#oc: Sari Nebi
startrekandwars · 3 years
There is no passion, there is serenity
Word Count: 1287
Summary: Sari Nebi has once again failed to complete a simple meditation exercise. She’d give just about anything to go scrub a gunship instead of trying to stack some stupid rocks. 
AN: Written for Jedi June “There is no passion, there is serenity”
Sari stared at the rocks in front of her and decided that if they would not stack, she would not bother staying, “This is a waste of my time! I could care less about some stupid rocks and whether or not I can make them stack while meditating. There are better things I could be doing right now.” 10 stones of various sizes ranging from large to small and short of using her eyes to do so, she could not stack them while meditating. Sure, she could use the force while looking at them, but the moment she was supposed to do it with her eyes closed? They just would get more jumbled. It was enough to make her want to trade with whatever shiny had to scrub the gunships.
“Such frustration young one, whatever is the reason for that?” Obi-Wan opened his eyes and watched the angry red head match from her meditation mat to her desk where she began to stare angrily at a tablet. “Sari,” he kept his tone gentle, but it didn’t take a jedi to see that she was frustrated, “I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me little one.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” she was curt, as she often was. “The exercise is useless- so why bother. When am I ever going to need to be able to stack rocks with my mind when sitting down? If the point is to be able to use the force when the world is chaotic around me I can already do that. So Why Organize Kriffing Rocks!”
Obi-Wan sighed and stood up, at least Anakin tried to listen to the lesson. “That’s not the point little one. Remind me, what is the jedi mantra?”
“There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the force,” she said the lines quickly and without thinking. So some things were getting through to her after all. “What about it?” Her golden eyes were still locked onto the tablet in front of her, reading the words as she scrolled through.
“The exercise is perfect for understanding the third line. Passion is defined as chaotic emotion, and serenity?” He was at least going to try to get her to answer the question. When she did not take the chance to answer the question, he sighed again “Serenity is defined as a state of being calm, at peace. Untroubled.” He sat down next to her and gently took the tablet from her hands. “The exercise requires that you find an untroubled state of mind to be able to both levitate and stack the rocks.”
She let him take the tablet away and finally looked up at him, “That will happen when Banthas fly.” 
He met her gaze with a raised eyebrow, “I have seen you find that sort of serenity before, Sari.”
“Yeah- in a fight it’s easy to find that kind of serenity. All that you need to focus on is your objective and your lightsabers. The rest comes easy. It’s just... I mean the force is right there and the rest just fades away. Only the moment exists. The moment and the force,” she crossed her arms and looked at him. “But here? Here there’s protocols and rules and the moment is... it’s... well frankly the moment sucks.”
The man offered her a small smile, “Well, yes. The moment does often suck when there is nothing to do. Everyone begins to feel anxious and that anxiety reaches you a little too easily. You become restless and then you can’t focus.”
“How dare you accurately assess what’s going on,” she tried to sound offended, but it mostly came across as mildly annoyed and amused. All of which masking the fact that he had accurately figured out what was truly on her mind. “Who gave you the right?”
Obi-Wan stood up and extended his hand to her, “I would like you to try a variation of the exercise. Will you humor me?”
“I don’t really have a choice,” she said, standing up after accepting her master’s hand. “What’s your proposal?”
“Don’t think of the rocks as rocks, think of them as a representation of your anxieties and the anxieties of others. Organize those through the stones,” he responded, “And if you want, do it all while doing a handstand. Set aside your emotions and the emotions of others to find peace.”
She squinted at the rocks and then at her master before going back to squinting at the rocks. “What’s the catch?”
“If you can manage to stack even three of them, we can swap morning meditation every day for morning lightsaber combat every other day. If you can’t, then we keep morning meditation every day until you achieve that much,” he responded. “This is not an easy lesson to learn, Sari. There won’t be a punishment for not understanding it, but if you can at least begin to show progress, I see no reason why there can’t be a reward.”
She stared at the rocks again and then at her master before sitting down on the mat and crossing her legs. She closed her eyes and opened herself up to the force slowly. She was anxious, yes. She wasn’t used to so much down time, to having to take a moment to be calm. Everything normally happens so fast she doesn’t know how to cope with things being slow. Her own frustrations and anxieties were small, though. 
Cody was worried about his men. There were new troops coming in who weren’t as seasoned as the others in their squads, he wondered if they would survive more than one battle. Waxer was worried about whether or not Ryloth would ever recover from the Separatist occupation, if any of the worlds they had been to would recover from the war. The further she extended her mind, the more she realized that the various concerns those around her had were more similar than different. They all boiled down to ‘what happens next?’ 
All except Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was harder to figure out, likely intentionally on his part. Anakin was often on his mind, and that’s no surprise there, but there was more to it than that. He wasn’t just worried about Anakin. She set aside her own emotions to try to understand what worried her master. He was concerned about his men, about her, about Ahsoka; all of these things make sense. Mandalore. Why do his ties lead him to Mandalore?
“Well done, Sari,” there was pride in his voice as he spoke. “You have successfully managed to stack multiple rocks, as I knew you could.”
She opened her eyes and stared, sure enough every rock was organized by size except two, which seemed to be flipped. “I... I guess so.” She stood up again and looked at the stack, gently setting it down. The stack remained structurally sound. “I guess it’s not a useless exercise after all. But it’s up there.”
“Oh, and what do you think is also a useless exercise?” He watched her with amusement as she took the tablet back. 
“Cleaning gunships.” Mandalore, she’d have to ask Anakin about that the next time she saw him. With her luck, that wouldn’t be too long now. “I’m going to go read in the hanger. It’s too... quiet here.” She avoided her master’s gaze as she walked towards the door. “I still think the moment sucks.”
“I never pretended to the contrary, young one. Enjoy your reading,” he didn’t protest as she walked through the doors, or as they shut behind her. 
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startrekandwars · 4 years
Trusting Fate
Word Count: 2200
Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself at odds with a young Sith Apprentice as they both share a single goal- Get off the planet alive.
Tags: N/A
AN: Written for @celebrate-the-clone-wars prompt an Unlikely Team
Today could not get any stranger for Obi-Wan Kenobi. So far today he has been labeled as a criminal (which is fair seeing as how he managed to crash into a separatist planet and was now on the run), almost blown up twice (again, completely reasonable considering where he is), and now he is being rescued by a sith apprentice. "Come on, old man, unless you'd rather die here. To which case, stay in that alleyway. I don't care." Oh, and that apprentice? She only saved him after attempting to assassinate a Separatist Senator. For reasons that escape him.
"Because you know your way around better than I do?" He didn't appreciate her tone of voice. This girl was maybe 16 years old, deep red hair, amber eyes, and a tattoo that was on her forehead down the left side of her face and her chin, not to mention on both of her shoulders. The scar on the right side of her face likely ruined the matching side of the tattoo. "Why are you even helping me, young one?"
"Because you watched me almost assassinate someone. I need to keep an eye on my only living witness." She countered, glancing back on him before using the force to pull him into the different alley. "Force you move too slowly. And talk a lot." 
Obi-Wan stumbled, looking down at the girl, "And you're in a hurry. And afraid." He didn't even need the force to recognize she's scared. She's moving more like she's running from something. "You aren't being trained by the Count, so who is your master?"
The girl stopped, "None of your business, Jedi. Look do you want to get off this force forsaken rock or do you want to die here? I know I would rather get off this rock."
"Fine. But we're going to get off of this 'Force forsaken rock' my way." Obi-Wan countered, now standing next to her. "How well do you know Separatist protocol?"
