#namjin fanfic
btmjoons · 7 months
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pairing: seokjin x namjoon
genre: hybrid au, pwp
word count: 3.0k
fic tags: dog hybrid, service top seokjin, breeding kink, getting together
namjoon had no idea his pet hybrid seokjin was specifically trained to mate with his owner.
read it at ao3.
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starcasticallyyours · 13 days
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The Hon. Kim Namjoon struggles with his purpose in life once the end of his mourning period formally removes “husband” from his collection of identities. This is further compounded by the marriage of his brother-in-law, Park Jimin, to the lovable but spontaneous Mr Kim Taehyung (no relation) who, inspired by his previous adventures with the multitalented Jeon Jeongguk, elects to take them all on a lengthy journey out of the country. Taken along to celebrate Namjoon’s newfound freedom is their good friend and neighbour Min Yoongi, so deserving of a holiday after being forcibly separated from his own intended Mr Jung Hoseok. Somehow, they end up ferried across the war-infested Mediterranean by none other than the notorious Captain Kim Seokjin, who is unlike Namjoon in so many ways that the chemistry between them is both unexpected and undeniable… but can the pirate’s code cooperate with the morals of a philosopher gentleman?
Rating: T No warnings apply WIP currently at just under 16K
I finally got around to moodboard-ing the sequel to my Vmin Regency AU which in classic Romance novel fashion puts a secondary character in the starring role, as well as brings the beta couple's plot to a resolution. But this time it's period, pirates, and Bangtan!!
main namjin
side sope and established vmin!
jinkook brothers, because I am writing this
a naval tour around 1812-1813 Europe from Falmouth - Lisbon - Essaouira - Gibraltar - Tabarca - Valletta...
all aboard a pirate ship called the Epiphany!
I now know so much more about the Napoleonic Wars than I ever cared to.
Read on Ao3
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taekookgorgeous · 2 months
Sun and Moon | Namjin
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Namjin x Merlín
Resumen: Namjoon es el rey de un reino a punto de desaparecer por una maldición y Jin es su más preciado caballero. En un intento por salvar su vida, Namjoon le ordena huir, sin darse cuenta del significado de sus palabras.
Advertencias: fluff, caballero x rey, inspirado totalmente en Arthur y Merlin.
Notas de autora: Se que nadie lo leerá, pero me da ilusión publicar una de estas en Tumblr.
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Jin apenas había logrado correr a través del pasillo cayéndose a pedazos cuando dos manos sostuvieron su malla de hierro y lo empujaron hacia atrás, intentando salvarle la vida.
Difícilmente hubiera logrado sobrevivir acceder a la habitación donde descansaba el trono y que ahora tenía a una poderosa hechicera lista para cortarle el cuello no solo a él, sino que también a Namjoon, la persona que lo había detenido. El reciente rey Namjoon no solo lo había alejado del peligro, sino que lo había hecho girar sobre el aire como si no pesara nada y luego lo había empujado sobre el suelo con más fuerza de la que debería.
A Seokjin se le había ido el aire de los pulmones.
“¿Qué demonios estás haciendo aquí?” le dijo el rubio frunciendo el ceño. Su rostro estaba húmedo en sudor, lágrimas y tierra, porque el castillo se partía a sí mismo. “¿¡Acaso no les dije que escaparan por el bosque!?”
Jin subió las manos por sus brazos desprotegidos en solo una blusa blanca de vuelos, ni siquiera había puesto una armadura en su cuerpo, seguramente porque el ataque había sido una sorpresa. Apenas había tenido tiempo para avisarle a su pueblo que no había manera de salvar esta, así que todos tenían que huir, algo que Jin no podía cuestionar, porque era cierto, magia había caído sobre su pequeño reino, por el puro peso de sus actos.
“¡Estás vivo!” se encontró diciendo, sin darse cuenta de lo mucho que sus dedos habían escalado por su cuerpo solo para poder tocar, por primera vez, su piel. “Pensé que no llegaría a tiempo, es un alivio”
“¿Alivio de que? ¿Morir a mi lado?” Jin hubiera gritado con todas sus fuerzas, ¡Si! si no hubiera sido porque algo había explotado a su lado y Namjoon había tenido que empujar su cuerpo sobre el del caballero para evitar el impacto de la roca volando sobre ellos. Cuando se alejó, el polvo había teñido su cabello rubio y su perfecta vestimenta. “No puedes ser mas estupido”
“Necesito sacarte de aquí” le respondió, casi sin escuchar las palabras que salían de los labios de su rey. “Si nos vamos ahora, podemos escapar por los calabozos, hay una salida secreta que nadie conoce”
Namjoon lo miró a los ojos un segundo demasiado largo.
“No voy a escapar”
“¿Su alteza?”
“Se que ella no busca el reino, ella no quiere quitarme nada material, ella…” El rey estaba haciendo tanto contacto visual que Jin no pudo evitar bajar los ojos un solo segundo a sus labios, incluso aunque sabía que era indebido y que el rey estaba molesto. “Te ordene que te fueras, especialmente tu”
“Lamento decirle, mi señor, que es una orden que no puedo cumplir” Jin sostuvo el rostro de Namjoon, acariciando su mejilla con cuidado. “Jure protegerlo con mi vida y eso es justo lo que haré”
“¡No! ¡Te vas a ir!” Namjoon comenzó a levantarse, viendo a su alrededor por algo que Jin no podía imaginar, ya que en lo único que estaba pensando era en que el rey se había sentado sobre sus muslos. “Creo que veo una salida por…”
“No me iré sin ti”
Eso atrajo su mirada.
“Es una orden de tu rey”
“Un rey sin reino es solo mi igual” Jin se levantó de golpe, haciendo a su rey casi perder el equilibrio al estar sentado sobre el caballero. “No voy a permitirle morir por sí solo y tomar todo el crédito por matar a esa bruja”
“No estoy jugando, Seokjin”
El caballero alcanzó la blusa de Namjoon, sosteniendolo.
“No necesitas dar tu honor por esto, no hay un reino al que volver, todo lo demás es fuego y caos, podemos irnos y empezar de nuevo, todavía tienes sangre real, otros reinos podrán ayudarnos a surgir, tu padre ya no esta, pero no serás tú el último cadáver de este reino” Sabía que sus palabras estaban surgiendo más indebidas de lo que deberían ser ante un rey, pero su corazón se apretaba a sí mismo ante la idea de vivir en un mundo donde Namjoon no estuviera ahí para atormentarlo. “Tal vez ella está dispuesta a morir por su venganza, pero tu no tienes porque pagar el mismo precio por tu honor”
“Seokjin, no lo entiendes”
“No, creo que jamás he entendido algo tan claramente, tu tienes tus mandatos como príncipe tal como yo lo tengo como caballero, pero el dia de hoy, no hay reino al que responder, ahora mismo, somos solo tu y yo” Jin se estaba arriesgando mucho, pero de todas maneras dejo todo el amor que tenía por él llegar a sus ojos y revelarse como una confesión reprimida por años. “Permítete ser algo más…”
“Escapa conmigo”
Namjoon parecía sin fuerzas mientras comenzaba a llorar.
“No puedo”
“¿No puedes?”
“No puedo”
“¿Por qué?”
Jin sintió los dedos de su rey ponerse en el borde de su armadura, ahí donde podían tocar la complejidad de su piel desnuda. Ellos jamás se habían tocado así antes, ni en esas incontables aventuras en búsqueda de calor entre los copos de nieve, ni en las eternas noches en vela preparando discursos para el reino luego de largas batallas.
“Porque si no me mata a mi, va a matarte a ti” respondió por fin, inundando sus ojos azules de lágrimas gruesas, tal cual lo haría un niño asustado. “No puedo irme si es así, Seokjin”
El nombrado alzó los ojos, sorprendido.
“¿Por qué querría matarme a mí?”
“Cuando mi padre decidió colgar a la esposa de Ji won, a la que era el amor de su vida, pude estar ahí, ella nos advirtió que caería sobre Camelot toda su ira, que quitaria todo de nosotros, nuestra tierra, nuestra corona y a las personas que amamos” explico rápidamente. “Ella no dijo que iba a matarme, ella dijo que mataría todo lo que me hace sentir amado”
“¿Yo te hago sentir amado?”
“No, no, como mi caballero, me haces sentir…” Namjoon se detuvo, recién racionalizando lo que había dicho y donde estaban. Resulta que parecía recién haberse dado cuenta que Jin ya no era su caballero, que no era su sirviente, que ahora no existía un reino, no era nada más que su eterno y fiel amigo.
Estuvo a punto de decir algo al respecto cuando otro gran estruendo los desoriento, Namjoon se abrazó a sí mismo mientras los pedazos de piedra caían sobre ellos, tal cual una lluvia de estrellas destruyendo el momento de confesión. Al calmarse todo, Nam alzó la vista, mirando a su alrededor, viendo si estaban en peligro. Jin pudo observar todo, su sudor, la suciedad, su cabello ahora castaño por el polvo e incluso las lágrimas acusadoras que dejaban ver sus ojos azules llenos de tormenta.
Habían vivido muchas cosas juntos como rey y caballero, pero más que nada como Namjoon y Jin, mejores amigos desde jóvenes, dedicados a estar para el otro incluso cuando las hojas del verano se volvían de invierno y salvándose la vida sin pensarlo dos veces.
“También has logrado hacerme sentir amado” murmuró, sin poder sostener la verdad por mucho más tiempo en su lengua, debía ser dicha y debía ser en ese momento, porque lo siguiente que Jin hizo fue girar la mandíbula de su rey y luego inclinarse hacia adelante para alcanzar sus labios.
Esto pareció sorprender a Namjoon ya que su cuerpo se puso tan rígido como la roca que aún los sostenia, sin embargo, así de rápido lo sintió relajarse en sus brazos, primero abrazandolo por el cuello y luego, por fin, abriendo su boca.
Jin ni en un millón de noches en vela hubiera creído que su rey podría devolverle un deseo tan mundano como el que guardaba en su corazón, sin embargo, ahora que estaba experimentando esto con él, no podría haber aceptado ninguna respuesta diferente. Besarlo era lo único que podía nacer de lo que sentían por él otro, de manera que se dedicó a hacerlo lo mejor posible, primero bajo las manos por su cuerpo, hasta dejarlas alrededor de su cintura, abrazándolo como lo deseo por incontables pesadillas ante perderlo.
Namjoon sabía al vino rojo que había consumido antes de que todo ese infierno ocurriera, al duelo de su reciente difunto padre y a las lágrimas que experimentaba en consecuencia de haber probado algo que pronto se le prohibiría.
Como un condenado que acababa de besar los límites del paraíso.
“... Namjoon” gimió el hombre, deleitando a Jin mientras le mostraba su nuevo sonido favorito, un toque de necesidad, desesperación y terrible tormento. “Tienes que dejarme tener esto”
“Permitiré que obtenga todo lo que desea de mí, su alteza”
“Entonces, permíteme salvarte la vida” Namjoon presionó su frente sobre la de Jin, de manera que ambos pudieron existir un segundo entero de esa manera. “Por favor, Jin”
El pelinegro abrió los ojos, decepcionado.
“¿A qué clase de vida me está enviando si me priva del deleite de su respiración?” Le preguntó el caballero a su rey. “¿Qué va a ser de mí si no existe la única persona a la que estoy dispuesto a darle mi corazón? Es más ¿Qué dirían los poetas de mi si permito que mi último momento junto al hombre que amo sea guiado por la cobardía?”
“Dirían que eres un caballero que respeta las decisiones de su rey”
“Prefiero vivir mil días y noches huyendo de la muerte a tu lado que quedar indefenso ante la noción de que tu corazón está dejando de latir” respondió Jin, negando fielmente. “Huye conmigo, Kim Namjoon”
“Ella nos encontrará”
“Y nos encontrara juntos” Jin tuvo que sostener con fuerza su rostro, obligarlo a ver el amor que tenía por él a través de sus ojos. “Quiero que cuando la muerte encuentre su camino hasta mi cama me encuentre a tu lado luego de hacerte el amor, no acepto ningun otro destino”
“No digas cosas como esas”
“Se que lo quieres también, puedo sentirlo” el caballero llevó una mano hasta donde descansaba el eterno torturado corazón de Namjoon. “Vamos a huir de este destino hasta que no haya escapatoria, porque hoy existe”
Namjoon frunció el ceño, casi quebrándose de nuevo en llanto.
“Pero morirás”
“No tengo miedo de la muerte, porque he de no existir cuando ella lo hace, temo más no tener otro momento para saborear delicadamente tus labios”
Jin se inclinó de nuevo para besarlo.
Este beso fue esperado, Namjoon abrió los labios enseguida, dejando al caballero meter su lengua dentro de su boca. Fue un momento acelerado, un beso que sabía a poco, pero mucho a la vez, que sabía a vida y a muerte, a amor y a lágrimas, pero que alcanzó su objetivo deseado porque cuando por fin se alejó, Joon ya estaba asintiendo.
“Cuando llegue la muerte por ti, debo morir a tu lado” susurró sobre sus labios, no tal cual como una promesa, sino más bien una orden. “Debes prometerlo”
“Cuando en el lecho de mi muerte, obtenga su dulce beso sobre mis labios, permitiré que me beses inmediatamente después, para que sea el mismo veneno el que termine nuestras respiraciones” decidió responder Namjoon, jurando así, que morirían juntos. “Pero primero, vivimos”
Namjoon asintió.
“Sacame de aqui”
“Si, mi rey”
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Necesito leer algo de Merthur viviendo felices luego del final 😔😔🙏 espero que si hay namjinistas que les guste Merlín les guste esta historia también 🌷
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sa3rin · 1 year
Eat, Sleep, Wake (Nothing But You)
Us on the bed
Half a meter apart
Awkward hearts beating faster and faster
The one where the boys have to self quarantine and Seokjin realizes he misses Namjoon the most.
Also known as the "Namjin lockdown fuck buddy fic we all deserve"
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
Under The Cherry Blossoms
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➜Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Kim seokjin
➜Genre(s): fluff, angst, romance
➜Trope/au(s): domestic, established relationship
➜Word count: 6.0k+
➜Trigger warnings: description of accident, description of injuries, coma, operations
➜Rating: pg15
➜Banner: made by apotatomashedbybts
➜Cross post: ao3| Wattpad
➜Disclaimer: This story was originally posted on May 31, 2019. The facts related to the treatments and healing are based on little details taken from Google and personal assumptions. They may not be accurate and are not to be taken seriously.
