amethyst-noir · 3 years
His friendship with Tony came as a surprise. It grew out of mutual fear and terror, generously seasoned with snark and inappropriate comments. It was fun and, apart from his interactions with Wong, he hadn't had much of that for ages.
Their friendship was treasured and so much more than he'd ever expected, especially considering its rocky start. Meetings with Tony became less business and more coffee-with-a-friend the more time passed.
It was... nice. Easy and uncomplicated. Until...
@ironstrangebingo​ prompt: The Eye
Based on this lovely prompt by @mistressstrange​:
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Yes, the date of that ask is correct. *winces and hides* I’m truly sorry but I also refuse to hide. Yes, it took me a long time but I loved this prompt so much that I really wanted to do it justice and the time for it wasn’t right until recently.
Total fluff ahead, just so you know.
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rawbiredbest · 5 years
Doomstrange: Doom meeting Stephen’s tentacle friend.
“Victor, Stompy. Stompy, Victor.”
It isn’t without a measure of stomach-curling foolishness the king responds, “Your associate shall refer to me as Doom if it values its life.” Does the thing have ears? Eyes? A brain, or something close to it? Astrobiology is a thorny field of landmines. Marine astrobiology even worse. Doom adds it to the list of reasons why he’ll probably kill Namor someday.
Stephen frowns, patting Stompy’s trunk. “Don’t mind him. He didn’t get his tea this morning and had to settle for coffee, and then I sprung his breakfast chef out of the castle dungeon. He’s in a bad mood.”
Doom wants to boil the entire fucking ocean.
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bananasofthorns · 4 years
Number 28 for the poem thing, please.
28 - grasp
“you know,” she whispers to you one night,when your back is to the window but her silhouette is painted in moonlight on your wall,“there’s a saying about straws.”you roll over,legs tangled in the blanket she bought you last year,but she’s already gone.her shadow lurks on the edge of the building.“you’ll never solve it,” she points out.“so stop trying.”
(so technically I didn’t use the word, but. “grasping at straws” is what I was getting at here)
give me a word and i’ll give you a poem
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Possibilities for “Soul Mate” Lies told by your soulmate show up on your skin. You get a vision of your soulmate’s worst memory the first time you touch. Where you have a timer of how long your soulmate has left to live. Scars will disappear when your soulmate touches them. Once a year you get to see what your soulmate is seeing.
Thank you so much! I choose the first one because I loved the idea but all of those prompts are very inspiring. 
Written for soul mate square in my @ironstrangebingo card
Promise you’ll remember that you’re mine - cutebutpsyco - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Name: Promise you’ll remember that you’re mine
Square: Soul Mate
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: Major Character Death, Angst, Hurt no Comfort, No Fluff
Pairings: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange 
Summary: The lies your soulmate tells to you are tattoos on your skin. Tony had been staring at “it was the only way” for his entire life, he never imagined he would have heard that a moment before his soulmate turned into dust.
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mistressstrange · 5 years
Wow, 500 followers.
I’ll have to celebrate somehow once I get home to my computer.
Would my lovely followers prefer:
1. A snippet from my long-time Ironstrange WIP
2. A snippet from my wongrange WIP
3. A screenshot of my Stephen Strange bingo ideas.
Cast your vote. I can’t wait to hear from you all.
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mandysimo13 · 5 years
24 and 97 with Drpepperony, please.
Oh man, this is a triad that I am unfamiliar with in dynamic but I’ll give it a shot! 
24. Soulmate AU // 97. Time Travel AU
In this instance I would probably do a post-infinity war fix-it. Tony somehow builds a time machine on that barren planet from a box of scraps and goes “fuck it, I need to fix things because I always am the one to fix things”. 
He travels across many of the scenarios that Steven saw in his mind before The Snap and it’s kind of like Groundhog Day in each one where Tony fails to save everyone over and over again (because you can’t have Tony without some angst). However, throughout his trials, he starts to fall for Steven. He seems to think Steven loves him in return. Tony thinks of Pepper and their wedding and how he’s never felt more in love with a woman in his life. But he also thinks of Steven and how that man is so much like himself and he can’t seem to let go of the idea that maybe there could be something more. 
