#papa emeritus ii
sunsetagain · 2 days
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Papa Emeritus II for a friend
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nemethos-deamon · 2 days
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wow i haven't drawn these old men for so long
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wolves333 · 8 hours
That one Ghoul who 🧿👄🧿 into your soul
Big Earth bbg<3
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His eyes♥️♥️
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anamelessfool · 3 days
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WIP Chapter from my Secondo fic "Crossroads" that's being developed alongside my current major Primo-centered work. Yes, smut is nice but more and more I'm fascinated by the brothers' relationship. I had these little doodles and I was like let's spend thirty minutes coloring them and then throwing a photo manip of a photo I took of the Ministry as the background.
Jun-19-75 11:35 AM Courtyard Cumulus clouds, med cover curled wisps. Winds southeastern location. Approx. 18C, up since AM. Rain predicted evening.
Secondo began his sketch of the cloud shape and chose to ignore the rustling in the tree behind him. Some small body was struggling to climb up the side of the ornamental pear tree, perhaps to spy on his work.
“What are you doing?” Terzo’s voice came from the tree. A not unusual occurrence. Neither was his persistent desire to get immediately in Secondo's business.
Secondo’s obvious posturing to ignore him was futile. Terzo repeated the question two more times, the leaves trembling as he adjusted his weight on a branch. Secondo frowned deeply and finally relented, looking up at the small curled-up form and twinkling raccoon eyes of his younger brother.
“You’re going to break your arm.”
Terzo squinted at the sky, kicking his legs. “What are you doing?”
“Recording clouds. I need to keep records of clouds six times a day for a year and a day. And then Sister will train me.”
“Do you even know what the clouds mean?”
“No, but I will. In time.”
Terzo swung his body backwards, his legs hooked on the branch so he could hang upside down. He squinted at Secondo. “That���s fucking boring.”
“What are you even doing up there?”
Terzo decided to continue talking to his brother upside down, perhaps to annoy him further. It was working. His voice was wistful. “There's a bird building a nest on the roof. I'm trying to figure out how to get up there.” Terzo grinned. “Maybe it's a falcon. Then I could take a chick and train it and be a falconer. That's how they do it.”
“Terzo. Come down. You'll break your arm.” Primo appeared from under the stone arcade, the ghoul Edelweiss slinking behind him.
Primo had rejoined the Ministry only three years prior, and already he was in Sister’s inner circle. His arrival started a change in his younger half-brothers’ behavior. Primo was tall, athletic and confident. People enjoyed being around him. He had big responsibilities and beautiful companions. He was an adult.
The two younger brothers may not have realized it, but his presence gave them a goal to work towards. Secondo immediately pulled his shoulders back, gave Primo a hopefully impassive look and returned to his journaling.
“Nice weather, yeah?” Primo chanced a grin. Primo was fine…when he wasn't telling Secondo what to do.
There was a creak, a snap, and Terzo stared wide-eyed at them both midair for a moment before he fell to the ground in a sickening thump. He immediately began to whine, then scream. Secondo stared at him, snorting. He closed his journal with a snap. Served him right.
“Criminy, Terzo,” huffed Primo as he walked towards the writhing boy in the grass. He knelt down and gently touched his shoulder, ran his fingers down his arm. Terzo screamed again, his face a blubbering mess. “Perfect timing. What did I tell you, hm?” He glanced over to his ghoul, throwing a few rapid hand signs towards him. Edelweiss Ghoul hurried back to the arcade and through the doors.
“Alright, Terzo, let's get you up hold on—” Primo soothed through the screams and wails. The small boy fit easily in his arms and Primo turned towards Secondo, his face fixed with an amused half-smile. “Help me to the doors?”
“Where you taking him?”
“The Sanctum. Broke his arm, can you believe it?”
All at once Secondo felt the urgent need to assist. A rare, rushing thrill rose across his body as he held the doors for Primo, ignored his younger brother’s shouts of pain. The Sanctum. That meant…
Sister Imperator, the Dark Mother, was waiting there for them at the grand doors, Edelweiss Ghoul behind her. Her head was perched atop her customary tunic of swirling polyester colors, a viper among the flowers.
He wanted to say something, wanted to share with her what he had been working on but he knew his dopey eagerness to please would be ignored. But that was the weird unexplainable thrill of it all, anyway.
Sister knew things were running perfectly, just as she knew water flowed underground below her feet. Her indifference towards him was perfection. Was a sign of a job well done. So Secondo swallowed the lump in his throat and repeated a mantra to calm the hammering of his heart.
