#magic ring
fafnir19 · 2 months
Sailing the other way
Lauritz' sister's fiance Samuel and him were very different. Samuel, the suave and sophisticated heir to a wealthy family, always seemed to have the world at his fingertips.
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Lauritz, on the other hand, was a rebellious and free-spirited punker who didn't quite fit in with the conventional lifestyle his family wanted for him.
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Despite their differences, Samuel and Lauritz got along surprisingly well. Their interactions were a peculiar blend of class and nonconformity that created a magnetic dynamic between them. It was on the cusp of Samuel's impending wedding that an unconventional idea began to take shape.
"Ey, Sam, let's do something wild before your wedding, mate," Lauritz proposed with a glint of mischief in his eyes. Samuel raised an eyebrow, unsure of what adventure Lauritz had in mind this time. "What did you have in mind, Lauritz? Last time your 'wild' idea led to us spending a night in a police cell in Amsterdam." Lauritz replied: “Vegas would be cool, but at the end of the day it’s your bachelor party. I'll do whatever you want!" Flashing a boyish grin, Samuel draped an arm around Lauritz's shoulders. "I want to take our boat out and sail across the Baltic Sea. It'll be an epic journey filled with freedom and salt-kissed air. You in?" Lauritz, with his unconventional mohawk and punk attire, looked askance at Samuel. "Sailing? That's a bit, you know, bourgeois for my taste," he quipped, adjusting the studded leather jacket slung over his shoulder. Smirking, Samuel continued, "Nonsense! It's summer, and what better way to enjoy some fresh sea air? Besides, it’ll be an adventure, and it'll please the in-laws to see you refining your tastes." Lauritz's parents, along with Samuel's family, were indeed relieved by the prospect. "Better than if you were hanging out with those punkers," his mother had remarked with a grateful smile. With their bags packed and spirits high, Samuel and Lauritz boarded Samuel's family's mahogany sailboat bound for Helsinki.
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The sun's golden gaze kissed the cerulean waves, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the Baltic Sea. "Ah, this is the life, isn't it?" Samuel exclaimed, his gaze sweeping over the glittering expanse of the sea. Lauritz nodded, a wry smile playing on his lips. "It's not as terrible as I imagined. But still, wouldn't you rather be planning your wedding festivities than gallivanting with me?" Samuel chuckled, adjusting his nautical cap. "Oh, come now, my dear Lauritz. We have the rest of our lives for all that. Let's revel in the freedom while we can. Besides, you're not so bad to have around, even for a punker." Lauritz feigned offense, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously. "You wound me with your words, Samuel," he teased. As the ship cuts through the gentle waves, Samuel took Lauritz under his wing, teaching him the art of sailing. Despite his initial skepticism, Lauritz found himself unexpectedly enjoying the experience, reveling in the salty breeze and the rhythmic lull of the waves against the hull. Their journey led them to the enchanting city of St. Petersburg, where the juxtaposition of baroque architecture and Soviet-era relics offered a feast for the eyes.
As they wandered through the labyrinthine streets, the allure of the city enticed Lauritz to explore the more unconventional facets. "I've been thinking," Lauritz began, his voice laced with determination. "I want an eyelet in my ear, like the punks back home. It's about time I made my mark, don't you think?" he declared, pointing to a trendy piercing found amongst the punk subculture.