➜Author's note: I was planning on re-editing and reposting this fic later someday but Jiya @btsstan12 decided that it was a good time to let people know about this fic! So I put on wheels under my feet and rushed. Lol. Thank you Jiya for doing so he he 💜 also tagging @highly-functioning-mitochondria since I requested you to wait 👉👈💜
Please leave likes and comments and reblogs! Reblogs help a lot for the story to reach a larger audience (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) thenku!✨
➜Author's note #2: This story have been submitted to Bangtan Oasis critique project and is open to receiving any and every critique or feedbacks.
➜Summary: Namjoon and Seokjin, high school best friends and college sweethearts, are deeply in love with each other. Just when they were about to take everything next level a terrible accident pushes them apart. But when you are strong enough and the love is true, you always stick by.
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Seokjin checked his tie for fifth time on the mirror of their walk in closet and then brushing his hands over his perfectly parted hair ever so lightly he looked at his wrist watch. A panicked expression passed through his face as he realised that they were going to be late. He had already called for Namjoon for over four times to get ready quickly. "NAMJOON!" he shouted at the top of his lungs and heaved out a frustrated sigh, "we are going to be late!"
Inside the bedroom, Namjoon was panicking himself after breaking the pair of new glasses that he was going to wear today. But after hearing Seokjin's loud voice he muttered "fuck" under his breath because he knew he was screwed for sure; Seokjin called him by his full name only when he was in a terrible mood. So, taking the broken glasses in his right hand he made way for the door in a flurry.
Hearing Namjoon's footsteps, Seokjin turned around - ready to give him a piece of his mind on punctuality. But his eyes landed on the broken glasses and he sighed as a smile made its way to his perfectly plush lips.
"So, that's why you were taking so much time. Seems like you won't be the spectacle anymore." Saying this he laughed out loud, swaying his body in the process - particularly happy to use his pun here.
Namjoon continued to look at him with the same expression that he had a moment ago which made Seokjin to stop his laugh and sigh lightly. Reaching out his hands towards the closet's upper cupboard he said, "You should learn to be more appreciative of my world class jokes, you know? After all I do so much for you, you can pay me back that way at least!"
A smirk made its appearance along the liplines of Namjoon and he replied, "Isn't my love enough for you? After all I sang Expensive Girl in the college fest only for you!"
"For your kind information, the whole song was directed towards a girl, the name itself says so! And I am pretty sure that I don't have a pussy, neither do I wear bra!" Seokjin huffed making his way towards where Namjoon was standing. The smirk had now made a prominent place on Namjoon's lips as he replied quite quickly, "But I take off what I am supposed to and beat that..." His words got muffled as Seokjin quickly put his big hand over Namjoon's mouth and said, "I know what you do! But please wear this and come quickly. I will be waiting inside the car," and hastily turned away to leave after handing him the new spectacle box, his ear red with shyness.
Even after all these years, Seokjin still got shy on these references and that always made Namjoon adore him more. He had always found Seokjin's habits cute and that made him forget that Seokjin was the older one in this relationship. Though he was metaphorically younger when it came to teasing but in other aspects like taking care of everything needed, Seokjin was the MVP. And no one could deny that because Namjoon was totally senseless in that field.
Namjoon watched as Seokjin was walking away with his ears still red and he smiled imagining smoke coming out from them like they did in the animations.
Namjoon averted his gaze to open the box and found out that there was the exact pair of spectacles that he broke a few minutes ago and instantly a feeling of gratefulness washed over him for having someone like Seokjin in his life. He felt that everyday, every moment, for every little thing Seokjin did for him and he couldn't just love him enough.
"Joon!", Seokjin's mild voice made him look up from the box he was staring at and he saw that Seokjin was standing at the doorway.
"I hope next time you would sing a nice song for me if you ever do!" Saying this Seokjin turned around and went downstairs.
Namjoon smiled - a smile that represented his fondness for his love and he mumbled, "I will."
"It'll take almost forty-five minutes to reach our college campus... It's 9:15 now, so we'll reach there at about 10am. Umm.. then I'll call the shop after reaching there. If I stop at the shop in front of Joon, he'll get suspicious. Yes! That'd be right! The shop isn't even far from our campus!" Seokjin was revising his plan mentally while sitting at the driver's seat and waiting for Namjoon to come down.
They had been in a relationship for almost six years now - three years in college and after that three years and ongoing. They were now quite established and happy with their lives– Seokjin being a journalist and Namjoon being the editor in one of the most popular newspaper in the country. It was pretty much predictable that they would be a part of The Chosun Ilbo because of the fact of then being the top students. Some people were sceptic too as they were so much in love with each other, people doubted whether they will be able to take out time for their studies. But as everyone could see, those people were proved wrong by "the invincible Kim duo", as they were called in their university.
Seokjin had been thinking for a few months now that they should get settled too in terms of making a family and he was pretty sure that if he proposed Namjoon, he would agree in the blink of an eye. After thinking much, he decided to do that today. There's actually a particular reason that he chose their batch's college reunion day as the opportunity. Their Head Of the Department always used to throw them stingy looks for being so in love. He used to say to other students and sometimes even teachers that all this "puppy love" was not going to last long and they were going to break up soon after graduating. He never understood that he was throwing himself lower by saying all that and that it only degraded his position as a teacher. Seokjin had thought that what's done could never be reversed but the least thing he could do was to show him by putting a finger in his eyes that he was wrong.
"I am totally going to propose him today! Yes!" He thought and mentally fist bumped the air.
Seokjin didn't even realize when Namjoon got into the passenger seat beside him until he said, "Hey! What are you thinking?"
This broke Seokjin out of his thoughts and he smiled brightly at Namjoon, "Nothing. Woah! Now you can be the spectacle!" And saying that he pointed finger guns at him.
Laughing out loud at his antics Namjoon said, "Let's gooo! We are going to be late!"
"Hah! You are the one to talk!" Seokjin scoffed starting the engine and hit the road.
Everything was going fine - they were laughing at little jokes of each other, listening to and jamming along with the radio, sometimes stealing shy glances at each other and wondering how could they so be in love with one another- until Seokjin got distracted while attempting to remove the tiny speck of dust that got into his eyes as a truck drove past them and he heard Namjoon shout out loud.
It took him just a fraction of second to understand what was happening but it was already too late and a huge loaded truck bumped head on with their car. He only managed to shove Namjoon out of the car just in time before the terrible pain from the immense force made him black out. Namjoon watched in horror as their car did a back flip and landed on the cemented divider after skidding for about a metre. He could feel a severe pain took over him and a thick liquid substance started trickling down from the back of his head. "Jinnie.." was all he could whisper out before losing consciousness.
"J-jinnie.. Jinnie.." Hearing whispers coming out from Namjoon's mouth the doctor hurriedly went over to him and tried to calm him down. "Mr. Kim, please calm down. You need to take rest. Please, I insist." The words from the doctor faded into a void as he lost his consciousness again.
"He has been constantly coming in and out ofconsciousness for the past few hours. But please don't worry, he is out of danger." Namjoon could hear the doctor's hushed voice and a muffled sob.
"Am I at a hospital? Where is Jinnie? What happened to him? Where is he? I have to know!" His thoughts raced at an insane speed and he tried to sit up from his position but instantly gave in as the excruciating pain in his legs and head made it impossible for him to do so; his eyes still closed.
Noticing what he was doing, the doctor came rushing to hold him. Then a familiar touch, though shaky, tried to help him. Namjoon slowly opened his eyes and saw that his mom was there right beside him and his dad was standing beside her; both of their eyes red because of crying.
He looked at his mom in the eye and asked the question that he was most afraid to hear the answer of but he had to do it anyways. His heart was pounding in a lunatic way and his throat dried as he dreaded what was coming for him. He, though not wanting to, started imagining the worst things that could probably had happened to Seokjin but a small part of him was still hopeful.
"Mo-mom. Where is Jinnie?" His eyes became moist almost instantly as Seokjin's name came out of his mouth.
"Oh.. sweetheart..." His mom looked at his father and then at the doctor, contemplating whether she should tell or not. She knew that there was no gain in hiding it from him and so holding his hands in the most gentle way she asked, "Do you know for how many days you are here?"
Namjoon shook his head slightly to indicate that he didn't.
His mom smiled gently and said, "How stupid of me to ask that. Of course you won't know!" She sighed lightly and continued, "You have been here for four days now. You were constantly coming in and out of consciousness but the doctors said that you were out of danger on the second day. We were so worried about you. But we are glad that you got through only a few fractures and a mediocre head injury. You'll have to stay here for a while though for complete recovery."
Namjoon didn't want to hear all that and he was getting impatient, so he asked, "Mom, please can you tell me already what happened to Jinnie? Please?"
His mom took a deep breath and said, "Darling, he is in ventilation right now. The doctors said that they can't tell anything before another 24 hours is over. A-and he got a major eye injury... They are saying that may be his optical nerves and both the eyes are completely damaged. They need to do an eye transplant."
"Then what are they waiting for? Tell them to do the operation as soon as possible!" Namjoon shouted out in frustration and sadness. He was blaming himself for everything. He regretted being a clumsy person who broke the glasses which made them late. He thought that only if they had gone out at the time they were supposed to may be they could have avoided this. Covering his eyes with his palms he broke into a fit of sobs, "Why? Why? Why does have to be him? Why does it have to be us?"
"Please calm down Mr. Kim. We can understand what you are going through. But you need rest. And please don't worry, we are doing our best!" The doctor gestured the nurse for the diazepam shot as he struggled to calm Namjoon down. "Please... Jinnie... Take... Care..." were the words he could barely whisper out before drifting into the forced sleep.
The next day when Namjoon opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Seokjin's parents. They were abroad when the accident happened and though they were scheduled to return a week later, the accident brought them back earlier.
He didn't know how to comfort Seokjin's mom who was sitting by his side, holding his hand gently, trying not to break down. He too was in such a broken state that he couldn't comfort others even if he wanted to. He wished that he could greet Seokjin's parents with a huge smile like he always used to. He wished he could hug them and say that everything was going to be alright but he couldn't because he needed someone to tell him that instead, he needed someone to convince him that he was not going to lose the man he loved the most.
It had already been five days since they were in the hospital and Namjoon was waiting impatiently for the doctor to come and tell them about Seokjin's condition. He even refused to take his daily diazepam dose in case he slept in while Seokjin regained consciousness. He was not going to miss the chance to say hi to him first.
When the doctor came in he was at the edge of his patience and his parents were having a rough time calming him down.
Looking at all of their eager faces the doctor felt bad.
He knew that all of these eager faces were actually waiting for a good news, he have one though, but that wasn't enough because he had a bad news too. "Umm.. Mr. and Mrs. Kim," he addressed to the parents and also Namjoon, "I have a good news and a bad news. I hope you will cooperate with us." He paused and then taking a deep breath he said, preparing himself for the reaction he was about to get, "Mr. Seokjin Kim is out of danger. There is no life risk." He waited for their relieved expression but all of their faces only showed anxiousness in anticipation of the bad news. Not wanting to waste another minute, the doctor continued, "But he has gone into a coma and we have to keep him in ventilation till he regains consciousness. And we are also looking for an eye donor whose will match perfectly with him. I am sorry.. we don't have anything to do right now except to hope for him to be awake soon. Only after that we'll be able to perform an eye transplantation." The doctor patted Namjoon's shoulder lightly telling him to have faith and then left the cabin. The time inside the cabin seemed to freeze along with the people in it. No one knew what to say or how to react.
"He.. he is going to wake up soon! Right? I know! He can't leave me like this! He'll be fine.. he'll be fine.. I know." Namjoon's mumbles broke the suffocating silence that was trying to swallow them. He kept mumbling the words as if he was convincing himself that all things were going to be alright.
"I have to stay strong, for both of us.." he told himself and that day for the first time he voluntarily took the medicines and the injections instead of resisting like on the other days.
•A month later•
Slipping into his comfy yellow hoodie that Seokjin had always liked on him, Namjoon got out of their house to visit Seokjin in the hospital.
He was released from the hospital two days ago and his parents insisted that he should stay with them instead of their apartment until he totally recovered. He accepted the offer quicker than his parents had pictured. And he was here now, cycling his way from home to the hospital as it was really close and he could visit during the specific hours without wasting much time. Buying Seokjin's favourite pink roses he smiled at the memory of how their apartment always smelt like it. With a doubtful nod at the doctor Namjoon opened the door of the cabin, trying not to make a sound, as if he was in a slow motion. The doctor smiled at him and said, "Don't worry. You can come in normally, he won't hear you. Here, sit here. I'll leave now then. If you need anything, call in the nurse. And have faith." With that he rose from his seat to leave. When he was near the door, Namjoon asked, sadness from a discovery taking place both in his voice and face, "Doctor, you yourself are not sure that he will wake up or not, isn't it? That's why you said that you would operate his eyes after he wakes up." He looked into his eyes for an answer as drops of tears rolled down his cheeks; he hoped that he was wrong. A guilty expression took over the doctor's face and he found it difficult to answer right back. He could feel the sadness radiating from the boy in front of him and he didn't want to crush his hope so he went back to him and kneeling in front of him as if he was talking with a small child he said, "I know that we aren't that powerful but love is. I believe that you'll bring him back." A faint smile was the only type of positiveness he could show on his face to Namjoon before going away.
"By the way, you can hold his hands or touch him, gently." He said just before leaving through the door.
If it was a normal day and he was alone with Seokjin, they would have stolen kisses as much as they could but it wasn't one. Namjoon looked at Seokjin's face with longing in his eyes. He couldn't even imagine the pain he had gone through during the accident and that tore his heart apart more.
"I am sorry. I am so sorry. Only if I had insisted you on keeping the window shut, all of these would never have happened!" Namjoon started crying softly holding Seokjin's hand with utmost care. "Please come back, please. I promise I will be a better boyfriend. I will help you every time while doing the dishes. I'll always dry off my back after coming out of the shower. I'll always keep my clothes in place and I'll always laugh at your jokes... Please don't leave me."
He lost track of time; he just sat there looking at his beloved's face and prayed and hoped until the doctor came in to say that the visiting hours are over and he should be going back home. It was as if he was getting separated for the second time but he told himself and also Seokjin that he would come back tomorrow. With a soft and loving kiss on the forehead - as a goodbye, Namjoon took his leave.
On his way back home, Namjoon bought a camcorder so that he could record most of his daily life incidents and show them to Seokjin when he would wake up. He didn't want him to feel left out and to feel that he missed out on any important things going on in his life.
The thought of Seokjin's happy face made him smile, stupidly - as other people would say - in the middle of the road.
Reaching home, he changed his clothes quickly, too excited to start talking to Seokjin, the future Seokjin.
