#mao jingjing
lovelyballetandmore · 6 months
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Koko Bamford | Jingjing Mao | Elisabeth Tonev | Dutch National Ballet | Photo by Erwin Olaf
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kneedeepincynade · 9 months
Almost every day I make amazing content,but a what cost?
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Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
😂 China Expert 101, ovvero: come diventare, di punto in bianco, "esperti di Cina" in Occidente, in modo "facile e veloce" 🤡
😂 Dimenticatevi lo studio della Lingua Cinese, della Storia Cinese, del Modo di Produzione Cinese e del Modello Cinese, per rendervi "esperti di Cina" in Occidente basterà aggiungere "MA A QUALE PREZZO" alla fine di ogni articolo sulla Repubblica Popolare Cinese, capace di trasformare ogni successo Cinese in qualcosa di negativo ♨️
😜 È davvero molto semplice, vi basterà solo criticare qualsiasi cosa faccia la Cina, inventandovi tutto, e i "civilizzati, democratici" Popoli dell'Occidente ci crederanno subito, dai favorevoli allo status quo Occidentale a quelli falsamente contrari ad esso 😂
🇨🇳 Qualche esempio dalla Compagna Li Jingjing:
🤔 L'Economia Cinese sta facendo meglio del previsto? Chiedetevi: "MA A QUALE PREZZO?" per criticare la Cina e parlare delle fantomatiche «conseguenze impreviste» e dei «problemi», magari chiudendo entrambi gli occhi sullo stato terrificante e pietoso dei Paesi degli articolisti, in costante declino, mentre nel Q2 del 2023 la Cina è cresciuta "solo" del 6,3% 😂
🤔 La gestione USA e dell'intero Occidente del COVID-19 è stata pietosa, e sono morte molte persone. In Cina la situazione è stata molto diversa. Si potrebbe ragionare sulle motivazioni, ma vi basterà aggiungere: "MA A QUALE PREZZO?", e vi sarete elevati a grandi esperti sulla questione 😂
🇨🇳 La Cina ha trasformato Shenzhen da un piccolo villaggio di pescatori in una delle città più innovative del Mondo in soli 30 anni. I Paesi Occidentali potrebbero studiare questa esperienza per poter migliorare le loro città, ma è meglio aggiungere "MA A QUALE PREZZO?" e chiudere subito la questione 😂 | Tuttavia, Shenzhen rimarrà in Cina, e le città degradate dell'Occidente, da New York a Roma, rimarranno degradate 😂
🇨🇳 La Cina ha superato l'Occidente sotto tutti gli aspetti, e la BBC è arrabbiata che i Cinesi siano culturalmente più avanzati di loro. Si potrebbe analizzare l'eccellente sistema educativo della Cina, il modo in cui - ad esempio - viene insegnata la Matematica. Ma è meglio chiudere subito la porta alle analisi, e scrivere "MA A QUALE PREZZO?" 😂
🇨🇳 In pochi anni, la Cina ha risolto la questione dell'inquinamento raggiungendo la leadership nell'Energia Solare, Idroelettrica ed Eolica. I Paesi Occidentali potrebbero studiare l'Esperienza Cinese, e comprendere il Concetto di "人与自然和谐共处", la Coesistenza Armoniosa tra uomo e Natura, ma è meglio scrivere "MA A QUALE PREZZO?" 😂
😂 Criticare la Cina, nel classico mantra "China bad" vi farà scalare i ranghi in Occidente 😂
🤔 Tornando seri, chi vuole inquadrare la Cina e comprenderla realmente dovrebbe almeno imparare un po' di Cinese, per poter comprendere la Prospettiva Cinese e navigare su Baidu, altrimenti si rischia di cadere nel ridicolo, come Lyman Stone, ricercatore presso l'AEI e l'Institute for Family Studies, ed Ex-Economista presso il Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura degli USA, che mesi fa affermava di poter «acquistare uno schiavo uiguro» su Taobao, un e-commerce Cinese 😂
🇨🇳 Quando Carl Zha gli ha immediatamente chiesto di cercare e acquistare su Taobao uno schiavo uiguro, ha rifiutato (❗️), dicendo che non sapeva il Cinese e non poteva usare quindi la tastiera Cinese», per poi dire che forse non era Taobao, ma su «altri siti», smascherandosi da solo nella sua bugia anti-Cinese 😂
💬 "Quando non hai approfondito un problema, i fatti presenti [...] e non sai niente dei suoi elementi essenziali, qualunque cosa tu dirai a riguardo sarà, senza dubbio, una sciocchezza" - Mao Zedong, 《反对本本主义》 🚩
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
