#seis oc
kaziearts · 3 months
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Year of the Dragon
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seilucard · 6 months
being a child of the muses
okay okay but hear me out: a pjo-sona that is absolutely useless at everything BUT story-telling and writing
the cabins for each muse are found underneath a large and beautiful pavilion with a stage in the middle. oftentimes, you will find children of the 9 muses taking turns going up on stage and reciting poetry, strumming their lyres, and what have you. on some days, the stage is taken down and replaced with an amateur art gallery or a make-shift observatory for the children of urania. art is the beating heart of these cabins, and the campers are its lifeblood - the vessels that bring the place to life. literally.
the cabins started out as plain. it was the songs and dance of the campers that made the place start blooming with nature, fae, and fauna.
in the cabin of calliope, there lives a single resident - the oldest half-blood among all the 9 cabins. the cabin itself is filled from top to bottom with books, many of which were donations from other campers, or from their own personal collection. it was the closest thing the camp had to a library, really, and plenty of children of the other 8 muses frequented this place when they hit a creative block.
there, they could speak with the cabin's counselor, whose nose could always be reliably found in a book. if they weren't reading a book, then they would be knee-deep in parchment paper, scribbling down ideas as they came.
they were not known for their voice, nor their grace. in fact, their cousins liked to joke that their singing sounded shrill like an owl's. but the counselor didn't mind, and took the teasing in stride. after all, what they lacked in music, they all the more made up for in the art of writing.
they like to write children's books in their free time. just short, and simple ones, long enough to be able to lull young campers to sleep on especially difficult nights. whereas writing used to be an absolutely useless skill in the camp when our character first arrived, they have found themselves filling up a valuable niche in the community.
they tell stories to the young ones, and give advice to those who seek out their destinies. being well-read has made them insightful and wise, and they are often called upon when prophecies are given to help decipher their meanings.
just. an absolutely nerdy bookworm in the middle of all these buff half-bloods getting ready for the next big battle. not having to force themselves into being the warrior they're not. being intrinsically different from everyone but still finding a way to fit in and be loved by their huge dysfunctional family.
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araremonaka · 1 month
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My OC Sei
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The Billiard Family!
There are changes going on with the family, so for now, here are those who I was able to draw at the moment!
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koiinoborii · 1 year
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A reference for Sei !!! 🌸⭐💕
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astralcamellia · 2 months
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Day 060
Dottore x OC, but I'm going for more of a horror aspect
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kisekiii25 · 8 months
a moment of peace
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iersei · 3 months
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there’s got to be better ways to deal with your internalized homophobia
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elf-simp · 26 days
A brief exchange.
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I sense you close I can taste your smile. Cut the wire and wait for me outside. As you release remain close and still. Still...
We are useless beneath this trance of mine. Everyone watching us wave it around. And the fangs start coming out.
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florizzia · 1 month
[Pt-Br] - De alguma forma eu acho que a "construção de mundo" das minhas Fanfics pode ser um tanto quanto confusa, então eu meio que fiz um resumo muito bem resumido disso e decidi postar aqui para que futuramente ninguém que for lê-las futuramente fique deveras confuso.
[Eng] - Somehow I think that the "worldbuilding" of my Fanfics can be a bit confusing, so I kind made a very brief summary of it and decided to post it here so that no one who reads them in the future will be really confused. (The english version is after the portuguese one, and it's translated by google translator because my brain is not with us anymore.)
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●Criaturas Estranhas, Mas Importantes:
↳Criadores: Criaturas que estão além da consciência humana, podem assumir diferentes formas e apresentar diferente habilidades. Alguns criadores gostam de manter as mesmas habilidades que suas criações, se não mais poderosas ainda. Outros, no entanto, preferem habilidades básicas ou nenhuma.
↳Delta (1): A princípio era apenas um mecanismo sem qualquer objetivo, mas que acabou absorvendo acidentalmente da alma de sua criadora e se tornou uma entidade.
●A Divisão Universal:
↳A Realidade: A Realidade é a Realidade, nada mais e nada menos. É nela que você vive, caro Espectador/Leitor.
↳Fandoms (Comunidades): As Fandoms, ou Comunidades, são locais onde muitos Criadores habitam, eles normalmente escolhem uma Comunidade em específico para viverem e regem seus universos (independentemente de que Fandom eles sejam) dali.
↳Universo Original: O Universo Original, como já é de se esperar, é o universo original da obra e que pode ser fragmentado em dois, um sendo a versão canônica enquanto o outro seria a interpretação de cada Criador/Espectador.
↳Universos Alternativos/Linhas do Tempo: Universos Alternativos e Linhas do Tempo permanecem tendo o mesmo significado e funcionamento, embora existam os Universos Alternativos Originais (aqueles sem qualquer influência de terceiros além da de seus criadores Originais) e os Universos Alternativos derivados das alterações da Comunidade; eles também estão estritamente ligados com o Universo Original e o Multiverso.
↳Multiverso: O Multiverso é um imenso vazio onde os Universos Alternativos se encontram aglomerados e interligados, normalmente é regido por um Criador, ou por algum guardião de confiança deste. O Multiverso é formado e estruturado de maneira diferente de acordo com seu Criador, Universos Alternativos que existem no Multiverso de “A” podem não existir no de “B” e vice-versa. Também há um núcleo, ele é a parte mais importante de todo o Multiverso e pode facilmente ser desestabilizado, por isso o Criador ou Guardião Regente sempre devem estar atentos a ele.
O Multiverso Delta tem Gimi como Criadora e Regente. Seu núcleo por muito tempo foi instável, no entanto foi estabilizado mais tarde com ajuda de seus habitantes. Não é incomum que Universos Alternativos abandonados ou não finalizados sejam destruídos, tal ocorrência é constante e acontece a cada poucos meses com a autorização de Gimi.
●Triângulo de Três Pontas {[I]CG}:
↳[Ipê]: [Ipê] morreu ainda muito jovem, não tendo mais que 18 anos de idade, ela era a primogênita de um casal de classe média, que era muito amoroso com ambas as filhas, embora, em alguns momentos e situações, [Ipê] fosse vilanizada por eles em relação a sua irmã mais nova. [Ipê] era uma Criadora desconhecida e sem noção de qualquer tipo de magia, suas criações nunca foram finalizadas ou reconhecidas. Todavia, antes de morrer, por causas desconhecidas, mas com a especulação de um suicidio, [Ipê] criou uma entidade chamada Delta¹, que se apossou de sua Alma e a fez regredir no tempo. (Embora esta regressão tenha feito com que a Alma de [Ipê] deixasse a linha da Realidade e fosse parar em um Universo completamente diferente.)
↳Casia: Casia pode ser dita como a “segunda vida” de [Ipê], ela era/é uma híbrida felina, que nasceu em um Universo místico e cheio de criaturas mágicas e igualmente anormais. A família de Casia foi massacrada quando ela ainda era bebê e ela acabou sendo criada por uma dona de casa e seu marido.
Não se tem muitas informações em relação a sua vida até o momento em que ela começou a frequentar a escola durante o ensino médio, sua influência começou a crescer sobre outras criaturas e ela fez um acordo com um demônio raposa chamado Kurama. Ambos eram uma mistura cármica e caótica, mesmo ainda muito jovens.
