#p.p. rebel
decarabiandivorce · 15 days
So you know the theory that deca is just sealed under the Tower and could potentially be reawoken someday? Imagine if the abyss order tries to bring him back because the order wants him to destroy mondstadt, and they succeed- but instead of him being an evil being blinded by rage and the desire for vengeance, he’s just. confused.
his first thoughts are “where is everyone” and “why is there a hole in my roof” and even after the initial shock, the abyss order tries to tell him about the way mondstadt is now and how it essentially banned the idea of a monarchy and instead of being angry about this deca is genuinely happy for mondstadt because his ultimate goal was to make the citizens of old mondstadt happy (we all know how that went), and while he failed, his successor (barbatos) did in fact manage to make the citizens of (new) mondstadt happy and content with their lives, while still being protected from outside forces.
the abyss order only focused on the “evil dead tyrant god” part and somehow overlooked the fact that he was also an introvert who just wanted people to be protected from the blizzards but micromanaged a *bit* too hard
At MOST he's going "well that just seems inefficient :/" at modern Mondstadt. He is pointing out the distance between Springvale and the city isn't that well protected- could use more rails - also some more lights
Jean is going to be so P.P at his constant pointing of the knights failures. He says it all with such concern but also a flat tone so she dosen't know if he is mocking her or not.
"They banned the monarchy!"
"... yeah they sealed me away of course they wouldn't have a monarch"
Considering how Decarabian 'died' realizing that his nation did not love him the same way he loved them, I think he would be... insecure... about needing to be needed. He wants to be popular and loved and see a genuine smile again.
You know when you play stardew valley and you put a Fun ingrident into the soup and lose many hearts with the villages? Yeah Deca is constantly hovering around wanting to give gifts and talk to people. He is Trying but also is an introvert who has no social grace 😔
Deca, seeing a person who looks like that bard that was popular with the rebels call himself the most popular and thus loved bard of all of Mondstadt: Oh i need to brush up on my harp playing skills
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hanako-san · 10 months
My thoughts on volume 14
Volume 14 came into my hands yesterday.
I don't hate Nene. I like her and I know she loves Hanako but I can't ship them and I have no idea if I'll ever ship again. It's impossible at the moment. I like Nene in the end, but that doesn't mean I have forgiven her for all her actions. It is not and 100% will not be, for most things my opinion about her actions shares hasn't changed, I think the same. Well, but she's not such a bad person, I felt sorry for her because her legs were insulted by the villagers probably 5 times and she was punched in the stomach for disobeying "her" nuptials. I think AidaIro is overdoing it with insulting her legs, after all, her legs are fine, and this is 14 vol it was just annoying already. So is Mitsuba insulting Hanako and Kou,Nene in chapters 102 & 103. Too bad the AidaIro can't say anything bad about their "cute" Sakura who destroys other people's lives.
Feelings of hatred haven't changed for Teru, in fact it has strengthened my feelings. Teru is a liar because he knew full well that Akane's family was a family for sacrifice, but he missed the fact that his "wonderful" disgusting family was the one who destroyed the lives of poor girls and sacrificed them and then had fun, he missed it very effectively saying that "one of the clans" then he knows what family is responsible for sacrificing these girls. His disgusting words that the family had "privileges", what privileges Teru? As far as I know, only Sumire accepted her fate, even though she didn't want to die, but the girls had broken legs, gouged out eyes. Sumire had the contempt of the villagers, these are your "privileges"?. He disgusted me by making no.6 a martyr who "still wants to protect these lands", and Hanako the worst who wants to unleash evil. Teru takes pity on such a poor no.6 who will later make holes in him.lol. How funny and ironic. Teru considers himself an exorcist who said that no matter what the supernatural reason is, you have to kill them, but his family is cool, they could sacrifice poor girls, and when they rebelled, they were treated really badly. Hypocrisy, superiority over everyone and everything is allowed to them. This family does not change and Teru shows it effectively, not only is he a jerk, a loser and a sadist who loves to abuse supernaturals and kill them, he is also a hypocrite. Since Teru knows so much about it and knows that Akane's powers will be needed soon, he knows what his family did to the sacrificed girls and how they were treated. I won't be fooled and he showed that he knows more than he says (Of course, I've known about it for a long time, in this volume he finally confirmed my thoughts). I have no idea if my feelings for Teru will ever change.
Fun fact, since Nene's wish didn't matter at all that Hanako sacrificed Aoi, then why is the scene where Nene makes a wish to Hanako in the p.p arc shown in the trailer for the next volume, and then the scene where Hanako says "I granted your wish Yashiro". Yes, her wish had no influence on her friend's sacrifice, after all, AidaIro clearly underlined it, and no, wait.
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It's her fault.I will always blame Nene more than ever Hanako.
I was right to blame Nene for this. Thank you AidaIro,to finally confirm what was known from the beginning.
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Coisas que eu percebi em Dead End: Paranormal Park. (Bilingual Post)
Things I noticed in Dead End: Paranormal Park. (Bilingual Post)
(I apologize in advance for my execrable English)
I tried to explain these points as best I could, but as usual, I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words. If you have any questions, reblog and add them. (It's not a scam, I really can't answer any other way).
