#this is a stan alfonse and reinhardt blog
summoner-stones · 5 years
Speaking of Rein, I'm currently working on a groom alt for him. Sorry if I'm spamming your inbox or something, I'm in Rein mood rn ^^'
No no it’s alright I love getting messages like these, especially if it involves Rein ☺️ If you ever make that alt I’d love to see it! 💞
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summoner-stones · 5 years
Birthday Thanks
It’s my birthday today and I’m feeling really happy and grateful today 💞 Thanks to all those who follow and support my blog it means so much to me, thanks for all the silly messages you guys send me, thanks for joining my discord, thank you to the good friends I’ve made on there and the little group we made for ourselves, and just thank you for the love and fun overall 💕💞 Since it’s my birthday remember to stan Reinhardt, Claude, and Alfonse and oh send cute screenshots/pictures of your teatimes in Three Houses
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