#nicole ackerman
carriessotos · 5 months
hcs (jack)
give me a character and i’ll give you 10+ headcannons: jack ackerman.
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teve ao todo três padrastos: simon, quando tinha treze, gregory, quando tinha vinte, e lincoln, que casou com a mãe de jack durante os vinte e nove anos dele, e continua com ela até hoje. teve apenas duas madrastas, maureen, quando tinha quatorze anos - uma ex-amiga de sua mãe, que o conhecia desde quando os dois eram casados, e que jack tem certeza do casamento ter sido por birra de seu pai pelo novo casamento da ex-esposa -, e nicole, durante os seus vinte e três anos. atualmente, ele está noivo da futura terceira esposa, com quem está organizando o casamento - e jack acha absurdo o fato de thea estar na mesma faixa de idade que ele.
mesmo durante a infância, nunca foi próximo dos pais. porém, o maior ponto de ruptura entre eles foi quando a irmã anunciou que estava grávida e eles reagiram da pior forma possível; queriam comandar em como ela lidaria com a situação, mesmo que clarissa fosse adulta, e afirmavam que era uma grande irresponsável, entre vários outros absurdos - e não ajudava de nada que o pai de sadie tivesse sumido. tomou completamente o lado da irmã, assumindo as brigas por saber como era difícil para ela. chegaram a ficar mais de um ano sem se falarem, e só voltou quando clarissa o obrigou a 'aceitar' as suas desculpas.
nunca considerou fazer faculdade no oregon ou tão perto porque queria férias dos pais. se inscreveu para várias universidades, entretanto, as que realmente queria eram northwestern, georgetown e princeton. acabou sendo aprovado nas duas primeiras e ficou em lista de espera da terceira, então, escolheu northwestern - depois, indo para a upenn para cursar direito propriamente dito. sua mãe insiste em se gabar e dizer que ele escolheu o curso por conta dela - que é promotora -, mas jack sempre finge que não ouve.
teve vários relacionamentos durante a vida, mas praticamente nenhum durou por tanto tempo. na escola, era muito imaturo e, durante a faculdade, o namoro que mais durou antes de conhecer melissa foi o de pouco mais que um ano, com uma colega de curso. nunca foi bom em se abrir emocionalmente pros outros e, apesar de não admitir com todas as letras, tem um certo bloqueio com relacionamentos por tudo o que acompanhou dos pais durante toda a vida - entre ambos e com os seus cônjuges, que nunca duravam tanto tempo assim. quando conheceu melissa, tudo parecia mais fácil, e acabaram se entendendo bem o suficiente para que sua relação avançasse. não sabe em que momento tudo ficou tão ruim, ou se sempre fora daquela forma e não notava por estar apaixonado, mas atualmente jack nem sabe como ficou sete anos com ela. embora morassem juntos na última parte de sua relação, não conseguia se imaginar casando com ela e tendo uma vida juntos, de tão conturbada que era a relação. é alguém que jack não gostaria de interagir outra vez de jeito nenhum, e ainda é difícil falar sobre como se sentiu com tudo - sem contar os noventa e oito problemas de confiança novos que ganhou.
não se enxerga como uma pessoa capaz de ter um relacionamento funcional após tudo com melissa, e tudo vem de seu medo de se envolver e acabar passando por tudo de novo - ou de acabar se tornando seus pais. entretanto, a aparição de mick em sua vida o fez se sentir diferente desde o início, e com ela teve a sensação de estar seguro mesmo quando mal se conheciam - como se pudesse confiar nela. e, diferente das outras pessoas com quem se envolveu, se apaixonar por ela nunca foi difícil ou algo em que sequer precisou pensar; só aconteceu, e o que a mick significa pra ele é algo que só vai crescer. por isso, vai ficar com medo de acabar estragando tudo com ela e de acabar afastando ela de uma maneira ou outra.
nunca teve a menor vontade de se casar, depois de ver toda a relação de seus pais e trabalhar por anos justamente resolvendo divórcios e brigas de guarda. é o tipo de coisa que, na verdade, passou vários anos dizendo pros amigos que não faria nem se um agiota ameaçasse ele. mas, depois de cohecer a mick... não vai conseguir se imaginar mais sem ela depois que estiverem oficialmente juntos.
não liga muito pra comemorações de seu aniversário e, geralmente, não fala para quem não sabe que está perto da data. como essas datas sempre causavam uma bela cota de estresse quando era mais novo e convivia entre as casas dos pais, já não vê muita graça pelas lembranças de discussões e competiçõe entre eles até sobre isso. então, é uma data que costuma deixar passar batido.
durante a vida adulta, já passou os feriados especiais com a irmã e a sobrinha ou com a família de henry - como o pai dele sempre fez questão de acolher jack junto -, mas sempre dá uma desculpa diferente para fugir dos convites das festas de natal de sua mãe, ou dos jantares constrangedores de ação de graças de seu pai - e todos fingem que não sabem que é tudo desculpa esfarrapada.
é extremamente apegado em sua sobrinha, sadie, e faz de tudo por ela. ajuda a irmã em tudo, várias vezes tomando conta de sadie quando clarissa tem algum outro compromisso, por exemplo, além de ir em todas as apresentações dela na escola, ajudar a organizar as festas de aniversário, e fazer questão de estar nos momentos especiais dela.
gosta muito de rock, e um dos poucos momentos que lembra como realmente bons entre ele e o pai era de quando escutavam os cds das bandas favoritas do mais velho enquanto andavam de carro - pela cidade ou em viagens mais longas. suas bandas favoritas são the killers, my chemical romance e bring me the horizon, mas também ouve muito joy division, arctic monkeys e bon jovi. seu filme favorito é mad max: estrada da fúria, mas assiste qualquer coisa que seja de ação ou suspense; por isso, também já assistiu muito a trilogia do batman, bastardos inglórios, seven e a origem. em questão de séries, suas favoritas são sons of anarchy, breaking bad e the boys.
