#ts negativity
skullboiz · 4 days
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since you wanna screenshot and hate ill do it too 🥰 two of these are choruses so dont know why youre upset theyre repeating, "eau de resistance" is creative and the rest of the lyrics on that song are great, and im sorry have you listened to the context of wattba? it fits the tone he's going for perfectly. just loud and fucking wrong 😭
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catoscloves · 10 months
does anyone else loathe and despise and genuinely abhor karma or is it just me
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infintyonhigh · 10 months
Feeling very dead dove scene in arrested development rn
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sonntam · 1 year
я хороший котик и со всем справлюсь, но БЛЯ.
в МОЕЙ жизни все хорошо. но какая разница, ког��а в мире пиздец и братик страдает, а родители отплясывают так, что отдавай их прямо в цирк.
где-то в такие моменты понимаешь чем руководствуются эгоисты, после которых просто потоп. хочется защитить свое мелкое счастье, пока ещё есть на него шанс. спасать и спасать и спасать людей не хочется всю жизнь.
если вообще пару недель плакала, что так и не могу рассказать семье, что помогаю украинским беженцам с переводами, то теперь просто предвкушаю дропнуть эту бомбу в следующую неделю и может даже сладко посраться.
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accidentally went on the “anti taylor swift” tag and holy shit maybe it is possible for some people to have never gone outside.
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galedekarios · 5 months
ok getting it all out now so this can be the last post about this, but:
another thing that bothers me about this take there was no abuse between mystra and gale, or that the abuse is somehow "lesser" than what the other companions went through, is that it's being justified by saying that gale is "morally grey".
that he's not "good" and that mystra isn't "bad".
whatever that's supposed to mean.
as if the best we as humans can do isn't to simply strive to be a better person than we are because we are all fundamentally flawed at the core.
it's also extremely questionable to me how the same standard is something i never ever see applied to any of the other companions.
they are all flawed. all of them. from k*rlach to shad*wheart, from lae'z*l to w*ll. ast*rion. but that doesn't mean they didn't suffer abuse or were taken advantage of in a relationship that held a power imbalance.
i only see this happen with gale, and i'm wondering what he supposedly did - in canon - that is deserving of what happened.
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a lot of people use yhs as just a source of angst for grian, and yeah it's AWESOME for that, theres so much more you can do with it. the comedy of 'oh yeah i killed a mob boss and stuffed him in a dumpster'. the shock factors. TAURTIS i love him and he deserves to be more than a Love Interest. theres so much more depth to yhs besides just being the same ol' angst fuel for poowr widdle griam.
also a lot of times grian is depicted too much of a pussy. canon grian is ANGRY he PUNCHES he as teeth for a REASON. the first day on yhs he beat up sam. actually im pretty sure he did that in his first episode of tokyo soul too. grian likes threating people with guns. hes not a soft boi HE HAS TEETH
okay rant over im not actually angry lmao. anyways! nice blog you got here, i will be taking my leave.
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merrilark · 6 months
being a people pleaser and learning that another person's feelings aren't always your responsibility to "fix" or "soothe" is very hard.
but unfortunately necessary. :/
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lepidopteragirl · 11 months
i genuinely could write a thesis on parasocial relationships/perceived victimhood and dream and taylor swifts online fanbases. but i dont want to get fucking assassinated. so i will not be doing that today
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oryms-braincell · 6 months
I loved Doctor Who (at least until it transitioned into a Stephen-Moffat-jerks-himself-off show) but this encapsulates my gripe with it so much.
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we-all-horny-here · 1 year
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[Check my pinned to see how you can support me <3.]
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skullboiz · 4 days
its "mania monday" until the fobbies start hating ur fav corny billionaire white woman 😭😭😭😭
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dyed-red · 2 years
there was a post on my dash a few days ago about an interview with jensen about the prequel. he talks about casting, and about how the actor they hired for john had both sam (1) and dean (1) in him, and the actress they hired for mary had dean (2) energy (that none of the other actresses were serving, apparently). and the post rightfully pointed out that dean himself is there (3). so three deans to one sam, they noticed.
(edit: here is the link for anyone interested)
and looking at the reviews about how bland the pilot is, i can’t help but think that’s part of why? 
the thing that is magic about supernatural is the gravitational push and pull between sam and dean and the forces that are so much bigger than them.
you could have that in the prequel. the gravitational push and pull between john and mary and the forces that are so much bigger than them. 
it’s literally the canon backstory! 
the first time they met, they bumped into each other and (presumably on trained instincts) mary laid john on his ass then apologized, and he was smitten. but he was only smitten because of cupid’s arrow. the cupid we meet in canon tells sam and dean that their parents weren’t a good match, that they didn’t (wouldn’t?) get along, and that their relationship was ordained and the love was manufactured.
so you have the gravity, right there. the push and the pull. the fighting and the mismatch despite the passion and the love they literally cannot help but feel. and it lends itself so well to telling an unhinged story where two people meet and fall in some kind of love at first sight and are weird about each other! 
