#think before you speak
my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
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From Autisticality’s post:
Whenever I hear someone say "I think I'm a little bit Autistic too" or "we are all a little bit Autistic at the end of the day", it really annoys me. Not just because it is massively untrue, but also because it diminishes everything we go through as Autistic people just to simply make it through our days.
And whilst I'm aware these aren't the criteria for being Autistic and are based on my personal experiences as an Autistic person with other factors at play (ADHD, depression, social anxiety etc), the post is mainly to make a point that we are not all a little bit Autistic because if we were then the world wouldn't treat Autistic people as poorly as it does.
Whether your intentions are kind to make it seem like the Autistic person is not alone, this phrase does nothing to make us feel better but instead is a slap in the face in my personal opinion.
Image description: "We are NOT all a 'little bit Autistic'
> Do you also physically and mentally dread leaving the house?
> Do you also have nightmares remembering what happened at school?
> Do you also get excluded just because you are ‘quiet’ or don’t speak?
> Do you also have to go to extreme efforts to prove you are struggling just to get any support?
> Do you also feel so alone and misunderstood that you sometimes wish you weren’t alive?
Think before you make comments that invalidate, minimise & diminish what a minority experiences."
#autism #autistic #neurodivergent #ActuallyAutistic #AutisticPride #AutisticAcceptance #AutisticCulture #adhd #MentalHealthAwareness #neurodiverse #neuroqueer #neurokin #AutisticAppreciation #neurodiversity #neurodivergence #AutisticExperience #InfinityNotPuzzle #GoldNotBlue #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #AutisticAcademic #AutisticJoy #AutisticAppreciation #autisticfuture
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zombieesc · 9 months
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think before you speak hate
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purity-in-heart · 2 months
Ffs people
I know we're on the internet, I know we normally can't see the other person's face, but they're still people! Male and female users alike should still be respected. So show some restraint or be patient. Don't be rude, don't be demanding, and make sure you're not saying something so sexual that it's discomforting. Even if there's a small chance you'll cross the line with what you say, think on it or don't do it at all. It's not difficult. I just ran into at least three or four posts addressing overly sexual asks or replies and DMs by an audience member who is so impatient or out of patience that he got mad, when it's not somebody refusing to take 'no' for an answer - Which is another issue, btw; NO MEANS NO. It's commonsense, just be respectful and open-minded. And accepting 'no' as a response is the most basic form of commonsense, I shouldn't have to explain this! I'm being nice, here. I'm literally exercising respect and open-mindedness right now, because I could easily call you specific people idiots or cowards, but I'm not, because you're people, too, and I'm considering the possibility that insulting you will just make you wanna tune out without learning from your mistakes first. The worst thing I can say right now is the truth that I've seen people on here, especially, leave because of the pressure brought by people who have no patience or others who tell female users about their shlong just because they're female or based on their content. Is that what you really want? Is risking or overstepping one's boundaries really worth it?
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barid-bel-medar · 4 months
“You’re the younger Iida brother, aren’t you?” an unfamiliar voice asks. 
Tenya looks over his shoulder at a man with dark hair and a scar across his face. He’s dressed in what Tenya thinks is a biking jacket and dark jeans. His knuckles are scarred up like he’s used to punching things. He’s not one of the teachers, and Tenya can’t figure out what he’s doing on UA’s grounds, but he must have permission to do so. 
The man snorts. 
“I’m here because I need to chat with All Might and Gran Torino,” he explains. Oh, Tenya guesses he must have changed his expression in some fashion. 
“Who are you?” he can’t help but ask. Maybe a police contact like the detective who pulled All Might aside earlier this week?
“Oguru Iwao. I’m a retired pro-hero,” he says. “I took an…injury a few years back that meant it was impractical to stay in pro-heroics.” He stands next to Tenya. 
“You probably used to know me as O’Clock.”
Tenya chokes, because he recognizes that name for two reasons. 
First, because he’d followed any speedster hero based in Japan when he’d been little, including O’clock. He’d been so disappointed by the man’s sudden and secretive retirement. But he also knows the name because of something Tensei let slip, even if Tensei wouldn’t admit why he knows it.  Namely, that the hero formerly known as O’clock is also the vigilante known as Knuckleduster.
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undead-knick-knack · 10 months
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Good Morning! ☀️
Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. James 1: 19
Often, if we take a few seconds to think before we speak, we wouldn't say the things we say. Not everything said to us needs or deserves a reply, and we can not like something without getting angry about it. God's righteousness is not served by our anger. More often than not, we do more damage than good. Let a few seconds of silence pass before you respond.
