#views 2045
violettduchess · 10 months
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A/N: Better late than never! Not a request, just my imagining what these lovely suitors would be like with an infant that wakes up crying 💜
CW: babies, breastfeeding
Suitors x female reader
WC: 2045
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A cry rings out through a peaceful summer night at the palace.
It is small, but powerful.
And very, very insistent. 
A light sleeper by nature, he gets up, murmuring for you to try and keep sleeping when he notices you stirring too. "I'll see what I can do for the little peanut." He crosses the room to the white bassinet with its pale pink ruffles, a gift from Uncle Yves. Inside his infant daughter is fussing. Tiny fists are clenching and unclenching as her small head turns fitfully left and right.
“Ah, c’mere sweetheart,” he says, voice still rough with sleep as he lifts her gently, laying her against his bare shoulder. One large hand rubs her back as he walks the length of the room, her tiny cheek warm as a spot of sunshine against his shoulder.
“I can take her–” you start to say as you push yourself upright in the bed, but he shakes his head, holding up a finger.
“I think we’ve got this handled, love. Take a look.” He walks over to your side of the bed, his hand still gently stroking the baby’s back. Her tiny head with its halo of black hair rests against him and is still. Not able to see her face, he turns sideways, giving you the sweetest view of your handsome, bare-chested husband holding your daughter close, her small face now relaxed again in sleep. Her father’s warmth was enough to solve whatever problem had woken her and she's drifted back off to the soft, hazy world of baby dreams.
You smile, feeling the way your heart expands, a paradox: never has it been so full of love and yet so very, very light.
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He wakes up immediately at his son’s first cry and is out of bed before the sound can even penetrate your deep sleep. He knows how often you get up, how often you are the only one who can satisfy your son’s voracious demands for food but Clavis has told himself that the little tyrant's demands that don't require milk, he will take care of himself. You, his dearest of dears, need as much sleep as you can get.
He bends down over the baby’s cradle, brushing back the boy’s angel-soft hair, the same twilight shade as his. “So noisy at such a late hour. My my. This won’t do.” Carefully he scoops up his son, adjusting his pajamas and then his hand freezes. 
“Oh dear. I think I see why you’re so upset, little Lelouch.” The baby continues to whimper, little cries that, although Clavis knows they are harmless, still feel like they are stabbing right into the center of his tender heart. He never wants to hear his child in distress.
Reaching up, he turns the small knob on the lamp above the dresser where you have all of the baby’s changing things neatly laid out. His son squeaks out little sounds of agitation. “I’ve got you, don't worry. Papa's got you, always and--my goodness, how does such a tiny body produce this much liquid?” He talks, his words soft and almost sing-song as he changes his son’s pajamas and diaper with practiced hands. The baby, now removed of his damp clothing, stops whimpering, instead blinking up at his father with wide golden eyes.
“There has got to be a better solution to this than soaking all those linen diapers,” he mutters as he carefully slides chubby legs into fresh little stockings. “I bet I could invent something that might absorb all your perfectly healthy but still oh so stinky messes much better.” The baby kicks his legs and waves his arms, as if cheering in agreement and Clavis laughs softly, lifting his son back into his arms. “You agree with Papa? You think I can do that? Of course you do.” 
He walks back to the cradle, turning his head to place a gentle kiss to the apple of his son’s plump cheek. He could hold him in his arms forever, never tiring of that infant smell, that the feel of his warm little body so trusting and sweet against him. 
He pauses in front of the cradle. “Hmm….I know. Let’s go on a little nocturnal journey down the hall while talking through some chemicals and their rates of absorption. I bet you’ll be a perfectly delightful assistant.”
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Both you and Jin yawn, sleepily rubbing at your eyes as your daughter’s cries fill the bedroom. One glance at the time and he sighs, reaching over to tenderly touch your cheek with the back of his hand. “She’s on time, our little one,” he murmurs in his deep voice even as you are pushing yourself up with one hand and already unbuttoning your nightgown with the other.
He gets up, walking over to the crib where the infant is crying, her shock of brownish hair standing up in every direction. “Mommy’s already getting ready for you, princess,” he says as he reaches down and lifts her. She’s so small in his large hands. He walks back to bed, murmuring soft little shushing noises, and then carefully hands her over to you. You help her find the right position and then sigh when she begins to nurse, her cries immediately quieted. Glancing up, you find Jin sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you both with a curiously thoughtful expression.
“What is it?” 
He watches you a moment, then shakes his head, a sheepish grin on his handsome face. “It’s just….I’ve always liked that particular body part.” You snort, running your fingers over your baby’s fine chestnut hair. “That’s an understatement.” He chuckles, shrugging before continuing his thought. “Yeah well…it’s just…I think….now that I see ‘em being used to feed our little girl….I think….I think I actually like them MORE now.”
You can’t help it. You start giggling, a burst of yellow happiness that colors the gray exhaustion of new parenthood. “God, I love you.” You crook a finger at him and he matches your smile as he climbs back into bed and leans close to you. You place a kiss on his chiseled cheekbone, warm and affectionate. A sigh born of tender happiness is his answer, along with the words, “I love you too.”
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“Stay in bed. I’ll go.” He’s up, striding across the bedroom to the bassinet before you can even finish rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “Aye, piccolino, sono qui.” He reaches down, running a hand over the restless infant's back. But no soothing words or pets seem to be enough. He lifts the baby carefully, still in that new stage of fatherhood where a baby feels like the most fragile thing in the world.
You watch your two pale-haired men, frowning slightly as the littlest one continues to fuss. "He can't be hungry again, can he?" You have just finished feeding him until he fell into a milk-drunk state of blissful sleep, his body heavy and warm, not thirty minutes ago. He had been sleeping so soundly that hope for more than an hour of sleep at one time had risen in your heart.
Silvio lays the baby against his shoulder. His hands are bare, with only his simple gold wedding band left on his elegant fingers. Every other piece of jewelry has been removed for the sake of his child. Necklaces would get in the way of his son sleeping on his bare chest. Earrings might hinder his ability to press his cheek against his fine, moonlight-spun hair. 
"Ain't no baby in the world that could eat again after all that milk." He inclines his head towards his son. "Listen to you, cucciolo. All that growling." He rubs his small back in soothing circles. And then the most extraordinary thing happens: the tiny prince lets out the most raucous of burps. The kind that sends a quake through his little body.
"Dio mio," his father mutters, blue eyes wide as he looks down at his son. You grin through your sleepiness. "Here I thought only his grumbling was like his father." 
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His daughter's cry shatters the night's peace in an instant. Both you and Gilbert wake up immediately, but he's quicker than you, throwing back the covers and crossing the room to the cradle carved from darkest walnut. 
He spots the problem immediately. At some point during the night she had kicked her blanket to the end of her cradle where it lies bunched up and useless. Her socks are nowhere to be seen, a display of her magician-like talent for making them disappear. He reaches down and sure enough, her tiny feet are like ice blocks.
"Always the same thing with you, oder Mäuschen? What have socks ever done to you?” He lifts her from her cradle, tucking her securely into the crook of his arm as he makes his way over to the dresser that has been designated hers. You reach across the bed, turning on the lamp that sits on his nightstand and he glances at you over his shoulder, eyes bright with appreciation. “Thank you, Häschen.” Now he can see better, his fingers trailing over the tiny rolled up socks and tights. When the baby makes a small cooing sound, he stops. “These?” He pulls out a pair of soft black tights embroidered with mini red roses. “Ahh a good choice.”
He hums as he walks over to the changing table, the sound soft and soothing, the gentle rush of a river through the night. As he carefully changes her diaper and then works her plump little legs into the tights, humming gives way to him singing. "Der Mond ist aufgegangen…"
She is curious, all thoughts of crying gone, watchful crimson eyes blinking as she keeps her gaze on the source of the calming sound. “Fertig,” he says, leaning down to press a kiss to the soles of her now covered feet. "All done." Then he lifts her, carrying her not to her cradle but back to the bed. He slides in, leaning back against the support of the many bed pillows, settling in. Her eyes are already closing as she snuggles in close against his chest.
You watch them both with a smile as tender as the moon’s joy in the stars.
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The man who took an army to wake up is on his feet in an instant. He is silent as he crosses the room, leaning down to check on his crying daughter, her pale head of blond hair gleaming silver in the moonlight. He carefully lifts her from the bassinet, marveling in the back of his mind at how very small she is.
He glances back to the bed where you are still deeply asleep. “Your mother is exhausted from all your demands.” He wouldn’t usually condone speaking to a baby as they are incapable of understanding but he’s found that she calms down when she hears his voice. Even now her whimpering stops, her tiny cheek resting on the soft linen of his shirt. She’s gone very still, as if truly listening to his words. “You’ve eaten twenty minutes ago. We can eliminate hunger. Your bottom is….” He pats it gently, checking. “...perfectly dry. The room is neither too hot nor too cold.” He wraps his hands around her feet. She’s still wearing her white socks trimmed with yellow lace. “Your feet are adequately covered.” He tips his head back to look down at her. Her perfect, tiny fingers are curled into his shirt and her body feels heavy, drowsy with sleep. 
