#the church of thanos
soulcluster-moved · 9 months
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why are comics so convoluted
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Warlock (1972) #11- Page 5
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dilfdoctordoom · 1 year
if you could write a gamora story what would it be about 👁👁
Her and Angela kissing next question
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adamwarlock · 1 year
sorry, has* adam interacted with ghosts?
With ghosts?? 🤔 Yes sort of, when Adam confines the Magus and the Goddess within Soul World. Magus calls himself a ''wraith of frustration'' in Warlock Chronicles #4 and later in Infinity Crusade #6 says they're like ghosts since they can't interact with anything.
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Also in Thanos: The Infinity Revelation Adam just hangs around Mistress Death's realm as somekinda ghost/spirit until she makes him Thanos' problem instead lol
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secfics · 9 months
my favourite starker fics, part 1
hi. for my first reclist in this blog, i put together my personal favourite starker fanfics that i re-read again and again. in no particular order and with some cw/dark themes here and there, here they come:
• maybe different, but remember; by RoamingSignals (@spider-mancan), E, 18k, 2/2 chapters
Peter is working at Delmar’s, sorting out tabloids on the rack in the front, and he sees Tony’s face plastered everywhere and then Peter is reading words and then he can’t read anything because he’s crying and his shaking hands rip the magazine in half.
Tony Stark…alive.
He saved the world, saved Peter, and Peter never even got to thank him. Not that it matters now. If Peter was a factor in Tony's decision to snap his fingers, Peter will never know. No one will ever know, because Peter fucked up and now he doesn’t exist.
• touchpoint; by RoamingSignals (@spider-mancan), M, 57’6k, 2/2 chapters
Peter lost a lot of things in Boston. When he lists them out, they fit in the margins of his napkin; his career, his degree, his motivation, his boyfriend, and himself. Not in that order. Not all by mistake.
“You’re just a secretary.” Tony tuts.
“There’s nothing wrong with being a secretary,” Peter says. “Your old secretary is the CEO of SI, these days.”
“Pepper Potts is the smartest woman I’ve ever met,” Tony agrees. “And she never let anyone call her ‘just a secretary.’”
• scaling the walls; by Starker1975 (@starker1975), E, 42’6k, 13/13 chapters
Peter is tired of crushing hopelessly on Tony, so he decides to create an online dating profile to meet someone new. Neither Peter (Webster01) or his strange beau (Mark70) have pictures on their bio. They decide to keep it that way so they can focus on bonding over things besides appearance.
Meanwhile, Tony decides to start spending more time with Peter because people always become interested as soon as you try to move on...
• fucking if; by Graceful_Starker (@graceful-starker), M, 9’7k, 2/2 chapters - cw: implied non-con, not between starker
Peter and Tony in a beginning phases relationship. Then the snap. Peter coming back to Tony, Pepper and Morgan.
• revelations; by Anonymous (#author has already arranged a ride to church trust me), E, 126’8k, 19/19 chapters
“I still don’t get it,” Ned says. “How you just... keep being ordinary in spite of all the craziness you’ve lived through. You were in space. You helped Iron Man save the universe. And nobody knows it was you.” His tone softens, becomes almost sad. As though he realizes that what he’s saying is so completely alien to him that he will never be able to understand this part of Peter’s life. “Peter, don’t you want people to know you for who you are?”
An AU where they get the Gauntlet off of Thanos that first time, on Titan.
• closer to a prayer; by LearnedFoot (@learned-foot), E, 17’4k, oneshot
“I think I’m dying.”
Peter stares at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, blinking. It feels weird to say it out loud.
In which Peter's powers turn against him, Mr. Stark is back and suddenly acting kind of weird (and by weird he means flirtatious), and it’s all a lot to handle at once.
• stuck; by Heathertastic (@heathertastic), E, 5’4k, oneshot - cw: Accidental Penetration
Tony and Peter get stuck together in a closet the size of Peter himself- and yeah, it’s basically porn without plot.
• Give Me Your Wallet (And Your Watch); by airebellah (@airebellah), M, 30’5k, 10/10 chapters
It was pushing midnight when Peter sent a text to his friend Ned asking for help with a chemistry problem. I know I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure it out, he wrote. He received a text with a picture of the solution. The elegant script should have been the first clue; the fact that it was on the back of a napkin the second. But he was tired, and failed to notice such details.
You misplaced your decimal when converting degrees to Kelvin, came the reply. Rookie mistake.
Gee, thanks, Peter replied with a roll of his eyes. Anything you need help with?
Yeah, who the fuck am I talking to, exactly?
• covet; by Anonymous (#author has already arranged a ride to church trust me), E, 33’9k, 5/5 chapters
Peter has a new boyfriend. Tony starts drinking again, for unrelated reasons.
• uranium heart; by spqr, M, 11´3k, oneshot
It’s probably better, Peter thinks, that he doesn’t know who his soulmate is. He wouldn’t want to lie to them about Spider-Man, but he doesn’t think he’d be able to tell them the truth, either. Not when he knows it would make them a target for every villain who wants a piece of him.