He wrestles with his guilt and his need to save everything and everyone. Finally, he comes across the scenario where “they win” and the world returns to normal. Everyone is alive and well and whole. They all go back to earth to pick up the pieces. 
And Tony is stuck with hardcore love feelings for two amazing people. And he can’t let either of them go. 
Neither Steven nor Pepper are stupid people. They see that something has changed. They see that Tony hovers over them both and how he tries to stretch time between them as if he thinks they will disappear again and that he might lose them both for good. Pepper asks Steven if he knows what’s going on. Steven says that he’s tried to see into the past and future to find what’s spooked Tony but for some reason he can’t see it. 
They confront him and after a lot of prodding, Tony spills the beans. He loves them both. He can’t imagine living without either one of them but can’t see a future where he gets to have them both without hurting either of them. He talks about all the lives he lived with Steven with his time machine. He tells Pepper how special and wonderful she is and how he desperately loves her. He tells them how incomplete he is without either of them at his side. He cries, finally getting his confession out, thinking for sure he’s fucked it all up and they’re going to tear into him and leave him all alone again.  
Pepper and Steven share a look like “what a fucking idiot” and they sit him down and tell him that there doesn’t need to be an end to anything. That there is more than enough room in life and love for two. While neither Pepper or Steven seem interested in each other, they both love Tony and they make a pact that they will do what it takes to see that Tony is properly loved and cared for by both of them. He will not have to choose, they will not make him. 
Together, they are everything Tony ever needed and wanted in a partner. They are his soulmates. Steven is all cunning, wit, adventure, and courage. Pepper is his bravery, his quiet strength, grounding, and reason. Together they bring to him pieces that he has always wanted from his family and support systems that he never had. When he hears the words “we’re not going anywhere” he cries anew in relief. 
It will be a challenge, learning to live with two soul mates. But really, when has Tony Stark ever shied away from a challenge?
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klimtandbencbatch · 6 years
Ironstrange prompt: X-avengers somehow coercing Stephen into getting in a car and he has a panic attack with his magic going haywire. Tony is the only one able to calm him down.
i tried lmao i hope it isn’t…… bad…..
Stephen doesn’t quite remember how it happened, but he ended up in a car.
He’d been minding his own business, out for a walk in the Village, when a car pulled up next to him. He heard the door open, and then strong hands were on his weak ones, tugging and pulling insistently until he was thrown into the back seat between two other people, speeding off down the block.
No sling ring on him. In street clothes. His cellphone was in his back pocket, conveniently buried between his butt and the seat.
He was trapped. Kidnapped. Who were these people?
“…need to talk to Tony.”
He turned his head to face the front passenger seat - someone was speaking to him. “Captain America?” he asked, blinking hard. “I - what - ?”
“We know you and Tony have gotten closer over the last few months. We’re just taking you somewhere so that he’ll come and talk to us, that’s all. We’re not gonna hurt you or anything - “
“I need to get out,” Stephen spat immediately, his heart already starting to beat faster. “I need to get out of the car.”
“No can do, Doctor,” the person on his right answered - a man he didn’t recognize. “Cap’s orders. Just the way it is.”
He made it another two blocks before he started to lose it.
His vision began to swim, and he started to breathe heavily, his hands trembling viciously in the other peoples’ grips. He was sweating like an absolute pig, and nauseous to boot. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to even out his breathing -
- checking a scan, everything was fine, he was in control -
- in for four, out for four, in for -
- one idiot, swerve to avoid, suddenly flipped, hands - hands -
- four, out for four -
- pain, fear, pain, icy cold, stuck, trapped, what if no one finds me here? -
“I need to get out of the car, please,” he begged weakly, unable to do much else. He could feel the tide of panic rising in his chest, threatening to go over his head, to bring him under. But no one was listening.
