#tabacco shop
muktepavel · 5 months
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imyourinternetboy · 2 years
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idv-ask-azrael · 2 years
((Anyways hi friend incoming oc- *yet my oc to the wall* jk anyway injoy-Rat mod Abbx))
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"Exuse me there hunter but I wanted to gift you this. This pipe is handmade by me. With purple wood to add hint of gold paint to make the moons. Injoy~" Said the tall survivor. He hand it to the hunter to get one more thing and it's small box with probably with tobacco.
"I nearly forgot, the name Xiao Zhong the Headcarver. If you need any repairs to your pipe let me know ahead of time." He smiled at the hunter.
@idv-ask-azrael replied:
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Azrael looked at the small, wooden gadget in his hands. How long has it been since he last smoked? A few years, maybe? His pipe of choice had always been the water pipe, so this little thing was new to him. He had seen others smoke, of course, it had looked like these type of pipes were quite simple to use. And even if he would never try it, this man would not need to know. So the demon decided on simply acting polite and interested:
“Merci”, he replied while nodding slowly, his fingertips tracing the golden pattern, “Is there anything I would need to know about maintening it? Cleaning and such.”
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worldofsmoke · 1 year
Best Rechargeable vape pods online - World of Smoke n Vape
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Unlike disposable vape pods, a rechargeable vape pods online require a little more work, they come equipped with a rechargeable battery and refillable pods/tanks and designed to be reused multiple times. Click on the link for more details: https://worldofsmokenvape.com/
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obsessedbyneon · 7 months
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In 2022, I visited Vienna and because it's on Stephansplatz, opposite of the cathedral, you can't miss HAAS HAUS.
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Most people only look at Domkirche Stephan. Which is why you get weird looks when you turn around and only make pictures of Hollein's creation.
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With the building came the disappointment: Haas Haus has been 'hollowed out' by different new functions; a hotel, jewelry shop and ZARA share the interior. The ZARA made a mess of the original layout, by having their own and weird little escalators and dusty clothes departments.
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On the outside however, it still holds up. A really nice (I think original) detail is the tabacco leaf. This shop showroom-ing has Hollein's fingerprint all over it.
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Under neath the building is the most important U-bahn station of Vienna. The entrances also breath Hollein's fancy way of making those. Also the jewelry shop's.
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Some more night pictures:
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I think the City of Vienna could have done a better job at preserving Haas Haus. It really is a significant building in Vienna (I've seen it in many brochures and maps), it's the principal work of one of Austria's foremost architects. But I'm also aware Money Is Everything in this city.
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susieporta · 2 years
Le Cinque Ferite dell’Anima di L. Bourbeau.
La teoria delle cinque ferite, che ha reso famosa la celebre Lise Bourbeau grazie al suo libro “Le cinque ferite e come guarirle”.
L’autrice giunge alla conclusione che tutti siamo vittime delle ferite dell’anima, ma non tutti ne abbiamo cinque da sanare, i più fortunati, per così dire, ne hanno solamente quattro.
Lise Bourbeau sostiene che i genitori si comportano in modo differente con ciascun figlio proprio perché ognuno di essi dovrà fare un percorso diverso e lavorare su ferite differenti. Tuttavia l’attivazione di queste ferite, ossia portarle alla luce, è ciò che ci permette di lavorarci e a poco a poco guarirle.
Le Cinque Ferite e le Maschere per sopravvivere:
Affiancate alle ferite dell’anima c’è il concetto di Maschera . Questo è un concetto psicologico secondo cui la mente dell’essere umano crea una maschera per difendersi dai traumi subiti. Si attivano dunque dei comportamenti di cui spesso neanche ci rendiamo conto, e che ci permettono di sopravvivere nella nostra vita quotidiana, senza soffrire costantemente dei torti subiti. E’ come una reazione di sopravvivenza.
Le maschere corrispondenti a ciascuna delle Cinque Ferite, secondo l’autrice sono:
FERITA DEL RIFIUTO: il rifiuto è generato dal genitore dello stesso sesso, o da chi ne fa le veci, ad esempio per una bambina potrebbe essere anche una nonna, se fa le veci della mamma. La bambina si sente colpevole di essere rifiutata, come se ha qualcosa che non va per cui non può essere amata. Questa è la ferita che provoca più sofferenza ed è anche la più difficile da sanare, perché tocca la nostra vita come esistenza, portando a farsi domande del tipo:” Che ci faccio qui? Perché mi sono ritrovato/a in questa situazione? Qual è il mio scopo in questo mondo?”. Le persone che hanno questa ferita cercano di non dare nell’occhio, sono bambini molto educati e buoni, persone molto a modo, non gridano, non vogliono attirare l’attenzione su di loro. Persone indecise, che si sottovalutano, spesso sottostanno pur di non discutere.
IL FUGGITIVO: la maschera, se la sofferenza è stata grande, sarà quella di cercare di fuggire, di evadere dalle situazioni o di chiudersi in un mondo sicuro che ci si crea. Si è inoltre predisposti ad alcool, droghe, tabacco, shopping… tutto ciò che può generare una dipendenza.
