#op lurafita
lurafita · 4 years
Starker soulmates au / Mute!Peter
I need to stop with these new ideas and finally work on my ongoing stories!!!
Not fleshed out! Very short! Can be seen as a prompt!!!
Okay, so in a world where not everyone has a soulmate, but those that do, have the first words that their soulmate ever says to them tattooed on their arm/wrist (depending on lengths), and the words glow and then change color once the soulmate speaks them.
Tony Stark’s arm is completely bare.
Both of them. He checked. Multiple times. For years.
It’s okay. Not everyone has a soulmate. Not everyone needs a soulmate. 
Not everyone deserves a soulmate.
It’s okay. Tony Stark doesn’t need a soulmate. He is rich, he is handsome, he is a celebrity, he is a genius.
He is desired and admired and envied.
Tony Stark has everything anyone could ever want for. 
Except for a soulmate. Which he doesn’t need.
But he wants one desperately.
But no. Nothing. 42 years and counting, and his arms remain bare.
It shouldn’t matter. He is still rich, still handsome, still a celebrity, still a genius. 
He already has so much more than most people. It would be selfish and spoiled to ask for even more. 
He isn’t some starry eyed kid, reading a fairy tale in which the destined for each other soulmates live happily ever after.
He doesn’t need a soulmate. 
But god damn it, he wants one.
Peter is damaged. His aunt would scold him for thinking of himself in such terms, but he knows it’s true.
His first word hasn’t been ‘mom’, or ‘dad’, or any of those other famously first words of little kids. 
There has never been a first word. 
His vocal chords had developed wrong, got damaged during birth, then ended up being ‘beyond repair’. 
But that wasn’t the reason Peter thought of himself as damaged. He could live with the disability. Had lived with the disability. Pretty well, actually, all things considered. He had thrived inspite of it. He was smart, had gone to a good school, had been accepted at an ivy league college, had great friends (two, but it was quality over quantity), and the most amazing aunt anyone could ask for.
No. If being mute had been the only problem, Peter would say he had quite the perfect life. (You know, disregarding losing his parents to a plane crash and his uncle in a store robbery gone wrong. And the bullying he endured through highschool)
The problem were the four words written across the inside of his wrist. 
‘Whoa there. You okay?’
He had a soulmate. 
He was someone’s soulmate.
And they didn’t know. 
His soulmate didn’t know they had a soulmate, because Peter would never speak a word to them. 
Soulmates were supposed to be special. Soulmates were supposed to complete each other. Soulmates were supposed to find each other, with the help of their marks. 
But Peter couldn’t speak. 
Would never be able to speak. 
And his soulmate, whoever they were, didn’t even know he existed.
Add to that, the words on Peter’s wrist were common ones. He didn’t like admitting it, but he was clumsy. Regularly caught up in his own head, easily distracted. So often had he bumped into another person. So often had that other person said these exact words to him (as well as the many people who were incredibly unhappy about being bumped into, and then not being offered a verbal apology. Theirs had not been the words on his wrist, and had often left Peter shoved roughly to the side or the ground. Bruises were part of his every day life.)
Peter’s eyes had flown to his wrist every time, anticipating, wondering if this was the one, if the words would glow, if the color would change. 
It never did. 
And with every fail, every time the words didn’t light up, every time it wasn’t his soulmate, Peter’s heart sank a little.
It was just as well, wasn’t it? What did he have to offer his soulmate. 
A constantly broke college student. With only one surviving family member. Clumsy, awkward, nerdy, shy.
And mute.
Soulmates were supposed to be special. 
But there was nothing special about Peter Parker.
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lurafita · 4 years
Peter, holding up a spoon: "You ever wonder why it's called spooning? Like, did someone look at two spoons lying together and say: Yep, that's what two lovers hugging look like."
Stephen, not taking his eyes off the magical book he is reading: "The term is derived from an old welsh tradition. The welsh have been famous for their wood carvings since medieval times. They also held a particular favor for wooden spoons. They were hand carved pieces of art. Young men would spend months carving them, the more intricate, the better. Tradition tells that if the woman of their desires accepted the spoon, the two were then acknowledged as a couple by society. Hence spooning originally meant the giving of an intricately carved spoon to the woman you loved and wanted to marry. Over time, spooning came to mean a type of hug where you lay facing the same way. Likely born out of the public affection the new couples displayed by standing close together and sharing an embrace."
Tony, who had been banished to the couch for the last two days, mildly confused: "... So you telling me you want me to make you a spoon? I make you a spoon and I'm allowed back into your pants, that what you telling me? Friday, get one of the suits to fetch my welding equipment, fuck wood, I'm going to make the most badass titanium gold alloy spoon and then we can pick back up where we left off on page 32 in the Kama Sutra!"
Peter, watching Tony leave with a completely red face: "No offense, but I'm gonna be at Ned's for the rest of the week."
Stephen, head in his hand, sighing deeply: "I get that."
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lurafita · 4 years
Why Tony isn't allowed to cook
*shrill beeping sounds through the tower suite*
Stephen: Is that the smoke detector?
Tony, frantically trying douse the flames shooting up from the frying pan, deadpan: No, the kitchen is trying to back into a parking spot.
Peter, grabbing for a restaurant flyer, unconcerned: So, take-out tonight?
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lurafita · 4 years
Of phallic gestures
Peter: Have you ever wondered why showing someone the middle finger is offensive? Like, if I hold up my index finger, it signifies I have an idea or something like that. Why is the middle finger the bad one?
Stephen: The middle finger is the penis and the curled fingers on either side are the testicles. By doing it, you are offering someone a phallic gesture. It is saying, 'this is a phallus' that you're offering to people, which is a very primeval display.
Tony, eyebrow wiggle: Wanna make a primeval display in the bedroom and show me your middle finger, Stephen?
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lurafita · 4 years
Law Enforcement Avengers & Good Criminal Peter
Okay, have we considered the following:
Non powers AU
Avengers are some kind of police force (detectives/FBI/special agents/belonging to a special unit/whatever), that covers mostly high scale theft.
Peter Parker, though no one knows his real name cause he is always costumed and goes by the alias Spiderman, is a high scale class thief.
However, Spidey is a kind of ‘Robin Hood’ criminial. His victims are Mob bosses and Crime Syndicates and corrupt higher ups and pretty much anyone who has some kind of dirt on them.
Because of that, not every victim of Spiderman reports whatever he has stolen to the authorities, fearing that an investigation might uncover their dirty business.(Though many still do, believing themselves smarter than the police)
Which is why after every heist, Spiderman makes a call to the agents in charge of apprehending him, the Avengers unit; usually to the units head: Tony Stark.
Usually with the words: “Guess what I just stole.”
And, okay, technically, Spiderman is breaking the law and they should really put more effort into finally finding and arresting him. But thanks to this guy’s thefts the Avengers have been able to put some major bad guys behind bars (some of which had been the real scum of the earth). Also, Spiderman is never armed (aside from this weird bio-degradable web stuff he uses), and has never harmed an innocent (a black eye or a dislocated shoulder to a hired gun is blissfully overlooked by the agents.)
So, they kinda like the guy, okay? Have even given him a nickname: Spidey.
Not even their unit chief: Nicolas Fury, is much on their asses about catching the Spider already.
One day, Tony’s little daughter Morgan gets kidnapped, and the whole team is frantically trying to find who grabbed her. Is it someone they are currently investigating, or one of their cases that is going before a judge soon. Is someone trying to use Tony’s daughter to blackmail him and the team, or is it old fashioned revenge?
The team isn’t making any progress, there are just too many suspects, not enough info to send them in the right direction, and Tony is about to have a fucking break down.
