marvelsocialmedia · 9 months
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Happy Father's Day to the best dad ever Tony Stark 💖
#BringBackTonyStarktolife (petition)
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sthefystarker · 2 years
'Moments', a Starker Family Fic (MPreg August)
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Summary: She had tried to move on without him. After all, she got pretty much the same attitude and resolve from her mother. However, the pain in her heart seemed to surpass any logic and understanding. Morgan just wanted to see her father, at least one more time. Of course, she didn't count that in this universe many things would be... different. [For the August MPreg event, hosted by @ilitiaforever​.]
Of course, this preface is based on this song.
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96flowers-writings · 2 years
The Real Endgame Ch 3. Arrival
We see how Morgan talks her way out of this one. There is a part at the end that I literally wrote and rewrote about 7 times debating if it should even be mentioned because of what we know about Endgame. But seeing as I will be sticking to canon for events that have already happened leading up to the end of Avengers, including the bits from the time travel in Endgame, I decided to include this scene. Let me know your thoughts of the matter.
The Arrival
Stark Tower 2012
"Who the hell are you?!" Barton snarled the arrow he had just been pointing at Loki aimed at her. The others had followed suit, Iron Man had his one working repulsor pointed at her, Thor's hammer was lifted slightly, Widow had a gun aimed at her head, Hulk was growling, and Cap had his shield up in a defensive position. The other agents that had just joined them quickly brought up their weapons in response as well. Loki was still on the floor but was looking at her with a confused and startled expression. Morgan had her hands above her head and was cursing her bad luck that she ended up in the penthouse instead of on a lower level like they had been hoping for.
"Well…." she drawled beneath her mask. They had come up with a plan to introduce her to Fury and the Avengers after the clean up had begun and when they were not running on adrenaline from the battle. That was shot to hell though. She glanced around without moving her head to see who all was there, she caught sight of Loki watching. She really looked at him and she could tell he kind of knew what she had done, his eyes were also cycling between blue and a light green. "That is a hard question to answer in a way that makes sense. You could call me a traveler."
"A traveler?" Captain Rogers asked as he stepped forward slightly to show that he was in charge of the rag tag group in the room. "What kind of traveler? How did you just appear?"
"I do believe I might be able to answer that actually," Loki spoke up from behind them all. He was still studying her closely. She tilted her head to question. Loki pushed himself to his feet gently before continuing. "I believe she has traveled through time."
There were scoffs from all around the room from the SHEILD agents who obviously didn't believe him. Thor though turned to look at his brother closer.
"Brother?" Thor asked curiously.
"Thor!" Tony snapped turning slightly to see the blond. "After everything we just went through because of Loki, are you really going to believe that?"
"This is something that he would not lie about," Thor said firmly. Loki looked at his brother at that moment and Thor saw the shifting color in his eyes as Morgan had. "We receive a visitor occasionally on Asgard. She is a time traveler of a sort. She was lost to the time streams. No one but her and my father know of when she is from. She never stays long before she is swept away again by the time stream. There are only three people who are able to tell when she has arrived or will depart. My parents and Loki, this is due to the distinct chaos that happens when a person or object passes into or out of the quantum zone."
(I don't know where this comes from or who this person is. I read or heard about them from somewhere a long time ago. I can't remember where. I don't know if they are an actual character form the Marvel comics or from Norse Mythology but I liked it, so I am using it for the purpose of moving this along.)
"I felt and saw the chaos disturbance just as she appeared," Loki supplied once again with his eyes fixed on Morgan. "This is different though. With our friend the disturbance remains around her and flairs when she is pulled away. It has completely disappeared from around this traveler. She is not lost amongst time, this is deliberate."
"Okay," Tony sighed heavily and looked again towards Morgan. "How can you prove it?"
"There are a few ways," Morgan replied hesitantly. During the exchange she had been looking at her father, studying the man that she hadn't seen in the flesh in 20 years. "I need access to my wrist control panel to show you the easiest way. Please don't shoot me."