When he has enough free time to feel sorry for himself, he thinks about how lonely he is and how much he wants someone to talk to--just talk to. But he doesn’t really have that much free time. And anyways, there are thousands of lonely people in New York. Peter’s nothing special.
• another life; by InColor (@incolorwrites), E, 9’3k, oneshot
Tony comes back to a world where everyone's moved on without him.
Peter helps.
• secret santa, baby; by orphan_account, E, 17´3k, 5/5 chapters
Tony never intended to become Peter's Secret Santa. He just sort of stumbles into it. But now that he is, he's going to take advantage of it. Tony's got one week to spoil the kid, one week until Christmas. He just has to make sure that his secret stays secret.
• your thoughts are my desires; by Sparcina (@zsparz), E, 6’2k, 4/4 chapters
Peter doesn't know that Tony can read his thoughts.
Alternatively: Tony gets intimately acquainted with Peter's fantasies feelings.
• peter parker, sexter extraodinaire; by Sparcina (@zsparz), E, 7’5k, 4/4 chapters
Apparently, sexting Mr. Stark by accident is a thing Peter does now. While touching himself. And Tony... Well, he probably shouldn't fantasize about Peter, but the kid's just too damn attractive and brilliant for his own good.
• just for tonight; by keenwonderlandcollector, M, 31’1k, 10/10 - cw: incest/father-son incest
While out at an exhibit, Peter gets into an awkward situation and pretends that Tony, his father, is actually his boyfriend. Tony goes along with it, and Peter soon finds himself enjoying it a little too much…
• from the bounty; by feyrelay (@feyrelay) & natureboy, E, 31’8k, 3/3 chapters
Tony’s eyes are always dark, but now there's almost no iris left. He looks hollowed out. There’s something terribly hungry there, despite the feast they've filled themselves on.
(20k words of food erotica foreplay and 13k words of porn)
• better than; by unsettled (@unsettledink), M, 40’6k, oneshot
Maybe there isn't really a fixed point where it starts, where any of it starts, nothing Tony can point to and say, there, there is where I made my mistake, there is where I could have stopped this, there is where I can stop it from happening again.
Maybe it shouldn’t have been something Tony tried to stop.
(or: the one where Tony is going to be responsible for once, okay? He is!)
• worth the word; by unsettled (@unsettledink), teen and up, 5’4k, oneshot
Valentine’s Day is not Peter’s favorite holiday by a long shot. And it’s not just because he’s a little jealous of everyone else showing off gifts from their partners.
But it’s still really nice that an unknown someone sent him a gift this year. Or two. Or— okay, this is getting out of hand.
• above and beyond; by unsettled (@unsettledink), E, 12’8k, oneshot - cw: incest/father-son incest
Trans Peter telling his dad that he’s never had an orgasm. And Tony eating Peter out until the boy’s oversensitive and crying out “dad” as he comes.
• still use work; by LearnedFoot (@learned-foot), E, 6’5k, oneshot
“In the spirit of scientific discovery,” Tony adds.
“Yeah, the spirit of scientific discovery, exactly.”
Or: Peter has a problem. Tony attempts to solve it. To be helpful, obviously. That’s the only reason.
• a familiar stranger; by Starker1975 (@starker1975), E, 132,1k, 21/21 chapters - cw: incest/father-son incest
Peter's tired of being single, but online dating scares him, so he creates a fake profile to scope out the playing field before fully committing. He isn't sure what to think when he sees his dad's profile on the app.
hope you like them as much as i did!
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Valentine from the first Kingsman movie is like if Thanos was written with a coherent understanding of why what Thanos is trying to do is morally bad. He’s a billionaire who dresses down and eats fast food out of an aesthetic appeal to being a reasonable, relatable, everyday guy- it is very important to his self image that he’s a quirky everyman- but his plan exclusively fucks over the people he’s emulating. Even beyond just the raw numbers, his booby-trapped sim cards are definitionally mostly going to those who can’t afford good phone and internet plans. His elevator pitch for his “save the world through mass murder” plan uses a tortured virus-host metaphor that’s patently unscientific but appeals to the elitist sensibilities of his backers; and he in fact sought out Mark Hamill’s character because his crank “Gaia’s Vengeance”-style theory of climate change flatters and provides moral backing to Valentine’s plan. He complains about politicians and heads of industry who stick their heads in the sand and refuse to act, but when it comes time to select people “valuable enough” to go out of his way to protect in his safe zones he almost exclusively pulls from the same pool of elites he was previously complaining about. He can’t stand the sight of blood or violence but chooses the most incredibly bloody and violent method of population control possible, insulating himself from the reality of what he’s doing through physical isolation and a test run performed on comically unsympathetic targets. He never takes responsibility for any deaths, even those that were patently his fault- the people in the church killed each other. He accuses Eggsy and Merlin of “killing innocent people” when they blow up the heads of his co-conspirators using bombs he himself installed in all of their necks- and they are the ones who register to him as “innocent people,” and not the millions and millions of people he’s trying to kill all over the world. Of course they are! If the proles he never talks to or looks directly at held moral value in his calculus the plan would never have gotten off the ground! He is the exact kind of real-life asshole who talks like this on the internet and at shitty comedy shows, except that he’s been given the resources and reach to make his facile elitist misanthropy everybody else’s problem. 
