evelhak · 1 year
I'm taking a break from editing my book for a couple of days, so if anyone wants to give me a writing prompt, now is the time. I have never written a drabble in my life, so I thought I'd take the risk and try to keep it at that length. 😂 Preferably KnB. No NSFW, no character x reader, no momokuro, aokaga, aokise, kikasa or murahimu, thank you. There's probably something else I just can't wrap my head around but I'll try to ignore it and write it even if I don't see it. But if I can't I can't. I'll do my best. 🫶 But to be honest it would be nice to write something nonromantic. Anyway, go nuts.
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yeah-mani · 1 year
Momoiro Clover Z
Momo Kuro
Peach Black
Black Pink??
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uncertainturquoise · 10 months
I've been rewatching the Final Tour (hence the reblogs) and one thing I realise only now is how much Amuro Namie caters to the FEMALE gaze and I love her for that. She's built this image of a strong independent woman, she has so much charisma and stage presence. In Japanese you'd say she's かっこいい (kakkoii), meaning cool, which is usually used for men but it fits her so well. Yes she's beautiful, she's pretty, she's feminine and all that, but she's COOL. Any woman would aspire to be her. Just even looking at her audience, it's mainly women. That's what stuck out to me bc I immediately compared her audience to other mainstream idol groups (AKB48 et al., Hello Project, even Momokuro) which is mainly men and marketed as such (which is a whole issue of its own tbh). Truly, looking back at Namie's career, her aesthetic and her portrayal in the media was such a breath of fresh air and I miss her so much.
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irias-mogu · 4 years
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NONNO 2020 October
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yoshi-des · 3 years
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ももクロ一座特別公演(SDP / Oct 2020)
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myself-85 · 4 years
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dizzydennis · 5 years
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mandyart · 5 years
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kirakiramomoclo · 6 years
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Thank you, Momoka! In our hearts, you will always be a part of Momoiro Clover Z! Mononofu will always love and support you! Good luck with your bright future! 💚💚💚💚💚 有安杏果さん、ありがとうございました!
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kurokolovesakashi · 6 years
Momoi: *enters Kuroko’s number under “vanilla bean”*
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mimimindy · 6 years
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[ENG]Here is my translation of Momoka’s graduation live speech and messages from the other members. I apologize in advance for my bad english >_<. [FR]Voici la traduction du discours de Momoka lors de son dernier live ainsi que les messages que les autres membres lui ont adressé: Reni-chan: [ENG] When you announced that you will quit the group, to be honest the first thing I thought was "You're really stupid!" and I asked you several times if you did not want to change your mind. You must have found me annoying. But I want you to know that they are many things you did I am grateful for: First, when you just joined the group, every time I told you that I could not do this dance step correctly, you always told me "What if you tried like that, or like that ?" while showing me the movement so that I can improve my dance. Also, whenever I was anxious, you took my hand to reassure me. When my foot was injured and that I couldn't do silly things on stage because of this, you did it instead of me. When I had surgery for my foot, when it was my birthday or when I had my solo concert, you always sent me messages. You really supported me a lot. I wondered what will Momoclo become without you. But you have to live your own life so I decided to go forward as 4 member group while having fun from now on. I want the 4 of us to build a new landscape even bigger than now while remembering the one we built with 5 members. I would like you to consider these 8 years together as a treasure. Thank you for all your efforts. [FR] Quand tu nous as annoncé ton départ, pour être honnête la première chose que j'ai pensé c'est "T'es vraiment trop bête !" et je t'ai demandé plusieurs fois si tu ne voulais pas changer d'avis. Tu as du me trouver pénible. Mais sache qu'il y a beaucoup