"Show us," Rogers demanded. The others nodded in agreement, Loki was behind them rolling his eyes. She wondered why he didn't take this as a chance to try and escape. She figured he was curious, or exhausted. Her attention went back to her father and she addressed him directly.
"Tony Stark, you are an expert in all forms of mechanical engineering correct?"
"Yes," He answered automatically, he had taken to studying her suit more closely. He couldn't see any detachable pieces.
"Then tell me if this technology exists in this time," She stated and slowly moved her left hand to the suit controls on her right wrist. She pressed a small sequence of buttons and the whole suit began to retract back into the wrist control panel. It started at her head at the helmet and faceplate, it seemed to almost melt as the nano pieces were called back. Tony watched with slightly wide eyes at the technology he had been dreaming about was shown to him.
"No," he whispered slightly as he took a step forwards to examine the wrist control that she held out. He hadn't even really looked at her or what she was wearing. There was an intake of breath behind him as the other Avengers took in her jacket. Avengers was sewn above the right breast in big red letters that stood out against the grey hoodie. "This is tech that I have had in planning stages but haven't had the means to create or perfect."
"Who are you?" Rumlow demanded with his gun still pointed at her. She turned and glared at the man that wasn't what he appeared. It was the first hostile like action she had taken since appearing.
"That is none of your concern Agent Rumlow," She said sternly, doing her best to channel her inner Rhodey. "I am here on a very important mission that is way above your clearance level. I need to speak to Director Fury immediately."
"If you think you can just…" Rumlow started before he was cut off by the voice in his ear.
"Bring her in, I want to talk to her" Fury stated simply to all those who could here him. It seemed that her small display and Tony's reaction was enough for him.
"I take it he is listening in?" Morgan asked sweetly as she gently pulled her arm from her father's curious fingers.
"Yes he is," Widow said as she holstered her weapon and relaxes slightly from her aggressive stance. "He as agreed to meet with you."
"I am glad Director," Morgan said so that the man could hear her. She then picked up her two cases that she had dropped upon arrival started walking towards the elevator. She turned back though, "Thor be gentle with Loki, everything is not what it seems."
"Right," Thor mumbled but still shackled him a bit more gently then he had originally intended to do, he also didn't put the muzzle on like he had been planning. He then began to lead him behind her.
"Also," Morgan said addressing the Avengers in the room. She thought she might as well start changing somethings given the chance. "Take the Tesseract and the Scepter into custody Captain, do not let anyone but your team handle them. Do NOT hand either of them over to SHIELD or the force that will be waiting downstairs."
"Ma'am?" The WWII hero questioned as he bent down and picked up the Scepter before the agent that was reaching for it could take it. The agents in the room shifted slightly, as if preparing to fight for the weapon and the cube.
"Trust me Captain," Morgan said softly as he approached with the rest of the Avengers. Doctor Selvig was in the elevator with the Tesseract when the door opened. "These items must remain in Avengers custody until further notice. We have had a lot of trouble with these items over the years. Once the cub is in its case give it to Mr. Stark, you keep hold of the joystick of destiny hmm?"
"Yes Ma'am," He nodded. He didn't trust her really. But when she said that there had been trouble with them he had the worst feeling of dread possible. It must have been felt by the others if the stiffening of their muscles was anything to go by. Doctor Selvig and Tony gently boxed the Tesseract up into a protective case. Tony then had JARVIS retract his now useless suit and store it before taking final custody from Selvig.
Suddenly the Hulk started to sway and shrink. In the course of about 15 seconds the hulk was gone and Doctor Banner was passed out on the floor…nude. Morgan blushed slightly and looked away. Barton sighed from his place behind her before making his way over to the Gamma expert. Tony went over to the bar that had somehow survived the fight and found a set of clothes hidden on the bottom shelf. He tossed them at the archer who helped the mostly unconscious man into them before standing and hauling him into a firefighter rescue position.
The Avengers, Morgan and Loki all squeezed into the elevator as it began to descend to the ground floor. The agents left in the penthouse were not happy and Rumlow was getting his ass chewed out on his private communications channel, or so Friday told Morgan in her ear. Friday was monitoring the communications signals around the tower. Morgan smirked slightly as she realized she was already making changes.