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Samuel's face turned a shade of pale as he frantically tried to dissuade him, envisioning the cocktail of disapproving glares from his in-laws. "Lauritz, you can't just waltz back to the family estate with a hole in your ear. What would my in-laws think? Besides, piercings can lead to infections. How about something more inconspicuous? Like a nipple piercing?" Lauritz let out a laugh, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Oh, Samuel, always thinking about appearances. But where's the fun in that? I want something that screams independence! Something bold." Their banter was interrupted by a raspy cackle that seemed to echo through the narrow alley they were passing. They turned to see an old woman, draped in shawls and adorned with clinking trinkets. Her eyes glittered with an unsettling intensity as she fixed her gaze on the two friends. "You just have to hold him tight, then we'll circumcise him and I'll make a silver ring out of his foreskin," the old woman mused, her eyes glinting with whimsical certainty. "All you have to do is put this ring on your penis and Lauritz will visually adapt to your taste as long as you wear the ring." Samuel gasped, his mind reeling from the outlandish suggestion. But to his surprise, Lauritz entertained the idea, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "We'll do that, Samuel," Lauritz proclaimed, casting a challenging grin. "After all, you wanted me to do something inconspicuous. What's more inconspicuous than a circumcision?" Despite Samuel's vehement protests, Lauritz remained resolute, and before long, the old woman performed the peculiar ritual, and to their astonishment, the excised foreskin transformed into a shimmering silver ring, which she bestowed upon Lauritz.
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Back on the sailboat, Lauritz couldn't contain his mischievous glee as he gazed at the ring. "Now, it's your turn, Samuel. Put the ring over your... You-know-what," he demanded with a sly smirk. Reluctantly, Samuel acquiesced, only to find that, to his bewilderment, nothing seemed to happen.
As the mahogany sailboat gently cut through the azure waves, Samuel and Lauritz lounged on the deck, basking in the warm embrace of the sun. The sea stretched out around them, a shimmering expanse as far as the eye could see, carrying them toward the next port of their Baltic odyssey, the enchanting city of Tallinn. Lauritz sprawled out on the deck, his eyes half-lidded and gazing at the sprawling cityscape of Tallinn ahead, the gentle sea breeze ruffling his hair. Lauritz raised a hand to his shock of green mohawk, only to find something unexpected. Instead of the vibrant strands he had known for years, his fingertips grazed a neat, blonde faded cut with shaved sides.
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He let out a surprised chuckle, turning to Samuel with an air of amusement. "Samuel, can you believe it? The old woman's prediction must have come true!" Lauritz proclaimed, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "This silver ring has really worked its magic. Look at this hair!" Samuel's eyes widened, examining Lauritz's transformed hairstyle with disbelief. "But I saw your green hair this morning. You must have cut it just to fool me," Samuel elucidated, struggling to reconcile the inexplicable transformation before his eyes.
Their banter was interrupted by the sight of Tallinn's spires unfolding on the horizon, a tapestry of architectural marvels rising from the coastline. The allure of the city's winding streets beckoned them, and they eagerly embraced the promise of new adventures. In the heart of Tallinn, the cobblestone streets echoed with the lilt of their footsteps as they wandered through the centuries-old alleys adorned with vibrant blooms. They eventually settled into a quaint street café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the gentle breeze. Lauritz, donning a sailing jacket, leaned back against his chair, relishing the warmth of the sun's embrace. With a casual air, he began unbuttoning his jacket, revealing the absence of his usual body hair, a curious discovery that piqued Samuel's interest.
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"Lauritz, your... your hair! It's gone," Samuel exclaimed, his eyes widening in incredulity. Lauritz chuckled, his voice laced with a roguish charm. "The magic strikes again, my friend. Behold the power of belief and a touch of enchantment." Samuel watched in awe as the revelation unfolded before him, unable to completely dismiss the inexplicable occurrences that seemed to dance around Lauritz like a whimsical symphony. "You must've shaved this morning to jest with me," Samuel suggested, his tone tinged with skepticism. "This can't be real." "Ah, always the skeptic," Lauritz teased. "But I assure you, this is the handiwork of the ring. It's brought a dash of transformation to my life, hasn't it?"
As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, casting hues of amethyst across the sky, they sailed toward Stockholm. The promise of new adventures and unexpected marvels beckoned them as they set sail toward the Swedish capital. The following morning, Lauritz awoke to the gentle lull of the ship, the rays of the rising sun casting a golden glow upon the skyline.
