk that aren't of the reef variant. many merfolk didn't know humans existed until they were given lessons on humans, which framed them as "monsters". merfolk have their own cultures, languages, and beliefs that often differ wildly from that of humans.
All merfolk have the ability to shed their tails, much like a selkie can shed their skin and walk on the earth. Unlike selkie, however, merfolk can stay on land for much longer and aren’t bound to a person if the person takes their tail. In fact, the tail thief becomes more vulnerable as merfolk are known for their (uncontrollable) tempers and their almost bloodthirsty nature. There’s a reason that there’s so many legends of sailors getting lured into the water and drowned-- many of them are true. Merfolk have to stay hydrated during their time on land, and their diets will usually follow whatever fish their tail might be-- shark merfolk are purely carnivorous, for example.
Within merfolk society, there’s multiple different species (referred to as a variant) that are separated by what kind of ocean they come from. Where they’re from also determines what they might look like-- a freshwater merperson wouldn’t have a great white shark’s tail, so on and so forth.
Tropical merfolk are only able to thrive in saltwater that is fairly warm in temperature. These merfolk are found in the central pacific and atlantic, as well as the caribbean and indian seas, and prefer to stay close to the ocean floor so that humans have a harder time spotting them. More often than not, they’ll make their homes in caves along cliff sides, and will either live on their own or in their own family pod which may get as large as around 5. Over time, tropical merfolk have evolved to become faster and less detectable in water, having vaguely transparent skin and hair when in water, as well as being smaller and slightly slimmer than other variants of merfolk.
Potential fish species : barracuda, flounder, angelfish, blue tang, seerfish, tuna fish, tiger shark, nurse shark, bull shark, manatee, dolphin
Closely related to tropical variants, reef variants prefer to be concealed by the reef but are also the type that is most likely to venture onto land. Much like tropical variants, they prefer warmer water and cannot thrive without saltwater. Reef variants make excellent stealth hunters, and are highly sought after by tropical pods to be used as hunters and as “mates” so that they might make better hunters. Reef variants are usually loners, with their parents abandoning them fairly soon after birth to fend for themselves. Their physical qualities are a lot like tropical variants, however their skin is darker in tone while their tails and hair are much brighter so as to blend in with the coral reefs.
Potential fish species : moorish idol, clown fish, yellow tang, damselfish, grey reef shark, sting rays, manta ray, seahorse
Freshwater variants are found within rivers and lakes that are inland instead of out in the ocean. These variants have no way to survive within saltwater, and will often get terribly sick and die within a week of being in saltwater without returning to freshwater-- they are, however, able to survive in most temperatures. Freshwater variants are much more dull than their saltwater variants, with muted earth tones and tans coming into play. They’ve become very accustomed to humans and human life as they come in contact with them quite often. These variants often have exceptionally horrible eyesight thanks to how murky inland water becomes. These merfolk often elect to live in small pods of 5-7 and make their home in the thick underwater foliage or under boat docks.
Potential fish species : largemouth bass, bluegill, common catfish, minnows, carp, manatee
The arctic variants are the fiercest of the variants, and often referred to as the “workaholics” of merfolk society. They thrive in freezing cold temperatures and tend to make their homes on top of ice caps and icebergs. They are a very aggressive variant, always seeming to be on edge as their instincts tell them that they’re being hunted. Their natural enemies are just about anything that can bite a chunk out of their tails, such as seals, sea lions, and orcas. Arctic variants are much heavier (whether that be due to muscle or fat) and shorter to keep themselves warm, as well as paler to blend into ice. Arctic variants are often seen as warriors-- the stronger you are, the better. For survival, they keep in large groups of as large as 20, and are entirely nomadic.
Potential fish species : arctic char, haddock, pacific herring, pacific sleeper shark, ringed seal, walrus, harp seal, sea lion, orca
These are the mythic beasts of merfolk. Unnaturally large and ghastly pale, most merfolk seem to think that they're just as fake as humans think their species are, but they are entirely real. These merfolk are often the cause of old legends such as the kraken, as they get sick and go towards the surface in confusion. The only playable deep sea variants are the species listed below for various reasons, most of them being their size.
Potential fish Species : rattail, Coelacanth, pelican eel, frill shark, greenland shark, oarfish
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aelowan · 3 years
Special Delivery – A Books of Binding Short Story
Cian woke in the dark to an urgent rapping on his bedroom door. Winter’s low voice carried through the wood. “Cian, we’re on.”
Cian sat up in bed, trying to parse that. On? On what? English wasn’t his first language and sometimes idioms — he hoped it was an idiom — tripped him up. He pulled his jeans on and made his groggy way across the spacious room to find Winter on the other side of his door, dressed in her usual loose dress and cardigan, her purple bag over her shoulder and her surgical bag heavy in her hand. She hadn’t taken the time to put her hip-length white hair up in a bun, and it rode one shoulder in a careless braid.
