#visca el barça
b14augrana · 2 days
i love football debates and seeing people share their unwavering stances and opinions about things on this app, especially barça fans. it makes me realise it really is més que un club and our love for this club (and honestly the sport in general) does run deeper than any rivalries or titles
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wosoandstuff · 14 days
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chrlvctius · 6 months
I RLLY WANNA KNOW WHAT SONG THJS IS AHWUAHHA it's been stuck on my mind for like 2 months now 😭👊🏻👊🏻 anywys, ALE ALE ALEEE ale's so pretty omfg :(
I LOOOVE SECOND CLIPPP she looks so pretty, her smile's so pretty:(💗
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patosduck · 16 days
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Def no estoy nerviosa por el partido contra psg
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dungeonpuppykai · 29 days
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definitely ties your hair in a ponytail to wrap around his hand when you suck his cock <3
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axlerica · 8 months
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-"The one where Pedri and Y/N have a kid together and co-parent despite their breakup"-
In a cozy apartment, Y/N sat at the kitchen table, a cup of tea in hand, gazing out of the window lost in thought. It had been a while since she and Pedri had parted ways, and their journey had taken an unexpected turn. Their son, a bright-eyed and spirited little boy named Mateo, was the thread that continued to bind them.
One evening, Y/N took a deep breath and decided to address the situation. She knew that change was inevitable, but it was important to find a way forward that would be best for their son.
Y/N: "Pedri, we need to talk about something."
Pedri, who had been playing with Mateo in the living room, looked up with curiosity.
Pedri: "Sure, Y/N. What's on your mind?"
Y/N: "I've been thinking... Maybe it's time for me to find a new place to live. Mateo is growing up, and he needs stability. I think it's better for him if we have our own separate spaces."
Pedri's expression changed, a mix of resistance and understanding.
Pedri: "Y/N, I know we're not together anymore, but I still want to be a part of Mateo's life as much as possible."
Y/N: "And you will be, Pedri. This isn't about keeping you away. It's about creating a healthy environment for Mateo. We can still co-parent, but he deserves a consistent home."
Pedri sighed, his gaze shifting to the floor as he considered Y/N's words.
Pedri: "I just... I can't help but feel like I'm losing even more of what we had."
Y/N reached out and placed a comforting hand on Pedri's arm.
Y/N: "I understand that it's difficult. But we both want what's best for Mateo, right? This isn't about us, it's about him."
Pedri looked up, meeting Y/N's eyes. There was a mixture of emotions playing across his face - sadness, nostalgia, and a hint of resignation.
Pedri: "You're right, Y/N. It's just hard to let go."
Y/N: "It's not about letting go completely, Pedri. We'll always be connected through Mateo. This is just about giving him a solid foundation."
Pedri: "But why though? I don't believe Mateo would be happy in having to split his time between two homes, spending one week here and the next at yours. It's exhausting. He’s happy here. Why would you want him to go through that?”
Y/N: "Pedri, the reason I think it's important for us to have separate spaces is because... I don't want Mateo to see you enjoying a lifestyle that involves partying and not taking responsibilities seriously. I want him to grow up in an environment that values commitment and stability. You told me that you don’t party much, but…”
Pedri’s eyes darted away momentarily, his defensive instinct kicking in.
Pedri: “Look, Y/N, I might go out and party occasionally, but it’s not like it’s a constant thing. It’s just a way to release the stress from my work, I’m still young I need to enjoy my life too.”
Y/N felt a mix of frustration and hurt, the weight of unspoken disappointment crashing over her.
Y/N: “Pedri, I’m not naive. I know what’s really happening. You might say it’s occasional, but it’s becoming more frequent than you let on. It’s not just about you anymore. This is why I think it’s best for me and Mateo to live in another place. You want to enjoy your life right? Go on, we won’t hold your back.”
Pedri’s expression turned from defensive to conflicted, as if a mix of guilt and defiance was battling within him.
Pedri: “Look, okay fine yes I party a lot but I’m not neglecting Mateo, Y/N. I still spend time with him.”
Y/N’s voice trembled with a mixture of sadness and determination.
Y/N: “It’s not just about physically being there, Pedri. It’s about the example you’re setting for him. I don’t want our son to see partying as a priority over responsibilities.”
Pedri’s brows furrowed, his frustration evident in his tone.
Pedri: “You’re making it sound worse than it is. I’m not a bad father just because I enjoy my time.”
Y/N’s eyes welled with tears, her voice cracking with emotion.
Y/N: “Pedri, this isn’t about attacking you. It’s about what’s best for Mateo. I can’t let him grow up thinking that this is okay.”
The room was filled with tension, the unspoken pain between them tangible.
Pedri: “I never meant for it to come to this point, Y/N.”
Y/N: “I’ve tried to make this work, Pedri. But I can’t keep pretending like everything is okay when it’s not. I won’t let Mateo be influenced by this.”
Pedri looked at Mateo playing in the living room, a mixture of emotions coursing through him. He knew Y/N was right, but admitting it was like acknowledging his own shortcomings.
Pedri: “I need to figure this out, Y/N. I don’t want to lose you or Mateo.”
Y/N: “This is for Mateo's sake, I think it's best if we each create a positive and nurturing environment."
