spiritualsrs · 2 months
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Reblog to Affirm 😇
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thegainingdesk · 8 months
It was hard at first. John thought he knew exactly what to do - he'd read enough gainer stories, followed enough fat guys on twitter for years. All it would take was the decision to dive headfirst into gaining and he'd be as big as any of them in no time at all.
Once a day, every day, he'd eat something that would add at least a thousand calories to his diet. He'd barely even notice. A tub of ice cream, a pot of double cream, a whole cake, a second dinner - all very doable, all easily passing that thousand calorie threshold. Once that got easy, he'd start upping his intake - supplementing it with gainer shakes, or trips to fast food restaurants between meals.
It turns out that your average 12 stone man isn't really built to suddenly, rapidly increase the amount of calories he's taking in. Especially when most of those excess calories were dairy. He spent most evenings clutching his flat stomach as it churned with acid. Each evening he'd vomit it all back up, or have to miss meals, or feel nauseous the next day - constant signals from his body to stop.
He actually lost six pounds that first month. Maybe gaining wasn't meant for him. He watched enviously as his mates the same age succumbed to middle aged spread as they hit their mid-thirties, lamenting how lucky he was to still have his twenty year old metabolism as they patted beer bellies they couldn't shift.
John went back to his old diet, gained back those lost six pounds, and accepted he was just always going to be the skinny one in the group. He kept up a few old habits of course - still bought some of the ice cream flavours he'd discovered for the occasionally treat, kept up cooking with butter and cream where he'd found out how much they improved certain recipes, always made sure there were a few beers in the fridge for those nights when he fancied it. Nothing mad though, nothing that would cause any weight gain, just a few treats. You've got to enjoy life, haven't you?
John looked in amazement at the scales. A stone. An actual, whole stone. 14 pounds. On his body! He started noticing things - the tiniest pinch when he buttoned up his jeans, the slightest blur of softness on his stomach. It was nothing really, nothing anyone would notice, but it was there - solid proof that he could gain weight. He'd just pushed himself too far before, he realised with a laugh. Slow and steady and all that.
All those little habits became regular. Dessert every other night, then every night. Cooking with butter and cream no matter the recipe. A couple of six packs of beer a week. Nothing too intense, not that many calories, but it all started adding up, bit by bit.
Fancy coming for an Indian? the text read.
John's fingers hovered. The answer was obvious - thanks, I've just eaten, I'll join you at the pub after if you're going. But… his fingers traced that new curve of his gut, inching slowly bigger by the month. Not enough to be visible in most clothes really, not enough to be called fat, but there, sure enough. Was he really full? He could eat, couldn't he? What's a curry and a couple of naans?
You off to the Raj? he texted back. What time?
That old familiar feeling, of a stomach overly stuffed, too much food and beer. But different this time. The pain was there. The pressure. But there was a certain enjoyment to it. A pleasure. Warm, rather than acidic; heavy, rather than sharp. And god but didn't his gut look round? He stood in profile in the mirror, holding it almost like a pregnancy announcement. How long until it was always this size, he wondered? How long until it was bigger?
A second dinner became a weekly occurrence, then spread to two times a week, three times, four. After all, he'd proven to himself he had the capacity - why not? Eventually if he hadn't had four meals a day topped off with ice cream he'd be ravenous, his stomach biting at him in retaliation for his neglect.
He crossed 200 pounds. 210. 220. Clothes were bought, grown into, outgrown, and the cycle repeated. The general increase in size that had come before gave way to true signs of fatness. Soft pockets of fat at his chest, his arse rounding out, chubby cheeks, a real, honest to god, gut. It was happening. It was really fucking happening.
His mate Sam, the largest of the group, reached over and slapped John's baby gut after he took his coat off one night at the pub. "Fucking hell mate!" he said. "Never thought I'd see you with one of these!" There were some jeers, some belly pats, some comments - "At least you're not making us look bad anymore." "Welcome to the club, mate."
John looked around as he downed half of his first pint. How much more weight until he was the biggest there? None of them were that big, really, even Sam. Just a load of ex-rugby players with some overdeveloped beer guts. Another 30 or 40 pounds maybe? 18 stone? It sounded good, didn't it? And it would take, what? Six months at his current rate? A nice place to stop for a bit, enjoy his weight and new status as the big guy of the group.
He downed the rest of his drink and went to the bar for his next. "What we eating tonight then lads?" he asked them all, thinking back to the burger and chips he'd had just before coming.
