bukimevieningi · 4 months
Dar vienas kandidatas į prezidentus; ką palaikys Celofanas ir apie situaciją pasaulyje (video)
Nusimato dar vienas kandidatas į LR prezidento postą – jis keliamas nuo tų pačių, kurie sakė, kad palaikys Vėgėlę. Ką palaikys Antanas Kandrotas, jeigu jam nepavyks sudalyvauti rinkimuose į prezidento postą? Ir, žinoma, apžvelgsime situaciją Ukrainoje, JAV ir Lietuvoje. Paremti mano veiklą galite: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/musutv Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/bukimevieningi Banko…
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rodadecuia · 9 months
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frajoladocavaco · 2 years
jogo da vida
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spicebowl · 5 months
you there us american protestor for palestine. do you get it now? living under the thumb of an oppresive militant government? do you see yh loss of life, of land, of opportunity? of culture? did you build up your empathy?
you government is paying for this one. your government has done the same thing. to puerto rico, to hawaii, to cuba, venesuela, countless others. do you get it yet?
this is the american economy: war. we have military bases all around the world. if you find yourself asking why are we attacking syria or lebannon right now, understand that we are manufacturing these wars. our soldiers are already there and have been for years. the beast mobilizes after its rest.
at the of the day, an empire like the US cannot sustain itself without war. our government has mishandled our money and the country itself is indebted into the trillions. we spent 15 years in afghanistan just convincing the american citizens to let their tax money go to a fruitless war. we the people have demanded better education, proper up to date infrastucter, defunding police, access to healthcare, prison revisions, homeless aides, and instead our government ignores us to send 14 billion dollars to an overseas conflict.
we dont need slow reform anymore. the system is too far gone, the american citizens are too far removed from the election process of federal politicians to make a genuine difference. our voices have been shut out for decades. democrates and republicans are two equally right wing factions on a death march towards the end of the middle class and democracy.
if we end up in a third world war, all we as american people can hope for is a disolution of our state. israel can only hope for a peaceful dissasembly of their state. its far past time to curb the power these people have over us. we need to get them to listen or get them out of power.
the american goverment is not your friend
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jubaer01 · 1 month
VIETNAMESE Official Urgent Electronic Visa
Online Vietnam Visa - Tez va tezkor Vetnam elektron vizasi onlayn, Vetnamning rasmiy hukumati turistik va biznes vizasi
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Address :  25, rue Istiqbol, Тоshkent, Uzbekistan
Phone : +998 71 232 81 00
Website : https://www.vietnam-e-visa.org/uz/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Ria Holden  Vanessa
Description :Vetnam hukumati ushbu veb-saytda Vetnam vizasiga onlayn ariza topshirishning eng sodda, tez va oson usulini joriy qildi. Endi siz Vetnam elchixonasiga tashrif buyurmasdan, uyingizning hashamatidan Vetnam vizasi uchun onlayn ariza shaklini to'ldirishingiz mumkin. Anketani bir necha daqiqada to'ldiring, yuzingiz fotosurati va pasport sahifasini yuklang va onlayn to'lovni amalga oshiring. Bir necha kundan keyin siz elektron pochta orqali Vetnam eVisa olasiz. Vyetnam elchixonasiga bormasdan darhol aeroport yoki dengiz portiga tashrif buyurishingiz mumkin. Bundan tashqari, pasportingizda jismoniy yoki qog'oz muhri bo'lishi kerak. Vetnam uchun eVisa yoki elektron viza sifatida ham tanilgan ushbu elektron jarayon 80 mamlakatda mavjud. Agar siz ushbu omadli mamlakatlardan bo'lsangiz, Vyetnam vizasi uchun Onlayn Portalga ariza topshirish uchun navbatni o'tkazib yuborishingiz mumkin. Suratni mobil telefoningizdan olishingiz va yuklay olmasangiz, bizga elektron pochta orqali yuborishingiz mumkin. Aeroportdagi immigratsiya xizmati xodimlari Vyetnamga kirish uchun pasport sahifangizga muhr bosishlari uchun siz asl pasportingizni aeroportga olib kelishingiz kerak. Shuningdek, pasportingiz Vetnamga kirgan kuningizdan boshlab 180 kun davomida amal qilishi kerak. Quyidagi davlatlar Vetnam Onlayn Visa aka eVisa Vetnam, Belgiya, Niderlandiya, Hindiston, Nauru, Portugaliya, Xorvatiya, Rossiya, Ispaniya, Solomon orollari, Qatar, Germaniya, Lixtenshteyn, Argentina, Polsha, Gretsiya, Avstraliya, Bruney, Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari uchun mos. , Daniya, Ruminiya, Braziliya, Malta, Bolgariya, Finlyandiya, Islandiya, Ozarbayjon, Filippin, Sent-Lyusiya, Irlandiya, Meksika, Peru, Slovakiya, Venesuela, Norvegiya, Gruziya, Mongoliya, Estoniya, Sloveniya, Litva, Kolumbiya, Papua-Yangi Gvineya, Serbiya, Qozog'iston, Urugvay, Birlashgan Arab Amirliklari, Shvetsiya, Koreya, Armaniston, Fiji, Chernogoriya, Shveytsariya, Andorra, Kuba, Latviya, Kambodja, Monako, Kanada, Yangi Zelandiya, Italiya, Frantsiya, Lyuksemburg, Marshall orollari, Vanuatu, Kipr, Makedoniya, Vengriya, Chexiya, Yaponiya, San-Marino, Bosniya va Gertsegovina, Moldova, Belarus,
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7ooo-ru · 2 months
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Мадуро заявил, что Венесуэла в ближайшее время станет членом БРИКС
Венесуэльский лидер Николас Мадуро заявил, что Венесуэла в ближайшее время станет членом БРИКС.