de chose pour lesquelles je te suis reconaissante: D'abord, quand tu venais d'intégrer le groupe, à chaque fois que je te disais que je n'arrivai pas à faire tel pas de danse correctement, tu me disais toujours "et si tu essyais comme ça, ou comme ça" en me montrant comment faire pour que je puisse m'améliorer. Aussi, toutes les fois où j'étais angoissée, tu me prenais la main pour me rassurer. Quand je me suis blessée au pied et que je ne pouvais pas faire l'idiote sur scène, c'est toi qui l'a fait à ma place. Quand je me suis faite opérer pour ma blessure, quand c'était mon anniversaire ou quand j'avais mon concert solo, tu m'as toujours envoyé des messages. Tu m'as vraiment énormément soutenue. Je me suis demandée ce qu'on allait devenir sans toi. Mais toi tu dois vivre ta vie alors j'ai décidé qu'on avancerait désormais à 4 tout en s'amusant. Je veux qu'à 4 on construise un nouveau paysage encore plus grand tout en se souvenant de celui qu'on a construit à 5. Je voudrais que tu considères ces 8 années passées ensemble comme un trésor. Merci pour tous tes efforts. Aarin: First of all, thank you for your work during 8 years. When I think back to all my memories with you, the most memorable is the one when you joined the group. Me too, I joined it after the other member and everyone was very kind to me. So when I heard that a new member was going to join the group, I wanted to welcome her in the same way. Except that she was an incredibly talented girl. You were already famous, so I thought "That's THE Momoka!" and suddenly I had not anything to teach you neither in singing or dancing. But during all the years as Momoclo members, there have been many moments of doubt and I thought I was happy to have been able to be with you during these moments even just a little bit. From today, you will discover many things and I would like you to become happy to the point of you will think "It was the good decision to leave the group". And that you do your best to the point of making us think "She took the good decision by leaving the group". After your departure, I will feel lonely, I will not have anyone next to me in the car anymore and I will not be able to take a picture with you anymore. From now on I intend to do my best with the 3 others while keeping in mind that you had been there with us. Congratulations for these 8 years and thank you for being with us until now. Tout d'abord, merci pour ton travail durant ces 8 années. Quand je repense à tous mes souvenirs avec toi, le plus marquant reste celui du moment où tu as intégrée le groupe. Moi aussi je suis arrivée après les autres et tout le monde a été très gentil avec moi. Alors quand j'ai appris qu'une nouvelle membre allait intégrer le groupe, je voulais l'accueillir de la même manière. Sauf qu'en fait c'était une fille incroyablement douée. Tu étais déjà connue à l’époque, alors je me suis dis "C'est LA Momoka !" et du coup que ce soit en danse ou en chant, je n'avais rien à t’apprendre. Mais durant toutes les années où l'on a été dans les Momoclo, il y a eu beaucoup de moments de doutes et je me dis que j'ai été heureuse d'avoir pu vivre tout ça avec toi ne serait-ce qu'un peu. A partir d'aujourd'hui, tu vas découvrir pleins de choses et j'aimerais que tu deviennes heureuse au point de te dire que tu as bien fait de quitter le groupe. Et que tu fasses de ton mieux au point de nous faire dire à nous "C'est une bonne chose qu'elle ait quitté le groupe". Après ton départ, je vais me sentir seule, je n'aurai plus personne à côté de moi dans la voiture et je ne pourrai plus prendre de photo avec toi. A partir de maintenant je compte faire de mon mieux avec les 3 autres tout en gardant en tête que tu avais été là avec nous. Encore félicitation pour ces 8 années et merci d'avoir été à nos côtés jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Shiorin: Thank you for these 8 years. Suddenly, I realized that it was already 8 years! I remember the day when you joined the group as if it was yesterday. The first thing I thought was "Her hair looks so smooth and silky !" (They laugh.). At the beginning we were the two small ones of the group and now we are the ones with the most difference in term of height. We also share the same blood type but our personnality are total opposite. You keep your blog up to date and you are hard worker while I am not. Sometimes I watched you and I always thought you looked so beautifully calm and serene. And in the group, I saw you a bit like my rival (in a good way). From today we will follow two different paths but the fact that you have been there