radcuchy · 1 year
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you are brave, you are graceful, and you will get where you need to be.
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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today in finding a peaceful place: i threw open the windows, turned on some classical guitar music, and made a huge glassful of iced coffee. moved past a huge bump in the study process. brighter days ahead.
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einstetic · 7 years
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1. GET TO KNOW YOURSELF I know what your thinking: “But Emma it’s so stupid and hard and blah blah” but let me tell you something. My life quality has improved so much since I started to think about the things i actually enjoy doing, what music i like, what books I love, what I appreciate in live, what I’m interested in etc. Just do it. You can for example take a look at different quizzes and websites(they’re fun don’t judge me) like: the popular mbti-test discover new music based on what you like what’s your plant personality the enneagram test 2. CUT OFF TOXIC PEOPLE Please cut off those whiny smol asses from your life. It’s better to have no friends than friends who just drag and put you down 24/7. If someone is draining you say bye bye to them. I’ve done so and oooooh boy it felt good. 3. HEALTHIER FOOD Don’t stuff your face with those pop tarts or donuts all the time, they are no good for you. “But healthy food is so disgusting” why do you think it’s disgusting? I bet you associate healthy food with those nasty green smoothies and some protein bars? Oh let me just tell you fruit salads are delicious and so are banana-oatmeal cookies(literally banana and oatmeal mashed up). You don’t have to cut off the junk food completely, just incorporate healthier foods in your diets: oatmeal, add veggies to your dishes(woks are delicious), don’t add butter to your popcorn etc.  4. BE MORE PRODUCTIVE And no, I don’t mean that you have to study all day or anything like that. Strive to make your bed the moment you get up, wash you dishes after you’ve eaten, read a bit, go for a walk, draw, dance, write, study a bit, start using a planner, cook next week’s food, meet up with a friend. Just do something and don’t just scroll through your phone all day. improve your productivity by @designyoself how productivity works by @marysanatomyblog how to be productive by @marysanatomyblog 5. LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF FOR FUCK’S SAKE Accept your flaws. If you have any mental disorders that makes it hard to do it or just generally have a fucking low self confidence or self esteem, I just want to tell you that do your best, try. Small improvements are better than nothing. You liked the shirt you were wearing? YES GOOD. You cooked a nice meal? YES GO YOU! You like the way your makeup looked today? YESYESYES GO YOU! I used to dislike myself so much. I hated literally everything about myself. The way I looked, my personality, my clothes, my shyness, my voice, everything I said, my body. I had such horrible thoughts about myself. I didn’t see what others saw and that’s so damn scary actually. Luckily it has changed. Today I accept myself, I’m not 100% content with my appearance and body. Small personality traits bother me but I’m not that shy anymore, I raise my hand in class, I can ask help from strangers, I’m not embarrassed of what I say( I say so many stupid things let me tell you that). I accepted myself, I truly like myself, and I’ve made so many lovely mutuals and friends the past year because of this. I’ve came out of my shell and you can too. 6. TREAT YO’SELF Eat that chocolate bar, take that nap, buy that shirt, buy new pens, bake something. Do anything that makes you happy. Dance, draw, scream into the void. DO ANYTHING. Just don’t buy new notebooks, you already have 50 of them, unused, in your drawer. 7. BE THANKFUL, SHOW GRATITUDE, BE KIND Wave to the people who stop to let you walk over to the other side of the street. Say thank you to the lunch lady. Say “have a nice day” to the cashier. Smile at babies. Say good morning to mutuals and teachers at school. Help people with their homework. Share your food. Hug your friends(if you are comfortable with it). Send your friends ugly selfies of yourself or them. Laugh a lot. Don’t be that negative piece of shit that just complain about everything. I know a few who just complain and think everything is shit. They think the tests are too hard and complain about their grades(hello do something if you aren’t satisfied) and then they wonder why I sometimes don’t snap back or change the subject if we are talking face to face. This post is a mess xx Emma
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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i post my study space every year because it changes drastically but for now this is my basic 2020 setup: a window near my desk, some semblance of organization, and always, always some coffee.
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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on the days i dont feel like working first thing after breakfast, i take the time to sit down quietly by a window with my daily coffee and chip away at my to-read pile. i think its really important to be able to read things that arent law-related for my (a) entertainment (b) sanity and (c) general understanding of the english language because legal jargon and writing are making me forget how to form normal sentences. it also really clears my head for the day and prepares me for hours of more reading!
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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in other news ive been eating healthy and cooking my way to a slightly more cottagecore life. avocado shake from my mama and thyme, mushroom, onion, tomato, and spinach flatbread from me.
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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i really think its important to rest when you dont feel like studying. it’s helped with the really bad feelings ive had over the past few days regarding not doing enough, or not bring good enough. i decided to take a few days off to read, nap, make churros. i feel more at peace now.