Читать далее
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/02/20/283-maduro-zayavil-chto-venesuela-v-blizhayshee-vremya-stanet-chlenom-briks-grss-283609367.html
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pc7ooo-ru · 3 months
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Венесуэла и остальные: где продолжатся или вспыхнут новые войны в 2024 г.
Что происходит с военными конфликтами, если вы давно перестали следить за ними — по существу и кратко, как вы любите.
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/01/24/060-venesuela-i-ostalnye-gde-prodolzhatsya-ili-vspyhnut-novye-voyny-v-2024-g-grss-276175181.html
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candacehughesworld · 4 months
remove venesuela country earth origin from all brown skin dudes and must return all origins to in candace marie hughes disings. on. paid.
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nato-ua-alen · 2 years
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Russia managed to become the world leader!.. The leader in the number of sanctions against one country (9,741 as of April 22, 2022). For comparison, other rogue countries combined (Iran, Syria, North Korea, Myanmar, Venezuela and Cuba) have accumulated 9,670 restrictions over decades of isolation. 🇺🇦Real War россии удалось стать мировым лидером!.. Лидером по количеству санкций, принятых против одной страны (9 741 по состоянию на 22 апреля 2022 года). Для сравнения, другие страны-изгои вместе взятые (Иран, Сирия, КНДР, Мьянма, Венесуэла и Куба) за десятки лет изоляции насобирали на всех 9 670 ограничений. 🇺🇦Реальная Война Rusijai pavyko tapti pasaulio lydere!.. Pirmoji pagal sankcijų vienai šaliai skaičių (2022 m. balandžio 22 d. 9741vnt). Palyginimui, kitos atstumtųjų šalys kartu (Iranas, Sirija, Šiaurės Korėja, Mianmaras, Venesuela ir Kuba) per dešimtmečius trukusią izoliaciją sukaupė 9670 apribojimų. 🇺🇦Tikras karas #nato_ua_alen🇺🇦🇱🇹🇺🇸 https://www.instagram.com/p/CcqmRl9K4rT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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helgaolgaroemer · 3 years
Amsterdam HOT SPOTS Amsterdam Holland ANdy Santa Pinter by HELGA Olga Eva Roemer Via Flickr: Just a HOT SPOT for the Internet in ATLANTA. ATlanta changed so much since my last time, when I was in Atlanta in 1997-1998.
