#spanken time
princesstigerbelle · 4 years
She likes when I lightly pat her bum, she will wait for me to do this and it’s hilarious 😂😂😂
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floral-disruption · 3 years
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This drawing comes from my newest brand spanken new video i put out on my youtube channel XxXDaisyTrailsXxX where i talk about Cupcakes,,,, the mlp fanfic,,,, if you have the time please watch it. I need appreciate fo live-
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Hello, fellow child who has gotten spanken so many times as a way of discipline for every little thing that I no longer talk about my problems to my parents speaking, I need advice on how to write fics. I've always sworn to myself that I would never do something like 'spanking' as any form of discipline (it literally isn't, we just end up hating you and feeling manipulated), but now when it comes to discipline I don't know how to accurately portray it. Advice?
I don’t have a lot of experience, but I’ll share the few thoughts i have.  Punishment wise the worst i got that i still consider reasonable was not being allowed to play video games or watch tv for a certain amount of time.  And never for that long; if i got a bad grade i lost maybe a week at most, but usually just a weekend.  What’s important is that these things are temporary.  Throwing a child’s possession out permanently without their consent and/or knowledge is a massive breach of trust.  
Extra chores is something else I consider to be fair, though I rarely got that one myself.  And the punishment should fit the crime if applicable.  Break something, clean it up.  Say something mean, write an apology letter.  Stuff like that.  And it varies depending on age.  Younger kids might get a time out, older kids get grounded and can’t go out with friends after school.  Students of a specialized school might have to do extra training.
But I think an important part of discipline is discussing why something is wrong and worthy of punishment.  “Because I said so” doesn’t impart any lessons about why something shouldn’t be done, just that one shouldn’t be caught doing it.  It’s good to talk to kids about what they did.  The worst parents and teachers attribute active malice to simple ignorance or honest mistakes.  Having to fess up to something bad to your parents or a teacher you respect can be a punishment in and of itself.  Even worse if they interrupt or yell at you after they demand you explain yourself.  If that’s the case, they’ve likely already decided guilt.  But on the better side of things, adults talk things out with kids, so both get a picture of what went wrong and how it can be fixed.
If you’re using this for writing, I suggest mix and matching positive and negative approaches to discipline for that extra bit of conflict.  Hope this helps.
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bunnyramen · 4 years
“Mina please!” But it’s too late, Mina’s already pushed him out on stage with hundreds, no, THOUSANDS of curious eyes watching him as he’s handed the microphone as he furiously shakes his head no.
“Come one Kiri, we need you to stall just for a bit.” Jirou clasps her hands together, looking nervous that he may not go through with it.
He did have a song that he was writing but it wasn’t done yet, hell- it wasn’t even half finished, but he was going to sing it.
He willed his legs to stop shaking violently, looking similar to an animal taking its first steps.
He blinks as he sees the crowds eyes start to close in, as they start to look impatient and angry.
“Why couldn’t they just have gotten Kaminari to rap or some shit?” Kirishima thought to himself as he gulped.
“Why would you send him out there? We’re not sure if he can sing or not!” Hagakure whispered non to quietly to Mina.
“No, he can sing! I know he can! You can do it, Kiri!” Mina’s last sentence echoes in his ears, as if his brain was missing from its place in his skull.
Kirishima licks his lips and looks into the eyes of his peers, some that he knows and some that he’s never seen before in his whole life.
Shouldn’t they be done by now? Kirishima realizes that it hasn’t been an hour, it’s only been 10 seconds.
At that, he stills and smiles.
“Ladies and Gentleman and others , I come here with a song that I wrote for you all called “Nobody likes the opening band.” Kirishima clenches his teeth as he says the title, looking at the people that were supposed to be ready for this.
Why was he pushed out on stage?
He was supposed to be in the stage crew, not having his boots stand heavy on this platform in front of thousands of people.
But he can’t let Jirou and the gang down, he can’t let Kaminari’s guitar go untuned, Bakugou’s drums go undrummed, he can’t let THEM down.
Why the hell weren’t they ready?
(He would later find out it was because SOMEONE couldn’t their eye makeup together *cough* Bakugou *sniffle, sniffle*)
So if he had to sing a song that he’s barely finished with a shaking hand on a Microphone and a heavy drum like beat in his heart?
So be it.
He didn’t even have a beat he just went for it, acapella.
He wasn’t sure how it would play out against the piano banging in his head but he hoped it would sound good.
He surely wouldn’t want to introduce the main attractions to an angry mob.
“Oh come and see the opening band,”
The crowd got really quiet, all eyes that strayed away were now glued to his shaking, slightly bent form.