1. A Metáfora e os Simbolismos secretos em My Frankenstein: Durante a música My Frankenstein, quando Norma diz "(...)OMG Pauline! (...)", ela não está dizendo "Oh my god", e sim o bordão da série Dead End que muitos fãs da Pauline repetem, "Oh my ghosts". Nesse mesmo momento, ela arruma seu cabelo, num penteado que a peópria Pheonix usava nessa mesma série (uma das provas para isso é que em algumas línguas esse trecho foi traduzido assim). Isso é provavelmente uma metáfora á como no início da canção ela estava se lembrando do que a atraia e a fazia se apaixonar por P.P.; depois disso, quando ela se lembra da traição, Norma diz "Oh my God" ao invés do bordão, e seu cabelo se despenteia (quase) completamente, simbolizando que ela estava começando a se rebelar. Também a o fato de que, no início, o reflexo de Pauline projetado por Norma no espelho escuro está linda e radiante, mas a medida que a música passa, vai ficando mais sombria até que a própria Norma a destrói com sua voz no momento em que ocorre a metáfora dela se rebelando (acho que todos entenderam a mensagem desse).
1. The Metaphor and the Secret Symbolisms in My Frankenstein: During the song My Frankenstein, when Norma says "(...)OMG Pauline! (...)", she is not saying "Oh my god", but the catchphrase from the Dead End series that many Pauline fans repeat, "Oh my ghosts". At the same moment, she fixes her hair, in a hairstyle that the woman Pheonix used in the same series (one of the proofs for this is that in some languages ​​this passage was translated like this). This is probably a metaphor for how at the beginning of the song she was remembering what attracted her and made her fall in love with P.P.; after that, when she remembers the betrayal, Norma says "Oh my God" instead of the catchphrase, and her hair is (almost) completely mussed, symbolizing that she was starting to rebel. Also, at first, the reflection of Pauline projected by Norma in the dark mirror is beautiful and radiant, but as the music goes on, it gets darker until Norma herself destroys it with her voice there is the metaphor of her rebelling (I think everyone understood the message of this one).
2. A Referência em Phantom of The Theme Park.
A música "Phantom of The Theme Park" é inspirada na principal música do meu musical preferido: Phantom of The Opera; isso provavelmente se deve às semelhanças entre Norma e Christine, e entre Pauline, Courtney e Érik (O Fantasma), sendo esses três as vozes principais da música.
2. The Phantom of The Theme Park Reference.
The song "Phantom of The Theme Park" is inspired by the main song of my favorite musical: Phantom of The Opera; this is probably due to the similarities between Norma and Christine, and between Pauline, Courtney and Érik (The Phantom), these three being the main voices of the song.
3. Norma Tinha Um Crush em Pauline. No episódio, A Experiência de Pauline Pheonix, quando eles vão parar num ep. de Doutora Amor e Pugsley assume o papel de médico por quem a personagem está apaixonada e reclama por receber um beijo dela, Norma imediatamente se levanta e diz: "Quer trocar de lugar?". Em Phantom of The Theme Park, na música My Frankenstein, houve um momento em que ela admitiu que se sentia num término. Levando em conta o fato dela ser pan, isso é bem possível.
3. Norma Had a Crush on Pauline. In the episode, The Pauline Pheonix Experience, when they land on an ep. of Doctor Love and Pugsley assumes the role of the doctor with whom the character is in love and complains about receiving a kiss from her, Norma immediately gets up and says: "Want to change places?". In Phantom of The Theme Park, in the song My Frankenstein, there was a moment when she admitted that she felt like a breakup. Considering the fact that it is pan, this is quite possible.
4. As Humanas Preferidas de Courtney. (Não fui tecnicamente eu quem percebeu isso, e sim @memeberd , mas eu queria colocar isso aqui por uma razão que já vai ficar clara) Quando ela volta para o mundo humano, Courtney se depara com as estátuas de vários humanos que ela traiu, mas existem duas em específico que prendem sua atenção: as de Norma e Badyah. Quando você assiste pela primeira vez, dá a impressão de que ela apenas "franze o cenho para elas e depois olha para o Barney, Logs e Pugsley", mas não, ela não desvia o olhar delas! (E a razão pela qual eu coloque isso aqui é porque meio que me fizeram shippar elas três). A Courtney não vai pro Inferno, mas eu vou.
4. Courtney's Favorite Female Humans. (It wasn't technically me who noticed this, but @memeberd , but I wanted to put this here for a reason that will soon become clear) When she returns to the human world, Courtney comes across the statues of several humans she betrayed, but there are two in particular that catch your attention: those of Norma and Badyah. When you first watch it, it looks like she just "frowns at them and then looks at Barney, Logs and Pugsley", but no, she doesn't look away from them! (And the reason I put this here is because they kind of made me ship the three of them). Courtney isn't going to Hell, but I am.
5. Norma vai ganhar poderes.
Isso provavelmente soa como uma teoria maluca, que seria colocada numa fanfic só pra quê um fã do personagem pudesse mimá-lo e vê-lo mais poderoso do que ele realmente é, mas vai fazer sentido em alguns segundos (eu espero, pelo menos faz sentido para mim). Norma foi possuída por um ser com poderes, e um feitiço de selamento foi realizado para prender esse espírito dentro dela; apesar de Temeluchus ter tirado isso dela, um fragmento pode muito bem ter se prendido em seu corpo, como aconteceu com Pugsley. Além disso, quando se vai checar a lista de conteúdo que você não acabou de ver ou até mesmo a capa da série na Netflix, pode-se encontrar essa foto:
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Vê essa luz verde ao redor dela? Essas faíscas místicas? Esse livro brilhante e misterioso? E, mais importante...