“Please, please!”
“Doctor Strange, we’re almost - “
Magic began to pour out of Stephen, unbidden. Hundreds of eyes began to pop out all over his exposed skin, blinking balefully at the people surrounding him. The seats beneath him filled with butterflies before exploding, releasing the luminescent insects with an audible sigh of relief. Stephen’s hands began to grow insanely hot and icy cold, alternating so quickly that those holding him almost couldn’t tell the difference. They released him, but Stephen was too far gone.
The car continued to drive, out of the city, now, off to gods knew where. Stephen was trapped in his body, trapped in his magic. His solace. His captors had managed to turn it against him.
His last coherent thought before he gave over entirely to the energy raging inside of him -
Please let Tony find me.
“Hey, Boss?”
“What’s up, baby girl?”
“I picked up something weird leaving Manhattan, headed upstate? It’s Stephen’s energy signal, but it’s moving pretty fast, and it’s much stronger than usual.”
Tony set his welding mask aside, rolling over to his monitors and pulling them apart to get at the map. He flicked Stephen’s signature, getting a more specific image -
A car?
“FRIDAY, get the launch bay ready for me. I’m stepping out for a bit.”
“Should I have Doctor Strange’s room prepared for your return?”
“Might be for the best,” Tony answered, tapping the center of his chest and heading towards the launch bay as his armor spread out over his body.
Whoever had Stephen in that car was a dead man.
The magic had been harmless, mostly, at first. The butterflies thing was kinda cute, and the eyes were creepy, but they could be ignored.
It was when Stephen started muttering in tongues and summoning serpents and insects into the car that things started to get a little hairy. The tires had turned to stone and back again more times than they cared to count, and this kidnapping was, to Steve, starting to be way more work than reward.
The radio suddenly crackled to life, a voice coming over the airwaves.
“Hey, whoever’s in there, I know you’re smart enough to pull over when I tell you to? So. Pull over.” Tony. Exactly who they wanted.
The driver took the car off onto the shoulder, throwing it into park before the gearbox shifted to molten lava again. Steve turned to try to see Tony when the rear passenger doors were ripped off, and a still muttering and eye-covered Stephen Strange was yanked out into the fresh air.
Tony’s visor went up, and his hands immediately came to Stephen’s face. “Hey, Steph, baby? Look at me. Honey, look at me and breathe.”
Slowly, Stephen came back to himself, the eyes disappearing one by one. His eyes cleared, his magic faded, and he sagged against Tony, tears spilling down his cheeks. “Tony…”
“Easy,” Tony soothed. “I’m right here. I’ve got you now, okay?”
Stephen nodded, exhausted. Tony checked him over a few more times - no injuries. Thank God. Then, his gaze snapped onto Steve, pure rage etched into his features.
“Are you an idiot?” he asked sharply. “Didn’t you listen when he asked you to let him go? And he started - having a fit, and you kept driving? What the hell’s the matter with you?”
“Tony, we just need to talk - “ Steve attempted, stepping closer.
“Nuh-uh. Not anymore,” Tony dismissed, holding Stephen more closely, hiding him away from the others as he regained his composure. “You’re an ass-clown, Steve, and you really showed it today. We aren’t talking now, and we aren’t talking ever. You wanna talk? You can try my phone.”
“You’ve got me blocked.”
“Then take a hint, Rogers.” Tony turned, rubbing Stephen’s back as he called for a pickup from FRIDAY. “Preferably air support,” he added, flipping his visor back down. “Don’t know what you’re still here for, Steve. Get in your damn car, and drive.”
Tony didn’t look back until he heard the sound of the engine disappear.
He got he and Stephen into the jet, once it arrived, letting it take them to the compound. He led them inside, doing one more scan for injuries before letting himself be all comfort, his arms wrapped reassuringly around Stephen’s waist.
“I’m right here,” he reminded, trying to calm his lover down. “Easy breaths, Steph. I’m right here.”