"Hi! Well this is a little awkward but" he rubbed the back of his head and continued while looking away, "I hope that this will make you happy and I hope wherever you are now, you are doing well and trying to come back to me because, well, you see, I miss you..." he turned his eyes towards the camera, the emptiness getting filled with tears, "a lot.."
He laughed at himself and wiped away his tears. This would make him so sad, he thought.
"Ah! I am so silly! I know you might be worrying about me but I am totally fine. And I got a small head injury.. here" he pointed towards the area at the side of his head where he got hit and brought the camera closer, "and a few scratches, here and there.." and smiled pressing his lips together that made him look cute according to Seokjin.
"I am in my parent's home now because they said I need care and rest! And the channel also gave me the permission to work from home for a month! Yeah, I know you would be angry that I am working even in this condition but I will feel bored, all day sitting down and doing nothing! The only exciting thing in my days is visiting you..." He paused to check whether the camera was working properly or not as if trying to avert his heart from getting sad again then sighing lightly he continued, "oh! Do you know what the station director said? He said that Seokjin is one of our most valuable journalists, so we can never lose him. Once he gets well he can join his post right away." He made a quoting gesture with his left hand and then smiled broadly. "Let's see, what's mom and dad doing! Let's go, go go.." taking the camera he went out of his room and started looking for his parents. "Oh there they are in the living room!" He walked up to his mom smiling and holding the camera in front them said, "Mom say hi to Jin! I am recording for him!"
His mom looked at him with adoration and smiled at the camera, "Jin, honey, get well soon! We miss you! I will make your favourite steak when you visit us!" Namjoon's dad invaded the camera and taking it away from Namjoon's hand he exclaimed, "Sonny, come quickly!! I can't wait to go fishing with you!!! I bought new fishing rods! And the chess match is still incomplete! I am so gonna beat you this time!! Ha ha ha!" Saying that he handed it over to Namjoon and secretly wiped away the droplets formed at the corner of his eyes.
Namjoon was so happy that he took this decision. He recorded even the moments when he was with Seokjin.
He told him dad jokes everyday when he visited him. Seokjin used to love telling dad jokes and laughed at them himself. Now, he was doing that too - telling jokes and laughing himself.
"My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction. So I packed up my stuff and right."
"A skeleton walks into a bar and says, 'Hey, bartender. I'll have one beer and a mop."
"My friend keeps saying 'cheer up man it could be worse, you could be stuck underground in a hole full of water.' I know he means well."
"The fattest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi."
Sometimes Namjoon felt emotionally drained and miserable being lonely, no matter wherever he went. Seokjin's presence had such a big impact in his life that even if he wanted to it was undeniable. He never wanted to deny though, but all he wanted was Seokjin to come back and fill up the empty void. At night the empty space beside him haunted him. He wanted to hug Seokjin tightly and let his worries slip away but Seokjin not being there was his main worry; he could never afford losing him. And that's what fueled him to look forward to the next day, to smile, to try and to hope.
It's been a couple of month since the accident and Seokjin showed no sign of improvement so far. Their parents broke down often but Namjoon stayed strong, for everyone, for himself. He knew that Seokjin was going to come back to him, to them and he was going to make sure that it happened. He told his parents that he was going to move back to his apartment by the end of the first week. His parents were obviously reluctant to let him go but he was adamant. Though it'll be a little bit far from the hospital but at least he would have Seokjin's traces near him when he was there.
"Umm.. Don't laugh at me, okay? I am going to make some egg rolls for dinner tonight! Don't worry. Ha ha. I learnt the recipe from mom today. You'll see the inner chef in me wake up today!" Namjoon laughed shyly at the camera and put it on the shelf beside where he was going to cook. It was a day after he moved back in that he decided to cook because he thought that he should learn doing these things now as a way to lessen Seokjin's pressure.
"It didn't turn out as good as yours but it's edible though I burnt it little bit. Here look! But you have to say that the burnt areas look like fancy design!" He raised one of his eyebrows cockily, "presenting to you omelèt by the great chef Señor Namjoon Kim!" Everything was going well until now but just when he bowed like at the end of a show the plate in his left hand slipped making a dive to the floor. Looking at the food on the floor he sighed deeply, disappointed at his careless ass. "Seems like I have to order food today... Nevermind! If not today, may be tomorrow!" Showing a thumbs up at the camera he switched it off.
Days went by in a mundane way - recording videos for Seokjin, visiting him, working, cooking and crying and hoping. The only thing that was added to this routine was Namjoon's car driving lessons. This time he took it seriously and within one and a half month he got the driver's license. But he still went to take special lessons so that he could use it if any emergencies occurred. Every time he sat behind the wheel, the memories from that day came rushing in before his eyes, only to make him imagine himself in place of Seokjin, only to make him want the pain for himself. But that also fueled his desire to do everything for Seokjin that he couldn't do earlier.
It was one of those mundane days, five months after the incident, when Namjoon just got up and was brushing his teeth. The ringing of his phone that early in the morning made him scrunch his eyebrows. Quickly finishing his brushing, he went over to look who it was. The doctor's name on the screen made him feel like his heart was in his throat and it beat really fast in anticipation and fear. He quickly dialled back - a side of him hoping for a miracle but he tried to suppress it in fear of jinxing it and another side of him was afraid of the worst and again he wanted to suppress it, fearing he would jinx it too.
"H-Hello! Doctor?" He had to literally struggle to take out the words from his throat.
"Yes! Namjoon! I have a good news! Seokjin has regained consciousness!" The doctor's voice rang through the phone. Namjoon didn't know how but he found himself panting through the main door of the hospital and pounding on the elevator switches as if his life depended on it.
He didn't even realize that he needed to stop to catch a breath until he stopped in front of the cabin door. Taking in the much needed oxygen he huffed and steadied his messed up self and opened the door trying not to make a sound. Seokjin had been transferred to a normal cabin as he didn't need ventilation anymore and he was breathing normally.
What Namjoon saw after entering made his heart sink a level lower. The nurse was giving him an injection to make him go to sleep and the bandages that were still on his eyes reminded him that he couldn't see anymore, not yet.
The slight touch of hand on his shoulder startled him. Turned around his eyes met with the pair of sympathetic eyes of the doctor. He said, "He was having trouble breathing a little bit because of staying in ventilation for so long so we needed him to go to sleep. We'll be looking after him all day and night and we hope that he would be able to breathe properly by tomorrow. Don't worry. This is a positive response and isn't this what you wanted for so long? For him to wake up? Don't be sad.. You'll be talking with him in a few days. And there's another good news! We found a donor so we can perform the operation quickly. We'll held a meeting about that today. The Lady Luck is on your side, buddy. Cheer up!" He flashed a smile that Namjoon was seeing for the first time and it made Namjoon realize that the doctor was genuinely happy which made him sigh in relief; Seokjin was not leaving him.
Pacing back and forth impatiently in front of the operation theatre Namjoon ate almost all the nails on his fingers out of extreme nervousness. The doctor had told him repeatedly that it was a simple operation and that he needed to relax but he was not a person to listen.
The day when Seokjin came out of coma, in the meeting the doctors decided to perform the operation the immediate next day and so as told so was done. And hence Namjoon was there outside, pulling on his hair and praying for the operation to be successful because though the doctor told him to relax, he knew that the operation was a complex one; they were operating Seokjin's optical nerves.
"Namjoon, can you come with me?" The chief doctor called him in to his chamber after the operation was completed. Namjoon got happy seeing that the operation was complete and he excitedly went over to the doctor but this summon made lines of worry clear on his forehead.
"What is it doctor? Is he okay?" Namjoon asked as soon as they entered through the door.
"Please, take the seat first!" The doctor gestured his hands towards the chair opposite to his and he himself sat in his own revolving chair.
"I can see that you are quite shaken but there's nothing to worry about!" He continued with a kind smile on his lips, "The operation was successful. But it may take a month to heal so until then we can't allow him without bandages. After that he can go back to his normal life again!"
Namjoon felt like a heavy stone had been removed from his chest and he sighed in relief.
That one month seemed like an age to both of them.
Namjoon never stopped visiting Seokjin with flowers and never did he stopped telling the jokes. But the only difference was that Seokjin laughed, at every jokes he threw, he smiled and replied to everything Namjoon said and Namjoon felt like his life was filling up again, drop by drop with happiness.
One month passed by, in a blink for Seokjin, amidst rehabilitation and therapies and like a snail trail for Namjoon, amidst all the desirous waiting.
Two days before the bandages were supposed to be cut off Seokjin asked for his parents to visit him. When they arrived he told them about the ring and also said that he had filled in the details and had paid the advance before the accident happened; they just had to go there with his ID card and get the ring after making the full payment. He also told them to keep it a secret from Namjoon as it was supposed to be a surprise to begin with. The next day at evening his parents handed over the ring to the doctor after the visiting hours were over because all of them knew that Namjoon would be there then.
"Is Namjoon here yet, doc?" Seokjin asked. "No. You don't have to ask that so many times, you know that right? We'll do it after he arrives here!" The doctor replied laughing.
Seokjin strictly wanted the doctors to cut his bandages after Namjoon arrived because he was the first person he wanted to lay his eyes on. "Why is he being so late for? Other days he comes here before time!" Seokjin thought and huffed loudly as his lips formed an automatic pout.
"Ah! I am so so sorry for being late!" Namjoon burst through the door as if he had run the short distance. "Doctor, I have a request. Please don't let me down." Namjoon looked at him with pleading eyes. The doctor nodded indicating him to go on. "Can you please do this at the hospital garden? Under the cherry blossoms? You can take the wheelchair there, right? Please, please?" Namjoon grabbed his hands and begged. "O-okay... Nurse, pack the necessary things up and make arrangements to take Seokjin to the garden." The doctor asked the nurse, quite amused himself.
Seokjin slowly opened his eyes, adjusting it to the evening sunlight. He looked straight ahead of him only to find Namjoon kneeling in front of him, on one knee and with a ring in his hand. An unutterable feeling took over his soul as he looked at the man in front of him whom he had loved from the time he had laid his eyes on him, kneeling on top of the fallen cherry petals with the sun going down behind him. This was the best thing he could have ever imagined to see ever in his life. With shaky fingers he reached into his pocket and took out the ring that was supposed to be already on Namjoon's ring finger. An astonished gasp left Namjoon's mouth, "You gotta be kidding me!" "I am not..." Seokjin said mildly, with smile on his lips and tears in his eyes.
They both slipped in the rings into each others fingers and Namjoon hugged Seokjin tightly yet gently, whispering in his ears, "Happy seventh anniversary, my love..."
Breaking from the hug, Namjoon held Seokjin's hands softly, still on one knee and started singing "So That I Love You" that he had been learning by heart for the past few weeks. Seokjin couldn't believe his ears. The song fit perfectly with Namjoon's voice making it more appealing. The emotions poured out from his eyes as they both continued to look into each others eyes. As the song ended, Seokjin leaned his head on Namjoon's shoulder and said softly, "You are such a good singer! I would have never expected that you would do this for me! I love you.."
Namjoon pulled him closer, if it was possible, and whispered back, "I love you more.."
"You know there's no point in arguing, right?" Seokjin asked.
"Yeah! I know..." Namjoon smiled and kissed his forehead, "thank you for coming back."
Seokjin softly tugged on Namjoon's collar to which Namjoon smirked lightly and leaned in to kiss Seokjin on his lips. He peppered Jin's plump lips with butterfly kisses making him giggle. In between one of those kisses a cherry petal got caught between their lips and like a sudden realisation they became aware of their surroundings which made a redness rush to their cheeks.
To hide his embarrassed face Seokjin buried his face into the crook of his lover's neck. Namjoon felt a wave of warm current pass through his chest and he leaned, ever so softly, on Seokjin's warm cheeks, feeling his warmth.
He was again made aware of how much he had longed for this particular sensation. As tears brimmed again in the corner of his eyes, he was glad that he didn't have to record this moment into a camcorder. It was getting tucked gently in the most protected corner of his mind to cherish forever.
And when Seokjin looked up, and stared deep into his eyes, all Namjoon could do was kiss him again, promising to stay by his side always, no matter how hard the situation might become.
~•The End•~
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— © 2022 apotatomashedbybts, all rights reserved. Reposting or modifying of any kind is not allowed. Translations are not allowed.
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chan-oey · 1 year
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NUESTRO AMOR - namjindetails | namjindetails
abra para melhor qualidade
💕 capas e banner para o projeto NAMJINFLEXSIDE
social spirit | wattpad
clique aqui (spirit), ou aqui (wattpad) para ler a fanfic
para pedidos: mrjones :)
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yadaisha · 6 months
New Fic: In A Bamboo Grove
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After a painful breakup Namjoon had moved to a small village at the edge of a mountain forest and became, entirely by accident, the local mudang. Years later, Seokjin found him again.
Read on Ao3!
Namjin | T | >5.3k | WIP | Now-Human Seokjin, Shaman Namjoon, Exes to Lovers, Getting Back Together, Angst with a Happy Ending
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yooniessunshine · 1 year
Once upon a Dream
Prince Seokjin was cursed by the evil Witch to prick himself with the spindle on his 21st birthday and fall asleep forever. While being raised by his friends he meets mysterious Prince Namjoon and they start to fall for each other.
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Moodboard and fic made by me 💜
Chapter 1 - https://t.co/mK7LmM0xIm
Chapter 2 coming soon and chapters 3 and 4 (last one) hopefully coming soon
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♡ Masterlist ♡
♡ full story on ao3 here ♡
Pairing/s: Werewolf!NamjoonX Vampire!Seokjin
Word count: 1,544 (one shot)
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Seokjin: Namjoon…
Namjoon stopped to listen.
Seokjin: Last night, you were unhinged. You were like some desperate howling demon. You frightened me.
Namjoon halted his pursuit. He sat up and his Adam’s apple bobbed, irked.
Seokjin: Do it again.
Based off a line by Morticia in The Addams Family movie that I fell in love with.
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• Secret Relationship
• Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters
• Implied Sexual Content
• Vampire Kim Seokjin | Jin
• Werewolf Kim Namjoon | RM
• Romantic Fluff
• Inspired by Addams Family
• Size Difference
• Height Differences
• Established Relationship
• Protective Kim Namjoon | RM
• Romance
• Vampire Bites
• Intimacy
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jehan-d-art · 1 year
my fics
(to be updated!)
ship: seongjoong
ship: woosan
ship: yoonmin
ship: namjin
ship: taekook 
ship: yumarkhyuck
ship: johnmark
ship: johnten
ship: kunten
ship: johnkun
ship: johntenkun
ship: yutaten
ship: soonhoon
ship: minkey
ship: jongyu
Stray Kids
ship: chanlix
ship: taekai
ship: kaiten
ship: sookai
other tags
fic ideas
moodboards seventeen
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btmjoons · 7 months
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pairing: seokjin x namjoon
genre: demon au, pwp
word count: 2.8k
fic tags: demon summoning, hypnotism, multiple orgasms
never in his 28 years of living did namjoon think he would be here, sitting on his bed with a shy, blushing, and very naked demon standing by him.
read it at ao3.