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merrivia · 1 year
There’s something I find quite curious about the Captive Prince trilogy.
The lack, or paucity, of any references to religion. Or mythology or folklore. I find that a really interesting creative choice, because I think most readers feel the shapes of the fairytales and myths and beliefs that lie, like bones or the foundation of a building, under the surface of the story.
So let's discuss.
Firstly, belief systems. We know Akielos, much like the Ancient Greece it’s modelled on, has philosophers, even if we never hear about them in any detail.
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We know there are Veretian and Akielon rituals regarding death. Aleron and Auguste are entombed, and so is Damen's faked body with Theomedes.
Akielon rituals are told to us in more detail via Nikandros:
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There is an Ancient Greek death ritual called the ekphora, a “ritual procession of the deceased’s body from where it had been laid out to the place of burial”. The prefix ek meant ‘out’ and phora ‘to carry’ so it literally denotes the carrying out of the body to be buried. I couldn't find 'ekthanos' as a real extant word, but with the same logic ekthanos means out + thanos- a word that can mean immortal or death depending on how you might interpret the etymology of it.
It sounds like Nikandros completed a mourning ritual and lit something (a votive lamp?) symbolically (perhaps it symbolises the leaving of the spirit, as that which removes or leads out the immortal soul from the body, hence ekthanos?). I would assume it was a funeral pyre if it weren't for the fact that Damen's body was interred (could it have been ashes that were interred? That would be safer if you're going to fake someone's death, but that's honestly me very much extrapolating from nothing. Also damn, Nikandros loves Damen. My heart honestly feels so warm about him. If that happened, and he stepped up to light the pyre when Kastor didn't, than he really is his real brother).
But for all this, there is no sense of an afterlife nor praying to deities.
More after the jump:
Edit: Unless you count Jokaste’s note to Damen, which seems to point to Greek ideas of metempsychosis/reincarnation.
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Regardless of that though there are no powerful institutions, no churches or temples, no religious figures to appease.
At first I thought there were no mentions of gods at all.
But there is.
Firstly in the very first description of Laurent in the baths:
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And secondly, in the Akielon epic Erasmus sings:
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There’s also an unusual mention of Nereus who has a collection of statues in his garden. At first, because Nereus was a Greek god and because it felt faintly familiar, I took it for a classical allusion then swiftly realised on googling that it wasn’t. Or at least I don’t think so? Someone enlighten me, and I'll edit if I'm wrong.
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So I think we can safely assume Akielos once had gods, but the religion died out perhaps (thought not due to the rise of Christianity). And their pantheon may have been pretty much been the Greek one as the influence might linger in names like Nereus, literally a god of the sea (and Damianos from Damia, a minor goddess of fertility, and Nikandros which has a root in Nike, goddess of victory…).
Edit: having now read The Training of Erasmus, Nereus is a slave owner, and his gardens a place for young pre-pubescent slaves to have their initial training. Sigh. Reading that story really is just heartbreaking.
Keeping to the topic I suppose (even with the lingering sense of disgust that ran through me while reading it) did he collect statues that were relics of the times before and keeps them in this garden? You can see statuary fitting into this strange rarified space for the most beautiful youths. It could be some echoing of Roman pleasure gardens which generally had that sort of statuary? Or is it a mirroring of Renaissance Italy where they tried to recreate Roman gardens, taking classical statues from ruins to restore and place in them? Who knows!
Without being explicit, Pacat makes it clear that beautiful Laurent is classical-statue-beautiful. Greek god beautiful. A Ganymede, perhaps or an Adonis. And slave beautiful, too.
And, of course, Damianos has so many parallels to Achilles, from his unparalleled strength and prowess on the battlefield, to his ability to strategise as if Athena is guiding him, to how he can become blinded by rage. The warrior-hero.
Ultimately, I guess what’s interesting is Pacat’s choices. It’s really hard to avoid any religious references in writing, as these allusions are baked in so deep to language. Damen being made a slave is called a “living hell”. Laurent presents an “angelic countenance”. Damen "prays" the training arena is empty so he can escape. Orlant thinks that Akielos sounds like "paradise". Interestingly, all those quotes are from Captive Prince, and it seems as if, as Pacat went along, she steered away more and more from any kind of religious reference.
I mean, I get wanting to steer clear of religion. After polytheistic religions came the monotheistic- and then suddenly we have a whole heap of reasons why homosexuality is a sin. If we cut that off, and there is no spread of Christianity across Europe, it seems we get the bisexual culture of Vere and Akielos and Patras.