“Magic is my one thing,” Stephen bit out, “that belongs to me. That is my - safety. And they - broke me. They turned it against me - “
“They didn’t do that,” Tony said. “They didn’t do that. Your magic was trying to protect you, Stephen. It wasn’t broken, and it wasn’t anything they did. You were protecting yourself. That’s all.”
Stephen nodded, sniffling and clearing his throat. “I’m exhausted.”
“I got your room all ready for you,” Tony said, helping Stephen off the exam table and down the hall. “You get some rest, okay? I’ll order in some food, and we can just watch shitty TV for the rest of the day. I’ll get you back to the sanctum tomorrow no problem. Sound good?”
Stephen nodded. “Yeah. Sounds perfect.”
Tony smiled, leaning up on tiptoes to kiss his sorcerer, patting him on the back as he guided him to bed. “Sleep well, Steph.”
“Thanks, Tones.”
Tony closed the door behind him, heading out to the kitchen. “FRIDAY, place my usual order for… Japanese?”
“Of course, Boss. Anything else?”
“Uh… Yeah. Bill Steve Rogers for the cost of the flight out.”
“On it, Boss.”
“Thanks, baby girl. You’re the best.”
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unlikecharlie · 5 years
“Give me attention.” Dr. Strange/Bruce Banner
Aaand another one up! Thank you so much for all the requests, your rare ships were both a challenge and a fun way to explore my writing abilities, thanks!!
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Stephen being totally okay with the giant ant and making a magic saddle for Cassie. Spelled with protections and to prevent falls.
stephen strange has seen things a hell of a lot weirder than a giant ant but it would probably be something he does when babysitting cause of course cassie wants to ride an ant like her dad (he’s her hero and she’s his biggest fan)
stephen magics up a helmet and an outfit and goes around calling her ant-girl and that’s what scott comes home to; these two in the backyard with stephen playing a villian getting defeated by the great ant-girl
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ant-strange · 6 years
Prompt: Stephen sends a message with a raven.
I really love this idea!
Stephen liked to play on stereotypes. He liked to grab them with both hands and twist them around and around until they were presentable in a hand-crafted origami swan.
He owned a phone, of course he did. The Sanctum didn’t have a landline, so he had been forced to buy a cheap mobile phone - it wasn’t very high-tech, not having any money to buy a sandwich some days, so how he would be able to afford the latest iPhone, he had no idea, but it did have a voice recognition function for when his fingers would shake too much to use the tiny rectangles that he was meant to use to type. Even if his hands were steady like they had once been, he doubted that the buttons would have been very useful, what with the size of them in ratio to his large thumbs.
But when it came to the Avengers, he loved to appear like an old-fashioned man that would shout at children on his lawn. Even though they were aware he had been a neurosurgeon - used to technology on a scale comparable to Tony’s - they seemed to think that he had no idea of modern ideas like mobile phones.
So, when the Avengers came down into the kitchen to see a large black bird standing on one of the chairs, they were rather confused. The raven eyed them suspiciously, seeming to weigh them up one by one, deciphering who the recipient of the parchment tied to its leg could be. Then with a flap of its inky black wings, it lurched itself at Tony, with a squawk like the rasp of a creaky door.
Tony took a step back. The raven was not phased and proceeded to stick its leg towards the mechanic, the parchment dangling like a hanged man.
It was plucked from the bird’s leg by Tony’s hesitant fingers. When he unraveled it, the raven flew out of the room, deeper into the compound. Tony let out a laugh upon reading the note.
“You keep calling me a witch, Stark. I hope you like my friend. - Stephen xxx.”
‘I hope you are aware that I do have a phone?’ a deep rumbling voice came from the doorway.
Tony looked up and saw Stephen leaning against the door frame, dressed in clothes that he had clearly slept in, and perched comfortably on his shoulder was the midnight-black raven. Both of them looked very amused.
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albaaca · 6 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.