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btsmosphere · 2 years
Firstly, CONGRATS FOR 1K!!!!!!
Second... 👀👀👀
namjin roommates au, fluff and humor, idiots to lovers, "it's perfectly legal"
Thirdly, I LOVE YOU RU!
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~summary: living with Namjoon usually equals chaos, and tonight is no different. Jin can't pretend he doesn't love it, though ~pairing: jin x namjoon ~fluff, humour, angst if you really squint, idiots to lovers, roommate au ~word count: 1k ~rating: g ~warnings: mentions of alcohol
~a/n: thank you so much!! I love you too🥰💜I'm so sorry it's taken me a while to get to this drabble, I wanted to have it out before this but it's sometimes a challenge coming up with something funny so I had to wait for the right idea to hit! luckily, I thought of something I liked and here it is😊also this is my ‘kim namjoon’ entry for @bangtanwritingbingo ​ this is part of my drabble game, where requests are still open if anyone is interested! for the others who requested, I'm aiming to have one out each week now!
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The house was dark. Silent.
Jin’s breathing, steadily evening out as he relaxed into bed, was all that could be heard.
Such peace was admittedly a rarity around here. Living with Namjoon meant there was usually something going on, whether it be songwriting or something very expensive breaking, but this meant it was never quiet.
Today, though, with Namjoon out, Jin missed it. He would scold his roommate, but whenever a loud crash sounded in the middle of the night, the only reaction it ever provoked was really just a fond smile.
Rolling over, he tried to cherish the silence. But in reality, it unnerved him. Namjoon wasn’t here. It made him feel very alone, very… exposed. Who knew what could happen to him-
He bolted upright in bed.
There was a noise.
It had been soft, muffled, but in the quiet of night there was no mistaking it. Body tense, Jin held his breath. Waiting.
There it was again.
And although Jin had been longing for some sign of life just moments ago, this made his blood run cold. It hadn’t sounded from inside the house, but from outside his window.
Another thump, louder this time and right against the glass, finally startled him enough to leap from his bed. Grabbing the closest thing from the dresser, he then raced to the light switch and flicked it on, leaving him staring across the room at his window. If whatever was out there realised he was awake, maybe they would go away.
But the noises didn’t stop.
Crap, what should he do now?
Another snap broke the silence, filled only with Jin’s heavy breathing as his mind short-circuited. It was louder than before, and the next thing he knew, there was an impact against his curtain.
The window was open.
Sprinting across the room, Jin tugged the curtain aside, raising his free hand as he prepared to force the window shut or to beat the trespasser around the head, whichever was most applicable.
In the event, he froze.
So did the other person.
Sitting on his windowsill, eyes wide as they found themselves nose to nose with Jin, was Kim Namjoon.
Jin recovered first, though his eyes were practically bulging from his skull.
An idiotically bright smile sprang onto Namjoon’s face.
“Good evening,” he said.
Jin blinked.
“You’re drunk.”
“You’re drunk and breaking into your own house?!”
“It’s perfectly legal,” Namjoon protested, swinging his legs to the inside. He jumped down quite deftly; an effect ruined by his tripping over Jin’s rug not a second later.
Jin jumped out of Namjoon’s way as the larger man fell, finally lowering his hand and staring incredulously down at his roommate.
“I’m not sure it is, you know,” he retorted.
Namjoon was already distracted, though, staring at the weapon Jin held clasped in his hand.
“Is that your aftershave?”
Staring at it properly for the first time, Jin realised he had indeed grabbed his aftershave bottle in his panic. Though the cylindrical bottle could probably do some damage, it wasn’t exactly a conventional means of self-defence.
“I thought you were an intruder!” he retaliated, rounding on Joon.
“And what was your plan, make the burglar smell nice?”
“Hey, you don’t get to lecture me in this situation,” Jin ranted, “this is your fault because you picked the wrong room, dummy. Are you really drunk enough that you forgot where you live?”
Nonetheless, he reached down to help Namjoon up. An action he regretted just moments later as Namjoon’s weight swung the other way, crashing against him and sending Jin staggering against the wall.
Though Namjoon managed to catch himself and avoid crushing Jin, he still had him sandwiched against the wall.
Heat rushed to Jin’s cheeks as he sputtered. Namjoon pressed up against him, a hand on the wall beside his head, was sending him into a flurry he wasn’t prepared for. Swallowing, he met Namjoon’s eyes at last, but what he found there looked akin to hurt.
“I didn’t get the wrong room,” Namjoon murmured.
Bewildered, Jin simply stared at him, before turning his eyes to the room around them. It was a little tricky, Namjoon not moving from his place yet, but he got enough of a look to assure himself that yes, this was his own bedroom.
Returning his gaze to his roommate, Jin looked at him seriously. He lowered his voice a little, speaking very plainly.
“Namjoon, this is definitely my room. You’ve had too much to drink, I can get you some water and then you can go to bed. Your bed.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
Namjoon’s retort wasn’t full of teasing, however. His voice was low, the huskiness in Jin’s ears flustering him far too much. And why were they still standing so close?
“What do you mean?” he spluttered, voice also not raising beyond a whisper.
“Maybe it wasn’t the alcohol,” Namjoon pressed, “what would you do?”
The implications of his words slammed into Jin, pinning him against the wall – although, Namjoon was already doing a good job of that himself. Surely the younger didn’t know what he was saying.
Jin’s voice was shaky when he spoke again.
“Namjoon, you need to go to bed.”
At last, Namjoon stepped back, releasing him. But the loss only made Jin feel cold.
“Okay, hyung,” a half-hearted smile flickered across his face, but died a second later, “I’m sure it was the alcohol, yeah? Sorry if I woke you.”
Breathing heavily, Jin watched, frozen, as Namjoon took two slow steps towards the door-
He stopped in his path, turning slightly back.
Jin sighed.
“Why don’t you stay in here, yeah? So I can keep an eye on you… and you can tell me in the morning whether this was really the room you were aiming for?”
Namjoon’s frame relaxed. And, as always, after Namjoon was asleep, Jin couldn’t be mad at his roommate. He watched him with just a loving smile, hoping for the words he would hear come daylight.
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Thanks for reading! Comments are always welcomed and appreciated💜
Taglist: @aianlovesevenseven @preciouschimine @un2-verse @taegularities 
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xavieryaa · 1 year
won't you fa-la-la-la-love me too? // namjin
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rating: pg
genre: fake relationship, christmas, fluff
word count: 13.4k
summary: Kim Seokjin can't help but be just a bit jealous that all of his friends except him have found love for themselves, so in a fit of impulse he lies to his friends and says that he has a boyfriend. It's not *that* bad of a lie - at least, not until the day before he leaves for winter break, when his best friend remarks that he's excited to see Seokjin's boyfriend over break.
Seokjin's only choice to save face is to try and get into a fake relationship - and it just so happens that the only person available over break is Kim Namjoon, the Calculus tutor who he's barely ever spoken to. Seokjin expects the entire thing to end in chaos, but he gives it a chance anyways.
What he doesn't expect is that the only chaos is in his feelings.
author's note: this was originally posted on ao3 for christmas 2021 :)
If there was one thing any university student could agree on, it was their love of winter break. The pure white snow covering the ground in a thick blanket, the cozy atmosphere and the memories attached to it, the temporary relief from the stress of classes - it was always a more than welcome time of the year, and almost no one loved it more than Kim Seokjin, holiday enthusiast and burned-out culinary arts major. 
That especially applied this year, where he had been unusually homesick and had been longing to see his friends, who unfortunately all attended different schools. And now, after weeks of anticipation, pulling himself through his final projects of the semester, and counting down the days, this was his second to last day of classes before he was home free. With the styrofoam coffee cups littered across his desk and the 30 tabs he had just closed out of on his computer, he couldn’t be happier for that, because with his current environment and the excitement in the coming week, he doubts he would have been able to get anything done at the moment anyways. Right now, at least, he’s refreshingly free from responsibility.
The pleasant sound of upbeat music in his headphones is interrupted by a soft buzz from his phone, followed by the upbeat tone of a notification. Glancing at the lit-up screen, he sees a message from none other than Kim Taehyung, the occasionally clingy but mostly humorous and loveable man he considered his best friend. 
taehyuuunnngg: heyooo seokjin
WorldWideSugarGliders: hi!
taehyuuunnngg: can’t wait to see that boyfriend of yours over winter break ;) 
Boyfriend. Seokjin’s boyfriend. Taehyung wants to see Seokjin’s boyfriend over the holidays. 
He’s not sure what sort of bizarre imaginary friend Taehyung is referring to, because unless some drastic change has taken place or he’s unaware of a creepy unrequited lover, Seokjin has a grand total of zero boyfriends. He’s about to message Taehyung back to ask what in the world he’s talking about when a months-old memory he would have sincerely preferred to forget surfaces. 
In the past few years that Seokjin’s friend group had known each other, their friendship thankfully hadn’t changed much, with the band of six still managing to be as close as ever despite the physical distance between them as they separated to attend their different colleges. Sometimes it was hard, sometimes they didn’t talk much, but they managed to work it out. There had been one major change, though: relationships. 
Specifically the fact that all his friends, everyone in their little group except Seokjin, had found themselves in romantic ones. 
Seokjin had never considered himself a hopeless romantic, but he would be lying if he were to say that he never got a bit jealous looking at the way everyone else talked about their partners, how it seemed like all of them were so genuinely happy and satisfied. It didn’t help that one of those relationships was between Yoongi and Jungkook, so whenever they met up Seokjin would catch them making goo-goo eyes at each other anytime they thought someone wasn’t looking (someone was always looking). 
Was it mildly disturbing to see his normally silly friends so serious about something? Yes. Did it make him want to roll his eyes a bit at the pure sappiness of it all? Absolutely. But was it adorable? Also yes.
And he supposes that was why on a regrettable day two months ago, on one of their bi-monthly big group calls, out of pure idiotic instinct and a failed attempt to repress his own desire for the love he constantly saw, he lied. A big lie. A massive, un-hideable, almost achingly stupid lie. 
“Yah, Seokjin, you’re the only single one left! Saving yourself for someone special, huh?” Taehyung says teasingly, shit-eating grin ever-present as he sees Seokjin look away from the camera.
“I…no! I have a boyfriend, actually!”
And that was how Seokjin managed to completely screw himself over in a matter of five minutes. How was he supposed to get a boyfriend before winter break, when he would see his friends in person again? He hadn’t had any plan for that, actually, just deciding to leave it to Later Seokjin to figure it out. Well, now he was Later Seokjin, and he had not even the dimmest idea about what he was supposed to do.
Almost immediately after the call had ended, save for the way he lied in bed that evening and ruminated over every mildly embarrassing thing he had said, he had forgotten the entire thing. And now, two months later, here he was, having no idea what he was going to do. 
Should he just tell Taehyung he had been lying that day? He’s surprised Taehyung remembers, but Taehyung always had been one to get too involved in other peoples’ love lives. 
He knows that would be the smart thing to do, the most logical answer. But he also knows that Taehyung would tease him relentlessly until the end of time if Seokjin told him that he had lied about having a boyfriend for such a stupid reason. 
Would it really be so bad if he was to just try and keep his fabrication up for a bit longer? Well, it probably would be bad if it failed, but he’s sure he can find some way to get himself out of this without anyone finding out first. After all, in the past he had always had a penchant for overly creative solutions.
Sighing and mentally cursing himself for doing any of this in the first place, with his fingers tapping against the screen of his phone, he decides to do the same thing he does with most of his assignments: dig himself deeper into a hole of procrastination. 
WorldWideSugarGliders: he’s excited to meet you guys too!:
taehyuuunnngg: he’s heard good things i hope?
WorldWideSugarGliders:of course, what else would i say about my absolute angels of a friend group?
taehyuuunnngg : yeah yeah we’re not that bad you’re just a goody two shoes :P
taehyuuunnngg: clearly your boyfriend hasn’t cured your sarcasm
taehyuuunnngg: just kidding love you please don’t murder me in my sleep
Electing not to respond, Seokjin throws himself onto his bed, groaning in frustration as he shoves his face into the covers. Well, he can’t exactly go back now, not unless he wants to make the consequences worse than they would have been in the first place. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did he choose to make things harder for himself? All he had wanted was a nice, relaxing holiday break with his friends, and he had managed to spoil it for himself with only a few sentences. 
Sighing, he finally pulls himself back to his desk, grabbing his nearby notepad and half-dry pen, scribbling in rushed handwriting on a piece of paper. Step One: Find a fake boyfriend . He might as well start now. So he asks himself two questions: what guys did he know that were his age, and more importantly, which ones didn’t already have plans for the winter break?
The first answer was easy enough - he had made quite a few acquaintances throughout his time at university - but the second one was…difficult. Obviously the vast majority of people, including him, already knew what they were going to do with their time off, and there was no way anyone would even consider changing their plans for a guy desperately trying not to embarrass himself. Who did he know who didn’t have anything in store for the holidays? His first thought was the most unfortunate (and likely) answer: no one. 
He’s about to just resign to his fate when he remembers one person, a man who had somehow slipped his mind for a moment. Kim Namjoon, a student in his year who tutored him in the one subject that he could just never seem to master, Calculus. He didn’t know much about him; handsome, genius, kind, and that was about it. What he did know, though, was that Namjoon fit his second criterion, based on a brief conversation they had had around a week before. 
“Ugh, I can’t wait for winter break. Calculus is killing my brain,” Seokjin groaned, letting his pencil drop out of his hand onto the table out of pure defeat. Namjoon gave a slight chuckle, patting him on the back reassuringly. “Me too, honestly. It’ll be here soon enough, though, you just need to get through what we have left first.”
“Just a week and a half more before I can go home and see my friends. What about you? What are you doing on the break?”
Namjoon shrugged. “Nothing, really. My parents will both be travelling outside the country for work, and none of my friends are going to be near each other, so I can’t really visit them. So I’m probably just going to stay here and chill, I suppose.”