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As he prepared for the day's exploration, his reflection in the mirror above the sink evoked a bout of bewilderment. His eccentric punk ensemble had been replaced by an impeccably tailored ensemble—an unbuttoned shirt and sleek olive-colored pants that exuded an air of refinement and sophistication.
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"What in the world?" Lauritz muttered, his eyes widening in sheer disbelief. "Samuel, you won't believe this!" Samuel emerged from the cabin, his eyes immediately falling upon Lauritz's stupefying transformation.
"Samuel, it's happened again! This silver ring is truly astounding," Lauritz exclaimed, his spirit alight with unadulterated glee. "Look at these clothes! I didn't expect the magic to work on my outfit too!" Samuel's incredulity was palpable as he regarded the sight before him. "Lauritz, you must have changed into this outfit while I wasn't looking," Samuel reasoned, his tone laced with skepticism. "It's impossible for a ring to cause all this. Whatsoever, I still think it’s good that you dressed more refined today. After all, we want to have breakfast today at the Grand Hotel, where the Nobel Peace Prizes are usually awarded.”
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The mahogany sailboat bobbed gently as it sliced ​​through Stockholm's sun-kissed archipelago en route to Visby on Gotland. Samuel manned the helm, while Lauritz was standing at the bow, his gaze trailing horizon. Suddenly Lauritz went through another unexpected transformation. Lauritz's black jeans and baggy T-shirt shifted seamlessly into a wide-open shirt and tight red shorts, his physique now exuding an athleticism that caught Samuel off guard.
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Samuel's breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening in disbelief as he beheld the improbable evolution unfurling before him. "Lauritz, what... what in the world is happening? This—this isn't right," Samuel stammered, his voice trembling with an amalgamation of astonishment and concern. "I... I need to put a stop to this. I need to get rid of that ring." Lauritz, amusement dancing in his gaze, placed a supportive hand on Samuel's shoulder. "Come on, Samuel, don't be so quick to stifle the mystery. Embrace the uncertainty," he encouraged, a playful glint in his eyes. "Let's see what more this whimsical journey has in store for us."
As the sailboat glided toward the shores of Gotland, the island exuded an alluring mystique, its ancient ruins and labyrinthine streets promising an adventure both whimsical and enigmatic. Their footsteps echoed through the quaint streets of Visby, framed by structures that stood as timeless testaments to ancient grandeur. The island cast its spell upon them, ensnaring their senses with the echoes of bygone eras and the whimsy of forgotten legends. As they ambled through the cobbled pathways, Lauritz noticed a peculiar shift in the way the islanders regarded him. Warm smiles and nods of acknowledgment replaced the guarded glances that typically followed his punk façade.
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"Lauritz, did you notice that?" Samuel inquired, his tone laced with a tinge of wonder. Lauritz nodded, a spark of amazement gleaming in his gaze. "It seems the residents of Visby have taken a shining to me, haven't they? The magic of the ring... it's a wonder indeed." The day waned into a resplendent evening, the sun casting its golden embrace upon the island as a symphony of stars unfurled across the heavens. Samuel and Lauritz reveled in the evening's enchanting tapestry, their thoughts drifting toward the next leg of their Baltic odyssey
The melding of disbelief and marvel lingered in the air, enveloping them in a veil of intrigue, as they embarked on their final leg of the journey toward Copenhagen. Clad in polished tuxedos, they reveled in opulent indulgence. Since Samuel had studied in Copenhagen, he knew how to gain access to the most exclusive establishments with a practiced ease.
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Amidst the effervescent allure of the Danish capital, the two friends embraced the revelry of their adventure indulging in the opulence that enveloped them. Their boisterous laughter and animated conversations resounded through the hallowed halls of the city's elite establishments, the allure of upscale soirées and lavish gatherings capturing their spirits in a whirlwind of decadence. "Ah, Copenhagen has a certain allure, doesn't it?" Samuel remarked, a smirk playing on his lips as they strolled through the city's resplendent evening. Lauritz nodded, the vibrant tapestry of revelry and sophistication intoxicating his senses. "It seems your world has its own brand of enchantment, Samuel. I can't deny its appeal."
