qpittoo · 5 months
They should let me insert things in urethras for fun :^(
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
Miles: my dad cooked dinner so I’m calling you to let you know that i’ve always loved you because after tonight i’ll never get the chance
Ganke: ????
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frogbestfriend · 6 months
When The Maker was creating me, he took a large handful scoop of rich loam soil from the garden of SLEEP and he didnt notice that there wasa sleep seed in my brain when he fashioned me into a human shape thats why whenever theres rain i get suuuuper sleepy cus the sleep seed in my brain sprouts in the rain
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amitgopal390 · 1 year
समुद्र की गहराई कैसे पता चलता है | समुद्र की गहराई कैसे नापते हैं
कैसे पता चलती है समुद्र की गहराई | How to know the depth of sea समुद्र कितना विशाल है ये तो आप जानते ही होंगे लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कैसे पता चलती है समुद्र की गहराई? आमतौर पर उथले या कम पानी वाली जगहों की गहराई तो हम लकड़ी या रस्सी के सहारे माप सकते हैं, लेकिन सागर की गहराई का पता कैसे लगता है? तो आइए जानते इस खास जानकारी के बारे में। समुद्र की गहराई कैसे नापते है? पुराने समय में जब विज्ञान…
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pcasabona · 1 year
Se acerca el Día Mundial de la Ciberseguridad, mirá todo lo que tenés que saber
Se acerca el Día Mundial de la Ciberseguridad, mirá todo lo que tenés que saber
Cada 30 de noviembre se celebra un nuevo Día Mundial de la Ciberseguridad, con el objetivo de concientizar acerca de los riesgos que existen en el universo digital e impulsar a los usuarios y compañías a tomar recaudos y previsiones. Esta fecha se celebró por primera vez en la década del ’80 y fue instituida por la Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), la primera agrupación científica…
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dykentery · 8 months
anyone else feeling nap time. feels like napt ime.
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citrus-woman · 1 year
i am hgngnnn so eepy napt
time naptime
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does nat go through host machine vpn
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does nat go through host machine vpn
Network Address Translation (NAT)
Network Address Translation (NAT) is a crucial aspect of modern networking that plays a significant role in enabling the smooth functioning of the internet. NAT is a technology used to modify network address information in the IP header of packets while they are in transit across a traffic routing device. This allows multiple devices within a local network to share a single public IP address when connecting to the internet.
One of the primary functions of NAT is to conserve public IP addresses. With the proliferation of internet-connected devices, the pool of available public IP addresses has become increasingly limited. NAT allows multiple devices with private IP addresses to access the internet through a single public IP address, thus helping to mitigate this scarcity.
Another key benefit of NAT is enhanced security. By concealing the internal IP addresses of devices within a network, NAT acts as a barrier that helps protect against direct attacks from external sources. This added layer of security helps prevent unauthorized access and enhances the overall network security posture.
NAT comes in various forms, including Static NAT, Dynamic NAT, and Network Address Port Translation (NAPT). Each type serves different purposes and offers unique benefits depending on the specific networking requirements.
In conclusion, Network Address Translation (NAT) is a fundamental technology that plays a critical role in conserving public IP addresses, enhancing network security, and enabling seamless communication between devices within a network and the broader internet. Its widespread adoption highlights its importance in today's interconnected digital landscape.
Host Machine VPN
A host machine VPN, also known as a virtual private network, is a secure network connection that allows a user to access and share data over the internet through an encrypted tunnel. This type of VPN is typically used to connect a user's device, such as a computer or smartphone, to a private network securely.
One of the key benefits of using a host machine VPN is the enhanced security and privacy it provides. By encrypting the data transmitted between the user's device and the private network, a VPN helps protect sensitive information from being intercepted by hackers, snoopers, or other malicious entities. This is especially important when using public Wi-Fi networks, which are often targeted by cybercriminals looking to steal personal or financial information.
In addition to security, a host machine VPN can also help users bypass geographic restrictions and access content that may be blocked in their region. By masking their IP address and connecting to servers in different countries, users can enjoy a more open and unrestricted internet experience.
It's important to choose a reliable and reputable VPN service provider when setting up a host machine VPN to ensure optimal performance and security. By doing so, users can enjoy the benefits of secure and private internet browsing, without compromising on speed or reliability.
VPN Tunneling
VPN tunneling is a crucial aspect of virtual private network (VPN) technology, ensuring secure and private communication over the internet. Essentially, VPN tunneling creates a secure pathway, or tunnel, between your device and the VPN server, encrypting all data that passes through it.