Seokjin and Namjoon could probably be described as acquaintances at best, seeing as they did see each other often due to Seokjin’s arithmetic troubles, but they never talked outside of that, with their text history consisting entirely of repetitive “sorry, i can’t make it today!” conversations pertaining to tutoring. They weren’t friends, and neither of them had seemed particularly interested in changing that. 
So why would Namjoon agree to help him with this, if they weren’t particularly close? 
Well, Seokjin would just have to hope that he could convince the man to do it, because otherwise he really had no idea what he was going to do. There had to be some way that he could make the decision worth it to Namjoon. 
Hoping he’d actually be able to follow through on his hopes, he pulls out his phone again and opens his messages before he can chicken out. He would probably regret this later, but he needs a plan now , no matter how terribly thought out that plan might happen to be. 
WorldWideSugarGliders: hey namjoon! sorry if this is a bit sudden but i need your help with something
KimNamjoonRM: ok! is it calculus?
WorldWideSugarGliders: no, something else. it’s probably better if we talk in person
KimNamjoonRM: ah. want to meet in the library, then?
WorldWideSugarGliders: yes, are you able to come now?
KimNamjoonRM: yep, i’ll see you there
Seokjin gets up, wrapping himself in his black down coat and magenta wool scarf as he grabs them from beside the door. Shoving his phone in his coat pocket and preparing to brave the chilly outside weather, Seokjin opens the door, knowing that what he just did was probably the easiest part of the whole ordeal. 
Seokjin’s not ready for this. Not when he can barely look up at Namjoon, who’s sitting across from him at one of the tables in the library, black hair in a messy side part under a fluffy beanie and chocolate eyes looking at him in curiosity. Namjoon sips on a cup of coffee, hissing as he pulls it away from his mouth, and Seokjin can see the steam coming out of it. Briefly, randomly, he wonders what kind of coffee Namjoon likes, if he’d like Seokjin’s favorite caramel macchiato.
But that’s trumped by the more important issue at hand. Namjoon is staring at him expectantly now, head cocked to the side in curiosity, and it’s then when he inevitably asks Seokjin a question he knows he has to answer but doesn’t quite have the answer to. 
“So, what did you need my help with Seokjin?”
“Well, uhh…you don’t have any plans for the winter break, right? I remember you telling me that…” Seokjin fidgets with his fingers, and it’s practically an Olympian task for him to maintain his eye contact with Namjoon. Normally he wouldn’t be this anxious in a conversation, but this wasn’t normal - he’s asking someone he hardly knows outside of academics to be his fake boyfriend, which was something that he, for obvious reasons, had absolutely zero experience with. 
“Yeah, I’m just staying here,” Namjoon nods, a slight shrug following his words, but his eyebrows are still raised in a question, a question Seokjin still hasn’t answered. “Why do you ask?”
Seokjin sighs, wishing he could just bury his head into his arms and disappear into his pile of warm clothes with how much he’s embarrassing himself. He tries not to care too much, considering he’s about to embarrass himself a whole lot more. Tapping his fingers on the table, trying to calm his heart a little bit, Seokjin starts to get out the words as best as he can.
“God, I don’t know how to ask this. All my other friends are in relationships, so a few months ago I lied and said I have a boyfriend so I could feel involved, and I totally forgot about that today. So now they’re expecting me to show up over winter break with a boyfriend I don’t have,” Seokjin blurts quickly, feeling heat rush to his cheeks as he gets further and further into his explanation of his ridiculous problem. 
“Ok, so you made a mistake and you don’t have much time to fix it, I understand. But…how does this relate to me? Do you want me to help you tell them or something?”
Knowing how smart Namjoon was, Seokjin had been hoping, praying , that he wouldn’t have to explicitly say what he meant. But it’s obvious he hasn’t realized. Seokjin’s going to say this out loud, isn’t he? He’s going to have to ask Namjoon to be his fake boyfriend in all the mortifying glory of such a crazy request. 
“No. I…listen, my friends will make fun of me until the end of time if they find out I lied. I know it sounds stupid, but will you come home with me over winter break and pretend to be my boyfriend?”
Namjoon doesn’t move for a moment, and Seokjin feels a deep sense of regret, wanting to take back every word that has ever come out of his mouth, which only deepens as Namjoon finally processes what he’s said, eyes widening as his jaw drops without any words coming out, and Seokjin doesn’t know if he’s just seeing things from his own anxiety but he swears he sees the tiniest tinge of pink dust Namjoon’s face. 
“I fully understand if you’re not comfortable with that! I can try to find someone else, I’m sorry…” Seokjin exclaims, waving his hands in front of him frantically. Why, why, why, why, why did he do this?
“Could I…have some time to think about this?” Namjoon asks, and Seokjin nods, relieved that he hadn’t just said no immediately. Hope was definitely better than nothing, at least. “Yeah, that would work. I just need an answer by tomorrow, okay? Because later in the day I’ll leave.”
“Well, I’ll see you later, Seokjin,” Namjoon pushes his chair out from the table, standing up and brushing seemingly invisible dust from his long grey coat. As Seokjin watches his tall figure slowly get further away, not looking back once or leaving more time to say goodbye, his nervousness starts to slowly drain out. He’s starting to wonder if it was really all that worth it to set out on this endeavor just to try and imitate the feeling which captivated all his friends. He didn’t have an answer to that.
It’s around 23:00, when Seokjin is finally starting to drift off and retreat to his dreams, that Namjoon gives his answer. The high ding of a notification startles him right back into consciousness, and as he opens the phone to see the text, the dim light of his phone feels blinding. Though it’s a bit annoying, his mood immediately lifts again when he sees the contents of the message. 
KimNamjoonRM: i’ve decided i’ll help you. you have to do something to help me too, though
KimNamjoonRM: and there’s one condition: i’ll pretend we’re dating in front of your friends and do what we need to to make it look real, but when we’re alone, no lovey-dovey stuff. Deal?
WorldWideSugarGliders: deal! definitely deal. seriously, namjoon, thank you so much!!
WorldWideSugarGliders: what do you want me to help you with? i’ll do anything to pay you back for this
KimNamjoonRM: teach me to cook
WorldWideSugarGliders: really? that seems kind of small compared to what you’re doing for me
KimNamjoonRM: you just haven’t seen how terrible i am at cooking. You’re a culinary arts major, right? 
KimNamjoonRM: learning from someone who’s good at it is the best shot i have, and it might take a while
KimNamjoonRM: i’m just desperate to be able to make something other than burnt ramen
WorldWideSugarGliders: well i’m up for the challenge. you’re in good hands to learn cooking, trust me!
WorldWideSugarGliders: i’m planning to leave tomorrow afternoon. do you think you’ll be able to pack and be ready by then?
KimNamjoonRM: yeah, i should be able to do that
KimNamjoonRM: good night, seokjin
WorldWideSugarGliders: night, namjoon :)
Seokjin genuinely couldn’t believe his luck. Through Namjoon’s kindness and some bizarre miracle, his plan was actually beginning to work, and if he could make his luck run a little longer he might be able to get through all this. Smiling in triumph, he puts down his phone and buries himself back in his cocoon of blankets, falling asleep within a minute of when he puts his head back down on the pillow.
In the morning, as sunlight peeks in through the cracks in the blind and casts a warm glow across his bedroom and small mounds of snow drop off from the roof past his window, it’s not the light shining across Seokjin’s face that wakes him up, but yet another notification. Shuffling around in his bed and peeking at the time on his phone, even though it’s not early and it was probably better that he woke up now, he starts to seriously consider putting his phone on silent mode just to avoid any more potential mid-sleep awakenings. Regardless of his irritation, he unlocks his phone to check who unintentionally acted as his alarm clock. 
hobi-seok: taehyung reminded me about your guest for break, almost forgot about that lol
hobi-seok: welllll, now that i’ve remembered, what’s his name?? i don’t think you ever told us
WorldWideSugarGliders: namjoon :D
hobi-seok: his name sounds kinda like tree, does he like nature by any chance? that would be a cool coincidence
Seokjin racks his brain for a moment, trying to remember if Namjoon had ever said anything about nature. If he lied about this without knowing, and Hoseok brought it up at some point and Namjoon wasn’t a big nature person, then his friends might get suspicious. They were supposed to be dating , after all, how could Seokjin not know something so simple about who everyone else thought was his boyfriend?
He comes across a dim memory from about a month before, something he’s surprised he even remembers. Namjoon had made an offhand comment about how he was sad the weather had gotten too cold for him to go hiking without feeling like he was freezing. It was a single sentence, and they hadn’t discussed it any further, but it was something, and something was all he needed.
WorldWideSugarGliders: yeah actually! he does, that’s funny
hobi-seok: he sounds like a cool guy. excited to see him! 
hobi-seok: you’re coming later today, right?
WorldWideSugarGliders: yeah, i’m planning to leave around 14:00
hobi-seok: alright then, see you later!
WorldWideSugarGliders: seeya, hobi
One potential mini-disaster avoided, likely the first of many. And so what if they were problems that he himself had essentially created? Seokjin had a plan, and if everything went well, he was going to smash through these perfectly avoidable problems regardless.
Just by helping Namjoon get his things into Seokjin’s car, Seokjin had learned a couple things about the taller man. 
One, he was clumsy. Very clumsy. Trip-over-his-own-feet-multiple-times-while-walking clumsy. Seokjin was honestly (pleasantly) surprised that Namjoon hadn’t smacked into the side of the vehicle at any point when they had put his suitcase in the trunk, what with how ineffective he seemed to be at controlling those long legs of his. 
Two, he was sarcastic. Quite a bit more sarcastic than he had ever noticed during their tutoring sessions, or he supposes more than Namjoon had ever let show during those. He likely just wanted to put on a more professional and helpful face, but now in this more casual environment, he let his more true personality shine. And shine, it did. Like the bright rays of sun that conveniently always appear right where you’re trying to look at something far away. 
“I still can’t believe I agreed to do this,” Namjoon says, looking out at the line of cars ahead of them. Seokjin wasn’t sure whether it was a car accident, road work, or something else entirely, but what he was sure of was the fact that that traffic was heavy that day. “How long is this car ride again? Two hours?”
“That’s when there’s not much traffic. We’ll probably be in this car for longer than that. On the bright side, though, you get to be in the presence of my handsome face for longer,” Seokjin jokes with a smirk, and Namjoon rolls his eyes, though he doesn’t make an effort to hide the slight smile on his face. 
“Yeah, this is the best time ever right here. You, me, leg cramps from sitting for so long,”
Seokjin wasn’t entirely used to this side of Namjoon, but he didn’t dislike it. In fact, he was starting to get sort of fond of it, even with how little time they had spent together. It was refreshing to see Namjoon more relaxed like this. 
“Ah, come on, it isn’t too bad. A bit annoying, yeah, but we'll be fine,” Seokjin waves his hand in the air casually as he speaks, the near standstill of the traffic allowing him to not focus almost religiously on the steering wheel like he usually does. All they’re doing is shifting the slightest bit forward.
“Whatever you say, Seokjin,” Namjoon says with a sigh, the smile never having left his face. “Just don’t be too sad when your boyfriend dies of boredom.”
“Hey, drama king! I’ll have you know I’m very interesting to talk to,”
“And here we are!” Seokjin announces as he pulls up the car to their destination. 
“Is that…a hotel?” Namjoon says in confusion. The building in front of them is taller than most of the other ones they’ve passed in Seokjin’s hometown. Windows signal many different rooms inside, and its design clearly isn’t one of a house. 
“After me and my younger brother left for university our parents moved into a smaller place, so we can’t stay there. I just booked a hotel for the time instead,” Seokjin explains, getting out of the car as Namjoon follows. 
“Damn, my legs hurt from not getting up for so long,” Namjoon groans, continuing to walk anyway. 
“Once we check in we can take a walk or something. I can show you around where I used to live,”
“That sounds nice, actually. Deal,” Namjoon says as the two of them walk into the hotel. Seokjin notices the other’s slightly improved mood as he checks in, and Namjoon even starts to hum a little as they walk to the door of their room. This was, surprisingly, going much better than he would have expected. It seemed his luck was actually holding up. Maybe Past Seokjin wasn't such an idiot after all. 
As they open the door and enter their temporary living space, the two could even be described as cheerful, comfortable in each other’s presence. Seokjin puts down his suitcase close by the door, resolving to deal with it later when he’s settled in a bit more and actually needs the things in it. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Seokjin taps into his messages with Taehyung. 
WorldWideSugarGliders: we’re here!! just arrived at the hotel
taehyuuunnngg: great! can’t wait to see you too tomorrow
taehyuuunnngg: and the other guys too of course
WorldWideSugarGliders: can’t believe it’s been over three months since i’ve seen you guys in person :(
taehyuuunnngg: it really is too long
taehyuuunnngg: stupid university :/
taehyuuunnngg: anywho, i’m taking sunyoung on a date soon so i’ll be gone doing that
taehyuuunnngg: talk to you later!
WorldWideSugarGliders: ooo, have a good time tae!
“Hey Seokjin?” Namjoon’s confused voice brings him back from the actual romantic life of his friend into his own reality. “I…well, I think we have a problem.”
“What’s wrong, Namjoon?” Seokjin asks, looking up. But as his eyes flick around the room looking for a possible cause to Namjoon’s sudden shift in demeanor, he doesn’t have to be told. Even the quickest and least thorough of checks clearly revealed the problem at hand. 
This room had two people and one bed. 
And looking back on it, Seokjin knows exactly how it happened. For obvious reasons when he had first booked the hotel to make sure he could get a room during the busy holiday season, he had been planning on just going alone. When he decided to bring Namjoon along, he was supposed to change the booking and get a room for two people. 
He was supposed to, and he should have, but he didn’t. He had forgotten to, too caught up in his own nervousness at the time. Though Seokjin’s hometown wasn’t particularly large, it was still packed this time of year with visitors. From his prior visits, he knew the chance that they would be able to do anything about this was low. As mortification showed up on Seokjin’s face and realization on Namjoon’s, Present Seokjin comes to the conclusion that Past Seokjin was, in fact, a massive idiot. 
The bed isn’t tiny by any means, to the relief of both men, but as Seokjin lies on the mattress in his pajamas (which he had been embarrassed about at first, but surprisingly Namjoon didn’t make fun of him for them), he’s almost painfully aware of the fact that if he stretches out his left arm beside him at anything more than a roughly 60 degree angle, their two bodies will touch. Something in him is almost tempted to do it, for some reason he can’t explain. Maybe being in such close proximity with someone, especially someone who was in no way unattractive, was doing something weird to his heart. But whatever it was, Seokjin knew he wasn’t entirely opposed to what was happening, even though he knew he probably should have been. That, of course, didn’t mean he wasn’t slightly uncomfortable in a situation like this, nor was he unaware of the fact that Namjoon more than likely felt the opposite. 
