#sam x grizz
king-wille · 1 year
I'm re-entering my era of obsessing over The Society so if anyone knows any good post canon fanfics please lmk
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peterjakes · 2 years
Sam x Grizz - ‘I have, as it were, my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself’
Grizz and Sam baby sit Eden, Sam works on Grizz opening up. 
Once again I started this like two years ago and only just got around too finishing. Not so sure on this one but let me know.
enjoy! x
also posted on ao3;
Sam was leaning against the doorframe of Becca’s room, smiling from ear to ear. His eyes were lit up, watching the boy across the room. Sam couldn’t believe this scene was real, he couldn’t believe that this was his life. Grizz was swaying Eden about, bobbing her up and down ever so slightly. She was cooing slightly, but only loud enough for Grizz to hear. Sam had agreed to babysit Eden whilst Becca was visiting Kelly. He wasn’t sure for what, the two of them had gotten closer the past few weeks. Becca wouldn’t tell Sam, like so many things, but Sam didn’t want to probe or push. Luckily for him, the absence of Becca meant that Sam would be able to witness this sight. Eden being cradled in Grizz’s arms, like it was the most natural thing in the world. Sam had been watching the two of them for a while, Grizz unaware that he was being watched. He didn’t want to disturb them, not quite yet.
“You’re good with her, better than me.” Sam started to move towards the two, almost tiptoeing towards his boyfriend. Grizz turned around slowly, giving Sam a small smile.
“I doubt that Sam.” Shaking his head, Grizz turned his attention back to Eden.
“I’m serious. She loves you.” Sam signed this, putting emphasis on the sign for ‘love’.
“Maybe she just has good taste.” Grizz shrugged, before checking Eden was settled and placed her back into her cot. He watched her for a moment until she was still again and turned back to Sam leading him to perch on the edge of Becca’s bed.
“You had any practice?” Sam signed this quickly, knowing that Grizz would have no trouble understanding him. His sign language had got so good recently, Sam wouldn’t be surprised if he was better than he was now.
“Pfft, no!” Shaking his head, Grizz stretched himself out, clearly feeling a little tired from the babysitting. Before New Ham, babies weren’t even on Grizz’s radar. Before Sam, they weren’t on his radar. Sam had changed him. Not for good but not for bad either.
“You...urm, your parents didn’t want any more kids?” Sam’s childhood wasn’t exactly easy, having Campbell as an older brother made sure of that. Sam could barely remember a time when they did get a long, Campbell always seemed resentful of Sam. He hated him, that was plain as day. But it wasn’t like he had a terrible childhood. His parents loved him, always tried their best, supported him – even if they did ignore a lot of the signs from Campbell. Maybe it was jealously with Campbell, he was the oldest and then Sam came along, took away all of the attention. It was worse when Sam lost his hearing, even more attention was given to Sam. Attention that was taken away from Campbell.
“Wha-I guess, yeah. I think my mum would have liked one. But…I was fine on my own. It was easier not to I guess.” Grizz never really thought about having siblings, maybe he wouldn’t have mind a brother or sister but that wasn’t really on his radar. What he said was right though, it was just easier only being Grizz. Maybe his mum would have liked some more kids though, she was so good with kids. But with Grizz’s dad? Grizz couldn’t think of anything worse.
“You dad.” Sam nodded, understanding why Grizz never had any siblings. It was safe to say that Grizz’s dad wouldn’t have welcomed another addition to their little family. Thinking about Grizz’s childhood upset Sam, even without knowing the whole truth. It made him realise how lucky he was with his parents. They were a constant support, always there for him, as much as they could be. Maybe they should have done more for Campbell. Maybe they should have done. But there was no point wallowing over it now. They were gone and Sam just had to do better for Eden.
“Yeah, my dad.” Grizz repeated, avoiding Sam’s eyes. He clearly didn’t want to think about that any longer than he needed to. Maybe Sam shouldn’t have mentioned it, maybe it was still quite raw. Grizz didn’t really speak about his family, especially his dad. Sam had thought they’d reached a point where they could be completely honest with each other. But maybe some things were just too hard to talk about. Sam had to understand that.