She was lovely.
He pushed his own long, sleep-tousled hair out of his face. “What are we on?”
A small, exhausted smile played about her lips, and he wanted to kiss her until the shadows under her ice-blue eyes faded away. “’On’ means it’s showtime,” she explained, not terribly effectively. What was a ‘showtime?’ “We have a delivery to attend. Corinne’s started bleeding heavily, and Doc says she can’t stop it.”
Cian’s brows shot to his hairline. The Lion Queen? Oh shit. “Is it the placenta previa? She’s five weeks early.” Which wasn’t too terribly early for a human or a vampire, but with a therian’s five-and-a-half-month gestation it could make things complicated.
Winter nodded. “Which means that either she got pregnant during an earlier heat than we thought, or the placenta’s started pulling away from her uterus, which I think is the more likely. Either way, I suspect we need to deliver the baby tonight. If she’s having contractions it will tear the placenta apart, leading to hemorrhaging. Now, you get dressed, and I’ll wake up Etienne so he can drive you out to Xanadu on the motorcycle. I need you at the top of your game, and making you ride with me in the Bug with its old steel chassis won’t help with that.” She sighed. “I really do need a new car.”
Cian shuddered at the thought of riding in the Bug. He’d ridden in more than one older model vehicle and gotten sick in the process. He was sidhe, though, and not a lesser fae, so sick was the extent of it. A lesser fae might come away with more serious injury or even death. The little pixies in the gardens here on the Point avoided Winter’s vintage car at all costs. “Yeah, a new one would be good. Maybe we can go shopping for one this weekend?”
Winter gave him a tired smile, but tired as she was it still reached her eyes. Cian couldn’t have said that only a few weeks ago. “Yes, maybe.” She checked the time on her phone. “We need to head out as soon as possible. Doc is perfectly capable of performing a c-section if she needs to, but I’d rather be there in case things get complicated. I’ll meet you in the foyer in five minutes.”
Cian shut the door as Winter moved toward Etienne’s room and turned to get ready. It was just the three of them rattling around in this huge house, where once there had been dozens of wizards, all part of the extensive Mulcahy family. He could tell that Winter liked having the company, and he liked it, too. So did Etienne.
Long hair pulled back in a neat ponytail, worn boots and a new sweatshirt against the mid-November chill, his silk-lined riding chaps to protect him from the Harley’s frame, and he was ready to ride as soon as he got his helmet and riding jacket together. Worry for Corinne dueled with excitement. This would be his first time attending a birth. He’d assisted Winter with several surgeries already, but Corinne was the community member closest to delivering and currently the highest-risk pregnancy. She was also one of Winter’s closest friends, and Winter said she felt better knowing he would be backing her up with his healing gift. Cian was happy to help.
Etienne was still putting his auburn hair up into a ponytail in the high style he preferred as he hit the stairs and nodded to Cian. “Get your things. It’s going to be a cold ride, even for you.” His red plaid overshirt was slung about his neck and the new black gun rig for his old Glock jostled lightly against his chest with each stairstep he took.
Cian stood at the bottom of the double staircase beside Winter and watched the faerie knight descend, his bootheels thudding softly on each wide tread. He waved a hand indicating the Glock under Etienne’s left arm. “Expecting trouble?”
Etienne smirked and pulled on the overshirt as he touched down from the last step. “Always. This is Seahaven, after all.”
Winter shook her head and offered a rueful smile but didn’t disagree. “I’ve got the car loaded and ready to go. Be careful out there. The roads might be a bit slick after that rain.”
Etienne’s smile stretched into a rake-hell grin and Cian felt his belly flop. By Dagda, Etienne had a sexy smile. “A little rain isn’t going to stop us. Now, let’s go help Corinne.”
Cian handed Etienne his helmet and his old worn leather coat before getting into his own, new, silk lined coat. Winter’d had it made for him when she’d noticed he was showing about an inch of wrist below the cuff of his old one.
Winter hitched her bag up higher on her shoulder, determination showing in her eyes. “Okay, let’s do this.”
The rain had subsided to a sprinkle, which did nothing for making the ride out to Xanadu any safer. Etienne sat a little higher in his seat, vigilant, and managed to avoid most of the puddles.
Cian tried to ignore his cold, wet boots as the three of them pulled into the covered Xanadu employee parking lot, Winter leading the way in her yellow Bug. They were met at the back entrance to the primary hotel that crowned the largest island in the resort complex. Corinne owned all of the islands in Eriksson Bay, and employed both the dolphins and the selkies as well as her entire large pride of lions. Scores of humans worked in the park, too, but they were offered only limited access. No need for some curious teenager to die just because they got a peek behind the Veil of Secrecy.