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msweebyness · 3 months
Theater Kid Families
These are the families for my theater kiddos! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002 Enjoy!
Axel Rutherford
Raised Missy on his own since his wife died in childbirth
Swimming instructor
Missy's temper comes from him
They argue a lot, but love each other very much
Sees Ondine like another daughter
Imelda Ortega
Possibly the sweetest woman in the world
Except when you hurt her son, ask her ex-husband
Research botanist
Seeing a therapist to work through feelings from her marriage
Good friends with Fred Haprele, Jesse and Mylene ship them
Manolo Ortiz
Massive POS, physically and emotionally abusive
Reason Jesse is blind in one eye
Currently in prison, courtesy of the Tomassians
Involved in a bunch of shady business
Megan Reynolds
Ray of sunshine gene comes from her
Certified life coach
Talks a bit louder than she needs to
Makes up cheers for household chores
Watches her daughter's cartoons in her free time
Kurt Reynolds
Yoga instructor
Super chill and positive
Serves as a grounding force for his wife and daughter
Likes to doodle with Ayesha
Enid Waverly
Could be BFFs with Nathalie, tbh
Event coordinator for a big business
Bun life 24/7, not a hair out of place
Struggles with expressing emotions
Never without her tablet
Orenthal Waverly
Very no nonsense, but more chill than his wife
Prosecuting Attorney for a big law firm
Soft-spoken when not in the courtroom
Keeps fidgets on hand for his older daughter
Dolores Waverly
Much more scatterbrained than her little sister, Dot helps keep her on track
Seriously, would lose her head if it wasn't attached
Deals with some anxiety
Always has at least two books on hand
Arlo Markov
Petra's Bio Dad, an old friend was their surrogate
Interior designer, owns a business
VERY energetic, how much coffee does he drink?!
Happy flaps when he's excited
Will smack a bitch for his kid
Dennis Windham
Dad #2, the bear of the group
Junior football coach
Very emotionally intelligent
Usually has his whistle
Preston Manheim
Dad #3, the voice of reason
Very prim, always uses proper grammar. High class boi
Loves him some argyle and tea
Soft-spoken, but people listen to him
Curator of an art gallery
Trent Knapp
Dad #4, the hippie dad
Plays the mandolin, writes songs for his partners
New Age Philosophy teacher
Speaks like a fortune cookie, tbh
Olive Ackerman
Celebrated particle physicist
Expects nothing but absolute perfection from her child
Think of Nicole Watterson's parents and Ming Lee, combined
Refuses to believe she's doing anything wrong
Praise is very controlled and limited
Quentin Ackerman
Chemist, very respected in the field
Secretly feels they may be too hard on Anais
Too scared of his wife to say anything, tho
Tries his best to bond with Anais over their shared interests
Richard Richter
Manager of a music store
Gives guitar lessons on the weekends
Actually a pretty chill dude
Good friend of Anarka, they had a band as teens
Can think up lyrics on the spot
Rydel Richter
Contemporary piano teacher
Roxie gets their temper from her
Strong enough to throw a table if needed
HATES Roxie's ex with a burning passion
Mama Bear
Rover Richter
Curious about everything, always has to ask why
Wants to be a drummer, carries around sticks
Has trouble sitting still
Will kick Roxie's ex in the shins on sight
Sylvie Mathis
Diplomat from England
The epitome of a proper British lady
Very supportive of her son, he got her into punk rock
Adores Jesse like her own son
Can play a mean game of foosball
Bradley Mathis
Diplomat from England
A bit more laidback than his wife
MEGA Cockney accent
Knows everything about the Beatles
Makes the best tea ever
Hiroshi Tanaka
Screenwriter for an Indie studio
HUGE nerd but also really cool
Has never missed a play by his daughter or wife
Trivia champ, could rival Max
Sasami Tanaka
Celebrated stage actress, has done 215 (and counting) productions throughout her life
Every bit as dramatic as her daughter
Loves to quote plays in everyday life
Dresses to impress, always
Ryuji Tanaka
Eri's twin, just as goth but more subdued
Cosmetology student, attends a different school
Talks with his sister every day
Snark besties with Anthony
Laurent Fletcher
Antique dealer, owns several successful branches and establishments
Charmingly British and a bit awkward
Has ridiculously high patience
Loves Candace as much as his bio sons
Sandra Fletcher
Former top-selling musician, now owns her own restaurant
Might spoil her kids a bit
Cried with joy when Candace became head cheerleader
Attends every pep rally
Finnick Fletcher
Ten-year old mechanical genius, looks up to Max
Always needs to have something to do, has ADHD
Always trying to help his stepsister, doesn't always succeed
Very close with his brother
Ferdinand "Ferdie" Fletcher
Rarely ever speaks, and only to his family
Knows FSL and ASL
Artsy kid, always drawing on something
Actually really smart
Eun-Jeong Park
Professional restorator, has a meticulous eye for detail
Speaks when something needs to be said
INSANELY flexible for some reason
Helps his son practice on their hoop at home, he used to play in high school
Mi Cha Park
Every bit as clumsy as her son, seriously, babyproof that house
Stay-at-home mom who sells her handmade snowglobes on Etsy
Cheering the loudest for her son at his games
Can kick both her husband and son’s butts on the court
Leif Jorgensen
Professional contractor
Very jovial and kind to everyone around him
Can have his head in the clouds sometimes
He TALL, but somehow not intimidating
Besties with his daughter
Dagny Jorgensen
Artisan woodcarver, owns a successful business
Loves doing DIY projects with her daughter
Slips into Norwegian when frustrated
Most down-to-earth of the family
Bai Kwan
Staci gets her sass from him
Political commentator for TVi, cannot stand Alec. Hates Bourgeois too
It’s a game at the studio to try and get him to laugh
He only laughs or smiles around his family
Yumei Kwan
Owns a local cafe, the fave for quality Chinese food
Takes no one’s shit, but also super perky
A former cheer squad flyer who helps Staci work out
People wonder how they’re related sometimes
Col. Levi Beauregard
Big, strong military man
Speaks in all the military jargon
Surprisingly warm with his kids
Does obstacle courses with Parker
Cissy Beauregard
Retired army nurse, now works at DuPont
Meticulously keeps medical records of all students
Rose sees her like an aunt of sorts
Still uses military jargon
Jack Beauregard
Going into the army after high school
Strained, but loving relationship with his younger sister
Very tall and buff
Always trying to impress his father
Taught Parker self-defense
Annie Sutcliffe
Adopts a crap ton of random animals
Owner of a local, accredited shelter
Soft-spoken. Except when animals or her kids are threatened
Queen of the flannels
Rachel Sutcliffe:
Southern Belle with a kickass edge
Pro kickboxing instructor, who slays in sundresses
Will deck you if you call her son stupid
Makes a mean sweet potato pie
Dana & Donna Sutcliffe:
Try to tell these two apart if you’re not their brother. Just try.