It was all a lot easier with a definite goal in mind, he thought to himself a few weeks later, as he finished a tub of ice cream and placed it down next to four empty beer bottles. The sizes of snacks crept up, until they were meals in and of themselves, and he'd find himself convincing himself he was hungry almost as soon as he'd finished eating. He started stashing snacks everywhere that he couldn't reasonably expect a meal - the passenger seat of his car became reserved for a small mound of chocolate bars, the bottom drawer of his desk at work was filled with crisps and cereal bars.
His mates fell silent as he walked up to them a few months later, the next time he saw them, and he grinned smugly as he saw that, yes, he'd definitely become the fattest there. A couple of them even looked like they'd lost weight, the stupid pricks - didn't they know how good this felt? He put his pint and packet of pork scratchings down, and maneuvered himself down into his seat.
"Jesus Christ John," Sam said softly. "Are you… I mean… Is everything okay?"
John slapped the top of his gut and beamed. "Just enjoying life mate!" he replied, laughing. He tried to listen in as the others murmured around him, doing their best to not be too obvious.
"He wasn't that big last time, was he?" "Definitely not, he was smaller than me." "What's it been, four months? Three?" "He's not ill, do you reckon?" "Must be four stone, at least?"
Okay, so he knew he'd overshot his target and weighed in at 20 stone and change that morning, and yes, how fast it had piled on had shocked even himself, but really, it was all so hot, he was hardly about to complain. In fact, he'd made the decision that 285 felt a little small, really. Why not push for 300, when he was already so close anyway? Then he'd be satisfied, he knew.
"Mate," Sam whispered to him quietly, leaning in. "You've got a little uhh…" He gestured to his face. John took a finger and wiped the corner of his mouth.
"Cheers mate," John said, licking his finger. "Just a bit of cream." He spent the night making jokes about how fat he was getting, and eventually everyone else relaxed a little, content that he at least seemed happy with his shocking weight gain. Underneath his gut, his cock was rock hard.
300 pounds, it turned out, also felt a little small. Or at least, that's what John told himself a couple of months later as he saw 316 flashing on the scales. Maybe just a little bit more - a few more pounds and then he'd stop, once and for all.
But god, did it feel hot. Eating became its own erotic experience. It wasn't merely that he couldn't cum anymore without being completely, painfully stuffed (that point had long since come and gone), he now wondered why he would want to at all. Hook-ups became as much about being fed as they were about the sex. He didn't care who they were - if they had food and were willing to feed him, he'd take them.
John's body became unrecognisable. He was far beyond mere beer belly or dad bod now, his gut was now a globe that spanned out in every direction, wrapping around into thick cushions at his back, draped in inches of fat on top of the firm ball, before cascading off, a surprisingly cold apron of flesh that was slowly threatening to cover his ever shrinking cock. His tits sagged to the side and joined up to his back fat nestled in his armpit. His face, long-since fully rounded, began to elongate, his cheeks and chins sagging into new shapes.
John panted a little as he stood naked in his bathroom, doing his best to push his gut in with one hand as he peered over the top of it to see the scale read 363. "Right," he told the walls of the bathroom. "That's it, I'm stopping there." He struggled to lean down to pick the scales up, sliding them away to the side of the cabinet before straining to stand. "I only bloody wanted to be bigger than Sam."
Food, however, still tasted as good as it had before. And every meal he tried to scale back, every snack he tried to forgo, left him ravenous - each day he'd just end up gorging on more food than he tried to cut back on.
370. 380. 390.
His body began to feel alien. Every joint began to feel crowded, flesh filling the space before he could fully bend his elbow or knee. His arms sat awkwardly by his sides, pushed out by sloping tits. Manspreading became the default, as his thighs met all the way down to his knees which themselves began to inflate out, pillowy and soft.
400. 410. 420.
The gym, he decided. If dieting was out of the question (and there was no doubt at this point that dieting was very much out of the question), he could always exercise. He drove to a nearby gym, asked about personal trainers. Put down more money than one of his mortgage payments for their premium membership for a year, as much to force himself to commit as for the actual services.
His feet ached. His knees grinded. His lungs burned. Sweat poured off of him in quantities that he didn't know people could sweat - and he considered himself to be quite the expert on sweating these days.
Fuck it, he thought to himself after the first session, his circus tent of a t-shirt practically see-through, clinging to every roll of his body, showing off each crevice and valley. It wasn't that much money, really. He could afford to wave goodbye to it, if it meant never having to do that again. What did he have such a good salary for, if not to waste it on shit he'd never use? He'd have only spent it on food anyway.
430. 440. 450.
"My weight's plateaued recently, actually," he told Sam proudly over a pint.
Sam gave an encouraging smile. "That's great mate," he said, in the same tone he'd speak to a child or elderly relative. "Really great."