"Better than you, clearly. I could get off just by showing my lightsaber to the right people. Or taking down the droids if I wanted to." She countered, looking at him. "Why should we do this your way?"
The older Jedi put his hand on her shoulder, "Because something tells me you would rather go anywhere else other than home, and you didn't kill two people today, which tells me that you doubt your master's teachings. So if you want a chance to leave him, you also have to play by a different rule book."
She frowned before sighing, releasing her hair from the ponytail to hide most of the tattoos on her face. "Fine. We'll try things your way. But if you get us captured, we're breaking out my way. What do you want to know about Separatist protocol?"
"How do officers bring in prisoners of war? Outside of dead." Obi-Wan watched as a guard walked past them, completely ignoring their existence, "How are you currently hiding us?"
"With the force. I'm making them think they've already looked over here and saw nothing. Their minds are easy to manipulate like that since they don't really care." She answered, looking at him and then following his gaze. "You aren't serious."
He offered her a smile, "It will be fine, young one. Besides, I'm sure you're cold not wearing any sleeves." He answered, walking out of the alleyway. "Oh excuse me officer! It's my daughter, she's been attacked!" The moment the guard turned, Obi-Wan knocked him out and dragged her into their alley. 
"I Am Not Your Daughter!" Sari hissed, looking at him. "My name is Sari." She started to take the parts of the guard's uniform that she would need to pass herself off as an officer. "And you're Obi-Wan Kenobi so you should really be careful. A lot of people want you very very dead. I still haven't made up my mind on whether or not I want to kill you."
"Would you rather I call you my niece or ward then?" He asked, watching her put on the jacket over her current tank top. In fact, most of her outfit easily turned into guard clothes. "Did you sneak onto this world as a guard? Why would a sith apprentice have to sneak onto the planet? Can't you just fly there?"
She looked at him, now disguised, "You're a jedi, can't you just mind trick yourself out of trouble instead of getting labeled a criminal and blown up? Twice- might I add. You got blown up twice." She looked at him and frowned more. "So what's the move, Jedi? Are you now going to become my commanding officer?"
"No, I'm going to be your prisoner, and we're going to steal a ship. Don't worry, I have a good feeling about this plan." He offered her what should have been a reassuring smile.
"Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling about this plan?" She only half muttered that, but she found some handcuffs and put them on Obi-Wan. "Why do you trust me not to kill you or turn you over?"
"The same reason your trusted me enough to try to save me. To use your words, we both want to get off this 'Force forsaken rock.' And you likely have a bad feeling because you're not used to doing good things. It will be fine, Sari." Obi-Wan countered, leaving the alleyway with Sari right behind him.
He was fairly certain she just rolled her eyes again, "Bad feelings are normally bad because something is going to go wrong. Move it prisoner." She kept her eyes looking forward, just over his shoulder. 
"You're on alert- why?"
Instead of an answer, she just shoved his shoulder, "Don't ask questions about things that don't concern you, prisoner. The mistress wants you transferred to a different prison district today and that's all you need to know." By shoving him, his head ended up looking down at the ground, avoiding it being seen well by a guard they were walking past. "Don't pretend you know me- we're not friends."
"No, we're not," Obi-Wan answered slowly. He was trusting her to lead them to a shipyard. Which he could see she was. "I take it you have a plan?"
At that, she walked in front of him, waving her hand in front of a guard "You're going to let me take a ship with weapons and a hyperdrive to transport the prisoner." 
"I'm... going to let you take a ship with weapons and a hyperdrive." The guard said slowly.
"You're going to call in that I have clearance to use this ship and that everything checks out." She waved her hand again. Obi-Wan had to admit it was fairly impressive. Mind tricks are not an easy thing to master.
"I'm going to call in that you have clearance to use this ship and that everything checks out." The guard repeated. Then the guard used the communicator, "This is Vizila- there's going to be a ship leaving with a prisoner. Everything checks out."
Sari just nudged Obi-Wan forward towards the ship, and he had to admit. This worked better with her than it ever would have with Anakin. She's focused, but he can still sense her fear. Something scares her more than being trapped here. Once she closed the hatch, she took off the handcuffs. "Okay, Jedi. My way would have ended in bodies and so far no one has died today. Your move."
"Of course. Now, we follow protocol and leave the system. Once we're far enough away, I'll contact the fleet so they don't shoot us down and get us stuck on another planet. You... do know how to fly one of these right?"
She groaned and walked towards the cockpit. "Yeah, I do. what- you don't?"
"Oh I could learn, but I don't like flying. I have a feeling you won't be comforted by me flying anyways." Obi-Wan countered gently, sitting down in the seat next to her. "Lead the way, Sari." 
She looked over at him and then nodded a little bit, getting the ship out of the hangar easily. Once they were in orbit, she finally started to relax some. The tension that she kept in her shoulders left some. "You have a direction to head towards, Master Kenobi?"
"I do, set coordinates to the outer rim. That's where my fleet is." Obi-Wan answered, removing his lightsaber from his belt and putting it in the chair. "I'm going to contact my fleet now. "Thank you, Apprentice Sari."
She didn't look away from the controls. "Sari Nebi. My full name is Sari Nebi. And this wouldn't be happening without you, Master Kenobi... or my ability to mind trick guards."
"Of course," he smiled a little bit and walked towards the holoprojector, setting the frequency to the channel he normally uses. "Admiral Yularen, this is General Obi-Wan Kenobi, I'm on my way to rendezvous with the fleet now, I got a little... delayed."
"Well it's a good thing you're on your way master, I was starting to get worried," Anakin spoke up, walking into frame. "You're not in your fighter though.'
"No I had a bit of a situation, but I can assure you, it's being handled quite expertly. When I arrive, I'll have to contact the council immediately."
"What do you mean it's being handled expertly?" Apparently, Ahsoka was also in the room and had also walked into frame.
"It means Obi-Wan picked up a stray," Anakin answered. "Are you sure that's wise, master?"
The older Jedi sighed, "I did not pick up a stray, she actually picked me up. And yes, I'm sure." Obi-Wan glanced back towards the cockpit where Sari was now... meditating. That's the first time he's realized that she was calm in the force. Not angry, not afraid, but at peace. "I never understood my master's reasons for bringing you to the temple until now, Anakin. I am just as certain about her as he was about you. Her place is among the Jedi, if that's her wish."
Anakin opened his mouth and closed it again, "You're serious about this. You actually are seriously thinking about doing this. You know if they agree, and that's a big if, they'll make you train her."
"She already has some training in the force, and I have a suspicion about that. It's not like she doesn't know how to use the force at all. She's very skilled and reminds me a lot of you, Anakin. You'll see when you meet her." With that, Obi-Wan hung up and walked back to the cockpit, carefully sitting back down in his chair. 
"So are we not going to get shot at?" She didn't open her eyes, she didn't have to. 
"We won't. There will be a specific landing zone for us when we get there, Sari." He looked at his lightsaber and then took a closer look at her's. The style was influenced by the sith, there was no doubt about that, but it was also reminiscent of Qui-Gon Jinn's. He would know, considering he used his master's lightsaber for a while and considering that Matahd actively uses a copy of the hilt. While her version was warped, and definitively unique to her, the fundamentals were there. "Sari, I don't know what or who you want to run from, but I can offer you a place to run to. If you would be agreeable, I could teach you how to be a Jedi- like your master's master.
That got her to open her eyes. The amber seemed to be duller like it wasn't always her eye color. "How did you figure that out?"
"Your lightsaber is reminiscent of my master's... Xanatos is your master, isn't he? I've encountered him before." Obi-Wan was picking his words carefully. He had a feeling just because she was young doesn't mean he would beat her in a fight. 