Sam thought for a moment, he wondered whether he should steer the conversation in a certain direction. He knew he probably wouldn’t have another chance, especially as any time he had tried to mention it, Grizz had managed to avoid the question and change the subject. “I guess you could say you already had brothers.”
“Sam?” Looking quite bewildered, Grizz turned to Sam trying to gage what he was saying. Maybe it was a bit of stretch, Sam thought afterwards, but he had to try, right?
“Like Luke…” There, he’d done it. Sam wasn’t scared of what Grizz’s reaction might be, but he was wary of upsetting him. He didn’t want to upset Grizz, he never wanted to hurt him again, especially after last time. But this was important, and they needed to talk about it.
“Sam, not this again.” Grizz sighed, crossing his legs. He was tired of Sam trying to mention Luke in almost every conversation they had. He didn’t want to talk about Luke, he didn’t want to think about Luke. It was easier just to ignore it all, be in his own little bubble with Sam. That’s what he wanted. Although he doubted, he would be able to ignore it all for much longer. Things were getting worse. And it probably wasn’t going to stop there.
“Grizz, just listen-“
“No!” Grizz shouted out louder than he had expected, surprising himself. Eden, who had been completely silent up until this point, started to cry quite loudly. Realising what he had done, Grizz rushed over to Eden’s cot before Sam had even realised that Eden had woken up. “Oh shit, sshh shh.” Cradling her so delicately, Grizz managed to quiet her down, although Sam doubted Eden would go back to sleep now. “I shouldn’t swear in front of her, should I?”
Sam shrugged, walking over to where Grizz was holding Eden, desperately trying to get her back to sleep. “She doesn’t understand you.” it was true, he doubted Eden understood a word anyone said. Becca had started to attempt to teach Eden simple words or even sounds but hadn’t been successful yet. They’d get there eventually, but for now it was easier for Eden to just make those strange sounds. She was still only a few months old. Sam had read in one of the baby books Gordie had found for him after Eden had been born, that babies start to talk around ten months old, so there was still time. There was just a little nagging feeling at the back of Sam’s brain that for some reason Eden wouldn’t talk.
“You gonna teach her to sign?” Still cradling Eden, bobbing her up and down, Grizz looked directly at Sam when he spoke, knowing he couldn’t sign whilst holding Eden. Grizz had been trying his best to sign more than talk with Sam, which Sam had appreciated but he hadn’t expected it. Grizz enjoyed learning ASL, he wished he had done it sooner.
“It’s a bit early for that, she hasn’t even said her first word yet.” Sam moved to play with Eden, now cooing quietly, she grabbed his index finger with her tiny hand, squeezing it. He sometimes forgot how tiny she really was, she was growing every day, that was true, but she was still so small. So delicate.
“I know what it’s gonna be.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Grizz, obviously.” Grizz couldn’t help but give Sam a cheesey grin, to which the boy beside him shook his head. He loved it when Sam did that, when he almost managed to not smile or laugh at Grizz. He was pretty good at it most of the time, but sometimes he let it slip.
“How so?”
“You said she loves me. So I figure, if I just keep repeating my name, it’ll go in her head.”
“Think it’ll work?”
“Yeah. That, or I guess I’ll just keep you around. You say my name enough.”
“You’re an idiot.” Sam didn’t smile at Grizz this time, but that little twinkle in his eye that always appeared whenever he was around Grizz decided to make an appearance. He just couldn’t help it. Sometimes Sam wondered what he had done to ever be this happy. It odd, when he thought back to when the fear and worry was rampant throughout New Ham. That seemed like another world, another century, just so far away. Not that there wasn’t still fear and worry, but not so much for Sam. Not in this moment.
“But you love it.” Grizz mused as he placed Eden back in her crib once again. This time, Sam was sure she wouldn’t wake back up. She was too settled now.
“Maybe.” Sam shrugged, giving Grizz a devilish smile. “See, she never goes down that quickly with me.”