Santiago, Corinne’s husband, mate, and Chief of Security, waved as they approached the private elevator. Worry etched deep lines into his brow, cutting into his light brown skin. Cian noticed that he’d shaved his head, but it was already showing fine stubble with the force of his therian regeneration. “Winter, thank god you’re here.” His English was flavored with rich Cuban Spanish, as were most of the lions he had brought with him from Miami to merge with Corinne’s lioness-heavy pride.
Winter offered up a confident smile and gave the Lion King a quick hug. “It’ll be all right. I can get little Bella out in under a minute if I need to.”
Cian knew that Winter’d had to perform emergency c-sections in the past and knew what she was doing. Therian couldn’t get sick or infected, but they could develop conditions that put a pregnancy at risk, like Corinne’s placenta previa. Most therian lived on the edge of society, victims of poverty, abuse, and malnutrition. Pregnancy loss and high infant mortality were common.
But that wasn’t a concern with Corinne tonight. The Lion Queen led one of the biggest groups in Seahaven and was one of the most powerful and wealthiest therian on the West Coast.
Santiago ushered the three of them into the elevator and swiped his resort ID through the reader, granting them access to the private floors and the penthouse where the pride lived. “Doc says Corinne and the baby are both holding steady, even with the blood loss. She’s got both of them on monitors.”
Winter looked to Cian. “With heavy bleeding, what is keeping Corinne and Bella stable?”
Cian thought about that for a moment. “It’s Corinne. She’s strong enough that her healing ability is regenerating blood before she can lose too much, so Bella isn’t being stressed.” He paused. “Yet. There’s a limit to how long her body can heal itself and maintain the baby at the same time. She’s burning through an incredible amount of calories, and once she’s depleted, she’ll be vulnerable.”
Winter smiled her approval. “Excellent. You’re picking this up quickly.”
Etienne looked pleased but said nothing.
Santiago listened intently, tension singing across the backs of his hands, stress making his dark-eyed gaze intense. “But you can save her — save them — can’t you, Winter?”
Winter exuded confidence even as Cian could feel her exhaustion through the veil of his healing gift. “I’m here to fight. We’ll get Corinne through this.”
They exited the elevator one floor below the penthouse where Corinne and Santiago lived and travelled at a brisk pace past closed doors and the soft sounds of sleeping lions until Santiago pushed open a set of frosted glass doors at the end of the hall.
Doctor Gloria Park’s domain.
Glass, chrome, and bright lights, the small clinic and surgery suite gleamed like a shrine to modern medicine. Winter’s backroom clinic was smaller and homier — and a lot busier — but Cian could tell by the way she glanced around that Winter admired it and all of the shiny toys Doc had to play with.
Cian had to admit that he did, too.
“Doc, they’re here.” Santiago raised his voice just enough to be heard on the other side of the two frosted glass doors that bracketed the main room of the clinic.
Doc emerged from the door on the right, butting it open with a hip, her gloved hands marked by blood and ruddy betadine. A bloody streak smeared wet across her white coat at the waist, but she ignored it. She flashed a quick smile of greeting at the new arrivals, her slightly hooded eyes crinkling at the corners and tugging at her small epicanthal folds, her short, no-nonsense, black hair tucked beneath a surgery bonnet. “Excellent timing. I’m prepping Corinne now. How do you want to do this?”
Winter took her surgery bag from Etienne and began moving toward the surgery suite. “I think we should first administer my painkiller potion, and then once it kicks in, we can take a closer look.” She gestured to the blood on Doc’s coat and hands. “Is that all hers?” In any place other than Seahaven that might have been an odd question, but Cian was quickly learning that chaos seemed to reign above all, here.
Doc made a short shrugging gesture. “This time, yes. Contractions started about an hour ago.”
Winter nodded, all business. “Then we’ve got no time to waste. Santiago, do you want to come in and keep Corinne company?”
Santiago smiled, visibly relieved. “Si. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Etienne crossed his arms and leaned a hip against a table. “I’ll wait out here. Haven’t attended a birth in a while, but I bet it’s going to be crowded enough in there as it is.”
Winter flashed the faerie knight a warm smile of gratitude and pushed through the door, Cian close behind her, Doc and Santiago bringing up the rear.
The surgery suite was small, but airy and brightly lit. Corinne sat reclined in the center of the room, gravid belly painted a lurid yellow-red with betadine, long red hair tucked into a surgery bonnet to keep it out of the way, full lips looking pale. Even still, she was glamorous. She opened her eyes as they entered the room, and she smiled a tired smile. “Hey there.”
Winter returned the smile with one of her own as she pulled out a surgery bonnet for herself and passed another to Cian. “Ready to have a baby tonight?”
Corinne chuckled softly and reached out for Santiago’s hand as he reached her side. “You have no idea. But someday you will.”
Winter’s smile turned a bit wistful. “Maybe.” Cian wanted to hold her, just for a moment. He knew she expected to die young, like the rest of the Mulcahy line. She was the last.