She sighed a little bit, "Yeah okay. He was my Master... but I don't want to stay with him." She looked out of the cockpit, at the stars streaming past. "Maybe you're rubbing off on my but I think... I think I'm meant for something more... Would your council let you train me."
"It would not be unprecedented, but it would be difficult for you. You would have to constantly prove that you were not falling back to the Darkside," Obi-Wan gently put his hand on her shoulder, "But, I have a feeling one day, if you're willing, you'll be an excellent Jedi."
She was quiet for a moment before turning to look at him, "Alright. I'm in. But that also means you're stuck with me, Master Kenobi."
"I would not have it any other way, my young padawan." He smiled as they dropped out of hyperspace.
"General Kenobi, landing bay six has been cleared for you." Admiral Yularen's voice rang over his comms. "Welcome home, Sir."
"It is good to be home," Obi-Wan answered, not removing his hand. "It is very good to be home."
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startrekandwars · 4 years
The Workshop of Savomere
Word Count: 1247
Summary: Sari Nebi has discovered a space that once had a lot of use, but was lost to time, almost forgotten. The more time she spends in that forgotten workshop, the more certain she is that she was to become a Jedi all along. 
Tags: None
AN: written for @celebrate-the-clone-wars​ prompt The Underground
Older younglings and Padawans are masters of finding the forgotten areas of the Temple. Places that only a child would seek out, whether its to be alone with their thoughts, to play out of sight of the many jedi masters, or to find peace in a time of complete chaos.
These are the places that belong to the children or to those who have never forgotten a child’s place.The Temple is so big that there are many places like this one. It was once a Jedi’s private meditation spot or maybe their workshop that was lost to time. It was a spot that Sari found herself going to every time she was allowed to wander on her own in the Temple. When she first found it, she spent an entire day just dusting and trying to restore some of the usability to the room. 
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After she had managed to get some of the worst of the dust cleared away, she explored what was in the chests. In them, she found tools and parts to build lightsabers and other small electronics. Some of them were so old that there was no value to them, others were still usable. Once she discovered the parts, she started to bring a chest with her when she disappeared to her space. 
The more she explored, the more she discovered. She found an old datapad, which she restored. The datapad was a Jedi’s private journal. She discovered that his name was Savomere, which means that a long time ago, this had been Savomere’s private getaway in the Temple.
Sari came to respect the space as much as Savomere had. In that room, she felt secure- free from judgment. There she could learn things about the jedi that were lost to the Archives. There were easily twenty holocrons in the workshop just waiting for someone to use them. She recognized some of the designs, but she couldn’t explain why. It wasn’t a Jedi design, but it wasn’t a Sith design either. It was entirely unique and entirely familiar. 
Sometimes, in the workshop, she didn’t feel alone. She felt like Master Savomere was there with her, either helping her fix her lightsaber for the fifth time that day or silently suggesting new reading material. 
This wasn’t a sacred spot, but it was an important spot. A spot that deserved her respect. The more frequently she went, the more she realized it. Now she found herself bowing politely at the door before walking in, the same way she would before walking into Master Kenobi’s private room. 
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Sari was currently working on her lightsaber. While the red crystal she had, had served her well, she knew that both the sith influenced design and the red blade didn’t help prove she was trustworthy. So on the workbench, every single part for her lightsaber was laid out as she searched through the parts chest to see if there was anything useful to change her lightsaber design. She had discovered over the course of her training that she preferred a lightsaber with a longer handle than either of her masters, the more reminiscent of a staff, the more comfortable she was with the weapon.
In the closet, she had discovered a staff extension for a lightsaber, a custom body that had the symbol for the Jedi order on it, and a new emitter that wasn’t so... sith like. As for a kyber crystal? That required meditation. It turns out that Savomere had one hidden in the small stand next to the bed, which she used mostly as a meditation mat. The crystal had called out to her, deeming her worthy of use.
She laid out the new parts for her lightsaber, closing her eyes, and constructed it with the force, building her new weapon. This was an official new beginning for her, and she wanted her lightsaber to reflect that.
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Sari picked up her newly completed weapon and spun it around in her hands. The weight was comfortable. It felt like she had always had such a lightsaber, even if the length was significantly longer, she could easily remove the staff addition if necessary for an assignment.”This is a lightsaber worthy of a Jedi.”
“A familiar handle, using you are. Seen it in many years, I have not.” Yoda’s voice rang from the doorway.
Sari turned off her lightsaber, putting it across her back instead of on her belt. “Grand Master Yoda- I didn’t realize you were standing there.”
“Indeed. Interesting that you found this spot. Know of the master, do you?” Yoda asked, bowing slightly before walking into the space, just as Sari had earlier.
The young padawan shook her head, sitting down in the middle of the room, her hands clearly in her lap. “No, I know the master’s name was Savomere, though. I also know that once he used to spend a lot of time in this room. The more I’ve come here the more I’ve realized that this was his sanctuary of sorts.”
“Indeed. Much like you, Master Savomere was. A former Sith was he, before a Jedi Master. A Sith Pureblood. Gentle was master Savomere. Very aware of his place in the temple. Approve of you using this space, he would- very similar the two of you. Yes... very similar.” Yoda had a fond smile on his face as he looked around the workshop. “Forgot about this, I did. Glad to see it in use again, I am. Very fond of this space, Master Savomere was. Hoped someone else would find this, he did. “
Sari studied the small, green Jedi Master before looking around the workshop. “No wonder this place called to me... Master Savomere was no different from me- he was a Sith who walked away and joined the Jedi... Master Yoda, would it be alright if I continued to use this space?”
The older jedi considered the question before nodding. “Yes. Permission you have already been given. Proof- that lightsaber is.” He turned to leave before pausing at the door, “Looking for you, your living master is. Go to him, you should.”
Sari was about to question what Yoda meant by saying that she had already been given permission to use the space before realizing that Obi-Wan was looking for him. “Kriff, I lost track of time!” She stood up and easily left the room, pausing at the door, and bowed softly. 
When she lifted her head she could have sworn she saw a Sith Pureblood standing in the middle of the room. He looked to be about Obi-Wan’s age, maybe a little older, but there was a kind smile on his face. He bowed back, “Thank you, Padawan. We will see each other again, I think.”
Sari was speechless, staring at Savomere. She knew that voice, she had heard it before, when she had first met Obi-Wan. He encouraged her to go with the jedi knight. “Thank you, Master Savomere.” She bowed again, and when she lifted her head again, he was gone. With that, she ran down the hallway, jumping over Master Yoda, “Sorry, Master!”
“Always in a hurry, you are. Still waiting for you, will your master be.” Yoda chided, watching her run down the abandoned hallway. Seeing someone new using these old halls, bringing life back into them, brought him a sense of peace. Yes, Savomere would approve of her using this space. She seemed to belong when she was in these forgotten hallways. 
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startrekandwars · 4 years
The Past is not Forgotten
Word Count: 1369
Summary: Sari Nebi finally learns about her past after meeting the man who brought her to the Jedi Temple. 
Tags: None
AN: Written for @celebrate-the-clone-wars prompt Long Forgotten Origins
Two blue lightsabers clashed with more force than was necessary. “Sari, you seem unfocused today. What’s bothering you?” Her master sounded concerned as he gently blocked her.
The younger redhead sighed and turned off her lightsaber, opting to sit down on the ground with a huff. “Visions in my sleep, keeping me awake. A cold feeling I thought I passed while I’m awake.”