“...Namjoon?” Seokjin murmurs, the sound of his voice breaking the silence that had formed as both of them had been trying to drift off. For a moment, as the silence fills the air again at the end of his words, he thinks that Namjoon is already asleep. He wasn’t sure if the man was a light sleeper or anything. But the blanket shifts slightly as Namjoon turns towards him, an eyebrow raised above tired eyes. “Yeah?”
“I’m sorry. I…well, obviously I didn’t mean for this to happen. I know this is weird and probably more than you were expecting when you agreed, and I apologize. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable at all, I swear,” Seokjin says, looking away in embarrassment as his voice drops to a whisper. He wasn’t sure if Namjoon was the type to accept apologies easily or be flustered by things like this. He wasn’t sure about anything at the moment. He hears a slight sigh to his left as the bed creaks from small movements. 
“It’s okay, Seokjin. I understand, I knew you weren’t the type of person to do that. Just a bit…unusual, I guess. Not like I won’t be able to sleep, though,” Namjoon’s grumbling voice trails off, and Seokjin sees that he’s facing the opposite direction again. Within mere seconds, the other man’s chest has rested into a steady rise and fall, soft snores coming from his nose. 
Seokjin lies there for a little longer, tired but kept awake by his thoughts. Thoughts of the man beside him, worries of how the trip would go, and hopes that he could just get through this and return to life as normal afterwards. Life where Namjoon and Seokjin were just acquaintances, tutor and tutee. 
Life where he could ignore the fact that his dreams that night consisted of deep-toned whispers and rose-dusted honey skin. 
When Seokjin wakes up the following morning, the first thing he notices isn’t the sunlight glaring through the window whose blinds they had forgotten to close, nor the barely audible sounds of conversations in nearby rooms, but the warmth surrounding him. The body heat of two people sharing the same space, warm enough to make Seokjin feel as if he’s enveloped in a cocoon of safety but not enough to be unpleasant. It felt comfortable, familiar despite the fact that he had never done it before, as if his body was telling him, Hey, this? You should really do this more often .
He wants to lie there and enjoy it for longer, but Namjoon, too, is disturbed by the bright light shining straight on their faces. Perhaps it would have been a good idea to take the five seconds to check last night so that they could sleep in a decent amount to make up for recently-pulled all-nighters, but hindsight is 20/20, and it seems as if the Seokjin and Namjoon of last night were blind, so there was nothing they could do now. “Thanks for waking me up, sun. Bags under my eyes are definitely the best way to make a first impression as someone’s boyfriend, bet I’ll look real handsome,” Namjoon groans. Seokjin shrugs, patting him on the back reassuringly. 
“You still look good, don’t sell yourself short,”
Namjoon turns to him, eyes slightly widened and mouth open as if he wants to say something, before he presses his lips together and gets up, staying silent as he picks up whichever clothes are at the top of his suitcase. 
“So, we’re going to go see your friends today, right?” Namjoon asks, walking towards the bathroom, carrying his randomly selected clothes, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Seokjin nods, and upon realizing the fact that Namjoon’s in another room and obviously can’t see him, quickly answers. 
“Yeah, a group date, they said. Sounds fun,”
“Do you think they’ll like me?”
“Your friends. I don’t know what they’re like. What if they hate me for some reason?”
Tapping his fingers against the bed, Seokjin considers for a moment before speaking up again. He hadn’t really thought about what would happen if his friends didn’t like Namjoon, he had sort of just assumed that they would and left it there. “My friends…they’re kind of chaotic sometimes, but other than that, I think you’ll fit right in. They’ll love you, I’m sure of it. I’ve known them long enough,”
“I’ll try and take your word on that,”
Pulling his own clothes out, a plain cream sweater and jeans, Seokjin starts to get ready himself, knowing that if he didn’t start now he would probably end up staying in bed for longer than he was supposed to. He really had no idea how morning people like Namjoon were able to do it. They always seemed to get themselves together so quickly, whereas Seokjin could barely function for the first half hour after he got up most of the time. 
A series of small (but loud) thumps come from within the bathroom as various toiletries are knocked onto the ground, followed by a yell of “Shit!” by Namjoon. 
Scratch that, maybe he was more similar to morning people than he thought.
The only way Skewered on the Stick had changed since Seokjin had last been there was the addition of a few new workers: other than that, it was the same as he always remembered it, with its grey tiled floors, yellow walls, handwritten menu, calming decor, advertising of its secret ingredient which they promised to never share, and of course its two passionate owners, Jeongi and Yoonguk.
Seokjin wasn’t surprised that it had been chosen as their meeting place - the entire friend group was familiar with it, having gone there frequently in their adolescence both to eat food and talk to the people who ran it, and that made it the perfect venue for their double date. Or more like seven-way date? Septuple date? Seokjin didn’t know what to call it, though with so many people it would be more like a regular gathering than anything. Which meant that thankfully, there probably wouldn’t be too much focus on Seokjin and Namjoon. Probably.
Even though Namjoon had suggested they show up early, they weren’t the first there, thanks to Yoongi’s (and by extension Jungkook’s) unrelenting punctuality. Despite the man’s complete lack of a normal sleep schedule and the grogginess that often resulted from it, he somehow managed to always be early to everything, no matter how trivial. They see Yoongi and Jungkook before either of the two see them, with Yoongi resting his head on Jungkook’s shoulder, eyes closed and a hint of a gummy smile on his face. They’re often like that, though they tend to tone it down a lot while around the others. It’s sweet, domestic, Seokjin thinks. 
He wonders if he’ll ever find anything like that.
“So this is your boyfriend, huh? I was wondering when we’d finally get to see him,” Yoongi says in lieu of a greeting, sticking his hand out as the two approach and grasping Namjoon’s for a handshake. “I’m Yoongi, and this is Jungkook. Namjoon, right?”
“Yep, that’s me. Nice to meet you,” Namjoon smiles, pulling out one of the chairs to sit, but as he goes to do so he instead nearly falls straight onto the floor, barely managing to steady himself on time. Seokjin fails miserably at trying to suppress his laugh. 
“Has anyone ever told you that you sound like a windshield wiper when you laugh?” Namjoon says teasingly. 
“You. Many times,” Seokjin desperately hopes Namjoon will get his attempt to put some “history” into their relationship, knowing that the three words were risky. And his heart feels like it almost stops for the less than a second that Namjoon looks confused, only beating again as Namjoon’s smiles once more as he realizes and goes along with it. 
“You act like it’s not a fair comparison,”
“You talk like your laugh doesn’t sound like the way people show they’re laughing on the internet!”
Their conversation continues, flowing forward in a way that feels comfortable, familiar even as they jump from topic to topic and get lost within mazes upon mazes of random tangents. Even as it’s interrupted when he introduces Namjoon to everyone as they all settle in, the two of them are quickly able to get back into what they were doing. It feels nice to trade teasing remarks back and forth - banter, he might even call it. 
It takes about a quarter of an hour for the entire group to arrive, most of them being on time and some being the slightest bit late. Though all of his friends are interested in meeting Namjoon, asking him the typical “get-to-know-you” questions and laughing at the jokes he cracks, no one is more excited about it than Seokjin. Both because, well, he’s supposed to be pretending this is his boyfriend, and because he actually does find Namjoon intriguing. 
Engrossed in a riveting debate on which type of lamb skewers are the best, it’s easy to forget Namjoon hasn’t always been a part of them, with how well he meshes with everyone. Namjoon really had nothing to worry about: Seokjin’s friends loved him, his sarcastic interjections, his constant contributions, and the way he laughed at even the stupidest of Taehyung’s jokes. It was going well. It was going…normally, how Seokjin would have expected it to go if he was introducing an actual boyfriend. 
What wasn’t normal was the way Seokjin’s heart leaps and all coherent thoughts evaporate into thin air when he feels soft, slender fingers intertwine themselves ever so carefully with his, a large palm settling itself on top of its own. Snapping his head to the side so quickly he’s honestly afraid he’s broken his neck for a second, he sees Namjoon, smiling at him. That wide, bright smile, those dimples, directed at him . He squeezes Seokjin’s hand lightly, and Seokjin wears that his heart stops right then and there. 
It’s exhilarating, really, and he’s so caught up in the wave of feeling and it takes him a full minute to realize why it’s happening. Just to sell the act, to put on a show for Seokjin’s friends, convince them through tiny bits of traditional “lovey-dovey” things, as Namjoon had put it. This was just what was necessary, what Namjoon had agreed to go through with. Just a fake little thing that was, in all honesty, a big favor. He knows he should try to control himself, control his emotions, because it would probably appear suspicious if he was too reactive to every single thing Namjoon did. 
That knowledge, however, doesn’t keep Seokjin from enjoying it in the slightest. It doesn’t keep him from blushing an admittedly excessive amount whenever Namjoon’s fingers brush against him, when Namjoon wraps his arm so gently around his waist and pulls him close, when at the end of it all as they prepare to leave Namjoon presses his lips to Seokjin’s cheek in the most tempting ghost of a peck. 
Seokjin’s not entirely sure why he’s enjoying it all this much, the simplest acts of affection and the small touches. Perhaps he was just touch starved. Nothing to do with Namjoon himself - Seokjin just wasn’t used to such affection, and as a result reacted strongly to it. That must be it. 
That was all.
That first gathering between the whole lot of them was something pre-planned, something agreed upon earlier, something Seokjin had expected and made sure to tell Namjoon about in advance. It was something they were able to plan for, readying themselves to keep up the act and give his friends no reason to suspect that their “relationship” was anything less than pure, undeniable fact. Namjoon had made it clear that he didn’t want to do more than what was necessary, and Seokjin understood, because the fact that Namjoon had even agreed to do this at all was more than enough, more than he was expecting. 
Which is why Seokjin has no idea what Namjoon means when two days later, he calmly asks something that makes Seokjin do a double take, and then a triple take, because what ?
“Do you want to go on a date?”
Seokjin’s drinking some green tea he had warmed up for himself while scrolling through a random article on his laptop - or at least, he had been before he nearly chokes on his beverage, barely managing to sputter out a single word. 
“Huh? ”
Namjoon looks about as confused as Seokjin is for a moment before his eyes widen as he quickly waves his hands in front of himself, nearly knocking over his own cup of tea. “Wait, I did not mean it like that - I…shit, I really should have thought through my wording first. Let me say that again. Do you want to go out on our own, since your friends are probably expecting us to go out on dates of our own and not just with them? I just thought it would be a good idea, you know. To help make the relationship look more real,” Namjoon says, running his hand through his hair as he rephrases and looking at Seokjin, waiting for an answer. 
“Ah. Okay, that makes a lot more sense. That’s a great idea, actually, Namjoon. Where would we go?”
Namjoon grins, finishing off the last of his tea and wiping the moisture off the area above his mouth. “I have a place in mind already. It’s not too far, we can drive there. Let’s go?”
Before this entire trip, the only thing Seokjin had known about Namjoon was that he was an absolute genius when it came to Calculus who was somehow able to explain the concepts in a way that made sense, and when Namjoon was just his tutor that was good enough. Now, though, he was starting to learn more about him, some small facts like his endearing love for crabs and some bigger ones such as the love for nature that had turned out to be more than a lie he made up. What he hadn’t had any information on, though, was any personal interests the man had. For whatever reason it hadn’t really come up between them as they talked, so today he learned Interest Fact Number One about Namjoon: He liked art.
At first, he was sort of surprised as Namjoon pulled up to the National Museum of Contemporary Art, and he guesses it showed on his face, since the first thing Namjoon does once he parks is comment on it. 
“You alright, Seokjin?”
“Yeah, just didn’t take you as an art sort of guy,”
Namjoon chuckles at that as he opens the door. “Most people don’t. They see that I’m smart and they just go off the stereotype that I can’t indulge in anything creative. I like art, though. It’s a nice form of expression,”
And Seokjin had thought the man couldn’t seem any better, but of course he was wrong. 
Namjoon leads Seokjin in, quickly getting them through the entrance and paying for them to come in, and it’s clear that he’s been here before, probably many times. This is a whole new side of Namjoon to Seokjin, where he’s so familiar with what’s around him. He likes it. 
Seokjin looks around the first part of the gallery they find themselves in with interest, various pieces of more realism-focused contemporary art, subject matter varying from landscapes to people. He wasn’t exactly an art history buff, but he knew enough to appreciate the small details that made the style so distinctly modern. At least, he understood what was going on in these paintings more than in the “typical” modern art. 
“Hey, Joon, what’s your favorite type of art here? As in the more abstract pieces, or more detailed ones like…well, these,” Seokjin wonders aloud, but as he turns toward Namjoon to see if he has an answer, he’s looking at Seokjin strangely, as if he just suggested they burn the entire place down. 
“Are you okay? Is that…too personal of a question for you?” Seokjin hesitates, because for all he knows he might have accidentally just messed up whatever friendship he had been trying to build up. What if art was something deeply intimate to Namjoon, what if he associated some bad event with it and Seokjin had just upset him, what if-
Namjoon shakes his head adamantly, smiling lightly. “No, just wasn’t expecting you to call me Joon. It’s not bad or anything, don’t worry. I kind of like it actually. As for my favorite type of art, want to see my favorite exhibit here?” 
“Yeah, show me, Joon ,” Seokjin repeats the nickname teasingly, and Namjoon shakes his head but grasps Seokjin’s arm regardless and gently pulls him ahead. 
Interest Fact Number Two: The type of art Namjoon likes most is the more abstract pieces, works with meaning hidden in what appears abstract to the uninformed viewer. And even though Seokjin hasn’t known him for long, this feels wholly, genuinely Namjoon. It was almost concerning how quickly he had become attached to someone who had been only an acquaintance just days before, but he didn’t care much - it just felt nice to be around him. Namjoon, he found, had a certain way of making Seokjin feel good with only his presence and intriguing nature. 
Hell, Seokjin had never even liked abstract art. He might even go so far to say that before he had pretty much hated it, since most of the time it made him confused and when it didn’t it was because he was looking at pieces whose meaning were almost painfully obvious. Now, though, he was growing…fond of it. Or perhaps it was something else here he was growing fond of, but he didn’t hate what he was looking at either.