Cian found a chair and brought it to Santiago so he could sit at Corinne’s head.
Santiago took the seat and stroked Corinne’s forehead. “Mi corazón.”
Winter tucked her long braid into the surgery bonnet and Cian followed suit. “This is going to go very fast. Your contractions tore the placenta and that’s what’s causing the bleeding. It’s still a total occlusion, still entirely blocking the cervix, as we saw on the ultrasound during your checkup last week.”
Corinne gave a single nod, exhaustion and worry etched into the corners of her eyes. “Did I do something wrong? She’s so early.”
Winter shook her head no and dug into her surgical bag. “Sometimes babies just come early. Nobody’s at fault.” She looked at the monitors showing both Corinne and the baby’s vitals and Cian followed her gaze. Both were holding steady so far. “But Bella’s at a good weight. She should be fine. And your strength is keeping her that way. But I still want to get her out with all speed. We need your bleeding to stop.” As she spoke, she pulled a tumbler from the bag, filled it with cool water, and added three drops of light blue potion, drops that never quite mixed in, instead swirling about like whisps of metallic smoke. “Here, drink all of this down as fast as you can.”
Corinne took the tumbler and knocked it back, then locked her jaw as her entire body shuddered. “Good lord, what was that?”
Winter retrieved the tumbler before it ended up on the floor. “Painkiller potion. It will last for a few hours. It also gives us the ability to go in after little Bella without you feeling any pain and without giving you enough human anesthetic to knock out the Fifth Fleet.” Cian knew from Winter’s explanations that therian could burn through human drugs at an alarming rate. Only magical solutions could withstand their incredible metabolisms.
Corinne shuddered one more time, and then leaned back with a sigh and closed her eyes. “Oh. Oh, that’s much better. Thank you.”
Winter gave her friend’s hand a squeeze. “Good. Now let’s meet your daughter and get that bleeding stopped.” She shrugged out of her sweater and pulled a couple of scrub tops out of the surgery bag, handing one over to Cian. “This is going to be pretty straight forward,” she began to explain, mostly to Cian. Doc already knew what she was doing. “Cian, I want you as tech on this so you can get as much experience as possible. You’ll suction the amniotic fluid out of our way, and I’d like you to use your touch healing to tack Corinne back together once we deliver the placenta, so she heals correctly. Corinne is strong enough that she’ll probably heal faster than I can suture her. Doc, if you can keep the incisions open long enough for me to go in and get the baby and the placenta, we can get her delivered in the next few minutes.”
Doc gave a thoughtful look at her queen’s belly and then to the monitors. “I think that’s reasonable. The bassinet’s already warming, so you can just plop the baby in there while you deliver the placenta and we get the bleeding stopped, and then as soon as the umbilical cord stops pulsing, we can cut it.” She cast a grin at Santiago, who was massaging Corinne’s temples. “Feel like cutting the cord?”
A smile spread across Santiago’s handsome face. “Si. I thought that was just a TV thing.”
Doc let out a soft chuckle. “No, it can be a dad thing, too. Bella’s welcome to the world.”
Winter handed Cian a clean absorbent pad, and he replaced the blood-soaked one beneath Corinne, tossing it into the operating room trash with the rest of them. He could only thank Dagda that she was a therian, and a queen. A human would be in dire straits by now.
Doc lifted an electrocautery scalpel from its tray, the steel glinting under the bright lights, a long wire stretching to the base of the machine beside her. “Ready when you are.”
Winter explored Corinne’s belly, feeling out the position of the baby within. “She’s breech, which is normal with placenta previa. First incision down here, across the lower abdomen, and then we very carefully cut into the uterus.”
Doc snorted. “Don’t teach me to suck eggs, kid.”
An amused smile tugged at Winter’s mouth. “Yes, ma’am. Cian, get ready with the suction, please.”
Cian flipped the machine on and held the wand at the ready, tucking himself against Corinne’s side opposite of Santiago so he could both reach and stay out of the way. He’d done this in surgery with Winter before. There had just never been a baby involved. It didn’t make him nervous, though. Winter had faith in him.
Winter shifted just a little to the side to give Doc more room. “All right, let’s do this.”
Doc spread her fingers across Corinne’s lower abdomen, her hands rock-steady, and made the first deft incision, a tiny whiff of smoke rising as she made the long cut, stopping bleeding before it could start, exposing the flesh of Corinne’s uterus. “Get the retractors ready,” Doc murmured to no one in particular.
Winter reached around her and picked up the two steel retractors, looking for all the world like salad tongs to Cian’s mind. He’d used them before, but the first impression was always the lasting one.
Doc carefully centered her scalpel and indicated a small band of muscle just to the side of her hand. “Pay attention to this, Cian.” Her voice was low with concentration. “Corinne is a lioness, and her uterus works a little differently than a human’s. Instead of basically just being nestled in place by the other abdominal structures, it’s held in place at two points, acting as shock absorbers. She’s built to hunt and fight while pregnant.” Doc shifted the position of her scalpel. “We don’t want to cut those, so we’re making a bit of a smaller incision instead.”