Will what you want to say be helpful or hurtful? Will it inspire or discourage? Is it the truth? Even if it is, should you say it at that time? We may find ourselves having much more meaningful and fulfilling conversations if we T.H.I.N.K.
before we speak!😊
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haruu-luv · 3 months
that one hater anon is just a hater and a big thumbs down. not even brave enough to put their acc on the asks either smh
they were funny at first and some are but others are just disrespectful and stupid. please go get a life them harrassing people on the internet for not living up to your standards that you clearly cannot live up to yourself. should we treat you as a toddler? you want a think before you speak poster? you want your mom to change your diaper? should we give you the airplane? because if you want to act like a kid i have no problem treating you like one.
and to that shipping anon. please stop sending melanie and dazai (maybe others too) those asks about ships that aren't wanted by the blog posters AND/OR literally illegal in the real world. maybe you need to go back to the golden rule in first grade because you wouldn't appreciate it if others treated you that way.
thanks for coming to my ted talk <3
(not talking about @ shippinganon btw they r cool and respectful)
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crystalsandbubbletea · 2 months
Alright, this needs to be discussed.
(CW: Ableism, swearing, abuse mentions)
I apologize if this is badly worded, but this needs to be said.
I have been seeing people use the word "Narcissist" to describe shitty people.
Let me tell you this: Calling someone a narcissist is ableist.
By calling someone that, you are basically saying all people with NPD are shitty people, and by doing that, you are feeding into the stigmas surrounding NPD. I have friends who have NPD and they are NOT, I repeat, are NOT abusive.
Sure, your abusers were horrible people, but they weren't narcissists.
Now let's talk about using "psychopath", "sociopath", "bipolar", and "borderline" as insults.
Guess what? That's also being ableist.
Cluster B personality disorders are some of the most misrepresented personality disorders, and this is because a) There's not enough research about them, and b) People couldn't be bothered to research those personality disorders.
Cluster B disorders, from what I can gather so far, are commonly caused by trauma and/or genetics. People in the Cluster B category don't wake up one day and decide to be the way they are, that's not how it works.
NPD? Caused by trauma from excessive judgement from parents, abuse, and possibly genetics.
ASPD? Caused by childhood trauma and possibly genetics.
Bipolar? Caused by childhood trauma.
BPD? Caused by abuse and trauma.
HPD? Caused by genetics and trauma from abuse.
So the next time you think about using 'narcissist', 'sociopath', 'borderline', 'bipolar' and/or 'psychopath' to describe or insult someone, maybe you should consider how harmful it is.
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skullsp1r1ts · 7 months
You know, it always really annoys me when people immediately say something without any research and then: ''I don't respect it.'' Fortunately, I'm not like that, I do research and then I can determine whether I disagree with it or agree with it. You literally say: ''I don't understand you so I don't respect you either.'' Do you know how stupid that is? Unfortunately, many people or other beings are like that, and I hope you think and do research before you share your thoughts on something you know nothing about.
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mental-mona · 6 months
Legit criticism of Israel vs. antisemitism: questions to ask yourself
What is antisemitism? | IHRA (holocaustremembrance.com) Let's start here. Does whatever you're saying, writing, or drawing go against the basic definition laid out here, or clearly fall into one of the examples given? If it does, you should almost certainly rethink your statement completely; even though this definition isn't legally binding, it's still a pretty darn good metric.
If you replace the word "Zionists/Israelis" in your statement with "Jews," does it sound antisemitic? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, even if it's wearing a dog costume. Your statement is antisemitic; please rethink it and probably also your general attitude.
Are you questioning Israel's right to exist? Sorry, antisemitic again, except maybe if you also question the rights of other religious and/or ethnic groups to their homelands. Jews have an archaeologically confirmed, continuous history in Israel going back 3000 years; they're not some random colonial upstarts. If you want to see former Soviet countries each stay independent and/or Tibet and Taiwan gain freedom from China, you don't get to turn around and claim that specifically Jews aren't allowed to have a homeland.
Are you implying that all Jews are responsible for things happening in Israel? If so, this is antisemitic. Diaspora Jews don't have much if any influence over Israeli politics, and plenty of them disagree with various Israeli policies and politicians. The word "Jews" simply refers to an ethnoreligious group with tons of variation in beliefs and practices, not some kind of powerful monolith. If you don't blame Chinese immigrants for the genocide of Uyghurs or all Muslims for Islamist terrorism, you don't get to blame all Jews for whatever's going on in Israel.
Do you view all Israelis as legitimate military targets for rockets & attacks? Even if you're going with the theory that they're all culpable because they all served in the military, you're still way off base. 1) They don't actually all serve in the army, and 2) by that logic, all veterans in your country are legitimate targets for nationalistic attacks. I'm pretty sure you don't think that. Also, you're forgetting about children and foreign workers; there are few if any places on Earth where those would be considered legitimate military targets. Rockets, bombs, and bullets don't discriminate in who they hit. There have even been cases, including in the current war, where they've harmed Israeli Arabs!
Do you have double standards? If your response to a resistance group, underdog or not, attacking civilians in another country is "that's bad" but your response to Palestinians attacking Israeli civilians is "it's complicated," or worse, "they deserve it," then you need to take a step back and ponder why you think that. It's once again antisemitic. If you believe that all resistance including harming civilians is valid in every region, no exceptions, then that would at least be consistent and therefore not antisemitic. If you think that Israel should just absorb the rocket fire and recent butchery without fighting back, would you say the same for your own country if it had a small neighbor shooting missiles at its major cities, especially if members of a leading faction in that country crossed the border and slaughtered your fellow citizens? If you don't think your country or other countries should just take it, anti-missile defenses or no, then you shouldn't expect it of Israel. Still antisemitic.
