#relationship growth
ornii · 4 months
Short: Touch and Starvation
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Wednesday Has a Question only you can answer.
Hopefully people still enjoy Bitterly Beautiful as much as I do, I have a lot of ideas (not many people ask for it, but still.) that I want to share and just mind dump, and this is my favorite idea; The Greatest Wednesday Fluff.
It was winter, the cold at set it at Nevermore and it made taking care of the crows a bit harder than expected. (Y/n) placed the feed into their bowl and allowed the animals to carouse in and feed. He took a step back and admired his hands work. (Y/n) wore his Nevermore Uniform bit with a black heavy breasted jacket Issued by the School. Sensing the footsteps approaching he calmly closed the cage and turned around, titling his head slightly in the direction of the footsteps. He could tell they were light footed, heavy boots though, definitely Wednesday.
“Wednesday, I don’t see you outside in the winter much. Enjoying the snow?” He walks over to his girlfriend, gently taking her hands in his, Wednesday was never one for fun or any sense of enjoyment besides her own company. “You could say that, but I came to speak with you on an important matter.” She said. This was concerning, “important matters.” For Wednesday usually were to discuss the investigation or tell (Y/n) something he really didn’t want to hear.
“O-okay?” He said, raising an eyebrow to her request, the two spoke in a more private setting, his Bedroom, sitting next to her, the Boy tilts his head into her direction.
“Alright, so, what’s up?” He asks, and Wednesday grips the bed slightly, building the courage to speak.
“I want to know, how do you see?” She asks, he smugly folds his arms.
“Magic, obviously.” He said, she frowns at him.
“No, no jokes, no half answers, I want the truth (Y/n). Stop using jokes as a mask for it.” She said with the upmost respect that she had for him, (Y/n)’s smug grin quickly faded and he lets out a sigh, he fiddles with his hands for a moment before speaking.
It’s like a, a sonar. Sounds bounce around and I make some things out, detail? That’s not possible, can’t read, write, see color.. it’s, hard.” He explains, Wednesdays brow furrows. “All the times you called me beautiful, were those lies?” She asks, there was a hint of pain in her voice, (Y/n) abruptly turned his head towards her.
“Absolutely not!” He said, “You Are Beautiful..”
“How do you know? I know beauty isn’t just looks, it’s Posture, attitude, grace, things I obviously lack.” Wednesday admits.
“Well you aren’t wrong about that.” He said, she eyes him and he could sense the intensity. He averts his face.
“Look, I love you for you, beauty or not…” he explains, “But… there is one way for me to see you.” He said, she considers her response, Wednesday tilts her head oh so slightly. “How?” She asks, he turns and shows his hand.
“Wednesday… can I… can I touch your face?” He said, Wednesday just stared at him, not knowing how to respond. (Y/n) awkwardly puts his hand down.
“Sorry that was weird huh? I didn’t mean to, it’s just the best way, seeing with my hands and all..” he drones on, Before Wednesday blurts it out.
“Only for a few minutes.” She admits, he turns back, “Only for a few minutes, and if you tell anyone I let you touch my face I will pour melting wax into your ears.” She said, (Y/n) nodded.
“Of course.” He replies, Wednesday takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, “begin.” She says, (Y/n) slowly rose his hands up and calmly cups her cheeks, the bristle of skin contact felt so, sudden. His brain could finally scan her soft skin, the gentle brush of her pigtails nearing the tips of his fingers made his skin jump for a moment.
“Such refined cheekbones you have.” He said jokingly, Wednesday wasn’t in the best mood, severely underestimating how uncomfortable this would be, his finger gently and lovingly caressed her cheekbones and his thumb softly brushed against her lower lips. “Your lips, soft.. well I already knew that~” he said with a flirty. His finger tips turn slowly went along her ears to brush up against them, tiny but also supple and soft like most of her. (Y/n)’s thumb gently moved closer to the center of her face as he cutely boops her nose. Wednesday took a shaky breath and she felt his hands move away. Wednesday opens her eyes to him, looking sad.
“Why did you stop?” She said, (Y/n) frowned
“You’re uncomfortable…”
“I’m not—“ she begins but (Y/n) cuts her off, “Wednesday if there’s anything I do know well it’s body language. You’re tensing up, your breathing is erratic.. I don’t want to keep going if it makes you uncomfortable, it’s okay.” He puts his hand on hers, trying to reassure his girlfriend. Wednesday was at a loss for words. He gives her a sad smile, but still one of deep love and compassion.