She attempts to turn her head, burying her face in his shoulder and he reaches up, helping her, running his strong fingers over her downy hair when she has found a position that is comfortable. Chevalier walks over to the white wooden rocking chair you have positioned by the window and lowers himself into it.
“You simply wanted to be held, didn’t you?” A heavy, stuttering sigh leaves her small body, almost as if in answer to her father’s line of questioning. He cups her head with his hand, tilting his face down to place a soft kiss on her hair. “I’ll comply, little one.” He settles into the chair and begins rocking gently back and forth, father and daughter, bathed in loving, silvery moonlight.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart
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16eggsforxio · 3 months
weight in gold
Joshua x Reader (Joshua with a crush vs incredibly socially unaware reader)
2045 words, fluff
Summary: You get a present for Joshua’s birthday and help him with it.
When Clive called you over, you straightened your back and braced yourself, fully expecting another harsh assignment mandating having to travel halfway across the continent, brave the severe weather elements and bypass thirty different bloodthirsty monsters all to retrieve some rare leaf of some sort. You wished you could say this was an exaggeration, but… well, the previous assignment was leaving you a little sullen.
Jill was standing next to him, with a strange smile on her face. You liked Jill. But prior to calling you over, they’d been whispering to each other. You didn’t like that. Suspicious.
“Sorry for bothering you,” Clive began. You didn’t feel bothered, so you shook your head. “Did you know Joshua’s birthday is in a few days?”
No, you hadn’t. “When?”
“A week from now.” He judged your reaction, of which you didn’t have much of one, uncertain of what to do with this information. “Are you thinking of getting him anything?”
A birthday present.
You knew about the concept, but you weren’t terribly familiar with it. You’d never gotten one, because you didn’t know when your own birthday was; growing up an orphan tended to have that effect. As for others’ birthdays, you had a few friends from the Hideaway, but they had always insisted you shouldn’t concern yourself with it. In hindsight, it was probably out of pity for you. You weren’t sure how to feel about that. Whatever.
Joshua had always been good to you. You had a habit of injuring yourself along your line of work—not on purpose, just out of unfortunate clumsiness—and he had taken to finding you after you returned to nurse your wounds with the Phoenix’s fire. Multiple times you had told him it wasn’t necessary, but he had always waved you off.
Come to think of it, you didn’t see him doing the same for others, but you probably just were busy playing with Torgal and not around to see it.
You supposed you should get him something as a token of gratitude.
“I guess I will,” you affirmed.
Jill nudged Clive with her elbow and they exchanged funny-looking smiles. You did not pry.
…You did have a problem with money, though.
You considered something handmade, but you had discovered your fingers didn’t know how to cooperate with one another. Once you had had to sew your sleeve after it had gotten ripped in the wild, and you had poked your fingers till they were perforated.
You could probably figure something else out.
“What does he like, though?” You knew about his infamous disdain for carrots, but disappointingly you found it hard to recall what he appreciated.
Jill reached out to rest a hand on your shoulder, smile mysteriously amused. “I’m sure he’d appreciate anything you get for him.”
“...Really?” You quirked a brow at Clive. He knew his brother best, right?
Clive laughed, fingers fiddling with his earring.
You blinked.
As you watched Clive and Jill walk away, still speaking to each other in low, hushed voices, you found your hands full with a strange assignment.
…Why did they tell you this, anyway?
A week later, with your arms behind your back, you found Joshua where Clive told you where he would be—the infirmary, which was starting to become his bedroom at this point.
As usual, he was past the partition, red scarf and gloves removed as they normally were during Tarja’s treatment. When you hesitantly stepped into his view, his eyes lit up, and with the softest of smiles, he greeted you by your name.
It was supposedly his birthday, which was supposed to be his special day, from what you knew, but it felt like any other normal day—Clive and Joshua had just returned from one of their expeditions that had spanned a few days, and Tarja was tending to the leftover injuries and ills from that. (Clive too, but being much healthier and sturdier, was allowed to be up and about by then.)
You bowed to Tarja, who was on the other side treating someone else, on your way in and strode towards his bedside.
“How was your day?” he asked, eyes trained on yours. He was sat on the edge of the bed like always, as if poised to bolt out of the infirmary.
You cast your glance to the side, fidgeting. “I just had a short assignment.” You looked back at him. “Happy birthday.”
Surprise streaked across his features, brows raised. “Oh—thank you.” A pause, then he slowly continued, “How did you know? I don’t recall telling you.”
“Um, Clive and Jill told me.”
For some reason, Joshua looked exasperated at your answer.
You didn’t think too much about it. Swinging your arms to the front, you presented the small parcel that had been hidden behind your back. “I got you a present.”
His eyes brightened with a light that could illuminate a dozen cities. He extended his hands and slid them under yours, which carried the brown box, bowing his head forward until his forehead gently bumped the surface of the box.
“Thank you,” he said. With his face facing the floor, you couldn’t see what kind of expression he was making. (Hopefully, a smile.) “I can’t express with words how happy I am.”
That made you fuzzy inside to hear.
But you weren’t very sure how to respond. Joshua always had a bit of strange mannerisms—you felt they were strange, anyway, and Mid had agreed with you—because of his upbringing.
You really didn’t want to be rude, so you mimicked what you had seen Clive doing to him before: slipping a hand away from his grip, you reached up to stroke the golden locks on the top of his head. They felt silky, soft enough that you wondered if your fingers might accidentally slip in and fall somewhere.
…Was that just his skin tone, or were the tips of his ears a little red?
Joshua raised his head to look at you.
Jill had said anything would be fine, but a nagging feeling in you wondered if he would open it and hate it. Up until he was ten, he must’ve been lavishly pampered with gifts unthinkable to a normal person like you. And then being with the Undying, who had all but dedicated their entire lives to him… you didn’t really know, but whatever it was, what you had prepared for him was arguably the least impressive thing he was about to receive in his life.
All this manifested in a quiet mutter: “I’m not sure if you’ll like it.”
Joshua, wide-eyed, riposted, “Of course I will.”
“It’s a bit cheap.” Although it had cost about a painful chunk of your savings.
“And?” He waited for you to go on.
There was no “and”. You shook your head.
Joshua judged your reaction, then brought his hands over to clasp the box, retrieving it and bringing it closer to him. You weren’t touching anymore, and your hands dropped to your sides. They felt cold now. “May I open it?”
“Sure—I mean, it’s yours, so…”
His fingers deftly found the bottom of the lid, prying the top off slowly like it would rip to pieces if he went too fast. The lid popped off, and his breath hitched.
Clive and Joshua had starkly contrasting appearances; Clive rugged, firm and built for bloody battle, while Joshua with a delicate frame and enchanting features. But they were still brothers, and probably vaguely had some similar interests, and something Clive had and Joshua didn’t had piqued your interest.
You didn’t know if Joshua had ear piercings, so you had opted for clip-ons.
“They’re one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen,” he said, with so much sincerity that you almost felt every other sentence uttered to you in your life was a lie.
Tension you didn’t even know you had receded, and your shoulders finally dropped from where they’d been squared. “Really?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you.” He lifted them out with one hand with the fragility one would when handling precious stones—even though they were nothing close—and ran them over with his thumb. “I’ve received many gifts—countless, and especially extravagant before… well, during my childhood.” Before that fateful day at Phoenix Gate, was left unsaid. “Enough to be any aristocrat’s dream. But out of all of them, I think… no, I like this the most. Thank you.”
Truthfully, you were a bit perplexed. You’d bought them off a random peddler in a village close by to one of your assignment destinations, and as hopeless as you were with the finer things in life, even you could tell the material was cheap and the craftsmanship subpar. The edges were bumpy and uneven in some areas and the surface would probably completely tarnish in a few years. It was nothing to marvel at, so you didn’t know why he was looking at them with eyes full of wonder.
“I—was worried you wouldn’t want to wear them at all,” you confessed, folding your arms almost sheepishly. After witnessing Joshua’s reaction, you felt a little silly; he had never once breathed a ghost of a mean-spirited comment towards you. You shouldn’t have doubted him.
Joshua placed the box in his lap, then reached out to place a hand on your arm and squeeze it ever so lightly. “I would right now if I could.” He grinned a little hopelessly. “But I’d need a mirror. I’m not quite good at just feeling my way around my ears.”
“Oh.” Fair. “I can help you with that.”
Joshua’s stare froze on you and you wondered if you said something wrong.
“The lady who sold it to me showed me how to wear it, so I know how,” you added, hoping that would dispel some of his concerns.
It was taking Joshua a long time to process your words, even though you hadn’t said anything complicated.
After seconds that stretched on for far too long, Joshua tilted his head so you had better access to his ears. “All yours.”
You avoided looking at his eyes when you reached down for one of the clip-ons.
Your fingers found Joshua’s exposed ear, and you paused to brush some stray blond strands out of the way. Joshua squirmed.
Right, the ears could be sensitive. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay.”
Your fingertips touched the lobe of his ear—you had ears of your own, of course, but his felt so fleshy and supple compared to yours or anyone else’s. Sliding the accessory to cushion the rim of his ear, you pushed the ends together to tighten its grip, slowly hovering your hand away slightly to test its stability.