“It’s like she knows.” Sam avoided Grizz eyes when these words escaped his mouth. He was just thinking aloud, really. But this had been in his mind for a while. Clearly, she didn’t know, Eden was just a baby. But that self-doubt, that feeling of a lie, Sam just couldn’t shake it.
“What do you mean?” Confused, Grizz shook his head, not understanding. Sam raised his eyebrows at Grizz, waiting for the pin to drop. It soon did, to which Grizz, clearly embarrassed, started to go red. “Oh.” He hadn’t thought about Eden’s parentage much, but thinking about it in that moment, he supposed it had been on Sam’s mind constantly. Grizz couldn’t really imagine how he’d react. He didn’t know if he would have made the same choices as Sam, but he couldn’t judge him for it.
“Yeah.” Sam nodded slowly, he thought it was obvious what he was trying to say. It wasn’t as if he had bored Grizz to death with his tales of woes, but Grizz knew Sam wasn’t her dad. He must have had some idea what Sam was feeling, what was going through his mind.
“She’s a baby, Sam. And that doesn’t matter. You’re her dad, in every other way, right?”
“I don’t know…”
Knowing it wouldn’t be a good idea to keeping going over this, Grizz quickly changed the subject. “Becca still hasn’t told you?” Grizz realised the question seemed a little more intrusive than he meant it to be. He couldn’t blame Becca for not wanting anyone to know; teenage moms always got judged and that wasn’t fair. But he understood how hard it was for Sam, too. Becoming a father to a kid whose father could be living just across the street.
“I don’t want to know. That’s her business. But…” It wasn’t fair for Sam to probe or push Becca. He had to no right to do that. He couldn’t demand to know, and he didn’t want to do that. If Becca was going to tell Sam, she would, and only when she was ready.
“I get it.”
“It’s stupid, it’s selfish.”
“No…Sam, you’re not either of those things.” Grizz would never have described Sam using either of those words, quite the opposite. “I don’t think that. Becca doesn’t nor does Eden.”
That made Sam smile, rolling his eyes at how giddy he felt whenever he was in Grizz’s company. Grizz could always make things seem better, whenever Sam was feeling down. It would probably take some more time for Sam to really believe what Grizz was saying. But he appreciated it. He appreciated him. His boyfriend. That word, it still seemed strange that Sam had a boyfriend. That his boyfriend was Grizz. Sam moved to give Grizz a small peck on the lips, not expecting anything in return. He just wanted Grizz to know how important he was to him, how much he appreciated him. No, not appreciated him. He did, he loved him. He loved Grizz.
“I saw, Helena, yesterday.”
“Sam…” This time, Grizz didn’t shout, he didn’t raise his voice. He spoke softly and signed Sam’s name slowly. Maybe he was tired of Sam constantly bringing the situation up or maybe he was coming round to the idea.
“She wasn’t too happy, she’s been struggling.” Sam took this as a good sign and carried on, not wanting to waste the moment. Now, this wasn’t a lie. Sam had seen Helena. He saw her only a few days ago when Sam had taken himself for a walk. Becca was making lunch for Eden and Sam saw it as a good opportunity to get some air and some space. The past few weeks had been a lot and Sam just needed some time alone. He was walking up near Helena’s house when he saw her, outside, sitting on her porch. It was true that she didn’t look too good, she had clearly been crying. They only spoke for a few minutes, but that was enough time for Sam to know he needed to persuade Grizz. Grizz was the answer.
“So has Luke.” Grizz huffed, as if he was ready to argue but didn’t say or do anything. He just listened. “I know you don’t want to talk about it, but you should talk to him.”
“Why should I? He hasn’t come to me.” Grizz looked hurt, it was clear to Sam that they couldn’t ignore what had happened forever. It was clear to Sam that Grizz was struggling, hurting because of everything. It wasn’t fair on Grizz, it wasn’t fair on Sam or even Luke. Something had to be done. Grizz, who was now completely avoiding Sam’s eye and fiddling with his loose shoelace, was clearly angry about the situation. Maybe he was angry at Sam for constantly mentioning it, but if Sam didn’t, it would never be solved.