“I don’t give a damn about how you look, I could care less, but now I can put a face to the woman I plan to spend the rest of my life with”. He gives her a reassuring kiss on her cheek.
“I don’t need to see, I just need to know.. and I know that you love me..” (Y/n) said with confidence, a confidence Wednesday couldn’t hide her smile to.
“You really are a blind fool… well, I suppose I am as well, because I love you too.”
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digitalautumn · 29 days
🌿 Relationship Healing 🌿
“People know your worth, they just hope that you don’t.”
The fact is relationships are not easy. Sometimes we get consumed by social media or our friends situations and assume they have the perfect relationship making us feel some kind of way about our own. What changes this and how you navigate relationships is knowing your worth. A relationship I was in, that person treated me terribly by my standards. I was secure and suddenly I was anxiously attached comfortable with being shown I was not a priority. At some point I had to look in the mirror and be mad at myself for forgetting my worth.
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How did I discover my worth again?
I made a list of everything they did that I would not find expectable for someone I loved or my future child to go through. If I questioned their love for me, their loyalty, if they did something that felt like a betrayal I wrote it down. It doesn’t have to be what others considered bad, it was anything that hurt me. Once I had this list I made the decision to either make it work or leave.
Once you understand your worth it is so much easier to get up and leave at any moment.
Journal Prompt:
Make a list of how the person hurt you emotionally, physically, or mentally. Reflect over that list until you start to see it was less than your worth. Make that the example of what you will not go back to or what your new person should not do. For example,
I will not allow someone to call me out of my name.
I will not allow someone to talk about others in a way that makes me uncomfortable.
I will not allow someone to _____________.
Start making a habit of seeing what you deserve. It won’t happen overnight but eventually you’ll get to the point that bad behavior will become unacceptable.
🌱 I am worthy of love and deserve to have a fulfilling relationship.
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chaerinnz · 10 days
Falling into love's embrace, with you, I've found my grace.
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 2 months
I have when people said that a bold, brash, vigorous person is going to get 'soft' and 'mellow out' after they marry
They just found a person that loves and supports them
They going to get worse
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brownsugar4hersoul · 7 months
If he’s not calling you, it’s because you are not on his mind. If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn’t follow through on little things, he will do same for big things. Be aware of this and realize that he’s okay with disappointing you. Don’t be with someone who doesn’t do what they say they’re going to do. If he’s choosing not to make a simple effort that would put you at ease and bring harmony to a recurring fight, then he doesn’t respect your feelings and needs. “Busy” is another word for “asshole.” “Asshole” is another word for the guy you’re dating. You deserve a fucking phone call.
Greg Behrendt
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funwithtoys · 7 months
Unlocking the Secrets to a Lasting Love: Nurturing the Relationship Between Couples
Unlocking the Secrets to a Lasting Love: Nurturing the Relationship Between Couples
Unlocking the Secrets to a Lasting Love: Nurturing the Relationship Between Couples is the foundation of any enduring partnership. It involves consistent effort, understanding, and effective communication. Let's dive into the essential aspects of this beautiful journey.
The Importance of Communication
Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. It's not just about talking; it's about actively listening and understanding your partner's needs and feelings. By fostering open and honest communication, couples can resolve conflicts, strengthen their connection, and grow together.
Trust and Transparency
Trust is the bedrock of a lasting love. Being transparent with your partner builds trust, making the relationship more resilient. Honesty and openness create an environment where both partners can feel secure and cherished.
Quality Time Together
In our fast-paced world, finding quality time together can be challenging. However, it's essential to prioritize your relationship. Spending time with your loved one, without distractions, helps create memorable moments and strengthens the emotional bond.
The Power of Affection
Small gestures of affection go a long way in nurturing a lasting love. Hugs, kisses, compliments, and acts of kindness show your partner that you care. Expressing your love through physical and verbal affection is a vital part of maintaining a healthy relationship.
Resolving Conflict
Conflict is inevitable in any relationship. The key is in how you handle it. Learning to resolve conflicts respectfully and constructively can lead to growth and a stronger connection. Remember that it's not about winning the argument; it's about finding a compromise that benefits both partners.
Supporting Each Other's Goals
Encouraging and supporting each other's dreams and aspirations is a crucial part of nurturing a lasting love. When you stand by your partner's side and celebrate their successes, it deepens the emotional connection.