Cian nodded, absorbing the lesson. “Will the baby still fit through?”
Doc nodded. “It’ll just be a tighter squeeze, but she’ll be fine.” Doc deftly nicked the edges of the first incision, pushing against Corinne’s healing ability. “Cutting now.” She pierced the uterine wall without hesitation, drawing another long, bloodless, horizontal line across Corinne’s abdomen.
Immediately a tiny foot appeared, pressed against the intact, translucent amniotic sac. Winter smiled as she applied the retractors. “Very nice.”
Doc grinned. “It’s what we do. Ready to catch?”
Winter nodded. “Trade you.”
Doc and Winter traded tools in a dance born out of years of practice. Doc had been Winter’s primary teacher as she learned trauma surgery, after the death of her Aunt Curiosity.
Winter cut into the amniotic sac with a delicate touch, careful of the moving baby beneath. Cian shifted behind her, suctioning fluid as best he could, until Winter slipped her hands inside and began to ease the baby out.
Corinne’s eyes widened. “Oh, that feels weird. How does she look?”
Winter slipped a hand further into Corinne’s uterus, sloshing fluid over her wrists and onto the pad. “Well, all I see right now is her little butt, but her head is coming free… right… now.”
Corinne raised her head, eager for a peek. “Can I see her?”
Winter mopped the tiny baby’s face off with a pad that Cian handed her, suctioned her little nose and mouth, and held her where Corinne and Santiago could see just in time for Bella to raise her first vigorous objections to being pulled from her warm retreat. Winter beamed. “Look what you two did.”
Santiago’s eyes reddened with joy and he kissed Corinne’s cheek. “She has your hair, mi corazón.”
Corinne grinned, unable to take her eyes off the baby. “She’s beautiful. Just beautiful.”
“And messy.” Winter handed Bella off to Cian, who wrapped her in an absorbent pad and carried her to the cozy bassinet. She was so tiny, and so fierce. “Let me finish this with Doc and Cian’s help and then she’s all yours.”
If you like this story, check out our other free short fiction and all things Seahaven at https://www.aelowan.com.
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Is the 100+ Followers Special event still here? If yes, I would like to ask some questions, please. 1) What will happen if the person who is being courted moved to a place far away from the sea? Will the courtship process be canceled? 2) What will happen if the courted person reject every gifts that were given to them? Will they be in danger? 3) What if the courted person tries to hurt the mers? Will the courtship be cancelled? Thank you in advance! Sorry if I sound rude.
You didn't sound rude at all! And no, it's not anymore, you and one other person just missed the deadline! So I'll be answering this as myself!
1. So, starting with point one, we're assuming that the person is a human! If that's the case, it depends in what kind of merfolk the courters are. Selkie's will usually follow their chosen mate if they haven't moved farther than 1 hour away from the ocean, reporting back to the pod every few days or so. If they've moved/are going to move farther than that, it's usually a good idea to inform the courting pod of what's happening. It may cause some difficulties within the pod that's courting you. However, it's not always solid.
Remember, Merfolks are a lot like Humans in the fact that they're incredibly complex, and won't react the exact same in similar situations. So keep that in mind while interacting with your merperson!
2. Onto the second point: I believe I briefly mentioned what's supposed to happen if it's a smaller, less important cluster. What I mean by "smaller cluster" is up to 4 members, and they don't have any extremely relevant jobs. They're the "grunts" of this underwater mafia.
If their chosen person rejects gifts from these guys, they'll usually back off because, in merfolks world, females hold quite a bit of power. Plus, to them, the only reason their chosen would reject their advances would be that your "pod" is of a higher rank, and it's generally not a good idea to PO someone higher on the foodchain than you.
For the larger, more important clusters, 1 rejection is just words. It usually takes a small bit of physical rejection - a shove, punch, heck even biting if someone gets too handsy - to shoo them away. That's because these guys are the "top dogs" and generally have the skill set to protect their mates. The reason they get so pushy about courting is because they want to protect the person they're courting. They want to provide, and they understand that their higher position can make mers below them nervous and thus, instinctively reject the first advancement.
3. And lastly: If the person being courted hurt the mers, well...
If it's another merfolk that harmed them, that's an immediate fight. Think of it like a lion and lioness. If they're of equal standing, they'll clash for a few seconds, perhaps even involving other members of nearby clusters before simply separating and sulking off. If there's a power imbalance, it doesn't go the way you think.
First off: it has to be explicitly clear that their chosen is attacking them to seriously injure them. Because, as stated above, most lash outs will be shrugged off as rejections instead of actual malicious intent. As for the power imbalance aspect, it's actually the lower ranked mer that has the upperhand here. As I mentioned in point 2, high ranked clusters absolutely cherish their chosen mates-to-be. Unfortunately, that can also lead to the problem of not wanting to raise a hand towards them.