Pedri: "Bueno…you're right, Y/N. I want to be the best influence for Mateo, even if it means making some changes."
Y/N: "Thank you, Pedri. I know this isn't easy for either of us, but I believe it's the right step."
In the days that followed, Y/N found a new place to live, creating a comfortable home for herself and Mateo. The transition wasn't without its challenges, but both Y/N and Pedri remained committed to co-parenting their son with love and care.
One evening, as the sun began to set, Pedri was missing Mateo terribly and yearned to hear his laughter once more.
Dialing Y/N's number, he took a deep breath, hoping for a positive response. After a few rings, Y/N's voice greeted him on the other end.
Y/N: "Hello?"
Pedri: "Hey, Y/N. It's me, Pedri. I hope I'm not disturbing you."
Y/N: "Oh, hey, Pedri. No, you're not disturbing us. We're just out for a coffee."
Pedri's heart skipped a beat. The image of Y/N and Mateo, sitting in a cozy corner of a cafe, sharing moments together, tugged at his emotions.
Pedri: "Is Mateo with you?"
Y/N: "Yes, he's right here. We're at Starbucks."
Pedri hesitated, his voice gentle yet determined.
Pedri: "Is anyone else with you?"
Y/N paused for a moment, then decided to be honest.
Y/N: "Actually, I'm here with João."
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Pedri's heart sank slightly, but he tried to hide his disappointment.
Pedri: "Oh, I see. Well, I miss him a lot. Do you think it's okay if I come to pick him up? I just want to spend some time with him."
Y/N glanced at Mateo, who was engrossed in his coloring book. She understood that Pedri missed his son and wanted to spend time with him.
Y/N: "Sure, Pedri. He'd be thrilled to see you. We'll be here."
Pedri: "Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate it."
Y/N handed the phone to Mateo, her smile warm as she whispered, "Papi called and wants to talk with you."
Mateo's eyes lit up, his small hand reaching out for the phone.
Mateo: "Hola, papi!"
Pedri's voice softened at the sound of his son's greeting.
Pedri: "Hola, Mateo! How are you, champ?"
Mateo was really excited and talked a lot, telling stories about his day in a way that only kids can. Pedri listened closely, feeling happy and he couldn't stop smiling at how enthusiastically Mateo talked about things.
Pedri: "Mateo, how about this? Would you like to come to papi's home and sleep with papi tonight?"
Mateo: "Yes, papi! I want to!"
Pedri's heart swelled with happiness at his son's response.
Pedri: "Great! I'll be there to pick you up soon. We'll have a fun night together, okay?"
Mateo's reply was a resounding "Yes, papi!" that filled Pedri's heart with warmth.
Y/N took the phone from Mateo, a smile lighting up her face as she addressed Pedri.
Y/N: "Pedri, Mateo is really excited to spend some time with you. So you’re going to come here and pick him up?"
Pedri: "Of course, Y/N. I'll be there soon."
Around 20 minutes later, Pedri arrived at Starbucks. As he walked in, his eyes scanned the cafe, searching for Mateo and Y/N. What he found took him slightly off-guard: Y/N was laughing, deep in conversation with João. Watching them being close made Pedri feel a bit jealous, and it reminded him of all the complicated things that had happened between them in the past.
Pedri pushed aside his feelings and focused on what mattered most—his son. He approached the table with a friendly nod towards João.
Pedri: “Hey, bro.”
Y/N’s smile widened as she stood up, João following her lead.
Y/N: “Hi, Pedri. Mateo can’t wait to see you.”
Pedri greeted Y/N with a warm smile.
Pedri: “Hey, Y/N. I’ve missed him.”
João, sensing the situation, offered a friendly nod in acknowledgment.
João: “Hey, nice to see you again.”
Pedri: “You too.”
Y/N: “João has been keeping us company while we waited. He’s really good with Mateo.”
Pedri managed a smile, despite the conflicting emotions swirling within him.
Pedri: “That’s great to hear. Thanks for being there, man.”
João nodded, a friendly gesture that indicated his willingness to support Mateo’s happiness.
João: “No problem. Mateo’s a cool kid.”
Pedri turned his attention to Mateo, who was practically bouncing with excitement.
Pedri: “Hey, champ! Are you ready to have a fun night with papi?”
Mateo’s face lit up with pure joy.
Mateo: “Yes, papi! Let’s go!”
Y/N: “Hey Pedri, actually, João and I are headed out for dinner now. I’ll drop off Mateo’s stuff later tonight. Is that okay?”
Pedri nodded, gratitude in his eyes.
Pedri: “Of course, Y/N. You can drop his stuff later, don’t worry”
Y/N: “Alright. Have a wonderful evening, you two!”
Later that night, heavy rain pouring from the sky, drenching everything in its path. Y/N, arrived at Pedri's house to drop off Mateo's belongings. However, she found herself thoroughly soaked as she stood at Pedri's doorstep.
With a sigh, she rang the doorbell, holding Mateo's things in one hand and trying to shield herself from the rain with the other. Pedri and Mateo opened the door, and their expressions quickly shifted from surprise to concern when they saw Y/N's shivering form.
Pedri's voice was laced with worry as he spoke.
Pedri: "Y/N, are you okay? You're completely soaked!"
Y/N: "Yeah, I’m fine..I just…. I didn't have an umbrella. I'm sorry."