Balancing Independence and Togetherness
Maintaining a sense of self within the relationship is essential. It's crucial to balance independence with togetherness. Both partners should have their interests and hobbies while enjoying shared activities. This balance creates a dynamic and fulfilling partnership.
Managing Stress Together
Life can be stressful, but facing challenges as a team can strengthen your bond. Supporting each other during tough times and celebrating victories together is a testament to a lasting love.
Keeping the Flame Alive
Passion and intimacy are vital components of a thriving relationship. Keeping the romance alive through date nights, surprises, and intimacy helps maintain the spark that brought you together.
In a world where relationships often face challenges and uncertainties, finding the key to sustaining a lasting love has become a quest for many. The journey to nurturing a healthy and enduring relationship between couples is a profound one. It involves dedication, understanding, and a commitment that goes beyond words. Let's delve into the secrets that can unlock the potential for a love that stands the test of time.
Cultivating Open Communication
One of the foundational pillars of a successful and enduring relationship is open communication. Effective communication is not merely about talking; it's about listening, understanding, and empathizing with your partner. By fostering an environment where both partners can freely express their thoughts and feelings, a couple can create a deeper connection. Transparency and honesty build trust, which is the cornerstone of lasting love.
Prioritizing Quality Time Together
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, making time for your partner is crucial. Quality time spent together strengthens the bond between couples. Whether it's a romantic dinner, a weekend getaway, or a simple walk in the park, these moments create lasting memories and reinforce the love you share.
Embracing Individuality
While togetherness is vital, it's equally essential to respect and embrace each other's individuality. Each person in a relationship is unique with their own interests, dreams, and aspirations. Allowing your partner the freedom to pursue their passions while providing unwavering support is a testament to your love's strength.
Resolving Conflicts Amicably
No relationship is without its share of disagreements and conflicts. However, how you handle these challenging moments can make all the difference. Instead of arguing to win, aim to resolve conflicts amicably. This involves active listening, compromise, and a commitment to finding solutions that benefit both parties. Healthy conflict resolution can actually bring couples closer together.
Keeping the Flame Alive
The spark of romance and passion should not fade away with time. Keep the flame alive by surprising each other with small gestures of love and appreciation. These acts can range from love notes to spontaneous acts of kindness. Keeping the romance alive is essential for maintaining the excitement in a relationship.
Building Trust
Trust is the bedrock of any lasting relationship. It's something that takes time to develop but can be shattered in an instant. Being reliable, consistent, and true to your word is the only way to build and maintain trust. When both partners trust each other completely, the love between them becomes unbreakable.
Sustaining Intimacy
Physical intimacy is an integral part of a healthy relationship. It's not just about the act of being close but the emotional connection that comes with it. Keep the flame of passion burning by expressing your love physically, showing affection, and reinforcing the emotional bond you share.
Appreciating Each Other
Never underestimate the power of appreciation. Simple words of gratitude and acknowledgment can go a long way in strengthening the connection between couples. Let your partner know how much you value and love them regularly. Feeling appreciated is essential for nurturing lasting love.
Growing Together
As individuals and as a couple, growth is inevitable. Embrace this growth and change as an opportunity to evolve together. Support each other's personal development and celebrate your achievements as a team. This journey of growth can make your love stronger with each passing day.
Q: What is the secret to a lasting love between couples?
A: The secret lies in effective communication, trust, quality time together, affection, and the ability to resolve conflicts respectfully.
Q: How can we resolve conflicts in a relationship?
A: Conflict resolution involves active listening, compromise, and finding solutions that benefit both partners.
Q: Is it essential to balance independence with togetherness in a relationship?
A: Yes, maintaining a sense of self while enjoying shared activities is crucial for a healthy and lasting love.
Q: How can we keep the romance alive in a long-term relationship?
A: Regular date nights, surprises, and intimacy are key to keeping the flame alive.
Q: Why is trust so important in a lasting love?
A: Trust creates a secure and loving environment in which a relationship can thrive.
Q: How can couples manage stress together?
A: Supporting each other during challenging times and celebrating victories together strengthens the bond between couples.