Then his phone rings and as he answers, anticipating to hear the voice of the kidnapper of his little girl, the familiar voice of Spiderman speaks instead.
“Guess what I just stole?”
Tony likes the guy, but he doesn’t have time for this right now, and he tells Spidey as much, and is about to hang up, when suddenly Morgan is on the other end of the phone call with a happy “Hi Daddy!”
Turns out Spidey’s latest target was the guy who had kidnapped Tony’s daughter, because the Avengers had arrested the guys brother a few years ago, and the brother had just recently been killed in prison.
When Spidey was scoping out the place for his heist, he found little Morgan locked up in some dark, dank room, and got her out.
And Tony is in tears, because thank fuck is baby girl is safe. Then Spidey is back on the line and tells him to meet them in some diner that’s not far away, and also where he found her, identifying the person behind the kidnapping.
Tony and the others race to the diner, where they find Morgan making her way through an impressive amount of pancakes topped with ice cream and a chocolate milkshake.
Tony beelines to her and scoops her up and is just “Oh thank god. Are you alright Morgan? Did they hurt you? It’s all gonny be okay now, Daddy’s got you.” and so on.
And the others get some hugs in too, and everyone is just relieved and happy and Morgan seems to be unharmed and thank god.
Then they notice the young man who is sitting across from where Morgan sat in the booth, an iced coffee before him, who is just looking at the scene with a little smile on his face.
He introduces himself as Peter Parker, a bystander who had been handed the child from some guy in a costume with the order to wait with the girl in the diner until her father and his friends come to pick her up.
And they know, okay? It’s not a good cover story, and Spidey isn’t even really trying right then, and they just fucking know that this is the thief they have been (kinda but not really) trying to catch.
And they don’t fucking care.
They thank him profusely for ‘staying with Morgan’ and keeping an eye on her (read: saving her from her kidnapper). and then most of the team gets back to the precinct to get ready to arrest the son of a bitch who kidnapped little Morgan, while Tony and Morgan stay a little longer in the diner with Peter, because: “But I haven’t finished my pancakes, Daddy.”
And Morgan tells Tony all about how Spiderman broke her out of the smelly room and took her piggy back and scaled that one wall that was “So high, Daddy! I thought we were gonna fall, but Spidey wrapped those sticky webs around me so I wouldn’t slip off, and then we was jumping and climbing like in those parkerkour videos that my friend Amy showed me and it was so cool Daddy.”
And Morgan keeps stealing little looks at Peter whenever she talks about Spiderman, so Tony can guess that the young man probably lifted his mask for her (probably so she wouldn’t be scared of him). But Morgan is nothing but not loyal, so if Peter asked her to keep him being Spiderman a secret between them, then that’s exactly what she will do. (Even though she is very bad at it.)
And... then I don’t really know. Things will happen, the team and Peter (Spidey) will get closer (Tony  and Peter in particular) and maybe things even get to a point where Spidey is offered a consultant job with the team, in exchange for a prison sentence, or something like that. (It takes a thief to catch a thief, after all. And Spidey can provide a lot of insider info for the department.)
Or something else. I don’t know.
I primarily thought of this for a Starker pairing, but I think it could be worked out for IronDad and SpiderSon as well.
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lurafita · 5 years
Sentinels and Guides
Sooooo, it has occured to me, that many fans here, (especially some of the younger ones), might not know what is actually behind all the ‘Sentinel and Guide’ fanlore talk. And that’s a shame, honestly, because the concept lends itself to some of the best fanfictions that I have had the pleasure to read in my time.
So I decided to put together a little information.
For an easy and pretty comprehensive overview, please go here: https://infiniteeight8.tumblr.com/post/68075231337/misspaperlilies-said-what-is-this-sentinelguide
The post focuses specifically on the show that birthed the Sentinel and Guide craze among fanfiction writers, and it’s really good.
Now some additional info from me: (p.s., anyone who is versed in the Sentinel/Guide fanlore, please add whatever I missed out on, or correct me if I presented some of the things wrong)
What is a Sentinel?
- A Sentinel (Watchman, Guardian), is a person with all five of his or her senses being hyperactive/acute. They can see, hear, smell, taste and feel everything many times more than a normal human is capable of. And I’m not talking about not needing glasses to read the newspaper that’s laying across the table. I’m saying the Sentinel would be able to read the fineprint on that newspaper from like fifty feet away. They are able to tell how many people are in a different room, from feeling the body warmth these people give off through the stone wall seperating them. They can focus on someone’s heartbeat to determine if they are lying or not. And many more such useful tricks.
However, such strong senses can and often turn out to be, a great liability. The sensory input that the Sentinel has to deal with is simply too much. Imagine being able to hear a pin drop in the apartment across the hall, and then being in a crowded mall and having to suffer through this kind of noise. Some strong smells, in fact ALL strong smells, like peppermint, garlic, or cheese, would become completely repungant to such a sensitive nose. Spicy meals are pretty much a no go for someone whose tastebuds have become oversensitized to such an extreme level. Fabrics that normal people don’t have a problem with, would scratch and irritate the skin of a person with a hyperactive tactile sense. Too bright colors or lights would cause constant headaches.
If one or more senses get aggravated too much, from high input, they can cause ‘Spikes’. Which are usually referred to as sudden pain coming from the area of the sense. Think about it like overusing a certain muscle, to the point where even slightly moving that muscle brings you pain and discomfort.
And that’s not the only drawback.
There are things called: Zone-out’s. Those are moments when the Sentinel becomes so focused on one sense alone, that they subconciously close off all input from their other senses. This leads to the Sentinel getting ‘lost’ in that one sense, falling into a catatonic state (and becoming incredibly vulnerable to attack). The Sentinel can usually not get out of a zone-out alone, as at least one other sense has to be stimulated for the Sentinel to stop focusing on the one that they zoned on.
This is where the Guide comes in.
What is a Guide?
A Guide is a partner to the Sentinel. Someone who watches the Sentinel’s back and helps them control their hyperactive senses.
A Guide will ground the Sentinel, be a calming influence on them, and often the only one who can get the Sentinel out of a zone-out, or ease a particularly bad ‘spike’ (or even prevent spikes from happening.)
There are certain excersizes that a Guide will ‘guide’ their Sentinel through, that will help the Sentinel with gaining and maintaining control over their senses.
A popular concept in this regard is the visualization of ‘dials’.
Picture one of those old stereos, or radios, with the round knobs you had to turn, to increase or reduce volume, bass, etc.
When a Guide helps their Sentinel control their senses, they sit close together and talk them calmly through the process of appointing each sense to a dial. The dial usually has a scale from 0 to 10. The 0 Level, is when the sense shuts off completely. (And that can be very dangerous, too, and is only done in dire situations). The Level 10 on the other hand, is the one that leads to spikes and zone-outs. (Also to be avoided). Levels 4 or 5 are usually appointed as ‘human’ levels, or the ones that are the most neutral and comfortable for a Sentinel. Under the guidance of a Guide, a Sentinel can dial their senses up and down as needed (dial up sight if one needs to spot a sniper hiding somewhere miles away, or dial down hearing so as not to be hindered by loud noises when one needs to focus on something else, for example.)
A Sentinel can learn to use those kinds of dials on their own, but it is very taxing and hard, and often leads to very unpleasant outcomes.
Now, going a bit deeper into the fanlore.
Sentinels and Guides are usually genetically engineered for each other. The Guides scent is pleasant for the Sentinel, their heartbeat grounding, and so on. On the Guide’s side of the spectrum, the Sentinel often offers a sense of protection or ‘shielding’, for the Guide’s more emphathetic nature (though not every story has Empath Guides, it is a popular trope in fandom).