No fim, Casia tampouco passou dos 18 anos de idade, seu Universo entrou em colapso e ela acabou morrendo junto com ele. Sua Alma, ainda atrelada ao Delta, que retira e armazena parte de sua essência, é forçada a regredir no tempo mais uma vez. (Agora, voltando a linha da Realidade.) 
Mais tarde Gimi a trouxe de volta à vida, usando a essência de sua própria alma que foi armazenada pelo Delta.
↳Gimi: A Alma de [Ipê] retorna para o próprio Universo e Linha do Tempo, embora algumas modificações aparentemente haviam sido feitas. Gimi nasceu acompanhada de seu irmão gêmeo, Murilo Henrique (ou apenas Henry), que vivia antagonizando-a. Gimi viveu o que [Ipê] viveu, mesmo que ela estivesse sempre à sombra do irmão. 
Aos 4 anos de idade, Gimi despertou as memórias adormecidas, tanto de [Ipê] quanto de Casia, que foram armazenadas pelo Delta. Junto de tais lembranças veio um despertar mágico que colidiu sua Realidade com as Comunidades. Gimi acabou acordando em uma cama de flores sob uma montanha com todas as lembranças de seus eus passados e a noção de que era uma criadora. Ela desde então se estabeleceu na Comunidade de Undertale e rege o Multiverso Delta junto de suas versões e criações em outras Fandoms.
Mais informações sobre Gimi não são relevantes no momento, todas elas estarão aparecendo em minhas Fanfics (em que Gimi aparece em todas elas).
{English Version - If somethin it's wrong or strange, it's google translator falt}
●Strange but Important Creatures:
↳Creators: Creatures that are beyond human consciousness, can take on different forms and have different abilities. Some creators like to keep the same abilities as their creations, if not even more powerful. Others, however, prefer basic skills or none at all.
↳Delta (1): At first it was just a mechanism without any objective, but it ended up accidentally absorbing from its creator's soul and becoming an entity.
●The Universal Division:
↳Reality: Reality is Reality, nothing more and nothing less. This is where you live, dear Spectator/Reader.
↳Fandoms (Communities): Fandoms, or Communities, are places where many Creators live, they usually choose a specific Community to live in and govern their universes (regardless of which Fandom they are from) from there.
↳Original Universe: The Original Universe, as expected, is the original universe of the work and can be fragmented into two, one being the canonical version while the other would be the interpretation of each Creator/Spectator.
↳Alternative Universes/Timelines: Alternative Universes and Timelines remain having the same meaning and functioning, although there are Original Alternative Universes (those without any influence from third parties other than that of their Original creators) and Alternative Universes derived from changes in Community; they are also strictly linked with the Original Universe and the Multiverse.
↳Multiverse: The Multiverse is an immense void where Alternative Universes are clustered and interconnected, it is normally governed by a Creator, or by some trusted guardian thereof. The Multiverse is formed and structured differently according to its Creator, Alternative Universes that exist in the Multiverse of “A” may not exist in that of “B” and vice versa. There is also a core, it is the most important part of the entire Multiverse and can easily be destabilized, which is why the Creator or Ruling Guardian must always be aware of it.
The Delta Multiverse has Gimi as Creator and Ruler. Its core was unstable for a long time, however it was later stabilized with the help of its inhabitants. It is not uncommon for abandoned or unfinished Alternate Universes to be destroyed, such an occurrence is constant and happens every few months with Gimi's authorization.
●Three-Pointed Triangle {[I]CG}:
↳[Ipê]: [Ipê] died at a very young age, no more than 18 years old, she was the firstborn of a middle-class couple, who were very loving towards both daughters, although, in some moments and situations, [Ipê] was villainized by them in relation to her younger sister. [Ipê] was an unknown Creator with no idea of ​​any type of magic, her creations were never completed or recognized. However, before dying, for unknown causes, but with speculation of suicide, [Ipê] created an entity called Delta¹, which took over his Soul and made it regress in time. (Although this regression caused the Soul of [Ipê] to leave the line of Reality and end up in a completely different Universe.)
↳Casia: Casia can be said to be the “second life” of [Ipê], she was/is a feline hybrid, who was born in a mystical Universe full of magical and equally abnormal creatures. Casia's family was massacred when she was still a baby and she ended up being raised by a housewife and her husband.
There is not much information regarding her life until the moment she started attending school during high school, her influence began to grow over other creatures and she made a deal with a fox demon called Kurama. They were both a karmic and chaotic mixture, even though they were still very young.
In the end, Casia was not even 18 years old, her Universe collapsed and she ended up dying along with it. Your Soul, still tied to the Delta, which withdraws and stores part of your essence, is forced to regress in time once again. (Now, returning to the line of Reality.)
Gimi later brought her back to life, using the essence of her own soul that was stored by Delta.
↳Gimi: The Soul of [Ipê] returns to the Universe and Timeline itself, although some modifications had apparently been made. Gimi was born accompanied by her twin brother, Murilo Henrique (or just Henry), who was always antagonizing her. Gimi lived what [Ipê] lived, even if she was always in her brother's shadow.
At 4 years old, Gimi awakened the dormant memories of both [Ipê] and Casia, which were stored by Delta. Along with such memories came a magical awakening that collided their Reality with the Communities. Gimi ended up waking up in a bed of flowers under a mountain with all the memories of her past selves and the notion that she was a creator. She has since established herself in the Undertale Community and rules the Delta Multiverse alongside her versions and creations in other Fandoms.
More information about Gimi is not relevant at the moment, they will all be appearing in my Fanfics (in which Gimi appears in all of them).
{Por enquanto... Fim!!/For now... The End!!}
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[Pt-Br] - Eu quero agradecer muito my dear @atozzie, que me deu sua opinião e me ajudou a pontuar algumas coisinhas neste post!
[Eng] - I want to really thank my dear @atozzie, who gave me his/her/they opinion and helped me point out a few things in this post!
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shenrickyz · 13 days
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5 times seojun makes sure to look after jisung, and 1 time jisung returns the favor
FEATURING ᝢ kang seojun, park jisung, & nct dream ensemble. WARNINGS ᝢ 5+1 things, mentions of mark's graduation, overworking, and implications of depression. WORD COUNT ᝢ 9k  NOTES ᝢ okay okay so HIII!! first of all, this is for the biggest seoji fan ever aka @junjiie, also my bsf ever jj we all love you ☹️💟 second of all, this doesn't even scratch the surface when it comes to seoji, their dynamic is so intricate that i can't even to explain them bc i'll go crazy and start sobbing uncontrollably from how much i love them 😭😭 third, yes this is a 5+1 thing, going back to my ao3 roots and shit, you will never know the name of my account btw..🙁 just know there were a lot of weak hero things on there, i miss ao3 (i got locked out of my account), anyway, yeah this is a very experimental i wrote through many many all nighters and many iced coffees, but now it's done, seojun might be one of my fav nct ocs sorry zixin & niko 💗 seojun cutest person ever wbk!! okay bye bye dont crucify me pls 🙏
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jisung is on one of his nightly walks again.
nightly walks around the dorm that is, he isn't about to go outside at one in the morning, one; because renjun would definitely kill him if he ever found, and two; he doesn't need fresh air right now.