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vê o estranho brilho em seus olhos? Ele não lhe é familiar? Nós já não o vimos em algum lugar? Sim. É o mesmo brilho que apareceu nos olhos de Pugs, indicando a presença de magia demoníaca dentro dele. (Hamish Steele e Netflix, se eu tiver estragado um plot-twist importante, me perdoem).
5. Norma will gain powers.
This probably sounds like a crazy theory, which would be put into a fanfic just so a fan of the character could spoil him and see him more powerful than he really is, but it will make sense in a few seconds (I hope, at least it does). meaning to me). Norma was possessed by a being with powers, and a sealing spell was performed to trap that spirit within her; despite Temeluchus taking it from her, a fragment may well have stuck to her body, as happened to Pugsley. Also, when you go to check the list of content you haven't just watched or even the cover of the series on Netflix, you can find this photo:
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See that green light around her? Those mystical sparks? That brilliant, mysterious book? It's more important...
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see the strange gleam in your eyes? Is he not familiar to you? Haven't we already seen him somewhere? Yup. It's the same glow that appeared in Pugs' eyes, indicating the presence of demonic magic within him. (Hamish Steele and Netflix, if I messed up an important plot-twist, forgive me.)
6. Mais Inspirações...
Eu tenho quase certeza de que a série de filmes de terror, A Bruxa da Meia-Noite, foram inspirados em A Bruxa de Blair.
6. More Inspirations...
I'm pretty sure that the Midnight Witch series of horror films were inspired by The Blair Witch.
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still-single · 4 years
radio last for 2019
tracklist below. thanks to Mary Nisi for getting sick so I could do this.
Possible Humans - Born Stoned
Jeff Parker - Max Brown pt. 1
Grapefruit - Elevator
Pugh - Love, Love, Love
The Reds, Pinks and Purples - Bike Race
KVL - Bladewalker
Susan Cadogan - Do It, Baby
Sault - Pink Sands / Let Me Go
The Charlatans UK - Flower
Dadamah - Limbo Swing
Wayne Rogers - Waterside
The Prefects - Barbarellas
Hiro Kone - Fabrication of Silence
Lyn Todd - Devil Woman
Junior - Mama Used to Say
Quando Quango - Triangle
Automatic - Electrocution
Ruth - Polaroïd/Roman/Photo
Kuzu - Carried Away
The Society - You Girl
Davie Allan and the Arrows - Mind Transferral
Meat Beat Manifesto - Hello Teenage America
Ashwin Batish - Raga Rock
The Carrie Nations - Sweet Talkin' Candy Man
Dolly Mixture - Femme Fatale
Fred Anderson Quartet - Analog Breakdown
P.P. Rebel - Caretta Caretta
Shinehead - Rough & Rugged
Foster Sylvers - Misdemeanor
Blues Lawyer - For Keeps
Mary Lattimore + Mac McCaughan - II
Woolen Men - Ecstasy of an Ant
Sally Haze - Tell Me Everything
Zatua - Nun Vuelvas Mas
Linda Di Franco - T.V. Scene (Sensurround Mix)
Cocteau Twins - Lorelei
Burial - Loner
FACS - In Time
Visage - Fade to Grey
Tindersticks - Take Care in Your Dreams
My Bloody Valentine( - Please) Lose Yourself in Me
Pink Turns Blue - Walking on Both Sides
Blitz - Skin
The Springfields - Clown
Andy Stott - It Should Be Us
Chubby Checker - Stoned in the Bathroom
Willie Colon - Junio '73
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summerbreeze1 · 4 years
試聴 / 購入: P.P. Is... Peeping Piebald Past The Night! P.P. Rebel
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resistance765 · 4 years
“Die Before You Die” - P.P. Rebel
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darthspideys · 6 years
Be okay (P.P)
peter parker x reader
words: 1050
prompt: “You’re not real, you’re dead, I shouldn’t even be listening to you right now.”
Warnings: Angst??? Yeah angst. 
A/N: Gabby writing?? Gabby writing Peter??? I know, super crazy but avoided doing my homework for this so hope you enjoy, this is my piece for @pumpkinparkers writing challenge 
He haunted her a lot in those first days. She would just sit alone in her bed again, it was all too much to get up anyway, and there he would be, standing in the doorway. Smiling like a doofus, a stupid dead, doofus but then again he wasn’t dead if he was standing in the doorway? She sit up in bed and just stare of him for a while, until he came and sat next to her. She would lay her head in his lap and cry because she knew, she knew it all wasn’t real, but she needed to believe it was. It was the only way for her to keep her head above water.
“Come back.” She said, looking into his eyes.
He cupped a hand to her cheek, “I’m right here.”
“Your not though, your gone and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.” She said through tears, “Your my best friend. I love you.” A kiss, quick and hurried because he has to go. He always has to go, too soon, and shes left there again alone. So freaking alone.