In conclusion, the path to a lasting love between couples is paved with trust, communication, mutual respect, and constant effort. It's a journey that requires dedication and a commitment to nurturing the relationship every day. By implementing these secrets, you can unlock the potential for a love that endures the tests of time, ensuring that your relationship remains a source of joy and fulfillment. Unlocking the Secrets to a Lasting Love: Nurturing the Relationship Between Couples is a journey that demands dedication and understanding. By focusing on effective communication, trust, quality time, affection, and conflict resolution, couples can build a love that stands the test of time. Embrace these principles, and watch your relationship flourish. Love is a beautiful adventure worth nurturing. So, start your journey towards a lasting love today! ❤️❤️❤️
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Always make sure that you discuss any problem that is troubling you with your partner, even if it is only a minor concern. This will ensure that the communication channels always remain open between you.
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theconnectiongarden · 2 months
Growing Yourself to Grow Your Relationship: How Personal Growth Cultivates Healthy Relationships
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Relationships require constant nurturing. Much like tending a garden, couples must actively cultivate empathy, communication, and understanding to foster a strong bond. When conflicts arise or they start to feel distant from each other, the health of the relationship begins to suffer. While seeking help from a therapist often becomes the go-to solution, the key to overcoming issues lies not in fixing your partner but in focusing on self-improvement.
John C. Maxwell once stated, “We must become the change we want to see.” Numerous research studies have indicated a link between personal growth and relationship satisfaction. Partners who purposefully work on developing themselves tend to communicate better, empathize more, and handle conflicts in a healthier way.
The reason is simple: personal growth leads to self-awareness. As we better understand our core values, emotions, and communication styles, we become better equipped to express our needs and manage conflicts in constructive ways. We are able to identify our own toxic patterns, like criticism or defensiveness, and make conscious efforts to replace them with more positive behaviors.
Personal development also cultivates empathy. When we spend time learning about ourselves, it helps us get better at knowing what our partner is thinking and feeling. We can put ourselves in their shoes, see issues from their perspective, and respond to them with greater sensitivity, care, and respect.
Likewise, cultivating personal interests, values, and an identity outside of the relationship prevents couples becoming overly dependent on each other. Partners who know themselves and have their own fulfilling lives are less likely to depend solely on each other for happiness. This takes pressure off the relationship and gives both individuals breathing room to be their authentic selves.
The key is balance and boundaries. As marriage researcher John Gottman’s work shows, successful couples make spending quality time together a priority while also carving out regular periods of separation. This “separateness” allows each person to independently pursue their passions and nurture close friendships. Far from driving couples apart, this independence actually keeps the spark alive in relationships.
While personal growth takes many forms, improving communication stands out as especially vital for couples. Arguments often intensify when partners misinterpret each other’s words and react based on false assumptions. Learning nonviolent communication techniques like reflective listening and “I feel...” statements minimizes these misunderstandings. Rather than criticizing their partner, individuals share their own emotions and unmet needs. This fosters vulnerability and brings couples closer together.
For those looking to strengthen their bond, the couples & relationship therapy workbook provides a comprehensive resource inspired by key takeaways from couples therapy. Whether you're starting into self-improvement, preparing for couples therapy, or seeking to deepen your connection with your partner, this workbook is a reliable companion on the path to a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.
The workbook contains insights, prompts, and practical exercises tailored around essential themes like communication, empathy, managing expectations, conflict resolution, and reigniting intimacy. While not a substitute for professional counseling, the book empowers couples to explore their thoughts and emotions in a structured, reflective way - either individually or together as a team.
Ultimately, constructing a resilient relationship rests on the foundation of self-knowledge and personal evolution. Partners focused on bettering themselves and position their relationship to thrive during seasons of conflict. After all, lasting love emerges not by changing others, but by leading through our own transformation.
So where will you start on your personal growth journey today?
Start the Journey
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The Crucial Link Between Communication, Trust, and a Healthy Relationship
In the intricate dance of relationships, communication emerges as the orchestrator, weaving threads of trust and health. When words flow seamlessly and understanding deepens, the foundation for a robust and flourishing relationship is laid. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the symbiotic relationship between communication, trust, and the vitality of our connections.
Communication acts as the heartbeat of relationships, pulsating life into shared experiences. In the realm of emotional intimacy, effective communication is not just a conduit, but a lifeline. As we delve into the nuances of this intricate dance, we uncover the profound link between communication, trust, and overall well-being of a relationship.
Understanding Communication
At its essence, communication transcends mere words; it's a symphony of verbal and non-verbal cues. Picture it as a dance where every gesture, tone, and expression choreographs the narrative of emotions. Effective communication involves not just articulating thoughts but also deciphering the unspoken language that binds hearts.
