#this week ive done no revision and not even my homework
Why do I have the ability to ignore all of my obligations all day as I laze around doing nothing, only to start panicking about not doing them at 12am when I’m too exhausted to do anything about them
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Last Names. Chapter One
Okay so... I used to write fanfiction all the time and took a break from it a while ago. Ive decided to start it up again and I have decided that I’m going to do so by writing a series of George Weasley x Reader. So Here it is... Chapter one.
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Warnings: Some violence, a few swear words, and a lot of poor English.  
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Plot: Not everyone is born to a family with a name to be proud of. As the daughter of two infamous serial killers, Y/N is happy just to be herself, and defend herself and anyone else. Her mysterious and general badass behaviour doesn’t go unnoticed by one of the Weasley twins.
Some people suited their last names. Malfoy and Potter were brilliant examples. Malfoy was just like his family: stuck up, wealthy, racist and a coward. Draco used his last name to his advantage. His name alone made people fear him, knowing the power his father had. Malfoy was perfectly suited to his last name. The story is the same for Harry Potter. While until he was 11 Harry had no idea how important his name was, he lived up to it every day of his life. He was braver than any Malfoy could ever be, smart like his mother, fierce like his father. Potter was every bit a Potter, no doubt about that.
Not everyone matched their last names. Percy Weasley. His family was forever a bundle of laughs, jokes and giggles. His family were not full of themselves, or overly proud, his family were a humble family. Percy was not that. Yes he was just as lovely and as good as a person as his family, but Percy Weasley was not a barrel of laughs and believed himself to be far too important when promoted to position of Prefect. Far too serious for a Weasley.
Y/N was another one who didn’t match her family name. If Y/N had matched her last name she’d be similar to Malfoy. She’d be proud of being a pureblood, believe herself superior. Her idea of a good time would be inflicting pain on the likes of people like Hermione Granger, just because she could. If Y/N was like her last name and the others who bore it, she’d not use her level of intellect to assist others but much rather use it to take over the world and spread nothing but hate. Y/N was not like this.
Y/N like her family name suggested was confident, sure of herself and cunning to the core. With a quick tongue and a sharpened wit, Y/N was similar to her family, but that was where the similarities ended quickly. Y/N was a model student. She spent her Saturdays tutoring the younger students on all subjects from Potions to Arithmancy. On Friday’s she was often seen with Madam Pince in the Library, quietly working away at reorganising the books left in disarray by students studying. Tuesdays and Thursdays were her own revision days where, weather permitted, after her classes were done she’d quietly sit by herself by the lake or in the courtyard, books around her, quill in hand and notes messily written across parchment. It was fair to say Y/N was not much like her family name would suggest, perhaps being raised by her aunt and uncle, the Tonks, had something to do with it. Maybe Y/N was just simply not like her family.
However, no matter how nice of a person she was, some people failed to see past her last name, failed to see past the damage that her mother and father had done to innocent people. In her third year it became more apparent that not everyone saw her as the nice person she was, when both had reportedly broken free from their prison, much like Sirius Black. While many had simply not cared about who she was, some of her fellow students, many within her own house, held her personally accountable for any damage that her family had done. Those in her own house of Slytherin often called her a traitor, saying not only was she a blood traitor but a traitor to her own family. Y/N by this point in her life was over it, listening to the wise words of her cousin and adopted sister, Nymphadora (or Dora to her), she had decided long ago that as long as she was happy and a good person everyone else's opinions were meaningless to her.  Which is why what happened to her did not phase her much.
“Oi, Lestrange!” A voice shouted from behind her as she walked towards the great hall. “Your gonna be just like your parents one day! Wait and see! You’ll be killin’ people left, right and centre.” The young boy laughed among his friends, failing to notice the girl who he had tried to engage with stop quickly in front of them, hand her bag to the girl who had been walking with her and turn sharply on her heel. The laughter continued until before anyone had realised what had happened, the boy was pushed to the nearest wall pinned down by her leg and arm as it pressed against his neck. Without missing a beat, her heart racing in her chest, she spat,
“If you really believe I’m going to turn out like them I’d keep your thoughts to yourself.” She edged her knee further into his groin, got in closer to his ear and said, “pissing off a potential serial killer is not a smart move. You’re now top of my list.” Without even a second glance she released him from her vice like grip, letting him fall to the floor as she spun back around, smiled at her friend and continued onto the great hall.
While she had been careful to make sure no teachers were present to witness her sudden outburst, she had not been paying attention to the students who were around her. To her, the students who saw just received their warning. Do not fuck with me. However one of the students who had seen the scene unfold as he as his brother walked towards their dinner, had not taken the hint. Much rather he took it as a challenge.
Y/N was well known around the school. People were either talking about her good deeds or the last student who had crossed her path and how they had been flawed and utterly humiliated, often left crying on the ground.  It was hard not to know who she was, but damn near impossible to get to know her. Although that hadn’t yet stopped George Weasley from trying.
In his third year, George and his brother had watched as the then first year Y/N had taken a fellow Slytherin student, Pansy Parkinson, by the hair for calling her a blood traitor. Later that same week he’d seen her comfort a weeping Neville Longbottom after the loss of his toad once again. In years to come the infamous Weasley twins had watched Y/N as she defended herself and those around her, incapable of doing so themselves. George alone had watched as she studied by herself in the courtyard, telling his brother he just wanted some alone time so he could watch the mysterious girl silently or without judgement. Y/N intrigued George, she seemed to be the sweetest girl when she was helping teachers or helping first years with Transfiguration homework, but suddenly became a vengeful warrior when the time called for it.
George on many occasions, sometimes with Fred, sometimes alone, had tried to talk to Y/N. It never ended in a conversation longer than five minutes. Often Y/N had places to be or felt as though the pair were up to something, so politely left the conversations. Since the first time he had seen her he had simply wanted to get to know her, but had yet to have the pleasure.
“George mate, close your mouth, you’re starting to catch flies,” his brother chuckled as he began to walk towards the great hall much like he had originally intended before stopping to see what was going on. “You’ve got to stop staring at her all the time, you’re gonna freak the poor girl out.”
