ironwoman359 · 5 months
Sanders Valley AU???
So the "Sanders Valley AU" doc is a very sparse idea document that contains notes for a Sanders Sides Stardew Valley AU (I might have talked with @teacupfulofstarshine or @stormcrawler75 about this, I honestly don't remember, the document is two years old). The story would focus Farmer Thomas moving to Stardew Valley and befriending the local populace, helping the valley's pining residents confess their feelings for each other, all while falling hopelessly in love with the valley's resident hopeful author Elliot Nico. This is the casting list I made:
Thomas = Farmer 
Nico = Elliot
Virgil = Sebastian 
Logan = Harvey
Patton = Penny 
Roman = Leah 
Remus = Maru
Janus = Abigail 
Emile Picani = Emily 
Remy (Sleep) = Sam 
Kai (cartoon therapy) = Alex 
Elliott (cartoon therapy) = Shane 
Missy (Misleading Compliments) = Hailey (this casting is open to change)
Dot and Larry = Pierre and Caroline 
Main ships would have been Thomas/Nico, Analogical, Royality, and Dukeceit, all which become established over the course of the story, while Remile is already established. I had no plans for ships involving Kai, Elliott, and Missy, though I was open to the idea of a ship or qpp developing between them. Also, as stated, Dot and Larry would take the place of Pierre and Caroline, and I had thoughts of replacing all the villagers, including the kids, with Shorts characters. I never actually outlined any plot or anything, but that was the idea!
WIP Title Ask Game
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fangirltothefullest · 4 years
Dadceit and the Little Eldritch Horrors prompt! Maybe Virgil spinning his first web and dadceit being so proud?
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Virgil’s First Web is his artistic masterpiece! Deceit still has it’s sticky mess framed proudly on his desk.
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residentanchor · 3 years
Happy Birthday!
Sorry I missed this one yesterday!! Thank you so much.
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Patton & Virgil & Remus + soft?
remus never thought he would love soft things. he’s always been the hard, sharp, fast one, tongue sharp like razor wire and slicing apart anything that gets in his way or threatens his brother or friends. now, curled up on the loveseat of his very first apartment with patton on his left throwing his socked feet into remus’s lap and virgil on his right sound asleep on his shoulder, drooling on his shirt and soft hair tickling his nose, remus can see the merits of softness. 
(he’s watched patton stand tall in the face of transphobic employers and coworkers and classmates who taunted his clothing choices and called him by a name that died long ago and referred to him with pronouns that don’t fit. he’s watched virgil take flak for the anxiety that runs through him like livewires, enduring the poking and prodding and teasing of people who don’t understand the severity of his brain. they’ve stood up to so much, and they haven’t let it make them hard or unkind. they are kind, and they are soft, but they are not weak, and remus will fight anyone who insults them like that.)
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delimeful · 4 years
But WHY aren't humans allowed to be educated and contacted? Because they are able to live in an environment that's deadly to most species? It makes me sad because it isn't fair to those like Virgil who are stolen from their planet and have all these horrible things done to them :c and what exactly are they going to do to stop humans who are slowly working their way towards space travel?
@stormcrawler75 said:
Why wouldn’t they take him seriously?
Anonymous said:
So in WIBAR do the aliens know that humans are an advanced species nearing space travel to other galaxies or do they just look at us and nope out of there, cause I'm curious to the others reaction to hearing how community based human society is. (Love your writing)
so, the thing about earth is that a majority of species would NOT even consider landing on it. deathworlders are rare, and thats because most deathworlds dont have sapient life, just flora and fauna in a super dangerous food chain.
the few that have gone down to earth and brought back a human and survived were well before modern times, so humans got their reputation as vicious merciless survivors and most everyone went “okay, not even gonna touch that” and left it alone (excluding, of course, smugglers and daredevils that could get past the guard). 
then the moon landing happened, and suddenly everyone was a little more nervous. there’s rumors going around that the council is considering containing the planet before any further space travel can be achieved, though of course nothing concrete. there haven’t been any in depth explorations or research, since keeping the humans in the dark about space is highly valued. 
after all, they wouldnt want to lose their advantage. 
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arri-aspects · 4 years
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Hey, uh, so I drew @stormcrawler75 's Pride, Adam, because I absolutely love them! I adore the story and I've read it like three times so please go and read it! It's called Wooing a Light Side and it's amazing!
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Hi, Remy! What's up?
“Well, here I am just sitting in my room, having a peaceful sleep, when suddenly I get the alert that the summoning rune is activated, and I’m dragged forcefully-” 
“Your cup of tea would suggest that you were already awake,” Logan noted, and Remy winked before downing a gulp of his drink. 