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Samuel watched with an inexplicable mix of astonishment and fascination as the vivacious Lauritz seamlessly embraced the lavish lifestyle that had once appeared incompatible with his punk ethos.
The morning of their departure from Copenhagen arrived, and the sailboat set sail once more, carrying them toward Helsingborg where Samuel will marry Lauritz’ sister. As the sailboat rocked gently over the calm water, Samuel brought up the topic that had been bothering him. “Lauritz, I think it’s time to take the ring off. After all, your sister expects you to look like a punk – even though I prefer your current, charming look,” Samuel announced with solemn weight in his words. Venturing into the cabin, Samuel endeavored to remove the ring, only to be met with an unforeseen predicament.
His fervent words reverberated with unrestrained urgency, "Lauritz, I can't... It won't... It's... I can't remove it! Lauritz, I can't seem to get it off," he called out in distress, his voice wrought with urgency.  "It's stuck, and I don't know what to do." Lauritz sprang into action, his touch eliciting a peculiar sensation in Samuel, who found himself thrown off balance by an unexpected surge of arousal - Samuel sported a boner. Before their bewildered eyes, Lauritz's demeanor underwent a subtle shift, his gaze now infused with an alluring allure that took Samuel by surprise. As the unexpected surge of desire enveloped them, Lauritz dropped his shorts, parting his legs with a provocative air.
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"Take this opportunity, Samuel. Let's embrace the unexpected," Lauritz uttered with a newfound confidence, the air thick with unspoken desires that coursed between them. Samuel was drawn by the sight and couldn't resist and took the opportunity to penetrate Lauritz.   After they made love Lauritz turned to Samuel, a solemn glimmer in his eyes, and whispered, "Samuel, I... I want to stay like this. I don’t want to become a sleazy punker again." Samuel’s breath caught in his throat, his gaze locked with Lauritz's. "What are you saying, Lauritz?" In an unexpected twist of fate, the ring tightened around Samuel's cock, seamlessly merging with his flesh. As the transformation took hold, a sense of undeniable euphoria washed over him. Gazing at Lauritz, a knowing smile curled Samuel's lips. "Tomorrow, I will marry my dream girl. And as her dowry, I received her brother to have fun with. I couldn't be happier." Lauritz chuckled and teased, "I guess even a trip to Las Vegas couldn't have been wilder. Seems like your gay sailing trip turned us both bi.”
The following day, as Samuel stood at the altar, he exchanged vows with his beloved, the echoes of a union hitherto unforeseen threading through the tender fabric of his heart.
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And in Lauritz, he found a cherished confidant—a companion bound by the threads of an unexpected journey that would endure far beyond the veil of tradition. As the evening unfurled in all its opulent splendor, Samuel orchestrated a future endowed with an unforeseen serenity. With unwavering determination, he ensured that Lauritz was granted a place at an elite university and provided the resources necessary to flourish—a life enraptured by boundless opportunity.
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In the wake of unforeseen revelations, Lauritz embraced the life of a typical, self-assured scion, reveling in the embrace of newfound passions and embarking on an uncharted journey tinged with the allure of possibility.
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nichet-crochet · 4 months
I have come to teach you and all your followers my simple way of doing a magic circle, since every popular style I’ve seen is unnecessary complicated.
First start with your string
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Then you cross it
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Then pull the string on the top through the part on the bottom
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Now you have a slip knot. And know we’re going to crochet around the slip knot and the tail.
You’re going to insert your hook into the loop of your untightened slip knot, yarn over, pull through, and then pull through the two loops on your hook to do a single crochet (or double crochet if you’re using uk terms)
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And bam! You have a magic circle!