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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sometimes i get much too anxious to start something, so i made this as a reminder to myself.
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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honestly productivity happens when you start taking care of yourself. i admit that i’d been struggling with some food problems while i had class (stress eating unhealthy things, then feeling terrible). but now i eat a healthy amount while eating WELL and clean(ish) by making my own food, and i’ve reached a fitness goal! i feel stronger and more focused, and it allows me to study efficiently. take care of yourselves please, and hit me up if you want to talk about trying to be healthier because i’d be happy to help.
— sam 🍉
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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to all those who have been through some hard times: you are brave, you are graceful, and you will get where you need to be.
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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ive been talking to some of my law school friends about getting things done despite everything going on and getting their advice helped put things in perspective. initially i was terrified, they told me to get a little done a day, and to set small goals. they also reassured me that a slow pace was better than doing nothing. this weekend, i was able to sit back for a while, but this monday, i’m back at my desk! thank you, law school friends. 🌸
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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ive slowly been working back to academic things as professors have finally been assigning (modified) requirements for the fulfillment of the semester. it really isnt easy in this hot weather, during a worldwide pandemic, but that also makes me realize that its necessary to balance self-care and things that really do need to get done. because getting things done is ALSO a form of self-care in the long run. for now, im working on obligations and contracts and studying constitutional law! professors send us recorded lectures and we have to do our own independent study.
in other news, ive been working out regularly (thanks chloe ting and billy blanks) and im in better shape than i have been in a year! i feel really strong and it helps me stay awake in the daytime.
hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.
— sam
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
Hi. :) You said that you're trying to consciously make studying enjoyable and productive. Do you think you can tell us what you're doing exactly? Thank you. ❤️ Hope your day is fantastic and productive.
OHHH thank you for asking this, i’ve been wanting to share this for a while. i think @studyimpression asked this too a while back, and i wasn’t able to answer. long post ahead!  HOW I MAKE STUDYING ENJOYABLE AND PRODUCTIVE: SECOND HALF OF 2020/QUARANTINE EDITION i’ve mentioned this briefly here, and i still stand by a lot of these tips, mostly because this is my general baseline for what i consider ‘enjoyable’ and ‘comfortable’. but i do think i can expand on these especially in terms of productivity. what i’ve discovered, and what has helped me get things done is knowing that studying is not an inherently comfortable or easy thing to do. and knowing this already makes you manage your expectations about what you need to do, and how much hard work needs to be put in. however, there are things you can do to make the workload manageable and the process less difficult.  1. TRY TO MAKE YOUR STUDY HOURS/SPACE AS COMFORTABLE AS POSSIBLE: A “HAPPY/PRODUCTIVE” ROUTINE this does not mean that you need your own, personal workspace (although that would be a bonus) or anything particularly fancy. things are not productivity, and as long as you have the proper learning resources, you have it in you to succeed.  however, i do think it really helped me to start to associate studying with some level of peace and focus by setting a routine which made me start to associate getting productive with a little peace and pleasure. as i’ve mentioned in my other posts, my favorite thing to do lately is to get up early, do a quick freshening up, and to pretend my dining room is a small cafe by making myself an iced coffee and turning on some jazz music. it’s nothing expensive or overly fancy (in fact that whole kilogram of coffee is like... less than 10 dollars), but it allows me to pretend that i’m in a starbucks, and it feels unbelievably peaceful while i start studying. that helps me get going at a very early hour, and this routine makes me excited to get up and start working. personally i think it’s a very good way of treating yourself while being incredibly disciplined. after doing this lately, i feel as if i’ve been more responsible and accountable, but i also feel peaceful and not overworked!   however, this also means: 2. KNOWING WHAT HOURS YOU ARE MOST PRODUCTIVE AT + SETTING A DEFINITE AMOUNT OF WORK HOURS PER DAY i don’t have classes yet, so i have a little freedom to decide when i’ll start working. however, i do have an urgent deadline to finish before classes, so i’m forced to do a lot of work during very unstructured days. that’s why it helped to (a) EVALUATE WHAT TIMES OF THE DAY I FEEL MOST FOCUSED and (b) to track the number of hours i work. so on point (a): studying is not comfortable. it’s actually very tiring. and it helps to see when your body feels the most energy to be able to focus for several hours at a time, doing intensive tasks. i recommend that you try different times in the day to finish something you need to do with complete focus (more on that later), and see at what time your body naturally responds/feels focused. well... this doesn’t apply if you have online classes, and are forced to sit at set times, but this helps for the times when you have to do independent work/homework/revision.