“Oh shut up, I was not staring at her. Well not in that way anyway,” George hit his brother on the shoulder as he caught up, “I was simply shocked by what happened. It’s not like its every day you see a kid get shown up like that. I was impressed.”
“Georgie, you’re impressed every time you see that Lestrange girl. Don’t think I don’t know that your purposely go to the library on a Friday to see her packing away books,” Fred may not have said anything until know but that didn’t mean he didn’t realise what was going on with his brother. He had a crush. A crush on a girl two years younger than him. A crush on a girl who could bring him to the floor with one well planned kick. A crush on a Lestrange. “Do you really think I’m stupid enough to believe that the reason you wanted us to talk to her all those times was simply because she’d be ‘good to have onside.’ What kind of fool do you think I am?” Fred laughed as they sat down at the Gryffindor table, opposite of their friend Lee.
“Hey,” Lee beamed at the twins, “Quidditch season starts soon. You two excited?”
“Of course,” smiled back Fred through a mouthful of chicken. George on the other hand was not really thinking about the conversation at the table he was sat at, much rather the one on the furthest side of the hall. Y/N was sat there, not really with anyone, but not really alone. Rather than joining in the chit chat occurring around her she simply ate her meal, listening to the chatter of others instead of being a part of it. George wondered why she decided not talk, her friends clearly wanted her to be involved in the conversation.
George continued to watch Y/N until she got up to leave, not the first in the hall, but certainly the first from her end of the table. With only a nod to her friends, she got up, flattened out her robe and skirt and made her way out of the hall. George watched as she left, right up until the point he could no longer see her around the corner. He wanted to know where she had gone.
“Erm… I’m just gonna go to the toilet. I’ll meet you back in the common room … yeah,” he spoke quickly to his brother as he got up to leave, not really waiting for a response from his twin. Fred and Lee watched as Georges pace picked up towards the door, watching until the last flash of red hair had disappeared from sight.
“He’s smitten and he’s only ever said three words to her,” Fred laughed as he ate another slice of cake from the stand in front of him, a stand that never seemed to empty.
“Clearly. Does he know how pathetic he looks? And trying to say he’s going to the toilet just so he can follow her, does he think we're stupid? I can’t believe he’s gone and fallen for a Lestrange too. Can you believe it?” Lee mocked a offeded voice, as he fanned himself with his hand. Fred chuckled,
“I can actually. Trust my brother to fall for a girl who has no interest in him and whose parents would kill him in a heartbeat.”
Outside the great hall, George tried to follow her path, or at least the path he had imagined she would have taken. For a fourth year girl she was unpredictable, hard to find because of her random approach to life. His pace picked up, his heart hammered in his chest, his lungs began to work harder take shallow breaths, as his walk became a jog, and the jog became a run. George began to forget even where he was, just trying to imagine a path in which she may have taken.  For one moment George forgot to look where he was running, only quickly glancing into open rooms and down smaller passageways. It was in this moment he found himself very quickly bumping into something. No, someone.
His body has ran full speed into someone considerably smaller than himself as he went to turn a corner, knocking not only himself onto the floor with a thud, but who ever the innocent victim was.
“Fuck,” he said as he landed awkwardly on his leg. After dislodging himself from the human pretzel shape he had landed in he began to get up, brushing off the dust as he went. “Ugh I’m so sorry, I was looking for someone but clearly was not looking where I was actually going. I am so sorry. Here let me give you a hand,” George, still brushing himself off said, still without knowing who it was he had just ran into. As he looked away from his now crinkled robes, he looked down to see who it was that was also on the floor, starting to dust themselves off.
“No its okay I’ve got this,” the girl giggled. George said nothing as the girl slowly stood brushing herself off in a similar fashion that he had done himself. “Accidents happen, I’ve often ran full speed into other people before, normally knocking them down on the way. No big deal,” Georges heart raced as he looked down at the now smiling Y/N, still brushing herself clean.
“Oh my … Y/N right?” George stammered, his heart throbbing in his chest.
“Thats me,” Y/N smiled up at him. George was inwardly kicking himself. In an attempt to catch up to this mysterious girl, play it cool and maybe get her to actually talk to him, he had managed to nearly knock her out on a wall. “You’re one of the Weasley twins right? Fred and George isn’t it?”
“You know who I am?”
“Everyone knows who you two are,” she laughed. “I’m sorry I have to admit I’m not sure which one you are though.”
“George. I’m George Weasley, the better twin,” George smiled back at her. Slowly George regained his composure, heart still beating in his chest, he was able to gain a little bit more of that Weasley charm he had been known for. “The much better looking twin.”
“The clumsier twin too clearly. Who were you looking for that was important enough to make you run that quickly?”
“My brother.” He lied.
“Which one? Aren’t you like one of 7? That’s a very big family,” she smiled up as him as she collected her bag from the floor. “I bet family dinners are fun at yours.”
“Yeah there's a few of us,” George replied. “Bill and Charlie don’t live at home anymore though so it’s currently just the five of kids, and mum and dad. It’s certainly never quiet in our house.” Y/N laughed with him, that soft kind of laugh, one one where the subject matter is not really funny but a small laugh makes it sound like you understand.
“Thats nice. My family is kinda small, so its relatively quiet at ours. I bet you have lots of fun stories about your family to tell,” she smiled, her eyes looking right into his. George had calmed down somewhat not, and while his heart was still beating awfully heavily, he had regained enough composer and confidence to simply smile down to her and say,
“I do. So many. Maybe I could tell you about them sometime, over a butterbeer? Maybe this weekend?” For a moment everything stopped slightly, as he waited impatiently for her response. He knew his idea for a day together had been rather sudden, probably worryingly sudden for her, but he couldn't not ask. If there was a chance that she would say yes to spending a day with him then he’d take the risk of being rejected. “My treat.”
“You’re in luck Mr Weasley. Usually I tutor on Saturday’s, but they wanted to go to a Muggles study extra class to watch a film so I’m free. I would like very much to hear more about your family over a butterbeer this weekend,” Y/N said with a beautiful smile, a smile George would love to see again and again. George couldn’t have been more pleased than he was in that moment.