Terzo’s cries took on more of a theatrical whine as Primo transferred him into the arms of the Ghoul. “It'll be done in a second!” Primo reassured him over his sobs. Secondo didn't want to be here. Didn't want to be associated with the two of them while Sister was near, looking bored already with the childish blubbering.
Sister gripped Terzo’s chin to silence his sobs. Terzo froze, blinking furiously in the ghoul’s arms. “Hush,” she hissed, then gestured to Primo to draw near. Primo lifted his brother’s head, gently wrapping a black silk blindfold over his eyes. “You take this off, you die. Do you understand, child?”
Terzo’s heavy sobs could not be suppressed for long. Sister’s red nails dug deeper into the boy’s chin. “Words. Now.”
“I…I understand,” Terzo whimpered.
With a friendly nod, Edelweiss Ghoul carried the boy into the Sanctum, Sister locking the doors behind them. The heavy slam echoed in the stone hallway. And so they waited for the ritual to be done.
Secondo steeled himself as Primo started to shift uncomfortably on his feet, tossing his head as if already in a conversation. His brother was a man who could not leave a single moment of air empty. It was as if silence was something he could drown in.
His mercurial expressions and small eager eyes seemed too close to their father Nihil’s mannerisms for Secondo to ever take him seriously.
“Listen will you just be nice to him? For once?” Primo ejected an exasperated huff of air that ruffled Secondo’s hair but not much else. “He's your brother.”
“He never learns.”
“Because nobody ever—” Primo grumbled under his breath, searching for what to say next. “When I was growing up I wanted a brother so badly…” His confession was met with stony silence. “He's got nobody, Secondo. And I can't be there for him like you can.”
“What does that even mean?” To Secondo it meant that Primo was passing a buck. Saddling him with caring for a person who barely cared for himself. Who was too stupid to assess even the most basic of dangers. Secondo was rising, ever rising from the efforts of his own sweat and will. Terzo’s foolishness would just hold him back.
“He's the loneliest person I've ever met,” Primo confessed. “And he's only nine. Don't you find that…sad?”
Secondo refused to budge. All his life he chose his words, his actions carefully. And that urge for correctness was a deafening roar in him at fourteen. Sidestepping the question was the best course of action. Questions were just traps, after all.
“I need to be left alone.”
Primo opened his mouth, but then thought otherwise. He made a show of shaking his head, crossing his arms. Secondo observed Primo’s eyebrows furrow and shift, choosing to continue his brotherly rant inside his own mind.
Short lived. “So, uh…what are you going to do for your summer vacation?” Primo attempted a different route at a bond. “My friends and I would pack a canoe with old tarps and our fishing rods and beer and—”
The heavy door unbolted and opened once more. Sister emerged, breath trailing out of her mouth in unusual wisps. Terzo followed wide-eyed and stunned, gripping Edelweiss Ghoul by the hand. He was released with a soft pat on his head.
“Secondo,” said Sister with a small nod.
Secondo straightened up to full height immediately. Terzo ambled over to stand beside him, clutching his newly healed arm.
“Don't let him put weight on it for a few days,” Sister ordered Primo, then cast the full intensity of her stare directly into Terzo’s eyes. Her subject properly cowed, she turned on her heel towards the direction of her office and was gone.
Sister had spent a fraction of a second regarding Secondo but that single glance would be in his thoughts for some time after.
“We can go? No one is going to be climbing trees once we turn our backs?” Primo tousled Terzo’s hair, exchanging smiles. “And Secondo—” Primo shrugged at Secondo directly, gesturing subtly towards the youngest with a rough hand. Remember.
The ghoul Edelweiss threw out some quick hand gestures, winking. “Haha, right, exactly,” chuckled Primo and then they too left the kids alone in front of the Sanctum doors.
Terzo continued to shiver in place in the center of the hallway, his eyes darting to Secondo. Secondo was lost now staring into the elaborate archway carvings of the Sanctum doors. Masks of ghouls nested amongst delicately carved cinquefoil. Thorned branches encircling howling wolves. Hands pierced and bloodied, pointing to the sky, pointing to the earth. The archway always mystified him and he often took time to examine it whenever he walked past.
And beyond those doors? The Altarpiece, the knobs tied shut with red silken cords. In his mind’s eye he imagined Sister’s clawed hands slip the knot loose, tease the door to Hell open. Reaching into the infinite, pulling out strands of arcane energy. She had seemingly unlimited power at her carefully manicured fingertips. Her hands laid upon Terzo’s body and soothed torn muscles, knitted bone. A healing touch that could also kill in an instant.