"Yeah," John said, opening one of the bags of nuts on the table in front of them. "I only put on like five pounds last month."
"Fuck," Sam said quietly, his face draining of colour. "Five pounds last- John, mate, that's still over a pound a week. What are you… how quickly were you packing it on before?"
John shrugged, and pointed to the rugby match on the TV in the corner of the pub, trying to change the topic. At least Sam had put on some weight himself recently - it blunted to criticism just a little.
"I'm over twenty stone now," Sam confessed later, his breath reeking of beer as he leant in close. "I don't know how I'm going to stop," he continued, his words slurring. He leant back and pulled his t-shirt up to reveal his hairy gut beginning to fill his lap and he slapped it. "Look at this thing!" he said loudly enough that people at other tables looked over and laughed. He began to rub it in slow, wide circles, and John could see the outline of his dick growing down the inside of his trousers. He leant back in, lowered his voice once more. "It's kind of fucking hot, isn't it?" he asked, punctuating with a burp. "That's why you've gotten so fat, right? You find it hot too?"
Forty five minutes later, Sam clumsily lined up his cock with one of the folds on John's gut, and slid it inside, grunting as he did so. Both of them held a kebab in one hand, and ate them as Sam's gut and John's whole body shook and quivered with Sam's thrusts, bits of meat and salad and sauce falling down onto their bodies.
"I can't stop," Sam moaned, as his thrusts became more erratic. "I keep on trying to lose weight but I just gain more and more." He spasmed and yelled out, one hand shoving the last of the kebab into his mouth, the other gripping one of his love handles hard, his fingers sinking in to the growing ball of fat.
"That's the thing about momentum," John said as he licked the last of the sauce off his fingers. "Once you get started, it just gets harder and harder to stop."
Sam slid off of John's body and John looked down at himself, surveying his acres of flesh. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to put on just a little more weight, he thought to himself. After all, Sam needed someone to set a good example.
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furiousgoldfish · 6 months
Sometimes things aren't easily done because we need to build up a momentum first. If you can do things consistently, you don't notice this because you almost always have that momentum. If you've been getting things done every day, it feels natural to be able to continue, or to go on and to more complicated projects and jobs.
However, when you've been lying in your bed for the past week/month, it feels incredibly difficult to imagine that you could just get up and start doing complicated or difficult tasks. Your confidence is low, your track record is hurting you, you feel it's a miracle if you manage to even get up and grab some food from the fridge.
But if one day you manage to feed yourself, and maybe even wash a dish, or do some sort of a chore, and the next day you manage to clean a little, or make an actual meal, and then the next you're doing your laundry and have fresh sheets on your bed, then you have gained some momentum, then you could actually go and socialize, or do a non-chore task. Doing multiple simple tasks ensures confidence to do a bigger one, granted that you didn't waste all of your energy doing the simple chores.
This why sometimes doing things related to a complicated project, without doing the major things, can help, because just by doing simpler tasks you're gathering confidence and momentum, you're building up to a place where it no longer feels so unbelievable that you could do something complicated that takes skill and brainpower.
And sometimes, when you're chronically ill, you start building up your momentum and then your state worsens and you end up back in bed, your momentum interrupted and your confidence back at the bottom. It's difficult to get to a place where you have momentum, if you have no energy to build it. Nobody could just get out of bed and immediately preform miracles, we need to be able to do simple things first, small and easy tasks first, until we're ready to try for something more scary. Doing things makes doing other things less scary, and more possible, but if you're constantly interrupted, it's a struggle to convince yourself that one day you'll be able to do it.
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conejitacobrde · 4 months
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12.20.23 // scrolling and strolling.
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Decided to try my hand at drawing some of my OCS in TFA's style and see what I can learn! My first attempts were Chance and Momentum, I like how they came out! I'm probably going to do some more
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vintage-tigre · 26 days
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isomorphismes · 6 months
Hamiltonian mechanics is the feminine side of classical physics. Its masculine side is Lagrangian mechanics, formulated in terms of velocities (tangent vectors) rather than momenta (cotangent vectors). Lagrangian mechanics focusses on the difference of kinetic – potential energies; Hamiltonian mechanics focusses on their sum.
Richard Montgomery, reviewing a book by Stephanie Frank Singer and recalling lectures by Shing-Shen Chern
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nosuda-cringe · 1 month
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Maggie and Momentum on Rose’s dragons off the coast AU!
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m0tiv8me · 7 months
Not very disciplined the first half of September but I rallied the second half and kept the consistency up. Aiming to keep that momentum going into October.