“Does it hurt?” you asked hesitantly.
Joshua lifted a hand to touch where the earring had been attached, his fingers grazing against yours.
“Not at all,” he reassured, eyes flicking to meet yours. “I can barely even feel it.”
Without pulling his eyes away from you, he angled his head the other way for his other ear. This time, you tried not to compute the finer details of his ears too much.
The second clipped on without fuss.
“All done.”
He exhaled softly, saying nothing for a few seconds. His gaze did not break away.
You drew your hands back with uncertainty. “Does it feel funny?”
“No…” he said, his voice almost a drawl. “I was wondering what I’d done to have the fortune of meeting you.”
What did he mean? You would ask, but you suspected this was the kind of question where he would give a cryptic answer.
“I think it’s because you’re an amazing person already,” you replied.
“Well—” Red dusted his cheeks. For a moment, you thought he was going to reject your words. Then he leaned forward, sighing, bumping his head against your waist. “I hope no one ever claims you as theirs.”
Theirs..? As in, their child? Why was he bringing this up? Was this because he knew you were an orphan? “My parents are dead, I think, so I don’t think anyone will.”
Sometimes you didn’t understand his train of thought.
That was okay. It had turned out better than you had expected, and Joshua was humming a very contented tune, and that was all that really mattered to you right then.
Author’s note: I was going to describe the clip-ons but I got lazy and said whatever!! Imagination is bliss!!
I know Joshua had ear piercings when he was a child, but it seems like he doesn’t post-timeskip? (please tell me if I’m just blind because that is an unsurprising possibility!!) I figured it would’ve closed up, but it doesn’t matter much... If you don’t like it just pretend it’s an earring I just wanted to write an ear touching scene for my ear fetish idk
I also know Joshua rejects help usually but I feel like he’d want to be spoiled by the person he likes... anyway, that’s enough. Hope you enjoyed!!
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I’m never going to be over Ray and Emma both having visions of Norman when they both desperately needed the comfort of his presence.
I could have gone with manga panels for both of these for uniformity, but yet again CloverWorks takes advantage of the medium shift to add such beautiful nuance to (hallucination!)Norman and Ray’s exchange in the S1 finale—Norman speaking to Ray so, so gently in both the English and Japanese dubs with his final remark featured here, Ray being so overwhelmed by everything that’s happened in the past hour already and now topped with seeing one of the two people who was most important to him reappear, after he thought he’d never see him again, that he nearly cries at his words. I can’t express how much I adore the way they handled this scene.
By turning out to be a hallucination/dream as opposed to a ghost, we’re shown Norman’s departed spirit isn’t actually guiding them as its own independent entity with an agenda in another incorporeal form, but instead how they both internalized his character and personality and, most importantly, how they wished to see him again that manifested his appearance (see this post for further differences between their perspectives of him on this particular night).
Ray has spent over half of his life utterly loathing himself for the choices he made in order to save Emma and Norman. So much so he built up a bravado around the act of his self-immolation for years, resulting in the manic fervor he displays when giving his speech to Emma in the few minutes before the clock strikes midnight on his officially listed birthday (this is also fueled by his fraught relationship with Isabella, but that’s for other posts). He not only believes he deserves to die for his actions and perceived inaction, but that he should do so in a violent, agonizing way.
Ray knows Norman, knows his sense of rigid morality well enough to account for him discovering his alliance with Isabella and using that to his advantage, to further push Norman away so he’ll be more comfortable with using him (he even chides Norman for not keeping his original plan to do this a secret) and so his death will hurt him and Emma less. And for roughly the entire back half of October 2045, Norman did genuinely hate Ray for his betrayal in the same way he hated Isabella, his reaction so visceral at being deceived and hurt by people he had loved all his life. He would have been willing to sacrifice Ray if not for intervention from Emma, which opened him up to directly confronting Ray and, in turn, led him to discover Ray’s true motives. He was so humbled and taken aback by the depths of Ray’s love and loyalty he returned to his original categorization of him: a dear friend who needed to be saved from his intended fate in their cruel world. Even if saving him came at the cost of his own life; even if he desperately wanted to live.
One could argue Ray hallucinating Norman up on the wall was to assuage his own guilt at being unable to save him as he originally planned (something that, on his darker days, I think Ray himself would believe), but I prefer to view it as the final marker of his truly internalizing one of the deepest desires in his heart that he had locked away for so long. After living under that oppressive reality of dehumanization and exploitation and believing that there was nothing else for him, that this was all there was, that things would never get better and after everything he did up to that point, he didn’t deserve better, on top of Isabella throwing him completely off balance by shipping Norman out early and just being this incredibly conflicting and painful presence in his life, to have his siblings come together for this escape plan and without putting it explicitly in words convey “you’re worth saving, Ray, and we love you,” and that they gave him hope back
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(Chapter 36)
it fucks me up something fierce.
Emma’s hallucination of Norman is much more brief during this time.
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No words are exchanged, but none are necessary.
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(Chapter 31)
After two and a half months of grappling with the real, palpable grief she felt at his death, seeing him around every corner and hearing his voice, and sublimating it into her efforts to ensure the success of the escape, she’s able to find solace in her vision of him before the wall.
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(Chapter 119)
It’s why she sheds no tears for him until their reunion nearly two years later.
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(TPN Light Novel 1: A Letter from Norman - “The Day Emma Cried”; translated by @1000sunnygo​​)
But up until that point, she repeatedly draws strength and comfort from his memory.
Even before chapter 93, she’s unconsciously reaching for him in her fevered dreams.
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(Chapter 45 Side Scene)
Him and Isabella, predominantly in black due to her belief they’re dead, and Ray and the rest of the escapees who she hopes are still alive, predominately in white.
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(Chapter 50)
Though she had to compromise on their original plan by only bringing along those over five at its outset, she’s committed to their end goal. She was the spark that pushed them to strive for the ideal outcome instead of settling for the safest one that would be tinged in regrets, and he gave up everything to facilitate it.
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(Chapter 53)
The three-panel overview of her thought process ends on her final handshake with Norman. It’s painful enough for this man to be insulting her living family, but when her thoughts drift to the boy who had given his life so they would have a chance to live freely, who came to believe in all those things the man was disparaging, it’s the final straw that breaks her silence. She won’t stand and let her family be disregarded so casually or let Norman’s memory be desecrated like that.
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(Chapter 64)
She eventually brings him up to Yuugo in an attempt to connect with him over lost friends, and her framing of it is interesting because while viewing Norman as having agency in making his choice (as much as they can have under the circumstances in that he went willingly, which isn’t much, but from her perspective as a traumatized child), she states simply that she let him go. (Shoutout to the way SKATES delivers said line in the manga dub. Wonderfully heartbreaking. </3)
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(Chapter 30)
After she and Ray both knew how much he wanted to see the world beyond their walled existence and live on with them.
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So when we get to chapter 93 where she’s on the brink of death, having visions of all the suffering experienced on the grounds of Goldy Pond before finding refuge and strength in visions of her family, the one who catches he when she begins to sink is Norman.
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Unlike with the hallucinations at the end of the escape arc that were meant to obfuscate his fate, at this point we as an audience know he’s alive at Lambda, so this is all coming from the perception of Norman Emma holds deep within her heart. Even from beyond, even if it meant being separated from her longer, she sees him guiding her out of the unknown, murky depths so she can continue fighting to actualize their plan. (To say nothing of the way she imagines him delicately intertwining their fingers upon reaching her as the way he catches her. The association with safety and gentleness is always present and yet another valued refuge in light of the violence she’s in the middle of.)
Minor tangent to end on, but it’s interesting to me how when Emma brings up Norman’s name among people she misses, during the only time they privately mention him, Ray takes a beat to gather himself before focusing on what’s still obtainable in this life.
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(Chapter 55)
There’s zero chance she blames him for Norman’s shipment, but he’s still not ready to look her in the eye and delve into it where they could potentially draw attention from others when he considers it a failure to his two most precious people after years of meticulous planning.
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(Chapter 65)
But Norman’s still in his thoughts too as he adamantly refuses to fail Emma again.
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(Chapter 93)
Though he comes very close.
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(Chapter 123)
And he’s the one to remind Emma of how special their bond is when she’s having doubts about voicing her disagreement with Norman’s plan.
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nevermindirah · 15 days
back in 2017 I wrote a cute lil thing entitled Shout out to science nerd Bucky Barnes on eclipse day, in which the titular nerd and his boyfriends take a road trip to the path of totality.
Nile would've been 22 or 23, maybe getting ready to enlist or freshly back from boot camp. Chicago got 86% of the eclipse then, about what I just saw today, and it was so cool but nothing like totality must be.
Chicago got a 93% view today but Nile's not ready to go back there yet. not ready to go back to the US at all. eclipses happen in other parts of the world too, and she'll be alive to see thousands of them, but this might be the last one her mom sees. so Nile's gotta see this one.