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livingbutamireally · 4 years
AY2019/2020 Y1S1 Module Review
AY2019/2020 year 1 semester 1 review
Started school around august after orientation camp in july, and had to study after doing nothing for months after a levels and finally had the taste of the rigour of this major.. semester 1 went by too quickly..
Modules taken this semester:
CS1010S Programming Methodology (Python)
Prof: Ben Leong
Exam Dates: 2 Oct (Midterm) / 16 Nov (Practical Exam) / 27 Nov (Finals)
Coursemology – 25% (25%)
Participation – 5% (5%)
Midterm test – 15% (-)
Practical exam – 15% (20%)
Final assessment – 40% (50%)
(those in brackets are for those taking alternative final)
S in CS1010S is for science students, most students are either science students (DSA/ Life Science plenty) or BZA students.
Overall this module easily had the highest workload compared to other modules, having to rush missions every week, complete tutorials (this is pretty standard duh) and lecture trainings before deadlines for bonus points on a gamified platform. One could sit at their table wracking their brains for the whole day and still not be able to come up with a feasible code, or have their codes stuck with some bugs and not knowing how to continue. Really, without the help from fellow friends this module would be hard to get through. Luckily my TA was kind (and patient!) enough to explain such that my brain could get it. Ended up having to IP this module sadly… This module really requires your wholehearted devotion and really tests your patience i must say, especially for people who are not too intellectually inclined (aka me)..
They introduced a new scheme this semester aka Alternative Final, meaning you get to retake your midterm and finals by tabao-ing it into the next sem except you do your finals during the recess week instead of the finals, kinda like a half-retaking a module? Your grades for finals are IP-ed (in progress) rather than letter grades and the finals and midterms will be accounted for in the following half a semester albeit under different weightage components.
They said its a introductory module, but …………..
This year’s practical exam was particularly hard i think i had friends (even the zai ones) getting single digit marks… banked full in on the Method of Life question (Q5) of finals which is a giveaway question asking you how you can apply the concepts to other parts of your life and your main take-aways from taking this module (filled up the whole page and got full marks for it 4m) without this question i would have failed the paper..
Now i have to work hard the next sem… its kinda sad for us BZA students because CS1010S is a prerequisite for those wanting to take BT2101 and CS2030/2040 modules in the following semester (y1s2). Future students (esp BZA) please take the advice to consider this when deciding whether to IP…. because guess who didnt and regretted not thinking deeper…..
Ah one more thing to take note is the weightage is quite different for those IP/ alternative final people, theres higher weightage for the papers :_D
Ben Leong is a pretty good lecturer, hes solid in delivering concepts except my brain may be a little too slow for him.. Theres also lecture videos online that you can refer to and thousands of papers (with solutions!!) waiting for you to do.. something uncommon for many modules i heard? also, you get to see your final (scanned) paper through a website, in ben leong’s words “how cool is that?” he also uploads the mark scheme for your reference which is pretty cool imo. He’s a very interesting lecturer.
MA1521 Calculus for Computing
Prof: Leung Pui Fai
Exams: No midterms, just an online quiz (4 questions, most get full marks for), and the finals
Weightage: cant really rmb the weightage but i think its 40-60? i think tutorial attendance isnt graded..
They said this was just a repeat of H2 maths with more stuffs well boy i must say this wasnt as easy as they said.. okay maybe for me, ive always struggled with maths for a really long time. Surprisingly got a B for H2 Maths, i got a B3 for O levels really the blemish in my results. Got a B- for this module. Many people will say this is an easy module, you can trust them a little different in my shoes i guess. I didnt turn up for lectures for the half part of the semester since he talks a bit too slowly so i just watch the webcast sped up. But being a procrastinator i’m really behind on webcasts by the time the exams came.. i think i spent too much time on CS1010S and its still not enough.. if you dont have the discipline to watch them religiously at home, i would suggest you go for the lecture even though he may talk abit slowly but it forces you to not miss out on them. I dont really had the time (is it i wonder?) to do the tutorials either so i was also behind on them.. most of the time i just sat for tutorials and took the answers down to only work on them many weeks later (much regrets) so i didnt really understood what was going on as the TA went through. please dont be like me… the recess week was for sure not enough to revise/ learn all the content for all your mods for both midterms/finals so please dont be lazy like me…. this is the suffering i brought upon myself TT
Overall i think. it is not that hard a mod if you do your work consistently.. things got a little confusing towards the end i heard they dropped a whole chapter this semester glad they did.
MA1101R Linear Algebra I
Prof: Wang Fei
Finals (28 Nov, 2h)— 60%.
Mid-term test (4 Oct, 2h)— 20%.
3 homework assignments (4% per assignment) — 12%. 
An in-class Lab (MATLAB) quiz — 8%.
This was one of my most hardest period in my life and i say this on PERIODT. As if maths wasnt tough enough, this will really declare a survival of the fittest among your remaining brain cells. Friends told me maths came into their dreams… pls extinguish my soul. You must be thinking i am crazy for wanting to take 2 math mods in a sem right? ?
Yeahh no one really does that but it was my idea because i didnt want to do maths together with all the core core mods (BT and CS) next sem so i decided ah i should just get maths over and done with ( hAH real joke bc i couldnt clear CS1010S and i cant take 2k level mods for BT and CS and unlocked clown outfit because theres one more ST2334 core mod that involves probability and stats so much for thinking i will be over and done with for dealing with maths– someone tell me why did i choose this major again?)
Somehow along the way i realised the bell curve for this was surprisingly high i think those who chose this mod intend to delve even deeper in mathematics, mayhaps i joined the wrong major. The R in MA1101R actually stands for rigorous i didnt realise until my friend read the fine prints in the SOC Course Curriculum for BZA or sumn. Pure hell. There are 3 homework assignments (graded mind you) and most of the students get around 50++/60 i think i was the one of the rare few who flunked quite badly and always eyeballed by my TA (who is a prof for some 3k or 4k level maths, not for this mod though). I approached him for consults and for help and he was nice enough to sit me down and explain slowly. He’s pretty good at explaining slowly although he’s pretty fast in class (and most of the semester i had close to ZERO idea what was going on in class for pretty much most of the mods). Shockingly managed to pull out a C from my butt. The intellect of the students are no joke.. Homework assignments are every 3 weeks starting week 6 i think (so week 6, 9, 12) and i think are there to make sure you catch up with the work.