Without hesitation, Pedri stepped aside and gestured for her to come in.
Pedri: "Come inside quickly. You're freezing."
Mateo's eyes widened as he saw Y/N's condition.
Mateo: "Mami, you're all wet!"
Y/N chuckled softly, even through her shivers.
Y/N: "Yes, buddy, I am. But it's nothing a warm shower won't fix."
Pedri grabbed a towel and handed it to Y/N, concern etched on his face.
Pedri: "Here, dry yourself off."
Pedri glanced at Y/N with concern, the sound of raindrops against the windows creating a soothing backdrop.
Pedri: "You know, Y/N, the rain is really coming down hard. Are you sure you don't want to stay a while? You could wait until it stops."
Y/N: "Thank you, Pedri, but I think I'll be fine. I'll just head home and take a warm shower."
Despite her words, Pedri's worry lingered.
Pedri: "Are you sure? It's pouring out there, and you're still shivering a bit."
Y/N chuckled softly, touched by his persistence.
Y/N: "I promise I'll be okay. A warm shower will do wonders."
Mateo chimed in, his eyes wide.
Mateo: "Mami, you should stay. Papi's right."
Y/N laughed softly, her heart warmed by Mateo's concern.
Y/N: "Thank you, sweetheart. You're both so thoughtful."
Pedri's expression was a mix of concern and determination.
Pedri: "Listen, Y/N, I insist. Please stay here until the rain calms down. I don't want you to get sick."
Y/N: "Alright, alright. You win. I'll stay a bit longer."
Pedri: "Good. I'll make some tea. It'll help warm you up."
As Pedri headed to the kitchen, Y/N exchanged a knowing look with Mateo, who grinned mischievously.
Mateo: "See, Mami? Papi always knows best."
Y/N ruffled Mateo's hair affectionately.
Y/N: "Yes, he certainly does."
Pedri: “Y/N, you’re so wet from the rain. You should take a shower and change into something dry. You can wear my clothes.”
Y/N chuckled softly, appreciating his concern.
Y/N: “It’s really alright, Pedri. I don’t want to trouble you.”
Pedri: “Please, Y/N. Just change into something dry. Your clothes are wet, and I don’t want you to catch a cold.”
Y/N teased playfully, a twinkle in her eyes.
Y/N: “Well, even if I wanted to, you only have skinny pants here, and you know damn well I don’t fit into those.”
Pedri laughed.
Pedri: “What? Noo, I have other pants too. In fact, I have sweatpants. You can wear those.”
Y/N: “ Well, alright, fine. But only because you’re so insistent.”
Pedri handed her a cup of tea.
Pedri: “Here, drink this tea first. I’ll go find the sweatpants for you.”
Y/N accepted the tea with a smile.
Y/N: “Thank you, Pedri. You’re too kind.”
As Pedri left to fetch the sweatpants, Y/N took a sip of the warm tea. Then, Pedri returned to the room, holding a pair of sweatshirt and sweatpants. He grinned as he approached Mateo, handing him the clothes.
Pedri: "Hey, buddy, can you do me a favor? Give these to Mami."
Mateo's eyes widened in excitement as he took the clothes from Pedri's hands.
Mateo: "Sure, papi!"
With a playful bounce in his step, Mateo scampered over to Y/N, his small hands clutching the clothes.
Mateo: "Mami, look what papi got for you!"
Y/N: "Oh, sweetie, did papi get these for me?"
Mateo nodded enthusiastically, his eyes sparkling.
Mateo: "Yes! He said you should change into these, Mami."
Y/N chuckled softly, her heart warmed by the sight of Mateo's eagerness to help.
Y/N: "Well, it looks like papi really wants me to change, huh?"
Mateo nodded, a mischievous grin on his face.
Mateo: "Yes, Mami! He said you'll feel better."
Y/N looked at Pedri, who was watching them with a smile that showed he found it cute and caring.
Y/N: "Alright, Mateo. Tell papi thank you for these and I'll change right now.
Mateo's face lit up with excitement.
Mateo: "Okay, Mami!"
Mateo had a big, happy smile and ran back to where Pedri was sitting. He told him the message with lots of excitement, just like how kids do when they're really, really excited.
Pedri’s eyes lit up as he noticed Y/N’s return wearing his clothes. He couldn’t help but admire how the clothes suited her.
Pedri: “Well, I must say, you make those sweatpants and sweatshirt look better than I ever could.”
Y/N laughed softly, charmed by his playful compliment.
Y/N: “Oh, really? You’re just saying that.”
Pedri leaned back on the couch, a grin tugging at his lips.
Pedri: “No, I mean it. It’s not every day I see someone who can pull off comfy clothes with such style.”
Y/N’s cheeks warmed slightly at his words, her heart fluttering at his flirtatious tone.
Y/N: “Flattery will get you everywhere, won’t it?”
Pedri chuckled, his gaze lingering on her.
Pedri: “I’m just stating the truth. You look great.”
Mateo, ever observant, chimed in with a grin.
Mateo: “Mami, you look like papi now!”
Y/N laughed, leaning down to ruffle Mateo’s hair.
Y/N: “You think so, buddy?”
Mateo nodded enthusiastically.
Mateo: “Yes! You’re both wearing the same clothes!”
