#urgh now i know what medical students must feel like with anti vaxxers
Me: *is a classical Archeology student, studies Ancient Greece and Rome, knows Greek and roman mythology and the illiad by heart at this point*
Some fucker: Ugh the gays are trying to destroy the great heroes like Theseus and Alexander the Great and Achilles by calling them bisexual! It’s all just lies.
Me: Wow every single Word you said was totally wrong. Here I can provide you with countless of historical and literary academic proof of their bisexuality.
Some fucker: WhAt ThE fUck dO yOu kNoW?! DO yOuR oWn ResEaRCh! It’S alL jUsT LIes! AnCIenT gReEks weReN’T gAy!
Me: I professionally study classical archeology, just so you know... So like i can confirm they were bisexual.
Some Fucker: THaT mEanS nOtHinG! YOu KnOw nOtHinG aBoUt tHeSe guys!
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