“What was it like?” Secondo spat out the question in an attempt to disguise his true enthusiasm. Terzo blinked stupidly at him, taken aback by the sudden show of interest.
“When the Altarpiece opened.”
Terzo shook his head. “Howling…voices but not really voices. A cold wind that wasn't cold. Like…when your foot falls asleep. Yeah. That's what it's dreaming about, yanno.”
“You felt it?”
“Felt what?”
“The Void.” Secondo had forgotten his aloof act as he stared wide-eyed, waiting for a scrap of anything.
Terzo's tear-stained face stretched into a grin. “You want to know so badly, doncha. You're dying to know.”
Secondo felt that rushing sensation of blood in his ears. No one taught him but one day he'd know it was the feeling of shame, of getting caught in a moment of vulnerability.
Terzo’s toothy maw widened and he wiggled his fingers into Secondo’s face. “Break your arm and find out,” he laughed.
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noisy-v · 4 hours
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There's this neapolitan savory dish called 'casatiello' that is usually prepared during Easter week. As an Italian my sill hc is that Primo comes from Naples shsfsgsh so this is the result. He made it for his brothers and him ONLY! No Nihil allowed!
Primo:I made casatiello. Come and eat before that piece of shit (Nihil) comes back.
Secondo: Let's go, Primo. 😎
Terzo: Now we eat!
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doodleshrimps · 2 days
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she likes to gnaw and bite
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swisselytyson · 2 days
If I could have one wish I would truly spend it on some batshit insane Ghost lore. Picyure it - ROME 2024 Sister Imperator and Mr. Saltarian chasing Papa IV to the ends of the earth. Dude is in his low key disguise but also still the papa makeup. So whatever costume to blend in that you would like. He’s crab crawling backward from them and having the penultimate back and forth about right and wrong and how Sister had his brothers killed and Nihil is a ghost and he allowed it to happen. Then on their side of the argument - his time at the project is finished. Death is imminent. It is the only way for a truly fresh start. He won’t go out with a bang but a whimper, running and hiding and groveling.
He thinks of all the ghouls and Papa’s that were taken away. And he’s even running out of room to scoot away from them, from what is coming, his execution…. And then…
A single white rat comes to him. He gently picks up the rat and eskimo kisses it. Remembers the fun he had as cardinal with all his rats. And the fun with his ghouls and ghesties. He’s coming to peace with the end. Another rat scurries to him. This one is grey. He scoops it up. He tells his 2 rats goodbye and he is ready. A third rat comes up but crawls up his back. Then a 4th enters the scene.
Saltarian and Seestor share a look like “is this guy serious wtf” and “the fuck is with these rats?”
Papa gets to his feet. Asks to die standing and not on his knees. One last act of dignity for all he did for the ministry as Papa. They allow him up and more rats arrive. He puts out his arms and the rats pour up his legs and onto his arms. The squeaks are deafening.
Now more rats are passing by him heading toward Saltarian and Seestor. It’s horrifying the flood of rats taking over. And footsteps and the complete army of rats fall completely silent.
Primo steps out of the shadows. Without saying a word he takes his place on Papa’s left. Then Secondo steps out, the rats part around his footsteps and he stands at Copia’s right.
Seester and Saltarian are bewildered and not sure what to make of it and then Terzo passes by them and stands in front of Papa.
Each Papa back from the dead are holding the Papa staff, cane, and the incense on a chain. They tap them on the ground which begins to tremble a little. Mr. Saltarian and Sister Imperator are now backing away and disturbing the rats at their feet being bitten and clawed at the ankles causing some panic and distraction on their parts. And the ghouls are now marching - every ghoul that was cast off into the pit - arriving in full uniform and mask, growling or hissing. Sister and Saltarian are surrounded by rats and papas and ghouls respectively.
I want the Avengers assemble lighting! And I want some really epic instrumental music. Papa has nothing to say.
Terzo points at the two and starts walking toward them menacingly that triggers the rest to also close in on them.
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revelforevermore · 2 days
The Ministry and How They Would Cuddle With You
Context: How each of them would like to cuddle with you. 
Sister Imperator: She prefers to cuddle where there’s complete silence and privacy with no chances of being disturbed. She’s a switch between being held and holding you; she enjoys both. Cuddling is something she likes to do after really hard days and she finds that being near someone distracts her from the world for a while. She likes to cuddle side by side with arms entwined or with backs pressed together (she gets overheated). She doesn’t cuddle often so when she does it’s always for a reason.