"Captain Rogers," Fury's voice sounded in the ear pieces of the Avengers, and Morgan, though they didn't know that. "A quinjet will be waiting to bring you and our two guests back to the Heli carrier."
"Yes sir," Rogers responded crisply. He turned to look at Morgan and she raised an eyebrow at him. "Can you tell us anything before we get to the carrier?"
Morgan studied the man before her. He was so young, but he had already been through to much. She glanced at the others in the small space with her. They were all looking at her for an answer, even Loki.
"Not here," She sighed, and adjusted her grip on the two cases she was carrying. She met the eyes of everyone in the elevator. "There are eyes and ears everywhere dear avengers. Things will be made clear to you and the others soon. Know this, I am on your side, I am a friend."
The rest of the ride down was in silence. The Avengers contemplating her words and the ominous feel that settled around the elevator. What the Avengers didn't know is that Friday was sending out a prerecorded message to the four who had traveled back to that time as well. Steve, Scott, Tony and Bruce from 2023 when they were attempting to gather the stones. The message was basically a stand down, Stephen had already okayed it before she was sent back. As soon as all four were somewhere safe Friday would activate their tech and send them home.
She was right about people meeting them at the ground floor. It was Senator Pierce and a whole squad of armed agents.
"What is this I hear about not letting SHIELD have custody of the Tesseract and Scepter?" The man asked dangerously as they came to a halt. "And who is this woman that gets to make that call claiming to be from the future?"
"That would be me Senator," Morgan said calmly as she stepped into his line of sight. "My name to you is not important, and as I understand it the Avengers are legally separate from your control or that of the world security council. They were formed as a side project that wasn't vetted by them and thus they have no say and seeing how one of them is a legit God from stories, we trump you."
"You little!" The senator's face got red as he stepped forward into her space. Before she could even think about protecting herself Thor and Tony were suddenly between her and the man.
"I don't know who you are little man," Thor stated loudly as he gripped Mjolnir tightly and sparks began to sizzle slightly. "But you should step back and allow us to pass. This is none of your concern. The woman's business here in the past has not yet been disclosed. As for the Tesseract and Scepter, they belong on Asgard, where they had been housed for nearly three thousand years before they were stolen about 250 years ago. They do not belong on this less advanced world."
The Senator seemed to rethink his plan as he was faced with the God of Thunder in a pissed mood. Loki laughed slightly from behind Thor and Romanov gripped his arm a little tighter. She had taken it after Thor had stepped forward. Loki shot her an amused look before settling. The Senator motioned for the armed agents to step aside and let them through.
They started forward again, before they could actually make it out the shattered doors Morgan turned back for a second. She caught the eyes of an agent that was just watching them. His eyes board into hers before a spark of recognition flashed through them. She smiled at him and winked and his eyes widened. He followed them quickly outside ignoring the sounds of his teammates in his ear.
Morgan had been dragging her feet slightly, so she was at the back of the group that approached the waiting jet. The guard caught up to them and gently grabbed her arm and turned her towards him. The others stopped as well to see what was going on. Rogers was about to say something, but the man bet him to it.
"Is it really you?" the voice that came out was extremely familiar to all of them. They all looked at Tony who was looking very confused now. The man reached up and took of the helmet and goggles, revealing that it was Tony, but older. His hair had lightened considerably, and his face was more lined, but there was no doubting it. Morgan laughed and smiled, she reached up and gently used her sleeve to wipe some sweat from his face. It was reminiscent of him putting her to bed just a few days prior for him that he knew exactly who she was. "What are you doing here like this?"
"Things are changing," Morgan said simply. She reached out and pulled him into a hug. He went more than willingly. The other Tony was watching with fascination. She turned and whispered so the others wouldn't here. "It's been 20 years for me dad. You all did it, brought everyone back. But things didn't go back to normal like you wished, things had already changed to much. This plan was created by Doctor Strange as an alternative, to stop everything before it even began."