Pedri joined in the playful banter, his eyes twinkling.
Pedri: “That’s right, Mateo. Your Mami and I are matching.”
Y/N chuckled, enjoying the lightheartedness of the moment.
Y/N: “Well, I have to admit, it’s a pretty comfy outfit.”
Pedri grinned, his voice taking on a teasing note.
Pedri: “Maybe you should keep it. I’ll have to find new clothes.”
Y/N : “Well really? thank you, I appreciate this”
Pedri glanced at her, his voice gentle.
Pedri: "I hope you're feeling better now."
Y/N nodded, her expression grateful.
Y/N: "Much better, thank you."
Mateo looked at them, his innocent eyes wide.
Mateo: "Mami, did you get wet because of the rain?"
Y/N smiled warmly at her son.
Y/N: "Yes, sweetheart. I got caught in the rain."
Mateo's concern was evident as he looked at her.
Mateo: "You should be careful next time, okay?"
Y/N chuckled softly, touched by his worry.
Y/N: "I will, Mateo. Thank you for caring."
The three of them sat together, wrapped in the warmth of each other’s company and the cozy atmosphere of the room.
Pedri: “So, what movie should we watch, Mateo?”
Mateo’s eyes lit up as he thought about his favorite movies.
Mateo: “How about Hotel Tansvania, papi?”
Pedri chuckled, knowing exactly which movie Mateo was referring to.
Pedri: “You want to watch the one with the friendly monsters, right?”
Mateo nodded eagerly.
Mateo: “Yes, that one! Tans….Vania!!”
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at their interaction. It was heartwarming to see the ease with which Pedri and Mateo connected.
Y/N: “Sounds like a great choice, Mateo.”
Pedri took the remote control and began the movie. The funny and cute characters from Hotel Transylvania appeared on the screen, and Mateo was really focused on it. Y/N and Pedri exchanged looks and smiled as they saw how much Mateo was enjoying the characters' funny actions.
As the movie progressed, the rain outside began to subside, leaving behind a calm and peaceful ambiance. The room was filled with the soft glow of the television and the comforting aroma of the tea.
Y/N leaned back, feeling really relaxed. Even though the evening started with rain, she was happy about how things turned out, giving them a chance to enjoy this cozy time together as a family.
Pedri glanced at Y/N, his voice gentle.
Pedri: “I’m glad you stayed, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled warmly.
Y/N: “Me too, Pedri. This has been really nice.”
Mateo, sensing the harmony in the room, leaned against Y/N, his small hand finding hers.
Mateo: “I like when we’re all together.”
Pedri : “Me too, baby, Papi loves being together with you and Mami right here”
As the movie continued to captivate Mateo's attention, Y/N saw an opportunity to slip away and make some popcorn in the kitchen. She stood up quietly and glanced at Pedri, who seemed to be engrossed in the movie as well. With a smile, she mouthed "popcorn" to him before making her way to the kitchen.
Pedri, noticing Y/N's departure, felt a spark of curiosity. He decided to follow her, wanting to enjoy a brief moment alone with her away from Mateo's watchful eyes.
In the kitchen, Y/N began to prepare the popcorn, the sound of kernels popping in the microwave. The warm, buttery aroma filled the air, creating a cozy atmosphere. Just as she was about to take the popcorn out, she sensed Pedri's presence behind her.
Pedri leaned against the doorway, a playful glint in his eyes.
Pedri: "Ah, the popcorn maker is hard at work."
Y/N turned around, a smile tugging at her lips.
Y/N: "Well, someone's got to keep the movie snacks coming."
Pedri grinned, stepping closer.
Pedri: "And what about the chef herself? You need a taste tester?"
Y/N chuckled, her gaze meeting his.
Y/N: "I think I can handle that part."
Pedri continued to be playful as he got closer to her, his voice sounding a bit teasing.
Pedri: "Hmm, but I have a more important question."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
Y/N: "Oh, and what's that?"
Pedri's expression turned mischievous.
Pedri: "No bra, huh?"
Y/N's cheeks flushed with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment, and she playfully swatted his arm.
Y/N: "Pedri, stop!"
Pedri burst into laughter,
Pedri: "Got you there, didn't I?"
Y/N shook her head, a grin forming despite her embarrassment.
Y/N: "You're unbelievable."
Pedri's laughter subsided, leaving a warm smile on his face.
Pedri: "I couldn't resist. It's not often I catch you off guard."
Y/N crossed her arms playfully, her tone light.
Y/N: "Well, consider your mission accomplished."
Pedri's gaze softened as he looked at her, his voice sincere.
Pedri: "You know, Y/N, even after everything, it's moments like these that make me realize how much I miss our banter."
Y/N's heart warmed at his words, a mixture of nostalgia and fondness sweeping over her.
Y/N: "I've missed it too, Pedri."
As the scent of freshly popped popcorn filled the air, Y/N and Pedri found themselves drawn into a moment of quiet intimacy. Pedri's eyes held a mixture of longing and vulnerability, and in that fleeting instant, he leaned in, his intentions clear.
Pedri's lips were mere inches away from Y/N's, but before the moment could fully materialize, she gently placed a hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks.
Y/N's voice was soft, but determined.
Y/N: "Pedri, please... no."