😂 China Expert 101, or: how to become, out of the blue, "experts on China" in the West, "quickly and easily" 🤡
😂 Forget about studying the Chinese language, Chinese history, the Chinese mode of production and the Chinese model, to make yourself "experts on China" in the West, just add "BUT AT WHAT PRICE" at the end of each article on the People's Republic of China, capable to turn every Chinese success into something negative ♨️
😜 It's really very simple, all you need to do is criticize whatever China does, inventing everything, and the "civilized, democratic" Peoples of the West will immediately believe it, from those in favor of the Western status quo to those falsely against it 😂
🇨🇳 Some examples from Comrade Li Jingjing:
🤔 Is the Chinese Economy doing better than expected? Ask yourself: "BUT AT WHAT PRICE?" to criticize China and talk about the phantom "unforeseen consequences" and "problems", perhaps closing both eyes on the terrifying and pitiful state of the countries of the columnists, in constant decline, while in Q2 2023 China grew "only" by 6.3% 😂
🤔 The USA and the entire West's management of COVID-19 has been pitiful, and many people have died. In China the situation was very different. One could think about the reasons, but it will be enough to add: "BUT AT WHAT PRICE?", and you will have elevated yourself to great experts on the matter 😂
🇨🇳 China has transformed Shenzhen from a small fishing village into one of the most innovative cities in the world in just 30 years. Western countries could study this experience in order to improve their cities, but it is better to add "BUT AT WHAT PRICE?" and close the matter immediately 😂 | However, Shenzhen will remain in China, and the degraded cities of the West, from New York to Rome, will remain degraded 😂
🇨🇳 China has surpassed the West in all respects, and the BBC is angry that the Chinese are culturally more advanced than them. One could analyze the excellent education system of China, the way in which - for example - mathematics is taught. But it is better to immediately close the door to the analysis, and write "BUT AT WHAT PRICE?" 😂
🇨🇳 In a few years, China has solved the pollution issue by achieving leadership in solar, hydroelectric, and wind energy. Western Countries could study the Chinese Experience and understand the concept of "人与自然和谐共处", the Harmonious Coexistence between man and Nature, but it is better to write "BUT AT WHAT PRICE?" 😂
😂 Criticizing China, in the classic mantra "China bad" will make you climb the ranks in the West 😂
🤔 Getting serious again, those who want to understand China and really understand it should at least learn a little Chinese, in order to understand the Chinese Perspective and navigate on Baidu, otherwise they risk falling into ridicule, like Lyman Stone, researcher at the AEI and the Institute for Family Studies, and Ex-Economist at the US Department of Agriculture, who months ago claimed to be able to «buy an Uyghur slave» on Taobao, a Chinese e-commerce 😂
🇨🇳 When Carl Zha immediately asked him to search and buy a Uyghur slave on Taobao, he refused (❗️), saying that he didn't know Chinese and therefore couldn't use the Chinese keyboard», to then say that maybe it wasn't Taobao, but on «other sites», unmasking himself in his anti-Chinese lie 😂
💬 "When you have not delved into a problem, the present facts [...] and know nothing of its essentials, whatever you say about it will, no doubt, be nonsense" - Mao Zedong, 《反对本本主义》 🚩
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
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jingjing mao photographed for iris van herpen by valentine bouquet
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velvetcloak · 4 years
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jingjing mao in iris van herpen
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glassdew · 4 years
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Jingjing x Iris van Herpen
All dresses by IRIS VAN HERPEN
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galina-ulanova · 5 years
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Jingjing Mao in Year of the Rabbit (Dutch National Ballet, 2016)