Starting at DuPont next year
Have both had crushes on Kim
Aspiring cook and artist
Do the synchronous talking thing
Julio Balthazar
Independently successful mosaic artist
His in-laws warmed up to him over time
Proud of his talented kids and boss wife
Always has glass cuts on his hands, poor guy
Carolina Balthazar
Comes from an old Spanish family of wealth
Still the CFO of a Bigshot record company
May put a little too much pressure on her kids, but not maliciously
HATES the stuffy old heiress stereotype
Alma Balthazar
Talented classical musician
Feels like she’s always in Evie’s shadow
Can be a little snippy, but has a soft side
Weak for comedy films
Emilio Balthazar
Snarky and suave lil shit
Can impersonate anyone's voice
Huge prankster
Gets on Evie's nerves 24/7
Jorge Balthazar
The shyest kid you may ever meet
Speaks similarly to Juleka
Loves to put on little puppet shows
Fidgets with his hands a lot
Rosa Balthazar
Baby of the family, and she knows it
Loves to wear her princess dresses
Adores her oldest sister, wants to sing like Evie
May have a little puppy crush on Brecken
Rohan Findlay
Aggie's paternal uncle, gained custody when she was nine, because his brother is a drunk and his sister-in-law is negligent
Mechanic who co-owns a practice
Bought Aggie her first skateboard
Good friends with Aerinn O'Connor
Bit of a jokester
Bindi Truffaut
A bit of a helicopter mom to Mona, kinda overprotective
Kindergarten teacher
Has a mild stutter
Will punt an ableist's ass
Darnell Truffaut
Guidance counselor at DuPont
The chill teacher dad, that you don't mind being there
Helps his wife give Mona some space
HATES Damocles with the fires of hell
Cares a LOT about the students
Roerva Matuidi
Teacher of psychology at an elite university
Tutors at a community center on the weekends
Academic mom, but a chill one
SO proud of her daughter's math prowess
Cannot stand Olive Ackerman
Chet Matuidi
Eloise's gaming buddy, has a streaming channel his sister guests on
Really good with lit, but struggles with math
Helps his sister with emotional expression
Has to be forced to sleep
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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thoraway125 · 2 years
Every book/movie/show Sara Quin has recommended.
and some reviews at the bottom, not the ones on skq reads 
Abandon Me by Melissa Febos
After the Tall Timber: Collected Nonfiction by Reneta Adler
Against Everything by Mark Grief
A Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore
Air Guitar: Essays on Art & Democracy by Dave Hickey
Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & and Clay by Michael Chaboan
A Lover’s Discourse by Roland Barthes
A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway 
A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman
*An Education by Susan Choi
*Anything That Moves, Dana Goodyear
*Are You My Mother? By Alison Bechdel
*Artful by Ali Smith
*A Sport and a Pastime by James Salter
Asymmetry by Lisa Halliday
Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli 
Atmospheric Disturbances by Rivka Galchen
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
*A Widow for One Year by John Irving
A Zine Yearbook by Jason Kucsma
Barbarian Days Surfing Life by William Finegan
Bark by Lorrie Moore
Barney’s Version by Mortecai Richler 
Behind The Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity by Katherine Boo
Berlin Stories by Robert Walser
Borne by Jeff VadnerMeer
Bossy Pants by Tina Fey
Blood Horses by John Jeremiah Sullivan
By Blood by Ellen Ullman
By Grand Central Station by Elizabeth Smart
Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman
Can’t and Won’t by Lydia Davis 
Cats & Plants by Stephen Eichhorn
Changed my Mind by Zadie Smith
Cleopathra: A Life by Stacy Schiff
Colour by Icons by Never Apart
*Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney 
Death & Co by Alex Day and more
Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill 
Diary of a Bad Year by J.M Coetzee
Don’t Get Too Comfortable by David Rakoff
Do What You Want by Ruby Tandoh
Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechel
Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman
Empire Of Illusion by Chris Hedges
Empty Nest End of Eddy by Edouard Louis
Epilectic by David Beauchard Essays Against Everything by Mark Grief
Essex County by Jeff Lemire
Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned by Wells Tower
*Far From the Tree by Andrew Solomon
Farther Away: Essays by Jonathan Franzen
Fear of Music by Jonathan Lethem
Feeding My Mother by Jane Arden
Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis 
*Flutter by Jennie Wood
Forty One False Starts by Janet Malcolms
Forgive Me if I’ve Told You This Before by Karelia Stetz Waters
Fosse by Sam Wasson
Fraud Essays by David Rakoff
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechel
Getting A Life: Stories by Helen Simpson
Girls in the Moon by Janet McNally
Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks *Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Groomed by Jess Rona
*Habibi by Craig Thompson
Half Empty by David Rake
Helter Skelter by Curt Gentry and Vincent Bugliosi
Her Body And Other Parties by Carmen Machado
Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Dennis Benn
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the II by Christopher Warwick
*H is For Hawk by Helen Macdonald
*Hotel New Hampshire by John Irving
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I Am a Camera by John Van Druten
I Love Dick by Chris Kraus
Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morries, Including Books, Street Fashion, and Jewelry by Leanne Shapton
*Independence Day by Richard Ford
Independent people by Halldor Laxness
Intimacy by Jean-Paul-Satre
I Pass Like Night by Jonathan Ames
I Want To Show You More by Jamie Quatro
Jamilti and Other Stories by Rutu Modan
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera 
*Kramers Ergot by Sammy Harkham
Krazy! By Bruce Grenville
Leaving the Atocha Station by Ben Lerner
*Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls- David Sedaris
Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann
*Light Years by James Salter
Likewise by Ariel Shrag
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
Love Dishonor Marry Die Cherish Perish by David Rakoff
Love In Infant Monkeys by Lydia Millet
Making Nice by Matt Sumell 
Margaret Fuller: A New American Life by Megan Marshall
May We Be Forgiven by A.M Homes
Mean by Myriam Gurba
Me before You by Jojo Moyes
Monkey Grip by Helen Garner
Mother of All Questions by Rebecca Solnit Music for Torching by A.M Homes
*My Education by Susan Choi
My Father’s Tears and Other Stories by John Updike
My Lifte in France, Julia Child and Alex Prud’homme
My Misspent Youth by Meghan Daum
Mourning Diary by Roland Barthes
My Struggle by Karl One Knausgaard
My Struggle 2 by Karl One Knausgaard
Mythologies by Roland Barthes
Nasty Woman by Heather McDaid
Netherland by Joseph O’Neill 
Nightfilm by Marisha Pessl
Nobody Is Ever Missing by Catherine Lacey
No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics by Justin Hall
Notes on a Foreign Country by Suzy Hansen 
Nothing to be Frightened of by Julien Barnes
On Boxing by Joyce Carol Oates
Open City by Teju Cole
Opposite of Hate by Sally Kohn
*Paper Lantern: Love Stories by Stuart Dybek
Pauline Kael: A Life In The Dark by Brian Kellow
Paying For It by Chester Brown
*Pirates and Farmers by Dave Hickey
*Pitch Dark by Renata Alder
Political Fictions by Joan Didion
Polyamorous Love Song by Jacob Wren
Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood
*Provence 1970 by Luke Barr
Pulphead-Essays by John Jeremiah Sullivan
*Random Family by Adrian NicoleLeBlanc
Senselessness by Horacio Castellanos Moya
She believed she could so she did by Julie ‘Hesta Prynn’ Slavin
She of the Mountains by Vivek Shraya
Somebody with a Little Hammer by Mary Gaitskill
Speedboat by Renata Adler
Special Exits by Joyce Farmer
State of Wonder by Ann Patchet
Stoner by John Williams
Summertime by J.M Coetzee
Sweet Tooth by Jeff Lemire
Swing Time by Zadie Smith
**Tenth of December by George Saunders
That Summer Time Sound- Matthew Specktor (sara narrates a part in the audio version)
The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach
The Association of Small Bombs by Karan Mahajan
The Best American Comics 2007 by Charles Burns
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2009 by David Eggers
The Cement Garden by Ian McEwan
The Children of Palomar by Gilbert Hernandez
The City and the Pillar by Gore Vidal
The Birth House by Ami McKay
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera
The Dark Room by Susan Faludi
*The Days of Abandonment by Elena Ferrante
The Disappointment Artist by Jonathan Lethem
The Doors Of Perception and Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley
The Ecstasy of Influence: Nonfictions by Jonathan Lethem
The End of The Story by Lydia Davis 
The Essential Elle Willis by Ellen Willis
The Fight by Norman Mailer
*The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner
The Folded Clock by Heidi Julavits
The Forgotten Waltz by Anne Enright
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
*The Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 
The Idiot by Elif Batumam
The Informed Air by Muriel Spark
The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton M. Christensen
The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer
*The Invention of Solitude by Paul Auster
The Irresponsible Self by James Woods
The Journalist and the Murderer by Janet Malcom
**The Last Word: Reviving the Dying Art of Eulogy by Julia Cooper 
The Little Red Chairs by by Edna O’Brien
The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil
The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides
The Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein
The Missing Piece Meets The Big O by Shel Silverstein 
The Moronic Inferno by Martin Amis
The Mother of All Questions by Rebecca Solnit
The Neopolitan Novels by Elena Ferrante
The Nobody by Jeff Lemire
The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon
The People in the Trees- Hanya Yanagihara
The Notebooks of Malte Laurid’s Brigge by Rainer Maria Rilke
The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith
The Property by Rutu Modan
The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The Rules Do Not Apply by Ariel Levy
This life by Martin hagglund
The Sense Of An Ending by Julian Barnes
The Slow Man by J.M Coetzee
The Spirit catches you and you fall down by Anne Fadiman
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
The Topeka School by Ben Lerner65
The War Against Cliche by Martin Amis
The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon
Things Are What You Make Of Them by Adam J. Kurtz
Thinking, Fast And Slow’ by Daniel Kahneman
*This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz
Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay by Elena Ferrante
To my Trans Sisters by Charlie Croggs 
Tranny by Laura Jane Grace 