For a human mate, it depend on how far along you've gotten.
Should you be really early into the process, Low and High ranked mers will immediately back off. They aren't interested in such a violent human, thank you. Plus, humans aren't exactly hard to come by.
If you're later in the process, then it probably won't be much different than if another had done it. (Although you may come away with a few less limbs and a shit ton of scars in the case of the lower ranked mers)
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Fated Au, The Secret Kingdom, Joe Rogers' Secret Daughters
Word Count:  943
Warnings:  mentions of cheating, mentions of grooming/behavior, secret children. 
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“What is this place?” Jake asked nervously as he held Nessa on one hip, while Ransom balanced Mira on the other.  Jake stared around himself in wonder.  He’d recognized the snow-capped mountains off in the horizon, but this place was very much the same as Ransom’s own kingdom.
“It’s a refuge, much like our kingdom,” Ransom said thoughtfully.  His thumb grazed over his husband’s hand, and he gave it a small squeeze; it was a comfort, albeit a small one to Jake, “I-I don’t rule here though…someone else does.”
“Who does?”
“My mother.”
Jake’s brow furrowed and he stopped walking to look at his husband, “your mother?  S-she’s alive?  When we got married you said your parents weren’t here…”
Ransom bit his lip and nodded, “yeah…she-uh-she doesn’t leave her kingdom…ever.  Not since she exiled my father.  He’s alive too…I don’t talk to either of them very much”
Jake frowned, “w-well, are we welcome here?”
“For a little while.  She knows that we’re here, and she knows why.”
Jake’s brow furrowed yet again, “What do you mean for a little while, Ran?  What exactly are we doing here?”
“The refuge, it-it’s for women only,” Ransom admitted, “her kingdom is for women of all creatures and designations.  Where they want to escape a realm of men…the girls will be safe here from Ember…my mother hates her…and she won-”
“Do I want to know why?”
“Needless to say, her mom is the reason my mother exiled my father,” he frowned, “and she’s apparently the spitting image of her.  The only one my mom does like is Autumn…”
“That seems to be a common occurrence with a lot of people.”
“You don’t even know the half of it,” he nervously chuckled.  Jake gave ransom a look and he pointed to a cabin that was by the water, “this is where we are going though…”
“A little rinky dink cabin?” Jake scoffed, “Wha-“
But Jake stopped speaking when Ransom snapped, and they were at the door.  It opened before them to reveal what looked like a palace on the inside.
“It’s bewitched, my love,” Ransom teased sweetly, “my mother wanted all the women to feel like they had their own safe space, but didn’t want anyone to feel out of place as some have come from a poor background, so everyone has a small looking cabin that’s bewitched on the interior, and a decent chunk of land so they have their own privacy.”
Jake nodded to himself, not wanting to be any more offensive in the unknown land.  Taking a step inside, Jake was immediately met with a familiar scent.  His nose started twitching, and Ransom chuckled. 
“That’s probably Chantel.”
And right on cue a tall, model of a woman came sauntering into the main area.  She was just a few inches shy of six feet.  Jake’s eyes nearly bulged at how familiar she looked.  But she only smiled politely at him, “you’ve brought another one of them, Ransom…”
“Another one?”
Ransom frowned and gave his husband a guilty look, “Chantel is Ari’s older sister.”
If Jake had been drinking water, he would have done a spit-take, “Ari’s what?”
“Chantel, why did you leave?  We were in the middle of a-“ a blonde lioness waltzed into the foyer and immediately stopped speaking when she saw Jake and Ransom and the girls, “oh…did you know we were having company, Chan?”
“Ransom told me!” A third girl said quickly, coming into view.  Jake was at a loss for words as the dragon shifter smiled and waved, “Jake…it’s so nice to finally meet you.  I’m sure you can see the family resemblance, right?”
“I didn’t tell him about you all before we came.”
“Oh, well, I’m AnnMarie…Johnny is my younger brother.  I’m an omega dragon…Sarah there is Steve’s little sister.  She’s an iota lioness, and Chantel is Ari’s older sister.  She’s a beta selkie…”
“Y-you’re my sisters?”
“Well, some of them,” Sarah said sarcastically, “you know good old dad…couldn’t ever keep it in his pants if his life depended on it…”
“Our moms hid us away when they found out about us being girls,” Chantel said delicately, “I’m sure you each have learned of…his particular interests.”
Jake frowned, having found out about Steve’s abuse only a few years ago, before his daughters were born, “A-and your moms…they put you here?”
“For safe-keeping,” AnnMarie smiled, “god…it’s so good to meet you though.  Ari told us all about you guys…I honestly thought Ransom would bring Johnny next…you know, with him already being married to a nymph and having his children…Ransom…I thought you were going to bring Johnny and Chase next!”