“It’s stupid and you know it. Don’t do something you’ll regret.” Sam hadn’t meant to sound so harsh, but the sentiment was there. What Luke had done was shitty, it was awful, but this couldn’t go on forever. For the sake of everyone. “Please. You know it’s right.” Sam was pleading with Grizz now, and he couldn’t ignore that. He knew that.
“Okay, okay, You don’t need to beg, Sam. I get it.”
“You can stubborn when you want to be.”
“And you can be persistent when you want.” Grizz laughed, a genuine laugh. Sam loved it when he laughed, when his face lit up, when he smiled. But it didn’t last long, his smile soon turned into a frown.  “But I can’t, Sam. I can’t do it.”
A cry escaped from Eden’s cot, Grizz noticed and started to move. “I thought she’d stay asleep.”
Sighing and wishing she could have stayed quiet for even a minute more. “I’ll go.” Sam moves over to comfort her before Grizz could avoid this conversation any more than he was trying to.
“You should be the bigger person. You’re not talking to him now; you’re avoiding him and almost everyone else apart from us. What do you have to lose?” Sam signed this before picking Eden up, cradling her slowly in his arms. Grizz was way better than Sam at this, it just came naturally to him. For Sam, not so much.
Grizz didn’t want to argue with Sam, not anymore. He knew Sam was right, even if he didn’t quite want to admit it. And he missed Luke, he could say that at least. Things weren’t the same without him. He was still angry, still confused. He didn’t like to think about what had happened. But the more time passed, the less he could ignore it. “Okay, okay… fine. I’ll talk to him.”
“Well, not now. I’m doing a very important job.” Grizz slowly walked up to the two standing by the crib. He loved to watch Sam with Eden. He knew Sam found it hard sometimes, he understood the importance and responsibility but also the burden. Not that Sam would ever truly admit that, not even to Grizz.
“Oh, and what’s that?”
“Becoming Eden’s favourite person.” Grizz moved his hand to delicately stroke Eden’s cheek, a little hiccup appeared from her mouth which made both Sam and Grizz smile.
“Okay, but after, yes?” Sam moved back, Eden still in his arms, giving Grizz a meaningful look. He trusted Grizz, he’d trust Grizz with anything, but he just needed to hear him to say the words.
“Yes, Sam, after. I promise.” Grizz gave Sam a small smile, one that meant so much more than the two realised. Sam had Grizz wrapped around his little finger, but that didn’t bother Grizz one bit. Not at all.
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frankie-idk · 1 year
this is my grave to all the ships i lost because netflix is the worst
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
Netflix continuously cancelling shows with queer leads in honestly fucking excruciating. Everytime i fall in love with a character and seeing myself in a character in a show just to have to ripped away again and again. Especially when it comes to WLW. I am god damn bloody sick of it.
The Society: Grizz and Sam
I Am Not Okay With This: Syd and Dina
The Bastard Son: Nathan and Gabriel
Julie and The Phantoms: Alex and Willie
First Kill: Juliette and Cali
Everything Sucks: Kate and Emaline
Atypical: Cassie and Izzie
One Day At a Time: Elena and Syd
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endyourpartofthestory · 11 months
I will never forgive Netflix for taking Sam and Grizz away from me
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kingstevethebisexual · 3 months
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Grizz from the Society. This took me a week to finish💀. I NEED A SEASON TWO‼️
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nocturneharbor · 2 years
I want someone to look at me the way Grizz Visser looks at Sam Eliot in that one prom scene
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grizztheexplorer · 1 year
2023 and saw a Grizz and Sam tiktok….. they deserved so much better pls im still mourning
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elisabeth-13 · 1 year
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perriwinklesblog · 2 years
What is your ficccccc I wanna know
Okay so. It is the only fanfiction I’ve written.
And contrary to what my blog may suggest, it is not a dsmp or even minecraft fic.
It’s a continuation of The Society which I had started before it got cancelled.