Obi-Wan sighed and sat down across from her, turning off his lightsaber as well. “you spent most of your training learning the Darkside. It’s that cold feeling you have. Because you have been distressed, you have been reaching more and more for what is familiar to you- hence my query about what has you unfocused.” He paused and offered her a concerned look, “I cannot help you if you do not open yourself up and let me.”
She stared down at the lightsaber handle she built as a child. The crystal inside of it was new, but the handle was not. “I... hear a voice first. A woman’s voice. I can’t understand what she’s saying, but I feel safe. Then I open my eyes, and I see a man with tanned skin, long brown hair, a kind smile, and a piece of cloth over his eyes. He reaches out to me, but not with his hand initially.”
“He reached out to you in the Force.” Obi-Wan sounded wistful as he listened to his padawan, stroking his beard. “What happens next?”
“Well, next I’m in a dark room. I still feel safe-but beneath my feet is an ancient... wrongness I can’t name. When I’m about to fall asleep, I see him standing over me.” She tightened her grip on her lightsaber handle.
Obi-Wan opened his eyes and frowned, “You see Xanatos... If I understand what you have described so far, you have just revealed that Xanatos managed to steal you from the Jedi Temple. What the ancient wrongness you sense is, I do not know. Please, Sari, continue.”
“Then it’s training with Xanatos and that Harpy.” She paused and released her lightsaber handle. “And then its something different... A cold voice. I’ve heard it before. It sends chills down my spine, and he just... laughs. A woman screams and a man breaks down sobbing and then I wake up.”
“That is distressing..” Obi-Wan stood up and held out his hand to his padawan. “I do believe you will at least get one answer today. Come, there’s someone I think you should get properly introduced to.”
“The Jedi Master who will be helping us here?” She accepted his hand and used the force to pull up her lightsaber from the ground. “Why do you think I should meet this guy. What’s to say he won’t immediately hate me?”
Her master smiled. She hated that smile, that’s his ‘everything will be fine smile’. “You’ll be able to sense it before you can understand it, my young padawan. Let's head towards the hangers.”
She rolled her eyes and followed, using the force to pull her outer shirt off of the hanger she put it on, wrapping it around herself loosely. “Have I mentioned that I hate it when you’re vague? You have this smile and most of the time bad things happen after I see that smile.”
“I do not have a smile that means bad things happen next.” He sounded offended, though the smile on his face made it clear he was joking.
“You misheard me, Master. I said bad things happen after I see that smile. Normally you say ‘Everything is going to be fine’ and then things go horribly wrong. Then somehow we make it out alive and you say ‘See, my young padawan, I told you everything was going to be fine’ like you knew it was going to work out,” she countered, crossing her arms as she watched the ship land.
He was right- she could sense whoever this was before Obi-Wan could explain. She knew that presence in the Force- that was the first person to ever reach out to her in the Force. “What-”
The door opened to reveal a man with greying brown hair, a piece of blue cloth over where his eyes should be, and a kind smile on tan skin. “Master Kenobi, so good to see you again.”
“Master Bag-...” Obi-Wan was just staring at the man, “Is that a joke about your blindness, Master Bageeh?”
“Why naturally.” Arif continued to smile before turning his head towards Sari. The smile faded a little and looked sad, like he was seeing someone he hasn’t seen in a long time. “Hello there, little one. I believe we’ve met before a long time ago. My name is Master Arif Bageeh.”
Sari opened her mouth before closing it again, reaching out not with her hand but with the Force, the way he did so many years ago. “It wasn’t just a dream.”
“Well that’s a peculiar name,” Arif teased, still smiling warmly. “I know that basic is not my first language but generally an introduction is followed by another introduction.”
Obi-Wan gently put his hand on Sari’s shoulder, “This is my new padawan, Sari Nebi.”
Arif’s smile faded some again. “Sari Nebi... So that is the name your capture told you was yours. I always tried to see what happened to you after you were kidnapped. I know we have business to attend to, Master Kenobi, but may I borrow your padawan for a few moments. It seems we have much to discuss.” 
Obi-Wan offered Sari his signature, ‘everything will be fine’ smile. “Of course, Master Bageeh. I’ll be on the bridge, waiting for you there.”
Arif nodded and looked at Sari before holding out his hand, “Well, Padawan Nebi, would you be so kind as to lead me to your favorite thinking spot where Kenobi can’t find you?”
“I... Sure.” She took his hand and carefully started to lead him towards her favorite spot, in the repair portion of the hangars on top of a gunship her master refuses to get rid of or fix. It also means that Kenobi doesn’t immediately look for her there. “Follow me.” With that, she lept up through the air easily, landing on top of the gunship.
“An interesting choice to pick. Your back is covered on two sides, you can see everything in the hangar.” Arif lept up and landed next to her. “When did you start wondering who was going to kill you from behind?”
“Probably around the time Xanatos started to train me. You seemed upset when Obi-Wan told you my name.” She looked at her lightsaber, taking it apart with her hands instead of the force. 
He nodded a little bit, “Because I know your name. Nebi was your mother’s maiden name, and the name that your parents agreed would be best for you to use. But your name was actually Isarina Nebi Dendup. Princess of Onderon. Though Sari is close enough and it is what your mother called you. According to your grandfather, you have the spitting image of your father, but with his grey eyes.”
Sari opened her mouth and closed it again. “My eyes are amber... I guess that’s the price of using the Darkside for as long as I did.”
“You are a Jedi now, Sari. That is what matters.” Arif countered softly. “I should have looked harder, I could have prevented much of your hardships.” 
“Master Bageeh... You gave me a chance to be a Jedi. I’m just now using that chance. I’m going to make you proud. I’m going to make my parents... proud. But I want to earn the name Isarina Nebi Dendup. For right now- the name Sari Nebi suits me just fine.” She looked over at him to see the man smiling again. A real smile.
“Then Master Kenobi has taught you well so far. Come, let’s not keep him waiting, Sari Nebi.” He stood up and hopped down from the broken gunship.
Sari smiled and hopped down, putting her lightsaber back together quickly with the force and then attaching it to her belt. “I know a short cut.”
“Lead the way, padawan.”
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startrekandwars · 4 years
The Others
Word Count: 1227
Tags: None
Summary: Sari Nebi was in deep meditation where she was presented with a glimpse into what might be her possible future. It was there in meditation where she was confronted with the warring parts of herself she keeps so hidden that it feels almost real. No matter what she chooses, there are going to be consequences. 
AN: Written for @celebrate-the-clone-wars prompt The Other Side of the Coin
When a force user meditates, what they see is different. Sometimes its nothing. Sometimes its the future, other times the past. Still other times it’s a sort of... meeting ground. That’s where Sari found herself.
It looked enough like the training dojo on her master’s ship that she didn’t immediately realize something was off. At least, not until she saw the two other people standing there. The two other versions of her. One was a jedi, dressed in traditional royal robes that she couldn’t recognize, but a jedi none the less. Behind her stood a proud Obi-Wan Kenobi. The other was dressed in dark black robes. On her arms were more tattoos and her eyes were harsh. Behind her stood a cloaked figure Sari vaguely recognized but couldn’t name. It wasn’t Xanatos, this man was someone else. Someone worse. Both versions looked at her and smiled, “Hello there Sari. We need to talk.”
The Sith version of her walked away from her dark master and circled her, “My my you’ve been busy haven’t you Sari? Oh, you’ve been making friends right? Learning how to be a good little jedi. Learning how to to be restrained.” The sith pushed her down and her face contorted to show nothing but rage, “Have you forgotten everything you were taught to value?! Or have you given into weakness!?”