Booker quietly made arrangements even before Nile brought it up. he visits Mazatlán every so often — it reminds him of Marseille but with enough distance for him to enjoy it — and when he finds out it's in the path of totality the decision's easy.
on the trip there Nile talks about how she could watch the whole thing with her naked eyes, not just totality, because her eyes would heal. Booker laughs — he did the same thing about a hundred years ago. when the day comes though, Nile doesn't do it. there are too many other people around and she doesn't want to set a bad example. instead she delights in how the kids shout as they see the moon biting into the sun through the shadows cast by the trees.
the next time a total solar eclipse will cover much of North America is 2045. maybe Nile will be ready to go back to the US by then, but most of what's in that path of totality is small towns that'll struggle to handle all the tourists, so maybe she and Booker will watch that one from Recife.
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johnschneiderblog · 20 days
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The price of protection: two bucks
In the unlikely event that our prodigal sun returns next Monday in order to be visibly eclipsed by the moon - and even though we don't live in the viewing sweep spot - we're ready.
While grocery shopping Tuesday, Sharon picked up a pair of solar viewers . Two bucks.
As they say, if you can see anything at all through these glasses (except the sun, of course) they won't protect your retinas. These fit the bill.
The last total solar eclipse in the U.S. was in August 2017, but the mere 7 years between that one and this one is an aberration. The previous solar eclipse was in 1979. The next one won't happen until 2045.
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aggravateddurian · 7 months
Humans of Night City: Dorian and Kaylee - The Bloodhound and the Spider
I tend to focus on Val and Trey, but there are more blorbos. Depending on your view on corpos, and particularly Militech, they probably aren't the most upstanding characters in Brother's Shadow.
Every character from Brother's Shadow will get one of these, eventually, right after I finish my version of Vincent.
Check out the stories behind Dorian and Kaylee below the cut and if you want to ask me anything, ask away!
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⬇👀 Detes below the cut 👀⬇
Dorian Bautista - Militech's Bloodhound
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It's a rare shot of our grumpy Filipino-American corpo boy!
Born: 2045, Night City Age: 32 Occupation: Corporate Counter-Intelligence Officer
Dorian Bautista is an Assistant Director for Internal Affairs at Militech's Night City Office. This makes him equivalent in rank to his rival, Meredith Stout. They... don't get along.
What cannot be denied is that Dorian is effective and loyal to the company. Bautista never gives up, and always gets his target. He has earned a number of nicknames and epithets.
One particularly (in)famous one is 'Durian,' a play on both his given name and the infamous Asian fruit, known for its pungent smell. The idea was that nobody wanted to be in the same room as him, much like nobody wanted to be in the same room as an open durian.
The other is 'the bloodhound,' related to his legendary drive to hunt down and capture traitors, leakers and internal security threats.
Dorian has few friends inside Militech, and he doesn't particularly care about whether or not he's liked. He has nothing to prove to other employees, only the company.
Kaylee Andersen - Along Came a Spider...
[CW (before scrolling down): psychological and physical abuse]
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Kaylee Andersen - Corpo Netrunner. Also a rare shot.
Born: 2047, NUSA Age: 30 Occupation: Corporate Netrunner
Kaylee Andersen is a netrunner. A good netrunner. She should be, considering she's been doing it since she was around 12 years old.
Much like Lucy Kushinada of Edgerunners fame, Kaylee was selected by Militech for her aptitude and taken away by the company to receive training by Militech's electronic and cyber warfare division as a netrunner. Unlike Arasaka's techniques, Militech gave a pretense of humanity, paying her parents a monthly honorarium and a 5% discount on all Militech goods and services in exchange for Kaylee. For a poor couple barely making ends meet, it was practically a godsend.
Kaylee's training was centered around defensive cyber, defending against breaches by rogue AI, pre-DataKrash demons, and, of course, Arasaka netrunners. Using data collected from prior Arasaka attacks, instructors trained their students in a brutal manner befitting Militech, leading to many of the students dying from training accidents.
Kaylee survived to graduate, due to a combination of skill and guile, and a huge helping of luck.
Being raised in a secret Militech facility and being forced to fight to survive in cyberspace, where classmates died in horrific fashion, did little to advance Kaylee's social skills, nor her mental health. But she has never entertained leaving Militech. Why? Her employment in Militech ensures that her parents are able to afford food and rent and have a little left over for incidentals.
Her only friend is a man whose single-minded dedication to his work has led to people being repulsed by him and his determination. His name is Dorian Bautista, the Bloodhound of the Night City office.
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entities-askblog · 1 year
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??? - Cmon…hmmm…
(The screen flickers on. The camera reveals a young teen boy, setting up the phone.)
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??? - I think…iiii…got it! Okay okay, good!
(The young boy backs up further, for the camera to get full view of him.)
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Sei - Hello Video Diary! Its me, Sei! Its been a while. Last time i recorded was…last year! Hehe, the phone got confiscated, and then i lost it, and then found it and got confiscated again…iiits a whole process.
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Sei - Other than that, now its May! May 2045. Aura’s birthday is about a month from now. Im gonna be 18 once December rolls around. Oh!! I forgot to mention…
(Sei lowers out of view, before rising again in view, with a spider in his hand.)
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Sei - I found this little guy in a hole in my room wall! I found them back in Late April. Dont know what ill be naming em yet, but im sure i’ll think of something. I wonder if he can speak!
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Sei - Anyways, lunch hour is soon gonna start, and I’m sure when free time rolls around i can go feed this little guy. Till next time diary!
(Sei ends the video recording then and there. Now is a good time to ask & think of questions for when he comes back. Im sure our friend is ready to hear you all.)
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monsterthalia · 9 months
Happy Friday! I would love to see some of your FenHawke with the prompts "unresolved sexual tension" and "Care to illuminated what just happened?" "No." from Niri's The Black Company prompt list!
Thank you for this prompt! It really helped me solidify some stuff about my FenHawke dynamic and kiiinda got away from me. Set at the beginning of Act 3, when Hawke and Fenris are still "broken up", but when Hawke gets injured, there's still a lot of yearning going on.
For @dadrunkwriting Rating: T Pairing: Fenris/F!Hawke Words: 2045 There was some Tevinter saying about judging a person by the quality of their enemies, but right then, Hawke’s problem was the quantity.
She could hardly say that the three years since the Qunari invasion had been quiet, but perhaps she had dropped her guard a little. Okay, a lot. If someone had suggested to fresh-off-the-boat Hawke that maybe she might like to pop down to Darktown alone, she’d have laughed in their face. And then stabbed them, because what else could that have been meant as but a threat?
But honestly, if one thing had changed over those three years, it had been… well, her. Isabela had abandoned her. Fenris had run from her. Bethany was gone with the Wardens and hadn’t even looked back. Merrill hadn’t forgiven her for the arulin’holm, Aveline was so loved up it was sickening, and Sebastian couldn’t talk about anything but apostates and how they were out of control. So no, she wouldn’t normally go through Darktown without a gang of friends, but these days, she wasn’t sure who her friends were.
And perhaps it was because she was so lost up her ass in self-pity that the Carta dwarves got the drop on her.
She swung her sword in a great arc and sent several flying, but there were still more charging in, and she frantically wracked her brains: What did I do this time? Carta - lyrium smuggling, Coterie - the Harrowmont thing? I swear to the Maker, if this just because of the Harrowmont thing-
A dagger plunged into her leg and she swore, smacked out her elbow and broke her attacker’s nose, sending them reeling back. The blade stuck in the meat of her thigh, and she couldn’t feel it yet, but she figured she had a good twenty seconds or so before she did, and she couldn’t be stranded amongst enemies when that happened.
“Shit,” she hissed through her teeth, and grabbed a tar bomb from her belt. Her attackers saw the move and instinctively drew back - everyone knew the deadly arsenal Hawke carried with her at all times, and Tomwise got his best business from the “AS USED BY THE CHAMPION OF KIRKWALL” sign now on his stall - and as she threw it to her feet, she dove away, landing at a roll and being up, up and running, whilst the dwarves were still slinging hot tar off their eyes.
Her leg was aching and Darktown was a maze, but her feet knew the way, and within moments, the lit lantern came into view, and she crashed through the door to Anders’ Clinic. 
He looked up sharply from the child he had been examining. He didn’t look happy to see her. Which, fair. “Hawke, I have a patient.”
“I am a patient,” she panted, gesturing at her bloody leg just as it went and gave out on her, and the shouts and approaching footsteps of the Carta in pursuit reached Anders’ ears. His face went cold, and his veins broke out in blue fire.
“Stay down,” Justice said, “We will deal with them.”
She didn’t have much choice. Just tipped him a salute and stayed down, breathing hard, on the ground, as Anders - Justice - stepped over her and outside to face their attackers.
He pulled the door closed behind him, presumably to spare the child seeing anything traumatic. It didn’t block the sounds - the deep booming voice of the spirit, the roaring flames and crackle of lightning, the confused shouts and screams from the dwarves. The kid stared at the door, then looked down to Hawke on the floor, face full of confusion.
Hawke couldn’t even tell if it was a boy or a girl under all that dirt. But she could see that, confused as the kid was, they weren’t afraid. She gave them a thumbs up.