Its a month after the fact that she actually goes back to school. The halls are empty literally, and figuratively because honestly, even if he was the only one gone it would still feel just empty. She sees his locker and runs to the bathroom and throws up. Its all too much, and she doesn't know if anything will ever feel right again after everything that's happened. He appears again while shes throwing up, holding her hair up and she swears she can feel his hand on her back. Hes telling her it’ll be okay, she'll be okay but she doesn’t believe it because he's not real.
But the throw up that she finds her in hair minutes later is proof of just that. He’s gone, just deal with it. Her mind rebels against that at every possible opportunity, it keeps telling her hes here when she knows hes not.
Three months later, the hallucinations still haven’t stopped. She misses him still with every fiber of her being but its lessened somehow. Time won’t heal her wounds, she knows this but time and distance makes it better. The pain is less sharp, less pricing, three months later it was dull ache. Thinking about him brought a  hint of a smile to her face before a tear to her eye, and even though he was standing behind her clear as day, she was okay. So maybe fake, Peter was right but that didn’t make her any less sure he wasn’t real. Her mind was trying to cope, or thats what the therapist said anyway.
Six months later, the tears have stopped. Distance and time have worked their magic and she is okay. He visits less so she treasures the moments when he does, she thinks her mind is beginning to be okay, and is going to make him go away altogether. She lays her head in his lap and tells him she’ll be okay without him, because she has to be not because she wants to be. He runs a hand through her and just nods, he knows she doesn’t need him to say anything he just needs to be. So he just is, and she is okay.
A year later, and shes good for once. She walks the halls and doesn’t feel sick to her stomach that hes not there, that he didn’t get to grow up because of some cruel twist of fate. Everyone else is okay too, they are all moving on and up, not forgetting who they lost. She wears his sweatshirt when she feels anxious, just to feel close to him and thats when he comes back.
Like when she likes a guy, and she wants to ask him out so she wears the sweatshirt. She knows he would want her to be happy, so she wears the sweatshirt so he sees she is, no more crying no more puking no more nights lying awake thinking about how much she missed him. She walks right up to the boy but then draws back. The sweatshirt feels hot against her chest even though it was the middle of winter. I shouldn’t be doing this, She thinks, What am I doing?
But then he appears next to her, in the way he used to, when he was there. “Just do it, (L/N) what are you standing here for?”
“I-I can’t.” She says, her voice is almost a whisper, “Why am I doing this? Why are you here?”
“I’m here because you need to man up.” He puts a hand on her shoulder, and she can feel it, the tears and brimming in her eyes. “Don’t cry because then he’ll think your weird, just go ask.”
“No, no.” The tears are coming now, harder faster because she can feel him there next to her like he really is there, it feels like for once, no more mirages no more tricks. It feels like a sign thats shes doing the wrong this if anything. “You’re not real, you’re dead, I shouldn’t even be listening to you right now.”
He stretches his arms around her and pulls her close, before pressing a small kiss to her forehead. She can smell his scent, and feel the warmth of his body against her, but he isn’t there, he isn’t. “I love you, okay?”
“Okay.” Her tears start to dry a little, and she sniffles laughing at herself. “You can go.” She turns to him, and lets out a long breath she didn’t know she was holding. “I’ll be okay.”
“I was waiting for you to say that.” He smiles, “But not now, I want to see this.” He pushes her forward, “Go (L/N).”
She walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder, “Hey, Jack do you maybe want to go out sometime?”
He smiles at her and her cheeks grow hot. “Yeah, yeah. Sounds cool.” He’s blushing and she can see it but she is too so its okay.
“Awesome.” She turns to look at Peter and he’s gone, but she still feels her, telling her that hes proud of her.
She never sees him again but she feels him always.
permanent taglist:  @downeeyjunior // @peters-vlogs // @moonkissedtom // @spideydaddyboy @built4broadway @pensysto @mitamixer // @iaiabear @inspiredbynewt // @marvelismylifffe
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levi-ish · 6 years
Not Possible [P.P]
Summary: Peter was the one that wouldn’t let it be possible, but faith had other plans for you.
Pairing: Peter Parker X Soulmate!Reader
Genre: Total angst (yeah, I missed that)
Words: 2.1k
A/N: SPOILERS FROM INFINITY WAR AHEAD. Also, I was in a mood to write some angst .
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Peter always wanted to hold your hand without making it an awkward moment. Whenever he would be sitting next to you, he made billions of scenarios in his head of what could possibly go wrong if he grew a pair and actually do it, but then again, you were friends, and that was off limits. 
He knew that holding hands would able him to see if you two were soulmates; the stories he heard from his childhood, about how holding hands would make a magic matching heart show somewhere under the knuckles — but believe or not, he never thought too deeply about that when he was around you.
But how could he avoid the temptation while long movies marathons, when you would sit there, giggling at the silliest romantic comedy only you could ever choose and a hand just resting on the cushion right next to his; your pinkies almost brushing as he tried not to seem too weird.
Then, when he was almost giving up on the thought, you reached for the popcorn bowl at the same time and your fingers actually brushed together, making little shivers run the boy’s body and he tried to shift from his earlier position in an attempt of looking totally normal.
However, you guys have been friends for the longest time — since kindergarten when you two debated about hypos being better than lions — and you always knew when he was hiding something; Peter always twitched the corner of his mouth and seemed to change his position, as if he was uncomfortable, and that was one of those moments.
