nikki-rook · 8 months
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You kinda make nerdy... Sexy
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halopedia · 6 months
Looks like Iratus might have some competition.
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geekstuffkittykat · 6 months
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Hope this isn't a spoiler to those who haven't been able to access season 5, as an Aussie who was able to sneakily watch it. I adored Humphrey's attention this season and I especially loved this adorable scene so after over 2 months of art block and mental health drop I finally managed to scribble out this painting. 😇
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juneandnick · 2 months
5x08 - Motherland / 5x09 - Allegiance
Joseph Lawrence about reuniting Osblaine in New Bethlehem.
To Nick: Your baby could have a sibling. You could be with both of your children. You could be with both of the women you love.
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To June: After last night, it would be even more effective if June Osborne chose to return to Gilead to be close to her child. You can be close to Nick too. He will be there. You could be neighbours. You could borrowncups of sugar from each other.
Source Pictures: Screenshots (by me)
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thismagicintheair · 1 year
I have feelings and they are currently all about #Chenford
I want to start by saying that I am so thankful and grateful for such an incredible Season 5.  I have to admit I was not here for it from the start.  I am one of those viewers who was scrolling through Tim Tok one day and for whatever reason my FYP ended up with quite a bit of Rookie and Chenford scenes mainly from 5x01 and the apartment scene got me instantly hooked.  I immediately closed the app, googled the show, found that the entire series was on Hulu and dived head first into the greatest binge watch of my life.  Yes I started the show mainly and specifically for #Chenford ( I thought I was going to get them from the start only to find out the romantic aspect of Tim & Lucy didn’t start until Season 5) but stayed because it quickly became such a comfort show.  I sat day after day enjoying and continuing my binge watch of the show to be quickly caught up all the way throughout season 5 so I can become a live viewer for when the show returned after the winter break in January!
Sometimes I wish I was a viewer from the very beginning so I could have been there from the start to watch the natural progression of Tim and Lucy throughout the 5 years/5 seasons instead of bingeing their entirety in 2 months.  I have to give props to all of the OG fans who did that- you knew that #Chenford were coming from miles away and to sit through one of the best slow burns of TV over the course of 5 years deserves all the trophies in the world!
With all of that being said, I am just a viewer like everyone else, so my opinion/ thoughts really hold nothing, but I do want to express them or else they will stay bottled in and I will literally explode.
I have absolutely loved the progression of #Chenford not only in Season 5, but of them throughout the whole series.  I could cover how they evolved season by season, but I mainly want to focus on the ending of Season 4 and all of Season 5.  Alexi/the writers were right in waiting so long to make #Chenford into a romantic relationship.  I truly don’t think it would have been as successful and meaningful if they dove head first into the romantic side of them after hearing thats what the fans wanted.  I think one of the main reasons they have been so successful in the romantic side of the relationship in season 5 is because of everything that they went through seasons 1-4 being friends.  They truly learned everything about each other, the good the bad and the ugly.  
4x21 and 4x22 are the episode that changed it all for them in terms of feelings.  The turning point for Lucy in 4x21 was watching Tim fake propose to Ashley; her reaction wouldn’t have been so visceral if Tim was only a friend.  I think it was evident at that point that he meant much, much more to her.  The turning point for Tim was in 4x22 after their practice kiss.  It was like a bolt of lighting crashing over him watching him realize just how much more Lucy means to him.
Which brings us to Season 5.  Not only did Season 5 give us some of the best storylines and writing but of course if gave us what we all have been waiting for, #Chenford. Season 5 started off with a bang; the writers knew exactly what they were doing coming back from a summer hiatus with 5x01. I think over the course of 5x01 to 5x07 they knew themselves that they had feelings for the other, but I don’t think either of them realized that their feelings were mutual.  Which leads us to one of the best episodes of the entire series, 5x08, “The Collar”. This episode changed the entire course of their relationship.  I am thankful the writers made Chris come on so strong to Lucy with pushing for house hunting because it made Lucy take a step back and made her actually sit and think on her feelings for not only Chris but Tim as well.  Does she feel for Chris what she knows she’s been feeling for Tim for quite some time? No, and the answer is evident throughout the entire episode.  She was dismissive and cold towards Chris where as she was open and honest with Tim and lets not forget to mention that it was all talked about in the shop which was a big no-no for Tim in the start of their friendship. After Tim’s, “Lucy, you deserve someone who is worth the effort” and Lucy’s, “He’s great, he’s just not…” I think it clicked for the both of them with their “Oh” moment.  In that shop after those words were spoken, they just knew.  When they sat down in the precinct parking lot and admitted their feelings to each other (which we all watched 536 times) was a long time coming. I also think the events of the day helped push them too that conversation, not truly living and being honest with themselves until they are honest with each other.  Who would’ve thought the Tim we watched in Season 1 would be the same Tim we just watched take a big, deep breathe and ask Lucy out to dinner.  It was all in, now or nothing.  Lucy’s quick ‘yes’ followed by immediate hesitation in no way reflects her feelings for Tim.  It’s literally her wanting to be a decent human and wanted to do things the right way and break things off with Chris so she can go into a proper relationship with Tim the right way. All I can think about is each of their smiles as I am typing this up!!!
