cedarrockcinema · 2 years
Listen/purchase: Legend of Bobcat Joines Supernatural Troubadour by Lenny Wiles Lionstar n Supernatural Minstrel Gears
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toshart · 2 years
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More Sy, the Somber Spacecat! #webcomics #comics . . . . . #spacecat #catcomics #spacecomics https://www.instagram.com/p/CeZh-R0vAeK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trinitythedoodlebee · 8 months
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Stellar Resurgence Max 1.0
The next character I’m working on is max. Max is Emily’s best friend.
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erisdiamas · 2 years
"I wish.. for everyone to forget about Pink. I've spent so many years BEING her and suffering in silence as she did- but it still hasn't gone away...It took me eons to find myself in the rose coloured pools of Pink Diamond."
"I would like it if Rose was here instead of I- It's complicated to think about.. how I'd react or star's knows how much I still resent her..but I keep hearing about her from others and how grand Rose was.. how foolish, I will never get a chance to confront her.. or have a lovely conversation of how I came to be and why she'd choose to want me.. I'd like it a lot more than I'd admit. But one can't exist without the other vanishing."
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beebrown80 · 11 months
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From Meanwhile Vol.12 at Ringling College of Art & Design's Graphic Novel Collaboratory! Was super glad they enjoyed my weird cast of characters for my couple of pages, but if you enjoy Allen & Company's little adventure here, stay tuned for more concepts and comics coming soon!
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shempimite · 1 year
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new shirt/poster/sticker/whatever design up on my redbubble
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govindhtech · 2 months
Space Tech: Private Ventures and Mars Exploration
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Space Tech
Beyond intrepid exploration, space technology has advanced to address pressing issues on Earth. It is becoming more and more essential to the effective operation of contemporary societies and their economic growth. Space has the potential to directly affect billions of people’s lives and open up large-scale, highly impactful solutions.
A broad term for satellites, space stations, ground stations, tracking and monitoring centers, downstream analytics and artificial intelligence, software, and other technologies, SpaceTech offers innovative ways to solve global concerns. Satellites increase communication, navigation, and earth observation capacity at low cost even in remote locations. Satellite-based earth observation data is vital, accurate, and reliable for data-driven decision-making by businesses and governments.
The underserved and otherwise unprofitable regions can benefit from high-speed connectivity thanks to the satellites. The application of action plans for intelligent agriculture, resource management (land and water), infrastructure development (urban and rural), climate and weather monitoring, environmental protection (including reducing the risk of disaster), and other purposes can all benefit from the use of satellite data.
Aerospace Innovation
The space industry is predicted to increase in value from USD 360 billion in 2018 to USD 558 billion by 2026 and roughly USD 1 trillion by 2040. Even though the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is one of the world’s top space agencies and is working on projects like the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (NavIC) and the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), India currently only makes up 2%, or USD 7 Bn, of this market value.
One reason could be that the private sector’s contribution to the Indian space industry has primarily consisted of ISRO subcontracting, with ISRO historically handling the crucial value addition activities internally. Because of this, Indian private companies have lagged behind other world leaders in SpaceTech in terms of end-to-end capabilities.
The publication of SpaceCom Policy 2020, Space RS Policy 2020, Geospatial Policy 2021, and other policies, along with the creation of organizations like NewSpace India Ltd (NSIL) and the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (IN–SPACe), have created a national push to expedite the private sector’s involvement in the Indian space area. The Department of Space is also working on a comprehensive Space Act and other policies, including launch vehicle and space exploration policies.
Because of our natural curiosity and desire to understand the universe, space travel has long fascinated people.
Recently, private enterprise and international cooperation have transformed space exploration.
This article will explore the changing face of space exploration and emphasize the importance of international collaboration and private industry.
New Space Technologies
Pioneers of Personal Space Travel
NASA, Roscosmos, and ESA were the only government space agencies allowed to explore space. However, private companies leading space innovation changed everything:
SpaceX since 2002 has resupplied the ISS, developed reusable rocket technology, and prepared to colonize Mars.
Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin offers professional and recreational suborbital and orbital spaceflight.
Rick Branson’s suborbital space tourism company, Virgin Galactic.
Innovating, competing, and seeking commercial opportunities beyond Earth are redefining space exploration in private space ventures.
Space Exploration Companies
International Space Cooperation
Space exploration requires international cooperation even as private businesses grow:
The Earth-orbiting International Space Station (ISS) is a global collaboration marvel. European, Japanese, Canadian, Russian, and US space agencies participate.
Mars exploration: NASA, ESA, and others work on Curiosity and Mars Sample Return.
The Artemis Accords outlines global cooperation on the Moon and beyond, inviting international partners to lunar exploration.