“Spill it” you said, grabbing the remote to pause the movie and turned a bit just to face him properly.
The boy furrowed his brows and let out a breathy but uneasy laugh as his fingers fiddled with the hem of his stained mathlete’s sweater. You run your hand up and down your jeans covered legs while trying to seem confident — even though you were suffering from anxiety of what would be his response.
“W-What?” The boy asked, a silly smile forming on his lips and he licked them right after. 
“No” you shook your hand and lifted your hand, signaling for him to stop. “Don’t even try to make the ‘confusion’ face. You know what I meant.”
Peter lowered his head and pulled his legs to cross them right under him, sighing slightly as you kept watching the way his eyes seemed to glow in front of the TV’s lights. He ran a hand through his cocoa locks and unmade his perfect gelled hairstyle that he took a full three minutes time to make every morning — something that you always teased him about.
“I... It’s silly, (Y/N). Really, you don’t wanna know.” The boy decided that if he even tried to lie, you would notice, so there was no use doing anything else.
“Cut the bullshit, Peter” you rolled your eyes and slid your body a bit closer to him, hearing the clear sigh that left his mouth and laughing internally. “You tell me stuff that I don’t even need to know, like that one time about the burnt burritos—”
“Will you ever forget about that story?” He laughed and bit his lower lip, noticing that your gaze persisted on his face, waiting for another question to be answered. “Okay, Iwantedtoholdyourhand.”
“What?!” You furrowed your brows. “Oh god, Peter, just say it!”
“I wanted to hold your hand” he said, almost regretting immediately.
You were took by surprise, but since you knew that actions always spoke louder than words, you slid your hand closer to his, now officially brushing your fingers together and interlacing them, making the boy jump a bit and all the hairs in both bodies stand up the same moment. But after the new waves of the unknown sensation of holding each others hands, you two smiled to each other, now noticing that it hasn’t turned out in the worst case scenario.
“Why didn’t you say it sooner?” You squeezed his fingers slightly, rubbing your thumb on his knuckles and resting your head on the palm of your other hand.
Peter didn’t dare to look too much at you, he couldn’t handle the pressure, and he let another breathy laugh as he fiddled with his belt. “I thought you wouldn’t like it.”
A small black heart started to show slowly between your thumbs and pointers as you two still held each others hands, making everything seem finally fit into place as the memory kept fresh on your memories.
You bit your lower lip, feeling the same comfortable sensation now irradiating through your whole body.
“Not possible.”
Even though you two shared from the good sensation that holding hands brought, you never dared to say it louder, afraid of how that would sound.
Sure, you two would be holding hands whenever you got the chance to. Always hidden, trying not to get suspicions from the others, but it was thrilling to interlace your fingers under the dinner table while May and Ned ate their pasta quietly — as if they wouldn’t notice the shit-eating-grin that you two had plastered on both mouths.
You held his hand when you two walked down the street, reaching for the train; during train rides; under the covers while watching movies; while studying or doing homework; mostly, when you got the chance to, just to stare at the small heart shaped mark sitting there.
It was a nice feeling, to feel safe just by a touch of two warm palms. You loved when Peter would bring your hands to his mouth, placing little kisses on your knuckles, one by one without missing a single spot, and he loved how you would dance while walking down the train stations, turning around and finding his embrace right after a swing of your whole body, laughing your lungs off and making sweet memories from a life you two built together — even though you had no clue about that.
But it pained you both that it was an unspoken thing. You never asked to hold his hand and he never did either, not after the first time, and it made you feel anxious to know what you two were doing, now not feeling too afraid of saying it louder, knowing that it was a bit more real than nothing at all. 
Still, you watched Peter leaning back on the column inside the subway station, his beige jacket hanging around his body and covering the faded blue sweater that you loved on him. His hair a bit messy from the subways that rushed by and created a strong breeze that always moved your clothes and hair from their places. You stood in front of him, arms crossed and playing with the boots covered toes on the concrete floor, trying to warm yourself up. 
Peter, being the gentlemen he was raised to be, took of his jacket and put it around your shoulders, earning the most beautiful smile he could ever see on your lips — it would be worth it to feel a bit colder, since your smile warmed him up instantly. 
“So... What’s on your mind?” He asked, a bit too scared of ruining the things between you two. If it could be called a ‘thing’. Even if you two knew that you were soulmates, the uneasy feeling of not going anywhere made you both feel anxiety hurting your chest.
“I don’t know” you said, looking over your shoulder to see if the subway was already coming. “What are we doing?”
“Waiting for the—”
“Don’t even try to finish the phrase, Parker” you teased and rolled your eyes, fitting your hands inside of his jacket and trying to look at him. “I’m talking about the ‘holding hands’ thing. What’s next? We’ll just stop doing it someday and part ways?”
Peter got a scared look on his face, a bit too surprised with the suddenness of your words. He took a moment to analyze your expression, noticing that your brows were furrowed and your eyes hid under the rebel locks that flew around your face and he smiled to himself, gaining courage to raise his hand and brush his fingertips on top of your soft cheeks, feeling the silky sensation and smelling the scent of your shampoo while getting closer.
“I hope not” he said, getting closer at each second that passed while you two seemed to be frozen in time. 
“Then what should we do?” You bit your lower lip, now finding his brown orbs as you looked up, too nervous to even swallow the lump that formed in your throat. “Pretend that nothing is going on?”