[Edit: But also sex as a sin in general does not exist. The policing of heterosexual premarital sex came into being to control reproduction, which in turn helps secure bloodlines in a patriarchal society. And so Pacat very neatly invents another social taboo as a substitute; the fear of bastardry, which means no heterosexual premarital sex EVER, and thus bisexuality becomes the norm (Damen is against this seeing it as potentially leading to situational sexual behaviour which doesn’t feel right to him).]
I also think it may have distracted from Pacat’s pared down yet evocative writing style. And added layers of unnecessary complication as the Veretian version of the Church would be another tricky, powerful and corrupt institution for him to battle and there really is no room for that in the narrative.
And just as a mini musing of a postcript, we know Laurent reads illuminated manuscripts:
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We know these surely can't be prayerbooks, so I think we can assume that they are histories and works of poetry and stories.
Stories of courtly love perhaps? Fables, legends and folklore? Old Akielon myths? I would love to know what he read.
There are two French/European stories that do come to mind when I think of Laurent.
Beauty and the Beast, of course, with Laurent-the-beautiful and Damen-the-'giant-animal', and the trope of the kind-hearted lover who thaws the heart of the one who has grown cold and cruel.
And Reynard the fox, the trickster figure, whose "sly amorality" is "sympathetic as it is needed for his survival".
And whose main antagonist is, of course, his uncle.
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mariacallous · 3 months
Greece’s Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has backed law changes allowing same-sex civil marriage, while leaving it unclear when exactly the new bill will be submitted. Same-sex couples will also have the right to adopt but not to have children through surrogacy.
“The first thing we will legislate is equality in marriage, that is, the elimination of any discrimination based on sexual orientation in the issue of entering into a marriage relationship, which is essentially the culmination of love, but at the same time a legal contract with rights and obligations … We are talking about a civil wedding,” Mitsotakis told ERT, the Greek public broadcaster.
The centre-right leader stated that the new bill is no different from what is already in force in many European countries. Same-sex marriage is recognised in about 15 EU Member States.
Asked when the new bill will be tabled, and if it will be tabled before the European Parliament elections, the Prime Minister replied: “I do not set an electoral milestone, nor do I weigh the political costs or benefit … [but] from the moment I open the debate, I don’t open it and put it off but open it … to convince our parliamentarians.”
Many MPs from his New Democracy party have expressed opposition to the new bill, including the Minister of State Makis Voridis and the former minister and New Democracy MP Thanos Plevris. Mitsotakis also made it clear that he is not going to force his MPs to vote for the bill, respects all opinions and does not want this issue to divide society.
“Not all New Democracy MPs will vote for it; it is important to be able to convince MPs from other parties to vote for it as well,” noted Mitsotakis.
According to a poll by Greek private TV channel SKAI and Pulse, a research and opinion polling company, Greece remains almost evenly divided on the issue. The poll showed 46 per cent of respondents stating that they view civil marriage negatively, and 45 per cent positively.
Regarding having children, the PM said same-sex couples would be able to legally adopt children but not have them through a surrogate mother. In Greece, having a child through a surrogate mother is only allowed to heterosexual couples and single women. Adoption is currently allowed for heterosexual couples, single women, and single men.
Regarding the critical reaction of the socially conservative Greek Orthodox Church, the PM noted: “We will listen to the views of the Church, I don’t know if we will be able to agree, we will respect their different point of view, but the State legislates, it does not co-legislate with the Church.”
Several Orthodox clerics have voiced opposition to legal same-sex marriage. According to the media, an internal official note sent by the Church’s governing Holy Synod to all bishops says the Church of Greece is not against the civil marriage of same-sex couples but against civil marriage in general, adding that children need to grow up with a mother and a father.
“Children are neither companion pets for anyone who wants to feel like guardians, nor accessories to formalize or make acceptable a same-sex cohabitation,” read the note.
The opposition left-wing SYRIZA party, on the initiative of its leader, Stefanos Kasselakis, who is gay, on January 8 submitted its own proposal for a law on the removal of gender discrimination in the Family Law, securing the right to marriage for all persons. SYRIZA would also give same-sex couples equal rights to participate in medically-assisted reproduction.
Kasselakis a few months ago told a television interview that he and his partner want to have two children with a surrogate mother.
In 2015, the then SYRIZA-ANEL government brought in civil partnership for same-sex couples. In that vote in parliament, 29 New Democracy MPs voted against it, 19 voted for and 27 abstained. The bill extended civil partnership rights to same-sex couples, expanding their range of rights concerning the family, inheritance and insurance. The earlier lack of legal provision for same-sex couples resulted in Greece being condemned in 2013 by the European Court of Human Rights.
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100 Followers + 34th Birthday Celebration
Hello my loves! I can't believe my fortune. I'm increadibly thankful to have 100 of you following my little writing blog.
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There's nothing like The Mango to bring us all together! As a huge "Thank you!" to each and every one of you, and to celebrate my 34th birthday arriving in a month, I'm throwing my first party. My asks (as always) are open, so you can submit requests there, or here in the comments. Pick one of the 34 settings and/or one of the 100 prompts below, then send them to me in an ask! I'll be writing the first 134 requests (or however many I get) over the next month. That's my goal date. They will all get written, so long as they're submitted by 11:59 PM GMT-5 (US Central Standard Time) on November 22.