It’s unfinished, there are grammatical and spelling errors throughout, no beta we die like Cassandra
But I love it. I like reading it. And whilst I deviate slightly from the series, I hope it’s still satisfying. I do also plan to finish it eventually. I know how it ends and I know what I want to do with each character. It’s just life can get so freaking busy.
If you do want to read it, it’s After by Ilikewrite
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imaginefan · 2 years
Favour For An Old Friend
Campbell Eliot X Reader
Word Count: 876
Requested: Anon
Request: Campbell comes to you for help, he is framed for something he didn't do and wants to clear his name but he can't do it alone and he knows you're the one to go. The two of you were friend's but when they got stuck at new world you 2 decided to not talk anymore the 2 of you do like each other but never admitted it. (One shot hope this makes sense) thank you.
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Campbell was a friend of yours before you ended up in the new world, when you did get there he saw a chance to have a better life and decided that he didn't see a place for you in that model plan so he made the choice not to talk to you anymore, you didn't fight too hard for his friendship because in all honesty the ability to separate yourself from him was breath of fresh air. You decided to do everything that you could to help them build a society that was actually going to work. Your parents were lawyers so there was a lot that you picked up from hearing them talk about cases together or to others involved. You still however lived across the street from Campbell so you saw every time that entered and exited the house and it reminded you of house easily. He dropped you when he realized that there was a chance to get someone else.
Campbell was as smart as he had always been and when he was accused of being an accomplice in Cassandra's murder he knew exactly who he needed to call to get out of this, he knew that he had suggested it to a bunch of high teenager, it wasn't his fault that one of them took it seriously. "Are you ready to talk yet?" Allie asked as she walked with her arms crossed over her chest. "Go and find (Y/N)." Campbell ordered, she looked at him and frowned. "Why would I do that?" She asked. "She's going to clear all of this up for you, she lives across the street from me, she can tell you if I left the house the night." Campbell answered "and don't you think that if you're going to do something legally then you should have someone who knows something about law?" Allie thought over what he said before turning away from him and leaving the room. "Are you okay?" Sam asked. "Where's (Y/N)?" Allie asked, there were variations of 'I don't know' sounding around the room before Grizz offered to go and find you.
When you finally got to the house they had all been talking for a while and it seemed that there was something that they didn't agree on "will you stop yelling and tell me what I'm doing here?" You asked and you looked at the group. "Campbell said that you'd be able to prove that he was innocent." Allie said and you sighed as you looked at the door behind then that you assumed he was behind. "He's probably right about that." You said as you walked over to the door "can I talk to him?" "Yeah." Allie answered, letting you go into the room. Campbell had his head leant against the radiator behind him, a smirk spread across his face as he realized that it was you. "Why call on me and not your little girlfriend?" You asked. "Ellie doesn't have a legal background." He shrugged. "Campbell, once this is done, I'm not helping you with anything else, you were the one that decided to stop talking to me, I don't owe you anything." You informed him before calling out to Allie asking her to come in. "He's right, there a lot that I know about him, for starters he's never spoken to this other kid before we pretty much hung out everyday before we came here, he didn't know him until the night in question, there's no motive for wanting Cassandra killed, and most importantly there's no charge here." You explained. "There's a charge if it's true!" Allie answered. "Right, what was the accusation?" You asked. "That he told him how to do it!" Allie answered now, becoming more and more angry. "Right and do any of the people present remember him saying that?" You asked. "They were all high." She answered. "Including the person making the accusation?" You asked. "Yes." She answered through gritted teeth. "The last thing that goes against you is I saw him going into his house long before the shooting and he didn't come back out." You answered. "Can I go now?" Campbell asked.
Campbell followed you as you made your way out of the house and back towards your own "thanks." He said and you looked back at him. "I meant it when I said I was done with you, have a nice life Campbell." You said before turning away from him and walking in the direction of your own house. "You're only angry because of Ellie!" He called after you and you stopped walking, you turned to him and nodded. "Maybe I am! Maybe I'm angry because I dedicated my life to you, I fell for you and I wanted to be so much more than a friend to you but never mind, we're done now." You finally admitted everything that you had been keeping a secret before actually turning away from him and walking away, unknown to you Campbell had been stunned into silence because having you walked away from him made him feel something he didn't understand and the one person he'd ask about it was the one who caused it.