“Yeah, you got me, I was wide awake experimenting with a new potion recipie. What’s going on?”
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Hi, Taylor!!! Virgil + stuffed bear
Hi Storm! :D
“Virgil? Virgil have you seen my–” 
Patton froze, suppressing a squeal at the sight of Virgil curled up on the stomach of a teddy bear on the couch. 
Patton backed out of the room slowly with a grin on his face; his question could wait until after his brother’s nap. 
send me character(s) and a word and I’ll write a 3-sentence fic based on them.
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ittybittytatertot · 4 years
What do you think of Kaldur's new boyfriend?
Months later, I still feel really conflicted about it. I’m over the moon that Kaldur is officially m-spec.
And I appreciate that Wyynde cares deeply about Kaldur’s well being. He’s one of the only characters to prioritize Kaldur’s emotions and to acknowledge Kaldur deserves more. The episode they had together really was good and I love that we have them being flirty and supportive.
Plus THIS gif, is my WORLD
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But Wyynde’s backstory........is horrendous. There’s no other way to put it. Like it’s just layers of one bad thing after another, all of which could’ve been avoided if Greg had just...not gone on twitter.
Even without Wyynde’s backstory, I still have the issue that it would be thematically better if Kaldur’s bf were Garth or La’gaan, but take that complaint with a grain of salt, since I understand there’s no way DC would’ve let either Tempest or Lagoon Boy be not straight. 
So I guess I’ll just have to continue dealing with my complicated emotions by writing fics where Kaldur’s dating other people, or if he’s dating Wyynde, it’s because he’s a good guy and we’re going to ignore the purists because fuuuuck that.
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snowdice · 4 years
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ironwoman359 · 4 years
Trust issues with Virgil and Patton?
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@badthingshappenbingo  (read my specific rules for taking these prompts here)
Prompt: Trust Issues
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Summary: At a rescue/rehabilitation center for victims of human experimentation, Patton attempts to build a rapport with the newest patient. 
Content Warnings: Fear, mistrust, past trauma, implied human experimentation.
Word Count: 1,336
Read on AO3 here
Bad Things Happen Masterlist
“How is he today?”
The grim look on Logan’s face was all the answer Patton needed, and he sighed. He placed the tray he’d been carrying on Logan’s desk and stepped around him to peer at the monitors his partner had been studying. They showed a video feed of a small but comfortably furnished room that looked empty at first glance, but Patton knew what to look for. There! In the corner furthest from the room’s door, a small, dark figure was huddled in a ball. Even through the video feed, it was clear that he was shaking.
Patton’s heart ached at the sight, and he wanted nothing more than to swoop in and pull the poor thing into his arms and promise him that everything would be okay. However, given his previous reactions to anyone trying to touch him, Patton knew that would be a bad idea. Still, he wasn’t going to just sit on the outside and observe anymore.
“I’m going to bring him his food today myself.”
Logan looked up, eyes wide. 
“Patton, that is very ill-advised–”  
“He’s not eaten anything, Lo, if we don’t get that to change fast, we’re going to have to sedate him and hook him up to a feeding tube, and you and I both know that if we do that we’ll shatter any chance of him ever trusting us.” 
Logan sighed and rubbed his eyes, staring at the screens. “Yes, I know. I had hoped that us giving him space and providing him with food and water would be enough to show that we mean well, but apparently not.” 
“You know what he’s survived, Logan,” Patton said quietly. “He probably doesn’t even trust that the food is safe. We have to prove to him that we aren’t going to hurt him.” 
“Be careful,” Logan cautioned as Patton picked up his tray again and headed down the hallway to where the holding rooms were. Patton paused outside their newest guest’s room, and took a deep breath before punching a code in the keypad by the door. He hated that the door had to be kept locked, but when the subject was so unstable, they had to keep him confined for his own safety. Patton hoped they’d be able to change that soon. 
“Hey there, kiddo,” Patton called softly as he stepped into the room, the automatic door sliding shut behind him with a hiss. “You doing okay this morning?”
The figure in the corner flinched away, and Patton smiled gently. He kept his eyes lowered and curled in on himself as he approached, trying to appear small and nonthreatening. He sat down on the floor, folding his legs underneath him, and glanced up to check for a reaction.
“I brought you something to eat,” he said. “Are you hungry?” 
The boy glared at him from under a shock of dark hair, and Patton resisted the urge to reach out and brush it out of his eyes. He had to be more delicate than that if he was going to get through to him. 
“You’ve gotta eat something, kiddo, you don’t wanna get sick,” he said. He held out the tray, but the boy just scooted further away. Patton nodded, setting the tray on the ground. 