At its core, VPN tunneling works by encapsulating data packets within other packets. When you connect to a VPN server, your device establishes a secure connection by creating a tunnel through which your data travels. This tunnel employs various encryption protocols, such as OpenVPN, IPSec, or L2TP/IPSec, to encode your data and protect it from interception by unauthorized parties.
One of the key benefits of VPN tunneling is its ability to shield your online activities from prying eyes, such as hackers, government surveillance, or internet service providers (ISPs). By encrypting your data, VPN tunneling prevents anyone from intercepting or monitoring your internet traffic, ensuring your privacy and anonymity online.
Moreover, VPN tunneling enables users to bypass geographical restrictions and access content that may be blocked in their region. By connecting to a VPN server located in a different country, users can mask their IP address and appear as though they are accessing the internet from that location, thereby circumventing censorship or geo-blocks.
Additionally, VPN tunneling is essential for securing connections over untrusted networks, such as public Wi-Fi hotspots. Without a VPN, your data transmitted over these networks is vulnerable to interception, making you susceptible to various cyber threats, including identity theft and data breaches. By using VPN tunneling, you can encrypt your data and safeguard your online activities, even when connected to unsecured networks.
In conclusion, VPN tunneling is a fundamental component of VPN technology, providing users with privacy, security, and unrestricted access to the internet. By encrypting data and creating secure tunnels, VPNs offer a safe and reliable solution for protecting sensitive information and maintaining online anonymity.
Internet Protocol (IP)
Title: Understanding Internet Protocol (IP) and Its Role in Digital Communication
In the vast realm of digital communication, Internet Protocol (IP) stands as the cornerstone, facilitating the transmission of data packets across networks. At its core, IP is a set of rules governing the format of data packets and the addressing scheme used for their delivery. It enables devices to communicate and exchange information over the internet and other networks seamlessly.
IP addresses serve as unique identifiers assigned to each device connected to a network, be it a computer, smartphone, or any other internet-enabled device. These addresses consist of a series of numbers separated by periods, such as IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) and IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) are the two main versions of IP addresses in use today.
IPv4, the older version, uses a 32-bit addressing scheme, allowing for approximately 4.3 billion unique addresses. However, with the proliferation of internet-connected devices, IPv4 addresses have become scarce. IPv6, on the other hand, employs a 128-bit addressing scheme, providing an exponentially larger pool of addresses to accommodate the growing number of devices.
The IP protocol operates at the network layer of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, facilitating the routing of data packets between source and destination devices. Each packet contains not only the data being transmitted but also the IP addresses of the sender and recipient, enabling routers to determine the most efficient path for delivery.
In essence, Internet Protocol serves as the backbone of the internet, enabling seamless communication and data exchange across diverse networks worldwide. Its robustness, scalability, and versatility make it an indispensable component of modern digital infrastructure, empowering individuals and organizations to connect, communicate, and collaborate on a global scale.
Data Encryption
Data encryption is a fundamental aspect of cybersecurity that plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access. Encryption involves converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized users from intercepting and understanding the information being transmitted or stored.
In simple terms, data encryption works by using algorithms to scramble data into an unreadable format, known as ciphertext, which can only be decrypted using a unique key. This key acts as a digital lock, ensuring that only users with the correct key can access and decipher the encrypted data. Encryption is widely used to protect a variety of data, including personal information, financial transactions, and communication between devices.
There are two primary types of data encryption: symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption uses a single key to both encrypt and decrypt data, making it faster and more suitable for tasks like file encryption. On the other hand, asymmetric encryption involves the use of a public key to encrypt data and a private key to decrypt it, providing a higher level of security for tasks such as secure communication over the internet.
Implementing data encryption is essential for businesses and individuals looking to secure their sensitive information in an era where cyber threats are constantly evolving. By ensuring that data is encrypted both at rest and in transit, organizations can mitigate the risks associated with data breaches and unauthorized access. Overall, data encryption serves as a critical tool in maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information in the digital age.