True Stories by Helen Garner
Two Lives: Gertrude and Alice by Janet Malcolm 
Unless by Carol Shields
Versed by Rae Armantrout
Visiting Mrs. Nabokov by Martin Amis
Vitamin PH: New Perspectives in Photography by Rodrigo Alonso
Waiting for the Barbarians by J.M Coetzee
WACK! Art and The Feminist Revolution by Cornelia Butler
*Wake In Fright by Kenneth Cook
Wanderlust A History of Walking by Rebecca Saint
Ways of Seeing by John Berger
*We Are All Completely Besides Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler
Whatever happened to Interracial Love by Kathleen Colleens 
What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami
When Things Go Missing by Kathryn Schulz
*White Girls by Hilton Als
Winter by Ali Smith
Women by Charles Bukowski
(Woman) Writer: by Joyce Carol Oates
Works of Love by Søren Kierkegaard
1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
*100 Essays I don’t Have Time To Write by Sarah Ruhl
-Any works written by Renata Adler, Edward Albee, Roland Barthes, Alison Bechel, Beverly Cleary, J.M Coetzee, Susan Faludi, David Hickey, Elena Ferrante, Stephen King, John Irving, Jeff Lemire, and Lorrie Moore, and David Rakoff, Anne Rice, Donna Tartt, and John Updike
Magazines  Harper’s Lapham’s Quarterly Rolling Stones SPIN The Believer (August 2003, September 2004, November 2004, October 2008, November/December 2008, March/April 2009, June 2009) The New Yorker 
Bookstores Drawn and Quarterly in Montreal Sam Wellers Zion in salt lake LA Strand Books  Housingworks Mcleods in Vancouver Powells
Sara wrote something short in ‘do what you want’ by ruby tandoh
also wrote the preface to jess rona’s book
Movies, Documentaries, Shows, Podcasts etc
Adventures in Babysitting 
Arrested Development
Beauty is EmbarrassingBlack Power Mix Tape
*Bojack Horsemen (same artist as the Hang On music video)Broadchurch
Brothers and Sisters
Brown Girls
Bugsy Malone
Call me By Your Name
Luca Guadagnino
Cameraperson by Kirsten Johnson
 *Charlie Rose
*ChungKing Express
*Dan Savage Lovecast
Drinking Buddies
Fresh Air with Terry Gross
Friday Night Lights
Full House
Game of Thrones
GarfieldGolden Girls Goonies
*Holy Motors
Home ImprovementI
nside Out
In The Loop
Little Shop of Horrors
L.O.V.E (tv series)
Milk 2008
Neon Bull
Orange Is The New BlackPhantom of The Paradise Rocky Horror Picture Show Sense8ShamelessShort Cut because 1992 Julianne Moore
Simon Killer
Sopranos Talk
RadioSpeed the Plow by David Mamet
Still Processing
Terminator 2
Terry Gross Fresh air NPR
The Bridge
The Crown
The Fall
The Fugitive
The Leftovers
The Minipops
The Thick of It
The Office (UK)
The Property Brothers
The Real Housewives of (anywhere)
The Wire
*This American Life
Tom Petty- Running Down A Dream
War of the Worlds
War Witch
West Wing
2Dope Queens
13 Monkeys
30 Rock
and here’s some more book reviews from Sara
by Rachel Cusk
The truth is that I struggled to pick my favorite book or writing from Rachel Cusk. All three novels in her
Outline series
are fantastic, and I’ve reread each of them first with passion and then again with a studious eye. For me there is the lonely, yet pragmatic, keen observational protagonist that appeals to me deeply. But also, a woman traveling, forever on the receiving end of looping conversation with strangers. I find her writing extremely romantic. What I’d most like to include on this list, is a piece of her writing from the
New York Times Magazine
: "Making House: Notes on Domesticity." It is a perfect piece of writing about the struggle of making a home and living it in comfortably. “Like the body itself, a home is something both looked at and lived in, a duality that in neither case I have managed to reconcile. I retain the belief that other people’s homes are real where mine is a fabrication, just as I imagine others to live inner lives less flawed than my own.
Fire Sermon
by Jamie Quatro 
Jamie Quatro’s novel about devotion, longing, lust and god was impossible to put down. I read it in one giant gulp. While male writers are given ample opportunity to write about these ideas, it still feels rare and thrilling when women do.
 Sing, Unburied, Sing
by Jesmyn Ward
Everything Jesmyn Ward has written has haunted me afterward. Unblinking, brutal, heartbreaking stories. Her writing feels both modern and like something from a masterpiece that every student is meant to read in high school or college. 
The Topeka School
by Ben Lerner
I love a hook, a melody that on first listen gives you goosebumps, or makes your stomach lurch up to your throat. Sometimes I hear one and I think, “that is a smash,” and then settle in to envy that I didn’t write the song myself. That was the feeling I had reading
I couldn’t help but compare our memoir because both books center adolescence and high school at their core. While Ben writes dazzlingly about masculinity and violence and the bubbling rage of teenage boys, I thought about the way we wrote about the paralysis and fear of being a queer girl in that same kind of world. While his boys turn their rage outward, we focused our violence inward, on the most tender parts of ourselves. Ben’s writing opens a door to understanding something about my own experience of those adolescent years. He sheds light on the parents and teachers whose complicated lives indelibly haunt our own, in ways we don’t realize until we become adults. It seems much of our public conversation revolves around what to do about and with men,
The Topeka School is a thrilling response. All of that to say, I think Ben’s book is a smash. 