Pedri's expression shifted from anticipation to a mixture of surprise and understanding. He took a step back, respecting her boundaries, though a hint of disappointment lingered in his gaze.
Pedri: "Y/N, I..."
Y/N held up her hand, her gaze unwavering.
Y/N: "Pedri, we can't do this. Not now."
Pedri's brows furrowed slightly as he tried to convey his feelings.
Pedri: "But why, Y/N? Why can't we try to..."
Y/N's voice remained steady, even as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her.
Y/N: "I know you want to, Pedri, but we can't afford to forget what happened before. We can't risk failing again and breaking Mateo's heart."
Pedri sighed, a mix of frustration and understanding evident in his expression.
Pedri: "I don't want to hurt Mateo, I promise you that. But can't we at least consider..."
Y/N shook her head, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
Y/N: "Pedri, I'm not saying this because I want to hurt you. I'm saying it because I care about Mateo too much to put him through another disappointment. We have to be responsible, for his sake."
Pedri's gaze softened as he watched the conflict in Y/N's eyes.
Pedri: "Y/N, I care about Mateo just as much as you do. And I care about you."
Y/N's heart ached at his words, but she remained resolute.
Y/N: "I know you do, Pedri. But we can't let our feelings blind us to the reality of our situation. We've tried before, and it didn't work out. I don't want Mateo to experience that pain again."
Pedri nodded, his shoulders sagging with a mix of acceptance and resignation.
Pedri: "You're right, Y/N. I don't want to hurt him either."
Y/N reached out and placed her hand on Pedri's arm, her touch gentle and reassuring.
Y/N: "We'll find a way to navigate this, Pedri. We'll continue to be there for Mateo as co-parents, and we'll create the best environment for him."
Pedri looked at her, gratitude evident in his gaze.
Pedri: "Thank you for understanding, Y/N."
Y/N managed a small smile, her heart heavy with the weight of their shared responsibility.
Y/N: "It's what's best for all of us."
As Pedri and Y/N reentered the living room, their conversation weighed on Pedri's mind, leaving him with a sense of melancholy. His thoughts were momentarily interrupted when he felt a small hand tugging at his shirt.
Mateo looked up at Pedri, his wide eyes filled with concern.
Mateo: "Papi, why do you look sad? Did you got scold by mami?"
Pedri managed a small smile for Mateo's sake, but the sadness still lingered in his eyes.
Pedri: "Oh, no, buddy. Mami didn't scold me. I'm just thinking about something."
Mateo's brow furrowed as he continued to study Pedri's expression.
Mateo: "Is it about the movie? Did something in the movie make you sad?"
Pedri chuckled softly, touched by Mateo's empathy.
Pedri: "No, it's not the movie, little man. It's just... grown-up stuff."
Mateo's concern didn't waver, and he tilted his head to the side, his expression curious.
Mateo: "Grown-up stuff? Like what?"
Y/N watched the interaction between father and son, her heart swelling with both pride and tenderness.
Pedri crouched down to be at eye level with Mateo, his voice gentle.
Pedri: "Well, you know, sometimes grown-ups have things to figure out, just like you have to figure out puzzles or games."
Mateo's expression brightened, and he nodded in understanding.
Mateo: "Oh, I get it! Like when I can't find the right piece for my puzzle."
Pedri smiled, ruffling Mateo's hair affectionately.
Pedri: "Exactly, buddy. We're just trying to find the right pieces for our puzzle."
Mateo seemed satisfied with the explanation, and he grinned up at Pedri.
Mateo: "Well, I hope you find all the pieces,Papi!"
Pedri's smile grew, his heart warmed by Mateo's innocent optimism.
Pedri: "Thank you, champ. I'll do my best."
Y/N couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions as she watched Pedri and Mateo interact.
While the movie kept playing, Mateo fell asleep with his Spider-Man blanket. Y/N got sleepy too and dozed off on the couch.
Seeing them like that, Pedri felt happy inside. He made sure Mateo was covered and then turned his attention to Y/N.
He found a new blanket and gently put it over her, making sure she was comfy and warm. Looking at her sleeping peacefully, he smiled softly.
“Time for bed, lil buddy,” Pedri whispered gently, his voice filled with warmth and tenderness. With a soft smile, he carefully lifted Mateo into his arms, feeling the weight of his slumbering son against his chest.
As he made his way to Mateo’s room, the soft light in the hallway cast a cozy ambiance. Pedri’s steps were slow and deliberate, his focus solely on ensuring that Mateo’s transition from the couch to his bed would be seamless and comfortable.
Pedri went into Mateo's room, being careful as he approached the bed. He gently put Mateo down on the soft sheets and made sure the pillows were comfy for his head.
He covered Mateo with the blankets, making sure he was all cozy. Seeing Mateo sleep so peacefully made Pedri feel really happy. He gave Mateo a sweet kiss on his forehead.
Standing up, Pedri looked at Mateo once more with a smile full of love. He left the door a bit open, knowing that his son was safe and comfortable, drifting off into dreams.
Returning to the living room, Pedri’s steps were gentle as he approached Y/N. He leaned down, his voice a soft whisper filled with concern.
“Hey,” he said, his words a tender invitation. “You should sleep in a bed, not on the couch.”