Out of reflex, Sari used the force to push her evil self away, “Get away from me! I’m nothing like you!”
“Oh, but you are! You are me- a Sith. Waiting until the time is right and then, your real master will call upon you to do his bidding! After all, that’s what Darth Sidious wanted you to be trained for- to be his apprentice when the time was right! Here you are throwing away your chance to be great!”
“Enough, sith, she has not chosen your path.” The Jedi’s voice was gentle and regal as she stood up, but she didn’t pull away from her master. “After all- all she has ever wanted was to be cherished. To be given a chance to grow as a person and to do good. I think that she has chosen a harder path, but one that will end with her being happier. Isn’t that right, Sari? You’re like a coin that’s landed on its edge. Everyone is waiting for you to fall on one side or the other but you stay there, balanced.” 
Obi-Wan, or the force apparition of him, spoke in the same gentle voice she has come to appreciate, “Only you can choose, my apprentice. So which path are you going to take? Whichever path you take- I will always be proud of you as my padawan.”
The cloaked man behind the sith spoke-the voice of Darth Sidious, the only man that scared Xanatos-with menace, “But choose wisely young apprentice. For choosing the wrong path will only lead to suffering and early death.”
Before she could respond, she was falling through the ground faster and faster until she landed hard, “Ouch- that’s going to leave a mark.”
“Don’t be so dramatic commander- after all, you’ve gone through worse haven’t you?” Boil asked, offering her his hand. “Come on, the general wants us to be in position for when Grevious tries to escape. If we do this right we can cut him off and prevent his escape.” 
Sari was about to say something when a darker voice spoke, “We can’t maintain radio silence for this mission- we need to know if the general makes his move.” A chorus of yes sirs answered her.
When the fight got towards the end, she got a personal message, “I need to take this. Yes?”
“My child- the time has come- it is time for you to make your move.” Darth Sidious commanded.
“Yes, my lord, it shall be done.” She closed her communicator and looked at her men, “Gentlemen- I just received word that the Jedi have been staging a coup against the Chancellor- our orders are to bring in General Kenobi dead or alive at any cost!” Once again a chorus of yes sirs answered her.
The scene changed again and she was older now, sitting on a throne, “Your majesty, there is another uprising in this sector. Darth Vader has requested that you handle it personally.”
“Of course. Tell the 212th to get ready to move out.” She stood up from her throne and walked out of the throne room. “Inform the Commander that there are to be no survivors of the rebels.”
The scene shifted once more, and Sari was back on the ground, accepting Boil’s hand. “You all right commander?”
“I’m fine. Remember, the General is trusting us to block General Grevious’s escape. Everyone is to maintain radio silence. We’ll know if he’s coming.” Her orders were greeted by a chorus of yes sirs. 
Instead of an incoming communication, she felt something dark move through the force. “Something’s wrong... We have to help General Kenobi- But keep radio silence at all costs.” She jumped down the cliff they had been climbing, hoping that they moved fast enough. 
When she found herself in the throne room again, it felt more comfortable. Like she had earned it, and standing next to her throne was Boil. “Your majesty, Senator Organa’s vassal is here. Shall we send him in?”
“Yes. Send him in at once.” She said, still sitting in her throne. 
A hooded man walked in and waited till he was at the steps leading up to where she was seated before removing his hood to reveal the face of Matahd Sa, “Your majesty- it’s time. All of the pieces are in place. It’s time we make our move.”
“Of course, Master Sa. Contact the Commander at once, tell him to ready the 212th.” Sari stood up and walked towards Mat, with Boil comfortably walking next to her. “Its time we defeat this Empire. I’m tired of playing neutral.” The three of them walked out of the throne room. 
Then Sari found herself facing the Jedi and the Sith once again, the two of them standing side by side, “So Sari, which will you choose? The Jedi or the Sith? Light or Dark? Good or Evil?”
Before she could answer, she felt a hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of her meditations, “Sorry to interrupt Commander, but the General’s been looking for you. You really need to stop meditating on top of the gunships, one day you’ll fall off,” Commander Cody stated, offering her a small smile. 
“Well... sometimes I can mediate better when there’s a little bit of danger commander, tell Master Kenobi I’ll be right there. I just... need to think for a moment.” She said softly, looking out towards the launch zone. Good or evil? Jedi or Sith? She would never betray her master, but... what if she was nothing more than a sith?
“I’ll do that Commander Nebi. We’re almost at Utapau. My understanding is that the general wants to confront General Grievous on his own first anyways. We’re to be his backup.”
“And then I’ll be leading some of the 212th to block any potential escape of the giant Clanker. We’ll have this done before you can even say Lightsaber.” Utapau. Is that where all of this will happen? Maybe she shouldn’t believe everything she sees. 
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startrekandwars · 5 years
Shadows of Monsters
Word Count: 1746
Tags: N/A
Summary: Matahd finds himself face to face with Darth Vader and learns quickly that the worst monsters are the ones you used to know
AN: written for @celebrate-the-clone-wars Writing Wednesday Prompt Monsters
Mat’s violet eyes narrowed as he caught his lightsabers. He trusted Eagle to throw them exactly when he needed them. And they were indeed there. Igniting them with the practice he never forgot, he blocked the blow coming down from the sith lord in front of him. Six feet tall, dressed in all black, a helmet that prevented any possible view of his face was definitively not what Mat was expecting when he landed, yet there he was. “How many people know you work with a clone commander? Surely people would be suspicious, Jedi.”
“How many people know your form 3 really needs some work, Sith?” He countered, his voice dropping the fake Shili accent and slipping back into the high Courasaunt accent expected from him. “I have to admit, I struggled to figure out who you were under that mask. You see, the person I used to spar against was more elegant. But then it hit me, cybernetic replacements would prevent you from reaching for your favored battle forms. So I got to thinking, who would fight like this?” The Jedi Knight slid under his opponent and then used the Sith’s growing anger to fuel his fluid slashes and leap backwards away from the Sith. Hit hit jump. A child’s move with a master’s form. “Anakin Skywalker. The only person you could’ve been, the only person still alive to slip past me because in the Force all I registered was my friend and the pain he felt. I never considered that you would go from my brother to my enemy. Yet here we are.”
The human growled under the mask. “You are toying with me. Anakin Skywalker is dead. You know this as well as I yet you use that name. I will admit, Matahd Sa, you also have slipped past me with ease, this is something I plan on rectifying.” If he was going to use moves from their childhood, he planned on using the counters. Two hits and a jump back countered by a leap and downward slash and a force pull. And he leapt with the same practice.
Expecting the force pull, he pushed against it. “Your anger unbalances you, Anakin. It makes you sloppy. Unfocused. This will be your down fall.” The words of Obi-Wan found voice through Mat. “Your anger cannot counter my calm.”
“If you want to beat Mat, you have to find the gap in his attacks. He hits twice and jumps back. When he jumps back he switches into a defensive form. Here watch me,” Obi-Wan helped Anakin up and then picked up the training lightsaber, squaring off against the young togruta. “Come at me Mat.”
Eager to prove him wrong, Mat took a deep breath before leaping forwards hitting and being countered twice. As he went to leap backwards, Obi-Wan stuck his foot out from under him and spun, knocking him flat on his back. “Oww!!! That’s no fair you cheated!”
“No. I found your weakness. You know actual combat forms but you prefer your composite form. Allowing the strengths of multiple forms. You need to be aware of those new weaknesses too.” The young knight countered, gently helping Mat back up. “Come on you two, I think you have enough bruises. Lets go get something to eat.”