"What?" Her father said as he leaned back to look at her. To really look at his 25-year-old daughter. He could see stress lines in her face that she shouldn't have. He could see a weariness in her that only people twice her age should have. "Okay, what do you want me to do?"
"Thank you," She smiled at him and looked over his shoulder where the older Rogers was now sneaking out of the building towards them. "Take your team, go home. I plan to make sure this never happens now."
Tony nodded once before looking back towards his captain who was no visible to the others. The younger Rogers was starring at his older self like the younger Tony was doing. Older Tony tapped his microphone.
"Lang, Banner did you guys copy?" He asked as he looked at the team before him. There were two quite affirmatives in his ear. He watched the team for another moment before saying. "You probably don't believe any of this is real, but it is. Believe her, listen to her. She will explain what has happened. Please don't be stubborn, just listen."
He was practically begging but didn't care. Rogers was level with them now and nodded at his past self and the team before looking at Morgan.
"He kid," he greeted having put the pieces together.
"Cap," Morgan said with a smile. That was all that needed to be said. The two older Avengers nodded at each other and fixed the time coordinates in their wrist controls and activated their suits. The other avengers noticed the difference right away. Cap took care of the countdown…
"Activation in 3…2….1" and with a flash the two were gone. Morgan new that elsewhere in the tower and in the city two others had disappeared to their home time. She hopped that she was successful in changing the past, because if not she just screwed the future. She does know that seeing the two of them had helped the others believe her.
"Was that…?" Steve questioned softly as they all turned back to the waiting jet and started moving again slowly.
"Yes Captain," Morgan said gently stepping forward to walk between her father and the man. "That was a future version of yourselves. From about 11 years from now, but they are from 20 years into my past. It is a complicated story."
"What is your relation to each other," Tony said suddenly, looking at her with an intense gaze she hadn't been on the end of before. "If their from 20 years in your past that would make you a child that they know, how did they recognize you? Who are you to them?"
"All good questions Tony," Morgan relented as they boarded the waiting jet. The pilot on-board disembarked to help with the cleanup and relinquished controls to Barton. Barton gently placed Banner down in a seat and strapped him in, he seemed to be more aware then he had been up in the penthouse. "I can't tell you exactly who I am to them right now. You can call me Morgan though. I didn't trust everyone all the ears listening in where we were."
"Morgan what?" Natasha asked curiously.
"That would be telling," Morgan smiled at her. They took that as a victory that it was and settled in for the trip back to the damaged carrier.
Thoughts on our dear Morgan meeting her older and younger father?
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fabceleby · 2 years
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On May 22, 1988, Morgan Stewart was born in Beverly Hills, California, United States. Her mother, Susan Stewart, is a homemaker and her father, Herb Stewart, is the Founder and President of a Successful Construction Company in Beverly Hills. Source:- fabceleby.com
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kennydoesart · 5 months
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Pepper Potts Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Pepper Potts, Gerald the Alpaca (Marvel), Original Characters, Quentin Beck Additional Tags: Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark Friendship (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Hurt/Comfort, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Hurt Peter Parker, Hurt Tony Stark, Hurt Pepper Potts, Hurt Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Lots of Hurt, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), The Blip Happens Differently (Marvel), Dead May Parker (Spider-Man), not sorry, no beta we die, Precious Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker is a Mess, Inspired by The Purge (Movies), Purge Night (The Purge), Mutant discrimination, Mutant Peter Parker, The Rouges are mentioned, Post-Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016), It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Body Horror, Blood and Injury, Mild Gore, Near Death Experiences, Death Threats, Near Death Summary:
Luck has never been by his side. Both parents are gone, his uncle was shot, and he and a billion of other people were erased from existance for five years. Although, he did luck out on gaining Spider Powers. Peter Parker would like to make it known to whatever higher being is watching him that his life isn’t a comedy show. He lost everything when his aunt died in the first Purge. He wasn’t even there to protect her. Now on the run across the country from an anti-mutant hate group and the government, Peter is injured, wet, and cold from a dip in a cold ass lake. He arrives at a cabin, and the lights are on. Peter does what many people he saved as Spiderman would do. He calls for help.