“Now that you’ve got your tickets and beverages in hand, they look so tired, sound uninspired, guitars are second hand”
He wasn’t sure if the guitars were old or brand spanken new since all the instruments were Jirou’s, the girl that was looking at him with a proud look on her face.
“Cause no one likes the opening band,” He looked nervously at the sidelines, it seemed they needed another minute.
“Nobody likes the opening band, their set times far too early and I’ve never heard of them.” His throat felt dry, waiting for the booing and throwing of stuff to start anytime soon since he wasn’t supposed to be on the stage at all yet here he was.
Singing in front of thousands of people he will never see again most likely.
“And chances are they won’t go far, career is sure to end, cause no one likes the opening band.” Kirishima took a glance at the side stage and saw Kaminari’s offended facial expression. Jirou didn’t look any different either.
“Oh, unfamiliar things will make us nervous..” That part was true, he felt like up chucking on the floor right now. But he couldn’t let his friends down even if he was pushed out here against his will.
“But singing here for you gives me a purpose.” He knew the others could see him constantly looking to the side but he really needed their support. He almost didn’t see Bakugou arriving on the side of the stage (finally).
“So, take pity on the opening bands, Cause no one came to see them-“ Kirishima locked eyes with Jirou’s parents who were looking a bit confused cause they most likely (definitely) expected their daughter to come out for the show.
“Except their mom and dad” Kirishima saw Eraserhead, Present Mic, Loud Cloud in the crowd, somewhere in near the front, Mirio and Eri was we’re with them, Eri being on Miro’s shoulder. He smiled and really wanted to say hi to his family but he had to finish the song.
“But if you lend an ear and give them just a little chance.” He went into a high note, he wasn’t even expecting for his voice to do that himself but the moment just felt right.
“You may just like-, you may just like the-, you may just like the opening....” Kirishima closed his eyes and readied himself for a big finish.
“Band.” His voice was loud in the microphone but he held the note, something he’s seen Jirou do lots of times in her songs and figured it was right for him to do.
His chest heaved as he looked in the crowd that was eerily silent, he was waiting for the screaming, the booing, the hissing but what he wasn’t expecting.
Was the standing ovation.
He smiled really big, wiping the sweat that built up a bit on his forehead.
“Alright people, I’m gonna need you to do the same for the real opening band! Everybody say hey to the dope gang!” Kirishima finally handed the microphone over to Jirou who did a quick version of their overly long handshake which he received with as much coolness as he could muster.
“HEY!!” The crowd said as loud as they could when the whole band arrived on stage.
“Hey! How come when he does that, you guys go crazy!” Present Mic yelled over the crowd just enough for Aizawa and Shirakumo to hear him.
“Just face it, Mic. Our kid is cooler than you.” Aizawa yelled back and Shirakumo nodded, agree with him.
He walked off stage and to the sidelines.
“Yo Todoroki, you mind me a block of ice?” Kirishima said, already taking off his shirt.
Todoroki nodded and starting with an ice like ball and kept adding on to it.
“Kirishima, that was amazing! I didn’t know you could sing like that!” Hagakure came up to him, a bit of a squeal in her voice.
“Well, I actually can’t sing, I was just-“ Kirishima didn’t see the look on her face but with her demeanor, you could tell she didn’t believe a word he said.
Neither did the rest of his classmates.
This is dedicated to my friend @darknoahshere , they helped me a bit with the idea! Awesome friend!!
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jadedbirch · 4 years
"Great. Perfect. Nice. Fuck this" You know for who. Do your magic.
I hope some very consensual and enthusiastic Spankening is what you had in mind when you sent me this prompt, Alex! <3
Also @solomonlittle sent me the same prompt b/c fandom hive mind is real.  I love you guys!
Wei Wuxian would prefer not to think of himself as a petty man, but then again, he’s never been above vindictiveness and marriage hasn’t changed him that much. And the thing is, here is the thing, he and Lan Zhan have been planning this romantic night for weeks, because being Chief Cultivator is a thankless task. Lan Zhan would be the first to tell you - if he ever talked. So it falls to Wei Wuxian to remind everyone of this little fact on his husband’s behalf. These people, all right, these people are a menace. Always knocking on your door with supplications, or rather demands, if he’s being entirely honest. “Hanguang-Jun, solve this! Hanguang-Jun, fix that!” Most nights, by the time Lan Zhan is ready for bed, Wei Wuxian is too eaten up with guilt even asking him to do more than fall asleep in his arms.