OOOOH thank you i’m so flattered ;u; 
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amethyst-noir · 4 years
The Cloak shrinking down to match Toddler!Stephen.
I wish that I could do art because this deserves something cute and gorgeous.
It would totally do that. If this is a raised-at-Kamar-Taj!AU the Cloak would imprint pretty soon, fold itself down to an appropriate size and “grow up” along with Stephen. Since Stephen becomes very tall some younger apprentices and sorcerers are astonished at just how big the Cloak will become. (TAO and Wong are laughing their asses off but in the beginning TAO was the only one who was unsurprised at the turn of events.)
If this is a temporarily-regressed!AU the Cloak would be one of the first, uhm, “people” to adjust. First, it would try to engulf Stephen with its usual size but, upon realizing that it’s much too big, it would make itself smaller. Everyone who watches stares dumbfounded as it goes smaller and smaller until it’s the right size for the suddenly so very tiny Stephen. It becomes very, very protective of its charge (I’m evil and headcanon that Stephen’s hands still make trouble - *waves the steel pins away with magic because why not*) and refuses to let anyone near him it doesn’t trust.
There are not many people who are allowed to be near Stephen until the spell wears off. Wong, of course, is among them and becomes Stephen’s main human caretaker.
Because I’m evil I see this scene:
Stephen in bed, almost silently crying because his hands hurt and he doesn’t understand why and the Cloak drawing itself tight around his body and his wrists, the pressure and the warmth making the pain go away while Wong watches from the sidelines, wanting to protect this child so very much but also wanting his friend back so much it hurts.
Basically, the Cloak is not only Stephen’s friend but also one of the best, most protective caretakers ever.
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rawbiredbest · 5 years
Doomstrange Prompt: Vegas wedding.
There’s a special kind of jet lag that goes with rapid universe jumping. Reserves drained, thoughts bleary, it took all of Doom’s will to trod across the hotel room, pieces of armor dropping like shed scales, and collapse in bed. At some point Strange must have joined him, for the king’s head was now nestled on pillows, but he was alone. The light streaming through the windows comes from millions of bioluminescent gnats clinging to the sides of the coral casinos, the only indication of daytime on a world parented by a white dwarf star.
Stephen emerges from the bathroom, tugging his shirt on. “Ah. You’re awake.”
“Astute as ever, Strange.”
The magician toes into his shoes and pretends not to hear him. “Here is where we stand. We saved Neo Vegas last night. The localized pocket dimension general managers were given a stern talking to about building hyper-computers to manipulate the constants of physics. You used the term ‘inert quantum soup’. It got the point across. And even if your words didn’t, you twisted a giant cicada’s head off like a bottle cap. That’s going to be hard to forget.”
That explains the black stains on his cloak. Those will be impossible to get out of the fabric, let alone the carbon fiber nervous system woven into the threads. He’ll have to craft a new one. What a nuisance.
Stephen presses on. “We returned the misbegotten funds to their rightful owners with a body count of only a dozen between us, though as monsters with space-time as their genetic code, I don’t know how dead they truly are. I bribed the authorities to let us go. The price was…not insurmountable, but…”
Doom lifts his hand. The gold band on his finger vibrates in and out of existence as its molecules travel to and from parallel dimensions, one millisecond as faint as ghosts, the next solid as life itself.
“I’m sorry.”
There’s only one reason Stephen gets up before him. He thinks something is horribly wrong. And it is horrible, waking up wed with no memory of consent, so consuming was his fatigue, to bumbling, ill-mannered Strange, fully dressed and ready for combat, expecting Doom, even unarmored and exhausted, to slaughter him for this perceived insult.
How horrible, to dance on daggers all the time. How horribly familiar.
Doom sits up against the headboard. “Strange.”
“You forget that I wrote the constitution of my kingdom. These bands are as legally binding on Earth as breathing the same air. Their only weight is the meaning we give them.”
The magician tenses, watching Victor turn the ring around his finger. “Penny for your thoughts?”