*Part 2*
Requests and general question!
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foresthavenwrites · 2 years
received requests [32/30]
Norman Osborn x minor!Reader
Shoto Aizawa x minor student!Reader
Raihan x minor!Reader x Piers
Percy de Rolo grooming 14yo dhampir!Reader
(Genshin Impact) Diona x older sibling!Reader
yandere!Light Yagami x Reader
Touch repulsed!Nezu x student!Reader
Adrian Ivashkov x 17yo Guardian dhampir!Reader nsft
JD x sibling Heather!Reader ficlet
Mr Grizz x Reader
Molag Bal x altmer!Reader
Sangwoo x minor!Reader nsft
Chet Clancy x 16yo campe!Reader
Chris Redfield x groomed minor!Reader
Jim Hopper x groomed kidnapped minor!Reader
Reader being the parent of Hastur (The baby in Yellow)
Charlie Anderson x minor!Reader nsft
Byeong-gi x bookworm!Reader
Susamaru x Reader who makes dumb plans that work
Salvatore Moreau friends to lovers hcs
Leon Kennedy x 17yo!Reader, nsft
Vera (Camp Camp) x Reader who likes to tease
Ty Lee x kichidere!Reader
Mickey Altieri x Reader who loves fashion
Yandere dust!Sans x 15yo cat loli!Reader nsft
Sam Larusso x Daniel Larusso x Terry Silver x Terry's child Jennifer Check!Reader
Toshinori Yagi x 1-B assistant teacher!Reader
Kyoko Sakura first kiss with Reader
Twice X league parent!Reader, comfort and kisses
Pepa x Reader x Felix
Madam Red x Reader x Grell
RZ!Michael Myers x sibling!Reader ficlet
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ankabaiam · 2 years
Entering a new fandom with not enough fan content be like:
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daisiesdaggers · 2 years
facts about grizz visser
— an extended list that i wrote back when i was (really) obsessed with this show. recycled from my notes app.
he tucks his pants into his socks
his first line in the show was a compliment
he owns a shirt that says "danger: i am a hugger"
he owns handcuffs. actual handcuffs.
he has a framed picture of edgar allan poe hanging on his bedroom wall
he tends to keep his hair tie on his hand, rather than his wrist
we rarely see him in short sleeved shirts, even when it's clearly warm or hot outside and other characters are wearing summer clothes. this might show that he is uncomfortable exposing his body, as a result of being in the closet his whole life. the only 2 times we see him in a T-shirt/shirtless are when he's with Sam (i recently figured out that jack mulhern has tattoos on his arm and it's probably easier to put him in a long sleeve than cover them up, but whatever, the headcanon is still valid)
he likes Sherlock Holmes
he quotes/recognizes a number of literary references throughout the show (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Christopher Durang, Cicero, Aeschylus, the Bible), which shows he is very knowledgeable and well-read
he has a garden
he likes losing track of time in said garden
he was really nervous when he approached sam at prom and he flinched when someone walked by
before entering the library to show sam the new words he learned in sign language, he was hesitant and almost walked out, but decided to enter anyway
somewhere there's a picture of him wearing a feather boa
he liked tap dancing
he's 6'2'' (1,87m)
he's not afraid to call his friends on their bullshit
he wore a green shirt and a funky bow with sweatpants to prom
he's very in touch with his feelings and cries easily
his voice gets higher when he's annoyed or frustrated
he cares a lot about allie
he didn't know BSL and ASL are different languages
he crosses his ankles when he sits down
he had a crush on sam before they got stuck in new ham, he just decided not to act on it because he was planning to leave the town and come out in college
i don't know how many people this post is gonna reach cause the fandom is pretty much dead and gone and buried but if you're currently obsessed with grizz & the society i hope you enjoy this <3
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sprnklersplashes · 2 years
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sacred prayer, and we’d swear to remember it all too well
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grizzisahugger · 3 years
rewatching the society to feel something and grizz is getting it DONE
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