“Can all mages do that?” they asked wonderingly.
Hawke thought about it. “Eh,” she replied, waving her hand in a so-so fashion.
The noises outside were quieting, the constant barrage of noise fading into the occasional bang and the odd final scream. Hawke felt the adrenaline leaving her system, felt black eating in at the edges of her vision. She glanced down at her leg again. That was a rather large pool of blood.
She looked back to the kid. “Hey,” she just about managed to say, voice slurring, “I’mma gonna pass out now. ‘S okay.”
The kid didn’t look like they believed her, but she went ahead and slipped unconscious anyway.
She was pulled from a deep dreamless slumber by the sound of angry voices.
“Do you care to illuminate what just happened?” someone was snarling, and for a moment, it sounded like Fenris.
“No.” That second voice was Anders, and he still didn’t sound happy. “Now step back, I still have work to do.”
“You fetched me, mage-”
“And I already regret it. Step back.”
That was Fenris. Her half-asleep brain struggled with that for a long moment. He was still avoiding her. Why had Anders fetched him? Maker, how embarrassing.
But - her hand. It was being held by another, squeezed practically, and she swore she recognised the feel of it, the hard callouses worn smooth by daily use of a heavy sword. The callouses that matched her own, lined up with her own as their palms had been pressed together. 
Fenris was holding her hand.
She knew it hadn’t worked out between them. She knew why. She understood why, had made her peace with why, was all but betrothed to someone else why. But oh, how her heart ached with the feeling.
She must have subconsciously squeezed back, or just twitched, or something, because suddenly she felt Fenris lean closer and say softly, “Hawke? Are you awake?”
She felt his other hand move to cup her face, and instinctively leaned into it, that feeling of his bare hand on her own bare skin, as she hadn’t felt in years but recognised in her heart and soul in an instant. Gently, almost tentatively, she felt his thumb brush across her cheek. 
She didn’t want to open her eyes. She didn’t want to wake up from this.
Anders cleared his throat. “That’s all I can do for now. Give the restorative magics time to finish up. I’ll be - over here.” His footsteps beat a hasty retreat across the clinic floor.
Fenris’s hands remained, on her face and clutching her own, and suddenly she couldn’t bear to keep her eyes closed, to not see him. She opened her eyes, and he swam into focus above her, crouched over her, gazing into hers as she gazed up into his.
“Hey,” she managed, and let a smile slip out onto her face.
His hands tightened a fraction, and she could not read the storms of emotions passing behind his eyes. “Anders says you were attacked,” he said.
“Carta. Too many of them for me to handle, but I made it here.”
“I honestly can’t remember, I think the Harrowmont thing-?”
“Why were you alone?” He looked - furious, scared, confused, furious some more. He looked as though he was in as much pain as she was.
She didn’t quite know how to answer that. “Everyone’s busy?” she managed with a shrug.
“Why is your prince not looking after you?”
She sat bolt upright at that, ignoring the spinning in her head and the dismayed shout from Anders across the Clinic to say back hotly, “Since when do I need ‘looking after’?”
“Since you apparently cannot walk a mile without being overwhelmed by assassins,” Fenris snapped back at her. 
Even as frustration roiled in her, in them both, she also felt a flush of excitement, to have him talking to her, really talking to her, instead of their cursed distance and politeness, for the first time since he’d left her. “That’s hardly new, ever since I stepped foot in this damn city-”
“What’s new is you being alone!” He looked so damn furious at her - like this was her own fault - that she rose in fury to match him, and snapped back without thinking,
“Well if everyone fucks off and leaves me, what do you expect!”
Fenris didn’t recoil. He grabbed her shoulders, pulled her face close to his, and hissed, “I never left you.”
She knocked his hands from her shoulders. “The silence. The distance. No more reading lessons, no more wine-”
“Yet I remained at your side.” 
His hands went back to her shoulders, and this time, she felt they were shaking. This time, she let them stay there. Because she was remembering. 
Remembering, after her mother had died, when he arrived at her house, and admitted: “I do not know what to say, but I am here.”
Remembering, after meeting Bethany in the Qunari invasion, and how quickly she had left them, without a backward glance, how he had stood beside her and reminded her: “I remain at your side.”
And now here he stood in front of her, holding her shoulders, fetched and coming without hesitation when he had heard she’d been injured. 
The hands holding her shoulders squeezed, gently. The fury was ebbing from him, the rigid frame of his body slowly relaxing as the anger left it, leaving only - tiredness.
“I have not left you,” he said simply, “and I will not.”
He made to remove his hands, but she reached and took his own shoulders before he could. He let her - let her slide her hands from his shoulders to cup the back of his neck, to feel his thick white hair against her fingers, to feel the heat at the base of his skull as though he constantly had a fire burning within his chest. He stood still and let her, eyes searching her face as she did, a slight crease in his brow as though he was trying to read what she was thinking.
She tugged, gently, and he came, willingly - stepped close to her, and let her press her forehead against his, and exhale.
“Sorry,” she murmured, looking down rather than into his eyes. “You’re right.”
“If I have made you feel alone, the fault is mine,” he said. Hesitantly, she felt him run his hands from her shoulders to her back - felt them trace up and down in a way she knew he knew she found soothing. She let herself relax, let her shoulders fall, and he shifted, taking her weight onto his own shoulder as he continued to run his hands up and down her spine. She hummed appreciatively, aware it would be all too easy for her to fall asleep just like this. 
She heard Anders clear his throat again. “All right, sorry to interrupt,” he said, “but she’s still recovering from blood loss and needs to lie back down.”
“She will be more comfortable at home,” argued Fenris, and really, she was too tired to chime in herself.
“How are you proposing-”
She felt Fenris slide an arm under her shoulders, the other under her knees, and effortlessly slide her from the table into his arms.
“-fair enough,” Anders allowed. “I’ll come up and check on her this evening.”
Fenris turned and carried her out of the Clinic, back towards the secret passage up to the Hawke estate which she had descended only a while earlier. So much for having a productive day. She was never going to hear the end of it from Bodahn, and smiled a little to herself at how protective the older dwarf had become since she became the only Hawke under his care.
He must have noticed the little smile, because she heard him snort. “Do not get too comfortable,” he said, “I do not plan to make a habit of this.”
“What, riding to my rescue or carrying me everywhere?”
“Either. If you do anything this foolish again, I will leave you to die in the gutter.”
She managed a laugh at that, even as she leaned against his warm chest and felt sleep creeping back along her limbs. “I missed you too,” she murmured.
He did not reply. But, as they reached where the passage began to rise, and he shifted her in his arms to be sure he held her, she thought she felt him brush a kiss to her forehead.