And now for the prompts
Streets of Asgard's Capital
Asgardian Wilderness
Inside the Palace (you may specify or not)
Palace Grounds (you may specify or not)
Jötunheimr Wilds
Ruins of Jötunheimr's Capital
Secret Passageway
Puente Antiguo
A Vehicle of Your Choosing
Upstate New York
Project PEGASUS Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility
Stuttgart, Germany
"That big, ugly building in New York" (Stark Tower)
Sanctuary II (Thanos's ship)
Chitauri Cruiser
Avenger's Tower (not to be confused with its predecessor)
Mongolian Sand Dunes
Streets of New York
New York Sanctum
New Asgard
One of the Grand Master's Ships
Haunted Victorian Mansion
Midgardian woods
Place of your choosing in MCU
Place of your choosing in our reality
Peter's former babysitter meets the Avengers
"Where, pray tell, do you think you're going?"
"Stark? That man is nothing but a dick in a tin can."
"Unhand me, you rancid cumsack!"
"Oh, but for you...for you, darling, I'd do anything."
"What's that, darling? No one has removed these with a blade before? What a shame...we'll have to remedy that."
"Just to feel you pressed upon my need..."
Defying gratification
His forked tongue dancing against the sides of your clit
Bachelorette party
Tony: Doing time as a capsicle/Scott: Now I really want a capsicle...popsicle. I want a popsicle
"Fuck me, Father, for I have sinned..."/"Say seven 'Hail Marys' and suck my cock"
Snowed In
First Snow
AU (doesn't need to fit one of the above locations)
Caramel apples
Rewrite a story (of your choice) from the Poetic Edda
Timeline branch (you choose where on the Sacred Timeline)
Excerpts from Odin's A+ Parenting Handbook
“You’d do well to pay. It’s in your best interest."
On Wednesdays kings wear chains
Loki on his knees
All tied up (you choose who)
Threesome (so long as I know the character, I'm willing to do crossovers from other fandoms as well)
That one time he had a thing with a horse...
Headcanon from one of my fics (completed or ongoing)
Why orphans are called Loki's children
"I don't negotiate with people who shouldn't exist."
Out of place and underdressed
Your ex
Opening Night
"Selvig is not coming to my wedding!"
"Is that a threat or a promise?"
Kittens and Handcuffs
Lady Loki
The other Lokis
Shadow play
Lost in a corn maze, you meet an overly-helpful stranger
"Come over here and make me"
Lost dog
More Lokis than you know what to do with
Ignore the man behind the curtain
"Wait a minute. Are you jealous?"
Ballroom dancing
"I was drunk, ok?! I didn't know what I was doing. Can you just drop it already?"
"I almost lost you."
"Keep running your mouth like that and I'll have to put it to better use."
Carving pumpkins
"Don't you ever do that again!"
You get some magic of your own
"Kiss Me"
Catch me if you can
"It could be worse"
Flying kites
Costume party
“Please wake up. I can’t do this without you.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
Sweater weather
Full moon
“Just once”
Many, many thanks to all of you, especially mutuals. This fandom always makes my day. Please keep reading, engaging, re-blogging, and creating!
Works completed for this event:
Excerpts from Odin's A+ Parenting Handbook
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iwonderwh0 · 3 months
I've been replaying dbh lately, and: I unlocked Amanda's profile in the gallery and realized I'd forgotten one important detail. That Amanda has the authority and ability to remotely deactive Connor, at any second. The only reason she didn't during the escape of Jericho or Night of the Soul was because he was still UsefulTM. As she could assume control of him anytime, anywhere, but needed him to ingratiate himself to the Jericrew and get close to them before murdering Markus on live TV (and i wondered about that for a while - why wait, why not just kill Markus in the church, or hell, even immediately after deviating at Jerico - but i suppose it's a much bigger negative impact on public opinion to watch an android kill the deviant leader live. Their support is still tenuous, at best. This would likely tip plenty of people into believing that deviants are, in fact, unstable, unpredictable, and dangerous.)
But also...the fact that Amanda could have Thanos snapped Connor at any moment and he would have crumpled to the ground like an electrocuted pigeon. I just feel like, that as a fandom, we don't talk about this aspect of her nearly enough.
Imagine, if you will, Hank waiting for Connor at ass fucking o'clock (for him), freezing his ass off and hoping and waiting Connor wasn't hurt, wasn't laying dead in a ditch, or burning in an alley somewhere- and then he turns and Connor's there, missing a tie, but still with that goofy Superman curl and goofy smile. He's tugging the kid into a hug by the neck before he can think twice about it, and he thinks that maybe. Just for a split second. That maybe the world ain't all bad.
Connor's nearly melted into the embrace, lax (as much as THE stiffest android he's ever met, anyways) as can be, except he suddenly tenses in Hank's arms. Hank leans back, putting distance between them, just enough to look Connor in the eye, except the deviant isn't looking at him. Instead, his wine dark eyes are fixated ahead, wide, blank, and unseeing.