The boy got too close now, his lips ghosting over yours as he hesitantly opened them to say: “not possible”.
You took a moment to take deep breaths and try to steady your whole body as you sat on the couch, watching the TV with eyes wide open while the images of your boyfriend made an appearance. Spider-Man and Tony Stark went missing. 
You grabbed the cushion next to you and held it close to your chest, trying to suppress all the feelings that were mixing inside your mind, making you feel more panicked than ever as you watched the tapes of Peter in his hero form holding tight to a spaceship, going up to God-knows-where and your frame went numb, too painful to move.
A vibration caught you off guard and you saw that it was coming from your phone. You took it quickly and saw a notification that came from him, opening it as fast as you could, your shaky fingers touching everywhere but the message itself. 
It was a voicemail and you put the phone next to your ear, trying to hear whatever it has to say while your chest tightened at the uneasy feeling that flooded inside your veins, mixing with your blood but making it feel colder. You held tight to the sweater that you stole from him and wore almost all the time, sniffing on the scent of lavender, probably from his softener. 
“(Y/N)? H-Hi, I know you are going to kill me and in my defense I—oh shit—I had to go because it’s my job, ya’know? Those aliens are trying to destroy the planet and I can’t be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there isn’t a neighborhood. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m almost falling! Oh, forget it, I’m fine. Well, if the aliens plant eggs on my chest and kill me later, I’ll let them know that you want to be the first one to kill me, so, not possible. Gotta go—I’m almost with no air here—love ya, bye!”
You took a deep breath and a few tears started to form on the corner of your eyes as you tried to control the trembling, touching the play button again, listening to the message a few more times as you cried in silence.
A burning pain was spotted on your hand, making you twist your face while drying the tears that escaped your eyes and made their way to the cushion you still held tight. The message kept repeating as you looked at your hand, watching the heart-shaped mark starting to disappear, turning into a white one that seemed like a scar.
No, no, no, no. Please, no.
“Gotta go—I’m almost with no air here—love ya, bye!” you listened to his recorded voice until your soulmate mark faded completely, making a pain irradiate inside your whole chest, as if you were being stabbed in the heart. A breath was caught on your throat and you were having trouble to breath normally while the pain cries left your mouth and you gripped the cushion with more force than ever, your fingernails breaking through the fabric.
It’s not possible. It’s not possible.
You stared at the TV once more, watching the clips of your boyfriend swinging in the air and holding onto the spaceship as he left the atmosphere and was nowhere to be seen. Your legs felt like jelly and your hands trembled more than ever, the phone falling to the carpeted floor while you let out a painful sob that was being held inside your mouth for a bit.
With a last stare at your hand, you saw the mark completely white and you were scared to even think about it. You couldn’t even think about the words properly, knowing that if you even said that inside your mind, it would make it real, and you didn’t want it to be.
Not possible. 
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @hey-i-really-miss-you @starlightfound@lionsfandomsandbearsohmy @isabellamozzarellla @tshollandlove@peterparkerdeservesbetter @marveldes
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beifongsss · 7 years
feel it still [p.p.]
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Based on ‘Feel It Still’ by Portugal. The Man. Specifically the lyrics “Oh, I’m a rebel just for kicks now”.
Summary: You’re a superhuman with slightly crooked morals who was on Team Cap during the ‘civil war’. Now, after avoiding capture by Tony Stark, you’ve gone back to your ‘normal’ life in Queens, occasionally running into your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.
Superhuman capabilities: cat-like reflexes, flexibility, & agility.
The second time you met Spider-Man was during a jewelry heist, the first being during the event that had been dubbed ‘The Avengers’ Civil War’.
You had found yourself creeping behind a group of guys, all dressed in black. Unbeknownst to you, Spider-Man was hidden in the shadows, observing you as he waited for trouble.
As soon as the first robber had disarmed the alarm and had begun stuffing his (stereotypical) duffel bag with jewels, you had lept into action, going after all three robbers and taking them down with skills that could have rivaled Natasha’s.
As Peter stood, slack-jawed in awe, you proceeded to grab the duffel bag and place everything back in it’s orginal place. Behind you, Peter dropped down from his hiding place, still observing you.
His expression quickly changed however, when you held up a small red diamond up to the light and proceeded to place it in your pocket (where did they even come from?) before making your way up to a window.
Trailing after you, Peter noticed the way you extended your finger, allowing your sharp-as-nails claw to cut through the glass before gently removing it and setting it down next to you.
Without looking back, you proceeded to jump out the window, Peter gasping as he swung out after you.
You could feel the ground aproaching rapidly, and you smiled as you readied yourself for the landing, making sure that you would land on your feet. Your landing was cut short when you felt an arm curl around your waist and the wind rushing through your hair.
Your smile faded as you and your mysterious companion landed in an alley. You turned around immediately, recognizing the red and black (?) mask as the one that belonged to Spider-Man.
“So what was that back there?” Peter asked, gesturing towards the jewelry store.
You shrugged slightly. “Typical robbery gone wrong?”
Spider-Man chuckled before stepping forwards and pulling the red diamond out of your pocket. “Then what is this?”
You sighed deeply before answering. “I stopped the robbery Spider-Man. No one will notice that a tiny little diamond is missing.”