Papa Nihil: He can be a real pain when it comes to cuddling. He’ll complain that his arm falls asleep, your head is too heavy, his chest is starting to hurt—but once he’s settled down, he’s pretty calm and quiet. He isn’t used to cuddling much these days but he enjoys it when it’s with you. He prefers to cuddle in front of the TV so he can catch up on his soap operas. He’ll frequently get up for one reason or another, like wanting a snack, needing a drink, or needing the bathroom. If he falls asleep cuddling, he’ll rest his head on your shoulder and snore in your ear. 
Primo: Contrary to some belief, the man really loves to cuddle—he’s just limited in his abilities to cuddle or the time he has to. He loves to cuddle in living spaces or out in his favorite places in the Ministry. When cuddling, he prefers the standard “arm over the shoulder” or the arm around the waist. He’ll run his fingers through your hair and talk about anything and everything; if you get him on a roll about things he loves, he’ll talk to you until you change the subject or doze off. In bed, he sleeps on his back and will welcome you to his side anytime. 
Secondo: Secondo isn’t an affectionate man; it makes him somewhat uncomfortable. Loving touches are foreign to him so it takes time for him to warm up to the idea of cuddling, and he only cuddles with someone he trusts completely. It’s a slow process—it’ll start with holding hands on the couch, then an arm around your shoulder. It might take weeks to get him to properly cuddle, just be patient with him. He prefers to cuddle on the couch since he gets too hot in bed, and he always has to be the one to hold you (there’s a hunch that he would break down in tears if it was the other way around). He prefers to lay on his back as you cuddle into his side or lay on top of him. 
Terzo: Cuddling is a whole production for Terzo; he’s all about aesthetics, so he likes it when the mood is just right. That isn’t to say he doesn’t always like cuddling—he demands it a lot—but there’s nothing like cuddling in bed, under a very toasty blanket, with soft white noise and some ambient light (side note: he can’t use candles for this anymore, he fell asleep once with candlelight and almost set the curtains on fire). He prefers any positions where you both feel safe and secure. He's a switch when it comes to big or little spoon, but he’s a sucker for being the little spoon. If he had to choose a position, he prefers it when you’re both on your sides facing each other with your arms entwined. He’ll speak softly and often falls asleep while talking. He doesn’t always get the chance to unwind and relax his “playboy” stage persona, so cuddling in bed is the only time he feels like he doesn’t have to face that pressure. 
Copia: He’s such a cuddle bug; he loves everything comfort, and his bedroom is his favorite place for it. The more pillows and blankets, the better; just don’t take his favorite pillow please. He loves it when you lay against him while he’s playing video games so he can rest the controller on your head, or he likes to lay on top of you so you play with his hair. Will make noises of approval when you spoil him with affection. It usually takes him a while to fall asleep but during cuddling he’s out like a light. He especially loves cuddling when he’s had a bad day and will often pour his heart out while laying on your chest.
Cirrus: She enjoys cuddling and sees it as an opportunity to tease you. She prefers to cuddle in cuddle piles, but one-on-one is nice, too; she likes laying down on the couch together to watch movies or TV so you can both add commentary while watching. She prefers to be big spoon and hold you from behind so she can bury her nose in your neck. She doesn’t fall asleep often while cuddling, but if you do she’ll scratch your scalp and make sure no one disturbs you. 
Cumulus: Of all the ghoulettes, she loves it the most. She’s the perfect cuddle partner and she knows it–anywhere you cuddle is absolutely going to be cozy and welcoming, but she prefers her bedroom. Her bed has lots of stuffed pillows and animals and she likes to create a nest from blankets. She loves being held during cuddling and having her hair played with. She’ll press soft kisses to your skin as you lay together. Her favorite position is being little spoon, but it’s a close contender with your head on her chest. 
Sunshine: She prefers group cuddling like some of the others, since it makes her feel safe and secure. One-on-one is the same way: she loves to feel completely comfortable. She really enjoys being sleepy while cuddling since the Pits were never this serene. She likes to be held and if she’s able, she’ll leave soft caresses on your arms, chest, etc. to show her appreciation. She falls asleep almost every time you cuddle. 
Aurora: Like Cumulus, she’s all about comfort, and she’s more than once wiggled her way through a cuddle pile to get the best spot. She prefers to curl up on top of you when cuddling since it makes her feel safe; sometimes she’ll curl up into a ball, even! She’ll purr if you run your nails up and down her back, and she’ll nip your neck to leave a scent mark. She doesn’t care where the cuddling takes place as long as it’s safe, comfortable, and warm. 