FERITA DELL’ABBANDONO: risvegliata dal genitore di sesso opposto è ad un livello affettivo, di amore, del non sentirsi amati e pensare che non veniamo amati perché c’è qualcosa di sbagliato in noi. La ferita si attiva quando il bambino non si sente amato, nutrito, considerato e non gli vengono date le attenzioni che vorrebbe. Il bambino quando crescerà e diventerà adulto cercherà ancora quell’amore nel partner, in modo quasi smanioso, senza sentirsi mai soddisfatto, cercando continue conferma nel suo amore, perché ciò che in realtà sta facendo è colmare una mancanza.
IL DIPENDENTE: la maschera usata in questo caso è di vittima, si è tristi, non ci si sente mai amati del tutto, c’è una sorta di autocompatimento. La persona cade in uno stato quasi di depressione, si sente sempre inadeguata, ma non se la prende con gli altri, solo con se stessa. Ha paura di essere abbandonata, non riesce a staccarsi, neanche quando si trova in situazioni che la danneggiano.
FERITA DELL’UMILIAZIONE: questa è l’unica ferita che non abbiamo tutti. E’ legata al piano materiale, fisico. Porta un contrasto interno molto forte, sono persone che vorrebbero godere della vita con tutti i loro sensi, amano il buon cibo, il sesso, la bellezza, ma non si sentono degni di averla. Persone che si sentono sempre giudicate e tendono, quindi, anche esse a giudicare. Sono persone spirituali, ma che sono state umiliate, o così si sono sentite, sul piano fisico, magari il bambino è stato rimproverato e si è sentito “sporco”, allora si attiverà questa ferita in modo più o meno forte.
IL MASOCHISTA: sono persone che hanno paura della propria libertà, cercano di pensare ai problemi degli altri per non pensare ai loro, di buttarsi in mille attività per non godere del tempo libero e non pensare o stare troppo con se stessi. Non riescono a godere davvero delle cose.
FERITA DEL TRADIMENTO: attivata dal genitore di sesso opposto è direttamente collegata alla ferita dell’abbandono. Se si ha quella dell’abbandono si ha anche quella del tradimento, ma non vale il viceversa. Si sviluppa come collera nei confronti del genitore, porta a colpevolizzare sempre gli altri piuttosto che noi stessi. Deriva dalla rabbia sviluppata dalla bambina, ad esempio, nei confronti nel padre, e che quindi può continuare ad avere anche da adulta nei confronti del suo partner o del sesso maschile in generale. E’ provocata da una grande delusione che prova il bambino nei confronti del genitore, vorrebbe quasi cambiarlo se potesse, si sente tradito da quello che dovrebbe essere il suo migliore alleato, dalla famiglia, spesso ha vissuto in un ambiente familiare aggressivo.
IL CONTROLLORE: persone che vogliono sempre cambiare gli altri, chiedono continue dimostrazioni d’amore, hanno bisogno di conferme, a volte arrivano ad agire in modo quasi subdolo, o fanno dei giochini mentali a causa della collera che sentono nel loro profondo. Sono persone che hanno bisogno di tenere sempre tutto e tutti sotto controllo.
FERITA DELL’INGIUSTIZIA: il bambino si sente vittima di un’ingiustizia, il genitore non lo considera quanto dovrebbe, non passa sufficientemente tempo con lui ed è risvegliata dal genitore dello stesso sesso. Anche questa ferita riguarda la rabbia nei confronti del genitore, delle ingiustizie della vita, delle persone e delle situazioni ingiuste.
IL RIGIDO: vorrebbe che tutto fosse perfetto, non si permette di sbagliare, di essere umano, si prefissa obiettivi sempre troppo grandi e poi ne resta deluso se non li raggiunge, chiedono sempre troppo a loro stessi. Sono persone che esigono molto anche dal loro corpo, vanno in palestra, seguono diete, devono tenere anche l’alimentazione sotto controllo. Saranno persone dure con chi è dello stesso sesso. Sono persone molto sensibili, che tendono a chiudersi per non farsi vedere vulnerabili.
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Interaction I just had at the shops:
Me: and can I get a packet of pall mall rolling tabacco, some papers, and a pint bottle of plain vodka.
Clerk: we don't have pall mall
Me: okay, lucky strike?
Clerk: no
Me: okay just the papers then
Clerk: we don't have papers.
Me *looking at the display of rizla greens behind her*: aren't those...?
Clerk: oh, yeah, sorry. We don't have vodka though.
Me: are you sure?
Clerk: yeah. We don't have vodka.
Me *looking at the bottles of smirnoff on the SAME SHELF as the papers, too tired and cold to argue anymore*: um okay fine. I'll just get the papers then I guess.
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cheesewelsom · 2 years
I literally had no idea for this fic, but whatever. [ Oceans sisters name is Sea i literally dont want to talk about grammar right now. ]
⚠️⚠️ drugs ⚠️⚠️
" this is my stop. " I announced to the taxi driver. He made a sudden stop at that moment that made me lose my momentum and jolt forward hitting the passenger seat.