(in the way that sam and dean are weird about each other. breaking in in the middle of the night and fighting your brother is weird! disappearing out the door with someone you haven’t seen in two years while lying to your partner about why is weird! it’s all unhinged and so it compels the audience!)
to make that work on screen, you need to set up opposing dynamics so you get the push and pull, and you need chemistry. like, a lot of chemistry. the other magic of spn is the insane off the charts on screen chemistry that J2 have. lightning in a bottle, right?
the thing that made me ultimately decide not to watch the prequel was mary’s casting and character styling. despite being one of the few people actually excited about the story conceit (i love john and mary as characters!! i’m genuinely interested to see how the lying and hunting and vietnam trauma and the personality clash all played out!!), as soon as i saw the first promotional photos, the tentative hope i’d been harbouring for the show died a quiet death.
not only did this version not look much like either of the other two marys we had met in terms of face and height, but she had thick eyeliner and straight hair and a black leather jacket and a hard look and scowl. none of that jives at all with the mary we know and not just because she was sanctified in the memory of winchester men. we met young mary and she was dressed in bright tones with bright eyes! she was full of smiles (and lies), full of dreams for her own future, with bouncy curly hair and emotional frustrations and vulnerabilities. 
she was bringing sam, not dean. 
mary campbell is a rebel. she is like both her sons in different ways, much the same as john. there are parallels on both sides and i think it’s fruitless to say who is paralleled more to whom in the (main) show, who has more of who’s personality. but in that arc, in her youth, mary campbell wanting to leave the hunting life and have a civilian life with her partner john winchester was absolutely a parallel to sam’s similar yearning for freedom, for safety and simplicity. 
so we know already -- mary’s rebellion looks like sam’s rebellion. it’s not the devil may care attitude of dean, it’s a more serious and anxious rebellion against her upbringing. she’s tense but soft. easily annoyed but not sarcastic, possibly too earnest (in itself a perfect lie, something that makes her interesting because she’s anything but honest with john). doe-eyed so that when she drops you on your ass, you’re shocked. this small woman with her sweet smile is kicking your ass? what in the - ? 
casting a mary that is bringing forward features of dean, styling her in such a way as to look harsh and ‘badass’ instead of downright preppy, giving her that look and attitude and all of it? misses the point. 
there is no dean without sam. or at least no story about dean worth watching. because there is no gravitational push-pull between dean and ... dean. meaning that if both the prequel leads are bringing dean’s energy to their role, there is no chemistry. 
electricity isn’t formed without opposing charged ions. there’s no lightning in a bottle when everything is the same.
(there is no sense of pull between them to prompt a push. and when it comes time to write the push in anyway, without the pull? it will feel discordant and unconvincing to the audience’s eye. it will rankle.)
this issue sits as central, to me, even before any retconning of the original story. before the complete lack of 1970s vibe, and before what i’ve seen about them possibly(idk???) getting mary’s age wrong, and what i’ve heard about them making john bumbling or boring despite being a literal marine (who are...extreme) who quite literally just came back from vietnam, likely traumatized and intense. before the fact that they literally copy+pasted the plot of spn to the prequel with mary’s dad going missing. 
all of these features, alongside the casting issues, the styling issues, all of it right down to the original prequelgate itself, speak to the same fundamental issue - 
the prequel is missing heart. 
the lack of sam (not even in presence so much as in essence) functions like a hole in the heart of the show from which it is bleeding inward. the lack of love letter to time era, to the stylings and setting reads like a lack of love to the story itself. the lack of care put in to re-introducing us to the version of mary that we knew, those changes to her style and personality and story, read like an insult to those of us who loved her already, as if she was not worthy of a place in the heart of the creators as she already was.
i wanted to love this show. desperately, i really did. the day it leaked, before i’d heard about the rest of the ensuing prequelgate nonsense, i wrote a post in defense of the concept (since deleted). i wanted so badly to love it. i can’t. because i feel like the people creating it don’t love it. 
many will take this as a critique of jensen ackles and to some extent, it is, but mostly just a critique of trying to create a new show half-cocked while splitting his time acting on a handful of other projects instead of dedicating himself to the time and energy this show needed in order to be a success. i have no idea what his vision was for this story, and i’m not convinced he had a core vision. 
(for whatever else you might critique about kripke’s era of spn, it had a vision and it knew what it was. that vision was central to its resonance.)
more than that though, it’s a critique of all the producers and creators involved who thought that they could build off of what we already loved while gutting the core pieces we loved in the first place, while replacing these elements with their own versions instead, versions seemingly uninterested in the emotional foundations on which they were building. 
i can’t help but feel they were arrogant enough to think that making us love it would be as simple as checking boxes on a list and slapping a shine over it, thinking we’d be satisfied with the empty shell they deigned to put together. that they didn’t need to push each other, challenge the story, question the character favoritism or biases the team members were bringing to the table.
it’s the dean story with dean producers and writers and no one thought to question if they needed more balance? if the story needed more heart? if john was intense enough, if mary was sweet enough, if the characters had dimensions? 
was it ignorance? arrogance? were they all too up their own asses that they dismissed legitimate concerns as fandom wank because of prequelgate and fandom bullshit until it was too late? 
i’m sorry, that got more charged than i intended. bottom line, this isn’t a love letter to supernatural or its fans. love takes effort and dedication and care and heart. i’m not convinced the prequel has any.
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canaryarrow · 8 months
How it feels being a Kuai Liang Girlie™️ in these trying times
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sonntam · 1 year
Sometimes I wish I could appeal to religion instead of general moral principles when talking to my parents. They do not respect the concept of being a good person at the cost of your own well-being, seeing being nice and helpful as a risky endeavor that makes you a sucker.
It's pretty funny how I was taught by my parents to be a good girl (tm) and now I aspire to be a good person... but in their world view a child needs to be good, while an adult needs to protect themselves and their loved ones first and foremost. That is so... bleak.
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the amount of people saying ttpd is objectively a bad album and that swifties are just afraid to admit that…in what world is music taste not subjective and in what world is ttpd the worst!?
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