Aether: He is, hands-down, one of the best cuddlers in the Ministry. He’s like a giant teddy bear and he’s always game to cuddle if you ask. He’s always at the center of cuddle piles with the ghouls, but one-on-one, he prefers to cuddle in his favorite chair in the living space with you curled on his lap, or in his bed with him as the big spoon or you laying on top of him. Play with his ear piercings—he’ll absolutely melt. He likes to play with your hair and will talk about your days and whatever comes to mind. He likes to snack during cuddle times especially if you’re watching TV. 
Dew/Sodo: It’s complicated. He is the type of person who longs for affection but will make you feel like it’s an obligation. When he wants to cuddle and he initiates, he’ll approach you with an agitated demeanor, drag you to his room without a word, and initiate cuddling. He’ll do this quietly so you don’t even know what’s happening until you’re curled into his side and he’s silently simmering next to you. He’ll never shove you off when you initiate cuddling; he might tense if he doesn’t fully trust you yet or if he’s taken off-guard, but he enjoys your company. He pretends to not like being little spoon, but he loves it.
Swiss: It’s a whole production since Swiss is incapable of holding still for long periods of time. He has to go through multiple position changes—he’ll get comfortable, then decide it would be better if you laid this way while he moved to his back, so on and so forth. The only way to get him to hold still is to let him starfish on top of you and scratch his scalp or base of his horns. He’ll start purring and finally calm down. He likes to hold you extremely tight and prefers to rest his head on your chest. He doesn’t have a favorite position besides that one; as long as he gets to hold you close, he’s happy. 
Rain: He purrs a lot when you cuddle. A lot. He enjoys the closeness of cuddling and it’s one of the most intimate things in the world to him. When cuddling, he prefers any position where he gets to snugly wrap his arms around you and squeeze you tightly against him. He really enjoys it when he’s reading and you come up and cuddle with him; it always brings a smile to his face. He doesn’t sleep very easily unless he’s cuddling with something at night, but he always prefers when it’s you. 
Mountain: He’s a giant beanstalk of a ghoul, so cuddling can be awkward at times (for example, he can’t get comfortable on loveseats or short couches). He prefers to cuddle anywhere that you can both lay comfortably, whether that be in a pile of blankets or in bed. Cuddling is one of the most important things to him in the physical relationship. He prefers to hold you rather than being held so he can play with your hair or run his hand along your arm. He likes it when you cling to him like a koala. 
Phantom: He’s a lot like Swiss in that he physically cannot stop moving; and most of the time, cuddling will turn into other things, like kissing. He does enjoy it but his mind is always moving in so many directions that he can forget to stop and relax. On the occasions you can get him to simmer down, he likes to hold you from the side with your arm around him while he talks about whatever comes to his mind. When he’s feeling down or when he’s tired is the best time to cuddle with him since he finds physical touch to be the best way to relax.
Hullo! Just a reminder that these are just HCs - not factual. Just an interpretation based on what I've seen from the characters and intuition. :)
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bribinart · 5 months
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this guy am i right
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mardyart · 5 months
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my gift for u this year….. shirtless peepaws
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gabitzart · 5 months
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Old men~
Commission for @/marrieart on Twitter
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leodanbrock · 3 months
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GHOST the Papa's starring in an 80s horror film anthology.
insp: x, x, x / temp
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kabukiaku · 2 months
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Those weird Satanists who live next door. 𖤐
bonus stuff:
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tasty-ribz · 3 months
First day at a new job
with his biggest fan🥺♥️
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osirisiii-bc · 5 months
Papa’s bestiary - a collection.
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Finally, the whole set is done. I was pondering if posting Primo alone first but I really wanted to see the full collection because I’m ✨impatient✨. Maybe I’ll dedicate a post to his portrait in the future.
So yes! Who guessed goat for Primo and snake for Secondo was right, but it wasn’t as an easy choice as it may seem.
At the beginning I wanted to associate the Goat to Nihil and the snake to Sister Imperator, while I chose bats for Primo and ravens or a bull for Secondo, but I couldn’t help drawing Primo with the goats (the first version of his portrait was so different!) so I just sticked to the animals quoted in their songs.
I have other plans for Nihil and Sister Imperator though. They’ll come separately.
I’ve done some minor edits to some of them.
Ps. For those who requested to have them as prints… find them here.
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piaart · 5 months
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Casual attire emeritus brothers are not impressed.
Also this is lined with a nihil brush that i made lmao
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