The Foundation: Trust in Relationships
Trust, akin to a delicate bloom, flourishes in the fertile soil of communication. It's the currency of relationships, earned through transparent exchanges and fortified by shared vulnerabilities. Without trust, the edifice of a relationship stands on shaky ground, vulnerable to the tremors of doubt and insecurity.
Communication Styles
In the grand tapestry of relationships, understanding different communication styles becomes pivotal. From the eloquence of words to the subtleties of body language, each brushstroke paints a unique picture. Harmonizing these styles ensures a beautiful masterpiece of shared understanding.
Challenges in Communication
Yet, the path to effective communication is strewn with challenges. Misunderstandings, unspoken expectations, and divergent communication styles often erect barriers. Navigating these challenges requires not only patience but a commitment to unraveling the mysteries of each other's hearts.
Building Trust Through Openness
Picture trust as a fragile seedling; it thrives in the sunlight of openness. The willingness to expose vulnerabilities and share innermost thoughts fosters a climate where trust takes root and grows. In the sanctuary of openness, relationships find strength and resilience.
Transparency and Honesty
Like a crystal-clear stream, transparency and honesty are essential for a thriving relationship. Embracing truth, even when it's uncomfortable, builds bridges of trust. Striking the balance between honesty and empathy ensures that the foundation remains strong.
Communication Breakdowns and Trust Erosion
Yet, even the most seasoned communicators encounter storms. Communication breakdowns, if left unaddressed, erode the bedrock of trust. The aftermath of such breakdowns demands not just repair but a reconstruction that fortifies the structure against future tempests.
Active Listening in Relationships
In the symphony of communication, active listening is the silent conductor. It's not merely hearing words but deciphering the emotions that dance beneath the surface. Cultivating the art of active listening transforms mundane conversations into soul-nourishing dialogues.
Non-Verbal Cues in Trust-Building
Beyond words, the language of the body speaks volumes. A touch, a gaze, or a reassuring gesture communicates where words fall short. Harnessing the power of positive non-verbal cues is akin to adding vibrant hues to the canvas of a relationship.
Cultivating Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence, the unsung hero of communication, propels relationships to greater heights. Understanding and managing emotions, both ours and our partner's, deepens the connection. It's the rudder that steers the ship through the ebbs and flows of emotional tides.
Conflict Resolution and Trust
Conflicts, inevitable in any relationship, are not harbingers of doom but opportunities for growth. Navigating conflicts with grace and empathy solidifies the foundation of trust. It's not about avoiding storms but learning to dance in the rain together.
Maintaining Trust Over Time
Trust is not a one-time investment but a continuous deposit of reliability and consistency. As relationships evolve, so must communication strategies. Adapting to changing dynamics ensures that trust remains an unwavering pillar, weathering the tests of time.
The Impact of Technology on Relationship Communication
In the digital age, technology introduces both marvels and challenges to communication. From instant connectivity to the pitfalls of misinterpreted messages, navigating the digital realm requires a mindful approach. Leveraging technology as a tool for positive communication enriches rather than diminishes the relational landscape.
In the intricate tapestry of relationships, where threads of communication and trust intertwine, the fabric of a healthy connection is woven. Like a delicate dance, partners synchronize their steps, understanding that each move affects the entire choreography. As we navigate the labyrinth of emotions, let us remember that communication is not just a means of expression; it is the heartbeat of a thriving relationship.
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learningfromlosing · 4 months
does anyone else forget how long it's been since you've been with your SO? .... Like not because I don't care it's like wym I haven't always been with you?
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digitalautumn · 27 days
Note To Self
The next relationship I’m in I’ll be their “type” and will never have to question my place.
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helfandretreats · 5 months
Intensive Counseling Retreats Designed for Married Couples
Is your marital union facing challenges? Have you been seeking an effective remedy? The solution could be closer than you think. Our Marriage Quest 3 day intensive couples therapy retreat program has brought about significant improvements for hundreds of couples over the last several decades.
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Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reap the benefits of our highly acclaimed Marriage Quest retreat program.
The Marriage Quest retreat program is designed to help couples reconnect and resolve issues in their relationship. It starts with the belief that every couple can have a fulfilling marriage with the right tools. Our expert retreat  counselors coach couples on how to apply these skills effectively, while working on healing the root causes of the conflict..
Our couples retreats address a variety of issues, including:
Considering divorce
Midlife crisis
Sexless marriage 
Communication problems. 
For instance, we help couples explore the possibility of divorce in a way that can rekindle the relationship. We also assist couples in dealing with a midlife crisis together, which can increase intimacy.