Sentinels and Guides (if compatible) often ‘bond’. These bonds can be platonic, or romantic/sexual in nature, but they usually all share a ‘bonding bite’. Which is a deep bite mark at the nape of the Guide’s (and sometimes the Sentinel’s) neck. And often brings with it a kind of psychic connection between the pair. Though not every story with Sentinels and Guides utilizes such..
There are often also some more spiritual aspects to Sentinels and Guides and bonding, but those are completely dependant on if and how and what the author wants to work into their story.
Needless to say, the possibilities are endless.
While the Sentinel is often presented as more primal, territorial, and possessive, the same things can be and have been attributed to Guides in many fanfics. Again, this aspect is completely up to the author and how they want to write their story.
Okay, I hope I covered most of the bases. Again, if anyone wants to add stuff, please do so!
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lurafita · 5 years
Mob boss Tony x Baker Peter
Prompted by anon ask: click me
Because we all love mob boss Tony AU's and everyone needs to write one at least once.
-Insert title here-
The first time Tony had stepped foot into 'Ben & May's little Bakery', it had been 5:30 in the morning, and he had just executed a traitor.
Tony liked to take little strolls after especially gruesome bouts of violence (which Adrian's death had undoubtedly been. The maggot had dared to steal from him, and Tony had felt the need to make Toomes an example, for anyone who might entertain the thought of taking something that belonged to Tony Stark.)
The warehouse, in which Toomes had died a slow and painful death, had been in Queens, and so had Tony, when only a few blocks away from the grizzly scene he had left his people to clean up, it had started to rain.
Cursing up a storm, the notorious leader of the Stark family, the biggest and most dangerous crime organization in the United States (and possibly beyond), had ducked into the nearest open store.
He was assaulted by the warm, sweet and wholesome smell of freshly baked goods and recently ground coffee beans, as soon as the door closed behind him. A bell chimed, signaling his entrance, and a distinctly male, but softly pitched voice called out from the back
“I'll be right with you! Just one moment, please!”
Tony took the time to look around a bit.
The place was on the smallish side, but very quaint and comfortable looking. Some sitting booths and little tables and chairs all around, leading up to the traditional counter, that showcased a mouthwatering assortment of pastries.
The interior was kept in soft, pastel colors, with cleverly placed lights on the walls and ceiling that brightened the place up, without making it too grating on the eyes.
As he ventured closer to the counter (that in typical bar fashion, had some high chairs in front), his gaze fell on the marvel that was the coffee machine. Stainless steel, clearly multi-purpose for the preparation of different hot beverages, built-in grinder for fresh beans, and a high pressure nozzle for specific drinks.
God, judging from the machine alone, this bakery just had to have good coffee beans. And while Tony didn't usually have much of a sweet tooth, he couldn't deny that the brownies in the display had him nearly wetting his lips.
“I'm so sorry for the wait! I needed to get the rolls out of the oven before they burnt. So, what can I do for-”
Now Tony actually did wet his lips. A slight, but lean body, a bit on the short side. Slim hips, narrow shoulders, and yet despite what appeared to be a rather fragile stature at first glance, there were some clear signs of athleticism. Chestnut brown, fluffy looking hair, wide and innocent seeming eyes. Pale skin that only served to accentuate the blush currently spread over it.
He looked young, maybe college aged? Tony didn't think he was looking at a teenager (though that would hardly be an obstacle for him), but the man had a slightly boyish appearance.
The young man that had come out from the back in a flurry of motion and heavily flushed face (probably due to having been around the high temperatures of the bakery's ovens in the back), stopped short, mouth hanging open, when he saw the head of the Stark family waiting at the counter.
The reaction wasn't uncommon. Tony Stark being the boss of possibly the greatest mafia family was pretty much an open secret, mostly due to the fact that he was the prime suspect in every major police investigation.
But since no one had ever been able to produce any proof to convict him of the various and many crimes he had been accused of (some of which he actually had committed), well...
It was a bit like Schrödinger's Cat. Just as the cat could be thought of as both alive and dead, Tony Stark was both guilty and innocent. At least until the day that definitive proof of his crimes was presented. (Not that it ever would be. Tony was far too good at his profession to make such mistakes. And besides that, he had some very high ranking officials in his pocket, should things ever turn dire.)
Didn't change the fact that due to the many investigations that had been made upon his person, most of the public were more than a little wary of him. Sometimes being feared was fun. Other times, like when someone was possibly so shell shocked by his very presence, that they might mess up his order, it was annoying.
“A coffee, dark roast, as strong as you can make it. And one of those brownies. No cream on anything.”
For a moment, the younger man didn't move a muscle, but just as Tony thought he would have to repeat himself, the brunette shook himself out of his stupor and quickly started on the order. Tony was a bit taken aback as he watched the younger man operate the machine and plate a big, moist looking piece of the brownies with practiced ease.
The surprise and slight fear from only seconds ago seemed to have vanished from the brunette, which was unusual to say the least. People didn't just stop fearing Tony Stark for no apparent reason.
When the man, Peter – if the name on his apron was to be believed, set down both the fantastic smelling coffee and brownie in front of him, Tony couldn't help but say
“Now, don't get me wrong, sweetheart, because I certainly don't want you to panic, but most people I meet react much less... let's say casual, to my presence. May I take it that you aren't afraid of me?”
He honestly didn't know what he wanted the answer to be. Dealing with panicky and stuttering people was annoying and a waste of his time and patience. But thinking that he might be losing his edge was unacceptable.
Peter shrugged lightly, a half smile, half grimace on his lips. (And what pretty little lips they were.)
“Haven't made up my mind about you, I guess. On the one hand, the probability that you are every bit the dangerous man people say you are is very high, and I'm not exactly a fan of violence. Or guns. Or crime in general, really. But on the other hand, I believe in ‘innocent until proven guilty’ – and so far, you haven't been proven guilty. “Then there is the fact that ever since you and your... 'business partners' have come to New York, gang violence has actually gone down.” Peter leaned sideways against the bar opposite from where Tony had taken a seat on one of the bar stools, crossing his arms over his chest, a contemplative look on his (pretty) face. “I've seen this in wild life documentaries. When bigger and badder predators take over a new territory, various of the smaller and weaker predators either flee, or get killed by the new arrivals. ”There has been a distinctive lack of drug dealing close to my campus, lately, and walking my aunt home most nights doesn't even require us to go the long route, since there are hardly any street gangs out and about anymore we need to stay clear off.” Then Peter frowned a little. “Which, if it really is due to your presence in this city, that I don't have to fear so much about my aunt's safety anymore, I might actually have to thank you for that. Of course, that would only be the case if you really were the leader of, what everyone says is pretty much, the mafia.” Then he shrugged again. “So, yeah. Undecided.”
What a delightfully simple and yet complex way of thinking.
It was true that Tony had had his men taking care of all the little street gangs, when he first decided to branch out his organization from Italy to New York. He didn’t care about the individual criminals or dealers or murderers in this city, but there was simply no sense in allowing smaller groups the chance to grow into what might one day become a serious threat.
And as an additional benefit, the very act of removing these other ‘predators’ - as Peter had said, actually scored him some points with the general public. Well, the ones smart enough to connect the dots, at least. And Peter, delightfully pretty Peter, seemed to belong into that category.
Tony took a sip from his coffee cup (and oh, those were definitely good beans), and then grinned at the younger man.
“So, hypothetically speaking, if I were the reason for the absence of all those pesky little gangs around here, and consequently your and your aunt’s relative safety, how would you go about thanking me?”