until now is something irrefutable. I wish you did not forget it. From now on we will do our best with 4 members so that you can know what we become without even having to use your high skill in net research. Merci pour ces 8 années. Tout à coup, j'ai réalisé que ça faisait déjà 8 ans ! Je me rappelle de ton arrivée dans le groupe comme si c'était hier. La première chose que j'ai pensé c'est "ses cheveux semblent tellement lisse et soyeux" (elles rient). Au départ on était les deux petites du groupe et maintenant on est celles avec le plus d'écart en taille. On a aussi le même groupe sanguin mais niveau personnalité on est tout l'opposé l'une de l'autre. Toi tu tiens ton blog à jour et tu es une bosseuse, moi pas du tout. Parfois je t'observais et je me disais toujours que tu avais l'air posée et sereine, je trouvais ça beau. Et dans le groupe, je te voyais un peu comme ma rivale (dans le bon sens du terme). A partir d'aujourd'hui on va suivre deux chemins différents mais le fait que tu aies été là jusqu'à maintenant est quelque chose d'irréfutable. J'aimerais que tu ne l'oublies pas. A partir de maintenant on va faire de notre mieux à 4 pour que tu puisses savoir ce que l'on devient sans même avoir à utiliser tes super compétences en recherches d'informations sur internet. Kanako: You worked hard during these 8 years, congratulations. We shared advices on pills for mouth ulcers. If you ever find new pills, send me a message. (Everybody laugh) Really, I can not imagine the Momoclo with 4 members. But when you announced you leave the group, I understood that deep down, your decision was already taken so I did not say anything. But still there was a part of me that could not digest it and wondered what I was supposed to do. But you too were very anxious and you chose to make this difficult decision alone so I figured the best thing to do was we encourage you. (She thinks for a long time) In fact, there is something very straightforward that I could not tell you until now: I really wanted to celebrate our 10th Anniversary as a 5 members group. (She keeps quiet) There's a part of me that thought we could really do it with 5 members, but suddenly I realized that there is also dreams that would not come true.... From today, we will mutually follow a new path but I wish us all to be able to achieve the new dreams that we will find there and us, we will also do our best with 4 members. Now, follow this new path with a smile and take all our and Mononofu's feelings with you, please. Thank you again for everything you have done so far. Tu as bien travaillé durant ces 8 années. On s'échangeait des conseils sur les cachets pour les aphtes. Si jamais tu trouves des nouveaux cachets, envoie-moi un message. (Tout le monde rit) Vraiment, je n'arrive pas à m'imaginer les Momoclo à 4. Mais quand tu nous as annoncé ton départ, j'ai bien compris qu'au fond de toi, ta décision était déjà prise alors je n'ai rien dit. Mais malgré tout il y avait une part de moi qui n'arrivait pas à le digérer et qui s'est longuement demandée ce que j'étais censée faire. Mais toi aussi tu t'étais beaucoup angoissée et tu as choisi de prendre cette décision difficile toute seule alors je me suis dit que le mieux à faire était que nous t'encouragions. (Elle réfléchit longuement) En fait, il y a quelque chose de très franc et direct que je n'ai pas réussi à te dire: je voulais vraiment qu'on fête les 10 ans du groupe à 5. (Elle fait une pause) Il y a une part de moi qui pensait qu'on pouvait vraiment le faire à 5 mais tout à coup  j'ai réalisé que tous les rêves ne se réalisaient pas forcément.... A partir d'aujourd'hui, nous allons mutuellement suivre un nouveau chemin mais je nous souhaite à toutes de pouvoir réaliser les nouveaux rêves que l'on trouvera  là-bas et nous de notre côté on fera aussi de notre mieux. Maintenant, avance sur ce nouveau chemin avec le sourire en emportant tous nos sentiments ainsi que ceux des Mononofu avec toi s'il te plaît. Encore merci pour tout ce que tu as fais jusqu'à maintenant. Momoka's message to other members/ Message de Momoka pour les autres membres: I caused a lot of trouble to the group that will remains with 4 members instead of 5 and despite everything you took the trouble to prepare a farewell song, thank you very much. So first of all, Reni, Kanako, Shiorin, Aarin, I really want to thank you. Aarin, you who are an idol 24 hours a day, thank you for teaching me so much about how to become one. Shiorin, you always looked after us calmly and kindly, thank you. I was very surprised to see how much you had become a strong adult