"Connor? You alright?" He asks nervously.
Connor does not reply, or tilt his head, or do any of the other 300 little idle animations he does. His LED is a steady, unblinking blue. He doesn't even seem to be simulating breathing.
"Connor? Hey, talk to me, kid." He knows his voice is edging near panic, but he doesn't care, giving Connor's shoulder a little jostle.
Connor remains unresponsive for 4 seconds, and then-
his LED turns a bright, burning red, his eyes roll to the back of his head, eyelids flickering up a storm, and he starts falling backwards. Hank watches it all as if in slow motion.
"Whoa, hey, hey, hey-" He yanks Connor against him, lowering him until he's cradled almost in Hank's lap. "Con, help me, what do i gotta do? I know fuck all about androids, so you're gonna have to tell me what to do here." He knows holding a hand to an android's forehead won't tell him anything, that they don't even get sick or cold, but he does it anyways just to have something to do with his hands. "I can't-fuck, just please, be ok. Don't do this to me, please-"
Connor's red LED flickers, once, twice, then holds steady for a moment before dimming slowly to nothing. Empty, grey, and lifeless.
Somewhere, far away from the icy slush and the screams bouncing off the detroit streets, Amanda snips another dead rose.
Damm, okay!
Yeah, I think shooting the deviant leader on live tv during the victory speech is surely much more impactful “last twist” than doing it in the middle off some mess where someone else could still theoretically take over the leader role (although it’s not like Connor didn’t try)
So you want that hug scene but with drama? Can’t blame you, haha
Although I’m a huge fun of something like this happening right then and where Connor resisted shooting Markus, once again during the speechtime. I mean, him shooting himself regardless of whetger or not there are Markus. Because if he can resist Amanda when Markus is alive, it’s not entirely sure why isn’t it an option when he’s alone, so shooting himself in both scenarios kinda make sense imo
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Warlock (1972) #10- Page 3
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smolvenger · 11 months
The Wildest Crossover Fic I ever thought of
Why do I suddenly like lightning get the most unhinged ideas for fics- like...
In the middle of writing the one-shot about just healing up post-battle Prince Hal, this morning I suddenly got an idea (thanks @holdmytesseract)
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas with Loki as Rhysand (who else who read that pictured him as Rhys? :)) ) , for those of y'all who like the A Court of Mist and Fury Series.
Yes, that's natural, and in most cases, I would make Reader Feyre-
Stella Ransome from The Essex Serpent as Feyre and Will Ransome as Tamlin.
Hear me out. Like...
Our girlie Stella is sick with TB and dying. She's at this point not yet married to Will. Loki appears by her sickbed and she's like "!!!!! What is this Norse God doing here???"
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But he offers to heal her if she gives him a week to stay with him every month to stay with him in Asgard. And she accepts!
Now she's healed! Then she's about to marry Will. She's suppressing her heartbreak about Will cheating on her with Cora because she thinks she loves him and can overcome that and that his happiness matters more than her own. That she loves him that much. But she is unhappy.
She's walking down the aisle. When she pauses and silently says "Help me". She stops, unable to move to the altar.
Then suddenly, a voice "Hello, Stella, darling," and WHOOSH, there's Loki in the church!
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Everyone is in shock wtf is a Norse god who looks like the groom doing in a Christian church?.
He takes Stella away to Asgard. She's astounded and gets to know the motley crew- Thor, Frigga, Valkyrie, Sif, etc. This Victorian-era Lady gets to learn about this other world and magic and is astounded! Loki helps her with her trauma about being cheated on and teaches her not to sacrifice her happiness for Will's. Stella shows Loki the love and care that is sometimes denied to him. She eventually falls for Loki and dumps Will in between their time there and becomes like a Princess(High Lady) of Asgard. They're fated mates or whatever???
I guess make Thanos the King of Hybern bad guy but maybe that's too much. I'm that unhinged
My mind below thinking of that:
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dilfdoctordoom · 9 months
If you had the chance to fix some comic storylines that you thought were bad or a waste of potential which ones would it be.
I'm taking this as an excuse to tell you how I would rewrite every GOTG run barring 2008 and 2020.
I think this run would've been. so fucking cool. if original sin dropped the bombshell that the Peter Quill we've been following this whole time is the Peter Quill of the Cancerverse and 616 Pete is still trapped in the Cancerverse with Rich.
It'd do a lot to explain the wonky characterization-- and it'd give the Guardians themselves a clear-cut mission. the 2013 kind of meanders a lot with no clear goal, so it'd benefit from a straightforward "save x from y" type of mission.
Peter & Rocket's friendship would be a big focus here; I think if Pete was replaced, Rocket would be one of the first to pick up on it
Plus, Adam could show up <3
Extrapolating the Wanted arc into something more- by this point in the GOTG comics, they've pissed off every major empire (Kree in Black Vortex, Shi'ar in TOJG, Spartax by Peter's existence, Badoon by Gamora's existence, etc) and it'd be fun if it was just... every galactic empire is gunning for their heads & they've got to keep up the whole guarding the galaxy through that.