JUNE 3, 2009 1. The Flamethrowers by Rachel KushnerI was so captivated there was no choice but to finish it entirely in one long stretch of days. Passages so beautiful that I found myself re-reading them over and over again in amazement. I think it was in the Harpers Magazine review that they called it feminist and sexy. It’s true. An entirely fresh and inspiring heroine. 2. Light Years by James SalterSo many tears; on the tarmac, on the subway, tucked in my bus bunk. I will cherish this book forever. It is 40 years old and that made the discovery so much more powerful. It’s also a good reminder that I am sentimental and a romantic no matter how hard I try to resist those urges. I’ll cozy up with my tears any day, you can’t shame me! 3. Tenth of December by George SaundersThere aren’t very many writers with a body of work I love so completely.  But, I think this is my absolute favourite. I have total admiration/awe for a mind this strange and wonderful
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kalakian · 8 months
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Do you still believe in love? 💕
Learn more about the heartwarming theme of #Tingin6! 🎬
Join us as #TinginFilmFest makes its return to the Red Carpet Cinemas, Shangri-la Plaza Mall, from September 22 to 24, 2023, and on Vimeo from September 29 to October 1. 🎥🍿
BEHAVIORAL SCIENTISTS TRACE the origin of romantic love to the love of the mother for her offspring. Today romantic love has become what Eva Illouz calls the "fundamental core of modernity." Following numerous requests, this year's Tingin Southeast Asian Film Festival explores the region's conventions and modern reinventions of relationships and intimacy. Renata Rossi and David West identify two schools of thought on romantic love: the first as a "conservative impulse," the second, a catalytic force. Romantic love tends to reinforce oppressive gender relations, and marriage only entraps women in the reproductive sphere to fuel a productivist model of development. For others, love tears down the boundaries of class, skin, and even faith. The very idea of the romantic partner as "the other half" suggests one's completeness via love. Early societies were mostly polygynous. With surplus, monogamous marriages came about to ensure purity of the genetic line ostensibly for inheritance or wealth preservation. Budding (or resurrected) ideas such as polyamory and romanticism disrupt the cultural script of coupledom. Cheshire Calhoun even goes as far as to say that relationships are no more than a mimicry of heterosexuality and its rituals. Biologically, Homo sapiens has embraced monogamy-arguably the end game of romantic love-because of evolutionary benefits. Matt Ridley finds that faithful mates leave behind more progeny, discouraging the formation of harems: "The species is [thus] taken over by monogamy." Cinema has produced a prodigious output of films about romantic love. For some time, the romantic comedy even became a dominant film genre. West balks at this as the "endless commercial recycling of entertaining fantasies by the 'culture industry." But romantic movies have a more durable if unsung virtue: "Romantic sentiments resist the economistic, rational calculus that has colonized other spheres of daily life," say James Dowd and Nicole Pallotta. Romantic love can be a harbinger of transformation. Romantic love can be subversive because a union with another person is driven by intrinsic impulses, not extrinsic forces, according to Anthony Giddens. Relationships are being remade by emerging ways of sociality; romantic love has the power to alter the private sphere into a place of equanimity. This is especially poignant for women, who, in prehistoric times, used to be abducted for marriage. Diane Ackerman recounts how a typical tribesman in certain cultures sought the help of a male friend (his "best man") to kidnap a bride. For bell hooks, love must ultimately be grounded in community, the only modality-beyond coupledom or individualism-that can sustain life. For her, the extended kin, far more hospitable to human flourishing than the privatized nuclear family, must be redeemed. Zygmunt Bauman's idea of "liquid love" exposes the essential fragility of romantic unions in the 21st century, resulting in the commoditization of human beings (as what occurs on dating apps, swiping right or left based on the most facile and fleeting of judgements). Can romantic love be a vessel or trigger for individual and collective emancipation? In his book In Praise of Love, philosopher Alain Badiou offers an answer: "Real love is one that triumphs lastingly, sometimes painfully, over the hurdles erected by time, space, and the world." From BL (boy love) romances to introspective dramas, this year's selections from the region's vibrant cinemas capture a composite picture of Southeast Asia in love.
Magaganap ang Tingin Film Festival sa ika-22 hanggang ika-24 ng Sityembre 2023.
Ang larawan at mga impormasyon ay mula sa opisyal na Instagram account ng Tingin Film Fest.
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thelatestnews1 · 2 years
Malin Ackerman, ‘Rampage’ & ‘Billions’ Star, Leads ‘Us Or Them’ – Deadline
Malin Ackerman, ‘Rampage’ & ‘Billions’ Star, Leads ‘Us Or Them’ – Deadline
EXCLUSIVE: Rampage, Billions and Watchmen star Malin Åkerman is starring with Jack Donnelly (Atlantis), Wayne Gordon (Angel Has Fallen), Nicole Bartlett (Jim), Celine Arden (The Hustle) and Sam Cassidy (Guilt) in action-thriller film Us Or Them. Directed by Tom Paton (Black Ops), the film is written by Nicole Bartlett from a story by Paton. The project recently wrapped production in the islands…
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veybex18 · 5 years
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Some Levihan Family 💜💙💚
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freehugs4u · 2 years
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yeah, they're "influencing"
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pockcock · 3 years
Hard strikes finds your ass in an immaculate speed, that is the nature of Levi's punishments. He can't have you being a brat, he can't afford it. So he spanks you, not just your ass but your dripping pussy and your throbbing clit. He has a tendency of never letting you understand the pattern of his movements. He loves seeing you flinch when he misses his rhythm. He loves seeing your legs jump when his hand finds the back of your thighs. He loves when you stutter and try your best to keep track of his spanks. He loves the expression in your eyes, begging for him to stop, begging for him not to put on his leather glows that creates a pretty sound when they meet bruised your skin.
"How many?"
"Levi..." You cry, teary eyes find his steal ones. "I-"
He yanks your hair up. "I said how many?"
"Thirty three, Levi!" Your scream feels like a mermaid song to his ears. "Thirty three!"
He lets your hair go, adjusts his gloves. "11 left.." he says. "11 left until I spank the brat out of you."
Leather meeting skin and your screams. The orchestra is ready for Levi to paint your ass in every shade of red.
@maries-gallery @st-arlert
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cavegirl66 · 3 years
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Nicole Malin Ackerman Shot by Matthew Rolston Liz von Hoene Jason Hindley Vincent La Foret
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nsummer88 · 4 years
Pairing: Mikasa Ackerman/Levi
Rating: Mature, NSFW
Summary: Perhaps neither of them expected that a single affair would sustain such length when the other induced the other.
AO3  , FF
A / N: I have finally finished it!! God, a lot has happened on my side so I am so relieved that the hype and spark were still there despite the constant deferral. This is my first official work so it's bound to have holes but I hope it is to your liking. I wanna do this, this is it. I want to keep going. And I hope to write more soon.