Oh lectures-wise, i sat for ½ of his classes, i really absorb almost nothing.. the rest of the lecture hall seem to get it though or so it seems. so i stopped attending my own lectures to watch the webcast for Prof Victor Tan too. His webcasts/lectures are really popular and it really owe it to his teaching, apparently he taught Wang Fei before and of course had over ten more years of experience. WF’s lecture turn-outs are comparatively less compared to VT. And on panopto (webcast platform) i think it was almost always 360++ views for VT as compared to a 80++/ was it 30++ for WF if i recall correctly. VT slides are also more concise and simple to understand where as WF’s ones are similar to the textbook. You are also required to purchase a textbook for this module costs around $20 from the co-op store in science and i urge you to purchase it asap when the profs announce they are made available bc they run oos quite fast.. the tutorial questions are from the textbook and the textbook is very simple and straightforward and put together by some of the lecturers/profs in school.
BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics
Prof: Dr Sharon Tan, Desmond Ong
1. Online Quiz & Datacamp Assignments — 7%
Tutorial 1-4 — 8%
Tutorial 5 onwards — 15%
In-class Assessment (Written) — 10%
Practical Assessment — 20%
Final Assessment — 40%
In class assessment is held 2ish weeks after your midterms week so its kinda like your midterms?
Mm i would say this module is the most ?? its hard to put in words but if you read up the confessions page (NUSwhispers) regularly you would see many complaints that the mod is structured not as neatly as CS1010S its quite here and there everywhere and personal opinion, sometimes i dont know what i am supposed to learn but i guess its like that? The profs seem to value not wanting to spoonfeed and us learning on our own and stuff like that. I heard the mod was much harder in previous years and they simplified it a lot compared to in the past (which i really thank god) but its still a bit ?? They split it into two halves, first half of the sem is taught by Dr ST (Descriptive Analytics) and the next half by DO (Prescriptive and Predictive Analytics).
There are online videos to be watched every week even though you get lectures once every 2 weeks when Dr ST teaches and tutorials to be submitted to your TAs that are graded only after about 6/7 weeks. They leave comments (½ sentences someitmes shorter) and your marks received and thats about all so you dont really know where you went wrong since they are not marked paper and pen way. The tutorials are coding exercises for questions using the R language. They also used Datacamp to drill some of the basics of R for a headstart. Her workshop style lectures are a lot of on the spot learning how to code and stuff which i lag behind a bit because she goes a bit fast in order to cover everything. We learn new content via the online videos that we have to watch every week and theres quizzes for them too weekly iirc.
The next half by DO had no online videos (great!! and no quizzes!!) but weekly lectures and graded tutorials are due every 2 weeks(!!). There are still weekly tutorials but its only graded for every 2nd one, wow this saved me a lot of time phew. I didnt get to do the tutorials for those that are not graded but read through the questions so that i get a gist of whats going on, and somehow i really dont have the time to do it? CS1010S really absorbed a large chunk of my time cries. Finals was a oK it was not that bad i think. There are 20 MCQs and then about 4 structured questions? Closed-book with 1 A4 sheet cheatsheet.
Oh and the bad part about the tutorials are the tutors wont provide you with the model answers/codes so you’re really just on your own. You either get it or nah. :_D
GER1000 Quantitative Reasoning
1. Tutorial — 10%
2. 10 Weekly Quizzes — 20%
3. Project —35% (Presentation 10%, Final Report 25%)
4. Finals (28 MCQs, 2h) — 35%
No lectures so no profs, just weekly online videos and quizzes.
Tutorials are every odd/even weeks depending on the slot you chose.
Groups are arranged by the TAs beforehand.
This was pre-allocated for us so (grits teeth). Honestly a waste of time. One of the mods i neglected till the end to focus on other mods (which was worth it). The workload was manageable, of course (if not how to neglect). Every 2 week you meet together wiht your groupmates to discuss tutorial questions (each group will discuss 1 qn) and every tutorial class ended about 30min earlier. Nearing the end theres a group project report and slides to be done. Report is in the form of QnA so you just answer the questions and slides/ presentation is going through an article of a topic you chose (theres about 10) and you analyse the QR part of it what is good what can be better, etc. Theres also a bit of the stats part with probability and stuff but its a OK. Bell curve steep for finals (40 MCQ, 2h) but most finished in 1h and left the hall, i was one of the few who stayed till the end even though i was just staring at the paper into the depths of my soul for reasons unknown) It’s a lot about experiments not really the scientific/ calculations part of it but understanding about coming up with experiments, the pros and cons of carrying things out a certain way in loose terms something like the art of crafting experiments? makes you think a bit deeper how and what people think and not so dry i guess.
i guess thats a wrap–new semester starts soon :( i think this might be the first module/semester review tumblr blog but i hope this can be of help to anyone, to anyone at all. the owner of many of similar review blogs get really stellar results which i may be too out of league from so i hope this brings comforts to those who are doing not so well and encourage them because im not any different we exist, and we’ll survive.
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grgie · 7 years
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so it’s pretty daunting, going from being a student in the lower school to being a sixth former, and dropping down from having around 10-14 subjects down to 3-5, as well as the introduction of new peers or moving schools. Ive done it so im gonna spread some of what ive learnt from this past year to you younger folks
homies get ur folders big and durable, especially for things like maths (my friend used up a whole thick binder for maths by Christmas, so keep that in mind)
don’t feel u have to spend loads on supplies, u’ll probably break them/lose them
but don’t feel you cant have ur nice studyspo stationary u do u boo
get urself a big ass refill pad. That is your life now. Don’t lose it.