in such a short time. Kanako, you were the very embodiment of a responsible person. I followed you knowing that we could count on you in all circumstances, thank you. And finally Reni, no matter how much you were sad or anxious yourself, you showed me that you were always there to take care of others in a warm and kind way. Thank you for saving me so many times. J'ai causé énormément de soucis au groupe qui va se retrouver à 4 au lieu de 5 et malgré tout vous avez pris la peine de me préparer une chanson d'adieu, merci beaucoup. Alors avant tout, Reni, Kanako, Shiorin, Aarin, je tenais vraiment à vous remercier. Aarin, toi qui est 24h/24 une idole, merci de m'avoir appris autant de choses sur la façon d'en devenir une. Shiorin, tu veillais toujours sur nous avec calme et gentillesse, merci. J'ai été très surprise de voir à quel point tu étais devenue une adulte forte en si peu de temps. Kanako, tu étais l'incarnation même d'une personne responsable. Je t'ai suivi en sachant que l'on pouvait compter sur toi en toutes circonstances, merci. Et enfin Reni, peu importe à quel point toi-même tu souffrais ou angoissais, tu m'as montré que tu étais toujours là pour prendre soin des autres de manière chaleureuse et très gentille. Merci à toi de m'avoir sauvée tant de fois. Momoka's message to Mononofu and staff/ Message de Momoka pour les Mononofu et le staff: Reni, Kanako, Shiorin, Aarin, I'm really glad you were there. I too thought I could go to the 10th Anniversary as 5 members. But for the future of the 4 of you that begins now, I had to make a decision. We were often called the "5 miracles girls". But to be honest I never felt that way. I think the group of 5 that are Momoclo is you 4 plus the fans. So, dear Mononofu, whether for 10 years, for 20 years or much later, I count on you to support them. Dear staff members, thank you for creating this stage for me today. My dear fans, if I could reach 8 years, it is thanks to you who supported me warmly and kindly in any situation. Thank you for giving me this idol life full of happiness for 8 years. During these 8 years, I have the feeling I have accomplished all that I wanted, so I leave without regrets. That's why I want to be happy to the point of making you proud of me. To you who have followed me for 8 years and you, despite my selfish decision and my sudden departure, who told me "Congratulations, you did a great job.", thank you very much. From now on, I entrust you the 4 others. Reni, Kanako, Shiorin, Aarin, je suis vraiment heureuse que vous ayez été là. Moi aussi je pensais pouvoir aller jusqu'aux 10 ans du groupe à 5. Mais pour votre futur à vous 4 qui commence maintenant, j'ai du prendre une décision. On nous appelait souvent les "5 enfants miracles" mais pour être honnête je ne l'ai jamais vu de cette manière. Je pense que les Momoclo à 5 c'est vous 4 et les fans. Alors cher Mononofu, que ce soit pour 10 ans, pour 20 ans ou encore bien après, je compte sur vous pour les soutenir. Chers membres du staff, je vous remercie d'avoir créé cette scène pour moi aujourd'hui. Mes chers fans, si j'ai pu arriver au bout de ces 8 années, c'est grâce à vous qui m'avez soutenu chaleureusement et avec beaucoup de gentillesse dans n'importe quelle situation. Merci de m'avoir donné cette vie d'idol si heureuse durant 8 ans. Pendant ces 8 années, je pense avoir accompli tout ce que je voulais, alors je pars sans regrets. C'est pourquoi je souhaite devenir heureuse au point de vous rendre fiers de moi. A vous qui m'avez suivi durant 8 ans et qui, malgré ma décision égoïste et mon départ si soudain, m'avez dit "Bravo, tu as bien travaillé.", je vous remercie énormément. A partir de maintenant, je vous confie ces 4 autres filles. Kanako’s last message to Mononofu/ Dernier message de Kanako pour les Mononofu: Thank you all. So we are only 4 now. I do not know what awaits us from now on but to think about it, it was laways like this until now. We go to the unknown but I want us to do our best by having fun to make you smile. I apologize for all the confused feelings you could have had today, but I hope you will continue to support us. Merci à tous. Nous ne sommes donc plus que 4. Je ne sais pas ce qui nous attend à partir de maintenant mais à bien y réfléchir, on a toujours avancer de cette manière jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Nous nous lançons vers l'inconnu mais je veux qu'on fasse de notre mieux en nous amusant pour vous faire sourire. Je m'excuse pour tous les sentiments confus que vous avez du ressentir aujourd'hui mais j'espère que vous continuerez de nous soutenir.