There was something so pleasant about how Namjoon explained to him his favorite pieces and the meaning that went into them, why they looked the way they did, with such passion in his voice as he stopped for nothing except to listen to Seokjin’s input. Seokjin, someone who didn’t consider himself much of an “artsy” person, was drawn to the conversation just by how Namjoon spoke. It was then and there that Seokjin decided that Namjoon had some sort of magic, something special that made him so alluring. Because somehow he was always left wanting to hear more about the tiny details which still held meaning, more about Namjoon’s opinions about the pieces, and honestly just more Namjoon. 
They move on to the last piece in the gallery, a pleasant series of greys and blues in intricate shapes, and Seokjin turns to his left, expecting an impassioned Namjoon to already be discussing the canvas in front of him. But to his surprise, Namjoon’s not even looking at it - the man’s eyes are focused on him, and Seokjin’s not sure how long it’s been that way. He feels himself blush under Namjoon’s soft but observant gaze, smiling slightly. 
“Something wrong, Joon?” 
Namjoon shakes his head, humming lightly and continuing to look at him with a dimpled grin. “No, just admiring the most beautiful piece of art here,”
Seokjin feels his cheeks heat up more, to the point where he doesn’t think they could get redder. Was that…flirting? Did Kim Namjoon, a man who he knew was most definitely out of his league, just give him a compliment that was nearly impossible to interpret in any way other than romantic?
Seokjin would have thought he was dreaming, except dreams were muddy and unclear, places where things could barely be understood. Right here and right now was as bright as the smile that adorns Namjoon’s face, as saturated as the pretty colors on the art of the walls. 
And perhaps it was, as Namjoon had said, just to convince his friends things were going well. Just to give them something to discuss to pass off the lie. But Seokjin had hope, and screw the likely reality, he was going to believe what he wanted to believe, and what he wanted to believe was this, believe in this moment where it was him and Namjoon together, something they were doing for the first time that already felt so right in a way he could never fully explain, only feel to the best of his abilities. 
Kim Seokjin was fine right now. He was absolutely fine and he most certainly did not have a quickly growing crush on Namjoon. He wasn’t smitten over his funny personality and sarcasm that gave way to something softer once you got to know him. He was in no way drawn to the man’s tall figure, deep dimples, and luscious thighs that he had been trying desperately to keep himself from noticing. And most of all, there was no way he wanted to kiss those plump pink lips of his. Seokjin was perfectly fine. 
Seokjin was not fine, and no matter how hard he tried to deny it, no matter how long he spent convincing himself his feelings weren’t real, he couldn’t escape the fact that he was falling, falling, falling so rapidly for Kim Namjoon. He was everything he could have ever wished for in a guy, handsome and intelligent and kind and just straight-up enthralling to talk to. It hadn’t even been a week since he had started getting to know Namjoon and Seokjin had already found himself enchanted by him. Everything he did seemed to make him want to get closer and closer. 
Even now, as Namjoon accidentally knocks the bowl of wet ingredients onto the floor of Seokjin’s parents’ house and nearly spills the bag of flour when trying to clean it up, he somehow still manages to be endearing as ever. 
Seokjin had thought it would be a good idea to make Christmas cookies together, both as something they could do (he passed it off to Namjoon as another fake date, but it was honestly just self-indulgent) and a way for him to start teaching Namjoon to cook. Now, with Namjoon having managed to somehow get raw egg in his hair, he wasn’t entirely sure his judgement had been correct. 
Namjoon, as it turned out, had a special talent: being able to destroy or mess up almost anything he dealt with. Seokjin had thought he was clumsy before, but it was nothing compared to the mess he was in the kitchen. Now Seokjin knew why Namjoon had been desperate enough to learn how to cook to agree to be his fake date; Namjoon was horrible at baking, and Seokjin would be willing to bet the same thing applied to cooking. They hadn’t even finished with the batter yet. After all of it, though, Seokjin couldn’t even bring himself to be irritated at Namjoon, not with how profusely he apologized and the jokes he slipped in their conversations to lighten up the mood again.
“Well, I guess you could say I’m doing a pretty crummy job at mixing these ingredients,” Namjoon says, smirking at Seokjin, who shakes his head at the man’s third stupid pun of the last half hour. Stupid, but it’s obvious Namjoon already knows that – it’s his goal, because Seokjin’s seen him make good jokes. This isn’t meant to be one of them.
“Well, now that we’ve got all of our ingredients out again, I’ll show you how to do it properly and not in a way where you manage to fling them off of the counter,” Seokjin says, moving closer as Namjoon picks up the bowl of dry ingredients and a whisk, putting them closer to the newly-poured wet ingredients. 
Namjoon pours the dry ingredients into the bowl of wet ones, and even though it’s the absolute bare minimum, at least he didn’t manage to spill them this time. 
“Good so far,”
“Yeah, because this is really easy to mess up, pouring something from one bowl into another,”
“You just knocked a bowl of ingredients off the counter while trying to mix them, my expectations are not high,”
“I can mix correctly, don’t you worry. It’s…well, everything else that I struggle with,” Namjoon shrugs, whisking around the ingredients, one hand on the whisk and the other on the counter. The whisk dings against the side of the bowl, slowly pushing it towards the edge of the counter. Seokjin shakes his head yet again, this time with a small smile. 
“I’m not so sure about that,”
Seokjin steps up from behind Namjoon, clutching the bowl in one hand and gently placing his other hand on top of Namjoon’s. Swishing the whisk around in a smooth, quick pattern, he demonstrates, and soon enough Namjoon gets the hang of it himself.
“Perfect. See, it’ll be a lot better this way,” he says, removing his hands and moving back again, and immediately misses the warmth of Namjoon’s hand. He supposes it was nice while it lasted. 
As he observes Namjoon continue to mix the ingredients how Seokjin showed him to, he realizes that even though the man is completely incompetent at cooking now, he has a great capacity to learn. He just needs to be shown how to do things, and from there he’s actually pretty good. Based on what he’s observing, Namjoon is incredibly quick to pick things up. 
“Hey Seokjin, is this mixed well enough? It looks good to me,” Namjoon pushes the bowl in Seokjin’s direction, who peers at it carefully for a few moments before looking back up at Namjoon with a smile. To his surprise, it was mixed perfectly, just enough to have a good texture without being overdone. 
“Yeah, it’s great. Good job, Joon!”
For just a moment afterwards, Seokjin isn’t quite sure if he’s seeing things, but he swears that he sees the lightest hint of pink on Namjoon’s cheeks before he smiles. It was probably just wishful thinking, though. 
That was all. 
“So what do we do now?”
“We take the dough, cut it into shapes, bake it, and then we’re done!” Seokjin exclaims happily, practically tasting the sweet taste of cookies already. Taking the dough in his hands, he puts it down on the table and gets out the flour. 
In the half a second that he’s turned away from the batter, Namjoon has already put his hands on it, pulling small parts of it and beginning to flatten it out. Seokjin walks over again quickly, placing his hand on Namjoon’s to get him to stop. 
“Wait, wait, wait, not yet. They won’t turn out well if we do it now. First we have to roll it over flour,” he explains, holding up the bag, and Namjoon nods, looking embarrassed. 
“Oh. That makes more sense,” Namjoon nods, watching as Seokjin sprinkles flour across the table, giving him the dough along with the parts that he had already taken off of it. Seokjin puts it down and uses the rolling pin to flatten it out. 
“See? It’s better this way,” Seokjin says, turning to Namjoon with a smile. 
“Wow, this actually doesn’t seem too difficult once you put effort into actually doing it correctly,” Namjoon marvels, and Seokjin chuckles. 
“Yeah, that goes for a lot of things,” Seokjin finishes rolling out the batter, which is now a flat, easy to cut singular piece. 
“And here comes the best part!” Seokjin pulls out a set of holiday-themed cookie cutters, ones he had had since he was a kid. The various metal shapes of trees, reindeer, snowmen, ornaments, and other things associated with the winter holidays all laid out on the counter, almost looking like ornaments themselves, were starting to really put him in the holiday spirit. Not that the various decorations around and the Christmas songs repeated an obnoxious amount of times didn’t, but it really made him realize how close the holidays were. 
And how close Namjoon was. The man was standing right beside him, practically leaning over his shoulder as he reached for a tree-shaped piece, and Seokjin was almost painfully aware of the way that their arms touched, their rolled-up sleeves allowing their skin to touch, the way even though Namjoon wasn’t even trying he could still make Seokjin’s cheeks hotter than hell, the way something so innocent and small could make him so happy. 
But it was just a little crush, and even with his little (and possibly fake) flirtations Namjoon probably didn’t feel the same way, so he would just have to deal with it. Indulge in it without chasing after anything more. 
That was all. 
Namjoon manages to drop the cookie cutter almost immediately after picking it up because of course he does, and as he drops to the ground to retrieve the clattering thing his soft hair brushes against Seokjin’s face, and call him whipped but Seokjin would be lying if he said he didn’t want to feel it more.
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying this all a little bit too much, the pleasant scent of moist cookies wafting through the air, Namjoon’s hopelessly endearing k-k-k laugh, the smallest of brushes against each other as Seokjin got unnecessarily close to show him how to do things. Namjoon wasn’t a good cook, not even close - but how fun it was to just do things with him more than made up for any irritation that could have been caused by his complete lack of skill. 
“Like this,” he says softly to Namjoon, guiding his hands so both of them are on top of the cookie cutter. “If your fingers are too close to the edge of it, you might end up cutting yourself. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Seokjin doesn’t care about all the rudimentary mistakes. Kim Namjoon could accidentally throw a tray of blazing hot cookies straight onto his face and he’d still be happy. It felt nice, here in this kitchen, flurries of snowflakes falling outside the window and a brightly lit Christmas tree in the next room over, and he wouldn’t change anything about it.
Namjoon didn’t like him back. That was what Seokjin kept telling himself, because more likely than not that was the truth and the absolute last thing he wanted was to get his hopes up about dating his Calculus tutor, be wrong, and then have to face him again once the new semester started. 
His hopes, however, seemed to have a life of their own, and just like the icicles outside they just kept spiking. And nothing can stop it from reaching a new high the next day when Namjoon walks up to him, phone in hand, clearly fighting a smile from his face. He holds the screen up to Seokjin’s face, the mediocrely designed homepage for a business’s website showing up. Looking closer at the light red-highlighted headings, Seokjin sees it’s for a bike rental place in his town, one he had passed by often growing up but never really thought about. 
“Want to go on another date?” he asks, sounding almost eager. Seokjin immediately nods, because of course he wanted to, but what exactly did the bike rental place have to do with this, he wonders? And when he asks, Namjoon is all too happy to answer, almost as passionate as he was at the art museum. 
“Well, I just love going on bike rides. It’s calming, you know? I was thinking it would be a nice date to go together, if you’re interested,” Namjoon says, eyes lit up in a smile so bright Seokjin swears it could rival the sun. 
“Yeah, I’m definitely interested. When did you want to go?” Seokjin asks, trying to stay cool right now. Stay cool, stay cool. It’s just Kim Namjoon , probably the most handsome man he’s ever seen, asking him on a date, and he had a small suspicion that it was genuine. He was fine.
“I was thinking…would now work?”
Kim Namjoon wants to go on a date with him now . Seokjin swears he’s going to faint, either from pure bliss or the embarrassment from the dorky smile on his face now that he’s unable to get off. Whipped. He was whipped for this man, he wasn’t even denying it now. Namjoon could ask him to go at two in the morning and he’d probably still say yes just because of that hopeful smile. 
The use of two white and plain but sturdy bikes ends up costing them 30,000 won and fifteen minutes of waiting in the literal freezing weather. Walking the bikes away from the store and onto the recently snow-cleared streets, Seokjin can see their breaths in the air the whole time. It’s not ideal biking weather, that’s for sure, and they both know it. Not even Seokjin’s thick jacket, warm knit hat, and scarf could fully defend him from the elements. What was more of a problem, though, was the thick piles of snow lining the streets, freshly fallen from the day before and starting to collect a small amount of dirt. Pretty to look at, sure, but inconvenient to get through on any sort of transportation.
“What if we crash into the snow?” he wonders aloud to Namjoon as they mount the bikes, Seokjin struggling for a moment to find his balance, as it’s been a fair amount of time since he’s last ridden a bike. 
“Well, we crash into the snow. Don’t worry, it’s not that bad. It’s easy to get out of, just a small annoyance is all,” Namjoon shrugs as he looks at Seokjin, but then has to steady himself to make sure he doesn’t fall off. Seokjin’s honestly surprised that so far Namjoon seems a lot more balanced than usual; he would have expected the man to be as clumsy as usual, but he seemed calm, almost effortless in his movements. Seokjin never thought he would describe someone riding a bike as graceful, but Namjoon managed it. 
“You see that building to the right, the one with the bread in its logo? That’s the best bakery here. Their bread is delicious, especially the one with raisins. I’ll get you to try it sometime,” Seokjin comments, gesturing with his head towards a shop on the right side, its more beige color palette making it stand out against the other shops in the vicinity. That, and the multicolored lights hung over the entire outside. Most of the other places had various Christmas decorations as well, but the bakery always went all out. He supposed the owners were particularly festive. 
“I’d like that. Your town is pretty passionate about Christmas, huh?” Namjoon says, looking around, gazing at the red and green ornaments spread about, white tinsel on shopfronts. No matter how small, most of the places around had some kind of holiday spirit going on. Seokjin was used to it - it was the same when he grew up - but it still always seemed somewhat magical to him. He wasn’t always the most festive person, but he did love the feel of the holiday season.
“People here definitely like it a lot. I do too, honestly. How is it where you’re from? Ilsan, right?”
“Ilsan, yeah. Depends on the place, but at least for my family we don’t really do much. I mean, my parents are on business trips for Christmas, so I think it’s pretty clear they’re not too into it,” Namjoon’s eyes are glazed in wonder, white lights nearby reflecting off of them. Seokjin almost wishes he could admire them for longer, but that wasn’t a good idea for two reasons: one, it would probably just deepen the crush he most definitely had on Namjoon, and two, it would probably creep Namjoon out. And though Seokjin wasn’t the world’s most experienced with romance, what he did know was that seeming like a creep was not the way to attract someone. 
“Do you like it, all the decorations here?” 
Namjoon hums for a moment before giving his answer. 
“I do. It’s new, but in a good way. Have you ever heard that English Christmas song that goes ‘it’s the most wonderful time of the year’? Well, probably not, but that’s one of the lyrics. I feel like this place is the real-life version of that, and it’s not a bad thing,”
Such a simple question and Namjoon actually put effort into answering it. That was just how the man was, Seokjin supposed, and that was one of his favorite things about him so far. 
“Namjoon…again, I’m sorry about all this. This is your first time really celebrating the holidays and you’re doing it while pretending to be the boyfriend of someone you barely knew before this,” Seokjin says, fidgeting slightly with the black rubber of the handles, and Namjoon chuckles as he looks back towards the road ahead of them, going along the slight curve of the street.