He took a bite of his brownie, (which was just as supple, soft and delicious as he imagined Peter would be, when he took him to his bed to devour him), as he kept his eyes trained on the younger an across from him. Who seemed to be seriously contemplating the answer to Tony’s question.
And again, this threw the mob boss a bit. Peter looked like every bit of the shy, virginal college student, that would blush and stammer horribly, when being asked something as suggestive as this. Tony had put a very deliberatly seductive tone into his voice, after all. Which meant that either, Peter was more experienced and nonchalant about sexual acts than Tony had pegged him for (which could be fun in it’s own way), or, (and that thought was exciting enough that some of his blood was already starting downward) Peter was so inexpirienced and oblivious about these things, that the meaning behind Tony’s words had flown right over his head.
“Well, the obvious answer to that would be to let you eat and drink for free, here. But you are very clearly not hurting for money, so I don’t think saving a few dollars whenever you visit, is something you would find particularly rewarding. So, while we are still speaking hypothetically, how would you want me to thank you?”
Oh, what a precious, precious little thing. How was it even possible for the cute brunette to be this smart and observant, and yet so naive and oblivious?
How curious, how intriguing, how fucking attractive Peter was to him.
All those sinfully delicious thoughts running through his head right then. All the things he would do to the college student (and part time baker). All the things he would make him feel. He would take him to his mansion, and have him in his bed for their first time. In his shower, the morning after. Draped over his couch, later that very same day. Tony would spread the nubile looking thing over every surface in the many rooms of his home. He would have Peter in his car, in his office, over the fucking counter his was sitting at right now. 
His little baker could make all the delicious looking cakes and pastries his heart desired, and Tony eat them off of his naked body, maybe even dribbling some chocolate sauce over him.
Tony had never had much of a sweet tooth, but the images flashing through his mind had him almost salviating and craving it all.
“I don’t know. The coffee here is pretty good, I might come back for a cup quite frequently.”
Haste makes waste.
“And I might want to try some more of your baked goods.”
He would have to pace himself.
A last fork full of brownie was washed down with the rest of his coffee, as Tony stood from his chair and reached into his inner jacket pocket.
“Are you always here this early, sweetheart?”
Again the younger man seemed oblivious about the endearment, but this time it might have something to do with the two 100 dollar notes that Tony slid across the counter.
“I... I uhm,.. yeah, I. Yes, I open the place up at 5 o’clock every day, and then my aunt comes in when I have to get to my classes... Sir, you really don’t have to pay for ... this is too much.”
Tony just smirked at him, as he turned casually towards the exit.
“It’s a tip. I’ll be seeing you, Peter.”
And when he would finally claim his prize, it would be the most delicious morsel of them all.
I’m thinking of turning this into a mini-series. Maybe. Possibly. I don’t know yet. But who knows, maybe I will finally get a decent bit of smut written in.
Oh well.
Hope you liked it, thanks to anon for the original prompt!
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lurafita · 4 years
Some big brother Peter and little sister Morgan stuff cause I’m in a fluffy mood
Morgan tiptoed her way towards the bed on the other end of the large room, hoping Peter hadn’t heard the door open. (He had. Just as he did the excited little gasps that Morgan made, as she stealthily - well, as stealthy as any five year old could - crept forward. He was trying very hard to control his smile as he feigned sleep.)
At the foot of the queen sized bed, the girl scrambled up and crouched into position. A big smile on her face as she narrated her actions.
“A wild Morgan has appeared! Morgan uses ‘tackle’ on sleeping Peter!”
Then she pounced. Peter let out an ‘oof’, as she landed on his middle, and quickly wrapped his arms around her so that she wouldn’t fall off. Not bothering to hide his grin any longer, he squinted up at his little sister.
“The attack was very effective. Sleeping Peter woke up. Awake Peter uses ‘tickle’.”
Morgan squealed as Peter’s fingers danced over her sides, laughing loudly while trying to wiggle out of the 19 year old’s grasp. 
“Morg-hahaha- Morgan has no more- hahaha- hp- haha. She fainted.”
Smirking, Peter stopped his assault and the little girl collapsed on his chest, exhausted but smiling.
“No fair attacking my weak point.”
He chuckled and lightly wrapped his arms around her, feeling as she relaxed against him. 
“That’s for the surprise attack. So, Morgie-moo. Why are you up at-” he quickly grabbed his phone from his nightstand to look at the time. “6:21am on a Sunday. Did we have plans today and I forgot?”
Morgan shook her head against his chest, then folded her arms over it and propped her chin up on her hands to look directly at her big brother.
“I had a dream.”
“Good dream, or bad dream?”
“Hm. First it was a bad dream. But then something funny happened. And then it was a good dream.”
He smiled at her encouragingly.
“Really? Sounds exciting. What was it about?”
“There was a dragon!” She exclaimed with wide eyes. “And it was flying around and roaring really loud and people were scared and running away.”
Peter nodded. 
“That does sound scary. Was the dragon breathing fire?”
Morgan shook her head.
“No. But it had really sharp teeth and claws and it was super big. And then it was flying up to the top of the tower and clung to it like the big ape in the movie.”
Peter frowned.
“Who showed you King Kong?”
“Uncle Sam. He said if he don’t show me good movies, you and dad will wash my brain with only bad sci-fi flicks like Star Wars. I told him you can’t wash a brain. Only hair. And then he laughed and we watched the movie, but he covered my eyes during the scary parts. Hey, what’s sci-fi and Star Wars? How come you haven’t shown me?”
She looked very indignant for a five year old. A skill undoubtedly learned from her mother.
“Don’t worry Morga-chu, I’ll show you all the Star Wars movies when you are a little older. Promise. Remind me to web Sam to the ceiling later. But what happened in your dream? Did the Dragon attack the tower?”
“It was about to! But then you and Daddy and the others showed up and fought it!”
Peter grinned, while carefully rearranging his blanket to cover Morgan as well. No sense in letting her get cold, and maybe he could get her to sleep a few more hours.
“Avengers and Spiderman to the rescue! So, what happened then? We kicked it’s scaly butt, right?”
But Morgan regretfully shook her head. 
“It was too powerful. Daddy’s blasters (- she hadn’t quite mastered the word ‘repulsor’ yet) just made little puff-clouds against the dragon’s skin, and all the other weapons were useless too. And the dragon was too strong for your webs, and just snapped them. And it knocked Thor out of the sky. And it stepped on the Hulk and he couldn’t get it’s foot off him.”
There was just the slightest tremble in her voice, and Peter wound his arms around her a little bit tighter.
“I’m guessing that was the bad part of the dream, hm?”
She nodded. “It was really scary.”
Peter was getting ready to console her, when suddenly she brightened right back up.
“And then your tummy growled!”
He looked at her, stunned and bewildered.
“My... tummy growled?”
“Hmhm. Really loudly. Like, as loud as when the dragon roared.” Then she waved a finger in his face, again, in a scarily good imitation of her mom. “Because you been skipping meals again, mister.”
The sight of a five year old girl berating a 19 year old enhanced superhero would be funny, if it wasn’t also strangely intimidating. Peter was quick to lift up both his hands in surrender. 
“I promise to take better care of myself. Including all the dream versions of me.”
She looked at him closely for a second, nodded, and then went back to recounting her dream.
“And then everyone was looking at you. Even the dragon. And it bowed it’s big head down to you and then it licked you up with it’s giant tongue!”
“Eww. Dragon slobber.” He shuddered for effect. Morgan laughed.