jisung finds his own body confusing, he's tired, but can't sleep. the ground is practically stabbing his feet, but he's already walked seven circles around the couch in this short amount of time. he feels out of it, he craves something, not food, he's not hungry, he's not thirsty either, he doesn't know exactly he feels. he's sleepless, yeah, but sleep probably won't do the trick.
thoughts are rampant in jisung's mind, many thoughts. the fucking comeback, the hours of practice he's gonna subject himself to, the hours of recording they'll have to endure, the hours he's spent without even eating, how is he still alive? he might collapse onto the floor in this very moment and sleep just like that.
but instead of that, jisung (or his feet, he guesses) has other plans. he stops his tenth lap around the couch and beelines towards seojun's room, those thoughts still rampant in his mind as he starts his way there.
seojun always pulls all-nighters, he truly only needs 3 hours of sleep to thrive in this world (his words, not jisung's). the other doesn't really get how that's healthy, considering seojun's a dancer, and he's constantly up 24/7, sleep should one of his top priorities, jisung doesn't understand how he never gets tired, but he guesses the constant need to be doing something is a huge factor.
the light in his room is on, jisung can see from the crack under the door, and even if it wasn't on, seojun is always awake. he lightly twists the doorknob, peaking his head through the opened door.
seojun is, of course, doing like three things at once. he's cleaning his glasses, has a book open, and is singing along to a song playing in his mind. when he hears the door open, he glances up, smiling at the sight of his fellow 02 liner. "hi, what's up?"
jisung pauses, holding the door with his shoulder so he can use his right hand to scratch his arm, he shrugs, licking his lips. "can't sleep" he says easily, and seojun just hums, sitting up.
he doesn't say any more, patting the spot beside him on his bed, beckoning for jisung to sit with him. the younger doesn't think twice before closing the door behind him (gently though, because hikari has issues with noise). the moment he sits himself down with seojun, he feels comfortable, cozy.
"why'd you come to my room?"
"you were the only one awake".
a lie, a pretty obvious one too. jisung knows hikari is also awake, he usually gets plagued with sleeplessness when comeback preparations roll around. jisung doesn't really know why he lied, it's not like seojun would reprimand him or anything.
seojun doesn't need to know it was a lie, though.
"mmh" seojun looks back to his glasses, putting the napkin back in the case. "why can't you sleep, ji?" he asks, glancing down at the book he'd previously been reading.
jisung glances down as well, eyes focusing on seojun's bracelet. "i don't know.." he mutters, beginning to fiddle with seojun's blanket, his nose scrunched as he takes in a deep breath. "just thinking, i guess".
"ah" seojun puts on his glasses and shakes his head. jisung always thought seojun looked exceptionally pretty like this— not that seojun isn't usually exceptionally pretty, jisung just thinks he looks so good in this current state. somewhat messy hair, reading glasses on, no makeup, just.. seojun. "so what? you want me to read you a story or something?"
"no i just.." jisung pauses, scouring his mind for the right words to say. seojun's eyes go back and forth, between the younger and pages on the book before him. "i'm just— i'm thinking too much, i need to just sit down and be fine".
jisung doesn't really think the words make sense, but seojun gets it, and jisung can see that he does with the way his eyes soften. "so you just want to sit in silence?" he asks, fingers caressing the cover of the book in his hands. jisung's eyes follow seojun's fingers, humming lightly.
"not really.. can we just talk?"
"about what?"
jisung groans, covering his face with his hands. "i don't know just.. stuff" anything to distract him from his irritating thoughts, he doesn't want to think about the comeback, or the performance, or sm, or anything pertaining to that, he just wants to talk about stupid shit, talking with seojun will relax his mind. "just don't be quiet".
"well lucky for you, park, i'm a professional loud mouth".
oh do i know.
jisung makes himself comfortable, lying his head down on one of seojun's many pillows. the older simply smiles down at him, glancing back at his book and only skimming the page before turning it. "what's keeping you up tonight?"
"comeback thoughts" jisung answers immediately, getting only a small hum from the older. "i don't know, i'm nervous, anxious, worried that i'll slip up and put the whole group in jeopardy?"
his tone is questioning, like he's even confused on why he's having such thoughts, but seojun doesn't reply. the silence isn't a taunting silence, one where jisung can tell seojun is making fun of him in his mind, it's more of a silence of solace, jisung likes how the air in the room feels, his thoughts aren't yelling at him right now, they're silent, they don't bother him. "is that weird?"
"it's weird that you think you'll ever mess up" the park almost rolls his eyes at the kang's words, but he doesn't interrupt him. "you're an amazing member, jisung, you're talented, you never slip up, and you'd never bring down the group".
"you're just saying that to make me feel better.."
"i say it all the time, though" seojun adds, and jisung has to admit, he is right, but he wants to remain stubborn, wants to ignore his reddening cheeks. "and i mean it, ji, don't ever think about yourself like that, you're important, and everyone thinks so".
the words make jisung pause, he doesn't have an immediate answer for them. seojun is just so good at doing that, making him speechless. it's not like what he said was new or revolutionary, seojun says shit like this all the time, it's just something about him, not exactly his words.
seojun makes jisung feel things he can't explain.
jisung's silence doesn't bug the older, who just takes his hand, intertwining their fingers. "you— we'll be fine".
"we always are, aren't we?"
at the words, seojun snickers, unconsciously tightening his hold on jisung's hand. "yeah, we always are".
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these days, jisung is easily tired.
maybe it's just the back to back promotions, having to learn five new choreographies and master them so he doesn't make a mistake on stage, so he doesn't upset any of the members. they're all having a rough time as well, he can't even begin to imagine how mark and donghyuck feel, knowing they have to do these promotions and also prepare for their upcoming 127 comeback (and apparently with a song they hate too, donghyuck is not a fan of sticker).
jisung just chalks up his exhaustion to the many hours he trudges around the practice room, doing the same dance seventeen times with minimal breaks, no sleep, then waking up and having to repeat the next day.
and jisung thinks it'll all be fine, because he has never actually ever been behind. if he has to force himself to learn a new choreography, he will, he doesn't care if one of his legs falls off, by the time jisung is seventy, he's probably still gonna be dancing himself to death.
so here jisung is, trying his best to keep his eyes open as he stares out the window of the van. it's way too late, schedules took way too long today, jisung just can't wait to get home, to lie down on his bed, and let the sleep take him away.
but for now, he's awake, wide awake. he's not exactly sure why he's keeping himself awake, some dumb reason he can't explain through the fatigue plaguing his own body. it's not like no one else is asleep, chenle dozed off forty five minutes ago, hikari and jeno are both gone, laying their heads on each other. it looks like sleep is about to take jaemin away pretty soon, renjun is silently sleeping in the seat in front of them, whilst mark and haechan are watching stupid videos, tired, but not tired as if they're about to sleep.
and seojun, seojun is wide awake.
seojun is always wide awake, jisung can never get it. seojun is one of the youngest members, and young people need sleep (that's what everyone says, at least), but every time jisung looks at seojun, he's awake. jisung doesn't know the last time he's seen seojun sleep— of course he sleeps, but jisung hasn't seen him doze off in a long time, the older must be an owl or something.
jisung finally stops looking out of the window, glancing over at seojun beside him. he takes his time observing the older. seojun is listening to music, a cnblue song, jisung can hear it faintly from his headphones. he lightly chuckles at the fact, and it seems that seojun hears him, removing one of his headphones. "did you say something?"
jisung suddenly startles, shaking his head through the tiredness attacking his body. "no i just.. nothing i said nothing".
seojun blinks, humming. he turns off his headphones, taking them off. "why aren't you sleeping?"
the question puzzles jisung. "what do you mean?"