This prestigious position is the biggest cockblock in history, Wei Wuxian is starting to realize. Someone else needs to do it. He’s still technically a newlywed and he needs… Well, he needs Lan Zhan. He needs Lan Zhan’s hands on him, and his mouth. (Great gods! That magnificent mouth.) Wei Wuxian shakes like a rabid dog at the mere thought of anyone else so much as looking at that mouth.
Instead what does he get?
“Really? Tonight of all nights? These children could’ve picked any other night to get in trouble and need you to rescue them. Why tonight?” If Sizhui wasn’t among the aforementioned children, Wei Wuxian might just let them die. It would only be fair - because he is currently dying. "Great. Perfect. Nice. Fuck this." He storms off when it becomes apparent there is nothing he can do or say that will effectually change the situation.
Read the rest on AO3 :)
Rated: Explicit
Words: 2705
send me a 5 word prompt
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unlocktxt · 4 years
your parents actually had you put soap it your mouth— like... like in the old movies like A Christmas Story...? D: I mean every parent is different I guess. I just get yelled at and hit with a shoe wuldnsmsj but i feel u on the sibling thing😔 my sister told my mom like 2 or 3 weeks ago that she got a 4/6 on this quiz which at her school is a hella F and my mom was like “it’s ok sweetie just try harder and study more next time” and i was like “MOM TF—“ because i got the SAME EXACT GRADE when i was in algebra on that SAME EXACT TEST and i remember she was like 😡🤬👿💥🔥💣. 😔 also sister was a scandalous fake cryer from the beginning. like when she was two i would catch her standing on the little toddler steppy stool and practice crying in front of the mirror in the bathroom. it never really clicked back then that she would use that against me but as i grew older i was like “wait a damn second...” and the thing is she’ll still pull the crying thing sometimes and she’s a whole grown ass 13 year old💀but we love our little sisters anyway i guess because it’s mandatory because if i didn’t love her i would’ve just gone to bed and been like “figure your 3 assignments of algebra hw out by yourself” and she would’ve failed.☹️
....yes :( I didn’t even know that wasn’t a normal thing until I told others about it. They’re were like :o that’s disgusting! WORST PART IS my mom would go “you have to bite it and can’t wash it out for 10 seconds” GUYS ILL TELL YOU HERE AND NOW soap doesn’t taste good... and it’s hard to get out of ur teeth. (At least she’d get a new bar of soap for us 😌) I was known as the trouble maker child cuz I didn’t like getting told what to do... came with a lottttt of getting my ass meet with a belt (my dad did this this where he would slam the belt together to make a loud noise and I could hear him doing it while I was in my room knowing that my ass was gonna HURT) I’ve never been hit with a shoe besides messing around with my brother but SHOES FRIKIN HURT especially flip flops those things STING! I do remember the first time my lil sis ever got a spanken tho I was like 🤭 cuz my mom was so tired of it that she spanked her with a brush... THE BRUSH FUCKIN BROKE. YESSSS I mean my sister struggles more in school than me so I understand it BUT I CANT EVEN MAKE A B WITHOUT MY DAD GOING “you’re not trying hard enough. Don’t let off the gas now” he has actually told me not to let off the gas... like... IVE BEEN OFF THE GAS SINCE 10TH GRADE I’m tired of school 😭 but FR THO U JUST SIT THERE AND WATCH THE LIL SIB GET BABIED. I can’t believe you caught your sister practicing skfnskd like I knew from the get go she used crying as a way to get away with things... it was that or she needed to get her emotions in check. like I cried when I got im trouble... BUT THAT WAS BECAUSE I KNEW I WAS GONNA GET MY ASS BEAT like I would cry and plead guilty while saying sorry 100x but noooooo there was no saving me. My lil sis on the other hand... tears... and it’s fine FAKE TEARS THAT DISAPPEAR WITHIN SECONDS. Ur sister rlly said 😏 wanna see a trick. I feel like my sis will turn out the same way like she’s 11 and will still be like 🤧 like... OKAY we get it you can act 😤 I cant fake cry but even if I could IT WOULDNT MATTER ID STILL BE IN TROUBLE. Yep... the things we do for our little sisters. They have the power to push EVERY. SINGLE. BUTTON. but still come out as the people we’d chose first. Like even when we weren’t that close I knew that I would always put her before anyone else I love. the fact that I had my own work to finish... but I helped her on her 5+ math assignments that were due the next day 🙂. I feel like they have an unfair advantage... NOBODY HELPED ME WITH MY MATH! okay maybe it’s cuz we know what it’s like to SUFFER so we’re like FINE I’ll help... although sometimes I sit there like... I am NOT dealing with this attitude.