Mat grinned and then looked at Anakin. “I’ll race you Skywalker!”
“You’ll lose, Sa!!” And then he sped off. Leaving Mat in the dust until he force leaped.
“NO RUNNING IN THE TEMPLE!!” Obi-Wan shouted, now running after them to try to stop them.
Mat jumped all the way on top of a building to buy himself some time. What Anakin now lacked in speed, he made up in force. He had to be faster and lighter if he wanted to best his old friend. “Do you remember how Obi-Wan taught us? He always saw that you favored aggression. He showed you what it took to beat me when we were kids. And when we sparred in the Clone Wars? We were even matches.” He watched as his old friend leapt up and landed hard. Leading Mat to jump onto the thin pipes. “My calm and your anger together was an unequaled balance. I cooled your fury and in turn you heated up my calm to the point that we danced between light and dark easily, it was a balance only we could achieve and yet here we are- so far from that balance that it seems like a distant dream.”
“And you are on the wrong side. The Jedi were weak and corrupted. Join me and together we can be what we once were! Powerful and without an equal. We don’t have to fight, Matahd. Yet you insist on the wrong path.” Vader followed him, striking out at Mat’s side, which the togruta blocked without losing his balance.
The other took two steps back before flipping over Anakin by almost a good extra five feet, landing on the building instead of the pipes. “Anakin- do you even hear yourself?! The Jedi weren’t perfect, but the never harmed innocents. We failed the Clones but we always minimized casualties. We did the riskiest assignments so no one else got hurt. And now? Now you walk into villages and cities and slaughter them all, where as all I do is save as many as I can. How can you insist you are in the right when you cause so much pain?” Hurt radiated from both of them in the force. They were inseparable. “How can you think I would join you after all of this destruction? Can’t you see that you’ve become a monster?! This is madness!!”
“No. You are the only one suffering from madness, Matahd Sa. You like all Jedi are corrupt. And you ability to feel pain in the force should prove that.” Anakin stopped restraining himself, unintentionally, in the force. He hadn’t forgotten that the Togruta was prone to being overwhelmed if there was enough emotional turmoil around him. He was also aware that unintentionally, Mat focused on him as an anchor. But now? Now he let the tidal wave crash down. As it did, Mat collapsed on the ground, his hands going from his lightsabers to the sides of his head. He couldn’t see straight. He couldn’t think straight. He could barely feel the ground beneath him. “I am not your friend, Jedi. He died long ago. And you are lost without him.”
“I mean come on, Mat. Its like you can’t think when anyone mentions Eagle. If I didn’t know better I’d say you were attached to him.” Anakin teased as they continued to walk through the pass to get back with their new intel. “So... what’s the deal with you?”
“I’m not lost without Eagle. I’m just... used to him. Its not like when I’m with you or Kenobi, I have to keep myself focused all the time. He just... makes it easier.” The Togruta picked up a small rock and threw it at his friend. “I could ask the same of you and Senator Amidala, come on we both know she’s more than just a friend~”
“You are the worst Mat- she really is just a good friend... I won’t tell Obi-Wan if you won’t though.” The two knew full well that the redhead could see right through them both if they weren’t careful.
Mat just nodded. “Dea-“ His violet eyes widened before he collapsed onto the ground, screaming. So much death. There was so much death. He couldn’t see. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t breathe. One minute they were alive and now there was a wave of death that just washed over him.
“Mat?! Mat!!!” Anakin had placed both of his hands on his shoulders. “Mat focus on me. Focus on me, come on I know you can see me.” He moved his hand so it was on the side of his friend’s head, focusing so that he was more obvious in the force. “Come back to me Mat... please come back to me. Come back to me.”
Eagle rested his forehead against Mat’s, not moving. “We need you grounded in the present Mat. Sari needs your help and you can’t help her like this.”
Mat’s voice sounded strained as he managed to speak. “I’m here... I’m right here.” Slowly, he managed to close himself off from the tidal wave of emotions Anak-Vader flooded him with. “I’m okay, Eagle.” He placed a kiss on the Clone’s lips and then forced a smile. “Really, I’m okay so long as you’re here.”
“Good. Just keep your focus on me and not Vader- I don’t want you to get hurt because of that.” The former Commander pressed an almost desperate kiss on his former general’s lips. “Go kick his ass, General.”
“Of course, commander.” He grinned honestly this time before running off towards the fight. Three blocks away, Sari Nebi was trading furious blows with Vader.
Sari had a wicked grin on her face as the two Jedi flipped, trading places. So that she was behind Vader while Mat was in front. Trading when they would attack. “Looks like you’re running out of steam, Vader.” Her black tattoos, faded but still obvious seemed to get a hair lighter. They still contrasted with her blood red hair, and her amber eyes. “And we’re just getting started.”
Vader growled again as he attempted to force push both of them away, the pair only grounding themselves further. “You have made yourselves a powerful enemy this day, Matahd Sa and Sari Nebi. Do not forget this.” Then, he stepped backwards off of the building.
Mat lunged as if he could catch his former friend, Sari stopping him. “Wait-“ A tie fighter almost screamed as it took off with Vader standing on top. Watching the two Jedi on the roof top. “Lets get you out of here, Mat.”
He nodded, staring as he felt Vader get further and further away before leaning against Sari. The two jumped down off of the building and hid their lightsabers.
Eagle jumped off and grappled down, running to meet up with them. “Mat- Sari-“
“We’re okay. I mean, Sa should probably lay down for a while but we’re both okay. What happened?” She asked, handing Mat off so Eagle was now supporting him.
“I came face to face with a monster, and I wasn’t prepared to deal with it.” Mat answered, not even resisting. “He’s gone... there’s nothing left but pain and anger.”
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startrekandwars · 6 years
Gifts of a Master, curse of an apprentice
Word Count: 944
Tags: Permanent Injury
Summary: Sari Nebi relieves the night her Sith Master made everything difficult for her after passing out in the middle of combat to free the southern hemisphere of Ryloth. Obi-Wan Kenobi tries to understand why she wouldn’t tell him something was wrong.
AN: This was written for @finish-the-clone-wars gift prompt
Fighting along side the 212th and holding the line normally isn’t an issue for Sari. In fact, most of the time she’s not even bothered by it at all. Today wasn’t a good day for her, though. And it showed in the worst ways possible. As she moved to cut down a battle droid with a blue blade, pain shot through her body. The origin was from no external source, but came from inside. Her whole body seized up painfully before she collapsed into a squad of droids. 
“Commander Nebi!!!” A clone shouted as she started to collapse. It was the last thing she heard before passing out.
Obi-Wan sensed the shift in the force around his unconventional padawan before he could place what was going on. He could see her blade moving through the battlefield easily enough until it froze and all he got was pain. As he started to piece together the origin of the pain, Waxer had already noticed Sari fall. He turned, blocking droid blaster fire and lifted his comm. “Waxer, what’s going on with Sari?”
“Sir, she appears to be having.... she appears to be in a lot of pain. I have her supported for the moment. What are your orders?” The clone asked, looking down at the unconscious padawan.
“For now, get Sari to safety, back behind the tanks. We’ll have to figure out what caused this after the battle is finished. Hopefully, it isn’t serious.” Then the ginger Jedi shifted his weight and leaped into some droids, quickly turning them into scrap metal, keeping in mind that Waxer seemed to be holding something back. 
~*~*~Sari’s P.O.V.~*~*~
I stood, facing my master. Well aware of Count Dooku watching. Xanatos was trying to prove a point, that a sith could be trained from childhood. I didn’t understand the politics behind it, but my new tattoo on my cheek burned. It distracted me from my master’s quick and decisive attack. Our two blades clashed and I had to shift my feet to make sure that I wouldn’t fall.