"you're tired".
it's not a question, the words that escape seojun's lips are a remark, a statement. he isn't asking jisung if he's tired, if he wants to sleep, he's telling jisung that he's tired.
"that's funny" jisung replies, it's not surprising for seojun to have predicted this, it's obvious that he's tired, there are clear bags under his eyes, he can barely speak above a whisper, and he keeps having to pick himself up when his head starts slipping down, beckoning him to such a desirable slumber. "you just.. know?"
"it's pretty obvious" seojun responds, he doesn't display any kind of exhaustion, something that is absolutely stunning to jisung. seojun should be knocked out cold, he always does so much, but he never seems to ever be tired, he has to be some sort of superhuman, how does he survive without sleep? jisung will never know. "and i know you".
jisung could never disagree with that. sometimes, he thinks seojun might be a mind reader. he always knows when it comes to jisung, he can pick apart the smallest things, notice the smallest differences, and can somehow always know what he's thinking. on certain occasions, it freaks out jisung, just how much seojun knows, but on most occasions, it just confuses jisung.
"yeah, you know me so well.." jisung mutters, his tone is meant to come off as sarcastic, but seojun clearly can't notice because of how low he says it. he looks down at his feet, bumping them together.
"you should sleep".
jisung disagrees, he doesn't know why, he just wants to stay awake, staying awake is what he wants to do. "i'm not.. sleepy".
"you're a terrible liar" seojun chuckles, merely glancing at his phone before focusing all of his attention on the maknae. "you can sleep, you know, i'll wake you up when we get back".
"i don't wanna sleep".
"yes you do".
"no i don't".
"you do".
"i don't".
this childish back and forth comes out of nowhere, and it goes on for much longer than it should. it's nothing serious, playful bantering like this between the two has always been prominent in their relationship, arguing over stupid things has always been a them thing to do.
"will you stop fighting me on this?" seojun asks, his voice softening. "there's nothing wrong with sleeping, why don't you want to?"
"if i sleep, i'll sleep for too long".
seojun raises an eyebrow, clicking his tongue (a habit which makes jisung's stomach flip in ways that are so strange), a small hum leaves his lips and he leans back in his seat. "why's that a bad thing?"
"because i have to wake up early tomorrow to get extra practice in".
seojun laughs again, his laughter is a pretty harmony, one jisung loves witnessing. he doesn't mean to focus on it so much, the curve of seojun's mouth that is, but he does, he can't stop himself.
he feels himself get flicked in the head by the older, and a small yelp escapes his lips. "you dummy, that's really what your worried about?"
"dummy? you could at least not insult me.." jisung frowns, rubbing his forehead as he reels from the flick from seojun.
"seriously jisung, you need sleep".
jisung scoffs. "that's ironic for you to say" his words make seojun snort, he can't disagree with that. he's much too lively at a time like this, after the day they had, seojun still finds time to be awake, even while most of the members let their exhaustion take them away to dreamland. "you never sleep".
"this isn't about me, though" classic seojun, deflecting from anything pertaining to him and focusing on jisung. "it's alright if you sleep, i'll make sure to wake you up for your early practice".
the words come out in a joking way, but jisung knows seojun is serious when he says them, he just knows seojun, he knows how he is. seojun is always going to look after him, no matter how stubborn jisung tries to be, the older will never truly let him. taking care of him is his thing, jisung thinks the other will be looking after him until he dies.
and he wouldn't really mind it anyway.
"jisung" seojun grits his teeth, the tone is a warning, the kind of tone mark uses with the group when they're acting like idiots. jisung thinks it's so weird when seojun talks like this, because energetic, childish, outgoing seojun should never be sporting a tone like this. "don't argue with me, you need to sleep, i'll wake you up, you know it".
i do. but jisung doesn't say that, he just lets out a tired chuckle, shaking his head. "you're so assertive.." he mutters, scooting closer and leaning his head down onto seojun's shoulder.
"anything to make sure you get sleep" seojun carts his hand through jisung's hair, an easier way to coax him to sleep, but jisung doesn't think it was on purpose, just seojun being seojun. "i'll wake you up tomorrow, and when we get back".
he doesn't need to reiterate his words for jisung to know, seojun is always going to take care of him, making sure everything is going okay with him. "uh huh, thanks".
though jisung says those words with a tone of mild irritation, he doesn't mean it.
and seojun knows, because he always knows.
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"hyung have you seen my—oh.."
jisung can't even focus on what he's looking for anymore, because he walks into the kitchen turned bakery and experiences a type of whiplash he doesn't think could ever be replicated. he's met with the immediate aroma of chocolate chips, cookies, cookies are being made. he stops in his tracks, because the sudden chocolate chips which litter his nose aren't the only surprise.
"oh hi jisungie!" jaemin exclaims, quickly taking jisung's attention away from everything else. "what were you looking for?" jisung feels like his mind has gone blank as he tries to figure out everything he needs to articulate right now.
"my uh.. my watch" he responds, but the watch is the furthest thing on his mind. "why are you all, baking?" he finally asks, catching the attention of his fellow members.
"were doing something nice for mark!" renjun exclaims, his words muffled, his mouth is full of something. "celebrating golden hours release!"
ah, that makes sense. jisung finds the gesture cute, how they're gathering together to do something nice for mark, he really is special to them. all of them. "oh, so you're making just cookies?" he asks, not knowing what to do, so he just stands awkwardly.
"no, were making brownies too".
"were trying to make brownies" jaemin corrects, making donghyuck whip his head back to glare at him. "you didn't even get the right cocoa powder for the recipe".
"okay and? the brownies will still be good it's not like mark will even notice!"
and just like that, the pair begin arguing. wow, how fitting for them. jisung is quick to tune out of their argument, instead walking around to the other side of the kitchen counter, making his way to a certain someone.
seojun had been quiet the whole time, which is, frankly, unusual. jisung notices immediately how focused he is on making sure the cookie dough and chocolate chips mix together perfectly, so focused that he doesn't even look up to greet jisung when the younger stands beside him.
"hello? earth to seojun?" jisung calls out, suddenly craving the older males attention. the kang finally looks up, but he doesn't pause his aggressive mixing, his arm continuing to do it's thing. "are you okay?"
"hm? yeah, why wouldn't i be?"
"well.. you're quiet" jisung immediately remarks, opting to tell seojun about his newfound observation instead of making small talk. "that's weird".
seojun snickers, poking jisung's cheek (a gesture which the younger pretends to be annoyed by). "i just need to make sure these cookies are perfect, i want mark hyung to like it.."
he pokes his tongue through his inner cheek, and jisung simply nods. he gets it, seojun's need to impress mark goes way back, all the way back to their trainee days, where an eleven year old seojun would do extra well in practice just to get better praises from mark. "he will, when have you ever disappointed him?"
jisung can't do the complimenting as well as seojun does, but at least they have the same affect, because seojun smiles. a small, cute stretch that highlights his pretty pink lips.
jisung has no idea why he's staring there anyway..