I'd have Cammi come back in this, like if we've gotta have her with the Ravagers then fine, she's there to take them in 'cause she's pissed that they never found & she got stuck with Arcade.
It gives Drax some limelight & focuses on how he navigates being a father
Nebula as the main villain, having the Graces as arc long bad guys for the team to fight. Neb obviously has her 616 personality & is in this for the bounty - but Gamora can take it personally due to the drama with the Graces
All New All Different/2018
Magus as the main villain this seems so obvious to me
I'd keep the Infinity Wars stuff, just in a way that makes sense. Gamora is working with Magus to get her soul back because he's also got a part of him stuck in there
It's all a scheme by Magus & Goddess to escape Soul World; Goddess has shown to be able to brainwash Gamora before, so we can put that on that
I'd also not. downplay the Ultron side of things. Conquest was fucking traumatizing for this team
Gamora's past with the Phalanx would also work well with the Magus/Goddess thing; maybe she's got it in her head that if she gets her soul back, she'll have purpose again
Mantis would be there for the Ultron side of things
I would work Phyla's resurrection in there somehow. 616 Phyla, specifically, like I don't think anything fancy needs to be done at all, Thanos has been resurrected so many times it'd be simple to say Oblivion brought her back to combat Magus&Goddess
Can work the Groot stuff into the themes of Soul & Trauma like... Groot died in Conquest, he was lit on fire, and grew back as a little stump. So the Groots are killing worlds... but it's always worlds that Ultron was going to target & it's a fucked form of mercy
In stories that focus primarily on Thanos & the Universal Church of Truth as the antagonists, I would simply not make it the Peter Quill show & instead let Gamora & Warlock take the lead
If Starmora has to happen, I'd have Peter's arc be more about trust & how to keep it, contrasting with Gamora's arc of learning to give second chances after people hurt her
I'd also. address how Adamora broke up, like delve into why, bring in Atleza in at least a mention, etc
I'd keep Grootfall as some kind of corrupting force in the Manifold Territories but not as the reason they're there
I'd use the whole "the Manifold Territories are from beyond the known universe" and have Peter be the one insisting they go. Have him aware of the risk this could pose to teammates (maybe have it have something to do with damaged souls-- Gamora's & Drax's are healed after Infinity Wars, etc, but Groot is still vulnerable from the Gardener) but he does not care because if it's beyond the known universe, it's beyond the sun
He's trying desperately to get back to Morinus
Mantis has brainwashed the others into coming & it becomes an inverse of GOTG2008; instead of Peter doing all of this for altruistic reasons, it's because he wants to go home
Continuing to inverse 2008 - show how the GOTG have changed each other through their refusal to kill Groot. Peter shot Warlock; now, years later, he can't do that to Groot. Being a Guardian has changed him
Like show the positive & negative effects that the Guardians have had on everyone
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Group One Round Two
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Character info from submissions under the cut
Doreen Green AKA Squirrel Girl (Headcanon) Doreen Green is a superhero with all the powers of a squirrel and a girl! She has fought some of the biggest bads in the Marvel universe (like Doctor Doom and Thanos) and won! She is able to communicate with squirrel and they help her in her crime fighting endeavors. It doesn't seem possible for her to lose. Doreen doesn't just beat up bad guys, she is dead set on helping them reform. Whenever she fights, she tries to talk to the villain about what's really bothering them, and help them find an alternate way to work out their issues. She seems to truly believe in the power of repentance and forgiveness. Plus, with her winning streak it's easy to believe she's got the power of God on her side
Hatsune Miku (Headcanon) Hatsune Miku is a Vocaloid software voicebank developed by Crypton Future Media and its official anthropomorphic mascot character. Miku's personification has been marketed as a virtual idol, and has performed at live virtual concerts onstage as an animated projection. Until I can give her the handshake test found in D&C 129 I have chosen to assume that she is on the side of heaven and therefore, by LDS cosmology, could be considered to at least be an ally of the Church.
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hyenasheep · 2 years
Some random specific headcanons for Ghouls
Beacuse I'm trying brainstorming ☕
When Aether hugs you he's doing that little thing when he will squeeze you super hard for a few seconds and than let you go while patting your head
Swiss LOVES cheesy romcoms such as Friends, To All The Boys I've Ever Loved, Midnight In Paris, Mamma Mia or La La La Land (even better if it's a musical) and one of his most favorite romantic movies ever is Dirty Dancing. He and Copia had seen the film already thousand times, it's their comfort movie and they remember all lines and especially dance moves by heart
-I already mentioned this one in my latest post but- Aether is that type of person who will listen to you regardless of the situation or topic, you can talk about tea spoons, weather or DND session while joining a bishop's sermon and he will be genuinely interested and focused
Swiss nonironically loves Just Dance, he has a collection of all games and probably is a proud member of the JD fandom. He's probably even of the admins
Cirrus and Cumulus are besties with Mist (ghoulette from third era), they often hanging out and has private chat on Discord where they share cute animal tiktoks, diy's or anything music related "Hey Ghesties look at this Slipknot meme ⚫👄⚫" "Omgg did you guys hear that new Abba album? This song kinda slaps" "Y'all Gorrilaz just dropped their tour list"
Rain and Mountain loves asmr relaxing videos and playlists with a specific aesthetic povs. For example:
Pov: you're studying in a haunted school, it's hot outside and you're trying to ignore demon bully who's sitting next to you.