“Are you afraid Sari?” He hissed, his voice carrying the promise of more painful punishment if I didn’t fight well. 
“I’m never afraid, master.” I used the force and made him move backwards before jumping up over him and swinging my blade at his waist before twisting it upwards, trying to cut his arm. 
He pushed me back and then used force lightning. I brought my blade up to catch it so it wouldn’t hit me before trying to force him to fall so I would get the upper hand. 
I half succeeded. He fell to the ground and then red energy came at me from the corner of my eye. It crashed into my right side and pain shot through every part of my body. Forcing me to fall, my vision wavered and becoming spotty. 
An eerie feeling in the force was barely noticeable, but it went along with an eerie voice, “Your apprentice is growing more powerful than you can handle. This will teach her not to be so... cocky.”
“You underestimate me and her. She would have lost had I not done that.” Xanatos countered. That was the last thing I heard before completely succumbing to the pain. 
~*~*~End of Flashback~*~*~
Sari woke up to see a tent, her entire body sore and her head resting on something hard. As her eyes focused better she saw a familiar face, her master’s bearded face sitting next to her. The face above her was a worried Waxer. “Hey there, Sari, how are you feeling?”
“Lousy... everything hurts. So it’s just another bad day... how did the fight go?” Her voice was dry and her jaw hurt from being clenched. 
“No casualties, aside from the fact that you almost became one, little one,” Obi-Wan answered, frowning at her with concern. “How long has this been going on, Sari?” 
She frowned a little and attempted to sit up, only to be stopped by Waxer. “Easy... you know better than to try to sit up right away.” She studied his expression and realized that the game was up. 
“Since before I met you... When I first got my tattoos...” She answered, still laying with her head in Waxer’s lap. “Waxer saw me one night and I had to tell him to explain what was going on with me.”
Obi-wan rested his hand on his chin. “That much I understand. What I don’t understand is why you didn’t trust me enough to tell me? I am not your enemy, Sari.” He appeared more concerned than hurt by her actions. 
“It’s hard to get over what Xanatos did... Leaving me expecting to die every day and then you just being so... so patient. It still takes getting used to. Xanatos taught me not to show anyone weakness, and that’s a hard mindset to get out of.” Sari answered, slowly sitting up. “I’m sorry if I let you down, Master.”
“You didn’t let me down, Sari, I am concerned for your well being. It is my duty as your master to teach you and make sure you are safe.” Obi-wan put his hand on shoulder. Rest for now. Tomorrow we’ll see if you’re up for riding a speeder.” Her master answered, offering a small smile. 
She nodded a little bit. “Of course, Master Kenobi...” She leaned back against Waxer and sighed a little bit. “I can still fight.”
He shook his head. “Not right now. Try to recover your strength. When we go back to Temple, we’ll get a healer to look at you.” With that, Obi-Wan left the tent to let Sari sleep.
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startrekandwars · 6 years
The Past can be haunting
Word Count: 1197
Tags: death, mention of massive loss, mention of past death threats
Summary: For Sari Nebi, talking about the past is a no go. For Matahd Sa, the past reflects in his actions every day. When the two of them are forced to work together to beat their masters to the landing zone, some of it starts to make more sense.
AN: written for @finish-the-clone-wars Into the Past prompt
The taller of the two hooded figures looked around as lightning crashed overhead. “This way... I see a cave.” He turned his head to look at the shorter figure before starting to walk towards it. 
“Well... it can’t be any worse than this rain. If you get us killed though, I will bring you back to kill you again.” She answered, pulling her cloak closer around herself. Her red hair soaking wet and dripping into her face.
The should be Jedi-Knight frowned a little bit as he walked. “I don’t plan on letting you die today, Sari Nebi.” He leaped over a fallen tree and continued to walk to the cave. 
She jumped just to keep up with him and then punched his arm. “It’s just Sari. Don’t you dare call me Sari Nebi... and don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Her amber eyes burned and her voice was laced with anger and frustration. 
The togruta didn’t respond to her anger as he walked into the cave and sat down against the wall. “My apologies, Sari I’ll keep that in mind for future reference.” He closed his violet eyes and leaned his head back against the wall of the cave. “We’ll get there before Master Kenobi and Master Kuran. This is the shortest path to our destination.”
She scoffed and tried to ring out her short hair, failing at that, she brushed the messy red bob out of her face. “Yeah -through a rain forest. Bet you didn’t think that one through.” Then she threw a small rock at him, “Matahd Sa, hero of Corellia, and you’ve decided the best plan was to walk us through a rain forest.”
Violet eyes snapped open, seeming to take a hollow appearance in the lightning crack. “Don’t call me that. I’m not a hero.” She hit a nerve. “I’m as far from a hero as I could get.”
“Then what happened, O mighty Jedi.” She mocked, almost proud that she hit a nerve after hours of trekking through the forest without making any progress.
He sighed, the white markings on his face making him look like he’s almost a skeleton in contrast with the rest of his blue skin. “We were stationed over Corellia to protect the ships... Basic stuff, really. Master Costa... We didn’t expect an attack. We had a brand new Battalion and brand new cruisers to use. I had spent the day trying to get to know as many clones as I could when the alarms went off.
“I told my master to take my fighter... I made it faster than the standard issued ones just to give me more maneuverability and it held up well in the tests. While she took my fighter, I was on the bridge, keeping track of the fight. Until the Separatists called reinforcements.” He took a slow breath and took a lightsaber, igniting it’s blue blade and looking at it. “Her ship was destroyed along with two of our cruisers... In the time that it took me to get from the bridge to the hanger, I lost another cruiser and most of the star fighters. By the time I got out, I had two hundred men and 5 fighters.” 
Sari’s expression changed, becoming more somber. “I’ve heard the next part... you pointed your interceptor at one of the cruisers and used it as a missile, almost killing yourself to buy a few more microns for your reinforcements to arrive. By the time Master Secura got there-there was what- half of a functioning cruiser?”
“Give or take.” He answered as he turned off the lightsaber and put it back on his belt. “Not really heroic... It was necessary.” Violet eyes met amber eyes and he sighed. “Get some sleep. I’ll take the first watch.” He stood up and walked towards the mouth of the cave, ditching his cloak to let his green and white lekku and montrails be visible. 
The padawan didn’t argue, instead she just curled up on the ground. “I would rather you not take the first watch. But I guess you’re the more experienced Jedi.” 
His head turned, and the noise that gave it away was the faint clacking of his silka beads against his lekku that reached between his shoulder blades when tied behind his head. “Why would you rather take the first watch?”
“Xanatos... My first master actively tried to kill me since I could first hold a lightsaber... Once he hit me with a blast of... I don’t know... Makes combat difficult cause my body will just feel like it’s getting hit all over again.” She answered. “I’ve just kinda lived with it... I thought if I killed him it would’ve gone away but it didn’t. Didn’t change the fact that I can’t sleep knowing someone else is in the same space as me either. I’m constantly expecting a lightsaber through my heart.” She looked over at him and then looked away. “He taught me how to fight so I guess I owe him that, but the cost is a little high for my taste. Plus, he’s the reason I have these lovely sith tattoos I try to hide on the right side of my face...If you tell Kenobi I will personally remove those memories from your head.”
The older padawan quietly walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder. “I can’t sleep either way, Sari. I won’t tell him if you don’t want me to... for now, let’s just focus on drying off, and then we’ll head to the landing one.” She looked at him and then nodded a little bit and just sat up, keeping her two lightsabers close to herself.