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Napt - Soul Surviving (Autobots Remix) 2004
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hkxytech · 2 months
Siemens 6GK5804-0AP00-2AA2 SCALANCE M804PB MPI router
Siemens 6GK5804-0AP00-2AA2 SCALANCE M804PB; Router for secure remote connection of PROFIBUS / MPI programmable controllers at Ethernet networks by means of VPN and firewall. Further functions: address conversion (NAT/NAPT), connection to SINEMA RC, 2-port switch; 1x digital input, 1x digital output. Model: 6GK5804-0AP00-2AA2Categories: Industrial EthernetBrand: SiemensSiemens 6GK58040AP002AA2…
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
it’s NAPT TIME! everyone get cozy… who’s afraid of the big bad comforter…
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Indian Toy Makers receive huge orders at Germany’s Nuremberg International Toy Fair
Ministry of Commerce & Industry Indian Toy Makers receive huge orders at Germany’s Nuremberg International Toy Fair Govt. initiatives like mandatory quality norms, increase in custom duty and National Action Plan on Toys (NAPT) encourage manufacturing of high-quality toys attracting global attention  Indian toy makers, who participated in the five-day international toy fair in Nuremberg, Germany,…
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sunyandmony · 7 months
Original post
3. Out of sight
You finally get back to the daycare after a (very) short lunch break, the lights were still off, odd.
Maybe it was another storm, though you don't remember seeing the weather forecast so, you couldn't really tell, mostly because there's no windows here, so it's impossible to know.
Based on the silence, you are more then sure Moon is up to something, and you are (not) prepared for it this time, you're not gonna fall in his trap again.
You slowly tip-toe to the security desk as to not wake up any of the kiddos, as it is still nap time, and judging by the pouring suddenly coming out of no where, you're more then sure it's raining.
Rotating the chair back to its position, you sit there and go through the security cameras, again, trying to find any traces of intruders or events happening, but you doubt anything will happen on such a slow day. It has been a lot slower because of the cold temperatures outside, and most kids just ran inside their house for their fireplace and beds to warm up instead.
For a moment there's a soft jingle in the distance, and you look over the computer screen to see red eyes staring back at you. Almost immediately you fall backwards along with the chair, and when you stand up to look, said eyes are no longer there and you can't make out from where the jingles are coming from, as it pretty much echoes all around you in this quiet, eerie daycare.
Kids shift in their sleep from the sound, but none seem to wake up. Phew, at least you wouldn't have to be seen by them, which is better then being seen by your dear friend Moon, who thinks it's very funny to scare you to death.
You straighten up and stretch before clearing off the dust on your persona, coughing from just how much comes off. Gee, doesn't anyone clean behind this desk? Well, Sun does clean the daycare, but he probably can't step past the security desk, which would make sense that he wouldn't clean here.
You look around yourself in the dark, adjusting your vision and rubbing at your eyes before spotting Moon hovering just above the slide, flexing his fingers at you in some sort of weird, gremlin-ish wave. His grin widens upon seeing you freeze like a deer in the headlight, and once more he takes off, disappearing and blending into the dark once more.
Gee, sometime soon he's gonna be the death of you, won't he? You shake off your thoughts, pushing the chair even more away, not caring it's already laying on the floor and immediately step out from behind the desk, pointing at the darkness and whisper-yelling his name. "Moon! I know you're there, come out!" You warn him without having to say a word, narrowing your eyes at the silence following your words.
You hear a faint chuckle and then a hand slowly settled on your shoulder.
You freeze and the color from your body drains all at once, your instinct wanting you to scream but you instead kick with your leg at Moon back, who just steps back and pretends to have been 'hurt' by you, making a dramatic death scene as you try calm your still racing breath and heart beat.
At least he didn't grab you like last time, which made it better, somewhat, but you still don't trust hi-
All at once Moon straightens up again, holds onto his wire with one hand and the other holds you from under your armpits, and the ground leaves you all at once as you start almost screaming before he puts his hand over your mouth to muffle you, napt time wasn't over, and you completely redden as some of the kids were now awake and seeing your pitiful display as Moon suddenly shifted and held you upside down, to which you immediately panic and grab at anything you could.
Well, this couldn't be worse...
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videostak · 7 months
napt like all day today... really feel tired and aimless past few days waiting to be able to retake my driving test... like i dont even kno what to do in the day and just feel like im killing time .. tho also maybe its causee todays sunday and i usually tend to have to spend sunday watching the cats n stuff. i had some crazyyyyy dreams @_@
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kennak · 9 months
紐付けようが紐付けまいがパブリックIPアドレスごとに毎月約500円かかるように NATGW無料にするか共用のNAPTくれや NATGW紐づけ用のIPアドレスも課金なんだろ
[B! aws] New – AWS Public IPv4 Address Charge + Public IP Insights | Amazon Web Services
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gong-log · 10 months
"『IPマスカレード』 NAPT(Network Address and Port Translation)は、1つのグローバルIPアドレスを複数のPCなどで共有するためのネットワークアドレス交換技術です。Linux上では、このNAPTの機能を実現したものをIPマスカレードと呼んでいます。"
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