What if the Avengers never got back together? What if Tony Stark didn’t bring Spiderman to Germany? What if the Guardians of The Galaxy brought everyone back unnoticed? What if population influx was a serious problem?
Or Or
I put the MCU and The Purge in a box and close the lid.
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unnameablewriter · 2 years
#TonyStark #IronMan #Marvel #PeterParker #SpiderMan #MarvelSeries #TomHolland #RobertDownyJr #UnnameableWriter #FanFiction #Avengers #MarvelCinematicUniverse #IronDad #FatherSon #SuperFamily #Hurt/Comfort #Whump #Angst #FatherFigure #SpiderSon #IronSpider #Comfort #Fluff #FamilyFeels #Care #ParkerStark #Tony has a heart #MorganStark #PepprPotts #PepperStark #BruceBanner #SteveRodgers #CaptainAmerica #NatashaRomanoff #BlackWidow #Thor #Loki #StevenStrange #DrStrange #JamesRhodes #WarMachine #Hulk #HappyHogan #MayParker #AuntMay
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Tony and Morgan spending the day together 🌹🌳
#BringBackTonyStarktolife (petition)
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marvelsocialmedia · 2 years
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Marvel: In Iron Man Tony gets kidnapped, captured and tortured. He thinks he's going to die and finds himself needing an arc reactor to survive. He gets betrayed by his father figure who wants to kill him and almost dies sacrificing himself.
Us: Tony deserves to be happy, I hope he will be soon?
Marvel: In Iron Man 2 Tony is dying because of his arc reactor and nobody sees that he is in trouble. And he gets attacked by Vanko.
Us: Ok but can Tony be happy with Pepper now?
Marvel: no, in Avengers, Tony loses Coulson, fights aliens, realizes the danger coming, is traumatized, and he sacrifices himself and almost dies again.
Us: Okay can you leave Tony alone and let him be happy now?
Marvel: Now in Iron Man 3, Tony has ptsd, nightmares, insomnia and anxiety attacks. The fear that the aliens will come back is constantly torturing him, he's afraid that he can't protect his loved ones. He almost loses Pepper but everything is fine and he removes his arc reactor.
Us: This is a good end. Can he live a peaceful life now?
Marvel: No, in Avengers 2 he has a vision of his biggesr fear, and sees all his friends die. He tries to protect everyone but no one listens to him, they criticize him, and blame him. And he thinks he will die again in Sokovia.
Us: But Tony doesn't deserve all this suffering! Can you let him build his farm for him and Pepper and live happily as he always wanted?
Marvel: no no. In Civil War for him it's pain pain and more pain. He is not with Pepper anymore. A mother comes to tell him that he is responsible for her son's death. He is betrayed and abandoned by everyone. He learns that his parents were killed and sees them die, he learns that his friend knew and lied to him. He is attacked, seriously injured and left alone in Siberia.
Us: Oh my god but why is he always the one who suffers the most?? he doesn't deserve this at all!!
Marvel: In Homecoming he helps Peter, he still has anxiety attacks and worries about him but everything ends well. He's back with Pepper and they're getting married.
Us: Oh... finally!
Marvel: Just kidding, in Infinity War he has to go into space and risk his life even though all he wants is kids and a quiet life with Pep. He has to face his biggest fear that has terrified him for 11 years, ane which finally becomes reality. And he loses Peter in his arms.
Us: We beg you, please, let him live with his family and be happy forever, after all he's been through..
Marvel: So, in Endgame first he'll spend weeks in space with no water, no food and no oxygen just waiting to die. Then he'll get a taste of what happiness is, he'll be married and have a child. But all this to die 5 years after, and losing everything. And that at the very moment when he bring Peter back and could finally be happy.
Marvel: Yeah, this ending is perfect. 5 years is enough, Tony's life is finished.
Us: .......
petition for tony
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My DR Part 1
Background: Infinity war; I lost all of my memories by Thanos and am the daughter of Tony Stark. Tony, Peter P, Strange, Peter Q, Mantis, Drax, Thor and I are waiting for Thanos to Come. To not fracture my mind Tony and Peter are pretending not to know me.