“You know,” Peter began. “I don’t understand. You fought with Cap. Why are you going around the city helping out and fighting crime if you’re just going to turn around and participate in said crime?“
You stepped forwards and looped your arms around his waist, leaning up to whisper in his ear. “Because…sometimes being a rebel is pretty fun.”
With that, you stepped back and sprung up onto the fire escape, making your way towards the rooftops as you bounded away, leaving Peter a blushing mess.
It would be five minutes later when Peter realized that you had stolen back the red diamond.
The third time you met Spider-Man was at a bank robbery gone wrong.
Once again, you had been following the robbers, and had proceeded to take them down when they were about to make their getaway.
Unfortunately, you had been overpowered and Peter had swooped in to save you.
It had been after the fight, when you had picked up a wad of money, that Peter noticed your necklace and scoffed in disbelief.
Around your neck hung the red diamond, wrapped in twisted wire and attached to a sturdy leather cord to make sure that it stayed on your person at all times.
Feeling Spider-Man’s gaze on you, you smirked, raising an eyebrow as you observed him. “See something you like Spidey?”
Spider-Man shook his head. “I can’t believe you kept that.”
Your smirk only got wider. “What can I say? It’s pretty, no? And I’ll be keeping this as well.”
You were gone in the blink of an eye, taking the wad of cash and leaving Peter alone in the bank as the police approached.
“I’m telling you Ned! She helps out and stops the crime and then she turns around and takes something for herself!”
Ned Leeds rolled his eyes as Peter ranted about the mystery girl. “Dude, chill. You’re beginning to sound obsessed.”
“Who’s obsessed with who?” You asked, plopping down on the seat across from them and setting down your lunch tray.
It was the morning after and Peter has gotten to school ranting about the mystery hero.
“Peter is obsessed with some girl that makes him all flustered when he’s on duty,” Ned interjected, eliciting a groan from Peter.
Peter quickly relayed the events to you and you smirked slightly, secretly pleased with the way you seemed to get him all bothered.
When he finished complaining, you leaned in a bit. “I dunno Pete. Maybe she just likes having fun. It’s good to rebel once in a while.”
Peter’s eyes widened slightly at your words before a glint caught their attention and they wandered down to your neck. Dangling around your throat was a necklace, made with a familiar red gem that seemed to mock Peter.
Following his gaze, your own eyes widened as you hurriedly tucked the necklace into your shirt, trying to avoid his piercing gaze.
“(Y/N), what the f-”
Mini Taglist (?): @tasteofswallowedwords, @riverdrew
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caramelcat · 4 years
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Triple R: Banana Lounge Broadcasting playlist, January 21, 2020 Daniel Johnston - The Sun Shines Down On Me Vic Simms - Stranger In My Country Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy - This Is Far From Over Chris Darrow - We Can Both Learn To Say I Love You P.P. Rebel - Where The Quiet Go Ripple Effect Band - Nguddja The Silvertones - Early in the Morning Sunny Jain - Wild Wild East U.S. Girls - Overtime Matana Roberts - As Far As The Eye Can See Thundercat - Black Qualls Sonny Sharrock - Portrait Of Linda In Three Colors, All Black Richie Allan (Koori Brotha) guest program: Paul Kelly - From Little Things Big Things Grow Briggs - Children Came Back Cold Chisel - Flame Trees Street Warriors - Solid Rock Sarah Mary Chadwick - Let’s Fight Helado Negro - Running Ravi Shankar - I Am Missing You
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sightofsoundsociety · 4 years
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1. Mr. Elevator- Alone Together 2. Luke Spook- Small Town 3. Nolan Potter's Nightmare Band- Caberfae Peaks 4. P.P. Rebel- Where The Quiet Go 5. Eddy Current Suppression Ring- Our Quiet Whisper 6. Levitation Room- Mr. Polydactyl Cat 7. Ty Segall- My Lady's On Fire (Demo) 8. Dave- In The Hillage
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resistance765 · 4 years
“Where The Quiet Go” - P.P. Rebel
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levi-ish · 6 years
May, The Matchmaker [P.P]
Request:  Requests are open you say??? Do you think you could make a fluffy oneshot of the reader meeting aunt May and she totally calls them out on their crushes. I love aunt May. And your work. Have a great day and thank you!!
Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader
Genre: Fluff
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You couldn’t tell when was the last time when you didn’t think about Peter Parker all the damn time.
You weren’t best friends or any kind of friends, at all. He was just the boy who sat beside you in chemistry, english and physics; but, at the same time, he was the boy who would always mutter “good mornings” to you, arrive at class a little late with his hair partially disheveled — which you liked, a lot —, frown his brows every time he was concentrating on writing and the same boy that you would cherish every day.
He never tried to talk to you properly. Usually, your conversations would be based on “good mornings” and “can I borrow a pen?”, even if you really wanted to be more than that. You just couldn’t help that Peter was a shy boy and you always felt like bothering him when you tried to talk, because he would constantly blush or stutter and leave in the middle of the conversation. 
But this day, specifically, things weren’t the same.
That morning, you woke up a little late because your alarm didn’t go off. You just changed from your pajamas to your old NASA t-shirt and jeans that were on the floor. While staggering, you put on your shoes and packed your things in light-speed, grabbing a granola bar to eat during your train ride. 