"Then get out girlie. " His voice sounded like sandpaper. She could smell the pipe tabacco from the evident smoke that escapes his mouth. Her displeasure must've shown on her face because the horribly stubble mustache man groaned as he loudly hit the black steering wheel. "GET OUT. "
"I HAVEN'T PAID. " She angerly shouted, she forcefully got out the pocket money and slammed it on the chair beside her. "And go to a barbers shop, your beard looks like it an angry Dunkin Donut machine made it. " She opened the car door stepped out then loudly closed it.
As it drove away, she looks at the house in front of her. "Lazy taxi. " Sea rolled her eyes as she marched towards the door, she knocked twice, then thrice. Then she raised a brow at the continued silence.
"Did they forget i visit every month??? " Sea puffed angerly, "first the driver and now my own god given parents? "She looked around the front yard to see two vases filled with.. some weird kind of plant? "What? "She blinked slowly, then went around them to see keys on the bottom.. "Well, that was easy. "She
Bends down on the floor and picked up the keys, goes towards the door and opened it up.
The smell hit her harder than a bag of bricks. "Oh dear Morgan's living deers, what's that atrocious smell? "She was thankful that all her clothes are in a ziploc bag, she knew some weird spunk smell would be the stuck on the walls, but not this kind of smell.
"Its horrendous! " She coughed, she honestly felt a little dizzy inhaling this much, and this was just the entrance of the house. She coughed a few times and stepped back off the door and swung it open so the odor would filter out.
"Gosh, im dizzy. "She needed a few minutes to recollect herself, then she made the smart decision to leave her bag at the front of the yard then do a re-try of entering the horror house.
She covers her nose with her shirt, pinned by her hand. Then she steps forward, the deeper she got the more she could smell, "my gosh someone help me. "She held on to a nearby wall as she entered the living room to see two people messed up out of their minds, dead on the couch, while a bong was sitting in their low wooden table.
She blinked a couple of times, then looked around the house. what have they been doing?  Smoking their brains out?
She heard crash as she flinched, she looked around the living room to see who made the noise, but the two adults were off their feet on the couch. Then another crash came.
She looked around for anything to defend herself with then remembered her baseball bat she hid in the floorboards when she still lived in this unsaturated hole. She crouched down to open one of the nearby floor boards to see her bat.
"Hah, something good DID come out of hiding your weapons at the secret base of the enemies. " She smirked as she took the baseball bat. She stood up and exited the living room, crouching down as she did.
She stalked around to see anything, then a third crash.. it came from her sisters room. She was confused on to why there was glass cracking in her sisters room but she still slowly made her way towards the room, she stopped to look look behind her to see if anyone followed, none, then look through the doorway to see her sister punching her mirror.
"Ocean? "She called out, her heart rate picking up in speed as she slowly came forward towards her little sister, her bat pointing downward but still in her hand. Caution taking over. "Ocean, it's me.  "
A silence loomed, then her sister turned around.
She was rendered speechless. Ocean has this greyish skin, Something you'd get during winter season. Bags under her eyes, and her jaw was slightly slackened. Her bat slipped off of her hand in shock.
"Ocean? "
"Who-who are you? Penny? " She stood there motionless as she looked at her high sister. "Penny " then suddenly she started crying, she ran towards her and hugged her. "Penny, they were horrible today! "And ocean just kept going on and on, complaining and complaining about their parents. And she didn't like what she heard.. so she pretend to be this.. ' Penny '
"Uhh, where's Constance? " She asked as she tried to pry Ocean off of her, since Ocean's skin made her itch like fire ants. Ocean looked at her weirdly.
"Why are you getting rid of me? Are you still angry? Im so sorry "Ocean started to panic so suddenly, it came out of nowhere! Sea was panicking at her sister since this was not her. Ocean latched on to her even more.
"Right, she's stoned. " She murmured lowly for her sister not to hear, she must've not because she was still rambling about something or other.
"Please don't tell my parents! I don't want them to leave me like she left me. " The last part was faint but she could still hear her. Right, a topic to latch on.
"Who left you? " She asked, then a wave of words left her mouth. More accurately her name, she expected this, this may get her some more time to scan Ocean's room.
Her eyes wondered around to see it! A phone. She tried to get Ocean off her again but she latched on harder. She took a deep breath the Ocean backed off? "Sorry you must've been annoyed of me by now. "
Sea should comfort her sister.. but this is the only time she has space for herself to actually reach the phone. Geez acting as this Penny girl is taking a mental toll on her.
"No, no of course not! "She slowly backed away and towards the phone. "I would never Ocean, you know that. " Sea convinced, then she searched around for her sisters phone while still maintaining eye contact with Ocean, when she felt her sisters phone.. then suddenly Ocean blinked at her.
"Penny are you okay? You're acting weirdly, did i do something wrong? " Then out of nowhere, Ocean broke down on the floor crying at the idea of being wrong.
.. her parents really scrapped this girl from head to toe, shaved her of all of her pride and left a she box filled with necessities to live in this shit hole..