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evelhak · 1 year
Eve, I'm curious on your thoughts/opinions regarding aokaga. I know you've stated that you're not the biggest fan of it so id be interested in hearing what you personally aren't a fan of
(I hope this doesn't come of as accusatory bc Im genuinely interested in people's motivations when it comes to shipping 🌞)
I welcome your curiosity, and no it doesn't sound accusatory at all.
(I forgot this was an ask game so my answer is kinda free in form.)
Biggest reason is simply the way that my brain works. I have one big storyline instead of multiple (it's not just a preference, it's how my brain naturally works) so for me to ship anything other than each other with Kagami and Kuroko, that would mean they would have to break up, cheat, or be polyamorous within my storyline, and I see them as monogamous so far. (They're both so single-minded, similarly to me, haha.) So in that sense it's simply natural for me to exclude other options, because my brain naturally narrows options down instead of expanding upon them. It's just how it is.
However, that doesn't mean there aren't any crushes, unrequited feelings or grey-area dynamics in my storyline between characters who aren't together. Of course there are, because human nature.
Aokaga I don't personally vibe with though, that's true. It's always a bit hard to put into words but I think in general I'm not as likely to ship characters who I feel have too similar energy in ways that just don't work so great in my head, and Aomine and Kagami have a lot of similar energy. I tend to ship friendship hard for characters like that. Aokaga and Momokuro are similar to me in that way, they both have platonic friendship energy for me but I can't see them in a significant other type of relationship. It's like they occupy too much of the same area but also have too many differences that are not complimentary. Another reason is that the dynamics in canon are really important to me, so I'm unlikely to ship characters who don't have a balanced relationship in canon. In Aokaga's case, Kagami is clearly the benefactor and Aomine is the benecifiary. I'm not saying it couldn't change, just that my brain goes for one likely road instead of multiple, and that road is KagaKuro in this case, since they already have those aspects of their relationship as reciprocal.
So, I guess if the story had been about Kagami and Aomine the way it is about Kagami and Kuroko I might have shipped them? Probably not as hard as KagaKuro because they still have those energy dynamics I mentioned, but I might have like, casually shipped them if it was their story. Not likely enough that I would have written about them, but enough to read a fic or two, I think.
There's nothing "wrong" with Kagami and Aomine in my view (unlike Aomine and Kuroko, for example). I guess positive things to say about them would be that it's cool to be with someone who can match you? (But then my brain immediately goes to how that's a problem because they're again occupying too much of the same space, it's a LOT to have two similar power houses under the same roof and everything... I honestly just can't see them lasting.) I don't know. They would be a fun crack ship because they're both similar dummies? That's a positive right? I don't know, there's a lot about them that I think will make them great at supporting each other and growing together but I see it in platonic context.
Hope this shed some light. (No pun intended...)
I love talking about stuff like this anytime, so thank you for asking. ❤️
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badly-drawn-kuroko · 7 years
kuroko trying to escape momoi
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dailyknbpictures · 7 years
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KuroMomo ♡
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irias-mogu · 5 years
2018/12/12 FNS歌謡祭 ももいろクローバーZ
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akakiryuu · 7 years
MCZ & Siena Wind Orchestra - Saraba, Itoshiki Kanashimitachi yo
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