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Continue crocheting around the slip knot and tail, when you’re ready to tighten it, just pull the yarn tail!
Hope this helps you all, in case you want to do a magic circle for the possum patterns instead of the chain two method :3
Very cool and I think me and my followes will love it
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sherlollycounts · 2 months
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Looking stunning as always 😍😍😍
I mean look at those curls, that hairstyle, that outfit, that stubble 🥰🥰🥰
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
But round middle of the guinea-pig there ran a tape, and, tied on to it by the tape, was a bright yellow ring.
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"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew" - C. S. Lewis
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bisexualbaker · 6 months
Crochet Tutorial: The Dirty Cheater's Magic Ring (Part 1)
Hello to everyone who has ever wanted to make a magic ring (also called a magic circle) in crochet, but has never been able to get the hang of it, or just hates wrapping yarn around your fingers, or whatever! Here is the first part of what I like to call the Dirty Cheater's Magic Ring, because it gets you exactly the same effect without following the "real" steps.
The first thing you need to know is that you can crochet onto or around anything you can get your yarn through.
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I will be using this oversized white crochet hook as an example, along with regular worsted weight yarn and a 5mm/H hook.
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After securing my yarn to my H hook, I lay it over the white hook. I then send the H hook under the white one to yarn over. From here, I can yarn over in front of the white hook, and pull the yarn through my original slipknot and previous yarn over to form what's known in the US as a "single crochet" (sc) stitch, and in the UK as a "double crochet" (dc) stitch.
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I can do this a bunch of times now! The world is my oyster, I can crochet around anything, and even make a cool hanging tapestry!
This is also the principle behind something called "front post crochet", where you can literally crochet through the side of a work's previously made stitches!
How does that help with a wannabe magic circle, though? I'm switching out the white hook for some worsted weight yellow yarn to show you how in the next step...
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fairycloth · 1 year
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Earth Wizard Items 🌿✨
~ Art Print Link
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(Explanation: basically it’s telling you how many single crochets to put in a magic ring, and what the shape will be if you increase it)
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beautification-tales · 4 months
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city, Jessica sat at her desk, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She glanced at her reflection in the window, adjusting her glasses for the umpteenth time that day. Her mousy brown hair was pulled back into a messy bun, and her oversized sweater did little to hide her less-than-perfect figure. She was a far cry from the confident, sexy woman her boss, David, was always with - his gorgeous girlfriend, Amanda. It was a constant source of envy for Jessica, and tonight was no different. She couldn't help but feel like a pathetic, unlovable secretary as she watched them laughing together in the parking lot.
But then she spotted it. A small, velvet box sitting innocuously on her desk. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized it as David's. He must have left it here by mistake. Curiosity getting the better of her, she carefully lifted the lid to reveal a stunning diamond ring. Tears welled up in her eyes as she imagined what it must feel like to be wanted by someone like David. With shaking hands, she slipped the ring onto her finger, the cool metal pressing against her skin.
As she closed her fingers around the ring, she felt a surge of energy course through her veins. Her breath hitched in her throat as she looked down at her hands and gasped. Her brown hair had grown long and wavy, and it now shone with an intense red hue that seemed to glow from within. She cried out in pleasure as she felt her new hair, and the rest of her body begin to change.
Her breasts enlarge as she feels herself grow taller. Her once-petite frame stretches and lengthens, her hips widening and curving into a voluptuous figure. Her face takes on a more angular, alluring shape, and her lips plump and part into a confident smile. The sweater she was wearing strains against her new curves, revealing the outline of her perky breasts and flat stomach.
As she stands up, Jessica feels her muscles tense and ripple beneath her skin. Her ass plumps and becomes round and tight, accentuated by the way her hips sway with each step she takes. She looks down at her hands and sees they're covered in a glittering red energy field, like she's wearing a pair of glowing purple gloves. The power coursing through her body is exhilarating, and she feels like she could take on the world.