from personal experience, i work best from 7 am to about 10 am. then my body tends to go into a slump until late afternoon and before 12 am. it’s different for everyone, and you really have to listen to your body. (b): it’s inevitable that you have to dedicate many hours to get good results. i really recommend setting a minimum number of hours per day as a quota/the bare minimum. you don’t have to do them all in one go! maybe you might do the pomodoro method and spread these hours out, but it helps to have a baseline for what you consider productive. (mine is four minimum). use a timer or a productivity app like forest. count your hours. set goals within those hours (like assignments that need to get finished), then take a break after. you’ll feel so proud of yourself, i promise. 3. FOCUS AND DISCIPLINE: FOCUS IS A MUSCLE YOU HAVE TO EXERCISE AND STRENGTHEN this is not naturally enjoyable, but it makes you productive, and is a skill that needs practice. i also have a poor attention span, so this is something i had to work on! i thought i was naturally lazy, but this all changed when a friend told me “hey. focus is a muscle. it needs to be worked out regularly”. so slowly, i realized that i had to put a lot of work and effort into focusing on one task at a time, and ignoring all distractions. again, this wasn’t easy; i had to use apps like forest to lock myself out of my ipad so i wouldnt goof around on social media/games. but once i started to get used to being disciplined about getting work done every day, and finishing certain tasks, it became even easier to focus on what needed to be done. it really isn’t perfect yet, but i do find that concentrating on one task keeps me in a “focus” mode, and helps me to get things done much more easily and even calmly.  however, if there are days you can’t focus. acknowledge that. rest first, then go back to work. 4. MAKING CHECKLISTS OF EVERYTHING/PLANNING i would consider myself a very carefree person and used to hate planning. but once i started writing everything down, scheduling on calendars, and making lists, i became less afraid of what i needed to do, because i could visualize what was due, and how much time it takes to break down huge tasks into smaller, more manageable deadlines. i would recommend using a notebook or a program (like Notion! it has a free premium plan for students.) to map out all the things you need to do. it also helps to break down tasks into subtasks, so that even if you do a little, you can still check it off and feel less overwhelmed. put your deadlines on google calendar immediately, and set aside a little time at the start of your workday to see and write down what needs to get done, and what you WANT to get done.  this also helps in lessening the time i became anxious about making decisions re: what i needed to do! forming processes which made my studying easier made me much less scared of starting 5. EVALUATE YOUR DAY: BEING MINDFUL, BE PROUD OF WHAT YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED as i get ready for bed, i like to run by my lists and check what i’ve finished, what i haven’t gotten done, what needs to get done. i also ask myself what i did well that day, and what didn’t go so well. this isn’t harsh self-critique! it just helps to know how i can make my next study day more efficient AND enjoyable (sometimes i just end up looking for nice playlists for studying....) 6. DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL THINGS!!!! it’s easy to worry about doing things wrong, especially now, when so much of our learning is self-guided. But as long as you’re doing the work, being disciplined and accountable, but also gentle with yourself, then you don’t need to worry about the tiniest details. DO YOUR BEST, AND MOVE ON. <3 7. FINALLY: NEVER ASSUME THE WORK IS EASY, AND NEVER ASSUME THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.  we tend to underestimate or overestimate what needs to get done, and that gets in the way of being productive. we become scared or lazy or overwhelmed, and it makes it hard to move! know that learning is very very difficult, but putting in the work and accomplishing something is beautiful, and that it is a PROCESS. and always know that you are capable of great things if you have the discipline and the grit. i hope that helps. don’t forget to take many breaks and do the things you love. intense work is meaningless without equally intense rest. please take care, and stay safe!!! -- sam <3 
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
coming fr someone with horrible attention issues a slightly weird tip i find which works for me is to practice absolute stillness while studying. that do i mean by ‘absolute stillness’? lately i’ve been watching @ thestrivestudies’ youtube study with me videos, and i’ve noticed that she can sit for very very long periods of time, and direct her attention to one thing, barely moving.  speaking fr a bad attention/chronically ill perspective, studying exhausts me really easily, but i’ve found that conserving energy by not fidgeting (jiggling my legs) or doing things which take up unnecessary effort (taking intricate handwritten notes when i can type) has rlly helped me focus on a task longer.  it also helps me be very conscious and attuned to what i’m doing-- i tend to cross my legs into my chair and stay in the same position for a minimum of 25 minutes, and it keeps me away from the temptations of messing around with my phone or from walking away from my desk. studying actually feels calm and almost relaxing!!! 
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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some constitution 2 notes, and a second coffee. i’m trying to be a better student this year, but it’s hard sometimes. at the same time, all i can do is try.
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luminous-studiess · 4 years
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rain means moving back to my usual study spot (the dining table) and blasting jazz as i read constitutional law notes 🌧
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