She slowly crouch down, while holding the phone. She hugged Ocean, Sea's legs spread at Oceans side's while Ocean wrapped her legs on her waist and her arms around her neck.. like some red panda. Comforted her crying sister while texting her friend.. then she saw a group chat? St Cassian Choir?
... What choir? Gosh, she was so in-depth in her sisters life... Right, that's called neglect.. she finished the message and sent to her friends.
"I should visit more she never tells me these things. " She mumbled under her breath. But her head was nested on Oceans shoulder.
"Wha-? " Ocean sounded breathless, Sea blinked as she looked at Ocean.
"Ocea- "
She got slapped.
"Kh! "  She hissed while touching her cheek, anger boiling inside her as she angerly stared at her sister... Then Ocean started to hysterically cry.
Sea was frozen, she's been doing that alot now.. stopping while something important is happening. "O-ocean? "
"Why? Why are you here? To laugh? " With an accusational tone, Ocean angerly pointed at her, "you, you, you keep leaving,  you don't even tell me anything anymore! How can you come in and just violate my privacy? " She stared at Ocean starstruck. The sting on her cheek kept her on the ground while her sister blew her ear off.
She didn't even defend herself and let her sister have this. Shouting her frustrations away then suddenly she heard a knock, her heart almost leaps out of her chest as she heard them. She stood up, her sister right on her tail, she opened the window to see some 5 foot something Ukrainian guy. They stared at each for a few seconds.
"Who the fuck? "
"Language! " Ocean suddenly shouted. Sea flinched at the loud voice.
"Whom the fuck? "
"Ah, take Ocean first. "She said as she took her sisters hand and led him to the guy, "... Wait who are- "
" Oh im one of oceans friends, you are? " He asked defensively. Sea was just as confused honestly.
"Her blood relative- sister from College. "She explained, not wanted to the lumped around as the same group as her mother. "You can take her. "
"What about you? " He asked with a raised brow.
"Oh, i have some unfinished business. " Sea grumbled as she looked dat the doorway, "i still have to do something real quick, just take my sister out of here and if you can, take care of her. " She led her sister to the ukrainian guy.
"You speak of her as if she is a liability, you can trust me when i say she's not. " He says, with an emphasis on the not. She was taken aback at the toughness of the boy.
"Im not. "She puffed, "now grab my sister, i still have business to attend. " Ocean came forward towards the ukrainian boy and hugged him. The boy hugged back then princess carried her, he threw a mean look before he left.
"Ocean really has friends huh? "She mumbled, then she heard footsteps, her heart sank as she remembered Oceans loud crying.
Sea was full on panicking, looking around the room for her bat then she saw it at the entrance of the doorway. She could hear the footsteps getting louder and louder, her heart beside her ears because that's all she could hear.
She was shacking in fear, she didn't know where to go, she was stuck just beside a closed window, a bed, the closet a few meters away and no lamp shade. Then, she heard a gruff.
She looked at the doorway to see her father, he looked just as jacked as she saw him laying on the couch, stupidly she tried to run pass him but he somehow got the bat, Sea used her hands to protect her from the hit. Her dad swung the bad upright, her right arm crushed by a single blow.
"AAAAAAAAAACk!? " Pain traveled up and down her right arm, attacking everything, it felt like her bones are breaking faster than an earthquake ruining everything, it felt like her bones and breaking and mending back together. It was so painful that she didn't notice her dad taking another swing, this time sideways.
Her left shoulder got the brunt of it. She did a whole body shudder as the pain traveled all over. Her Dad was taking a nother, longer swing and that's when she pounced, she bit his trapezius so hard it started to bleed out, he kept hitting but she didn't let go. They both fell back as he kept hitting her back.
After she could close her teeth inside his skin, she let go and left him to bleed, he must've been in shock because he wasn't even moving anymore.
She sat up, grabbed her bat and slowly left the room. She was scared because she still had her mother to deal with. "Maybe i should just exit through the window. " She whispered as she left the room.
She walks towards the kitchen, opens the door, a she heard a swizzle through the air and a think right beside her. Her mother threw a fucking knife, that landed right next to the light switch.
"Oh holy Morgana, " she slowly turned her face to see the blade. "Im going to beat this bitch up. " She took her bat and everything happened too fast for her.
She swung, her mother threw another knife, she swung again, it hits her mother but the knife her mother had in hand hit her too. Back and forth, after her bat his her mothers head ( lightly ) she looked at herself for a bit.
Her right hand that was already rigged, had a knife inside of it directly in her palm, her clothes were ripped and she honestly looked like she came out of a serial killer, murder mystery.
"Hmm, maybe we can eat with all of them.. Ocean's friends. "She murmured as she looked around for something, "maybe tim hortons? Constance place? Ocean did say they had good food. " Everything was flipping upward, the place was gliding and snapping back in place. She scavenge the kitchen for a atleast a med kit, nothing.
"What were they doing with their lives? "She tsked, all she can see is weed.
That it, she's cleaning this place, top to bottom.
Started with the kitchen, cleared out all of the weed, bongs and incense. The bong water was flushed down the toilet, the weed was burned when she started a fire in her backyard.