When you got to Midtown, you ran right away to your chemistry class and opened the door quickly, already apologizing to your teacher. You directed yourself to your desk and sat bluntly, throwing your arms on the desk surface.
“(Y/N)?” Called someone right beside you. 
When you turned to see who it was, you felt your throat go immediately dry and forming a lump. Peter was wearing a sweet smile on his lips while his eyes sent you calm waves, making you feel less uncomfortable than before.
“Yes?” You said, trying to gain composure.
“Hm... Mr. Jacobs assigned a group project to us...” he told you while drumming his fingers. Was he nervous?
“Shit, I wasn’t here...” you muttered to yourself but he listened.
“No, no! I included you in our group” he opened another shy smile that made your heart melt. “I hope this isn’t a problem.”
“Oh, thank you, Peter! You saved my life” you reciprocated his smile and he looked away. 
“Yeah... hm, and... We — Ned and I — will meet in my apartment, after school” he bit his lower lip while staring at his desk. He searched for a pen and wrote something in a little piece of paper and gave it to you. “H-Here’s the address.”
“Okay” the bell rang and you both stood up, but you stepped closer to him. “See you there!”.
The sky was transiting from blue to grey. You could smell the scent of rain and feel the moisture in the air while walking in the empty streets. When you were in front of the door numbered according to the address Peter wrote before, you felt your heart sinking deeper into your chest and cold sweat forming in your nape. 
You knocked twice and waited, exhaling deep breaths. Shit, I didn’t even notice if I look presentable. Now, you felt desperate. Opening your front camera, you opened your mouth, trying to see if there was anything undesirable there; then you checked your hair, trying to tame a rebel strand of hair.
But what you didn’t notice was that the door was already open, and with a woman standing there, her gaze fixed in your figure. You almost dropped your phone and blushed right away, pretending that you weren’t doing that.
“Hi, you must be (Y/N)” she offered you a hand to greet you and you took it, shaking and looking away. “Oh my, you’re just as pretty as I heard, dear!”
You blushed but tried to ignore the comment. Did Peter told his aunt about you?
“Y-Yeah... I’m here to do Pet–project! The project!” You mentally slapped yourself. 
“Come in, dear!” She gave you space to enter the apartment. “They’re in Peter’s room. I’m May, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you” you smiled again and got in. 
The place was really nice and neat, everything put into place and a lavender scent in the air. It was the same fragrance you used to smell in Peter whenever he was near to you. May told you where his room was and you followed the steps, standing right in front of a door and knocked lightly.
You heard screaming and sounds like things falling to the floor until Peter opened the door with disheveled hair and his sweater inside out, his elbow leaning against the door, on top of his head. A nervous smile appeared on his mouth while you were trying to stay calm, with a feeling that you were failing hard. 
“H-Hey, (Y/N)... How you doin’?” He tried to smile again, but just gave up right after, seeming like he was battling himself.
“Dude, did you just quoted Joey from Friends?” You heard Ned from inside the room and giggled a little.
Peter sent his friend a warning gaze before he stepped out of his room, giving space for you to enter. 
“I’m going to grab some snacks, you can go inside, Ned’s already working on the project” he told you while fiddling with the hem of his washed-out blue — almost grey — sweater. 
“I can help you” your eyes went down to your shoes when you said that, but still, you could feel his gaze burning into you. 
He just nodded and signaled you to follow him, and you did. When you two got to the kitchen, Peter opened the cabinets and started looking for food.
“Could you grab some bowls? They’re in that cabinet” he pointed and you nodded, opening the small door. 
“Hey kiddos” said a sweet voice from behind you and you elevate your head, seeing May sitting in the small couch while watching the TV. “What are you doing here?”
“W-We are grabbing some snacks” Peter told her, stuttering a little.
“Oh, alright. I thought you guys came here to make out or something” she said, making you two blush so hard that your cheeks almost melted from the heat. “However, if you want to make out, don’t do it in front of me.”
You and Peter just looked at each other, none of you capable of saying anything. May turned around, seeing the damage she’d caused and smile to herself proudly. 
“C’mon, guys. You both now that neither of you would say anything about your feelings” she rolled her eyes playfully and smiled to both of you, leaving the room. “I love you, Peter, but you are a wimp. Anyhow, you guys would make such a cute couple!”
When she left the room, you two stood still, not daring to move a muscle. You knew that you weren’t that good in hiding feelings, but you didn’t know that you were that transparent. However, while froze to the bone, you felt like your heart was beating so had that it could jump out of your chest, and warm waves of comforting feelings were now running all over your body.
“I guess you know now...” Peter licked his lips, trying to look away, but his gaze was meeting yours every now and then. “I...”
“I like you” you said, not believing in yourself from such an eagerness.
Now, his brown orbs met yours and you felt like those seconds looked like an eternity, not wanting that moment to end.
“I like you too” he bit his lower lip, not trying to avoid your gaze anymore. 
He leaned into you, every little step making your heart beat faster than the second before, feeling like you could explode any moment now. Your noses were touching lightly, and only from that contact, every part of you flinched, your arm hairs standing up involuntarily. When his mouth was ghosting over yours and you could feel his warm breath making everything more real, you heard another voice from behind you, turning away immediately.
“I know you guys have chemistry, but we have to deal with real chemistry right now” Ned said while leaning against the door frame.
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