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Countdown begins for the great North American solar eclipse One year from now, on Monday, 8 April 2024, the moon will pass directly between Earth and the sun, creating a total solar eclipse like the one that crossed the United States from coast to coast on 21 August 2017. As it did that day, the new moon will fully block the sun's bright face, turning day into night for several minutes and revealing the magnificent solar corona, our star's wispy outer atmosphere. Our natural satellite's dark shadow, about 115 miles wide, will cross Mexico, sweep from Texas to Maine, and then darken the Canadian Maritimes. Outside this narrow path, nearly everyone in North America will get a chance to witness a partial solar eclipse. Remarkably, we'll have had another major solar eclipse just six months earlier. But on Saturday, 14 October 2023, when the moon is centered in front of the sun, it will cover only 90% of the brilliant solar disk. The remaining 10% will appear as a blazing "ring of fire" around the moon's black silhouette. This annular (Latin for ring-shaped) solar eclipse will be visible within a roughly 125-mile-wide path from Oregon to Texas and on into Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Again, most North Americans outside the path will experience a partial solar eclipse. Where and how to see them From beginning to end, a solar eclipse lasts up to about 3 hours. For most of that time, the moon slowly covers the sun, then uncovers it; these are the eclipse's beginning and ending partial phases. The real excitement comes in the middle, but only for those within the narrow path of the moon's dark shadow, and only for a few fleeting minutes. 8 April 2024: The moon's shadow will pass over more big cities than in 2017 and give at least 30 million Americans a shot at seeing the solar corona without having to travel. But there's a catch: In early April much of the country is still in winter's grip. Clear skies are most likely across Mexico and Texas Hill Country, and these places also happen to be where totality—the brief total phase of the eclipse—lasts longest, nearly 4½ minutes. Many diehard eclipse enthusiasts have already made plans to visit Mexico or Texas next April. 14 October 2023: Weather prospects for the annular eclipse look most promising in parts of Utah, New Mexico, and Texas, where the "ring of fire" lasts about 5 minutes. During partial and annular solar eclipses, the sun remains dangerously bright at all times and must never be looked at directly except through special-purpose "eclipse glasses" or handheld viewers that meet the requirements of the ISO 12312-2 international standard. Get advice on where to get safe solar filters and on indirect viewing methods. During totality you can safely view the eclipsed sun without eye protection. "If you can get yourself into the path of the moon's shadow for a total solar eclipse, it's definitely worth the effort," says Rick Fienberg, Project Manager of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Solar Eclipse Task Force and Senior Contributing Editor of Sky & Telescope. "A 99% partial solar eclipse doesn't get you 99% of the experience of a total solar eclipse—the last 1% is literally the difference between night and day. As the moon blots out the thinning arc of the bright sun in the final minute before totality, daylight fades by up to 1,000 times. And the solar corona surrounding the moon's velvety black silhouette is one of the most glorious sights in all of nature." During a total solar eclipse you'll experience many other noteworthy phenomena, including a drop in air temperature, changes in wind speed and direction, bright planets and stars shining in deep twilight, ruby-red solar prominences (eruptions of hot gas protruding beyond the limb, or edge, of the sun's hidden disk), pastel sunrise/sunset colors around the horizon, and plants and animals behaving as if the sun has set. Another total solar eclipse won't cross the U.S. until 12 August 2045, so the April 2024 event is your best chance to catch totality for a generation. Getting organized The AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force, partnering with the outreach team for NASA's PUNCH (Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere) mission, is holding a hybrid (in-person + virtual) planning workshop Friday–Saturday, 9–10 June 2023, at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science, 1801 Mountain Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104, on the heels of the AAS summer meeting in the same city. This workshop is for everyone involved (or wanting to become involved) in preparing their community for the upcoming North American solar eclipses, whether on or off the eclipse path(s). Attendees will include amateur and professional astronomers; formal and informal educators; local, state, and national government officials; representatives from the tourism and hospitality industries; professionals in health, safety, transportation, and emergency management; local, state, and national park rangers; and artists, filmmakers, science writers, and event planners. Links to essential eclipse resources for a wide variety of stakeholders can be found on the task force's websites at eclipse.aas.org and eclipse2024resources.com. Eclipse geometry We get solar eclipses because by an amazing cosmic coincidence, the sun and moon appear almost exactly the same size in our sky. The sun's diameter is really about 400 times bigger than the moon's, but the sun is also about 400 times farther away. Because Earth's orbit around the sun and the moon's orbit around Earth are both ellipses rather than circles, the apparent sizes of the sun and moon vary a little during the year (sun) and during each month (moon). Our planet is closest to the sun (perihelion) in early January and farthest (aphelion) in early July, and the sun appears about 3% wider in January than in July—not that you'd notice. When the moon is closest to Earth (perigee), its apparent diameter can be up to 14% larger than when it's farthest (apogee); again, this effect is not too noticeable. When the moon is closer than average and the sun farther away than average, as will be the case on 8 April 2024, the moon can easily cover the entire solar disk and unveil the ethereal corona. But when the opposite is true, as will happen on 14 October 2023, the moon is too small to fully cover the sun's face, so at mid-eclipse, a brilliant annulus (ring) of sunlight encircles the lunar silhouette. You might wonder why we don't have a solar eclipse at every new moon. This is because the moon's orbit around Earth is tipped by about 5° to Earth's orbit around the sun (which, from our perspective, is the sun's annual path through the zodiacal constellations). At new moon, our natural satellite usually passes above or below the sun. But twice each year, currently in April and October, the new moon does pass in front of the sun, so we get solar eclipses—including one in Australia and Indonesia on April 20 this year. Whether a solar eclipse is partial, annular, or total depends on how precisely the sun, moon, and Earth align and on the distances of the moon and sun from Earth. TOP IMAGE....Annular (left) and total solar eclipses at the same scale. Credit: Annular eclipse: Richard Tresch Fienberg; Sky & Telescope and the American Astronomical Society; Solar eclipse: Richard Tresch Fienberg, processing by Sean Walker; TravelQuest International and Sky & Telescope LOWER IMAGE....Maps showing the paths of the October 2023 annular (left) and April 2024 total solar eclipses. The 14 October 2023 annular solar eclipse can be witnessed in the United States along a narrow strip from Oregon through Texas. After that, the moon’s shadow crosses the Yucatán Peninsula, Central America, Colombia, and Brazil. Annularity lasts longest, about 5¼ minutes, just off the coast of the Nicaragua–Costa Rica border. Blue percentage lines refer to eclipse magnitude, the fraction of the Sun’s diameter covered by the moon at maximum eclipse. Within the green path, that fraction is about 95%. Red lines indicate when maximum eclipse occurs in Universal Time, which is 4 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time (7 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time) in the United States. Over the 8 April 2024 eclipse’s total duration of 3 hours 15 minutes, the moon’s shadow travels along a 9,200-mile strip that extends from the Pacific Ocean, across North America, to the Atlantic Ocean. At the point of greatest eclipse totality lasts nearly 4½ minutes. Blue percentage lines refer to eclipse magnitude, the fraction of the sun’s diameter covered by the moon at maximum eclipse. Within the green path, that fraction exceeds 100%. Red lines indicate when maximum eclipse occurs in Universal Time, which is 4 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time (7 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time) in the United States. Credit: Sky & Telescope / Fred Espenak
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shinmera · 8 months
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roshanenergy · 6 months
Maximizing Efficiency with California's Electric Submetering Solutions
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In a world that is increasingly focused on sustainability and energy efficiency, it's no surprise that California, a state known for its commitment to environmental initiatives, is at the forefront of adopting cutting-edge technologies. One such technology that is making waves in the Golden State is electric submetering. With a growing population and the need to reduce energy consumption, California has turned to innovative solutions like submetering to maximize efficiency and drive environmental progress. Roshan Energy, a leading player in the field, is playing a pivotal role in this transformation.
Understanding Electric Submetering
Electric submetering is a system that measures and monitors the electricity consumption of individual units or specific equipment within a building. Instead of relying on a single utility meter for an entire property, submetering allows for a more granular view of energy usage. In California, this technology is proving to be a game-changer for businesses, property managers, and residents alike.
The California Context
California's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fostering energy efficiency has led to the implementation of various policies and initiatives, including the state's ambitious goal to achieve 100% clean energy by 2045. Electric submetering is aligning with this vision by providing real-time data that can help identify energy-saving opportunities and reduce consumption.
Maximizing Efficiency with Roshan Energy
Roshan Energy, a California-based company specializing in electric submetering solutions, has been a driving force in maximizing efficiency across the state. They offer a range of services and technologies that cater to the unique needs of their clients, whether it's a multi-unit residential building, a commercial complex, or an industrial facility.
Energy Conservation: Roshan Energy's submetering solutions provide valuable insights into energy consumption patterns. By identifying areas of high energy use and wastage, clients can take proactive measures to optimize energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint.
Billing Transparency: For multi-unit residential electric submetering, CA building ensures accurate and fair billing for tenants. With each unit having its own submeter, residents pay for the electricity they consume, fostering a sense of responsibility and conservation.
Cost Savings: Submetering empowers businesses to implement energy-saving measures and monitor their impact in real-time. This can result in significant cost savings over time, which is particularly crucial in a state with high energy costs like California.
Demand Response: Roshan Energy's submetering systems are equipped to support demand response programs. These programs incentivize energy conservation during peak demand hours, helping to stabilize the grid and prevent blackouts.
Environmental Impact: By reducing energy consumption and promoting energy conservation, Roshan Energy's submetering solutions contribute to California's broader environmental goals, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources.
Success Stories
To understand the impact of Roshan Energy's electric submetering solutions, let's take a look at a few success stories from California:
Multi-Unit Residential Building: A luxury apartment complex in San Francisco implemented Roshan Energy's submetering system. The results were impressive – residents reduced their energy consumption by 15%, leading to lower utility bills and a significant reduction in the building's carbon footprint.
Commercial Office Space: A tech company in Silicon Valley used submetering to gain insights into its energy usage. By adjusting the office's lighting and HVAC systems based on real-time data, they achieved a 20% reduction in energy costs.
Industrial Facility: A manufacturing plant in Los Angeles integrated Roshan Energy's submetering solution to monitor its machinery's electricity consumption. This helped the facility identify inefficient equipment and optimize its production processes, resulting in a 12% reduction in energy expenses.
The Future of California's Energy Efficiency
California's journey towards energy efficiency and sustainability is far from over. As the state continues to implement stricter energy standards and regulations, the role of electric submetering becomes increasingly crucial. It's not only about conserving energy but also about optimizing resource use and reducing the environmental impact.
Roshan Energy, as a pioneer in the field, is poised to play a central role in this future. With their innovative technologies, commitment to environmental responsibility, and a dedicated team of experts, they are well-positioned to drive the adoption of electric submetering solutions across California.
In conclusion, California's pursuit of maximizing efficiency and reducing energy consumption aligns perfectly with the concept of electric submetering solutions in CA. Roshan Energy's contributions in this field are a testament to the state's commitment to sustainability and environmental progress. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, California's leadership in adopting technologies like submetering serves as a shining example of how innovation can make a significant impact in building a greener, more sustainable future.
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Masterlist ; Star Wars Masterlist; Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force Masterlist
LR/MM/EF x Star Wars [Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport] Masterlist
Request Guidelines
Synopsis: It can be hard to be patient when you're young. (From the complaints of Rexanne Tano-Davenport (OC) and Jacen Syndulla)
Fandoms: Star Wars [Clone Wars, Rebels, Ahsoka]; Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force
Pairings: [Background/Implied] Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport, [Background/Implied] Hera Syndulla/Kanan Jarrus
06 ABY (2040)
“It’s not fair.” 