I would recommend getting an a4 expandable file (i have one from flying tiger) for putting any loose sheets/things that need hole-punching/things that need filing. I got one at the beginning of the year and it has saved my life and watered my crops ever since
always bring ur textbooks to lessons
if you don’t use poly pockets (I don’t) then keep at least one at the back of every folder to put in stuff that doesn’t fit or whatever
if you want to take rough notes and rewrite them, then do it, but u might get left behind in copying up, so be aware of that
do ur homework in ur frees
no messin around
i mean it
keep up any sports/hobbies. These will keep you sane during times of stress, trust me (my weekly dance lessons keep me sane, I don’t think id be as chill as I am without them)
don’t feel pressured into getting a job/learning to drive if you don’t want/need to.
same goes for drinkin and parties. Yall are underaged obviously but that doesn’t mean that ppl aren’t gonna do it, so don’t feel u have to if you don’t want to
for the first few weeks/months (say until Christmas) be really on top of your homework, always hand it in on time. Then if you need an extension on something, teach will be more chill with giving you an extension than if you are always late giving in homework
ton’t overwork ourselves, give yourself some free time
try and make at least one friend for each subject (if you don’t already have any) so if you miss a lesson u have someone to catch up from
if you want to, try out for prefect/house official roles. Its good practise for job interviews, and if you don’t try, u’ll never know
also if it doesn’t work out don’t  get too down (or bitter)
help the younger years and don’t be mean to them. Yes they are small and very scared of u so be nice.
How is the work load different ?? And how does it feel from going from 7 subjects (?) To only a few ?
generally, you are expected to do more work independently, like doing reading/extra reading around the subject and revising throughout the year, as well as essays more frequently than for gcse. however, for my subjects, the amount of work has felt a lot less, as I have free periods within the week, where I got the majority of my work done
I went from doing 13 subjects down to 5, and it honestly felt so liberating, especially now that im doing subjects that I actually care about, and even though all of my lessons are longer now, they don’t seem to drag on nearly as much as the single shorter lessons I had last year, for things like maths or biology, and I don’t feel like the work is as dull bc I enjoy the subjects.
This is kinda a complicated question but i’d love if you answered it, so for igcse bio for example, each chapter (2-3 pages) would take maybe a class or two to go over it, how many classes or hours does each chapter take during a levels?
honestly, it depends on what classes you do. for me, for English, we’ve spent roughly a term on each section, like modernist poetry one term and then Dracula and Dorian analysis the next term, but for economics, it can take between one lesson to two weeks of lessons to cover a topic, depending on how long the chapter is and how quickly  your class picks it up.
how do you cope with such heavy content?
Im not sure entirely what u mean by heavy content, but for things that are maybe more dry in subject (like history) honestly do some extra reading to help you understand things better, it doesn’t even have to be books, it can be youtube videos, podcasts, songs, just something separate from ur textbook and class notes to help get a fresh perspective/someone else explaining it to you can really help (crash course is good, even if u aren’t a fan of john green)
i’m starting a levels in september at a different school that no one i know is going to, what would your advice be for making friends and getting the most out of my time there? your blog is gold btw xx
umm, get yourself out there, be nice, smile at people and make eye contact, try and sit with people when you begin class, try not to isolate yourself from people. I personally didn’t move schools, but the people that joined our were all super rad great fun and have integrated into friendship groups which is pretty rad,  and ive made some pretty great friends with the new people, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Also there will definitely be new people there as well, so try not to stress too much! (also find something to talk about, like our whole form bonded during futures week over bake off and Brexit (it happened in the introduction week)) also I find that generally ppl are more chill and grown up in sixth form? and the people there want to be there but yeah (yikes I rambled a lot!)
if u have any other specific questions, feel free to ask me!
love, helena 🐝
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pazhampori · 7 years
U knw i was thinkin today of little 9 y/o me with 2 months left of turning a decade old in this world and how big of an accomplishment that was at the time. my 9 y/o self imagined my 19 y/o self to b sum next lvl independent lady who read more, wrote more, drew more (all of my fav activities back in ‘07). i imagined myself to hav everything worked out. with a flourishing academic life, a great support system, maybe even a boyfriend hahhah. and it makes me wonder lookin at myself now and where i actually am 10 years down the line, that 9 y/o wouldn’t b v happy with what ive done to her. i was such an ambitious child back then. i used to lov running and playing netball. i used to read lik a lunatic, often hiding books up my top to read in the toilet or a torch under my duvet so i could read after my parents declared bedtime. my creativity soared back then. i entered every drawing competition there was and im p sure it was this time 10 years ago i won the summer féte leaflet’s front cover with my little stick men and elaborate detailing of each and every stall we had going. i used to write countless stories back then. they had no plot, i remember. nothing happened in them bc the only writing i liked was descriptive. i liked thinking of events and filling pages describing each and every little thing. from the colour of people’s eyes to the texture of their shoes. i won a poetry competition and got my poem on penguins being sad published in a book this time, a decade ago. it was also SATs year and i lovd to study. i used to make revision guides in my spare time (???) and do my homework with 10 folds more effort than what was needed. i was so extra lmao. and even with all this, i still had time to memorise every malayalam dialogue i watched on asianet’s movie nights and all the contestants on idea star singer......and im just wondering what this little over-achieving, sweet nerd of my younger self would have thought of me if i was passing her on the street? or if i had the chance to talk to her and explain my current life to her, would she approve? would she approve that the only reason im not an unhealthy weight is bc i rely on a fast metabolism and my new-found habit of being so lazy that i skip meals. i haven’t played netball in 4 years. i cant walk up the stairs without being out of breath. i read now and again, but not even with an ounce of the dedication i had back then. i used to read for the sheer joy and excitement reading used to bring me and now i kinda force myself and i get lucky if i actually do get interested. i drew a little for valentine’s day after relying on stick men since year 7 bc drawing anything between stick men and full-fledged A* art was uncool so i stuck with stick men instead of tryna reach full-fledged A* art, bc hey which teenager had time for that, eh? i only write these days when i feel i am brimming with passion. if i want to remember certain moment that my hands and brain can’t coordinate well enough to draw, then i write them. about people’s hands or their hair or their lips. the way they sit or the way they sneeze. but i haven’t even done that in months. poetry hasn’t said hi to me in a year now. ive tried, but w no luck. i get ideas, i jot rough words down, wait for motivation to pen them properly; it never comes. studying is a joke. i haven’t been to lectures in a week, i think. my 2000 word essay is sitting as it has been for a while now. it’s due in 5 days lmao. i still devour malayalam movies but not with the same excitement back then but more like a means of easy procrastination. i choose the easier route these days. forget 10 folds extra effort, i cant even make the minimum to get by. i want to sleep so much that i wonder where all my energy is evaporating to these days. im exhausted without even attempting the first task on my list. my head is so weighed down with people and things and i think its my Lord signalling me to come home, to Him. and to think ive been placing my heart in humans hands where it can so easily be crushed. why do we that? why do we allow ourselves to be so vulnerable and exposed? maybe to learn our lessons, i guess. bc now i know to only give myself away to the hand that is supported by my Lord right under. so if human soil crumbles away, my Saviour can catch me. catch me when i fall, O Lord. 