Jake’s mouth dropped in shock.  He still couldn’t believe that Ari had been told about his siblings before he had.  But AnnMarie’s eyes went wide.
“Oh…not that I mean we didn’t want to meet you…we totally did.  I just really wanted to meet my baby brother.  Ari told me I’m an auntie…is it true?  Did he find his mate?  God, that’s so romantic how he told us about Chase…and the babies.  They have five now, rig-“
“Ann, I think you’re overwhelming him,” Sarah said with a huff as she pushed her sister out of the way, “and if he’s anything like the others you’re going to need to give him a minute to recoup.”
“The others?” Jake asked nervously.
“Yeah…your full sisters, duh!” AnnMarie said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“M-my full sisters?” Jake asked, “a-as in, plural?”
“Oh Ransom,” Chantel cooed, sparing a glance at the faerie, “you really didn’t tell your husband anything before you brought him, did you?”
“Jennifer’s gonna be pissed.”
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naratemari · 4 years
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Hi guys thank you for another year,  wish you all that you have the best holidays and final years celebrations with the people you love! Next year will be a lot better and I hope that your wishes for the next come true! Since is time to celebrate, I took the opportunity to make a follow forever and show all this amazing peoples bellow, they are very talented and post very amazing stuffs! A lot them spired me to do my on blog stuff and learn more everyday! I hope you guys like it! 
Friends/ Close mutuals:
@akumatized-puns, @bubs-bubbling, @boahancokk, @desi-pluto, @fairyheartfilias, @fanofanime90ss, @ina-bon, @kacian12, @karura, @lady-nounoum, @mazusu, @mugiwara-lucy, @mycherryqueen, @nohara​, @ocarinnas, @reehlia, @sestet, @tachipaws, @uzukarin, @veenia, @winamp.
@134398 , @1tobio, @21tailsofwoe, @72g
A - G
@ac1234unity, @adalliance, @aiwko, @aizawa, @aizawaedits, @aizawashoutah, @aizawashoutta , @akanebara @akemihime, @akinakamii, @animangaship, @anime–aesthetic, @arnoediad @atsushisnakajima, @ayumiko​, @ayyyez, @a-sakuras, @bananaheadahoge, @blossom-kunoichi, @bokato, @channarroo, @cha-sakura, @chidoroki, @chuuyaist,  @chuuya-senpai, @daephine, @dazaiosamu-s, @d-a-z-a-i, @dattebaasa @dattebaka, @dattebayos, @dezuya, @dose-of-sasusaku, @eleanor-devil, @elite-kunoichi, @empress-cornelia, @encodetalker, @escarletes, @fadingsoulss​, @fairyladies,  @fairytailwitch, @fairystrategist, @fiyazas, @fujitastatara​, @gajeel,  @ginstamas​, @godaimes, @godtierwallflower, @grayfullbster.
@hachikenz, @haijiskiyoses, @hanabing, @hanae-ichihara, @haru-kaas, @harunosakuras,  @hatakedi, @hatake-ichizoku,  @hinata-boobs, @hoezukis, @hyuuga-lioness, @icchiruki, @ichigoskurosaki, @ichigo-iichie, @igurobanai, @i-just-really-love-sakura, @ikizais, @inosais, @j-ellals, @jobin, @jojotaros, @justgaara, @kagariis, @kagebullshitnojutsu, @kairi-chan, @kakashi-chidori, @kaneki-kenway, @kawaiinohime, @khilluas, @kiirishima, @kiluaas, @kilruas, @kmuiyato, @kotorii, @krshima,  @kiun, @kuruisu, @larimii, @levy-studies, @lewyn-martell, @lndras, @lufilia, @lukacrosszeria​.