Are you viewing Israelis as a monolith? Israelis' views run the gamut on almost every issue you can think of. Just like there are differences of opinion regarding political, religious, and general societal issues in your home country, there are such differences in Israel. Heck, depending on your home country, Israelis' range of beliefs might even be broader than what you're used to! Unless you're affectionately joking about Israeli culture in the same way that you'd joke about American or British or whatever other country's cultural stereotypes, tarring all Israelis with the same brush is not a good idea. Taking a mean, "these people all believe/do objectively awful things" tone is downright antisemitic.
Are you confusing Israel's general population with its government? This should go without saying, but a government policy will never reflect the approval of all or even necessarily the majority of its citizens. There were ongoing mass protests for the better part of a year over the current coalition's controversial "judicial reform!" Just because you don't like something a particular group of politicians has decided doesn't mean that all Israelis agree with that thing and are therefore Bad.  If you wouldn't blame all of your government's unfortunate policies on your country's population as a whole, you don't get to blame all of Israel's. Also, please bear in mind that Israelis vote for parties not people, and then each party's leadership assigns members to the Knesset as it sees fit based on the number of seats it won. A voter can like a party in general, but then be horrified at what some of its members unexpectedly say or do later down the line.
Are you criticizing a specific Israeli government policy or action? If you're doing so without falling into "all Israelis are evil" canards or conspiracy theories, then criticize it all you want! That's the whole point of what you should be doing if you object to something! Feel free to put Israel on blast about how it shouldn't destroy terrorists' homes, or needs to make a nondenominational egalitarian prayer area at the Western Wall, or should handle ultra-Orthodox Jews differently, or needs to let humanitarian aid into Gaza, or whatever it is that's bugging you. Feel free to scream about a specific military incident, or warn Israel against repeating the mistakes of 9/11. If you'd say it about a similar thing your country did or is doing, it's probably fair game to say about Israel.
Are you criticizing a specific Israeli politician? Again, this is totally fair! Feel free to post about how a politician is corrupt and horrible and really needs to leave politics and hopefully face legal consequences. Feel free to express skepticism that a politician will do what they say they will, or that they actually have anyone's best interest in mind besides their own, or that they even have a decent idea of how to do their job. If you'd say it about your own country's politicians and it's not a conspiracy theory about them, the criticism is fine to lodge about Israeli politicians.
Are you criticizing a specific aspect of Israeli politics? You're welcome to say that Israel's current Knesset makeup is messed up, or that the ruling coalition has serious viability issues, or even that something about the whole Israeli political system is deeply flawed. Again, if you'd criticize your own country's equivalent without going into wild conspiracy theories, it's fair game to criticize Israel for it. However, I will point out that it's generally a good idea to know more about a country's political system than an average current events article tells you before you criticize it.
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eclectic-ways · 4 months
Let’s see then… HOW…?
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[credit for the original image & meme is unknown - all the editing and alterations done by me]
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murasaki-cha · 9 months
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............. *Deep sharp inhale* AHIN-
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be-a-muslim-1st · 5 months
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brazilspill · 1 year
English-Speaking White People: Latino culture is so sexist compared to ours!
Also English-Speaking White People: *casually infantilize women by using the words "woman" and "girl" interchangeably as if there's no difference between a child and a grown-ass woman*
Also English-Speaking White People: *only recognize the father's family name as being important when naming their children*
Also English-Speaking White People: *consistently use honorifics to differentiate whether a woman is married or unmarried but don't do the same to men*
Also English-Speaking White People: *the honorific for unmarried women is synonymous with the word for "woman with whom a man is having an affair with"*
Also English-Speaking White People: *have a genre of jokes mocking and insulting women that is still considered acceptable (aka "yo mama jokes") but have no such equivalent for mocking and humiliating men ("dad jokes" are goofy child-friendly jokes).
Also English-Speaking White People: Refer to male babies and toddlers as "little man" and have no equivalent for calling a female baby or toddler by the word for adult members of their gender*
Also English-Speaking White People: Sexualize girls as young as in kindergarten and make them cover their shoulders to not be "distracting" to men.
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barid-bel-medar · 4 months
Would anything be different in a sticks and stones AU if the accident that crippled Iida happened 'after' the sports festival(thinking about how Aizawa defended Bakugo from villain accusations or the quirks revealed on live television)
Actually, let me clarify something though first; Tenya's not paralyzed. He's just injured (if very badly). He's in the wheelchair for the moment, but he'll be getting out sooner rather than later.
Also yes, it would have vastly changed things had it happened after Sports Festival rather than before, especially for one very big reason.
Aizawa isn't going to try and manipulate a man who has just been paralyzed and is in the hospital, career destroyed via serial killer.
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 years
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