"you know what, you're right, i shouldn't be stressing so much about this, these are just baked treats at the end of the day".
"glad you can see that".
the pair go unnaturally silent, the chatter of their fellow members still prominent in their ears, but nothing else seemed to matter to the 02 liners. jisung doesn't break the silence, intertwining his finger with seojun's. seojun has pretty hands, is that weird of jisung to say? no, he doesn't think it is. the rings that litter his fingers fit him so well, a barrage of gold and silver metal that compliment him perfectly.
seojun, who also doesn't say anything, just takes the act of affection as it is. his lips part, as if he wants to say something, but he immediately closes them, staying silent. jisung doesn't try to force seojun to talk, seojun doesn't try to force jisung to talk, they just stand there with their fingers laced together, comfortable in the silence overtaking them.
then suddenly, the two of them engage in a high end staring content. at this point, everyone else seems to be absolutely useless, the only thing mattering in the moment being them and their little staring competition. jisung loses almost immediately, because he does the stupid thing and lets his eyes wander down towards seojun's lips, totally not purposefully of course!
seojun laughs at the direction his eyes go, and it makes jisung immediately look up, blinking at the older.
but before he can say anything, chenle's familiar pterodactyl screech sounds in their ears.
the shout is enough to snap seojun and jisung out of their thing, and jisung's cheeks flare up immediately, he forgot everyone else was still here. seojun snaps out of his little daze much more naturally though, even with the red hue that tints his cheeks.
"coming!" seojun quickly looks back to jisung. "uh.. do this for me? please?" jisung could never really refuse, even if seojun was really just asking him to stir cookie dough and chocolate chips for him. "i'll pay you back".
"no no it's fine go help chenle" jisung whispers, not knowing if he could speak without his voice cracking. seojun smiles at him, a pretty smile, then quickly lets go of his bowl (and jisung's hand) to go and help the yelling chinese with whatever issue is plaguing him.
jisung takes over seojun's former job of stirring together cookie dough and chocolate chips whilst the older helps chenle with his issue. he listens to the continuous bickering of renjun and donghyuck, trying his best to ignore jaemin's knowing gaze, he feels it burning holes through the back of his head.
seojun isn't gone for too long, as he comes back giggling and ruffling chenle's hair. "thank you, jisungie" he whispers, quickly taking the bowl of now mixed cookie dough and chocolate chips away from the maknae.
"no problem" jisung politely smiles, not even looking seojun in the eye, but the older seems to find his awkwardness cute, because he pinches the younger's cheeks. "what was that about?"
"what? with chenle?"
no, the other thing. jisung is referring to their little staring contest, that random moment they had, where no one else seemed to matter, like it was just them in the room and nothing else was going on, but jisung doesn't want to ask about that while everyone else is still in the room. "yeah.. uh— with chenle".
seojun narrows his eyes, but just hums, beginning to shape the cookie dough so it can start baking. "chenle just couldn't reach for something, he needed my help".
"ah" jisung hums, chewing on his bottom lip as he averts eye contact with the older, who blinks at his sudden silence. "are all of these enough?" he abruptly asks, changing the subject, much to the dismay of seojun. "mark hyung won't ask for more?"
"if he does ask for more we'll just make more!" hikari shouts from another part of the room, answering jisung's question instead of seojun, who smiles, agreeing with his answer. "it won't be that hard".
jisung hums again, having no idea how to start up another conversation. "anything i can do to help?"
"you don't have to do much" seojun responds, finally turning away from the baking cookies and back to the maknae. "unless you want to be apart of haechan and jaemin hyungs argument about cocoa powder".
jisung snorts, humored by the suggestion. "no i think i'll pass.."
"speaking of jaemin hyung, did you find your watch yet?" seojun asks, and the realization suddenly dawns on jisung, he totally forgot that he was originally looking for his watch this whole entire time. "you haven't even tried to look for it?"
"i did! but then i got sidetracked by the baking and cookies and those two arguing over cocoa powder!"
seojun chuckles at jisung's response, cupping his face as he coos at the other. everything jisung does is cute, but everyone else thinks that as well!
it's just different when it's seojun..
"you're such an idiot, jisungie".
the nickname is stupid, but jisung loves when seojun says it (but he can't say that out loud, because the other members would pout about it all day). he doesn't mean to pick favorites, he just thinks seojun is extra adorable with the way he does things, and no that is not biased.
seojun continues shaking his head, sighing. "your watch is in my room".
jisung blinks, puzzled by the words. "my watch is in your— how did it even get there?"
"you tell me, i didn't even know it was there until like twenty minutes ago, you probably put it there and just don't remember".
"but that doesn't make sense i—"
jisung, again, gets cut off by a loud shout, and both 02 liners immediately whip their heads towards the second eldest, who jumps up happily at the sound of the oven dinging, indicating that the cookies were ready. "jeez, why is everyone yelling today?"
seojun snickers at the comment, head still turned away from jisung. "they have to combat the other shouting hyungs somehow" he mutters, patting jisung on the shoulder before going to hikari's side, helping him with the cookies.
once they're placed onto the kitchen counter, an immediate argument starts between renjun and donghyuck, who are talking about uneven chocolate chips or something. jaemin is begging hikari to try a cookie, but the older doesn't give into his demands, and it seems that he's working a double shift, because he's making sure to slap chenle's approaching hand away each time it gets closer to the plate. jeno, on the other hand, is just standing by, helping his bo— hikari by also shooing chenle away from the batch of cookies.
jisung is just staying silent, standing by as his members get up to their own things. seojun, again, comes back to his former spot beside him. the older doesn't say anything, just reaches for jisung's hand and laces their fingers together. "what?"
"why the sudden hand holding?"
"we were doing this before.." seojun mutters, and jisung doesn't try to shake his grip off or anything, just allows for seojun to intertwine their fingers. he smiles lightly at the fact, a smile that doesn't go unnoticed by seojun. "you like holding my hand".
"don't get too cocky".
jisung allows for his eyes to cast towards the plate of cookies on the table, and seojun notices right away, because of course seojun notices right away. "what? you want one?"
confusion colors jisung's face, and he shakes his head. "i mean yeah but hii would never let m—"
seojun doesn't wait for him to finish, grabbing a cookie from the plate and handing it over to jisung. "he's occupied with jeno hyung, he won't mind".
"but what about mark hyung?"
seojun snickers, taking jisung's hand and putting the cookie in it. "he won't mind, i'm making an exception for you, everyone will get it" jisung wants to protest, but he can't, because who is he to turn down the lovely seojun's lovely offer?
"don't worry, i'll cover for you if hii or injunie ever finds out" seojun whispers, giving a short glance to the older members in the room before raising his pinkie towards jisung's. jisung uses his free hand to take his pinkie and intertwine it with his. "pinkie swear".
jisung laughs, even if there is a cookie in his mouth. though he can't respond, seojun gets what he means, smiling lightly at him.
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"are you going for an insomniac world record or something?"
the question makes jisung snap out of his little late night daze, and the moment he catches sight of seojun, a tired smile makes its way to his lips. the older comes up to the couch and ruffles his hair, an equally tired smile on his lips as he then turns away to go get himself some water. "i'm not an insomniac, sleeping is just becoming difficult these days".