Y/N stirred slightly, her voice muffled as she mumbled a response.
“It’s fine,” she murmured, her sleepiness evident. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
Pedri’s brow furrowed with a mixture of care and determination. He understood that Y/N was trying to be considerate, but he wanted her to be comfortable too.
He crouched down beside the couch, his voice soothing as he gently insisted.
“Y/N, you deserve a good night’s sleep in a bed. Come on, I’ll help you get to one.”
Y/N moved a little, her eyes half-open as she looked at Pedri. Her expression showed she was still a bit sleepy.
"I'm really fine, Pedri," she whispered.
Pedri’s eyes held a silent plea, his fingers lightly brushing against her arm.
“Please, Y/N,” he said softly. “Let me make sure you’re comfortable.”
“No, it’s okay, I don’t want to get up. I’m really sleepy and tired. I’ll be fine here…” Y/N murmured.
Pedri’s brows furrowed, his intention to ensure her comfort unwavering. He took a moment, considering her words, and then let out a gentle sigh.
“I understand you’re tired,” he began, his voice kind and patient. “But let me carry you to bed. You’ll sleep better there.”
He offered his hand once more, his eyes reflecting his genuine care for her well-being. There was a subtle insistence in his tone, a desire to make sure she was truly taken care of.
“C’mon,” he urged gently, his smile warm. “Let’s get you to bed.”
“Okay….” she relented softly, offering a small but appreciative smile.
Pedri held Y/N close, his arms encircling her in a tender embrace. Her arms rested gently over his neck, and she wrapped her leg around his waist. With her secure in his arms, he began walking towards the guest bedroom.
Amidst their journey to the bed, Y/N let out a soft, almost imperceptible whimper. Her head found its resting place on Pedri's neck, a small sigh escaping her. The intimacy of the moment, their closeness, stirred a mixture of emotions within her.
For Pedri, her actions conveyed a sense of vulnerability and trust that touched him deeply. Feeling her lay her head against his neck, he felt a surge of affection and connection that enveloped them both. It was a reminder of the bond they shared—a bond that could be felt even in the quietest of gestures.
As he continued towards the bed, Pedri's steps were slow and measured, his focus on ensuring Y/N's comfort.
Upon reaching the bed, he lowered her down with utmost care, making sure she was settled comfortably. Gently, he adjusted the pillows and blankets around her, making sure she was cozy. As he stood by the bed, he gently pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. With a soft smile, he whispered, "Sleep well, Y/N."
As Pedri stood by the bed, ready to give Y/N some space to rest, a gentle tug on his finger surprised him. Looking down, he saw Y/N's fingers intertwined with his, holding on as if not ready to let go.
Her soft voice broke the silence, urging him to stay. "Stay….." she whispered, her tone carrying a mixture of vulnerability and longing.
Pedri's heart skipped a beat, the depth of her request touching him profoundly. With a soft smile, he gently released his finger from her grasp. Without a moment's hesitation, he climbed onto the bed, his movements careful and deliberate.
Cuddled up beside her, Pedri's arms encircled Y/N, drawing her close to him. She nestled against his chest, her head finding its resting place just below his chin. The warmth of their embrace was like a cocoon of comfort, enveloping them both in a sense of intimacy that words couldn't fully capture.
The rhythm of their breaths seemed to sync, their heartbeats harmonizing as if they were two pieces of a puzzle coming together. The silence of the room was filled with a quiet tenderness, a language that only they understood.
Pedri pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Y/N's head, his actions conveying a depth of emotion that needed no words. Wrapped in each other's arms.
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In the quiet of the very early morning, around 4am, Y/N woke up suddenly because she heard Mateo crying. His voice filled the house, and he was calling for "papi" and "mami," sounding like he really needed them.
Instantly awake, Y/N’s heart raced with concern. She turned to Pedri, her touch gentle yet urgent as she pinched his arm.
“Pedri, wake up!” she exclaimed, her voice laced with worry. “Mateo’s looking for us!”
Pedri woke up and understood how serious it was. He nodded, quickly sitting up on the bed.
"We have to go to him," Pedri said, his voice showing that he felt the same urgency as Y/N.
They quickly got out of bed and hurried through the house, following the sound of Mateo’s calls.
When they got to Mateo, he had tears on his face and looked really upset. Y/N and Pedri didn't waste a moment – they hugged him tightly to make him feel better. Being close to them helped Mateo feel safe even though he was scared.
“Shh, baby, we’re here,” Y/N reassured him, her voice soft and soothing. “Papi and mami are right here. What's wrong, honey?" Y/N cooed, her voice a soothing balm. "Are you okay?"
Pedri knelt beside them, his presence a source of comfort. "Mateo, tell us what happened. Did you have a bad dream?"
In between his crying, Mateo was able to talk. "I had a bad dream," he said, his words showing how scared he was. "The monster from the movie came to me and wanted to eat me."
Y/N and Pedri exchanged a knowing glance, their hearts aching for their son's distress. Y/N's fingers brushed his cheek gently, her touch as soft as her words.
"Aw, baby, it's okay," she cooed softly. "Mami and Papi are here now. The monster won't do anything to you anymore."
Pedri leaned in, pressing a loving kiss to Mateo's forehead. "We'll keep you safe, little buddy."
"Can I sleep with both of you, Mami and Papi?"