“It thought you were a dragon baby, because of your empty tummy sounding just like a roar. And then it didn’t wanna fight you anymore. And then the dragon told you-”
“Wait, the dragon could speak?”
“Yes.” She made it sound like that should have been clear from the beginning. The eye-roll was definitely picked up from Tony. “So, then the dragon told you that someone had stolen her eggs!”
He nodded seriously.
“Female, speaking dragon looking for her dragon-napped children in Manhattan. Got ya. What happened then?”
Satisfied that her brother was keeping up with the story, Morgan continued.
“So then you all decided to help her find her eggs, because someone who would steal a dragon’s babies is bad, and heroes fight bad people.”
Another nod. “Right you are.”
“So then Daddy called Mommy, because he didn’t know how to find dragon babies, and Mommy knows everything.”
Peter bit his lip hard to stop the laugh that was bubbling up.
“And then Mommy put on her Rescue armor and flew to where you were, and then she and Aunty Natasha found the bad people. Because Aunty Natasha is always winning when we play hide and seek, so she can find anyone.”
Which made perfect sense to Peter.
“So then you all beat up the bad guys and saved the eggs! And THEN the eggs were cracking open, and there were tiny, little baby dragons!”
“How many?”
Morgan had to think for a few seconds, scrunching up her nose when trying to remember.
“Uhm... 3. And as a thank you for helping her find her children, the Mama dragon let me play with them.”
“Wait, when did you get there?”
“I was there the whole time, how else could I know what happened. Duh.”
“Well... you got me there.”
“And then I got to name the dragon babies! I named the one with blue wings Blueberry. And the one with red wings Cherry. And the one with green wings Kiwi.”
A tiny yawn escaped her at the end, and her eyes were getting a bit droopy. Peter started to gently rub his hand over her back.
“Those are excellent names. Was that how the dream ended?”
She shook her head and then softly laid it down on her brother’s chest, trying to smother another yawn with little success.
“No. We played a lot with Blueberry,.. and Cherry, and Kiwi... and then... Daddy built them... a really big... and nice.. dragon cave... and then we had... a sleepover...”
A quick look down revealed that Morgan had fallen back asleep, and Peter carefully, so as not to jostle her, pulled the blanket a little higher, so that they covered her shoulders. He leaned down a little to press a soft kiss to the crown of her hair. 
“Sleep tight, little dragon.”
Then he too closed his eyes and went back to hopefully catch a few more hours of sleep.
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lurafita · 5 years
SIM Tony x Peter
So, I got this prompt/ask a while ago, about writing a Superior Iron Man x Peter piece, and I was all for it.
There are already a lot of pretty great drabbles and fics with this pairings here on tumblr (and a few on AO3), and I was fretting about what kind of content I could add to that.
I thought about maybe just a quick little PWP, you know, to scratch the itch; but then I remembered: I'm not very good with writing smut.
Then I thought: 'You know... maybe I could get this rolling differently.... In the fics I read, Peter comes across a Tony from (usually) another universe who already IS his superior/evil self. Their relationship comes after that, and is usually more sexual than emotional (at least from SIM's part) and with lots of kink. Which is fine, don't get me wrong, I crave those on occasion. But while those fics catered greatly to my love for possessive/dominant characters, my 'feelings-kink' has gotten a little neglected.
So I thought:
Maaaaaybe I could do a story where Peter and Tony know and like/love each other before Tony turns Superior.
And maaaaaaaybe Tony turns Superior because of his feelings for Peter.
And maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe someone would like to read that?
This doesn't play in any specific universe, but rather uses parts of different story lines and circumstances. You are free to picture which ever Spidey you like for it!
If Love Be My Poison (I Wish For No Cure)
Tony Stark had tried therapy exactly once. After Afghanistan, on the insistence of Pepper, Rhodey and Jarvis. He had sat through three hours of talking with a man that somehow reminded him of the owl in Winnie Pooh.
When the Owl-man had diagnosed him with an inferiority complex (among other things), Tony had stood up, snorted derisively, and left.
When he told Rhodey about Owl-man's diagnosis, his friend had laughed, clapped him on the shoulder, and said
“Well, even experts get it wrong sometimes. Just try finding someone else, Tones.”
Tony had nodded, though he had never dared to speak to another therapist again.
Because Owl-man had been far too close for comfort with his assessment.
Tony Stark: billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist.
An inferiority complex?
The thought was laughable.
True, though.
What else could all his posturing be about, if not that?
It was just so unbearably cliched. The man who had never gotten the recognition he so craved from his father as a child, now shouted out his accomplishment into the world.
See me! See what I have created! Acknowledge my work!
Being brought up in the spotlight didn't magically gift you with the kind of charm and charisma needed to handle reporters or please a crowd of fans and admirers. It was a skill that Tony had taught himself.
'The grand life of an eccentric billionaire, read all about Tony Stark's latest big bash!'
Envy me!
'The truth is... I am Iron Man.'
Adore me!
'Watch our exclusive interview with genius Tony Stark!'
Look at me!
It was such a pathetic cliche.
'Big man in a suit of armor. Take that away and what is left?'
But it was true.
And it was never as glaringly obvious as now.
“Why not?” He asked, vulnerability clear in his voice, and he hated himself for it. “Why can't you give this a chance? Give us a chance? I love you. That's not something I say idly, or to a lot of people. I. Love. You. And I know you feel the same, Peter. Don't even try to deny it. We both know you are the worst liar ever.”
Deep brown eyes looked at him with a touch of true devastation.
“I love you.”
And Tony latched onto those words like a drowning man would grasp at a straw.
“Then let's do this. Move into the tower with me. Stay with me. Be with me. Let's be one of those disgustingly affectionate couples who can't keep their hands off each other, even when in public. Especially when in public.”
He clasped one of the younger man's hands in both of his own, squeezing gently, tracing one thumb along the unnaturally soft skin. Peter averted his eyes, but he squeezed back and for a moment, Tony hoped. But life was never this easy.
“It's because I love you that I can't be with you. It's too dangerous.”
The argument wasn't an unexpected one, and Tony wasn't about to give up so easily.
“Peter, sweetheart. My life has been dangerous from the moment I was born. Do you know how many times I have been kidnapped?”
His tone was light, encouraging, playful even. He didn't mind making a joke of his own past traumas, if only it would give him the chance of convincing the man he loved.
But Peter didn't work this way.
“Then that's all the more reason why I shouldn't paint any additional targets on your back.”
“Peter-” But he didn't get to finish, as the brunette abruptly turned to him, eyes shining with unshed tears.
“Everyone,- every single person I loved has died because of it. Or ended up becoming a super villain. Because of me.”
“That's not true.” The older man tried to correct, to reassure, but Peter was becoming agitated.
“It is! The very first and best friend I made when I was a child, turned into the Green Goblin because of me! My first girlfriend was killed, because she was trying to help me! The guy I thought of as an older brother was possessed by an alien symbiote, because I wasn't strong enough to handle Venom!”
Tony shook his head vehemently.
“Peter, that's not-”
But Peter was on a roll now, getting up from the billionaire's couch they had been sitting on and pacing in front of it.
“Doctor Conners would have never turned into the Lizard, if I hadn't helped him work out my father's notes.”
Tony got up as well.
“You were trying to help him to develop a formular that let people regrow limbs. Him getting impatient and injecting himself with a barely tested compound isn't on you!”
But the younger hero hardly listened.
“Otto wouldn't have gone after Mary Jane if he hadn't felt betrayed by me!”
“Octavius willfully ignored your warnings about the dangers of hooking up the exoskeleton directly to his brain. Harry went behind everyone's back to get his hands on the serum that turned him into the Goblin. And so far no one has been able to 'handle' Venom. The fact that you are able to fight that parasite off, is not an indicator that it was in any way your fault that it possessed someone else! Non of all this was your fault!”