"anything in particular keeping you up?"
jisung pauses, taking a yawn. of course there's a lot keeping him up, the groups future, mark's graduation, other upcoming graduations, what all of that means for the group in general, his role as a member of the group, but he doesn't say all of that, just hums as a response to seojun's question. "a lot".
"don't wanna elaborate?"
"not now".
the older 02 liner makes his way around the couch, throwing jisung's legs off to make space for himself. the younger groans, but ultimately allows seojun to do so, as the younger quickly takes his place on the couch. "don't whine you big baby".
jisung frowns, but ultimately lets his legs fall off the couch. he enjoys seojun's company, he doesn't want the older to leave. he likes that he's here. "i'm not whining, just annoyed that you made me move".
"you can always just kick me off the couch" yeah, jisung can, but that doesn't mean he will. he feels much more relaxed with the older there. he would never make seojun leave a room, he enjoys being around him.
"yeah.." jisung mutters. he's bored, overwhelmed with thoughts, and he feels like everything is going wrong. "but i'm lazy" he answers quickly, a good excuse, seojun won't suspect a thing.
the older hums, silent. he observes jisung for a moment, eyes scanning his body, he pauses for a moment, fingers picking at a spot on the couch, and then he stands up, sighing. "get up".
surprise colors jisung's face. "what?"
"up, i'm gonna give you a massage".
jisung blinks, completely puzzled about what the hell seojun must've picked up on. "a massage? why do you want to give me a.."
"your posture's gonna go to shit if i don't" jisung picks up on the uncharacteristic swear, but he can't exactly argue with seojun. so, begrudgingly, the maknae sits up and sighs, he always ends up giving into seojun doesn't he?
"my posture is fine" jisung argues silently, lightly wincing as he feels seojun's thumbs make contact with his back. the older gives the younger a look of bewilderment. "what?"
"why did you even wince?"
"because.. your fingers are cold".
seojun chuckles at the response, starting off much more gently this time. "your shirt is that thin?"
jisung lets out a short breath, looking away from the older. "yes, it's also the middle of the night and everything that touches me feels cold, seojun".
"no need to be such a pessimist".
jisung yawns, closing his eyes as seojun kneads the muscles in his back. he has to admit, he is getting the slightest bit relaxed. "not pessimistic just tired".
seojun hums once again, a small smile coming to his that he doesn't allow jisung to see. "so what's bothering you?"
"what's bothering you? tell me" seojun responds immediately. "is it mark hyung?"
jisung's silence is enough of an answer to him. seojun makes an indescribable sound, then takes a deep breath. "you miss mark?"
"everyone misses mark" jisung finally opens his eyes. "it's not just mark it's.. everything, the group, the company, future promotions, the stupid graduation system, all i want is for us to  be like how we were when we debuted but now mark hyung is gone and hii has all this added stress and.. i don't know what to do, it's all eating me up inside".
jisung then lets another wave of silence hit as he finishes his long spew of words. seojun doesn't respond immediately, taking in the words and thinking of a response, but jisung doesn't doubt seojun, because he always knows what he needs.
"i just want everything to be okay—"
"it will be" seojun cuts in, a weary escaping his lips as he pokes his tongue through his inner cheek. "it's important to remember that you can always come to me with things like this, it's alright to talk about how you feel and i just.. i don't want you to feel like your alone in these thoughts because you're not and.."
jisung hears seojun's voice break, and when he glances back at the older, he's looking somewhere else, fingers still gently kneading jisung's back as he tries his best to think of what to say next. "i don't know, it always feels hard to think clearly these days".
jisung's face falls, seojun doesn't disclose things like this, he'd rather die before ever crying in front of anyone. he bites his bottom lip, but seojun shakes off whatever he was previously thinking, lightly laughing to himself. "sorry i don't know where that came from".
"no no no it's fine it's good to talk about how you feel".
seojun snickers, humored. "well now you sound like me" he turns jisung's head back forward, being only the gentlest with him, of course. the older treats jisung as if he's a fragile piece of glass. "i know i'm usually jokey or whatever but.. i don't know i'm just worried for the future of the group, i don't know what i'm going to do after graduating".
jisung blinks. "what's that supposed to mean?"
seojun goes silent for a few moments, letting out a small sigh. "seorin and i were talking about it once, how following graduation i'd probably leave the group".
just the three words 'leave the group' are enough to make jisung's stomach drop, he feels like he's about to throw up just hearing them. seojun can't leave.. what would that be like? how would jisung fare well if seojun wasn't around?
"what do you mean leave?"
seojun sighs. "jisung—"
"you can't leave! you're not going anywhere, your— your staying" jisung doesn't ask, he states, all seojun can do is pause his little ministrations and try to calm down the youngest.
"why did that conversation even come up?"
"because we were just talking and.." seojun hides his face behind his hands. "i don't know, i don't have much use after i graduate i'll just be tossed out by sm, it doesn't really matter what i do".
"yes it does" jisung presses, grabbing seojun's hands. "you're not leaving the group, i'm not going to let you".
seojun allows for himself to laugh. "you're not going to let me?"
"no, and chenle won't either, probably, you can't go it'll just—" jisung pauses, gathering his words. "it won't be the same without you".
seojun stays silent for a while, basking in the feeling of jisung's hand in his own and their breathing in the now soundless living room. "okay, i'm sorry i just.." he twirls a strand of hair between his finger. "i don't know, i was just in a bad spot when i brought that up, i'm just not feeling my greatest".
jisung frowns again, now upset that the older is upset. "it's really fine, if you want to talk about it we can.."
"no, we don't have to" seojun quickly dismisses, waving off jisung's words. the maknae narrows his eyes, a look of pity in them that he knows seojun hates more than anything. "just— let's finish with this stupid massage and get you to sleep".
"what about you?"
"what about me?"
right. jisung doesn't know what he should've expected, seojun putting himself first is one of the rarest sights he'll ever behold in his lifetime. he sighs lightly as the older continues with the gentle pressing of fingers into his back, slowly feeling himself get sleepy from the ministrations. "on another note, i'm pretty sure seorin hates me".
seojun giggles. "seorin does not hate you, she literally told me she likes you!"
"then she must've been lying cause i don't remember the last time she looked at me like she wanted me in the room".
seojun narrows his eyes at jisung, finding the statement about his sister hard to believe. "she'll warm up to you eventually".
jisung frowns, sending seojun an 'are you serious?' look. he often feels awkward around seorin, yeah she's nice and everything but she always glares daggers at jisung, he assumes it's all unintentional, but it doesn't stop him from being endlessly intimidated by her.
seojun can't believe the words escaping jisung's lips, because to him, seorin is probably the least intimidating person he knows, but he also knows her better than anyone else. "i hope that eventually is soon because i can't deal with feeling like your own twin sister hates me".
"she doesn't" seojun reassures once again, stopping his message and placing his chin on jisung's shoulders. "can't you trust me on this?"
jisung finally gets to look at seojun closer, though he rarely has to turn his head to get a good look at the older. "i always trust you" he whispers unconsciously, he originally meant to think that, but judging by seojun's reaction, he knows that he indeed did not think it, and he said it out loud.
if there's any sign of a red hue on seojun's face, he quickly shakes it away and clears his throat. "alright um— massage over, it's time to sleep".
seojun quickly moves away from jisung, whose silently confused about his change in behavior. "seojun?"