Global Collaboration and Private Enterprises Benefits
Space exploration benefits from private sector involvement and international cooperation in a number of ways.
Innovation: By bringing in competition and innovation, private endeavors lower costs and advance technology.
Commercialization: Businesses worldwide can take advantage of commercial endeavors to expand their satellite deployment, space tourism, and resource exploitation capabilities.
Shared Resources: Working together, nations can pool resources, exchange knowledge, and take on challenging projects.
Scientific Discovery: Across national boundaries, international cooperation increases the possibility of scientific discovery and exploration.
Difficulties and Things to Think About
Although private and international partnerships present notable benefits, they also present certain challenges.
Regulation: To address new challenges, the framework governing international cooperation and private space endeavors needs to change.
Resource Management: A complex ethical and legal challenge is the responsible use of space resources, such as lunar mining.
Space Debris: Coordinated actions ought to tackle the expanding problem of space debris and environmentally friendly space operations.
Space Travel Prospects
Future space exploration could lead to asteroid mining, planet colonization, and scientific breakthroughs.
Space exploration is entering a new era as private companies and multinational partnerships change the space environment.
Space exploration is more accessible, sustainable, and transformative than ever thanks to private innovation and international collaboration. It shows our willingness to push the limits and our enduring spirit of exploration.
Mars Rover
What is Mars Rover?
A robotic vehicle that investigates the surface of Mars is called a rover. Rovers are long-range, remotely controlled vehicles that gather data and take images while traveling great distances. They have found evidence of water, ancient life, and possible resources on Mars, among many other significant discoveries.
Six Mars rovers have been successful so far:
In 1997, Sojourner became the first rover to set foot on Mars. During 83 days, it investigated the Ares Vallis region. The twin rovers Spirit (2004) and Opportunity (2004) touched down on Mars in 2004. For many years, they investigated the Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum, respectively. Opportunity stopped operating in 2018 and Spirit became stuck in 2010.
Gale Crater is presently being explored by Curiosity (2012). It has found evidence of ancient lakes and rivers, among many other significant discoveries.
The Jezero Crater region is being explored in Perseverance (2021). In addition to gathering samples of rock and regolith broken rock and soil for potential return to Earth, it is searching for indications of prehistoric life.
The first Chinese rover to set foot on Mars is Zhurong (2021). It is investigating the area of Utopia Planitia.
An essential component of our Mars exploration are the Mars rovers. They have made significant contributions to our understanding of the Red Planet’s potential for habitability.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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genyiszen · 2 months
From the depths of spacecomes a first breath, with cold chills on tender skinand blue lips. Aware of life, surfing waves of experience,the years of color engulfthe senses.A mere glimpse of realityWhen the final wave crashesit washes us to shore,with cold chills on tenderskin and blue lips. The last breath of consciousness.
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nawapon17 · 3 months
Shanghai firm behind G60 megaconstellation raises $943 million - SpaceNews
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sutrala · 4 months
Micaela Burrow Daily Caller News Foundation U.S. Space Command (SPACECOM) was pronounced fully operational on Friday, although the White House and Congress continue to tussle over the location of the command’s final headquarters. SPACECOM achieved preliminary operational...
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cedarrockcinema · 8 months
Space Punks on Tour
Lionstar Log entry Cosmic Punks on their first tour across the Universe. 082023Was asked to join the Comic Punks on their first Galactic tour for a few weeks and to help get them started and play a few songs with them.I told them to be careful with the lifestyle that can sometimes go with a tour. Android sex, A.I. drugs and and Rock and Roll thing. Especially the Robot groupies. They may put you…
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kramlabs · 8 months
“US officially deemed space a potential battlefield way back in 1976 under Ford administration, Brian Weeden, Secure World Foundation’s head of program planning and a former Air Force officer, said in an email. Brent Scowcroft, who was then national security advisor to President Ford, on July 7 issued a presidential decision directive (PDD) (now partially declassified) “on the need to improve resilience/defensive measures against hostile threats,” Weedon explained, namely Soviet anti-satellite developments.”
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“One, our enduring, no-fail mission to enable warfighting operations in other domains. Two, our future mission as global SATCOM manager and global sensor manager. And three, our current new mission set compelling us to fight and win in the space domain in order to protect and defend our interests there.
“Additionally, this warfighting domain is growing, and this AOR is by far the biggest and is getting bigger, each day,” he added.
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franciscoarayapizarro · 9 months
La Mirada de la Humanidad hacia el Espacio: Exploración e Imaginación
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En tiempos de cuarentena, nuestra mirada hacia el espacio ha experimentado una transformación significativa. La pandemia nos ha llevado a cuestionar nuestra existencia en el vasto cosmos y a apreciar aún más la importancia de la exploración espacial. Desde los avances tecnológicos hasta las misiones espaciales más emocionantes, nos encontramos mirando hacia las estrellas con nuevos ojos, llenos de esperanza, asombro y curiosidad.