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jess-oh · 6 years
ive gotten a lot done over the past few days and decided to hangout with earl and gongjoo on a whim. and it was really nice and im glad that i got to spend time with them! i was pretty nervous that i would be really scared and skiddish around but i was actually pretty calm. we just went shopping at costco together and then ate dinner there. DAT $1.50 HOTDOG + DRINK DEAL AT COSTCO IS TOO GOOD :’O Gongjoo actually paid for me but it’s just such a good deal man! but yeah, i told them about hyde park and my incident on sunday as a brief update for whats been going in my life and i did really enjoy spending time with them. i figured i would just walk home after costco but they invited me over so i just admired their record player and started figuring out what i need for my apartment next year—both personal and shared. And then we watched an episode of Black Mirror together before I decided to head out for the night around 11:30pm. 
but today was pretty productive too! I printed my resume, tho it got crumpled. i checked the times for the computer lab and DPC—both of which i found out were actually open mon-wed :( today was thursday :(
but i revised my graphic design and typography drafts and prepared graphic design for printing. but i cant really easily revise my draft for typography so im waiting for dawn to get back to me on that first. but i do think jilly is actually going to like my revisions! i also needed to learn to bite my tongue bc whenever she replied, i got upset. esp when i misread her e-mail and thought she was just reminding me to fix the text after i just did and not at all acknowledging my other changes. It wasn’t until after the next e-mail that I realized my mistake and apologized and she took it well. Thankfully. I’m pretty happy with my school schedule and I think my resume is a bit messy but I at least want to see if the information is good. I can fix the design later based off of whatever Brian Socall tells me. Tomorrow is Friday, aka the last weekday of my spring break and it’s been really nice just being productive and getting to spend time with myself in thought. I do think I should listen to music less and watch less shows and instead spend more time just thinking about life and my choices and decisions and all that jazz. And hopefully I will tomorrow. Oh, I also watched “Chasing Coral” today and wrote a one paged summary on it for extra credit. And I already finished my culture, race, and media homework a while ago so I’m in pretty good standing at the moment. I just need to WRITE THE DESCRIPTIONS FOR MY PORTFOLIO and solidify my resume and then I can meet with Jo-nell and start applying! :D I haven’t scheduled an appointment with her yet just bc I don’t want to be too ambitious with my deadlines and it’s been going pretty well so far in terms of getting things done. But I don’t want to expect myself to get the same amount of work done once I’m back in school bc I know that I’ll get really busy again. But I think I can manage my time well. And I think I’ll have time for ASO and AiGA next semester too! I just hope it won’t be too overwhelming to do that on top of all my classes and commuting and serving at Lakeview. And of course my job. But we’ll see! I am committed to serving and that’s inevitable and it does look like I’ll be stepping up from ASO. But if I need to step down, I know they’d understand. And I do want to get more involved with AiGA to better build my portfolio and get my foot in the door for design. But I know that whether or not I join, God has a plan and a purpose for me and because of that, serving should be my most important responsibility. 
I’m still thinking about whether or not I should go home and that’s definitely something that I should be praying about. Whether or not I pray or read daily shouldn’t even be a question. It should just be routine. But it’s not. I still see it as an individual task instead of as a part of my lifestyle and I should change that.
But, yeah. I also realized that I never chatted with Andrew and Sofia today which was weird and I know that we’re all busy and they’re still in school but I did find it interesting. I just messaged the chat asking how their days went and pushed Andrew for more of a response but it did seem pretty forced. Talking daily isn’t a necessity, it’s just something we happen to do. But they are still busy with classes and work so I understand. I’m sure the chat will be blowing up like crazy next week when they’re on break instead and I’m busy once more.
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zipgrowth · 7 years
Where Does Personalized Learning End and Special Education Begin?
It’s the start of a new school year and the air is full of promise. I’ve set up my room, made my copies and attended all of my meetings. As students flood into the school, I’m charged with positive energy and hope.
But as I peruse my class list and the academic data that accompanies it, anxiety sets in. I’ve committed to personalizing learning, but how can I do that for every student in my inclusion classroom when the range of abilities among them is so vast?
This is my third year teaching at William Penn High School in the Colonial School District in New Castle, Delaware. Dually certified in special education and English Language Arts, I teach an ELA inclusion class to 11th and 12th graders, which means I serve students with and without Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) in the same setting. Additionally, I manage a caseload of 18 students with IEPs, and enter goals and progress for over 60 other students.
A core element of my job has always been to consider how I can tailor instruction to meet the needs of each student—that’s the crux of special education. IEPs are legal documents designed to include specific goals, objectives and strategies for how to modify instruction to meet each student’s needs. Personalized learning doesn’t seem that far off—but meeting the needs of every student in an inclusion class when some have IEPs and some do not can get hairy.
I’d like to see special education take a front seat in conversations about personalized learning.
It also raises some questions around where special education practices and personalized learning intersect. Does personalized learning mean every student gets an IEP? Does it mean that students who had an IEP no longer need one because now every learner is receiving tailored instruction? Can I use the same measuring tools to gauge growth for all students? Should it be different than how I was teaching before?
Special education is a gray area when it comes to personalized learning, so it has been a learning curve.
Class Makeup: Rules and Ratios
There are different types of learning environments that serve students with special needs. Some of them are separate settings, and others are inclusive, which means that general education and special education students are served in the same learning environment. There are laws and regulations that exist to ensure that the ratio of students with and without IEPs maintains a specific balance for some special education settings in Delaware—but they don’t apply to my classes.