“Listen, I get it,” he murmured. “You’re scared, and suspicious. I don’t blame you; I would be too if I’d been in those labs. But this place isn’t like that. We’re a rehabilitation facility, you don’t have anything to fear here, I promise.”
The boy didn’t look convinced, but Patton hadn’t expected him to be. For all he was concerned, Patton was just another scientist who wanted something from him. 
“Look kiddo, if you won’t eat your lunch, do you mind if I have some?” he asked lightly. “I haven’t eaten yet today, and this soup smells amazing.” 
The boy frowned at that, glancing at Patton out of the corner of his eye, and Patton suppressed a smile. 
Good, he had his attention. 
Carefully, so the boy could see what he was doing, Patton picked up the plastic spoon from the edge of the tray and took a bite of the soup. He smiled over at the boy, who was staring openly at him now. 
“You sure you don’t want any?” he asked. “It’s really good.” 
He took another spoonful, then picked up the piece of bread lying on the tray and tore off a section, dipping it in the broth. He popped it in his mouth, then nudged the tray towards the boy with an encouraging smile. 
The boy hesitated, and Patton made a show of swallowing his mouthful of bread. That seemed to finally be enough for him, and he scooted closer, just close enough to grab at the tray. He snatched up the hunk of bread and dunked it in the soup broth before tearing off an enormous bite. He barely took time to chew before swallowing and taking another massive mouthful, and Patton fought the urge to giggle. 
“Easy, kiddo,” he said instead. “You don’t wanna choke and hurt yourself. There’s more where that came from if you want it.” 
That made the boy pause, and he regarded Patton with a curious look. He swallowed slowly, then, in a voice so low and raspy that Patton almost didn’t hear, asked “Really?” 
Patton forced his face to remain calm, even though his insides were leaping with excitement. He’d talked! He’d actually talked! Other than his panicked screams and aggressive hissing when he’d first been brought in, he hadn’t made a sound the entire time he’d been here, and now he’d spoken! Only one word, but still, it was progress, and Patton was going to take it. 
“Of course,” he said, keeping his voice even. “There’s definitely enough for seconds if you want. I’d have to take a trip down to the kitchens to get some, but I’d be happy to do so!”
There was a beat of silence, and then, 
Oh, that simple word spoke volumes, and Patton couldn’t decide whether he should pull the kiddo close and promise him that he’d never be hurt again or go out and hunt down anyone and everyone who was responsible for making the notion of kindness such a strange and foreign one to him. 
“Because you need to get your strength up, kiddo,” he said, pushing both urges away for now. “You’ve been through a lot.” 
“And what...” the boy’s voice shook, and he paused, swallowing before continuing. “What happens...after I get my strength up?” 
Patton smiled sadly. 
“Absolutely nothing. We’re not here to hurt you.”
The boy looked skeptical, and Patton sighed. 
“I don’t blame you for not trusting me,” he said quietly. “I’d be cautious too, if I were in your shoes. I just...hope that you’ll give me a chance to prove that I really do want to help you. Will you let me do that?”
The boy regarded him silently, and eventually nodded. Patton smiled brightly at him, then took a deep breath. Time to test the waters. 
“My name is Patton, by the way,” he said, and the boy's eyes widened just a bit. “Do you have something I can call you, besides just kiddo?” 
The boy looked away, and Patton held his breath, hoping that he hadn’t moved too quickly. If he spooked now, it could take ages to coax him into opening a dialogue with them, and- 
Patton nearly squeaked in surprise. 
“My name is Virgil,” Virgil said again, and Patton’s face bloomed into a smile. Virgil watched him for a moment, then offered a tiny, hesitant smile back. 
It was official. Patton was putting all his other cases on hold until he was sure that Virgil would never be afraid to smile again. The path towards his recovery certainly wouldn’t be easy, but if Virgil was willing to try, then Patton would give it his absolute everything. 