“It’s alright, Seokjin. I agreed to this, remember? It’s not like I had major plans for the holidays anyways, and you’re going to have to teach me to cook, which I’m terrible at, so you’re also paying me back. You don’t have to apologize anymore, don’t worry,” Namjoon’s tone is somewhat teasing, but at the same time genuine and comforting. Seokjin liked this other side of him, the sweeter side, contrasting with his usual sarcasm, both of which he had never seen during tutoring.
“Are you sure? It’s just that I know this was a lot to ask…”
“Unless you’re going to teach me some secret recipe for an apology cake, or endless sorries are an ingredient in basic dishes, we’re all good, okay?” Namjoon smirks playfully and Seokjin shakes his head, smiling nonetheless, because somehow even Namjoon’s smirk seemed breathtaking. 
“You know, I thought I would hate this at first. No offense, but I kind of thought that it would be boring and I’d regret agreeing,” Namjoon continues, and Seokjin’s smile drops slightly, and he risks losing his balance just to hit Namjoon’s arm softly in annoyance.
“Hey, I’m not that uninteresting!”
“I know, I know now! As I was saying, I didn’t really expect much before we left. But really, you’re not half bad. You’re fun to talk to, actually. I probably wouldn’t have tolerated this with anyone else, that’s what I’m trying to say,” Namjoon says, and this time Seokjin doesn’t even try to stop his hopes from flying into the outer atmosphere because he had never gotten a compliment like that before, much less from a fake boyfriend that could potentially turn into a real one. Granted, he had never had a fake boyfriend before now, either, but this definitely meant something to him. It definitely meant something from Namjoon, too, judging by the way he can barely look Seokjin in the eye without turning his head away immediately. 
“Me too, Namjoon. Thanks for being a good pretend boyfriend. I’ve never had one before, obviously, but I’d be willing to bet you’re the best one out there,”
This time, Seokjin knows he’s not just seeing things when he sees Namjoon’s cheeks erupt into a soft pink, and maybe it’s just influenced by his own desires, but he would be willing to bet all the money in the world that it wasn’t just because of the cold.
Sometimes an hour feels like it drags on forever, such as when you’re waiting in the doctor’s office or half-asleep during your least favorite class. With Namjoon, though, each minute feels like a single second, the rapid passage of time intertwined with banter and jokes and conversations and laughter. Things feel like they just flow when Seokjin is with him, so much so that they almost miss the time they’re supposed to return the bikes by. Namjoon, though, seems to be just as responsible out of university as he is in it (ignoring his lack of motor control skills), and remembers early enough for them to get back in time. 
They didn’t crash into any of the piles of snow littering the sidewalks and streets, which Seokjin honestly considers an accomplishment with how many there are, especially for Namjoon , who was pretty much chaos incarnate and could hardly go a few meters without managing to trip over his own feet. Sometimes it was just the air that tripped him up. On a bike, though, Namjoon had actually done pretty well.
As they take the bikes back to the rental place, a light flurry starts, fresh snow falling over the two of them, slowly dampening their hair and jackets as it melts. Seokjin begins to wish he had brought some sort of hat, fearing that his wet hair would just make him even more cold than he was at the moment. Somehow it seems that the weather is colder than it was before, or perhaps it’s really just the snow. Whatever it is, it’s freezing out, and Seokjin can practically feel an icicle forming on the tip of his nose. It’s not pleasant, and he’s just looking forward to getting back to the hotel. 
They’re probably a quarter of the way through their walk back when Seokjin feels a hand tentatively touch itself to his own half-numb left hand, the person’s palm pressing snugly against his and slender fingers settling themselves around his. Looking to his left in shock, it’s Namjoon looking at him, Namjoon with a soft but embarrassed smile and a cherry-colored face, Namjoon who squeezes his hand lightly. Seokjin raises his eyebrow at him. 
“Oh, sorry. Am I bothering you? I just thought since-” Seokjin cuts off Namjoon’s words with a laugh, amused at how nervous he seems. 
“No, I don’t mind. Just wondering why,”
“My hands are cold. I wanted to keep warm, that’s all. My fingers feel like they’re in a freezer out here!” Namjoon seems to find more confidence in his excuse, confidence Seokjin is all too happy to question with just four words.
“Didn’t you bring gloves?”
Namjoon’s smile falters for a moment, as he looks away, clearing his throat, but still grasping onto Seokjin’s hand. 
“Your hand…it’s comfortable to hold,” is all the answer Namjoon offers, but it’s more than enough to make Seokjin’s own cheeks hotter than a blazing fireplace, redder than Rudolph’s nose, and even though he tries to tell himself for the sake of his own sanity that it’s probably just more to “sell the act”, he knows that’s a complete lie. And so he’s more than happy the entire way to their temporary home as no gloves are put on and no hands are let go of. 
Later that night, when the sky has gone dark and the final flakes of snow have fallen, the two rest under the covers of the bed. Seokjin feels warm both inside and out as they slowly inch closer to one another as they drift off, with neither of them making any attempt to stop it. And he supposes Namjoon does, too, with the way they finally fall asleep, Namjoon’s arm wrapped loosely but comfortably over his waist.
For as long as they’ve known each other, Seokjin’s friend group has had one tradition that has stood longer than all the rest: wearing some sort of Christmas sweater, whether it be something that actually looks good or an absolute abomination that couldn’t possibly be worn unironically. That was why Seokjin had Namjoon dressed up in a loose bright red sweater with a smiling reindeer on the front surrounded by Christmas lights. Namjoon had protested at first, but it had only taken Seokjin promising to make more Christmas cookies for him to convince him to just go along with it. Seokjin had chosen for himself a green sweater with an excessively large Santa Claus along with some English words he didn’t know the meaning of, and some snowflakes spread across the rest of it.
“Was this really necessary?” Namjoon asks, fidgeting with the sleeves of his sweater that are somehow too long for even his lengthy arms at the same time as trying to balance the tray of Christmas cakes Seokjin has tasked him with carrying. “When I agreed to this whole thing I hadn’t realized I was signing up for the world’s most itchy sweater.”
“You’ve been faking dating me for a week and the sweater is the dealbreaker for you?” Seokjin chuckles. “Besides, it’s not that bad. You can take it off soon anyways, it’s just our little gimmick.”
“Fine. But I’m only in it for the cookies,” Namjoon grumbles, likely only stopping his rant because they had just arrived at the door, which has a wreath on it. The entire front of the house is decorated, actually, with multicolored lights and various festive hues of tinsel wrapped around it. If Seokjin was enthusiastic about the Christmas season, Taehyung was an entire fanatic, going all out every year. Seokjin knocks on the door, a bit of snow falling from the wreath onto his hand at the disturbance. 
Almost immediately the door opens to Taehyung waving cheerily, as if he had been waiting nearby for people to arrive. Which, knowing Taehyung, was probably exactly what he had done. “You’re finally here! You two are the last to arrive, come on in!”
“But we were five minutes early…?” Namjoon begins, but Taehyung has already spun on his heel, walking further into the jubilantly decked-out inside of the house. Seokjin shrugs at him, motioning for them to follow his friend in. 
“That’s just how Taehyung is, he’s a bit… passionate about holiday parties,” 
“Yeah, I couldn’t tell from all the lights outside,” 
Seokjin doesn’t respond to Namjoon’s remark, just grabbing his hand and lightly pulling him through the doorway and into the kitchen. Namjoon nearly drops the tray onto the ground, and the only thing which keeps him from doing that is steadying himself against Seokjin. He glares at Seokjin, who can’t contain his laughter. 
“Yeah, yeah, we both already knew I’m a klutz,”
“Doesn’t mean it’s not still funny,”
As they enter the kitchen, it’s clear they’re not the only ones already having a bit of fun; throughout the rest of the group the banter, singing, and jokes so terrible they wrap around to being funny again have already begun and are in full speed. There’s a lull as they stop to greet Namjoon and Seokjin, who are, indeed, somehow the last ones there, but it quickly resumes, the only change being that Namjoon and Seokjin are now participating as well. 
It takes mere minutes for Namjoon to make Seokjin’s heart feel as if it’s going to burst, sitting in the chair right next to him, arm snugly around his midriff and hand occasionally reaching up to entangle itself in his hair affectionately. It takes every bit of his willpower to not melt into a blubbering mess at the smallest of touches, to not reach over to the man ever so close to him and admit that he was enjoying all of this much more than he should, that he wanted so desperately for this to be real . 
“Aren’t you two a cute couple?” Taehyung practically coos at them from across the table, half-teasing. The two smile at each other, a knowing sort of smile that the others likely just perceive as sweetness. A few moments later, though, Namjoon asks a question that seems to come completely out of the blue. 
“Could I talk to Jin alone for a moment? In another room, or something?”
“Sure. Just don’t die or anything,” Yoongi shrugs. 
Namjoon guides him to the living room, hand in hand, and they settle a bit too far apart for Seokjin’s taste, and by that he means roughly half a meter. He tries (and mostly fails) to not pay much mind to the mistletoe close above them, convincing himself that Namjoon must not have seen it. 
“Something wrong, Joon?” he says, and Namjoon frantically shakes his head, eyes widening. 
“No, I’m all good! I was just wondering…” Namjoon hushes his voice a bit. “Are you ever going to tell them the truth about all this?”
Namjoon’s eyebrows knit together, face morphing into one of confusion as he stares intently at Seokjin. “Are you sure? I mean, we’re going to have to stop all this at some point, right?”
Seokjin doesn’t miss a beat before responding. He can’t, not now, not with Namjoon alone with him, not when he means every word he’s saying. 
“I don’t plan on that,”
Namjoon frowns a bit, though he steps a bit closer, and Seokjin’s gaze falls on his lips. His big, cushiony lips. With the chapstick Namjoon had applied before they left, they look almost dolled up. 
He can only imagine how it would feel to kiss those lips. And suddenly, right now, he’s filled with a feeling of want .
“Can I kiss you?”
Hearing the way Namjoon’s breath suddenly stops, seeing his eyes widen as he unconsciously leans the slightest bit closer to Seokjin’s face, Seokjin can’t even say he regrets his moment of impulse. Both because God did he want to kiss this man so badly, and because he’s confident Namjoon feels the same way. Namjoon was clearly a good actor, and smart too, but there was no way all of it was fake. Not the things he said on their dates, not the way he wanted to hold Seokjin’s hand, and definitely not the way he had literally cuddled with Seokjin in a bed they shared .
Seokjin reaches out his hand, gently holding onto the skin of Namjoon’s impossibly soft cheek, admiring his tan skin in the warm glow of the tree beside him. Seokjin had no idea how someone was even allowed to be so gorgeous, let alone so smart and funny and charming and everything . Even his little imperfections, the way he could never those long limbs of his and his tendency to go on and on about what he loved, were endearing.
“Can I…kiss you?”
Seokjin wants so, so badly to hear Namjoon say yes, to have confirmation that Namjoon likes him back just as much. He wants to know that Namjoon wants to be his just like he wants to be Namjoon’s. It feels like an eternity of waiting in what’s likely only a single moment of silence before Namjoon finally breathes again, quietly giving the answer he wanted. 
Eagerly, Seokjin pushes himself up a bit, pressing his lips to Namjoon’s, savoring the way the other man’s breath hitches at just a peck. Their lips move against each other, an experimental rhythm, trying to see what works. It’s Namjoon who gains enough confidence to take it further, biting gently on Seokjin’s bottom lip, and he can’t help but respond with a whine. Namjoon shivers, clutching Seokjin’s sweater and pulling him closer, but with regret, Seokjin pulls away lightly. 
The pure bliss in Namjoon’s eyes as he stares down at him makes Seokjin want to do it again, again and again, but unfortunately he has a bit too much self control for that. His hand intertwines with the soft strands of Namjoon’s black hair, and Namjoon smiles down at him, a giddy type of smile, before flushing a pretty crimson. His confidence is completely gone as he manages to stutter out a single sentence to Seokjin. 
“Your lips are…nice, soft,”
Seokjin chuckles, but he’s still stuck in his own little dreamy daze as well. He can hardly believe that he did it. For once he mustered up the courage to just ask someone out. Well, it wasn’t quite that, but he did it . He gestures to the space above the two of them, a few leaves of mistletoe hung from the ceiling using light blue string. “Look, we’re even in the holiday spirit,”
Namjoon shakes his head as he looks up. “You planned that, didn’t you? Idiot,”
Namjoon looks like he’s about to respond again when Seokjin puts his mouth up against his ear, whispering quietly to make absolutely sure that none of the others could hear. “Want to be my boyfriend? For real this time?”
“Yes, definitely yes,” Namjoon whispers back immediately, and Seokjin shudders a bit because Namjoon’s pleasant deep voice sounded even better in such a hushed tone. “Just wish I got to ask you first.”
“You know what will make up for that?”
With a smirk and a nod, Namjoon it’s Namjoon who leans in this time, grasping Seokjin’s cheeks and pressing their lips together with urgency. Namjoon takes one of Seokjin’s lips between his, and he can feel Namjoon smile against the kiss when it draws a noise from him. And with no confession to stop them, they feel no need to stop. Not when Seokjin pulls on Namjoon’s hair to deepen the kiss, not when Namjoon’s hand slips through the bottom of his (admittedly much too itchy) sweater and rubs his waist, note even when Seokjin pulls away for a second, giggling that they need to calm down or Taehyung will hear them and tease them for it for the rest of the night. 
It was hard to think that before the winter break had started, he had been almost dreading it first because of his lack of a plan, and then because of his absolutely terrible plan with Namjoon. It was hard to think that when Seokjin had started all of this, he had had no plans with Namjoon other than to use him to feel like he wasn’t being left behind. Thinking about the man who was so close to him right now, he hasn’t known Namjoon for long, at least not this intimately, but he had a feeling. A feeling that he was more than ready to spend a long, long time with him. As far as holidays went, Namjoon was undoubtedly the best gift he had ever gotten.
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ziellewrites · 2 years
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A Mouth That I Would Kill To Kiss AO3 Link
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sa3rin · 1 year
A Not So Distant Light
Namjoon keeps a list in his head of everything he knows about the beautiful boy who lives across the alley.
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urmiibby · 2 years
hiii ppl.
I have a fanfic that I’ve been working on for a little while, and I think I’m ready to share it. Hopefully, y’all like it as much as I do (so far) 😭🥹👍
Synopsis: Three deaths uncertain. Two under question. Three other bound immorally. The love changed eternally.
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