She just cleaned everything. Cigarettes, Rolls, Coke, Marijuana, Cigar, Cinnamon, Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis, any type of Cannabis, edible she could find. And chuck it straight into the fire..
"Why the fuck is this houses Weed supply more impressive than antarctica's water supply? " She swiped her sweat off her forehead, "oh fuck, i need to puke. "
After puking, burning everything, putting out the fire, bandaging her parents with clothes, packed oceans things, closed the door and threw the key outside, barricaded the doors and left. Picking up her bag on the front porch.
"Agh, finding where their secret stash was a fuck around and find out moment. "She grumbled, then she suddenly remembered.. where the fuck is her sister.
"....." Her phone buzzed, she reached down in her pocket and fished it out to see the caller. She pressed the call button, then the speaker. "Hello. "
"SEAA! Why am i in Mischa's place!? Where are you??? " Her sister was full on screaming through the screen. Sea's hand throbbed in pain as to why? She didn't take the knife out yet. It's still stuck there.
"Sis calm down. " She calmly said, " im currently at the house, where are you? "Her voice sounded a bit like sand paper to her, and her cheek hurts.. it must've been from the knives her mom threw, one of them was close to her face.
"Wait there- I'll go ba- "
"No. Don't. " She commanded, "don't come back here, in this soggy, sad, bad house. "She literally couldn't think of anything else to say, "it's shit and.. and i kinda- I'll explain. " She's getting dizzy, it was so hard to breath and her right arm was pounding like amputation is the only answer to get out of this pain, and her left shoulder? It hurt even using it. "Don't move. Don't come here. "She swayed left to right before steadying herself again, "I'm coming to you, where are you? "
"Don't worry about me, one of my friends are coming to pick you up. " Ocean sounded teary, she didn't know why. "His name is noel. "
"Nole? "
"Uhuhm. "
Then everything went black.
_________ pt 1, done.
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greyskyflowers · 2 years
Magic shop AU ideas for fun 😊
• The building likes to change shape at least once a year
Log Cabin
A Canvas Tent
Old Opera House
Brick townhouse
• Moss grows like pathways through the whole store
• Stars hang by theads from the ceiling
• The sunlight comes in through clear glass windows and stains the floor in vivid colors
•The candle on the counter changes scents as the flame changes color
Blue sea salt and warm sand
Brown teakwood and soothing amber
Green ceder and and cheerful pine
Black tabacco and sweet smoke
Yellow daisies and harvest wheat
Pink cherry blossoms and subtle magnolia
• The shadows slink out like cats between the sunbeams and weave between your legs
• An ocean breeze pulls at your hair if you stay in one place long enough
• The north corner has a dusting of snow on everything and the south has sand pressed into the spaces between the floor boards
• The bookshelves are covered in vines that help you find what you're looking for and insist you read them something before you leave
• The old books can't keep their pages in order and the ink gets bored easily so it tends to run
• The carvings by the floor rise and fall like waves
• The plants gift little flowers to the ones looking at them and hide behind their leaves when they're embarrassed
• The crystals complain about missing the moon and like rainy days the best
• The teas are snoring, the smell of peppermint curling in the air
• The oils dance in their jars like they're being twirled
• Dust bunnies like to play chase with the broom and get carefully set outside once caught
• The stag beetles sleep all day on the beams by the ceiling while the bees and fireflies gossip by the herbs
• The iron is willful, holding itself to a very high standard
The silver is delicate, rolling into each movement with elegance
The gold is wise, the voices of a hundred lifetimes all giving advice
• The kitsune flame floats in a glass orb like fireflies
The Phoenix feathers flicker like candle flames in their vials
The mermaid tears can be heard telling stories from their terrarium of salt water
Vampire blood is black like tar against the glass case
The fur of a werewolf mimics constellations on the bottom of the cedar box
• The gold coins sing sea shanties from the cash register
• The carved boxes refuse to admit they're not whole trees anymore and grow roots that get tangled up with each other, sometimes even sprouting a branch or two
• There's a willow tree in the break room that likes to steal your lunch and always gets into arguments with the birch tree in the hallway over who gets what Christmas ornaments this year
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nonamewhiteee · 2 years
15:55 del 15/05, in balcone nonostante il venticello fa caldo, sarà per questo che canticchio Bruno Martino e la sua 'Estate', mentre l'odore del tabacco si mischia a quello del bucato. sotto mamma gatta gioca con i micini, di fronte una ragazza del quarto piano sorride e fa bruciare il suo drum, ha davvero un bel sorriso, chissà se anche lei vuole scappare a lavorare in un coffe shop olandese.