Fast forward to after the break with the back half of Season 5 and we get all of #Chenford’s first: first date, first kisses, first time all within a 3 span episode and they were some of the best episodes we could have gotten.  But then the momentum shifts between them and it is noticeable it is a shift that was necessary.  Being an avid Twitter user, especially on #TheRookie Twitter, it was talked about; a lot.  “Why aren’t we getting more #Chenford kisses?”, “Why do Tim and Lucy barely hold hands?”, “Why aren’t they in every scene of every new episode?” only a few of hundreds of other tweets made about the progression of Tim & Lucy’s relationship. The main issue for a lot of fans being why we don’t get to see on screen between Tim & Lucy what we saw on screen between Lucy and Nolan.  The relationship between John and Lucy was never meant to last, so they did with that as they pleased.  Tim & Lucy are meant to last. As much as we LOVE having relationship #Chenford on our screen, I think a lot of the fans have forgotten that this isn’t the “Tim and Lucy show”.  To its core, it is about John Nolan, yes it did veer away from him being the main focus in later seasons but there are more characters to see and storylines to tell than that only of Tim and Lucy.  
What we saw of #Chenford in Season 5B was that of a real relationship.  We watched them at work, we watched them off- duty, we watched them with Tamara and with their co-workers.  We watched them be in a romantic relationship.  I personally couldn’t have asked for anything more.  I would take the conversations that they had between each other over a kiss any day.  We have never seen Tim be so open and vulnerable with anyone in this show, ever.  But here is is telling Lucy that if he looses her, his pain and everything that he went through (assuming with Isabel) will all be for nothing (screams internally)!!!!!!!!!!!  Give me the raw, the deep, the vulnerability, the openness!!! Just like in any relationship in the real world, it won’t work if there is no communication.  Why have #Chenford worked so well romantically, because every next big step they take, there is open communication continually between them.  At the end of the day, we have no control over what has happened with the story progression of Tim and Lucy and we still won’t have any control over it for Season 6.  The only thing that we can have is gratefulness.  We could still be in the pining era of #Chenford, as great as that was I will gladly take full blown relationship era of them every chance that I get.
With a brand new renewed Season 6, I can’t wait to see what S6 will have in store for not only every character but of course for #Chenford.  It will be the first season where we will start with Tim & Lucy being in an already established, loving relationship.  That’s not to say the entirety of S6 should only be rainbows and butterflies between them because that would be 100% unrealistic.  I fully expect for more ups and downs, or in better terms: angst, to come our way regarding our favorite on screen couple, but I don’t think anything will be the breaking point for them.  But I also do think that our expectations of what we want to see on our screens wont be high either as the newness of #Chenford won’t be the main focus anymore, nor should it be.  And I say that in the best way possible. Who knows how Season 6 will start, or even when it will start (Support Our Writers!!), but I will be seated happily waiting for it! In the meantime, a summer re-watch of #TheRookie will commence while also reading some of the best fan-fiction ever written!
The Rookie has easily become one of my favorite shows with Tim and Lucy being one of the best on screen relationships I have ever watched.  I truly am so thankful for Tik Tok which brought me into one of the best, most welcoming fandoms I have ever been a part of!
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chuuyasmonster · 9 months
Atsushi just wanted someone by his side no matter how bad things get. IM GOING TO CRY 
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alanisblogfan · 1 year
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nukteross-al · 7 months
The Dragon Prince... Why does Callum Eyes turned yellow for a short period of time ?
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aura866 · 7 months
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lisagarmadon · 9 months
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And they say this show is for kids 🙄
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nikki-rook · 9 months
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You wanna meet the rest of my crew?
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[in an argument]
Gabriel: Fuck you!
Nathalie: Later. Now, listen here you little shit.
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meikerai3d · 2 months
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STVTOE 5 season
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juneandnick · 9 months
Source Video: Tik Tok
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ladymars34 · 11 months
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-Pequeña Akira, deja que entre de nuevo. Cuando tus padres los tuvieron a tu hermano y a tí sabían que este día llegaría...ellos te entregaron a mí para que Apolo pudiera reinar este sistema solar. - No-no...no permitiré que el Caos regrese a destruir a mi familia. Además tratas de ponernos en contra, es mi gemelo y no desconfiaría de él ni aunque me lo pidieran. -Veo que tienes una mente fuerte, pero haremos una cosa, dame tu parte del Supremo cristal dorado y estaremos en un trato. Recuerda, Sailor Galaxia es el poder absoluto. Princesa solar...no lo olvides. -Si con eso me dejarás en paz está bien, solo con una condición, no le hagas daño a mi hermano. Por favor, no quiero lastimarlo otra vez ni a Selena. - Trato hecho Helena, ahora...dame tu cristal Sailor, el cristal ámbar... Bella Soldado Sailor Moon L Constelación Por fin, es hora de reabrir el cielo...α Sagitario estallará english
-Little Akira, let me in again. When your parents had you and your brother, they knew this day would come...they gave you to me so that Apollo could rule this solar system. - No-no... I will not allow Chaos to come back to destroy my family. Besides, you try to turn us against him, he's my twin and I wouldn't mistrust him even if they asked me to. -I see that you have a strong mind, but we will do one thing, give me your share of the Supreme golden crystal and we will be in a deal. Remember, Sailor Galaxia is absolute power. Solar princess...don't forget. -If you leave me alone with that, that's fine, only on one condition, don't hurt my brother. Please, I don't want to hurt him or Selena again. - Deal done Helena, now...give me your Sailor crystal, the amber crystal... Beautiful Soldier Sailor Moon L Constellation Finally, it's time to reopen the sky...α Sagittarius will burst
Season 1
Act.1 part 2
December 2023-January 2024 on Webtoon
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actuallytomholland · 2 years
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Cobra Kai Season 5 Announcement Looking FIRE
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