He had his hands on Peter's (deceptively narrow) shoulders, head tilted down to look the slightly shorter man in the eyes. Eyes that were red and sad and angry and defeated looking.
“If it wasn't my fault, then how come the people I love always end up suffering?”
And for a moment, staring into those brown eyes he loved, that were brimming with tears and pain, Tony hadn't known what to say. His silence was apparently all the answer Peter needed.
An agonized and bitter smile was formed by the lips that the older man had dreamed about kissing, fantasized of ravishing, as Peter spoke.
“You are a good man, Tony. You are,... wonderful. Smart, funny, caring... You like hiding yourself behind layers upon layers of sarcasm and pretentiousness, but I know you. You are possibly everything I ever dreamed of.”
And there it was. This was the chance he needed, the moment for the genius to swoop in and turn this whole, horrible situation around and proof to Peter that they had a chance. That it would work.
But, again, he was just a second too late.
“You are a fantastic hero, with or without the suit. But technology, even yours, isn't infallible. And without it, … without it, you are vulnerable.”
Tony knew where this was going, and he had to stop it. His hands traveled upwards, cradling the beloved face between them, directing Peter to look right at him.
“Pete, I'm not helpless. I'm not... I'm so sorry about Gwen and MJ and Brock, but I'm not like them, okay? There are plenty of people that I have made enemies of on my own. Who have tried to kill me. Non have succeeded yet. And yours won't either. Venom is in a Shield containment unit. They have managed to suppress the Lizard. Doc Ock is in Rykers. Harry may be at large right now, but we will get him, too..”
Peter was weakly shaking his head, but he made no move to shake off Tony's hands.
“We still haven't found a way to destroy Venom. It will get out again, it always does. Same with Otto. Conners biology will acclimate to the suppressants again, and the Lizard will take over once more. Harry will come back when I least expect him, when I start to feel contend, just like he always does. Your enemies are powerful and dangerous, but when it comes down to it, they are more focused on working on their own agenda. Mine...Mine are obsessed. They don't want to simply kill me. They want to hurt me. And they will use you to do it.”
Peter spoke the words with such certainty, with such helplessness, it broke Tony's heart.
“Pete. Sweetheart. Look at me. I'm not going to let them. I won't leave you.”
Brown eyes glimmered in the dim lighting of the room, full lips trembling and Tony wanted nothing more right then, than to kiss them. He closed his eyes, and slowly leaned down to where he was still holding Peter's face gently. Only to come to an abrupt stop, when Peter placed a hand in the middle of his chest, right above his arc reactor. The younger man looked broken, but non the less determined.
“You can't promise that.”
Then the slighter hero slipped out of Tony's hold, and hurried out of the room.
'Big man in a suit of armor. Take that away and what is left?'
Tony Stark having an inferiority complex? Preposterous!
'Technology, even yours, isn't infallible. And without the suit, you are vulnerable.'
Genius, billionaire, super hero. Inferior? Ridiculous!
'Big man in a suit of armor. Take that away, and what is left?'
… Nothing.
Okay, hope you liked it so far.
A second part will follow that focuses on Tony’s descent and transformation into Superior.
I’m really unsure about what tags to put here, Please tell me if I missed any!
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lurafita · 4 years
Domestic Spideypool + toddler Ellie
*Breakfast time*
Little two year old Ellie, sitting at the breakfast table with her dads, splashing her hand into her cereal bowl and fishing the fruit loops out with thumb and forefinger.
Peter, seeing this, hits Wade over the head.
Wade: “Hey! What was that for?!”
Peter, pointing across the table at the toddler, who has milk running down her chin, while stuffing more cereal into her mouth: “This is your manners written all over her!”
Wade: “What? That’s how you are supposed to eat fruit loops!”
Peter hits him again. Then points at Ellie: “Ellie, sweetie, please pick up your spoon and eat your cereal. Your father may be a lost cause, but I will at least raise my daughter with some table manners.”
Wade pokes his tongue out at Peter. Peter hits him again. Ellie grumpily takes her spoon into her left hand, and then promptly sticks her right hand back into her bowl.
Peter watches, gobsmacked, as his daughter continues shoveling soggy cereal into her mouth, while tightly holding the spoon in her other hand.
Wade laughs uproarously: “This is your sass written all over her!”
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lurafita · 4 years
Underrepresented Genres with IronDad
Dear Fandom. 
We have a lot of Irondad and Spiderson stories playing in the canon universe. 
We also have a lot of slight canon divergent stories, and some really great ‘no-powers’ au’s. 
But just now, I thought to myself: You know, I don’t think I have seen any fantasy or supernatural genres involving familial Tony and Peter dynamics.
Let’s just play around a bit with the possibilities these genres could bring for stories!
Like prince Peter Stark who has been kidnapped at a young age and sent through a magical portal into another dimension, where he grows up in the modern (non-magical) world, but due to his unknown heritage, has special (spider?) powers, which he uses to help people, but hides behind a mask to not be seen as an abomination by his fellow humans. Until one day, when King Anthony Stark and his knights/soldiers/wizards/whatever finally find the scoundrels responsible for his son’s kidnapping, and Tony finally learns what happened to his son (who he believed to be dead all those years). And then he and a group of trusted guards, who are called the Avengers, and the kingdoms strongest magician, Stephen Strange, travel to this world where the young prince was sent to, in the hopes of finding him.
Or let’s go for a supernatural setting.
Ghost Peter, (who may or may not be actually dead), who ‘haunts’ the house of his late uncle and aunt, and starts to like the little family that has bought it and moved in. Pepper and Tony Stark are fun to watch, and their daughter is really sweet and Peter likes playing with her when her parents aren’t looking. (Adults can’t see ghosts unless they believe in them, but children are different, more open to things). So Morgan has an invisible friend named Peter, who she really likes, and Tony and Pepper humor her (many kids have invisible friends, it’s normal, right?) Until one night, someone breaks into the house and threatens the family and then ghost Peter uses his ghostly powers and just throws them around and sticks them onto the ceiling (while Morgan claps her hands and screams: Go Petey!) And then Tony and Pepper start being able to see and hear him, too. And then things get all domesticly Ironfam!
And there are so many more possibilities!
How I have I not seen fics with those genres? Does anyone have any recommendations?
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lurafita · 5 years
SIM Tony x Peter, part two
I’ll warn you all upfront, I haven’t gotten any better at writing smut, and this chapter has zero. Actually, this chapter doesn’t even have Peter in it. It’s just a lot of introspection into Tony’s character and how I envision he could slowly slip into SIM-mode. You will likely find this pretty boring.
If you are still willing to read, however, THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
Read the first part here: part 1
SIM Tony x Peter, part 2
He had drunken himself into a stupor after Peter had left first the living room, and then the tower.
Alcohol had always been one of his vices, and admittedly not the greatest coping mechanism. However, no matter how truly stupid, and sometimes even abhorrent, he behaved under its influence, the morning after often brought with it a new insight and understanding for his problems.
As well as a headache. Jesus!
“Jarvis, hangover protocol.” He rasped at the ceiling.
The A.I. complied immediately with the demand, lowering the shutters on every window to dim the natural light in the penthouse, and started the coffee maker in the kitchen.
“You should find some Tylenol in your bedside drawer, Sir.”
Tony blindly grabbed for the bottle after prying the drawer open, and swallowed two pills dry.
“Should I order you breakfast, or would you prefer to further endanger your health by ignoring your basic bodily needs, as usual?”