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this represents how I feel reading ur ask slbflwnr
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remembertherandler · 7 years
Hey everyone!
I just want you all to know that things have been fantastic! It was nice knowing ya, but I'm not sure I'll be functioning after tomorrow, so best of luck to you all. May your ship stay afloat amidst the perfect storm of rhinky goodness!
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fan-writer02 · 5 years
Have a blind Astrid AU. I don’t think I’ve posted this one yet, truth be told, I can’t remember. XD But if I did just lemme know and I’ll delete it. This isn’t much anyhow, just a pointless drabble I wrote up for no good reason. I just figured, what if Astrid was somehow wounded in the battled against Grimmel, and loses her sight? Here’s a little insight on the subject. (haha, I’m so funny :PP)
People would ask: How much do you remember? She would always laugh, because it seemed like they expected her to forget. How could she forget when it was all she had?
He had a round nose. Big emerald eyes (Not green, they were more then that. They shone and sparkled.) and big ears. He had a gap-toothed smile- auburn hair. With her little braids behind those comical ears of his. And... he'd had hair constantly flapping over his eyes. She'd brush it aside. He'd grin. 
Oh. He had freckles. So many freckles. All across his nose and cheeks, the back of his neck. On his shoulders. His hands, even. 
And scars. His left leg was only half there. He had a scar on his chin, a long smooth white scar on his right hand. And an entire chip out of his left index finger was gone. From the forge work. He had a splattered burn scar below his elbow. 
He was tall. Taller then Fishlegs. But he'd never been as tall as Stoick. She was okay with that, for if he'd been any taller, she wouldn't be able to plant a kiss on his cheek. 
Once, after they'd married, he'd begun to let his peach fuzz grow. She'd betted he wouldn't be able to grow a beard at all "with those chin whiskers", but turned out he could. At first, she wasn't sure she liked it. Now, she loved it. And not just for the appeal, but also the sensible part of it as well. She could easily kiss him now without missing his lips. (And Hiccup had gloated it up, that cheeky blither. Telling her he'd finally beat her at something: growing whiskers. She'd threatened to shave it off while he slept, though she never ever would even if she wanted to.)
She remembered, a few months after the "incident", Hiccup had been extra quiet one evening as they sat in front of the fire. She prompted him to tell her what was wrong, and finally he did. 
"My braids." He said lowly. He paused, and she waited. "I- they've fallen out now. Both of them." 
Her heart danced. So he did like them. Of course he did, she knew he did, no matter how many times he said they bugged him. A smile tickled the corner of her lips.
"Yes?" She prompted. 
He shifted uncomfortably. "Um... W-well... to tell the truth, I was sort of wondering- well you see..." 
She laughed quietly and turned in his arms. She lifted her hands, gently searching for his ears. They weren't hard to find, and she tugged on them teasingly before grabbing a hunk of hair behind them, twisting them into tight little plaques. 
It took a few tries to tie the ends, but she'd got them eventually. After the first one, she'd done a second, then a third. Then a fourth. It wasn't until she started a fifth that Hiccup protested.
"Geez, Astrid!" 
She bit her lip to keep from giggling. She finished it off, then with a little ruffle of his hair, she patted his head playfully.
"There, beautiful! I can't even see and I can tell you look like a spring daisy." This time, she did laugh. 
Hiccup grumbled about it some more, saying he'd only wanted two braids at the most, but she noticed how he didn't take them out. She made it a habit to check, and if a few were missing, she added another. 
It was one of the things they could still do together. 
But Hiccup was amazing. She'd never loved him more for it, because no matter the mistakes she made, he never gave up on her. He helped her practice throwing a weighted axe. He led her by her arm about the new Berk, helping her to get used to the roads to and from different places, and describing the progress of huts being built. The Great Hall was newly finished, so she often times found herself taking her well memorized path to it, where she'd find Valka dealing with small chiefly matter that Hiccup assigned her to.
He would always make sure she had what she needed without making it feel like she was being babysat. At first, he was clingy, staying with her wherever she went. After telling him he needed to attend his duties as chief (with assistance from Valka, Gobber, and the gang, who all urged him to do the same) he finally left her side. She appreciated his concern of course, but... she wasn't used to being so dependent. Now, she'd just have to let one of the neighbors know when she was going out, which had taken some time for her to actually give in and do. But when she realized how worried Hiccup was when she didn't, she'd swallowed her pride and done it. Plus... the "neighbors" were only Fishlegs and the twins, so it wasn't so hard.