@madara-fate, @makeawiish5,  @medicalninja, @metaru-lee, @midorichan12, @mijukuhero, @mikasaharuno, @mirahimes,  @miss-akimichi, @miss-midoriya, @missbeifong, @mizunas, @mochilevi,  @mr-k-a-m-i-g-a-k-a-r-i, @mrseucliffex,  @mugiwaraas, @nakkaharachuuya, @nanadaim, @naotarou, @naruichi, @narudiscussions-moveon, @naruroll, @narutobluer, @narutoladies, @narutotoes, @naruzumake, @ninetaill, @obiwan,  @ochakko, @oeruki, @oikaw-a, @oimarimo, @ootsukis, @osakaxkobe, @princess-yonas, @prism17, @queen-of-edolas, @ragingviolins, @raineya, @rakuraidesu, @redhairgaara, @reilink, @ridleey, @rieriebee, @rkoradiopictures, @rocku-lee, @roraewrites, @rorronoa, @rukiadriedhisrain, @rukiaskuchiki,
@scarletail, @sakurahugs, @sakuras-bitch, @sakura3hanami, @sakura-blossom28, @sakuraharunocha, @sakurrass, @sarada-more-like-saradamn, @sasuke-kamui, @sasukeuchiha-eternalmangekyou, @sapphire-miko​, @sasukechiha, @sesukes, @senjutobiirama, @sheyul, @shikamarubase, @shikanaradai​, @shikastemari​, @shiranuigenma, @sh1shios, @shiroiraiha, @shiroa, @shizukku, @sneechers​, @shouto-loves-soba, @shuuunin, @sougu,  @ss-is-beautiful, @ss-perfect-otp, @strawberry-selkie, @sunagakubae, @sunagakures, @ta-chan-desu, @tanchirou, @targarvyns​, @tenacademicheroes, @tetsuro, @the-child-of-prophecy, @tobaerama, @tobjo, @toya, @tmakisamajiki, @trubwlsum, @tyqfullbuster, @uchihaharunoss, @uchihasasukes, @uchihasasukerules, @uchihasss, @uchisuke, @ukiyoin, @unfamiliarworld, @urabiitii, @usagiyamah, @uzumaki2810, @vahrutas, @varksvader, @veeenas, @viluys, @vyctornikiforov, @whattadragg, @whiskas-pandastar, @winry-rockbell, @wintergaia, @yoshida-midoriko, @zakuras, @zuura.
This was my follow forever , thank you so much for this year!  If I forgot someone please forgive me, is hard to remember is a lot of people but I’m putting below my blogroll, to you guys check more of my amazing following.
+ blogroll.
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earthnashes · 6 years
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I do believe I’ve found a final design for her. The ones on the left are just the variations of designs I explored before settling to the one on the right. The cloak is her “lion skin”; it operates a lot like that of a selkie’s. So long as she has it on, she can transform into a lion at will; it’s tailored only to her and it’s very precious to her, as is all of the personalized pelts of the lion fairies. I think I might add some markings to the cloak to make it more personalized as well, buuuuut yeah, here she is! Now onto the explorations for her smol future wife-to-be, the Farm Girl, then once she’s done I’ll move on to secondary/background characters like the farm girl’s mother, and the prince and the king. Maybe farm girl has a pet... I’m thinking maybe a dog? What do you guys think?
I’m having so much fun with this project! I went ahead and set up a Ko-Fi for it if you’d like to support the project’s creation.
In the meantime though thank you all for your imput; it’s helped me reach the design for the Lioness I currently have. I’ll be doing the same with the Farm Girl and the other characters of this particular story, so keep an eye open for streams regarding that! C:
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spiritofwhitefire · 4 years
Happy STS from writingamongthecoloredroses! Does your world have any stories of animal brides, like selkies or swan maidens?
It doesn’t but it does have animal inspired mythology. Specifically the story of the Lioness of Sovramo, a prophet in animal form whose spirit would guide the Queen to bring Sovramo into a golden age
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bloodsorceress · 6 years
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wild sorceress (self)
wishful dreamer (younger fc)
beauty in darkness (fc)
the years have been long (older fc)
in another life (alt fcs)
flowers pressed between pages (aesthetic)
wild and bloody magic (muse)
two souls across a thousand lives (reincarnation)
bottling it up (trauma)
closing books (ooc)
distracted elf (memes)
cheerful mage (tagged memes)
questioning glances (ask)
lone wanderer (anon)
blood stained hands (self made)
wrapped in vines (gift)
enchantment (promo)
runes on the wall (drabble)
fact and fiction (headcanon)
once upon a time (threads)
find the path (basics)
cure wounds (psa)
sunshine smiles (positivity)
the scholar rests (queue)
world wide web (social media)
fire loving werepup (benkai’l)
skinny fella (ben fc)
red string of fate (soulmates)
dragonborn of songs (wynfor)
hellish trickster (orianna)
black haired beauty (ori fc)
evil ruler (the queen)
master manipulator (the king)
face of lies (king fc)
lost and found relatives (mum)
youthful romantic (young mum fc)
regal beauty (older mum fc)
lost and found relatives (aunt)
chocolate and ice (auntie fc)
witch outta spite (alt auntie fc)
lost and found relatives (dad)
lost and found relatives (father)
lost and found relatives (half-siblings)
lost and found relatives (brother)
staff and daggers (main canon)
mindless and powerless (canon divergence; bad ending)
starbucks and diaries (human)
the road is home (on the road au)
cures and poisons (zombie apocalypse au)
with angel’s wings (divine au)
test subject 56 (lab rat au)
ghosts tell stories (paranormal au)
seashells and photos (demigod au)
golden sun lioness (sun and moon)
little lady; big boss (crime au)
full moon siblings (werewolf au)
everything is permitted (assassin’s creed au)
beyond the sea (deep blue au)
lurking in shadows (superhero au)
the first of many stories (the first incarnation)
bit of a frankenstein (chilling adventures au)
seal skin bride (selkie au)
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