Y/N and Pedri smiled warmly at each other. They both agreed with a strong and certain "Yes, of course, sweetheart."
Climbing into their bed, the three of them settled in, surrounded by a cocoon of love and comfort. As they snuggled up, Mateo’s worries started to go away, and the hug from his parents made him feel really warm inside.
"Goodnight, little one," Y/N whispered, her lips brushing against his forehead.

"Sleep well, Mateo," Pedri added, his voice a soothing lullaby.
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bgtem · 3 months
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Forever grateful mister 💙❤️
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barbarrie · 1 month
more from marcos alonso, ferran, pedri, gavi, balde and frenkie from the napoli game
look how happy they were in the second video 🤧❤️
(group hug and pedri kissing gavi's head just completely melted me)
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Same to you
Summary: read it ;)
Pairing: Pablo Gavira x Reader
Warnings: smutty!
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It's been five months since you've ended your one year relationship with Pablo Gavira. Why? Till this day it felt like the stupidest decision you've ever made but it was the only thing you could do at that time.
He was focused on his career and you were overwhelmed from school work so you began taking frustration out on each other. It started with frequent arguments to shouting sessions (followed by the best angry sex btw) to complete silence.
"What have we become Pablo?" you said with tears spilling down your cheeks.
"I don't know amor...I don't know" he answered those being the last words he said to you before you travelled back to Valencia needing to be away from him.
You were back to Barcelona only for the big Spotify event in which your new boyfriend Luca, famous Spanish singer, performed.
He was a good and kind man, treated you right, but something was always missing...even in all that perfection you missed Pablo whenever you would try to go to sleep.
The last thing you expected is for Pablo to be at the very same event but then you learned that Spotify became one of biggest partners with Barça team.
"Alright, I have to go bebe. I'll search for you in the crowd" Luca said pecking your lips which made Pablo clench his jaw observing it from the corner of the room.
Truth be told, it's been the hardest five months of his life since you left...he couldn't even play football the same way, he was angry all the times, and seeing you with someone else made him want to punch something so badly right now!!
"Fancy seeing you here princesa..." Pablo approached behind you carrying that famous footballer confidence that always made your knees weak but you did your best to keep a cold exterior.
"How are you Pablo?" you say not turning to look at him knowing that seeing those eyes this close would only tempt you more.
"Shouldn't you be looking at me while talking? Or are you scared where that might lead, huh princesa?" he was confident like always and it started to get on your nerves. You wanted to show him that he doesn't own you anymore...although deep down he always will.
"I'm waiting for my boyfriend to get on stage" you answer bitterly highlighting on the title on purpose which made Pablo angrier.
"Can your boyfriend make you cum the way I can?" he whispered into your ear while his hand slowly snaked around your wast resting on your stomach and you felt a cold shiver move down your spine as craving started to build in the pit of your stomach.
Truth be told, you never came since the last time you were with Gavi...and he seemed to sense your deprivation...little devil!
You quickly pulled away turning around to face him and immediately you felt an urge to smash your lips onto his plum ones missing that familiar sweet taste but instead you walked away from the crowd and he followed after you.
"You're full of shit Gavira!" you spat angrily still walking away but when you came to the secluded corner he was quick to grab your wrist and push you up against nearby wall before hovering over your and trapping you in between his strong arms.
"You think I'm full of shit!?" he growled moving closer looking at your lips seductively.
"I do!" you spat feeling your heart beating fast against your chest at his proximity that familiar musk filling your nostrils.
"You think I'm full of shit!? Me?? Yeah!?" he repeated getting even closer and you stared him straight in the eyes which took him by surprise.
"I do!" you repeated trying to sound as confident as you could.
"And what about you huh!? What about you and Mr. signer?" he said angrily and you felt your panties getting wetter from Pablo's jealous side that made you curious to test his limits.
"What about it!?" you say
"What!? You want me to believe that that's real!? That you are happy!? That you are in love with him!?" he spat angrily and you smirked making up the biggest lie of your life.
"I am happy! And I am in love!" you yell and he smirks shaking his head and tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Oh come on princesa! I know you...and I know what it looks like when you're in love with someone....and when you are satisfied" he rested his forehead against yours and you just stood there for a few moments before his hands held your face and his lips were on yours giving you back all that was missing for months.
"Mmm you still taste the same..tell me...does he love like I do? Hm?" he pulled you into a secluded corned starting to kiss down your neck and you moved your head to the side to give him more access desperately needing more.
"Does he touch like I do? Does it feel the same to you?" he whispered marking up your skin feverishly and you finally let out a moan which made him pull back teasingly until he heard a response he was waiting from you.
"No.." you looked down but he raised your chin making you look into his eyes while your thighs were rubbing together in desperation.
"Tell me now.." Pablo was biting his lower lips while you blushed more knowing how much his ego was growing from hearing you admit this but you just wanted to feel something again...you wanted him back.
"No Pablo...he doesn't love like you do..he doesn't touch like you do...I need you..only you.." you spoke as his smirk grew and he took your hand quickly leaving the venue and taking the cab to his apartment.
The moment you walked into his apartment, your dress was on the floor and he was kissing your neck from behind taking off his suit and pulling you into his bedroom laying you gently on his kind sized bed.