Chase tries to hide his amused smile as he turns to face his pouting daughter. “What isn’t fair?”
“That Atarka gets to go on the Balazar mission but I can’t."
“She’s a knight. You’re still a student, and students aren’t allowed on high-risk missions.”
Rexanne crosses her arms. Blue eyes glaring from behind her haphazardly chopped bangs, the rest of her white and grey-blue streaked hair just brushing the black and red shoulders of her uniform. “I’m at the advanced level. If it weren’t for my age, I could already be a knight.”
“You only moved up to the advanced level last month. You still have a little more to learn before being the equivalent of a knight.”
“And when I reach that equivalent, you’ll make me a knight?”
“If by then, you’ve turned eighteen. If not, you’ll remain a student until you do.” 
“But that’s four years.”
“There’s a lot you can learn in four years.”
She protests. “But if I don’t go on any high-risk missions, how am I supposed learn how to survive them?” 
“With the simulator, and every other aspect of your training that I, your mom, your Uncle Leo, and many others painstakingly designed and constantly update to make sure every student is prepared to face whatever may come their way.”
“It’s not the same. Besides, you and mom were both handling missions at fourteen that you would now classify as high-risk.” 
“And we, each respectively, barely made it to seventeen.” 
Rexanne rolls her eyes. “You’re just being overprotective.”
Chase breathes in, and lays a hand on her shoulder. “When I was your age, it was my responsibility to sacrifice my life, if necessary, to save others. And I’m not willing to put that expectation on you, or any other fourteen-year-old, or Calderan or other alien biological equivalent to that age. I don’t want you finish your childhood with that duty haunting you.” 
Circa 11 ABY (2045)
Rexanne leans against the cliff wall, barely noticing the jagged edges of the rock digging into her shoulder blade. She glances down, and takes a breath before strengthening her grip under her mother’s arms and pulling her a little further up her lap, a little farther from the water still washing over her legs. She lays two fingers on Ahsoka’s neck, feeling the faint, but steady, thrum of her pulse. 
The young woman allows herself to relax, listening the roar of x-wing engines, sensing the wills of those only seeking to offer aid, looking up at the blue of the sky, out to the blue of the water, waves crashing up on the rocky shore, splashing the blue and black of her knight uniform, remembering the blue glow of the strange inter-dimensional place that turned to a fiery haze of her mother’s memories. Haunted by the ghost of a master reteaching his old padawan to live or die, because those were the only two possibilities on a battlefield. 
The kind of teacher her parents hadn’t wanted to be to their children until they had left childhood behind. 
She waits beside her mother’s bed. Head bowed slightly, quieting her usually turbulent mind. 
Her eyes flicker over to the open door. 
“You know, it’s not polite to lurk.”
A small green-haired head pops shyly into view. “Sorry, my mom doesn’t know I’m here.”
Rexanne smiles. “Somehow, I’m pretty sure she does.”
The boy (Jacen, is it? Her mom did tell her his name at some point) shrugs sheepishly, but doesn’t comment, curiosity soon lighting up his expression as his eyes savor the room. 
His gaze settles on the hilt of one of Rexanne’s lightsabers. “You’re a jedi!”
She shakes her head slightly. “No. I was trained under a different order.”
Jacen furrows his brow. “But your mom’s a jedi.”
“She was raised a jedi, but she left the Order a long time ago. Long before either of us were born.”
The boy crosses his arms. “Okay, but that still makes her basically a jedi. At least that’s what my mom says. And Chopper. And Aunt Sabine. And everyone else, really.”
“That’s all they know, so naturally that’s all they see her as. That doesn’t mean it’s the most accurate perspective.” 
Jacen frowns. “Well, I wanna be a jedi.”
Rexanne smiles, amused. “I think that’s something you’d have to talk to Luke Skywalker about.”
“I know. He’s starting a Jedi Academy. My mom won’t let me go, though. She says I’m too young. But I’m ten years old! Jedi of the Old Republic would’ve started their training at like four. I’m brave enough too. I wanna save lives just like my dad.”
Just as a child always desires to be like their parents. 
“Training young isn’t a bad thing, I did. But you have to respect whatever your mom decides.”
“But I can do it! I know I can.”
“And I’m sure she knows you can too. It’s not about your abilities. It’s your mom’s responsibility to protect and raise you, because when you’re a child you’re not supposed to be doing that yourself. And one day, when you’ve grown up, you’ll do the same for your own children, or student, or whoever will be yours to care for.” 
Jacen frowns. “That’s a long time to wait.”
Yes. “It is. But there are many things to learn while you wait.”
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What's your thoughts on Ray and Norman's conversation after the spy reveal, where Ray says Norman should've discarded him and Norman says he would've but Emma convinced him otherwise? Was Norman really going to do that? (sorry if you've already talked about it but I missed;;)
You're good! I talked about the framing of the end of the scene here forever ago in internet time, touch on it here as an add-on to a post regarding the false belief there was a rivalry founded on the basis of a classic love triangle inextricably integrated into the core of the narrative (i.e., Norman and Ray actually dislike each other because they're both vying for Emma's romantic affection), and a brief summary of those feelings in this paragraph from this post, so my thoughts on it are kind of scattered about lol
Ray knows Norman, knows his sense of rigid morality well enough to account for him discovering his alliance with Isabella and using that to his advantage, to further push Norman away so he’ll be more comfortable with using him (he even chides Norman for not keeping his original plan to do this a secret) and so his death will hurt him and Emma less. And for roughly the entire back half of October 2045, Norman did genuinely hate Ray for his betrayal in the same way he hated Isabella, his reaction so visceral at being deceived and hurt by people he had loved all his life. He would have been willing to sacrifice Ray if not for intervention from Emma, which opened him up to directly confronting Ray and, in turn, led him to discover Ray’s true motives. He was so humbled and taken aback by the depths of Ray’s love and loyalty he returned to his original categorization of him: a dear friend who needed to be saved from his intended fate in their cruel world. Even if saving him came at the cost of his own life; even if he desperately wanted to live.
So I do believe Norman would have done it given the circumstances, and that Ray was banking on him doing so if Norman suspected him of being the traitor (and from Ray's perspective, this was the more likely outcome because of how much stock he puts in Norman's intelligence).
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It fits with Ray's meticulous planning, Norman's overall morality when left on his own at this point in his life plus his pride and ruthlessness, and the series' themes of redemption/second chances for those who genuinely work toward change and the positive influence of friendship/solidarity over isolation.
Upon discovering the truth of the house, Norman's first instinct is to grab Emma and Ray and get out of there.
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His mind is absolutely fried by what's just taken place and its implications, and he's scrambling to come up with a plan, focusing on whatever he believes is still familiar and safe to ground himself so he can shake off the emotional and mental paralysis he's in. I love how both the manga and anime convey how shell-shocked he is with the weary lines under his eyes and the thousand-yard stare he's got going on as he's floating outside himself. It's all completely understandable.
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This is one of my most-cited details about the anime taking advantage of the medium shift. Both Emma and Norman are completely shocked by Isabella being there, but it only takes Norman a second to shift between that initial shock to sorrow over realizing what it means that the woman who he’s viewed as his mother his entire life is here casually talking with demons and not recoiling in horror at what’s taken place. He genuinely loved her.
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(Chapter 6)
It's part of why he reacts so viscerally to her betrayal, another being his pride taking a hit due to being outmaneuvered by her. He's scored perfect 300s on his test since the day he started taking them at four-years-old, the first child in the history of Grace Field ever to do so. While he's never haughty or smug over this, he does find comfort in his intelligence. This undermines him in a way that not only cuts him to the quick, but also puts his family at risk, and he's determined to come out on top in this game of high-stakes wits and save them.
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(Chapter 10)
So after being dealt the crushing blow that Isabella was raising him and his siblings just to be food for demons, a few days later he's dealt another one when Krone's appearance leads him to instantly suspect Ray as the most probable and convenient informant for her. Ray was one of his two main pillars of strength he could fall back on in a time where his whole world has shifted beneath him. They had been together ever since he could remember, and he was disgusted with himself for even thinking Ray could do this. Like Isabella, he genuinely loved him too. In the face of the insurmountable conclusion he'd drawn, however, he couldn't ignore reality, not when the lives of Emma and his siblings hinged on him not making any more mistakes.
The revelation of this betrayal silently festers over the course of roughly two weeks. During that time, Ray even encourages Norman to be ruthless when dealing with his enemies.
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(Chapter 7)
It doesn't take long for Norman to get on board.
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(Chapter 9)
And while he ultimately comes to the conclusion that suppressing the adults is the better course of action,
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(Chapter 10)
the poignancy of the fork symbolism is still there: stay vigilant, stay sharp, stay ruthless. Even if it means discarding one of your best friends once he's no longer useful in the escape plan. (I'll use this as an opportunity to plug one of my favorite pieces of art on the subject by @nekokat42. It's funny how over the course of the story, Norman ends up taking after Isabella the most out of the trio on this front.)