Doom closes his eyes for a moment, and on opening they are alight with something new and fierce. “Not insurmountable.”
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babywarg · 5 years
DrPepperony Prompt: Pepper's dress gets ripped and Stephen replaces the now indecent clothing with the Cloak turning itself into a beautiful gown. She and Tony are very grateful.
Hello! This one is short, but I hope you like it 💕
My imagination is limited, so I’m visualizing Stephen’s formal getup as being the same as the one he wore at the start of the Doctor Strange (2016) movie, plus a black cape with a colorful (red) trim in this cut.
For Pepper’s new dress, I’m imagining a cut similar to Miss Universe 2018’s evening gown. I know zip about fashion, so feel free to use your own clothing hc for this :D
[10/13/2019: NOT ACCEPTING NEW PROMPTS AT THE MOMENT. Thank you for understanding 💕]     
“I need your help.”
These were the first words she spoke to him all that night, after urgently calling him over. And they were spoken in a dim corner of the ballroom, away from prying eyes.
She was facing him, but her torso was twisted away from him at a defensive angle. Her arms were crossed over her chest, fingers gripping her lightly muscular upper arms.
She seemed cold. Was that why she had called him over?
“Is there a problem, Ms. Potts?” Stephen asked.
As soon as her name left his lips, the awkwardness of the whole situation hit him.
They were standing close together in a shadowed corner.
He was the man Tony happened to be seeing.
She was the woman Tony happened to be in a relationship with.
“The two of you should meet,” Tony once said out of his ass. “Get to know each other better. I promise you, she’s not as intimidating as I probably make her sound.”
Taking his impulsive boyfriend’s word for it, Stephen agreed to attend a ball to which he was invited - a ball that Pepper Potts had organized.
He had dressed his best: a black tuxedo and a bowtie, and a flashy black-and-red cape.
(- which was really the Cloak of Levitation insisting that it come with him to the party. And Stephen had to admit: the shape it chose made for a handsome accent.)
But Pepper Potts did not seem to notice the effort he put into his wardrobe. They met, she nodded to acknowledge his presence - then she turned to Tony to excuse herself, because she was very busy and had to attend to all the other guests, and left.
Stephen imagined this meant Ms. Potts was determined to ignore him all that evening.
At least, until now.
“Do you, uhm,” Ms. Potts sheepishly began, “think you could…maybe lend me your cape for a bit?”
“Of course!” Stephen was already removing the Cloak.
As she let go of herself to reach for the Cloak, Stephen saw what was wrong:
There was a huge tear in the front of her blue dress.
She was basically keeping the fabric together by keeping her arms around herself.
“This is embarrassing,” she said, as she held the Cloak up against the tear. “I bumped into one of the wait staff, and he was carrying this silly unicorn sculpture. The one Tony insisted we have at every formal event. The horn snagged on my dress.”
“Are you injured?” Stephen asked on impulse.
“No,” she answered. A quick look over the flawless skin on her chest and shoulders confirmed it.
She put the Cloak on, and breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” she said to Stephen. “I brought a jacket, but I left it in the car. I guess I’m going to have to go all the way over there to get it now.”
“You don’t have to,” Stephen informed her. “We can fix this.”
She stared up at him, curious. “How?” she asked.
Stephen just now noticed how the blue of her dress set off the blue of her eyes.
He threw his glance over to the Cloak, which raised a corner of its cloth in what looked like a salute.
Then a touch of magic pulled Ms. Potts a few inches off the floor, spun her around.
“Oh!” she managed to exclaim.
She only had to be spun once.
When the glamour was in place, and she had regained her footing, the torn dress and the cape she had been wearing was gone.
Both had been replaced by a form-fitting red gown, shimmering in the low light.
And, because the spell he’d used was feeling extra dramatic, she also wore red dangling earrings and scarlet stiletto heels.
Ms. Potts gasped in surprise.
“Oh my God,” she breathed.
Oh my God, Stephen almost said aloud, himself.