"Eres tan sexy mi preciosa ... y toda mía!" Pablo smirked getting in between your thighs and kissing your lips passionately while you moaned his name desperately.
"Tell me...does he fill you up like me...make your back arch as you beg me to cum...hmmm...my poor princesa, could he even make you cum?" he was touching you enjoying the wetness of your folds before entering you in one swift motion.
"Noo.." you admitted and he pitted you while smirking proud to be the only one to make you cum..to make you crazy.
"Should I let you cum tho? Or should I punish you for leaving me? Do you know how miserable I was without you huh!? I was fucking lost!" Pablo was fucking you roughly letting out his anger in the best way possible and you were enjoying every moment of it.
"Ah..p..please..I'm sorry..so sorry papi.." you were desperate clenching around him knowing you needed his permission before finally releasing all the tension built up for five full months of abstinence.
"Aww my sweet princesa...tell papi you won't leave him again..tell him you can't live without him..beg me preciosa!" he was grunting getting close to his own high and you obeyed helplessly.
"I will never leave you again papi...I need you...I love only you..ahh..please" you menage to speak with occasional moans and he seemed satisfied capturing your lips before whispering "cum for me" and you did like never before feeling your thighs shake around him.
"Mierda! You are fucking perfect...and mine!" Pablo filled you up his sweaty forehead against yours before your lips met once more before you laid next to each other catching breaths.
You moved to lay your head on his sweaty chest happily and he hugged your protectively kissing your forehead before putting blanked over both of you.
You phone beeped continuously with numerous messages surely from your now long forgotten boyfriend and you reached to grab your phone but Pablo stopped you.
He moved you on top of him kissing your lips passionately before moving away with a big smirk on his face.
"He can fuck off! You are my girl anyways.." he said cockily and you chuckled kissing his lips again forgetting immediately about the phone as you both felt turned on once again...;)
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dehlicia · 17 days
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i can't believe barça's first game against psg is happening this wednesday and the el clásico is next week.
april will be a hell of a month...
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baldeslut · 7 months
im going to be doing little kinktober blurbs because… im horny 🤫🤫
Praise kink + squirt
Alejandros lips left a wet mark on your forehead as he gave you a kiss after his winning game. Both of you got home celebrating as he sat down on the couch wearing those grey sweatpants (such a slutty take ale). You could’ve swore you saw his dick twitch as he sat down. It was now a staring contest between you and his lap taking slight glances trying not to get caught, unfortunately but fortunately he saw you. “Amor..? Well I see, I’ve won the game and i think I’m missing something. What do you think” He took a glance down to where you were looking as a slight smirk grew on his lips.
Your head nearly the height of his hard cock as you started off at the tip, slowly working down and eventually taking it whole. Humming against his cock made him see stars as he clearly struggled to hold back hid groans. He tugged on your hair as he neared his high as the typical sensation hit the roof of you mouth. On the spot his hips started to slowly thrust now mouth fucking you. “B-bebé, you’re mouth is so fucking goodd-” his dick spewed cum as it painted your mouth white. You swallowed every drop being generous with it as you worked your way back to the tip. His fingers intertwined in your hair as he gently pulled his fingers out of it. You whimpered as the slight sting of your hair being pulled itched you, but it turnt Ale on even more. “Get on your back, right now.” Alejandro demanded and you did as what he said.
His hands slowly widened both your legs with slight pressure, looking in your eyes and the wet spot in your panties. Despite him not touching you yet it felt like hell, it felt like being teased as he just switched between staring deep in your eyes and when he’s gonna take your panties off. He fondled with the red laced hem of your panties as he slowly pulled them down, a string of your wetness dripping down too. He groaned at the sight of your throbbing pussy, as it ached to be eaten out. “Fuck bebé..” he groaned under his breath. “Alejandro, jus-” you got cut off as a gasp left your mouth. The boy in between your thighs eating you out, licking a stripe down. Suddenly his tongue started to dip in and out your wet core, nothing but squelching, heavy breathing and moans filled the room. “B-baby, uhh its too good mmh.” That was enough to praise him. Alejandro loved his reward after a game so he went faster lapping on your dripping cunt. As soon as he felt your walls starting to tighten, he wrapped his lips around your clit releasing a filthy moan that left your mouth. The incoming orgasm made a pressure on your lower abdomen that just couldn’t help you from screaming your boyfriend’s name.
“Ah i know it already bebé, squirt for me.” He listened to you moaning his name like a lustful symphony. Your legs wrapped around his back as your juices coated him as he tried to catch it with his mouth. The sheets drenched as his warm lips continued to kiss your clit, like he wanted more of your squirt. Your back arched off the bed as it became uncontrollable, he clearly looked thirsty for more. The juices dripped off his chin as he wiped it away with his wrist. He scooped you onto the couch as he started a bath and renewing the sheets.
This was sure his reward.
A/N: i kinda think it didn’t take the lines of praise kink but im tired, its 1:47 am😭😭 but im horny and wanted to write sooo….
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chrlvctius · 7 months
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fcbarcelonaa · 15 days
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Messi and Neymar. 🫂
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kitybeold · 6 months
João humiliating Rudiger 😭😭
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patosduck · 5 days
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Lowkey thought it was Saturday
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faithbethhyden · 7 months
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