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mancunianbeard · 17 days
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Champion Barbers- Scented Beard Oil for Men- Beard Growth Oil for Men for Grooming Beard and Mustache- Beard Softener for Men (Dark Honey & Tabacco, 20ml) Beard Products, Every man needs a good set of beard products to help keep the beard in tip-top condition. We list a range of different beard products to help you care for your beard and achieve that style and shape you’re looking for. We have a fantastic collection of various beard care products in our online shop. Lets help you look after your beard with the Champion Barbers- Scented Beard Oil for Men- Beard Growth Oil for Men for Grooming Beard and Mustache- Beard Softener for Men (Dark Honey & Tabacco, 20ml). https://www.mancunianbeard.com/product/organic-beard-oil-for-men-dark-honey-tabacco-20ml-by-champion-barbers/?feed_id=9665&_unique_id=66127bec85ef5 #mancunianbeard #mancunian #menshealth #beard #beards #beardstyle #beardgrooming #beardlove #beardcare #beardculture #beardbrush #beardoils #beardoil #beardbalms #beardshampoos #beardsoaps #beardwax #beardcombs #beardtrimmers
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sstrawberri-sugarr · 3 months
The Taylor Swift Eras As Scent Notes
I'm trying to make candles based off of the Taylor Swift Eras and sell them on etsy. Here's my idea for each one. I will also post when each one is up on my etsy shop. (I might change them but this is just what I thought of)
Taylor Swift (First Album)
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Speak Now
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Ocean Breeze
Fresh Air
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Black Pepper
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Cotton Candy
Fresh Air
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Earl Gray
Old Books
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Night Air
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oktested · 5 months
IQOS: prezzo speciale e promozione del momento
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Se stai pensando di acquistare un dispositivo IQOS, questo è il momento giusto per farlo. IQOS è il sistema innovativo che scalda il tabacco senza bruciarlo, offrendoti un'alternativa ai prodotti da fumo tradizionali. IQOS non è privo di rischi, ma può ridurre l'esposizione a sostanze chimiche nocive rispetto alle sigarette. In questo articolo ti parlerò delle novità e delle offerte speciali di IQOS per l'estate 2023. Vedrai che c'è una promozione adatta a te! IQOS ILUMA WE Limited Edition: un'onda di colori che celebra l'unicità IQOS ILUMA è la linea più avanzata di IQOS, che ti permette di scaldare due stick di tabacco consecutivi senza ricaricare il dispositivo. Inoltre, grazie alla tecnologia Induction Heating, non hai bisogno di una lama per scaldare il tabacco, ma solo di un anello magnetico. IQOS ILUMA WE Limited Edition è l'esclusiva edizione limitata che celebra l'unicità della Community IQOS. Si tratta di una collezione di dispositivi e accessori dai colori vivaci e accattivanti, che esprimono la tua personalità e il tuo stile. Puoi scegliere tra tre modelli di IQOS ILUMA WE Limited Edition: - IQOS ILUMA WE PRIME: il dispositivo premium con finitura metallica e display touch. Disponibile nei colori oro rosa e blu notte. - IQOS ILUMA WE: il dispositivo essenziale con finitura opaca e pulsante di accensione. Disponibile nei colori verde acqua e grigio perla. - IQOS ILUMA WE ONE: il dispositivo compatto con finitura lucida e pulsante di accensione. Disponibile nel colore bianco. Ogni dispositivo IQOS ILUMA WE Limited Edition ha un prezzo speciale: - IQOS ILUMA WE PRIME: 129€ invece di 149€ - IQOS ILUMA WE: 79€ invece di 99€ - IQOS ILUMA WE ONE: 49€ invece di 69€ Inoltre, puoi personalizzare il tuo IQOS ILUMA WE Limited Edition con gli accessori della collezione, come le cover in silicone, i ring set e i caricatori da tavolo. Dal 3 luglio al 31 agosto 2023, se acquisti due accessori IQOS ILUMA, il secondo è in omaggio! Non perdere questa occasione e acquista ora il tuo IQOS ILUMA WE Limited Edition sullo shop online o in uno dei negozi IQOS autorizzati. Lil SOLID 2.0 a 19€ su iqos.com Se vuoi provare un altro sistema di tabacco scaldato, puoi optare per Lil SOLID 2.0, il dispositivo compatibile con gli stick di tabacco Neo. Lil SOLID 2.0 ha un design semplice ed ergonomico, una batteria che dura fino a 20 stick e una lama in ceramica che scalda il tabacco in modo uniforme. Lil SOLID 2.0 è disponibile sullo shop online di IQOS a soli 19€, invece di 39€. In più, se acquisti Lil SOLID 2.0, ricevi in omaggio uno Styler Deco per personalizzare il tuo dispositivo con dei motivi geometrici. Affrettati, perché l'offerta è valida fino al 31 agosto 2023 o fino a esaurimento scorte. IQOS ILUMA ONE a 29€ sullo shop online, solo con codice invito Se vuoi entrare a far parte della Community IQOS, puoi approfittare della promozione IQOS Welcome, che ti permette di acquistare il tuo primo kit IQOS a un prezzo vantaggioso. IQOS Welcome è dedicato a chi ha ricevuto un codice invito da un amico che usa già IQOS. Se hai ricevuto il codice invito, puoi acquistare sullo shop online il dispositivo IQOS ILUMA ONE a soli 29€, invece di 69€. IQOS ILUMA ONE è il dispositivo base della linea IQOS ILUMA, che ti offre la stessa tecnologia Induction Heating e la possibilità di scaldare due stick consecutivi senza ricaricare. Per usufruire della promozione IQOS Welcome, devi inserire il codice invito al momento dell'acquisto e registrarti al programma myIQOS, che ti offre servizi esclusivi come l'assistenza, i privilegi e l'accesso a IQOS App. codice invito: MGMOOQ28KUU7 Non lasciarti sfuggire questa opportunità e acquista ora il tuo IQOS ILUMA ONE sullo shop online con il codice invito. Conclusione Come hai visto, IQOS ti offre tante novità e offerte speciali per l'estate 2023. Che tu voglia acquistare un dispositivo IQOS ILUMA WE Limited Edition, Lil SOLID 2.0 o IQOS ILUMA ONE, c'è una promozione adatta a te. Non perdere tempo e visita lo shop online di IQOS o uno dei negozi IQOS autorizzati per approfittare delle offerte. Ricorda che i prodotti IQOS sono riservati ai maggiorenni che continuano a fumare o a usare prodotti contenenti nicotina. Se vuoi saperne di più su IQOS e sul tabacco scaldato, visita il sito iqos.com o contattami tramite chat. Sono qui per aiutarti! Read the full article
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worldofsmoke · 1 year
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andreyshch · 8 months
Varlam Shalamov
Liszt rapsody No.2.