Pov: it's a cold spring morning, you're walking through a deserted forest in the mountains, but you're not alone.
Pov: it's 3 am, you're supposed to clean up the church after midnight mass but instead you start listening to music that comes from a altar (slowed + reverb)
Dew's weakness are scented candles, if you're trying to settle with him after an argument, buy him a qualitative scented candles which lasts a long time and have a strong and intense scent. Unfortunately most of the ghouls/siblings tries to usually look for a different options cuz' there's a 90% chance he will 'accidentally' set the room and the rest of the building on fire
Cirrus quickly befriended Stratus/Sunshine (the new ghoulette) aka extrovert adopted a introvert, Cirrus also wants her to join their ghoulettes dm group but S. Can be extremely shy when it comes to meeting new ghouls especially through social medias
Rain loves Marvel movies, he's not that much into comics but he likes superhero stuff. He saw all movies and series, bought some merch such as Thanos's glove/Deadpools robotic talking head/Vision Teddy bear/Captain America's shield as pizza cutter etc., he even few times joined a Comiccon and has a signed poster by Tom Hiddleston. He doesn't want to admit it but he has a crush on Captain America and Silver Surfer.
Mountain practices yoga, he tried it few times before he was summoned, than stopped cuz of drums and than started again cuz his back began to ache from daily drumming. He's actually really good at it. Occasionally Cumulus joins him during one of his daily routines.
Although it doesn't seem so at first glance, Cumulus loves horror movies. Whenever any new horror movie or series comes out she plans a movie night, as soon as she watches it she will go sharply rate it on IMDB. One of her favorite movies are Hereditary and The Ring. Of course she's also a huge fan of true crime podcasts.
Stratus/Sunshine has special playlists for literally any mood or any kind of situation. Crying at 3 am over that one person you met at 2007, and then you've never seen them again? Boom, here's a playlist. You're having a picnic with your ghoul friends in the park, but a storm came out of nowhere so you ran to hide but you realized, it was quite fun to be outside and so you started dancing in the summer rain? Woohoo, another playlist. Have you experienced a moment, that seemed like a scene from a movie but no one believes you it ever happened? You see me where im going- Bang, playlist, you welcome.
Dew has a personality of orange cat with one brain cell. "Never let them know your next move." Said after he ate soap before one of the bands meetings and called it Soap Opera. That's also one of the reasons why he doesn't have anymore any free space for his mouth under his new ghoul helmet. He's still mad at Copia for that 'design' decision.
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zenwhoberi · 10 months
Ooooo okay here’s a fun one, what would be your wish list for a second eidos Montreal guardians game ?
1. peter gets a good haircut
HA but realistically knowing the game didn’t do so well (GAMERS HAVE SUCH BAD TASTE I HATE YOU ALL. MY VILLAIN ORIGIN STORY) means it’s not going to happen and it’s saddd!!!
but anyway!! having nikki gold as part of the lineup is such an incredibly unique and refreshing idea i hope she would stick around. and adam too obviously. mantis should be a main team member and go into more detail on the celestial madonna.
rich should be introduced!!!! he was referenced and the fact that peter dislikes him is very funny to me (just admit ur crush and GO) and you CAN’T tease rich and me to just forget.
nova having moondragon on file was exciting. i know some people think it’s redundant having mantis and moondragon around at the same time but having her be a kind of antagonist (not the main one!!! but go dragon of the moon it would be so unique!!) would be fun and then let her join the team at the end. just lean into the whole dragon thing!
other than that going more in detail on spartax would be good. peter’s heritage was a big gameplay element so i wouldn’t mind going into more detail on that story/character-wise.
story i have no idea. i have a feeling they were setting up something regarding thanos and the stones (drax IS an avatar of life in this version if i’m remembering correctly and he could sense thanos was not gone. the others put it down to trauma but he KNEW in his gut). that would be annoying to me if I didn’t think they would do a better job than the mcu. they absolutely would. that version was so bad sorry. and having a thanos story with the gotg as leads that actually does a good job with gamora (eidos gamora is FANTASTIC) and has adam around? chef’s kiss. god just make it a trilogy and have mr. T. Hanos be the grand finale and go full weirdness with the soul world and the stones <3
having the universal church of truth as the villains in the first game showed they weren’t afraid to go straight into just. idk. gotg bullshit so i would just be excited to see anything they came up with tbh.
also let me blast jack flag out an airlock again it’s so stupid god bless
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