Almost everyone is drunk as hell:
Peter Quill: Okay guys. We are going to die but might as well have some fun with it. What is the worst thing Thanos has done to you and whoever wins gets the death kill if we can kill him.
Mantis: He is the reason that my best friend turned on me and ended up dying
Peter Q: Okay, Okay were getting somewhere. I'm next. He is the reason my Dad tried to kill me and kidnapped the love of my life.
Drax: He killed my wife and child.
Peter Q: Shit man. Forgot about that. Iron Dude. You nest.
Tony S: He is the reason that my daughter was kidnapped and the reason why I will most likely never see my family whole again. *Sadly looking at me but I was dumb and didn't realize.
Peter Q: Jesus man. Thats *Hiccup* Rough, Spiderling. You go.
Peter P: He is the reason that my bestride and the girl that I am in love with was kidnapped and will most likely never remember me again. *Looking over at me with a sad look on his face up until 3 weeks ago we were virtually in love with each other in the friend zone*
Peter Q: Wow. Um. Not even going to say anything about that one. Strange.
Strange: I am not participating in this bullshit.
Peter Q: Well then, Thor, what does your unattractive ass have to say.
Thor: He is the reason that my sister and brother are dead along with my best friend.
Me: He is the reason that I have no recollection of my family and friends. He planted memories in my head to make my think that I was in love with someone, and engaged by the way, and then proceeded to ask me to join him but when I declined he stabbed him in front of me. But wait, he made sure that he made his death a long one until he told me that my whole life was a lie. Then he killed one of the brother figures that I had in my life off, proceeded to try and make me lose my emotions by killing everyone that I loved as well as planting a vision in my head that I was the one who killed Mason, the guy I was 'in love' with. Made me loose control of my powers and blow up a whole freaking planet, Asgard RIP. Then kidnapped my only mother figure that I've had in my whole of my butchered memories and took her away from me. Oh, and this all happened within the past 2 weeks.
Peter Q: Shit
Tony S: *Realising all of the trauma that his daughter went through the whole timed just wanting to hug me and tell me that he was my father*
Peter P: *Sad about what had happened to me and just wanting to say anything to comfort me and help me get my memories back because he loves me*
Strange: She fucking wins.
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abbsmc · 2 years
Midgardian Princess Series Masterlist Chapter Breakdowns
Chapter 1: Arrival of a Legend
King Anthony and Queen Virginia worry for their daughter and the sole princess of the kingdom, Morgan Stark so much so that they enlist the help of a legendary stranger from a lost land to protect her from the forces the King frets are closing in. Morgan meets her protector, Eurielle, the Angel of Gévaudan. The Kingsguard are unsure of her intentions towards the young, naive Princess.
Chapter 2: Departure of a Legend
A short time passes and the royal Kingsguard remain unsure of Eurielle's intentions in Midgard despite Princess Morgan being enraptured by the legendary saviour and her four-legged companion. King Anthony's judgement of her begins to change as Lord Strange vehmently voices his warped concerns about why she is here and the Kingsguard have made up their mind. Eurielle makes things easier for everyone
Chapter 3: Condemnation of a Legend
(Coming soon!)
Eurielle's decision thrusts Princess Morgan into danger as she tries desperately to find the woman she had grown so attached to in the short months of her stay. The Queen vouches for Eurielle's innocence in spite of the opinions of the King, his guard and Lord Strange.
Chapter 4: Darkness Descends
(Coming soon!)
No one is much help if they're stuck in the dungeons...
Chapter 5: Aftermath
(Coming soon!)
Reeling from the events of the last few days, the royals and Kingsguard are forced to confront Lord Strange about the lack of foresight shown in the days leading up to the attack. Eurielle's standing in the eyes of Sir James and Sir Steven changes when a mysterious sickness plagues the squire Peter.
Other chapters are in the pipeline, need to do some serious zone-out writing for those though. Hope you like!
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