"can i uh.." jisung pauses, he doesn't stand up right away, feeling seojun poke his cheek and then pull it. "can i stay in your room tonight?"
seojun chuckles immediately, probably his fastest response to jisung this whole night. "of course, you didn't have to ask" jisung knows that, seojun would've even made the offer himself, that's just the way he is.
jisung just knows how seojun is, he's become very in tune with the older.
"okay come on, you need sleep".
and what else can jisung do but follow?
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"it's cold".
if jisung knew having to promote in the middle of the december meant he'd be provided a sweater only half the time, he would've faked a sickness or something. don't get him wrong, all the songs are so fun to perform, but he was never truly on board with the whole winter special album thing, he likes performing in not so hot but not so cold temperatures. having to promote in the middle of december is not his thing, even with him being a winter baby himself.
he felt as if he wasn't made for the cold.
"you've been saying that for the past five minutes, we get it jisung-ah".
jisung gasps at the comment from jaemin, feigning offense at the words. he doesn't care if he has to repeat it another seven times, he will, it's unbearably cold in this waiting room, and jisung isn't wearing anything that covers his arms. of course he isn't the only one here without a sweater, hikari is currently on his phone, trying his best not to shudder, and jaemin seems to be happy in all of his sweater-less glory, probably because he gets to show off his arms or something.
"well as i will continue to say that! it's freezing in here!" jisung exclaims, a frown on his face as he earns nothing but a laugh from his fellow members. he crosses his arms, looking away from the rest of the group in fake anger. "i'm the maknae, you guys should be caring for me.."
"just ask noona for a sweater".
"i— she's busy i don't want to waste her time!" jisung is quick to yell, but he really just doesn't know how to approach her, he doesn't want to make anything awkward. he also just really hates asking for help, so he lets the goosebumps begin appearing on his skin, trying his best not to shiver in the freezing temperature of the room.
"then stop complaining if you won't ask" jisung snaps his head towards chenle, opening his mouth to make some snippy remark, but he's quickly cut off by the small sound of the door colliding with the wall. "we're back~!"
in walks mark and, of course, seojun, who are wearing joyous smiles on their faces, plastic bags in their hands. jisung hums at the sight of them, whilst donghyuck jumped up excitedly at the sight of the leader and second youngest. "did you get them!?"
mark sighs, pretending to be disappointed that the snacks they went to get are all donghyuck cares about. "yes, we got them, we got enough as well".
"we've been saved! thank you!"
jisung watches the members rush to get the snacks they so desperately begged the others for, he doesn't really want anything, he's not hungry at the moment. so now the members are gorging on their little treats, their hearts happy, thanks to mark and seojun. "you don't want anything?"
"hm? no, i'm fine" jisung responds quickly, but then he feels uncomfortable again, trying his best to keep calm in this terribly freezing room. "it's just so cold!"
mark raises an eyebrow. "you're cold?"
"what do you mean? it's very cold in here.." hikari chimes in, clearly shivering when he mutters those words. the leader, whose wearing a jacket, has no idea what kind of cold these two could even be feeling at the moment. "jisung's been professing that for the past hour".
"not the past hour! it's just.. very cold" jisung reiterates for pretty much the hundredth time that hour, trying his best to warm himself up by rubbing his hands together.
"you guys are cold? i'm hot" seojun comments, unzipping his sweater as he stares at his fellow 02 liner, who gives him a dumbfounded look, it seems that hikari also shares the sentiment jisung has in his head.
"that's cause you're weird! you never get cold!"
"well it's not cold!"
"it's never cold for you!"
jisung exchanges glances between the two nct sei members, humored by their small argument about the weird temperature physics regarding seojun's body. jisung finds seojun confusing, he's constantly energetic but never tired, constantly hot but never cold, what kind of a person is he?
"jeez your shivering.."
jisung flinches the moment seojun's finger graces his goosebump filled arm, his hands are always so cold, he thinks seojun might be a walking ice block, elsa's long lost cousin or something, he's always so cold, a clear contrast to his personality. "yeah i'm shivering! do you not the feel the below zero temperature in this room?"
"nope, your whining so much, you could at least take it like a champ like jaemin hyung".
jisung scoffs, wrapping his own arms around himself in other attempt to try and heat himself up manually. he gives a frown, and his fellow 02 liner does nothing but laugh at his display. "are you enjoying my misery, seojunie?"
"very much".
"of course you are" jisung crosses his arms, turning away from seojun with that same frown remaining on his face. he hears the kang chuckle again behind him, and a small shuffle he can't exactly explain.
it's not until jisung feels someone put something over his shoulder, that he realizes what happened.
seojun took off his sweater, and gave it to jisung.
the maknae immediately feels rebuttal, moving to take the sweater off but only feeling seojun's hand get placed on his shoulder. "don't even think about taking it off".
jisung sighs, shaking his head. "seojun i'm not wearing this.."
"you said you were cold, right? take the sweater" seojun doesn't seem to care, seeing that he looks virtually unaffected by the freezing temperature of the room. jisung's about to disagree again, and seojun can tell before he even opens his mouth.
"jun, i was just being overdramatic i don't actually—"
"jisung, stop being stubborn, your cold, i'll be fine" the older is quick to cut him off, shoving his hands into his pant pockets and humming along to a song playing in his head. it's that one paramore song he's been obsessed with since forever that jisung still doesn't know the name of.
jisung hesitates for a moment, registering the feeling of the sweater on his back. seojun just nudges him, a knowing look in his eye. finally, not wanting to be scolded any more for being stubborn, jisung puts on the sweater, the fabric smoothly slipping through his wrists and immediately making him feel comfortable. "uh.. seojun?"
seojun turns back to the maknae, smiling. "yes?"
jisung fidgets awkwardly, settling with the feeling of the fabric against his skin. "thank you" he says, just a little whisper that's meant to be kept between the two of them, jisung isn't sure why he whispers exactly, but he felt that in the specific moment, he couldn't control the volume of his voice.
seojun smiles at the words, his smile is beautiful, jisung thinks it compliments his features so well. "it's nothing, jisungie, you know i'm always here for you".
seojun doesn't have to say the words for jisung to know, his actions already speak loud enough to him. the maknae continues to fidget with his fingers, but he shares a smile with seojun, a small feeling of elation soaring through him.
jisung knows that, as long as seojun's around, he's always going to look after him.
and he doesn't mind it, really, he loves it, in fact.
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+ one
jisung feels like he hasn't seen seojun all day.
he's seen the older maybe once or twice, but he hasn't exactly seen him. he feels like he hasn't heard him speak, or seen him smile, or heard him crack some stupid joke in years, jisung knows even the most energetic of people have their days, but seojun? seojun is mr. 'i don't care how tired i am i'm going to scream in your face all day', but seojun practically feels invisible today.
jisung knows seojun is tired, he knows seojun, he knows the older's constant all nighters would catch up to him eventually, but he feels like a ghost today, like he's just dragging himself around.
jisung is.. very worried.
"where's seojun?"
the first person to look up is hikari, who seems just as confused as jisung. hikari usually always knows where seojun is, but that's because the older seems to have some tracking device on him or something. he blinks for a moment, confusion coloring his face. "i don't know.."
"for once" jaemin snorts, and all the older does is glare at him, flicking him in the forehead. jaemin gives his best pitched up squeal at the collision, pouting as he rubs his forehead, but hikari pays him no mind, waving him off. "ow! you're so mean.."