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thefoxyassassin · 4 years
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Art dump of the Malum Vis kids as animal crossing villagers. The style is a bit wonky at first but I think I nailed by the time I got to sheep. This is gonna be my new thing after ponysonas for everything
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maagicmiss · 5 years
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Part 7 // “The case Candy Curtis”
Eren’n’Levi’s subitl appearance
It was an easy chapter, faces and emotions are my favorites things to draw ! Hope y’all liked it :D Don’t hesitate to like, reblog or comment !
What do you think of Nicole ? Did she deliver good information or ?
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fandom · 2 years
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POV: You’re looking at a list with a mere 24% of m/f pairings. 
Destiel +9 Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural 
Lumity +5 Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House
Sambucky Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Bakudeku +11 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku no Hero Academia
Dreamnotfound Dreamwastaken & GeorgeNotFound, Streamers
Lokius Loki Laufeyson & Mobius M. Mobius, Loki
Supercorp +1 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Buddie +18 Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Catradora -7 Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Hannigram +27 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Stucky +7 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Beauyasha Beauregard Lionett & Yasha Nydoorin, Critical Role
Renga Reki Kyan & Langa Hasegawa, SK8 the Infinity
Wangxian -1 Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Jikook -6 Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Zukka -10 Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bumbleby -5 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Jonmartin -4 Jonathan Sims & Martin Blackwood, The Magnus Archives
Gallavich -2 Ian Gallagher & Mickey Milkovich, Shameless
Geraskier -16 Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher
Wolfstar +18 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Drarry -6 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Ladynoir +24 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Dinluke Din Djarin & Luke Skywalker, the Star Wars universe
Kiribaku -14 Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku no Hero Academia
Ineffable Husbands -21 Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Cockles Misha Collins & Jensen Ackles, Actors
Zutara -9 Zuko & Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bubbline Princess Bubblegum & Marceline, Adventure Time
Adrienette +16 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Symbrock Venom (symbiote) & Eddie Brock, the Marvel universe
Korrasami -10 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Marichat +17 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Kanej Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa, Shadow and Bone
Shadowgast Caleb Widogast & Essek Thelyss, Critical Role
Merthur +6 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Zelink +48 Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Tarlos +50 TK Strand & Carlos Reyes, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Klance -19 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Darklina The Darkling & Alina Starkov, Shadow and Bone
Solangelo +51 Will Solace & Nico di Angelo, the Percy Jackson universe
Narumitsu +21 Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Tododeku -16 Todoroki Shouto & Midoriya Izuku, Boku no Hero Academia
Sterek +5 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
Dramione +23 Draco Malfoy & Hermione Granger, the Harry Potter universe
Levihan Levi Ackerman & Hange Zoë, Attack on Titan
Erasermic -12 Aizawa Shouta & Yamada Hizashi, Boku no Hero Academia
Reylo -47 Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Kagehina -16 Kageyama Tobio & Hinata Shouyou, Haikyuu!!
Sasusaku -21 Uchiha Sasuke & Haruno Sakura, Naruto
Johnlock +43 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Larry Stylinson -9 Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson, Singers
Wayhaught -23 Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp
Nessian Nesta Archeron & Cassian, the A Court of Thorns and Roses series
Hualian Hua Cheng & Xie Lian, Tian Guan Ci Fu
Dani x Jamie Dani Clayton & Jamie, The Haunting of Bly Manor
Thanzag Thanatos & Zagreus, Hades
Joe x Nicky -24 Joe & Nicky, The Old Guard
Eremika Eren Jaeger & Mikasa Ackerman, Attack on Titan
Percabeth -3 Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, the Percy Jackson universe
Reddie -58 Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak, It
Phan -21 Daniel Howell & Phil Lester, YouTubers
Preath -42 Christen Press & Tobin Heath, Athletes
Eruri Erwin Smith & Levi Ackerman, Attack on Titan
Sylki Sylvie & Loki Laufeyson, Loki
Komahina Komaeda Nagito & Hinata Hajime, Danganronpa
Fjorester Fjord & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Harringrove -36 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Harlivy -29 Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy, the DC Universe
Willex Will & Alex Mercer, Julie and the Phantoms
Spirk +2 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Stony -21 Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, the Marvel universe
Matcha Blossom Joe & Cherry Blossom, SK8 the Infinity
Itafushi Itadori Yuuji & Fushiguro Megumi, Jujustu Kaisen
Taekook -17 Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Maribat -40 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Damien Wayne, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir x The DC Universe
Raeda Raine Whispers & Eda Clawthorne, The Owl House
Sasunaru Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Naruto
Bokuaka -8 Bokuto Kotarou & Akaashi Keiji, Haikyuu!!
Malex -35 Michael Guerin & Alex Manes, Roswell, New Mexico
Ishimondo Ishimaru Kiyotaka & Owada Mondo, Danganronpa
Upstead Hailey Upton & Jay Halstead, Chicago P.D.
Wincest Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Supernatural
Codywan Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Dabihawks -33 Dabi & Hawks, Boku no Hero Academia
Nalu -21 Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail
Widojest +3 Caleb Widogast & Jester Lavorre, Critical Role
Jily James Potter & Lily Evans, the Harry Potter universe
Deckerstar -19 Chloe Decker & Lucifer Morningstar, Lucifer
Satosugu Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru, Jujutsu Kaisen
Iwaoi +2 Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru, Haikyuu!!
Sessrin Sesshomaru & Rin, Hanyō no Yashahime
Ladrien Ladybug & Adrien Agreste, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Ironstrange -39 Tony Stark & Dr. Steven Strange, the Marvel universe
Luberto Luca & Alberto, Luca
Wenzhou Wen Kexing & Zhou Zishu, Word of Honor
Vmin -13 Kim Taehyung & Park Jimin, BTS
Whiterose -17 Weiss Schnee & Ruby Rose, RWBY
Chenford Lucy Chen & Tim Bradford, The Rookie
Obikin Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, the Star Wars universe
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. The ones in bold weren’t on the list last year.