The billionaire let out a long and tormented groan as he got up from his bed (for which he mentally patted himself on the back. It wasn't often that his intoxicated mind managed to get his drunk ass into an actual bed, before he passed out)
“Remind me to program the sass out of you later, J.”
He wouldn't
“Certainly, Sir.”
Tony slowly made his way across the room, already able to smell the godly brew that was coffee.
“And that's a no for breakfast. But remind me in a few hours to order something hearty from that one restaurant I like. I'm starting on a new project, and I probably shouldn't 'endanger my health' – as you put it – too much before I get to finish it.”
The coffee was too hot and too strong and exactly what the genius needed right then.
“A new project, Sir? Does this have anything to do with Mr. Parker's visit and subsequent departure yesterday? I should caution you on making any rash decisions. Research shows that people are very susceptible to such upon experiencing rejection.”
Tony winced at that, but blamed it on the temperature of the coffee.
“Okay, J, one: we are not calling it a rejection. Peter loves me, he is just too worried that something might happen to me, if we started a relationship. That's not rejection; that's fear. Two: while this may seem rash, my new project is possibly one of the sanest, safest, and best decisions I have made in my life.”
Which Tony actually believed to be true.
No matter how much he wanted to be angry at Peter for the younger man's unwillingness to take that step with Tony, he couldn't.
Peter's rejection (god how he hated that word) might have been a fear based response, but it wasn't a groundless one. Everything Peter had said last night was the truth.
His enemies were deranged and obsessed with making Spiderman suffer.
Tony was vulnerable without the suit, and there had been instances when his technology had either malfunctioned due to outside tampering, or he himself hadn't been aware of any danger or not fast enough to activate his suit.
The losses Peter had suffered due to his superhero alter ego, had left the younger man scarred and traumatized, and Tony could hardly fault him for that.
Arriving in her personal lab (a space he usually loved to share with Peter, but after the events of yesterday evening, the brunette would probably avoid the lab – and the tower as a whole – for a while) Tony had narrowed down three major obstacles that stood in the way of him and his love.
The first was his suit.
Peter was right. Technology wasn't infallible, and Iron Man was due for an upgrade anyway. For years now, Tony Stark had spearheaded any advancements there were in the field of engineering. It was time to take the next step.
A press of a button and a command typed into his holographic interface, brought up the specs of all of his suits. From the clunky and uncomfortable Mark 1, to the sleek nano-technology Mark 75.
The second problem, was the fragility of his human body.
There would be no point in creating the perfect Iron Man suit, if he fell victim to things like illness, infection, or senility. The age difference between him and Peter was another sore spot. Meeting and falling for the Spiderling when Tony had already been in his late 40's was bad luck, because it would leave them with that much less time to spend with each other. Bruce and Peter, both sharing an interest in the sciences dealing with biology, cross species dynamics and mutations, had figured out that the spider bite that had given Peter his powers, had also slowed down the rate of cell decay in his body. They had estimated that the brunette would likely live way past a hundred years. Which meant that he deserved far more than the maybe 30 to 40 years that Tony still had in him. If Tony wanted to be with his Baby Boy for as long as possible, the too short human lifespan was a hurdle that needed to be overcome.
More tapping on the holographic keyboard opened up all the files he had on the Extremis virus. The genius had isolated the cause of it's recipients exploding two years ago, and fixed it. The only reason he hadn't utilized the new and improved Extremis sooner, was that it was one of those 'too powerful for humanity' things, that morally uptight people like Rogers would frown upon. Also, he hadn't felt that he needed it, placing far more trust and value into his suits. Just goes to show, doesn't it? Even Tony Stark was wrong sometimes.
The third major stepping stone were Spiderman's villains.
This was both the easiest and hardest to fix. The easiest way (and quite frankly the one Tony himself would prefer) was to kill them. Again, Peter was right. It didn't matter how many times the spider-themed hero beat them and handed them over into Shield custody, they always found a way out of their imprisonment. And as soon as they did, their main goal was to make Peter pay.
However, Tony also understood why Peter could never bring himself (or allow anyone else) to eliminate them for good.
Harry had been his best friend since childhood, Conners and Octavius had been mentors, and Eddie Brock had been a pseudo older brother. And even disregarding the personal feelings and history that bound Peter to each man, non of them were technically evil.
Harry had been a terminally ill teenager, hoping to escape his father's fate. The serum he had thought would cure him, had molded and messed up his body and mind, akin to someone who had been drugged or brainwashed.
Conners and Octavius had been decent, even honorable, men, who had sought to use their intelligence and research to help people in need. It had backfired and, as with Harry, twisted their minds, and in Conners case, mutated his body.
Brock had simply been unfortunate to be so compatible with the symbiote that Spiderman had managed to resist and fight off. Being bonded to Venom so thoroughly had changed the man.
The fact that each of the four knew who Spiderman was underneath the mask, but had never shared that information with anyone else, had manifested the believe in Peter that somewhere, deep down, their original, good, selves were still alive. That there was still hope for reversing the transformations, restoring them to the men they used to be.
And while Tony thought it naive, he also understood. After all, it was this penchant to hope where others would have long given up, this forgiveness and purity, that had attracted him to Peter in the first place, when they had just gotten to know each other years ago.
So, no. Tony could never make Peter change his stance on his 'No killing' policy, and he didn't want to.
But neither did he want for his love to keep being haunted by the people who had, if anyone were to ask Tony, lost their right to a second chance long, long ago.
Which meant that Tony would just have to deal with them himself.
More holograms popped up, this time displaying all the information that had been gathered on Doctor Octopus, the Lizard, Green Goblin and Venom. Tony zoomed in on the black alien parasite.
And he knew just where to start.
I thank you all very much for reading and hope you have a wonderful day. Remeber to drink enough water and give yourself frequent breaks if you start getting stressed. Be fair to yourself and treat yourself with kindness, as you deserve no less. Find at least one thing to truly smile about today (and every other day). Also, never be too hard on yourself should you fail at something. Nobody is perfect, and it is often through defeat, that we learn how to overcome many of life’s difficulties.
Tagging: I simply always tag anyone who commented on the last chapter, if you don’t want to be tagged, drop me a quick message, please.
@sassy-starker @momobaby227 @retroxvailles @grimalkinmessor @bbalienbae @deliciousflapbanditfarm @starkersenses @kirakishou @von--gelmini @kaddiisarat
Kaddiisarat for some reason didn’t work? I’m really sorry honey, I tried!
Please tell me if I forgot anyone!
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lurafita · 4 years
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So, I have been rewatching Leverage lately (by the by, Eliot/Parker/Hardison is one of my favourite OT3.)
And I was thinking: WinterIronSpider
Tony as the Mastermind/Hacker
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Bucky as the Hitter/Troubleshooter
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Peter as the Thief/Grifter.
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lurafita · 5 years
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Dragonshifter AU
Dragons are timeless creatures, and so is their hoard. A dragon’s hoard can be many things, from books, to plants, to anything the dragon might desire to own. Though most often it is made up of gold and other priceless treasure, sometimes a dragon will add something else. 
Something special.
Anthony was an old dragon, and a powerful one. He knew how to take on different forms, knew how to walk among the humans. Knew how to use the magic in his blood for his own benefit. Knew how to manipulate and trick and cheat. Knew how to fight his way up in the world, and how to use the riches he already possessed to gain more and more. 
When he first found Peter, during the middle ages in which he had established himself as a well off, if eccentric, lord, he had known the young man was special.
He had plucked him off the street just like that, and taken him into his home. 