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contraunity · 3 months
a socialist will never lead the Labour Party again in the UK. after Corbyn, centrist MPs will see nominating a socialist as a credible threat. this matters when at least of fifth of his nominations came from centrists who wanted to "widen the debate". coupled with that, labour has since changed the rules, meaning that a leadership candidate needs to be nominated by 20 percent of Labour MPs, rather than the 10 percent that it was in 2015
if you're a socialist in the UK, the Labour Party is a dead end for us. only a party that's dedicated to building socialism in the UK and worldwide will serve our interests. joining hands with capitalists leads us nowhere
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littleyusa · 26 days
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Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's - Momentum
Artist: MomentCoreFly
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random-xpressions · 2 months
I'm not a big fan of authoritarian type of relationships in which one feels like having some sort of supremacy over the other and the other feels like a subjugated object that is compelled to meet the needs of the former. Though in its most natural course, marriage is only supposed to be a direct consequence of love, very often it happens that such a sacred relationship faces an immense energy imbalance. This is not just the case of marriages but also in all other spectrums of human relationships. When love is not the stirring force, then the lustre is lost. Friction arises, tensions grow, constrictions are felt and experienced in the hearts, as if the souls are being strangled, followed by it will be much pretence, and then the destruction is complete when lies, treachery and betrayal creeps in after which what remains in the end is nothing but a name, an outer cover while at its core the relationship is nothing but a rotting affair. But ideally what happens when there's nothing other than pure love connecting two souls? They'll meet in the most unexpected manner and yet at its most perfect timing almost like a mind-shattering miracle beyond any rational explanation, their exchanges will be so full of life that it will feel as if a song is taking birth - one becoming the rhythm and the other blending in with the lyrics, there will be a soul dance in unison with the flow in the universe, and it will be as though everything is falling in its right place, everything making perfect sense, time lost count of, world around forgotten, immersed in the moment, bliss experienced in every cell of their being, deeply content, fully grasping each other to their roots, experiencing the ecstasy that's beyond any words. That's how the human interaction is originally supposed to be, a melodious play between the hearts solely and completely triggered and accelerated by love and love alone, in the absence of which we wouldn't even experience the true meaning of life itself, we would be just some dead objects that are moving with no purpose. What could be a better way to sum it up than with the words of Rumi:
'With passion pray. With passion make love. With passion eat and drink and dance and play. Why look like a dead fish in this ocean of God!'
Random Xpressions
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I'm sure that if I suddenly had the opportunity to get to know all the beings on this earth, I wouldn't find any that brings me at the same time the momentum and the patience that you can give me with a few shouts. Yes, I was made for you.
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, January 24, 1950 [#145]
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Made some new icons for my OCS Skysong, Chance and Momentum as warmups for commissions
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bomberqueen17 · 11 months
been away
just spent about a month at the farm. I dialed my queue on here down to one a day because I knew I'd have so little brainpower for topping that queue up, I'd run right through and then go silent. And I was right, i've had almost no time to do anything useful. Mostly I've been working ten-hour days and then in the evenings being too tired to do more than absently scroll through tumblr or reread stuff I've written and then fail to add any words onto the end of it.
But I'm in Buffalo for a week, and we'll see whether I manage any writing or sewing or what.
oh ha i wandered off from this post yesterday. it's still here though.
so the thing about the farm that's a bummer is that i am busy for ten to twelve hours a day and spend the rest of my time staring blankly because i'm so tired. this is a bummer, and is tiring. but i get a lot done. there are lists of things to do, other people have mostly come up with them OR they're part of a routine so it's easy to know what has to happen when, and when there isn't something from the list, there's so much other stuff that is necessary that has piled up (household things, feeding people, dishes, laundry, endless cycles of such) that there's no difficulty in finding something to keep working on until the next designated task comes along.
the thing about *not* being at the farm that's a bummer is that without all of that external momentum, I have only my feeble wits upon which to rely. I had yesterday off, free of obligations except that we went over to Dude's mom's house to hook up her gas grill and take some ratchet straps off a tree that was damaged in the blizzard, and also I went grocery shopping along with Dude. I only did the latter, though, because I had spent the entire day not doing jack or shit and felt kinda bad about it.
Like, I got a load of laundry done but not put away, and I made a couple of lists of things I wanted to do, but mostly I just fuckin sat around. I'm trying not to do that this whole week though. It's not a vacation, it is me taking care of necessary things here. So I need to actually identify, prioritize, and then do those things, and it's so much.
At the moment I am holding the cat, though, so like, I'm booked solid.
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viejospellejos · 2 years
Conduciendo a 80km/h y disparando una pelota a 80km/h para cancelar su momento e inercia:
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