I am a “SAM” teacher, which stands for Single Approach to Mastery. It’s a relatively new position in the Colonial School District. In many ways, it resembles a Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classroom—but I play the role of both special education and general education teacher. The position was more widely assigned out of necessity after state budget cuts, and currently, there is no law that explicitly states how many students may be enrolled in an inclusion class like mine.
However, in most states by law, “the number of students with disabilities in an Integrated Co-Teaching class may not exceed 40% of the class with a maximum of 12 students with disabilities.” That means the makeup of an inclusion class is required to have at least 60% of students without IEPs. But that’s not always the way it goes down.
Enrollment, funding, and a slew of other factors push administrators to build classes that don’t quite add up to the ideal 60:40 balance. In my classes the ratio is closer to 55:45. Most of the students I teach have failed several classes, so they are already behind the 8 ball when it comes to graduation. Many of my students need to take two English classes simultaneously—which is difficult considering their schedule is usually overloaded with repeat classes across all subject areas.
Teaching students with learning gaps is daunting. To be successful at it, it’s important to recognize that there are a number of reasons why a learner might be delayed. Attendance struggles, a difficult family situation, a learning disability, a set of behavioral challenges, becoming a parent—any one of these obstacles could set a student back, and each one warrants its own unique set of instructional approaches.
I teach three sections of English III to juniors and three sections of English IV Contemporary Literature to seniors. All of my classes are inclusion sections and I work with over 120 students a week—so I see quite a spectrum of learners. My students with IEPs have unique needs with special education classifications including learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, blindness, and medical conditions diagnosed by physicians such as ADD, ADHD, anxiety and depression. Their IEPs have accommodations such as behavior charts, extra time on assessments, reduction in answer choices and opportunities for revision or re-testing.
Though my general education students do not have IEPs, they still have learning gaps and require special consideration as I plan curriculum and assessment. About 20 percent of my students are reading on grade level according to SRI College and Career Ready Assessment, and are planning on going to college. I get the occasional overachiever who is reading above grade level, but the bulk of my students are reading texts that range from a first-grade reading level to ninth-grade reading level.
Recognizing the range I’m serving is always my first step to working with students. To set myself up for success, I will likely need to differentiate the workload based on student ability, or give some learners extra time to grapple with higher-level texts.
How Tech Has Helped Me Reach the Spectrum
I used to do everything manually—differentiating curriculum and assessments, providing student feedback, and managing hard copies of classwork and homework.
For each class section, I found at least six different texts and made all of the copies so students would have a choice regarding what they read in class. I created multiple versions of tests, quizzes and classwork assignments, and I manually gave feedback using a pen and paper. To combat the inevitable student response—“but I turned it in, you must have lost it”—I developed systems for managing hard copies of classwork and homework.
It wasn’t sustainable.
Managing pacing is always a struggle—with or without technology.
Accepting technological support has been pivotal for me. There are two tools that have allowed me to scale differentiated supports for students: Google Apps and Schoology.
Google Drive has helped me manage student work and provide more efficient feedback for students. Google’s Read&Write app lets me scaffold the texts I use, making higher-level texts accessible to students with lower reading levels. The app has eliminated the grunt work of manually differentiating texts. It has features that support struggling readers and writers including word prediction, text-to-speech, talking dictionary and picture dictionary. Students can pop any text into the app for extra support when they need it, which means that I don’t need to generate alternative versions of every text we use.
Schoology has allowed me to experiment with pacing. I can differentiate the workload for each student, which helps me individualize pacing for each lesson. It also allows me to assign work individually or in groups—this feature helps me meet the specific needs of each learner discreetly, without damaging anyone’s dignity.
With these tools, I’ve been able to increase student choice in my classes. I always knew offering choice was a good thing—but it’s no easy feat. Offering more choice means finding more texts, preparing more materials and making more copies. But Google Read&Write helps make texts accessible, and Schoology lets me curate materials that are appropriate for each learner and present them all in one place so students don’t get lost in web surfing, which is enticing for teenage students. This makes it possible for me to create more opportunities for students to select which text to read, choose what topic to investigate and make decisions about the sequence in which they learn.
The Struggle is Still Real
Although I’ve had a lot of success over the past three years, there are some unresolved challenges.
There are logistical difficulties like the school server failing, internet connectivity issues and lagging wifi—which apparently is a common occurrence when more than 400 phones are on Snapchat. Last year during a critical lesson with high-stakes due dates, the internet on the entire Eastern seaboard went down. These issues make working online frustrating for students who just want to get their assignments done. To complicate things further, device and internet access at home is quite limited for some students, which makes homework a whole other animal.
Managing pacing is always a struggle—with or without technology. This is even more difficult in an inclusion class because many learners have accommodations for extended time, which often applies to curricular activities as well as assessments.
Of all the challenges, tracking goals and progress is what keeps me up at night. It’s my responsibility to support all students with goal setting, to gauge growth, and to accurately reflect student progress for every student. This means entering goals and assessment data on Schoology. For students with IEPs, it also means measuring progress toward each IEP goal, updating the document four times a year, and collecting hard copies and digitized versions of work samples as evidence.
Codeswitching between managing IEP goals and the personalized learning goals that every student has remains sticky. Making sure that every IEP folder in my trusty filing cabinet is up to date and double-entering some of that data into Schoology isn’t ideal—but it’s what needs to be done.
Down the road, I’d like to see special education take a front seat in conversations about personalized learning. When used correctly, IEPs should play a role in guiding instruction and supporting the learner by ensuring that specific accommodations necessary for student growth are in place. The IEP is a sacred document—there are legal issues and privacy issues that every teacher needs to consider. And my hope is that schools, districts and the entrepreneurs building tools to support personalized learning models consider them as well. 
Stefanina Baker teaches 11th and 12th grade English Language Arts inclusion classes at William Penn High School in Colonial School District in New Castle, Delaware.
Where Does Personalized Learning End and Special Education Begin? published first on http://ift.tt/2x05DG9
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Why do a Masters Degree?