In the same way his categorization of Isabella has shifted in his mind, so too has his categorization of Ray, and he would have stayed there if Norman hadn't sought Emma's perspective on the matter. It parallels nicely to when she acts as his moral compass in chapter 1/episode 1.
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Emma's automatic, genuine desire to save everyone quickly sobers him up from his stupor and his plan for just the three of them to escape. He's touched by this, her being far more selfless than him, and he silently chides himself for not even considering trying before resolving to make Emma's ideal outcome a reality.
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(Chapter 13)
Emma reaffirms the importance of considering the nuance and material circumstances of their situation, what the logical fallout would be for the traitor if they were left behind during the escape, and the biggest thing for Norman, striving for better instead of settling for pragmatism when you still have the opportunity to effect change on the world around you and reach an outcome you'll be happier with.
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(Chapter 14)
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(Chapter 13)
Norman being willing to use and discard Ray makes the impact of him switching his stance on the matter and later realization of Ray's true motives hit harder while also providing a basis for his actions and beliefs during later arcs after he's been isolated from the positive influence of his family.
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(The Good Place; borrowing because I like the conciseness and feel it's applicable to Norman, Ray, and Yuugo.)
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With the way the final seconds of this sequence are framed in the anime—going from a shot of a giddy yet harried Norman to a self-chiding Ray to Eugene's drawing of a trio of children—I feel like they wanted to draw attention to this aspect of his realization more than chapter 14 did where Norman's more focused on what Ray's position as Isabella's spy affords the plan. Here it looks like he's taking in the full ramifications of the choice he would have made if he hadn't talked with Emma; a future where he threw away a dear friend who had made years of impossible decisions as Isabella's sheepdog and was willing to die so that they could have one, because for Ray it's always been about Emma and Norman. What once appeared to be a selfish choice to save his own skin was actually one born out of love and loyalty, and once again Norman is disgusted with himself over his presumptions and saddened by Ray's intention to die, though at this point he hasn't seen the lighter fluid stockpiled under Ray's bed, so he has yet to figure out how he plans to pull it off. It's an ache profound enough to leave him startled and reaching to cover his mouth in its wake. One that could possibly be prompted without Norman intending to discard Ray since on top of everything else already going on he's now aware Ray plans on killing himself, which is devastating, but I think it's more poignant if he was going to go through with it.
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trainmaniac · 2 years
LT tram No. 2045 (ex Walthamstow 54) @ old Town Hall, Greenwich by Frederick McLean Via Flickr: An old photograph of London Transport (LT) E/1 class tram No. 2045 running off conduit and showing '40 - Savoy St Strand via Kennington & Westr' destination blinds. The car is on Greenwich High Road, with the old Greenwich Town Hall (now Meridian House and converted to flats) on the right, just beyond the building is Royal Hill. Modern day google street view:- www.google.com/maps/@51.4784117,-0.0112994,3a,75y,102.69h... Old/new overhead side by side map view:- maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=18&lat=51.... The photo reverse is stamped with the photographer and/or negative owner name W. J. Haynes. No. 2045 was ex Walthamstow Corporation Tramways (WCT) car No. 54 built in 1927 by Hurst Nelson seating 27/42 and running on Heenan & Froude (LCC class 4A) maximum traction swing-bolster type trucks. It had a truck mounted plough carrier plus two trolley poles from new. In 1933 its ownership transferred to the London Passenger Transport Board (LPTB) and in Jan 1935 it had driver screens/vestibules fitted. In Feb 1952 it was withdrawn from service and sent to Penhall Road Depot to be disposed of (broken up or sold), the parts of the London tramways system that had not already been withdrawn or transferred to trolleybus/bus operation closing in July of the same year. If there are any errors in the above description please let me know. Thanks. 📷 Any photograph I post on Flickr is an original in my possession, nothing is ever copied/downloaded from another location. 📷 -------------------------------------------------
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t0tentanz · 1 year
MAELSTROM — Origins Pt. 3
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After Carnival, the gang kept a low profile for a while. Under Razorfist's leadership, Maelstrom took on a new focus. The gang now defended its turf and was growing in size again. In 2020, just before Carnival, there were over 300 members of Maelstrom, and immediately after there were less than 75 members. Three years later, the numbers were back up to about half of their former glory, mostly by taking over or taking in many of the smaller boostergang (1) survivors in the Combat Zone (2) after Carnival, such as the Givers Of Pain (3) and the Warriors (4).
Skill in hand-to-hand combat is still the primary method for gaining respect and establishing your place in the gang, but the rampant territorial expansion has minimized. No longer focused on violence for violence's sake the gang deals in combat drugs and extortion for any businesses in the area they stake as their turf. They also rent themselves out as guides and escorts for outsiders in the know who have to operate in the Combat Zone, and as bodyguards in or outside of it.
In terms of extortion, most businesses in the area pay it gladly, as regardless of its smaller size and diminished territory, Maelstrom is still regarded as the most violent and dangerous gang in the city. While Maelstrom prefers to deal with things hand to hand, or with melee weapons, especially inside their borders, they have been stockpiling an enormous arsenal, and when dealing with other gangs and intruders they are going to respond heavily armed, often with military-grade weapons, including RPG’s and grenade launchers.
Outside of major criminal activities, they are known for their raves, which while fun is often as dangerous as any other Maelstrom activity.
Maelstrom maintains good relationships with the Voodoo Boyz (5) due to their control of the underground Fight Clubs set up across the city, an activity which Maelstrom members frequently enter as combatants to prove and maintain their abilities. In addition, they keep close ties with the Nomad community and have even formed their tribe which operates along the west coast. The Nomad Maelstrom is viewed as a charter to the Night City founders. The Nomad Maelstrom [THE EXILES] is a Snake Nation (6) family, who most often provide escort and guide duties to other Snake and Aldelcaldo (7) families in exchange for money, weapons, drugs, and favors.
Due to Razorfists and Sable's influence Maelstrom gained a reputation as something of a guardian gang (8). While they charged everyone in their turf protection fees, Razorfist and Sable would punish any members who were discovered to be harming children, women, or the elderly. They took the protection game seriously and provided a legitimate service, unlike most extortion rackets of this nature. They did not demand protection payments, but by not paying them one was opening themself as a victim to the other gangs and criminals in the area. Everyone in Maelstrom's direct turf pays, as do several people and shop owners outside their turf.
(1) BOOSTERGANGS: Bands of street gangs whose members enhanced themselves with cybernetic technology. They are also the most common type of gang. Due to members typically suffering or near the edge of cyberpsychosis, they tend to be the most benign or outright violent type of gang, and in all cases, extremely territorial. They form together out of necessity, due to the dangers of urban living — especially in lawless Combat Zones.
(2) THE COMBAT ZONE (SECTION D (2020)): a dangerous lawless area of Night City during the first half of the 21st century. It is found south of Night City downtown. Combat Zones are lawless "No Go" areas of Urban Sprawl. Law Enforcement is limited or non-existent and gangs control large territories within it. Travel into or through a Zone is not recommended. By 2045, much of this area became known as the Old Combat Zone.
(3) GIVERS OF PAIN: One of the more notable booster gangs in Night City and in the state. Their reputation for excessive brutality and their skill in torture has made them one of the most admired and reviled booster gangs known. Their size, rumored to push 300, their savage territoriality, and Noir's effective skills as a leader and enforcer have given them power in the southside combat zone contested only by a few other gangs.
(4) WARRIORS: Metal Warriors? (NEED SOURCE)
(5) VOODOO BOYZ: Started as a terrorist gang of drug dealers. They were engaged in weird magic rituals and dealt non-synthetic drugs to students near the University. Sadistic and pitiless, they will kill, torture, and rape for any or no reason at all. Victims would sometimes be warned with chicken blood and feathers on their doorstep. Their motives and practices were inconstant. Mutilating and maiming victims was common, as was dissecting their body parts for rituals or to inspire terror.
(6) SNAKE NATION: Officially the largest of the nomad groups, the Snake Nation is not a true nation in the eyes of many Americans, nomad and static alike. Nomads are generally very libertarian and independent people, and the Snake Nation is a loose confederation of those who, though they wanted to preserve their autonomy, wanted a voice in nomad politics. Unofficially, they can be said to speak for the entire independent nomad population, and it is generally true that they faithfully represent the views of non-aligned nomads in North America.
(7) ALDECALDOS: One of the oldest nomad nations founded by Juan Aldecaldo, who fought a ruthless war at the tail-end of the 1990s against the gangs ruling LA. He formed the "Neighborhood Watch," which numbered five thousand people by the time it left the city and was known for its emphasis on family values, in whose name Juan launched his uprising against ineffective police and corrupt media.
(8) GUARDIAN GANG: Local vigilantes who form in reaction to the violence of other gangs. For the most part, they are peaceful, and would usually not cause problems, but will act when a local gang gets out of hand.
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waynemartindale · 9 months
(6) A Vision of the Food System, 2045 CE: Smart People, Smart Processes, Smart Factories - YouTube
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