She walks over to the mirror, hardly able to believe her eyes. The nerdy secretary who had once been her reflection is gone, replaced by a stunning superheroine. Her purple form-fitting outfit hugs her curves, revealing her cleavage and accentuating her new hourglass figure. The red energy field surrounding her hands flickers and crackles as she flexes her fingers, the power coursing through her veins making her feel invincible.
With a plan forming in her mind, she strides purposefully towards David's office. As she enters, he looks up in surprise, his eyes widening as they take in her new appearance. "Jessica? Wh-what happened to you?" he stammers, unable to take his eyes off her.
She walks over to him, her hips swaying seductively. With a mischievous grin, she kneels down in front of him and slowly undoes his pants, revealing his erect cock. "I think it's time we had a little fun, don't you, David?" she purrs, wrapping her lips around the head of his dick and taking him deep into her mouth. His moans fill the room as she expertly sucks and strokes him, her tongue dancing over his sensitive flesh.
She feels his hands grip her hair, guiding her as she takes him deeper and deeper. His hips buck forward, and she knows he's close. As he nears the brink, she pulls back, her lips trailing over the length of his cock. "Tell me how irresistible I am, David," she whispers, her breath hot against his skin. "Tell me how much you want me."
His words are barely audible, but they're there: "You're so irresistible... I can't resist you..." She smiles around his cock, pleased with his response. His words fuel her desire to please him even more. She takes him back into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock as she sucks and strokes in perfect rhythm.
Her body aches to be joined with his, and she decides it's time to ride him before he ejaculates. Standing up, she guides his cock to her wet folds and impales herself on him, crying out in pleasure as he fills her. She bounces up and down on his lap, her hips swaying in an intoxicating rhythm. Her breasts bounce with each thrust, their weight adding to the sensation of being completely and utterly consumed by him.
As she rides him harder, David's hands grip her hips, guiding her movements. His eyes are filled with lust and adoration, and Jessica can feel the power she has over him. She leans forward, their chests pressed together, her lips just a breath away from his. She teases him, nipping at his bottom lip before kissing him deeply. His moans mingle with hers as they reach their climax together.
Their bodies tremble with release, and Jessica feels a surge of satisfaction as she feels his cum filling her up. She collapses forward onto him, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tries to catch her breath. David wraps his arms around her, holding her close as they both try to regain their composure.
For a moment, they just lie there, lost in the haze of their passion. Jessica can feel the warmth of David's skin against hers, and the softness of his chest hair against her breasts. She nestles her head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his unique scent. It's a heady mixture of sweat and aftershave, and it makes her feel even closer to him.
As their breathing begins to steady, she senses a shift in the air. David's hands move from her hips to her waist, and he slowly pulls her off of him. She looks up at him, their eyes locked in a heated gaze. She can see the desire still burning in his eyes, but there's something else there too. Something that makes her heart race with anticipation.
He guides her to her feet, and she steps back, her weight shifting to one hip as she watches him. He reaches out, tracing a finger down her cheek before cupping her face in his hands. His touch sends a jolt of desire through her, and she feels her core tighten in response. "Jessica," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "I don't know what happened... I don't know how you did it... but that was amazing.”
She smiles up at him, feeling the power of her feminine wiles surging through her. "I think you underestimate me, David," she says, running a finger along his chest, feeling the hairs stand on end beneath her touch. "I think you should start paying more attention to what I'm capable of."