Our intensive marriage retreats also address issues related to sexless marriages and infidelity. It emphasizes that a healthy sex life is important for many couples and that infidelity is often a symptom of other problems in the marriage. The retreat aims to address these root causes to help couples heal and prevent future affairs.
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Resentment and communication issues are also tackled during the retreat. Resentment often builds up from unresolved conflicts and lack of quality time, while communication problems can lead to feelings of being unheard or misunderstood.
The importance of intensive marriage retreats lies in their ability to achieve results in a few days, compared to years of traditional marriage therapy. Many couples have reported more progress in just three days at the retreat than in a year or more of weekly sessions.
See testimonials here.
Contact Marriage Quest now.
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relationshipsonline · 6 months
Premarital education: How to make it more than just a task on the wedding to-do list
Luckily, premarital education doesn’t have to be a one-and-done situation. Think of it more as planting a seed: you prepare the soil and give it water, sunlight, and fertiliser to provide it with the best chance to thrive. But the plant will continue to require care and nurturing to grow to its full potential. Marriage educators who provide guidance and support for couples at this stage can…
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iamhowiseeit · 7 months
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Todays #booksponsor
Shadow of Desire
By Malik Raji
In writing this novel, I strived to create multidimensional characters who were not defined solely by their desires but by their strengths, vulnerabilities, and capacity for change. Isabella and Christian's journey was one of self-discovery, redemption, and the triumph of love over darkness.
It is my sincere hope that their story has inspired you to embrace your own desires, to communicate openly and honestly in your relationships, and to believe in the transformative power of love. May it serve as a reminder that we are all deserving of authentic connections and the pursuit of our passions.
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ranjith11 · 8 months
5 Essential Dating Tips for Discovering Your Perfect Match! | Soul Of Love
Welcome to Soul Of Love! Discover 5 essential dating tips for finding your perfect match in this insightful video. Know yourself, communicate effectively, identify deal breakers and must-haves, engage in shared activities, and embrace patience and timing. Subscribe for more valuable insights on your journey to a meaningful relationship. #souloflove #datingtips #perfectmatch
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theambitiouswoman · 3 months
Green Flags in Communication 💚💬
"I want to know when I hurt your feelings."
This shows they are willing to understand and acknowledge the impact of their actions.
"I don't want you to feel alone in this."
This shows empathy and indicates that the person is supportive and does not want the person to deal with issues alone.
"I've been struggling with ___”
This demonstrates vulnerability and trust, as the person is open about their struggles.
"How have you been feeling about ___? I know it's been on your mind a lot."
This shows concern for the other person's issues or worries, showing that they are listening and care about what's important to the other person.
"I feel __ when you __; are you open to trying __ next time?"
This is an example of constructive communication.
"What do you need from me when this happens with your family?"
This shows awareness and sensitivity to the persons family dynamics and a willingness to provide support.
"I appreciate when you ___.”
Expressing appreciation is vital for positive reinforcement and acknowledging the efforts and qualities of the other person.
"I didn't handle that well."
This is a sign of self-awareness and accountability, recognizing one's own mistakes and being open to learning and growth.
"I'm sorry, I was wrong to say that. I'll try to be more mindful in the future."
Shows you are able to apologize genuinely and a commitment to improving behavior.
"Tell me more about that; I'm really interested in hearing your perspective."
Indicates a genuine interest in the other person's thoughts and feelings.
"I noticed you seemed a bit off today. Is everything okay?"
It shows you are attentive to the other person's emotional state and a readiness to provide support.
"I'm here for you, no matter what you need."
Offers unconditional support, creating a sense of security in the relationship.
"I love how passionate you are about your hobbies. It's inspiring to see."
Expresses admiration for the other person's interests.
"Let's work on a solution together. What do you think would be fair?"
Focusing on collaboration rather than conflict.
"I trust your judgment on this."
Trust and respect for the other person's decision-making abilities.
"Your happiness is important to me. Let's make sure you're taking time for yourself."
Prioritizes the other person's happiness and emphasizes the importance of self care.
"It's okay to feel that way. Do you want to talk about it more?"
Validates the other person's feelings.
"I appreciate how you handled that situation. You're really good at ___."
Praises specific strengths or skills, boosting the other person's self-esteem.
"I know we disagree, but I respect your point of view."
Acknowledges differences in opinion while still maintaining respect and understanding.
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