"stop being stupid then".
jisung just stands there awkwardly, still having no answer to his question, he has to admit, he is starting to get a little bit weird, his leg bouncing up and down as his mind races with..thoughts. if seojun were here, right now that is, he'd talk with jisung about it, he'd run his hand up and down jisung's back comfortingly and do the seojun thing.
the seojun thing is what jisung calls the little mind reading powers seojun has. seojun is basically a master at everything jisung, he can tell what he's thinking, why he's thinking it, what he's about to say, and why he's about to say it. he thinks seojun knows him more than he knows himself sometimes, he's just so good at things pertaining to him.
"you're looking for seojunie?" renjun suddenly inquires, entering the room with his eyes pointed at his phone. at the sight of jisung's nod, the older gives a small frown, but jisung can't figure out why. "he's still practicing, i think".
jisung furrows his eyebrows, it is way too late for anyone to still be at sm. "at this time?" he questions, what the hell is he doing? he only earns a shrug from renjun, who is just as confused as he is.
"he said something about wanting to get extra practice in, it has been a while, though.."
that's all jisung needs to hear, he mutters a tiny "thank you" and goes back to his room to get his jacket, not focused on anything but seojun and his weird late night practicing. when hikari and jaemin interrogate him on where he's going, all he says is that he's going to check up on seojun, make sure he's okay. he pretends to have no idea why jaemin is staring the way he's staring, whatever that taunting look means.
jisung doesn't like leaving the dorm after dark, it's strange to him, but he has to get seojun before the older ends up sleeping at the sm entertainment building.
his jacket isn't zipped up, and the nightly breeze isn't exactly warm, but jisung doesn't care, he's only focused on seojun, seojun who he pretty much hasn't seen all day, seojun who he pretty much hasn't heard all day, seojun who he just wants to make sure is okay, and healthy, and alive and totally not suffering.
when jisung steps into the sm entertainment building, a strange shiver run downs his spine. it's like a ghost town in there, save for a few murmurings he can hear from the some of the rooms littered in the halls.
but he doesn't allow for himself to stray away from his main objective, quickly turning and heading to the practice room. jisung always thought these halls spread way too far, it was only a good few feet, but sometimes, especially at night, it felt like an eternity. he almost feels like he walks forever, and when he makes it to the door of the practice room, he pauses.
it's silent, no music, no footsteps hitting the floor, no heavy breathing, it's just silent. the silence concerns jisung, because seojun is known for making noise, but he doesn't allow for his anxieties to amplify, just places his hand on the doorknob and turns it.
the lights are still on, jisung notices, so seojun couldn't have left. when he finally looks down, he finds seojun. seojun is dozed off, asleep on the floor with his arms caged around himself. jisung lets out a sigh of relief, it could've been worse, he doesn't exactly know how, but it could've.
but seojun's okay, he's just sleeping, taking a much needed nap. jisung hurries over to his fellow 02 liner, peacefully lying on the floor with his head rested on his arms. he taps him lightly, not wanting to startle the older. "seojun".
"hm?" the response is silent, and seojun shifts in just the slightest, but he doesn't open his eyes. jisung frowns, shaking him by the arm. "what? what?" that seems to do the trick, because seojun rubs his eyes, finally sitting up and trying to shake off any tiredness. "oh— oh god hi, what time is it?"
seojun looks shaken, like he just got hit with the worst kind of realization imaginable. jisung usually never sees him like this, but he guesses it has to do with him being tired. so, he gives a small smile, rubbing seojun's shoulder softly. "hi, it's like.. ten, almost eleven".
the words make seojun's eyes widen, he looks terrified, like this time was horrible for him or something. "oh— oh my god i fell asleep i didn't even mean to.."
"hey it's fine" jisung reassures, placing both of his hands on seojun's shoulders. "you were just tired, you needed that sleep anyway".
it doesn't seem the words ease any of seojun's worries, cause the older just looks away, the look in his eyes telling jisung that this is a much more important thing to him than he thought. "did you eat today?" the maknae immediately blurts, making seojun snap his head towards him.
the question is the kind of question seojun always asks, the kind of question he asks every few hours to make sure jisung isn't skipping meals. seojun pauses, thinking about it.. or thinking about what to answer. "..yeah".
jisung narrows his eyes, that's a lie.
"what? i'm not lying!"
seojun scoffs, turning around with crossed arms. jisung sighs, he knows he's stubborn himself, but seojun is even more stubborn, he'll never admit his lies even if he was being held at gunpoint. "stop nagging me.."
"i'm not nagging you i'm concerned for your well-being!" jisung whisper-yells, pulling seojun closer to him, as the older was scooting away. "i just need to make sure you're alright, i haven't seen you all day and.. your health is important to me, seojun".
the older blinks, as if registering the words in his mind. jisung suddenly feels his face burn, feeling seojun's eyes look him up and down. seojun snickers, playfully nudging the younger. "aww, thank you" seojun gives his best fake pout, over exaggerating it to tease jisung.
jisung just scoffs, lightly pushing seojun's shoulder. the older just laughs at his response, staying on the floor as jisung gets up, dusting off his pants. "come on".
seojun blinks, as if dumbfounded. "come on where?"
"were going to the convenience store, i'm getting you something" jisung tries his best to pull seojun up off the floor, even with how the older seemed adamant on staying down. he's finally able to lift seojun up, much to the dismay of the kang, who frowns.
"you don't have to get me anything" seojun mumbles, staring down at his own moving feet on the floor. "don't spend your money on me" he says, looking up at jisung with an indescribable look on his face.
jisung just shakes his head. "don't try to argue with me, your hungry, you'd do the same for me.."
the words make seojun go silent, and he removes jisung's grip from his arm, intertwining their fingers. he's.. not used to this, he's the one who does the taking care of, he's not the one whose usually taken care of.
seojun has spent so much of his time in this group just looking after jisung, and the maknae never knew how to thank him besides giving him a few small smiles and muttering awkward "thank you's". seojun never asked for anything in return, obviously, but jisung always felt like he never offered enough to seojun, even with how the older has always been looking after him, since the two of them entered sm entertainment.
then, seojun smiles, squeezing jisung's hand laced with his. "thank you" he replies, turning away from the younger with a flustered feeling he can't exactly explain.
jisung smiles seeing seojun smile. "it's nothing, really, it's the least i can do".
seojun doesn't respond to that, just squeezes his hand again.
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kaziearts · 1 year
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thefrogwild · 4 months
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[oc] when there was sun
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araremonaka · 21 days
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A bunch of oc stuff + Bergen chef cause i wanna be able to draw her hehehehehehe >:33333
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Seis and Tyler~
He was an old character I had years back but never shown until now!
He is Seis's work partner! Though he tries his best to work and keep things in order, he also tries his best to keep Seis in check.
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Ok so I swear I have serious (?) drawings planned for these two but i had to draw this little comic thing:
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Uhhh ocs are Aika (pink hair) and Nyssa (blue and brown hair) and belong to @iersei!! the doomed fruits ever <33 The Seamstress (the lady in the thought bubble) is also a sei original oc :]]
The text from the thought bubble: Making jokes about killing yourself is a bad way to deal with your feelings and a good way to start is to change your view (the rest is gibberish lmao)
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