Mat then stood back up and looked outside of the cave at the storm. Fully aware of the power in it through the force and he just watched it. “Let me know when you’re dry enough to keep moving.” Then he closed his eyes and started to meditate, focusing on his master and the storm, attempting to keep his thoughts away from Eagle. 
Sari was just sitting against the wall and watched him meditate, seeing how the lightning made his shadow appear and disappear. Through all the sadness around him in the force, there was a kind of solidity around him that made him seem safe. “Mat... how old are you?”
“20... Same age as Anakin.” He didn’t move and instead just resumed meditation. “Why?”
“You act like you’re a lot older. Willingly meditating, it’s almost like you’re Obi-Wan.” She answered, making a face. 
The laugh almost scared her to death.”I would hope it reminds you of Obi-wan, I learned it from his master. As a youngling I was too familiar with the emotions of others, so Master Jinn taught me how to focus that.” He stood up and then used the force to grab his cloak. “We should get moving, the storm is only going to get worse.
Sari nodded a little bit and then walked after Mat, pulling up her hood. 
The two walked quietly through the forest for awhile before she spoke again. “You’re a strange Jedi, Matahd Sa.”
“You’re a strange Padawan, Sari.” 
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startrekandwars · 6 years
Seven Lessons of the Jedi
Word count: 613
Tags: None
Summary: After saving her master from Xanatos, Sari reflects on the lessons she has learned from her Jedi Master as she deals with the punishment of the earlier day.
Meditation was boring. And not the- At least I never have to do this again kind of boring. It's the- this is happening everyday for a few weeks because Jedi don't kill people and you killed someone kind of boring.
As punishments go, Sari can summarize it in one word: BORING.
"Sari, what are the seven lessons of the Jedi Order?" Her master's voice sounded as exasperated as the former sith felt. And that's extremely exasperated. 
"Lesson one is: Never kill someone where your only witness is dead because then you no longer have a sound alibi even if it saves your master's life." She answered, only to get a stern look. "Lesson one: A jedi is to be compassionate at all times." 
The red head knelt in front of her, his blue eyes looking just... upset. "No. While the first answer was entirely wrong, the second one sounded like it came from a holocron. What have I shown you are the seven lessons of the Jedi, Sari?" 
"Being compassionate sometimes means your enemy lives." She answered slowly, trying to forget how she met him. "Can I stand up now? I can't feel my legs and I'm pretty sure my spine is stiff." 
The Jedi master just laughed and stood up before holding out his hand for the violent padawan to take. "That's not the second lesson but a valuable piece of wisdom. what's the second lesson?" The pair started to walk from the cold tent through the equally cold encampment where they were waiting for their next orders from the Republic. 
"Life is to be respected in all forms, even if you don't agree." She answered, pulling up her hood. "Lesson three is never get caught using Crate Marker on your master's commander's helmet because then you get extra meditation AND push-ups."
Again, the jedi laughed but shook his head. "Another valuable lesson that should be taught to future generations, but not the next lesson. And if your next suggestion is sarcasm is never to be used against the Council, we're going to need to have a much longer talk."
"Never attack if you haven't tried peace. Only use your lightsaber in self defense." She watched as some of the injured clones were being rushed to medical or onto a gun ship to get to a medical station. "And lesson four is never send men where you wouldn't go yourself."
Blue eyes looked down to meet her amber ones and earned a small nod. "Correct. Continue."
"The force connects all living things, when one is removed from that connection, everyone else connected feels it." She continued, glancing at her hands. "Teaching others is the greatest position a person can hold."
"And hate cannot be beaten with hate, only love can beat it." He finished, "I'm not angry with you, Sari. I had just hoped you had learned that last one and could apply it to Xanatos."
"I know you're not angry... you're just disappointed. And that's worse... I just..." 
"It's human to be angry and upset... It is a jedi who does not act from those emotions, but from a state of peace. It's harder for you, but you'll get there. You just need patience. Now I believe you owe the commander some push-ups." He offered her a smile. "And when you're done, we'll write up Sari's Lessons." 
She smiled back and then paused. "There should be eight lessons... Lesson eight is never put someone else down no matter how you feel about them."
He laughed and motioned for her to walk to the commander. "Perhaps there are eight. As long as you get seven of them I don't mind."
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startrekandwars · 6 years
Six Lessons of the Sith: We could’ve had it all
Word Count: 657
Tags: Death, murder, severe injury
Summary: Sari Nebi and her Jedi master run into her former master, after her Jedi Master gets knocked out, Sari continues the fight and tells her former master what he had actually taught her.
Sari stared at her former master and just looked at him, her blue lightsaber in her left hand and her red lightsaber in her right hand. She just looked at the man who had taken everything from her. And expected her to just mindlessly follow him.
“We could’ve had it all, Sari! You and me- ruling the galaxy. It is your destiny!” Xanatos was mad. It took her too long to see that. But now she just pitied him. 
“No... No Master... We couldn’t have. You tried to kill me!! You expect me to just...  just come back after that?! The Jedi Order may be broken but my master hasn’t tried to kill me in my sleep!” She tightened her grip on the two lightsabers, watching him. He was going to attack. He thinks too loudly, it’s too hard to ignore. “You don’t have to do this. Don’t make me do this.” 
Her master? Currently on the ground, unconscious. It shouldn’t surprise her, but she was standing in between them. Light and Darkness being held equally well. She didn’t belong to the sith or the jedi. She was just... Sari Nebi. 
“Killing is not the Jedi way, Sari. You stray too close to the darkness. I can feel it.” Xanatos was mocking her. His red lightsaber switched between his hands, trying to distract her in the display, make her feel threatened.
It was obvious. “True. It’s not the Jedi way. But it’s what you taught me. So it’s only fitting that I use your lessons against you. Lesson one- Never show weakness, be it a person or a feeling.” She crossed the dark hallway that was only lit by the three lightsabers, mostly red light, swinging the blue blade at her former master and not flinching when his blade met hers with enough force to send sparks flying. 
“Lesson two- never let your thoughts betray your actions.” She brought up her red blade and forced her master to switch the block, keeping him away from the wounded Jedi. That was her task, protect her master without letting him get too close. “That’s how you fail and lose track of your task.”
“Lesson three- if you can’t over power your opponent physically; fight their mind. It’s softer and easier to get at. I can sense your frustration and anger. I highly recommend tea.” Blades clashed again as Sari now blocked the blows from the older man as he was caught off guard, her blood red hair seemingly black in the lighting just for a moment as she slipped under him to get behind him. 
“Lesson four- no combat is fair. Use whatever advantage you can give yourself.” Her red blade cut at his elbow, easily passing through him, and quite literally disarming him of his weapon. A weapon she knew so well she could describe it without even seeing it.
“Lesson five-  if you ever get the chance- kill your opponent in any way you can. Honor means nothing if you’re dead.” She pointed her red and blue blades at him and just stared him down. “And Lesson six- Never hesitate in anything you do.” she plunged the red blade into his chest, amber eyes never wavering as she did so. Then, she turned off her lightsabers and put them on her belt, walking over to her master. 
The tears she shed weren’t for the dead dark jedi, they were for the little girl who had been stolen from the Temple. The little girl who just died. “We could’ve had it all... no... but I could’ve lived a lie.” Picking up the jedi and walking towards the voices of clones, of men she knew would die for her and along side her, she didn’t even consider looking back. “We would’ve have nothing more than a lie.” 
The orange armor was almost a blessing as it came into sight. Not red or blue. Just a fact. “This will do.”
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