“Well, Virgil,” he said, his smile growing wider. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
Part Two: Gaining Trust
Bad Things Happen Masterlist My Fic Masterlist Commission Info Ko-fi
Sanders Sides Taglist (pt.1): @lizethemotherlycat,  @coffeestudylive, @logically-asexual,  @migraine-marathon, @princeyssash,  @idontevenfreakingknow22, @tree4life25, @spacevirgil, @virgiltheanxious, @thebaagelboy,  @msu82, @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2, , @thesleepyraziel, @bobolovesoze,  @littlemiracle05, @pattson,  @nerd-in-space, @thesides,  @stay-in--place, @ravenclawunicorn1, @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes, @michealawithana, @anotherfandomtrasher , @fandomsofrandom,  @a-deliciouslyfadingcollection, @nightmarejasmine, @xxfoxit, @quoth-the-sparrow, @katatles-the-fish, @misty-the-mysterious, @alyssadashrub, @punkassplonker, @noctisvalex, @i-sold-my-soul-to-thefandom, @funsizedgremlin, @vigilantvirgill, @nonamefightergirl, @thomasbemyfriend, @starsinger , @milomeepit, @justabookworm39, @shortandfantastic, @thesilentbluesparrow, @royallyanxious, @mirror2thespirit, @coffee-stains-paper-and-ink, @silverrhayn, @mooksie01, @backatthebein, @nye275, @anastasialestina, @callboxkat, @a-lexicon-of-words, @emeraldfoxface,   @peachie-keeen, @llamaly, @witch19,  @heythereprincey, @bring-it-on-perra, @nienna14, @bubblycricket,
Sanders Sides Taglist (pt.2): @thomasfandersunite, @slightlyobssesive,  @logicallyanxious, @apologetically-anxious, @keys117, @digitally-analog,    @ocotopushugs, @warping-reality,  @grey-lysander, @your-username-is-unavailable, @hikariyukino, @theresneverenoughfandoms, @virgil-sanderssss, @violetmcl, @thatfandomfollower, @nothingelsemattersmetalcisi-blog, @cdragontogacotar, @absentmindedproff, @fantasyandfairfolk, @virgilsblogofanxietys, @your-average-outcast, @sanderstalker, @galaxy-warping, @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @a-little-bit-of-ace, @faithfreedom-art @therealhmmlingle @xxladystarlightxx, @morgan-the-art-girl, @stormcrawler75 @wowitsmyblog, @romanssippycup, @lamp-calm-sanders, @musikasworld @cyberpunkjinx, @mauvelavender @samathekittycat @black-out-wonder @i-read-by-lamp @ravenclawicecream @nashiraneko @lucifer-in-my-head @ladyartemisia28 @awesome-and-unique-username @zoalish @entpscarleharrrr @raygelkitty @zeldahadasword @gubbalupagus @musicphanpie-b @virgilssweaterpaws, @faacethefacts @a-simple-fryingpan @pinkeasteregg @punknerdmusings @imantisocialgetoverit @anuninspiredpoet  @awkward-avocado-of-death , @poison-lyra  @modcarbz , @thisrandomperson102,  @skydiamcnds  @just-another-starfish , @thepoolofthedead ,  
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asofterfan · 4 years
Does getting tattoos hurt a lot? That’s probably a very obvious question, sorry.
haha, no worries at all!
The thing is though, it’s kind of a hard question to answer... like, yes, it hurts, but the level of pain varies a lot depending on different factors. For one, different people experience tattoo pain differently- like, I’ve been told I have weirdly high pain tolerance (I have fallen asleep during three of my tattoos). It also depends a lot on where the tattoo is- I have tattoos on both my hands, and those definitely hurt the most, with the crook of my elbow being a close second. Bony areas tend to hurt more, fleshy areas less, with the exception of the waistline, which hurts like a bitch for some reason. 
So, I wish I could give you a more clear cut answer, but that’s sort of the best I can do ^^;
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fangirltothefullest · 5 years
What would it take for Patton to kill Virgil's parents?
He would have to get Virgil’s permission. As soon as he had it (and he’s tried to ask for it) he wouldn’t hesitate. Especially after a certain Incident. 
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residentanchor · 4 years
Hello! Hope you're having a good day! I'm having a bad day so I'm looking through your fics and they never fails to make me feel better.
So I saw this, made a loud happy noise, then was so excited I forgot to answer it.
This is the highest form of a compliment thank you???
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Are Patton and Virgil ever just so freaking sappy with each other?
- you know the 90s addams family? addams family values or whatever tf it’s called? they are GOMEZ AND MORTICIA levels of sappy
- patton kisses virgil hello and goodbye every time he enters a room. patton and virgil are watching tv and patton has to go to the bathroom? he will kiss virgil’s cheek goodbye, go do his business, come back, and kiss virgil’s cheek hello
- virgil LOVES to spoil patton. at least twice a week, patton comes home to find flowers on the table, and they always have a sappy-ass note attached to them. sometimes they are purchased from a store. sometimes virgil went and picked them from the woods. patton is always smitten
- they both know the exact day of the month that they started dating, and every month on that day they have a mini-date (which usually just entails the boys going to joan’s house for a few hours so they can have dinner and snuggle)
- they’re the gayest motherfuckers and i love them
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delimeful · 4 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could tag me in WIBAR, please?
sure thing! :)
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