The town didn't have its madman. For ten years this established vacancy was occupied by the lousy bell ringer Kuzya. Once, the son of a bell ringer has drowned, and since then Kuzya considered water to be the vomit of the devil. He refused from washing and never went to the other side of the river. He whispered to the blue-eyed he encountered: "devil spat into your eyes". He crossed his glass thrice before the tea drinking. Black-eyed and brown-eyed shopkeepers were feeding him. Kuzya has died recently and the townspeople were examining the oldman in a worn out glossy cloak, thinking if he is suitable for the role of the mad.
The boys were already running after him, shouting: "chizhik, chizhik". Long ago, before the elder brothers of these boys were born, the oldman was a music teacher. The nickname "chizhik" was not given to him by the children. The oldman's wife was dying, he exchanged the piano for the butter and invited a professor from Moscow. The wife died and the oldman took a job of a pianist at the cinematograph. Between the two performances of "The fairy tale of love dear" the pianist was given an envelope with the blurry purple stamp. The regiment commander was advising that both oldman's sons, red army servicemen, had died heroes. The oldman accurately put the paper into the envelope and took a seat at the piano. But at the most pathetic moment he started to play chizhik. The film went on without music and cinematograph director was consoling the oldman as he could during the whole evening. A week later the director dismissed him. The military commissariat obtained a relief payment for the oldman.
Every morning he, a huge man with the swollen face, was walking through the town leaning on his stick, breathing heavily. The lion heads - the clasps of his cloak - were shining. Every morning the oldman was cleaning their muzzles with chalk. He was moving past the gardens chopped for firewood, past the goats eating away the mobilization posters, past the wilted vegetable plots fenced by the barbwire, past the churches not yet altered into cinematographs and fiercely raising the crumpled breasts of their doms to the sky. He was going to the market.
The market was renamed into "The Square of struggle against speculation". The struggle with speculation took place there. Once a week the whistles and the market women made a squeal. The gymnasium coats, the sacks of tabacco and striped sailor shirts were flying over the fences. The present and the future owners of these things were jumping after them. The parrot who pulled out happinness was hiding at the backstreet.
And at the abandoned market place, among the painted stools and facetted wooden spinning tops - the roulettes of the market Monte Carlo - "for five - twenty five, for twenty five - a hundred twenty five. The answer up to two millions" - the huge sad man stood motionless. His story was well-known in the town and even the police didn't take him during the raids. And when once the young investigation agent, an ardent collector of Carters and Pinkertons, conveyed the oldman to his chief, the chief asked: "but why did you bring this...Liszt?.." Again, it wasn't the chief criminal investigator who came up with this name. The oldman has sold the piano but kept the grammophone. Long ago, when the wife and children were not only alive but cheerful, he was winding up the grammophone every day. Gymnasium students, shop sellers, firemen and cooks were gathering beneath the window of their appartment - the oldman was entertaining the town. In the year of war he bought a record which became favorite in the family. It was the Liszt rapsody No. 2. It has been played only twice - during the urgent gathering of the elder son to the front the disc was swiped from the table and smashed. The oldman couldn't repeat this proud, powerful and young melody, but he remembered it exactly like this.
In the evenings the oldman was bringing the chair out to the street. He was recollecting life looking at the narrow green strip of the dawn. He felt that some happinness has slipped out of his hands and shattered. He was recalling his sons and singing two or three bars he remembered of the rapsody. There was neither rapsody, nor sons. The grey dust was lying on the oldman's boots quietly.
Gradually he began to think more of a rapsody than about the sons and the wife. The oldman thought that Liszt will bring his family back. He began to search for the record. He renewed the old and strarted the new acquaintances. He was bending over the stalls of the ragmen and market vendors, groaning. His search was painfully long - may be a thousand days. That's how the town got to know about the existence of Liszt and his rapsody.