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El Resurgimiento de la Exploración Espacial
Durante la cuarentena, el interés por la exploración espacial ha resurgido de manera notable. La tecnología y las redes sociales nos permiten estar más conectados que nunca con los logros y descubrimientos en el campo de la astronomía y la astronáutica. Desde el aterrizaje de misiones en Marte hasta el avistamiento de objetos celestes, cada acontecimiento nos recuerda que el espacio es un lugar lleno de misterios esperando a ser desvelados.
Además, la cuarentena nos ha permitido dedicar tiempo a mirar al cielo nocturno desde la comodidad de nuestros hogares. Muchas personas han redescubierto el placer de contemplar las estrellas y los planetas, conectando con un sentimiento ancestral de asombro y humildad ante la inmensidad del universo.
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Tecnología Espacial: Innovación e Inspiración
La tecnología espacial ha sido una fuente de inspiración durante la cuarentena. Misiones como la misión Perseverance de la NASA, que aterrizó en Marte en busca de evidencia de vida pasada, nos muestran cómo la ciencia y la ingeniería pueden superar desafíos aparentemente insuperables.
Además, el lanzamiento de misiones tripuladas y el trabajo en proyectos espaciales avanzados han despertado la imaginación y han generado una ola de entusiasmo en la exploración del espacio. Estas misiones nos recuerdan que la curiosidad y el espíritu de aventura son motores poderosos para la superación de obstáculos y el logro de lo inimaginable.
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La Imaginación en el Espacio
El espacio también ha sido un refugio para nuestra imaginación durante la cuarentena. En medio del aislamiento y la incertidumbre, las películas, series y libros de ciencia ficción han tomado un papel importante en nuestra vida cotidiana. Historias sobre viajes espaciales, civilizaciones extraterrestres y futuros distópicos nos han llevado a explorar la vastedad del cosmos de manera creativa y emocionante.
La ciencia ficción ha sido un espejo en el que nos hemos reflejado, abordando temas que van desde la supervivencia humana hasta la búsqueda de significado en un universo aparentemente infinito. Estas narrativas nos han permitido escapar de la realidad por un momento y soñar con posibilidades inexploradas y destinos desconocidos.
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Un Futuro Inspirador
En conclusión, la cuarentena ha cambiado nuestra mirada hacia el espacio, dándonos una apreciación renovada por la exploración espacial y la tecnología que nos lleva más allá de los límites de nuestro planeta. La ciencia, la tecnología y la imaginación nos impulsan hacia un futuro inspirador en el que el espacio seguirá siendo una fuente de asombro y descubrimientos.
La mirada de la humanidad hacia el espacio ha evolucionado en medio de la adversidad, y este nuevo enfoque nos invita a seguir explorando, investigando y soñando con los secretos que aún aguardan más allá de nuestra atmósfera. Con la ciencia y la creatividad como aliadas, continuamos mirando hacia las estrellas con esperanza y determinación, listos para escribir nuevos capítulos en la historia de la exploración espacial.
Recomendamos visitar los siguientes sitios web:
https://asgardia.space/ https://asgardiatv.com/ https://www.asgardiainstituteofstandards.space/ https://room.eu.com/ https://asgardiahogar.wordpress.com/ https://www.facebook.com/parlamentodesdemexico/ https://www.nature.com/ https://www.space.com/ https://asgardianspaceresident.com/ https://flipboard.com/@Spacecom https://www.instagram.com/spacedotcom/ https://www.tiktok.com/@spacedotcom https://copernicspace.com/spaceibles https://www.aerosociety.com/ https://www.bmwk.de/Navigation/DE/Home/home.html https://spacecitizennews.com/ https://spacenews.com https://www.instagram.com/SpaceCitizenNews/ https://airc.at/#2 https://orbiterchspacenews.blogspot.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@videos.asgardianos https://asgardiahogar.wordpress.com/ https://www.exopaedia.org https://www.nasa.gov/ https://www.siae.fr/ https://phys.org/ https://www.asgardiacosmos.space/ https://asgardia.shop/ https://asgardiatravel.com/ https://asgardia.trade/UK/ https://asgardia.space/en/social/communities/1886
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washingtonposttoday · 10 months
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New UK military ‘cell’ to partner with US SPACECOM on space domain awareness – Breaking Defense http://dlvr.it/SrGrqg
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blk2274 · 1 year
0226_Orlando_.mov from 365BLK2274 on Vimeo.
SpaceCom Week 2023 : after the workshops time for a bird's eye view
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shempimite · 1 year
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was testing out my Kraftone brushes and a character design for SPACECOMIC™.
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