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yaredmusic · 4 years
Disponible Ya On YouTube Follow Mi On Instagram Yaredmusicc
Yared Ella Audio Oficial
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l4-r4t4 · 5 years
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Tube un problema al dibujar a Chile,Alemania y Venezuela. Y los tube que haces de nuevo :v(la bandera debajo de alemania ignorenla xd)
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zsarkan · 5 years
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jubaer01 · 1 month
INDIAN ELECTRONIC VISA Fast and Urgent Indian Government Visa
Electronic Visa Indian Application Online - Tez va tezlashtirilgan Hindiston rasmiy eVisa onlayn arizasi
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Address :  25, rue Istiqbol, Тоshkent, Uzbekistan
Phone : +998 71 232 81 00
Website : https://www.visasindia.org/uz/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Chander Mali  Chowdhary
Description :Hindiston hukumati 2014-yildan buyon tezkor tasdiqlash uchun eVisa’ni joriy qildi. Bu imkoniyat bir necha mamlakatlar bilan cheklangan bo‘lsa, hozir u 166 dan ortiq millat vakillariga kengaytirildi. Hindiston eVisasining besh turi mavjud, masalan, konferentsiya, biznes, sayyohlik, tibbiy va tibbiy xizmatchi. Hindiston eVisa uchun onlayn shaklni to'ldirish uchun atigi 2 daqiqa vaqt ketadi. Toʻlovni amalga oshirganingizdan soʻng, Hindiston uchun eVisa elektron pochta orqali qabul qilish uchun 72 soat vaqt ketadi. Hindiston biznes vizasi yoki Hindiston turistik vizasi uchun pasportda hech qanday muhr yoki stiker yo'q. Aeroport yoki dengiz portiga haydab, Hindistonga tashrif buyurishingiz mumkin. Sizning mamlakatingizdagi immigratsiya xizmati xodimlari Hindiston eVisa yoki elektron vizasi kompyuter tizimidagi pasportingizga bog'langanligini bilishadi. Bu Hindistonga kirishning eng qulay usuli. Sizdan yuz surati yoki pasport sahifasi fotosuratini yuklashingiz soʻralishi mumkin, agar uni yuklay olmasangiz, uni veb-saytimizdagi Biz bilan bogʻlanish havolasi orqali bizga elektron pochta orqali yuborishingiz mumkin. Bizning samimiy va foydali xodimlarimiz sizga 24 soat ichida javob berishadi va yordam berishadi. Agar siz Hindistonda 6 oydan kamroq muddatga qolmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bu elektron hind eVisa turi ideal va sizning ehtiyojlaringiz uchun eng mos keladi. Ishonch hosil qilishingiz kerak bo'lgan yagona narsa - Hindistonga kirganingizda pasportingizning amal qilish muddati 6 oy bo'lishi va immigratsiya xizmati xodimlari sizga aeroport va dengiz portiga kirib, muhr qo'yishga ruxsat berishlari uchun uning bir nechta bo'sh sahifalari bor. Pasportingizni kurerlik orqali yuborishingiz yoki pasportga eVisa stmapini olishingiz shart emas. Telefoningizda eVisa e-pochtasini tasdiqlang, aks holda uning chop etilgan nusxasini saqlashingiz mumkin. 166 dan ortiq mamlakatlar ariza berish huquqiga ega, bu erda Hindiston elektron vizasi uchun 100 foiz onlayn jarayonni qo'llashi mumkin bo'lgan bir nechta davlatlarning namunasi, Finlyandiya, Avstriya, Saudiya Arabistoni, Indoneziya, BAA, AQSh, Filippin, Estoniya, Shvetsiya, Braziliya, Koreya Respublikasi , Avstraliya, Portugaliya, Bruney, Isroil, Ispaniya, Yaponiya, Qatar, Iordaniya, Gretsiya, Daniya, Litva, Boliviya, Vengriya, Norvegiya, Latviya, Argentina, Gruziya, Xorvatiya, Singapur, Botsvana, Germaniya, Laos, Kipr, Kolumbiya, Meksika , Belgiya, Malayziya, Polsha, Venesuela, Ummon, Bosniya va Gertsegovina, Chexiya, Shri-Lanka, Ozarbayjon, Qozog‘iston, Irlandiya, Chili, Belarusiya, Yangi Zelandiya, Armaniston, Italiya, Peru, Fransiya, Bolgariya, Ruminiya, Buyuk Britaniya, Tayvan , Islandiya, Kanada, Paragvay, Beliz, Janubiy Afrika, Vetnam, Rossiya, Kambodja, Fiji, Shveytsariya, Niderlandiya  Indian Government has introduced eVisa for rapid approvals since 2014. This facility was limited to a few countries, but now it has been extended to over 166 nationalities. There are five types of India eVisa such as Conference, Business, Tourist, Medical and Medical Attendant. The online form for Indian eVisa takes only 2 minutes to complete. Once you have made the payment, then eVisa for India takes 72 hours to receive by email. There is no stamp or sticker on the passport required for Indian Business Visa or Indian Tourist Visa. You can drive to the airport or seaport and visit India. The immigration officers in your home country know that Indian eVisa or electronic Visa is linked to your passport in the computer system. This is the most convenient way to enter India. You may be asked to upload face photo or passport page photo, if you cannot upload it then you can simply email it to us via Contact Us link on our website. Our friendly and helpful staff will respond and assist you within 24 hours.
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7ooo-ru · 2 months
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Мадуро: Венесуэла в ближайшее время войдет в состав БРИКС
Тенденция создания нового мира и консолидации БРИКС необратима, отметил президент страны.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/02/20/393-maduro-venesuela-v-blizhayshee-vremya-voydet-v-sostav-briks-grss-283584671.html
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