Peter hadn’t been appreciative, and pleaded to be returned to his family. Which was a ridiculous demand. The hard life that Peter had obviously lived was easy to deduce with his torn and dirty clothing, his thin, almost emaciated frame, and the various little bruises and wounds all over his frail body. Why would Anthony ever return his prize to a life like that?
Binding Peter to his hoard, had made Peter as timeless as he himself was. Time couldn’t touch a dragon, and neither could it touch a dragon’s hoard. While a dragon could, in theory, be killed, the task of slaying one was far from easy. And over the years, with the older, more powerful dragon’s learning how to disguise their massive forms, and tales of their existence fading into fairy tales with every passing decade, it wasn’t as if anyone was even hunting for them. 
Anthony kept Peter chained to his home for the first year, after binding him to his hoard. His prize was too attached to his old life, and had tried running away from the dragon one time too many. 
The dragon had a particular hobby of adorning his human with pieces of his hoard. A gold crown here, a diamond ring there, a finely tailored silk shirt, finished off with a glittering choker. 
As the years went by, Peter got used to being part of the dragon’s hoard, and nightly paramour in Anthony’s bed. While the world around them changed and the people in it advanced, as years turned into decades, and decades into centuries, the two remained, untouched by the hands of time.
Anthony took on the mantles of Lord, King, Duke, Viscount, whatever gave him a position of power. All the while the magic in his dragon blood kept them concealed from suspicion. No one ever questioned why the rich, handsome man and his treasured partner never seemed to age. 
In the year 2010, a little more than 500 years since Peter had been bound to his dragon’s hoard, Anthony went by Tony Stark, owner of Stark Industries, the biggest and most successful company in this world. 
The papers described him as a billionaire, genius, philanthropist, and, to the never ending disappointment for many of his fans, devoted husband.
First kinda moodboard. I know it’s not really good, I just found and uploaded these pics all over, I don’t know how to do shades, or align colors, or any of that other fancy stuff. 
The story idea is likewise a bit half-assed, and kinda all over the place, but hey, maybe someone might enjoy it, or feel inspired by it, or something. 
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lurafita · 5 years
Youtube tutorial
Remember how in the movie, Peter learned how to put on a tie by watching a youtube video? Because there was no father-figure like person to show him (looking at you Tony, very disappointed)
Thing is, Peter has probably had to do this a lot. Aunt May is a tremendously cool woman, but she is also very busy with her job and only has a limited skill set. And Peter never really had anyone to ask for a lot of stuff.
So, imagine if you will, the following setting: The Avengers all live together in the tower (because I like ignoring things that made me sad, so Civil War got resolved before things got bad, and Thanos never got the other infinity stones because ‘insert-stupid-reason-here’.)
Peter alternates between living there and living with his aunt on a weekly basis, or something.
Over time, each of the other Avengers catch Peter with his gaze focused on his laptop/tablet/phone/holographic screen, trying to follow the instructions given.
Natasha, in the gym.
*music playing, holographic screen showing a ballet-practice, Peter in his Spidersuit sans mask, sitting crosslegged and trying to figure out the complex set of motions.*
Natasha: Are you watching ballet?
Peter: Yeah. I used to practice when I was younger. I had really bad balance and coordination as a kid, so my parents signed me up for classes. It helped a lot. But Aunt May and Uncle Ben couldn’t afford it when I went to live with them, so I had to quit. Anyway, I recently saw this performance, and the dancer made this one specific move, and I thought, ‘hey, that would work great when taking down a thug in a narrow alley’. But I only found this really grainy video, and I can’t make out how they move their foot for the last part. It’s okay, I will get it eventually. Do you need to use the gym? I can go.”
*So Natasha ends up teaching Peter Ballet and the two are often practicing together.*
Sam, in the kitchen.
*Sam comes into the kitchen in the middle of the night, having awoken from a nightmare and in search for a glass of water and some advil to go back to sleep. He finds Peter in a mess of dirty, used kitchen utensils and dough and flour everywhere, while the teen is bent over a Starkpad, watching James Oliver do something fancy with puff pastry.*
Sam: Pete? It’s like three in the morning, what the hell are you doing?
Peter: It’s May’s birthday tomorrow, well, today, really. And I wanted to surprise her by making her those spinach and tomato filled pastries that she loves. I thought I could do it. He is making this look so easy. How come he can twist the ends around three times and make it look like a star, while I just look at mine wrong and it falls apart?
*So Sam shows him some tricks and helps him make and decorate the little pastries and after learning about Aunt May’s disasterous culinary skills, Sam starts teaching him how to cook and bake various dishes. They have those lessons regularly at the Tower, to the immense pleasure of everyone living there. And Aunt May, who Peter always brings something home to.*
Those are only two examples off the top of my head. Any more ideas?
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lurafita · 5 years
A/B/O fiction
Okay, this is purely my opinion on the matter, I mean no offense to anyone! This is highly biased. This is me letting off some steam and frustration. It will most likely not be a completely fair portrayal of the things mentioned in the text. And it will most likely be an exaggeration of some plot points. This is not meant to be offensive, this is not meant to hurt anyone. It is a personal, biased opinion, that is likely not shared by many.
How to start... Okay, look, I’m probably a little older than most of you, and when I started reading gay (slash) fanfiction, society still wasn’t where it is today with the acceptance of non-hetero relationships. Which had the consequence of many of the fics that I read having a heavy leaning towards homophobic behaviour (from people outside the pairing and sometimes even one or both of the main characters that end up together), discrimination, secret relationships to avoid such discrimination and just the general difficulty of the two same sex lovers finding happiness and acceptance together.
Unless the author went to the trouble of creating an alternative universe where such discrimination didn’t happen, you could expect at least one homophobic character in a fanfic, in roughly 90% of every fanfic.
Now, I understand that for some people, the drama and the difficulties such an environment presents to the two lovers, and the challenge to overcome those, makes for some great story telling. I really get that.
But personally, I grew sick of it.
As I said, homophobia in some way, whether it was just a tiny instance in a long fic, or the center of the plot, was very, VERY common in fics when I started reading slash fiction, because it reflected upon the society as it was, at the time. And seeing as it wasn’t that long ago that the ban on same sex marriage was lifted, it wasn’t even decades back in time.
Things got lighter in fanfiction, thank god, over time. It’s actually pretty normal that one guy fancies another guy, or one girl is head over heels for another girl.
A good change, if you ask me.
But when A/B/O dynamics were first introduced into fiction and fanfiction, I was elated. Because finally, there was no chance for the homophobic subplot I had come to dread so much. These stories would take place in a society where it was completely normal for two guys or two girls to be together and start a family. How delightful!
And then came the downside.
Gender oppression. Omegas having the lowest stance in society. Seen as nothing more than breeding machines. They have regular heats that leave them helpless and brainless and only wanting for some big, strong alpha to knot them. Omegas are lesser. They can be abused. They have little to no rights. And so on, and so forth.
Oh, and Betas might as well be obsolete... seriously, why are they even there?
Again. I understand that telling a story about overcoming obstacles, proving oneself to be worth of more than society see’s their gender capable of, and beating the odds, can make for some remarkable story telling.
But what I wouldn’t give for stories that told the tale a little differently. Where being Omega simply means that one can bear a child. Where being Alpha simply means that one can impregnate an Omega. Where being Alpha and Omega and in love is not looked down on, or sneered at.
One could still have fun with things like destined mates, more primal behaviors, and heats and ruts and knots, there can still be some gender stereotypes (just as there are in our actual real society with men and women); but maybe try it without the constrictions of a society that should have been abolished in the middle ages?
Does anyone have any recommendations for me for a fic like that (with Omega Peter, please)?
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