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gorbigorbi · 3 years
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Jingjing Mao
Photographer Hans Gerritsen
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teshawnedmonds · 4 years
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#Repost per credit from & the courtesy of @paigemcfall via @maojingjing193 ・・・ “What spirit is so empty and blind... that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe... and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed?” -Michelangelo The feet of Jingjing Mao after a day of work... @maojingjing193 #ballerina #ballerinasofinstagram #feet #ballet #balletphotography #amsterdam #withoutshoes #dancersareathletes https://www.instagram.com/p/B6kJ4hZnmQN/?igshid=uxhv8too4wkp
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mostlytiredoffs · 7 years
The top5 thing strikes back
Top five male divers (in last 5-6 years)
Can I answer five times Qiu Bo lol. Anyway, Qiu Bo, Patrick Hausding, Ilya Zakharov (in spite of Rio and in spite of his twists…), Illya Kvasha and Chen Aisen? (I would have put Bondar, but he hasn’t been around much in the last 5 years, for obvious reasons xD Not a fan of Laugher, though he is really good, can’t deny that.)
Top five female divers
Guo Jingjing (queen), He Zi, Tania Cagnotto, Chen Ruolin, Pandelela Rinong. (I tried not to go too much back in time lol)
Top five step sequences in singles
(I will try not to cheat by mentioning only Yuzu lol)
Yuzuru Hanyu - Let’s go crazy
Yuzuru Hanyu - Hope and Legacy (though truthfully this could be any of my favourite programs of his xD)
Yuna Kim - Danse Macabre
Mao Asada - Rach 2
Mao Asada - Ritual Fire Dance (FP)
Top five Yuna Kim’s costumes
Danse Macabre, Homage to Korea, Nessun Dorma, 007, Adios Nonino.
Top five junior performances of last season
Rika Kihira’s FP in Ljubljana (first clean 8 triples FP in history by a woman)
Polina Tsurskaya’s SP in Saransk (should be current junior wr imo)
Jun Hwan Cha’s FP (I think Yokohama was the only clean one, but I loved his performance at JW)
Marin Honda’s FP at JW
If I wanted to be objective, either Gubanova or Zagitova’s FP, but in terms of my faves, I would say Eunsoo Lim at Korean nationals.
officialvictuuritrash: Mmmm top five Mao Asada programs?
Rach 2
Nocturne SP (2013-2014)
Jupiter (EX)
Bei Mir Bistu Shein SP (I hope I have written it as it should be lol)
Liebestraume/Ritual Fire Dance (FP)
tsukihoshi14:Top 5 junior men? (doesn’t count those turning senior this coming season :D)
Tsk tsk, you didn’t want to hear a Jun Hwan poem whyyyy. Anyway, junior men this season are kind of a mistery/tragedy. I want to see Shun Sato (but I doubt I will at this point? He doesn't have a jgp yet :/). I think Daniel Grassl can do well…but I don’t really have five faves to mention *ops* *runs away*
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
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jingjing mao photographed for iris van herpen by valentine bouquet
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
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jingjing mao photographed for iris van herpen by valentine bouquet
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
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jingjing mao photographed for iris van herpen by valentine bouquet
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
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jingjing mao photographed for schön! magazine by alek bruessing
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
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jingjing mao photographed performing in giselle by altin kaftira
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
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daniel robert silva and jingjing mao photographed for schön! magazine by alek bruessing
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swanlake1998 · 3 years
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jingjing mao photographed performing as a temple dancer in ted brandsen’s mata hari by marc haegeman
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