It took getting used to, that's for sure. Especially without Stormfly...
She quickly shoved that thought out of her mind. She mustn't think about that, lest she wanted to cry.
And now, here she was, exploring one of the newest streets of Berk, lined by huts and a brand spanken new bakery. The smell of freshly baked bread tempted her to the shop door. She carefully lifted her booted foot and searched for the step. Upon finding it, she entered the room.
"Lady Astrid! What a pleasure to have you m'dear! Cookies? Straight oughta the oven!" The lovely smell wafted about her, and she readily agreed.
As she munched the cookie, she let the robust woman lead her to a table. Said woman rambled on, proudly explaining what had been done to make the building as fine as it was. (Or so she said. For all Astrid knew the walls could be a wild assortment of blue's, greens, yellows, and polka dots with stripes.)
After being trapped into talking with the proud woman for about an hour, Astrid finally managed to leave. She nearly tripped over the forgotten step, but quickly caught herself before she fell flat on her face. She scolded herself under her breath for neglecting to remember it was there. She had to get better at that. She back tracked down the street the way she came. The air was cool, the sun must've set. And as full as her belly was with three cookies and a slice of bread, she longed for something warm and sustaining. So, she turned left and headed up the familiar path for the Great Hall. She hoped Hiccup could be found there. But she didn't even have a chance to reach it before someone stepped up beside her from the few mingling people in the street. She stiffened only for a moment, relaxing when she realized it was Hiccup himself. She was surprised she hadn't noticed him approaching, usually she could hear the pattern of his feet. He shuffled more then others, with his leg.
A kiss pecked her cheek, and she smiled. "Hello, my beautiful wife." Hiccup sniffed. "Ohh, you smell good. Better then usual." 
"I stopped at Mrs. Angus's bakery. She preened like a bird."
Hiccup laughed, tucking an arm around her waist and pulling her close. "I'm sure! She was a tyrant to work for, though. Picky as picky could be. The first building on that block to be completed, all the fellows were fed up working for her." 
They walked in silence for a few seconds. Hiccup moved his arm from around her waist to pick up her hand, instead. Astrid's heart burst with happiness. She knew people might look at her and feel pity, but by golly, she couldn't remember a happier time in her life.
Who needed to see when she had everything she had? A loving and supportive husband, great friends, and a lovely home. Even without the sense of sight, she could tell New Berk was beautiful. And no matter what happened, she couldn't be more grateful for what she had. She just couldn't think about what she was living without, and all would be well.
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kaito-yuki · 5 years
kenta-koma asked:
kaito-yuki: Nice ass
The Spankening – No Longer Accepting
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Over the years she had managed to bring him out of his shell more and more, but what Vivienne never expected was for Kaito to make such a brash move in public. The moment his hand made contact with her back side she yelped and jumped in shock, spinning around to face her husband and grin with a slight blush. “Oh Kaito! So bold, my love. What brought this on?” the Crystal Dragon Slayer purred while wrapping her arms around his neck with a coy grin.
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“Oh? I see, so you like that too, it was an experiment my dear.” Kaito explained innocently, it would seem almost out of character for him to do something like that in public. Then again he did marry the woman who has been changing him for the better ever since they met, so he was pleased at the reaction he got. 
“I saw Jellal do it to Ultear once, on accident mind you.” The Ice Dragon Slayer added as he leaned towards his wife, warms wrapping around her waist and holding her to him securely. Incidentally Kaito caught their scents together one time, was going to offer them his assistance too, only to find out they weren’t exactly working together like he expected.
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crystaldragonslayer · 5 years
'Nice ass' (ran can't resist XP)
The Spankening – No Longer Accepting
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Having been deeply involved in a conversation with Lisanna and Mirajane, leaning over the bar as they worked, Vivienne was in prime position for Ranzu to take full advantage of her lack of awareness. The sound from the slap made a loud snapping noise right as she yelped and jumped. What a way to be made aware of her lack in focus. “Ranzu! You brat! What a way to take advantage of my girl time, you naughty boy.”
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betters-au · 7 years
i'm having too much fun with this ok so,, for one of the bets: if the human says junior jumble is harder, sans has to do all of papyrus' phone calls, and if they chose crossword, papyrus has to work all of sans' stations. (ex: the telescope, first waterfall station, even by the mysterious place and where he sells snow)
Well aside from the whole "Wich puzzle is harder" thing they got going on, they have to do that anyway when they swap scripts.Unless you're talking about a brand-spanken new run then they may or may not do it.Depends on how motivated they feel at the time.
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