She was stunning.
Few people had ever pulled that adjective out of his personal repertoire. Tonight, Pepper Potts became one of those precious few.
When Stephen remembered to breathe again, he said, “Will that do?”
He conjured a full-length mirror for her. She gasped again when she saw herself reflected on it. She turned this way and that, marveling at how well the new dress clung to her slight frame.
“It’s,” she ventured, “a little loud, isn’t it? People will say I’m trying to steal the show.”
Stephen chuckled. Sure, the blue dress she’d initially worn was more understated, but…was she seriously concerned about attracting too much attention?
“Ms. Potts,” he assured her, “you already stole the show the moment you walked in. Now, you’re just wearing something different.”
She looked at herself in the mirror again, thoughtfully. Then, before Stephen’s very eyes, she affected the air of someone who was born in that red dress. Someone utterly comfortable in her own skin, who could attract anyone she wanted.
She turned back to Stephen, reached for his hands.
“Thank you,” she said again.
And Stephen, desperately attracted, didn’t want her to let go, ever.
But she did. She had to. She still had an entire room to dazzle.
And so she stepped out into the light.
It seemed that all eyes turned to her as soon as she did, including Tony’s.
She glided across the ballroom, going about her duties, but with renewed calm and confidence.
Stephen thought he saw a flush across her cheeks, but couldn’t tell if it was natural, or part of the glamour. Either way, it only made her sexier.
“Glad to see you two have been getting along.”
This was from Tony. The man sidled up to Stephen, slipped a hand into his.
“You know, I bought the old blue dress for her birthday a few years ago,” he confided. “I think that one was better.”
“Red is her color,” Stephen matter-of-factly replied. “Your blue dress can suck it.”
A thoroughly amused smirk touched Tony’s lips. “Are we to have a lover’s quarrel about this, Doctor?” No mistaking the flirt in his voice. “A duel to the death?”
“Winner gets to ask her out,” Stephen coyly joked.
Tony chuckled, let go of Stephen’s hand so he could wrap an arm around the man’s slender waist and draw him closer.
“She already told me she thinks you’re ‘intriguing,’ ” he disclosed in a whisper. “That’s not something we have to fight each other over.”
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You are amazing, you know that?! And I have an idea for "Phone Call": I'm thinking about a reverse of the call from A1. Maybe Tony calls Stephen and this time it connects or maybe Stephen wants to talk to Tony for one last time but only gets voicemail and leaves a heartfelt message... I hope you can do something with that and if not it's also okay, of course. I'm going to catch up on your latest now. 💞
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Shhh, I’m not amazing, I just realized I signed up for so many bingos and I have to start to do something because all of them have a deadline. Thank you anyway, dear 🥰
Then, I kind of mixed yours and @mistressstrange prompt, but considering that I’ve already done the A1 phone call, I decided to do a different one. Also the same phone call of Stephen’s crush but with a little surprise. Hope you’ll like it! And, of course, this goes with my fill for @ironstrangebingo card, square “phone call”.
And if yours is the last voice I heard, I'll die happy - cutebutpsyco - Iron Man (Movies) [Archive of Our Own]
Name: And if yours is the last voice I hear, I’ll be happy
Square: Phone call
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: post Captain America: Civil War, reckless driving
Pairings: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Summary: While Stephen is going to a medical gala, the last thing he waits for is a call from is boyfriend, something can go pretty bad from here.
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aelaer · 3 years
Last Line Tag Game
Thanks to both @dragonnan and @ceruleanmindpalace for tagging me like, 2 months ago.
Rules: post the last line you wrote (from any WIP) and tag the same number of people as there are words.
From The Blood in Your Veins:
"One major plus," he agreed.
Yes, gives away nothing :P
I don't remember who's actively writing right now so I'm just gonna tag usernames I recognize from my recent notes and hope for the best: @mistressstrange @trappedinathoughtbubble @coolnemmythings @chocopiggy @sobeautifullyobsessed
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