#shoulder demon au
spaciebabie · 10 months
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hi @maudiemoods
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maudiemoods · 6 months
Magma doodles from last night yayy
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Human jesters yay and the angel and demon yay
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ceruleanslob · 2 months
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more shoulder angel and demon au :D
also for some reason, my art block is only letting me draw with pencil so that's what we're sticking with for now. also one of these days, i'll get around to making a proper reference sheet for them soon but for now have some silly doodles~~
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siracethegreat · 15 days
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grrrrr Know the enemy and know yourself sketch page grrrrr these are my sillies
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surelysilly · 7 months
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idk does this mean anything
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More of them
Angel and demon on my shoulder
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lordsireno · 1 month
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Devil on Your Shoulder -
After being discarded by the Church of Elysium and locked away for years, Argus' curses are finally heard by the demon Rufus, who says he can free him if he shares his taste.
He takes the deal without a second thought, biting the demons tongue off and slaughtering the Church members he comes across. And thus starts his quest for revenge with the world's most annoying demon as a partner.
-Rufus' deal let's the two share a sense of taste. It's supposed to be a backup way to terminate their deal (which can only be through death), but Argus just drinks to remove the taste of brimstone and everything rotten Rufus eats.
-Ever heinous act Argus commits generates energy which demons feed off. The more innocent the victim, the sweeter the taste.
-Argus forces Rufus to put clothes on. He may be the only who cna usually see Rufus, but that doesn't mean he wants to see the guys butt.
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2demon2slayer · 10 months
Just imagine AU Big Sister Nezuko (Nee-zuko?) during the final arc, she'd probably screw waiting for the cure to work and participate in the battle to help her brother and witness him getting a mutated growth in his eye, lose his arm, die, become the demon king, and attack her.
(continuation of this idea)
someone (shinobu? tamayo?) administers the demon cure on nezuko and then basically the second the call goes out that kagaya is dead and muzan is Here, nezuko says "fuck waiting around for the cure to work, i'm going to help my little brother"
obviously she'd be a total badass and beat the shit out of some demons, proving herself the Superior Demon once again, but i wonder if other slayers would try to keep her away from muzan because they don't want to risk him consuming her and gaining her immunity to the sun
i like the idea of her, like, arriving right as the sun rises, so muzan like . lunges towards her and tries to consume her right then and there, but she could use her flames to make him back off so he's being burnt up on two fronts
or alternately, by the time she arrives she's already become human and muzan can't get any immunity off of her. and then the tanjirou becoming a demon thing would probably play out mostly like canon
or maybe because she wasn't lying down the whole time, the cure takes longer to set in, so when tanjirou goes demon mode, she can wrangle him into not eating or hurting anybody. and then tanjirou can bite her anyways in an attempt to assert demon dominance (like wolf dominance or whatever) and get a bit of the cure in his system too
and then they can both wake up as humans again together!
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liliallowed · 6 months
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The symbiot AU brain rot is too much, I can’t stop thinking about it!!!
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starrspice · 1 year
you're making me want to draw y/n dying in sun and moons arms i hope youre happy about that
Ooooo Kandi I'm looking at you with my angst eyes so hard oooooo
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maudiemoods · 10 months
An ideal way to spend the late afternoon
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albontology · 24 days
galex unsolved/ghost files au
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tswwwit · 2 years
Are Dipper's successors destined to live in the Mindscape forever? Or can they live with Bill on the mortal realm, just like during Dipper's first life? if there are pics and videos of bill in his human body all over the internet then I'm guessing he's kind of like a celebrity...
They don't have to live in the Mindscape! They, along with current Dipper, get to spend time in reality or in the dream realm depending on what they prefer. Bill's place just has a lot of great amenities and a really kickass bed, so it's a convenient place to crash.
Also, Bill absolutely gets a reputation. You can't have Bill Cipher be in the mortal realm for decades on end without having a considerable number of noteworthy stories, after all.
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shiningsagittarius · 11 months
Brain worms in the tags
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malicious-spectrum · 9 months
I have an idea for a probably cringy Sonic.EXE au but like
I’m cringe. I can’t really find some good inspiration. How would I write this. It would just end up being another thing on the cutting room floor..
My two braincells are fighting & I don’t like it.
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cherryatombomb · 1 year
man i have too many fic ideas for how little time i truly have. i cant believe call of duty has called out the writer within me, this is the most ive ever been motivated for writing like this, fellow writers how do you COPE
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