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frostfires-blog · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day 💞Ship Edition: Part 2💞
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Anime Ships Edition
-> Part 2
Ships featured:
•Ichigo Kurosaki x Rukia Kuchiki (ichiruki)
•Eren Yeager x Mikasa Ackerman (eremika)
•Boruto Uzumaki x Sarada Uchiha (borusara)
•Minato Namikaze x Kushina Uzumaki (minakushi)
•Shikamaru Nara xTemari (shikatema)
•Naruto Uzumaki x Hinata Hyuga (naruhina)
•Takumi Usui x Misaki Ayazawa
•Son Hak x Yona (hakyona)
•Shin Ah x Yona
•Kyo Sohma x Tohru Honda (kyoru)
•Asuma Mutsumi x Kae Serinuma
•Izumi Miyamura x Kyoko Hori (horimiya)
•Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn (WangXian)
•Reg x Riko
•Youming Ye x Yun Xi Qian
•Seiran Shi x Shuurei Kou
•Nene Yashiro x Amane Yugi | Hanako
•Chihiro x Haku
•Kou Tanaka | Kou Mabuchi x Futaba Yoshioka
•Zen Wistaria x Shirayuki (zenyuki)
•Obi x Shirayuki (obiyuki)
•Oodanna x Aoi Tsubaki
•Nicol Ascart x Catarina Claes
•Alan Stuart x Catarina Claes
•Taki Tachibana x Mitsuha Miyamizu
•Shouya Ishida x Shouko Nishimiya
•Hodaka Morishima x Hina Amano
•Kenma Kozume x Shouyo Hinata (kenhina)
•Denki Kaminari x Kyoka Jiro
•Hitoshi Shinso x Denki Kaminari
•Konohamaru Sarutobi x Hanabi Hyuga
•Taro Kabakura x Hanako Koyanagi
•Naoya Nifuji x Kou Sakuragi
•Hirotaka Nifuji x Narumi Momose
Part 1:
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (9-15 Jan 2022)
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😍 Have His Carcase (Lord Peter Wimsey #8) (Dorothy L. Sayers) - Harriet Vane, my beloved
🥰 Armbands & Bandwidth (sopdetly) - 61K, modern AU - USMN soccer captain Steve agrees to do a podcast with USWN soccer captain Carol Danvers, and then they hire Bucky as their producer - great characterizations, excellent plot & relationship stuff
😍 The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes #4) (Arthur Conan Doyle, author; Stephen Fry, narrator)
😍 The Missing Page (Page & Sommers #2) (Cat Sebastian) - THIS sequel was everything I wanted, hoped for and more! Leo + James 5eva! To quote the author: Agatha Christie but make it gay! ROMANCE AT A CREEPY HOUSE PARTY! STRANGE DISAPPEARANCES! MYSTERIOUS LEGACIES! STOLEN MOMENTS!
😊 Hangman's Holiday (Lord Peter Wimsey #9) (Dorothy L Sayers) [I did only read the Peter Wimsey stories, so about half the book]
💖💖 +265K of shorter fic so shorter work shout out to these I really loved💖💖
I love you with my fingers on your sleeping hand (spectreink91) - The Witcher: Geraskier, 7.4K
The Only Familiar Thing (brideofquiet) - MCU: Stucky, 39.8K
The Accidental Threesome (Or, Five Times Duke Might've Date-Crashed, and One Time the Date Crashed Him) (Jadzibelle) - Haven: Duke/Audrey/Nathan, 34.8K
Big Fat Quiz of the Everything 2021
Queens of Mystery - s2, e1&2
Around The World in 80 Days - e1
Golden Girls - s1, e6-8
The Larkins - s1, e1-2
Strong Songs - "Kiss" by Prince
You're Wrong About - Talking Tammy Faye Bakker w. Jessica Chastain
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Alnwick Poison Garden
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Organ Stop Pizza
Strong Songs - Strong TV Songs: Animated Edition
Shedunnit - A Mysterious Glossary
Word of Mouth - Words from World War I
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft
99% Invisible #472 - Mini-Stories : Volume 13
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Cisternerne
Ologies with Alie Ward - Bovine Neuropathology (HEADBUTTING) with Nicole Ackermans
One Year - 1995: The Man Who Didn't Bomb Oklahoma City
Song Exploder - Joy Oladokun "Look Up"
One Year - 1995: Fake Oxford
One Year - 1995: Dr. GIFT
One Year - 1995: Hitting the Spot
Fansplaining - Episode 165: Fests
One Year - 1995: Ann Arbor's DNA Dragnet
One Year - 1995: Hey Macarena!
One Year - 1995: Carolyn's Diary
Strong Songs - "Blood and Thunder" by Mastodon
Strong Songs - Strong TV Songs: HBO Edition
One Year - 1977: Mr. Marijuana and the Drug Czar
One Year - 1977: Mary Shane's Rookie Season
Strong Songs - "No One Knows" by Queens of the Stone Age
One Year - 1977: The Miracle Cure
One Year - 1977: Elvis, the Pledge, and Extraterrestrials
One Year - 1977: Anita Bryant's War on Gay Rights
"Higher Love" [Steve Winwood] radio
'80s Blue-Eyed Soul
'80s Soft Pop
COWBOY BEBOP (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Seatbelts]
Clash Of The Titans (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Ramin Djawadi]
Fright Night (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Ramin Djawadi]
Person Of Interest Season 1 (Original Television Soundtrack) [Ramin Djawadi]
Person Of Interest Season 2 (Original Television Soundtrack) [Ramin Djawadi]
Red Dawn (Original Soundtrack) [Ramin Djawadi]
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veybex18 · 5 years
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Halloween costumes for the Levihan family😍✨
The idea that they wear costumes as a family seemed very tender to me, they look very pretty 🥰
Hanji is Gru, Children are Minions and Levi is an evil Minion
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