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gawrkin · 1 month
The French Vulgate Cycle presents:
"The Bungle-up of the Rings"
Prologue: Arthur's first meeting with the Lady (Lancelot Proper - Chapter 22):
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Episode 1 - The Ring (Lancelot Proper - Chapter 22):
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Interlude: Guinevere's first meeting with the Lady (Lancelot Proper - Chapter 71):
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Episode II - The Attack of the Retcon pt. 1 (Lancelot Proper - Chapter 97):
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Episode II - The Attack of the Retcon pt. 2 (Lancelot Proper - Chapter 100)
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Interlude: Guinevere's Response later in chapter 100:
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Episode III - The Return of the Lady's Ring (Lancelot Proper - Chapter 145):
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Episode IV - Rise of Plot Holes (Lancelot Proper - Chapter 156):
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To Summarize:
In the middle of the woods, the soon-to-be-knighted Lancelot is given a magic-dispelling ring directly by the Lady of the Lake.
Later, the magic-dispelling ring is then suddenly Guinevere's ring given to Lancelot, as attested by Morgan(*), the narration, and later, Guinevere herself. Notice that Morgan has a similar ring in her possession(**).
Next, the magic ring that was given directly by the Lady to Lancelot is in Guinevere's hands. The narration implies Lancelot willingly gave his ring to Guinevere some time before.
Finally, Guinevere gives Lancelot a magic-dispelling ring that Lady gave to Guinevere around the time Lancelot was knighted.
Reminder: Arthur and Guinevere have never met the Lady prior to Lancelot's knighting. And the Lady never went to Camelot. Lady meets with Arthur in the midst of a hunting expedition and leaves Lancelot in Arthur's custody and is not seen/mentioned again until many chapters later. Guinevere personally meets the Lady of the Lake for the first time during the Saxon Rock arc.
(*) - "The Day Guinevere gave Lancelot her love" is the likely the part after the Galehaut war, where Galehaut convinces Guinevere to return Lancelot's affections... where Morgan is nowhere to be found...
(**) - Throughout the entirety of Lancelot-Grail/Vulgate Cycle, Morgan le Fay never once interacted with, or even talked about, the Lady of the Lake. Ever.
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chronicsilliness · 8 months
why is the chain method for making a magic circle considered “beginner friendly”?? the adjustable loop is way easier to learn and you can actually see the hole..
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kuromeimei · 17 days
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azurewildflight · 20 days
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Get the reference, get a cookie
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a-birdhorse · 8 months
Sauron Lord of the Rings’s mistake was that he put all his magic powers into a ring. Even if nobody knew he had it, rings are basically magnets for things that remove extremities. You wanna go on a sailboat? If you’re wearing a ring, you’re betting your fingers that said ring won’t get caught on a rope or piece of siding. Go rock climbing? Wait ‘till that piece of metal that is much stronger than human flesh and bone gets caught on a rock and then it’s bye-bye ring finger. Wanna fight in a war for control of Middle Earth? Not only does your powerful magic ring essentially give you a glowing red weak spot that weak little humans can aim at, but it also makes you twice as vulnerable to all kinds of smashing attacks as it’s easily deformable gold can act like the world’s worst pair of scissors.
So what should the dark lord have used instead? Belt. Think about it! If somebody cuts off your torso, you’ve got bigger problems to worry about than someone stealing your magic belt. Plus, as we have learned from the Final Fantasy series of video games, you can actually wear any number of belts as well as the belt of power as distractions. Not only that, but if Sauron chose to layer his outfit properly this belt of power could be entirely concealed! Oh yeah, and belts are way less likely to take off your fingers in an emergency than rings are.
Now is this a perfect plan? Yes. Flawless in fact. If I had been Sauron Isuldur could have cut off as many fingers as he wanted and I would still have been fine because my magic belt wouldn’t have been anywhere near my fingers. RIP to the embodiment of supreme evil in modern fantasy fiction but I’m just built different.
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beyonceisstraight · 11 months
@whererobin sorry I took longer than I said to post this.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
"You need no rings when I am with you," said Aslan.
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"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew" - C. S. Lewis
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tenth-sentence · 8 months
But before he became quite real Polly shouted "Change," and they did change, and our world faded away like a dream, and the green light above grew stronger and stronger, till their heads came out of the pool and they scrambled ashore.
"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew" - C. S. Lewis
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