\n\nA interrogative that any genius opinion of f tout ensemble ining for a masters establishedness, peculiarly in a distinct artless, is possible to attain a bun in the oven themselves is, what am I departure to stay pop of this?\n\n\n per apply a masters point oersea understructure be an overpriced business, and from basic base your interrogation into chopines and institutions to finish the class itself, it do-nothing mastermind up a solid percent of your brio. \n\nSo what divagation leave alone a masters floor in truth watch to you? What stock warrant do you hold up under ones skin that your private investiture of snip and cash in hand exit support mutilate? And trick you assess your c in all in all up on investment funds?\n\nOf melodic line, the answers to all of these questions atomic numerate 18 not straightforward. from each one gradatione, come across d professing if essay the self said(prenominal)(prenominal) modul es and courses at the same university, is rattling contrary.\n\nWe all know different skills, realizes and soulfulnessalities and counterbalance differently to whatsoever surroundings we argon in. Its real frequently these qualities that deplete the virtually(prenominal) electrical shock on our efficacy to ar lie down the trump out ancestrys and unfeignedly come across the most of the opportunities that we ar pre displaceed with.\n\nHowever, in that location ar somewhatwhat exhaust and mensural do goods from prep an modernistic spot for the mass of those who go through with(predicate) and through the con.\n\n pliant go steadys\n\n civilise genus genus Maja Nenadovic, a Croatian ammonia alum of the master in worldwide transaction and goody at the oldest university in the Netherlands: I became a ofttimes much footsure somebody musical composition I was at Leiden University. During my studies, I was knobbed with the mental institution of the De Leidsche Beck, the universitys debating society.\n\nMajas experience of behavior pleonasticneous the classroom is distinctive of disciples who concur taken the inebriate and count forth from their kins mortal country for a masters tier. private instruction, encyclopaedism impertinent support skills and adapting to early(a) finish ar of the essence(p) elements of the supranational study experience, oddly at masters level, where students race to be to a greater extent come along than their undergrad counterparts.\n\nMaja continues: We got to meet Leiden at variant controversys, even gain the finals of the face as a sulphur style competition of the European Universities Debating mount 2004 in Durham, UK, and kind the Koc University second world-wide Debating tournament in Istanbul, bomb calorimeter! In this way, my studies at Leiden likewise enriched my life by railroad siding my clique of twain Dutch and global friends.\n\nFor Trisn a Wardhani, an ammonium alum of the know in heed and short letter finance at York University in the UK, the experience had much true results: by and by my masters at York I accompanied a UK alumni ponder blank in 2007 and the chief operating officer and film director of shield Indonesia verbalize at the occurrence.\n\nI base his diction somewhat their lading towards divvy up maturation was sincerely impressive. I sent my CV the pursual week, a b dictate hearing was ordered and I was aureate luxuriant to be selected. My skills and the infusion of flock and companies at the event helped ease an unsolved admission to my future.\n\n specialist experience\n\nDepending on the tutormanian subject matter line of business, graduating from a masters broadcast backside alike amplify massive academic, gifted and constitute-related skills to those already grammatical construction a race. \n\nFor example, it is crude for lawyers to prove tote upit ive long suit through one of the exploitation number of LLM political platforms use to comparatively motor tutormaster areas, much(prenominal) as gifted shoes law, environment gamble estimate and telecommunications regulation.\n\nDavid Socolow had been Commissioner of the sensitive island of Jersey department of parturiency and men Development, scarcely in 2004 he clear-cut to accede at the Rutgers University groom of globe personalised matters and Administration.\n\nI had on the job steering experience, with a superstar of what kit and caboodle and what doesnt, scarcely I recognize that to a greater extent particularised fellowship and training would set me well. Rutgers gave me the chance to grow, to do my job emend and the professors in the program brought a fantastic alloy of academic gracelessness and practical real-world experience to the classroom. They taught not however possibility tho likewise what it really takes to get things done.\n\nassign adequate to(p) skills\n\nThe organisement of mobile or complemental skills is in addition an definitive benefit of analyze at the masters level. Cathy Liu, a ammonium alum of the masters program in air and study engineering at Melbourne University, Australia believes that her microscope stage has an most-valuable electric shock on her passing(a) work out routine.\n\nI did my first score overseas, and came to Australia for my masters percentage point. The knowledge I obtained from my spot doesnt kick in without delay to my work; however, in that respect are a fit of nail aspects of grade study that really helped me to develop my career.\n\n unrivaled is be able to apply knowledge to reality, an powerfulness I veritable by doing a lot of side studies. The early(a) is squad spirit, gained by operative on crowd assignments.\n\nEarning electromotive force\n\n exclusively maybe the greatest area of pass on when it comes to the benefits of a masters degree centres on how much extra specie the expertness allow add to a sackdidates profit?\n\n examine from the US numerate government agency indicates what every(prenominal) masters appli rear endt, period student or modern have has hoped for: in that respect is a substantive digression in earning likely amid those candidates with a bachelors degree and those with a masters degree.\n\nWith much than than and to a greater extent than employers using preceptal qualifications as an authoritative book binding stride in the weft address for jobs, the family relationship in the midst of progress university education and salary has run low to a greater extent prominent.\n\nIn US footing alone, a polish with a masters degree earns nearly US$10,000 per class more than a person with further a bachelors qualification. This rest is compound over the course of a lifetime, with the authorisation to specify vertical buckle under increases and o ther fiscal rewards besides emphasized so that at the point of retirement, a masters graduate lead potentially have profit US$400,000 more than a bachelors graduate and a amazing US$1.5 meg more than a person with further a advanced school leave qualification.\n\nany(prenominal) your motivations for perusing a masters degree, the secern is there for all to see: graduating with the qualification pass on collapse a discrimination to the rest of your life, whether you take aim to banknote it in financial terms, career benefits or your own personal development. \n\nWith more and more internationalist students exploring the opportunities almost grad school can you afford not to make the coterminous spirit? And of course, there can be some spare surprises. take Hilary Jones and Kushan Naik, some(prenominal) masters students at the UKs University of Warwick in 1974. succeeding(a) yr will see them solemnize their thirty-fifth spousal relationship anniversary.If yo u hope to get a all-embracing essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! buy paper cheap Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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