One wet and windy autumn day he found the record. He was gasping with happinness. They were asking a kilo of sugar for the record. It was a crazy price, but the seller was notified in andvance that the buyer was crazy himself. The oldman worried. He offered pressed tea, a copy of Rubens, a pair of boots. There was no sugar in the city. The oldman was affraid to loose the rapsody. He begged the seller to come to his apartment and choose anything for exchange. The seller refused. The oldman besought him to wait - he ran home to ask his neighbors for sugar. The seller agreed. The oldman hobbled towards his house. After two hours he came back to the market, hot and sweating. He didn't get the sugar. The disk owner disappeared. The oldman sat on a stone and began to cry. A mathematics teacher of the unified labor school led him home. He never came back to the market. Two days later the mathematics teacher found him delirious - the oldman had caught a cold. He was raving about the rapsody. There was an old grammophone in the corner of the room, surrounded by the pile of broken discs. The teacher rushed for a doctor. The jolly doctor came, the one whose patients ran away. A year ago he came to the town as a doctor of psychiatry, but the drunken hospital guard had scattered all the insane and there was no one there to collect them. They disappeared. The doctor became a therapist. At that time venerologists were treating the spainsh flue, pharmacists were trepanning the skulls. The doctor put a thermometer and shook his head.
"We'll get better, pop", he said briskly. "A little aspirin..."
"Rapsody", gasped the oldman.
The mathematician told the story of the oldman. The doctor looked at the patient with interest. The oldman's swollen belly was slightly trembling.
- Liszt...- pronounced the oldman crying, - Liszt...- and he folded his blue heavy hands prayerfully. The cramp of suffering was running along his face like a lightning. The doctor came in the morning. The mathematician looked at him timidly with his reddened desperate eyes. The doctor kept himself like a wizard. He took a thermometer out of his sleeve. He felt the pulse. The oldman was in full consciousness and kept silent.
- Pop, said the doctor leaping back from the bed and exulting, - Liszt rapsody No.2, - and he took the black disc from behind. The oldman's heavy breath interrupted. He opened his eyes widely. His body was trembling in small convulsions. The doctor turned the grammophone handle and wiped the dust from the cloth turntable. He placed the disc and pushed the lever. The needle started to hiss and the first bars of the waltz "On the hills of Manchuria" threw the teacher of mathematics up from his chair. He rushed to the grammophone but the doctor stood in his way. The teacher clutched at the doctor's shoulders.
What - are you, - there was a gurgling noise in the throat of a teacher and the big drops of sweat appeared on his forehead.
- Now, said the doctor, carefully taking the teacher's hands off his shoulders. - Take it easy. You are only a mathematician.
The oldman's face was brightenning. Severe wrinkle folds were smoothing out slowly. He was smiling. The light blissful froth was bubbling on the oldman's lips.
Liszt! - he whispered, - Liszt...
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TV Guidance Counselor Episode 573: Judd Winick
June 19-25, 1982
This week Ken welcomes author (buy his new Hilo book!), Real Worlder, and kindred spirit Judd Winick to the show. 
Ken and Judd discuss Judd's fantastically cluttered office, their children's world, St. Elsewhere, death on TV, Brendon Tartikoff, how the A-Team could spin off from Hill Street Blues, Misfits of Science, comic books, the dessert of comic book properties in TV and movies when we were growing up, growing up as a New Yorker, Long Island, getting mugged, weird red eyes, shirtless TV, kids who smoke, big Tabacco, Judd's wife Pam, mobsters, The Mile High collection, Filmmation, Isis, Space Academy, Kids Super Power Hour, Mission Magic, One of the Boys, Mickey Rooney, Bill, Fantasy Island, Red Buttons: Super Hero, living in Boston, Robert Urich, Archie Bunker's Place, Stacey Keach in Wait Until Dark, odd Cruisin' inspired acting choices, Long Dry Season, George Peppard's directing career, Trapper John MD, Hilo, Encyclopedia sets, Continental Divide, Blair Brown, Altered States, Bob Balaban, WKRP, forgetting Gordon Jump's character's name, M*A*S*H, being team BJ, loving Alan Alda, anti-war media, Twin Peaks, Quincy ME, the magic of visiting Henson Productions, Bad Robot's Typewriter store, Happy Days, Three's Company, Welcome Back Kotter, Andy Griffith, John Ritter's Balls, Real People, That's Incredible!, haunted Toys R Us, asian characters on TV, how modern procedurals are sci-fi, how MASSIVE Fame was in Israel, Gimme a Break, how amazing Lara Jill Miller is, the incredible talent of voice over actors, the failure of Giant Salmon pictures, Beverly Hills Buntz, screwing on TV, Sweeney Todd's coffee shop, haunted security systems, rock star architects, Blade Runner, Benson, Pokerface, Saturday the 14th, performing Blow Out as a one man show, old ice, Phil Lamar's Mr. T stories and Pinky in Body Double.
Check out this episode!
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