#vocab français
cerisep0urrie · 1 year
📺 words & expressions i have learned from french shows, movies, & tiktoks
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c’est pas grave - it’s okay / it’s no big deal
(ne) t’inquiète (pas) - don’t worry
qu’est-ce que tu fais là ? - what are you doing here?
tu me manques - i miss you
on y va - let’s go
bien sûr - of course
j’suis là - i’m here
je vous en prie - you’re welcome (formal)
mytho - liar
ouais - yeah
un truc - something
voilà - there it is, that’s right, exactly, there you go
oh là là - wow, oh my god
bof - so-so, whatever
hein - the french “huh” or “eh”
ben / bah - well… / uhh…
s’il te plaît ➭ s’te plaît - please
félicitations - congratulations
un mec - a guy (slang)
une meuf - a girl (slang)
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vangoghs-other-ear · 6 months
les signes de ponctuation en fraçais
le point - period (🇺🇸) full stop (🇬🇧) [ . ]
la virgule - comma [ , ]
le point-virgule - semicolon [ ; ]
les deux points - colon [ : ]
Les trois points de suspension- ellipsis [ ... ]
le point d'interrogation- question mark [ ? ]
le point d'exclamation - exclamation mark [ ! ]
l'apostrophe (f) - apostrophe [ ' ]
les guillemets - guillemets [ « » ] (En anglais, on n’emploie jamais de guillemet français)
les guillemets anglais/les guillemets en apostrophe - quotation mark [ " " ] (🇺🇸) [ ' ' ] (🇬🇧) rarely/never used in French
les parenthèses - parenthesis [ ( ) ]
les crochets - brackets [ [ ] ]
les acolades - curly brackets/braces [ { } ]
le tiret - dash [ - ]
le tiret long/tiret cadratin - em dash [ — ]
la barre oblique/le slash - slash [ / ]
la barre oblique inversée/ le backslash - backslash [ \ ]
l'esperluette (f) - ampersand [ & ]
l'arobase - at sign [ @ ]
l'astérisque - asterisk [ * ]
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prepolyglot · 1 year
Body Parts in French
Please note there are NSFW terms in this vocab list.
english | french
body | corps (m.)
head | tête (f.)
face | visage (m.) hair | cheveux (m.pl.) eyebrow | sourcil (m.) (often plural: sourcils) forehead | front (m.) eyes | yeux (m.pl.) (singular: œil (m.)) eyelash | cil (m.) (often plural: cils) nose | nez (m.) nostril | narine (f.) mouth | bouche (f.) lip | lèvre (f.) tooth | dent (f.) (often plural: dents) gum | gencive (f.) (often plural: gencives) tongue | langue (f.) jaw | mâchoire (f.) chin | menton (m.) ear | oreille (f.) cheek | joue (f.) (often plural: joues)
neck | cou (m.)
throat | gorge (f.) Adam's apple | pomme d'Adam (f.) shoulder | épaule (f.)
arm | bras (m.)
armpit | aisselle (f.) forearm | avant-bras (m.) elbow | coude (m.) wrist | poignet (m.) hand | main (f.) knuckle | articulation (du doigt) (f.) (often plural: articulations) finger | doigt (m.) fingernail | ongle (m.) (often plural: ongles) thumb | pouce (m.) pointer/index finger | index (m.) middle finger | majeur (m.) ring finger | annulaire (m.) pinky finger | auriculaire (m.)
torso | torse (m.)
collarbone | clavicule (f.) chest | poitrine (f.) nipple | mamelon (m.) breast | sein (m.) (often plural: seins) belly button/navel | nombril (m.) / ombilic (m.) back | dos (m.) spine | colonne vertébrale (f.) waist | taille (f.)
hip | hanche (f.)
pelvis | pelvis (m.) penis | pénis (m.) testicle | testicule (m.) balls | couilles (f.pl.) vagina | vagin (m.) bladder | vessie (f.) butt | derrière (m.) buttocks | fesses (f.pl.) anus | anus (m.)
leg | jambe (f.)
thigh | cuisse (f.) knee | genou (m.) calf | mollet (m.)
foot | pied (m.)
ankle | cheville (f.) heel | talon (m.) toe | doigt de pied (m.) (plural: doigts de pied) toenail | ongle de pied (m.) (often plural: ongles de pied)
Please let me know if there are any mistakes or better translations!
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bon matin! c’est tôt pour moi, hmm? today I’ll be sharing some online resources for learning french ranging from vocab lists to full on courses! i hope you find these useful - the internet really is precious when learning languages! <3
⁎⁺˳✧༚ frenchtoday.com
this website threatens to put me out of business and I couldn’t be more delighted! vocab lists galore, free lessons, tips to work on your pronunciation, articles on french culture and even stories and poetry. i haven’t looked at everything available on there, but from what I’ve seen, it’s pretty useful!
⁎⁺˳✧༚ frenchpod101.com
this is a free course you can take, with options for absolute beginners and those already a little familiar with the language. it looks to be good for conversational french and is an easy, no nonsense starting point for beginners, who i know from experience are often easily overwhelmed.
⁎⁺˳✧༚ coffee break french
this is one I’m not quite as familiar with but has come to me highly recommended. it’s a podcast that covers the basics as well as providing dialogues and example role plays. give it a try and let me know how you find it!
⁎⁺˳✧༚ innerfrench (chaîne de YouTube)
this is a really interesting channel! you get to learn french through a variety of different topical discussions and he speaks slowly enough for you to get most of what he’s saying even if you’re a relative beginner, which can make you feel super smart :)
bien, c’est tout! i hope these recs are alright, and I hope we meet again soon~ a bientôt!
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jimbojim997 · 9 months
Today I Learned: French Words & Expressions
intimer [à qqn] de [faire qch] – to have sb do sth, order sb to do sth
Le capitaine a intimé au lieutenant de tenir sa position coûte que coûte.
capharnaüm (m) /kafaʁnaɔm/ – shambles, mess
Le bureau de Shi Qiang était un vrai capharnaüm engorgé de fumée de cigarette.
avoir les cheveux en bataille – to have scruffy hair
Les enfants qui ont les cheveux fins, difficiles à coiffer, ont souvent les cheveux en bataille.
faire [qch] en dilettante – to dabble in sth, do sth as a hobby
Il joue du piano en dilettante.
miroiter – to sparkle, shimmer, gleam
Les vitres miroitent au soleil.
j'ai eu une de ces frousses – I had a terrible fright
être sur le qui-vive – to be on alert
Ils doivent être sur le qui-vive pour prévenir une nouvelle attaque.
gyrophare (m) – revolving light
Les voitures de gendarmerie ont des gyrophares bleus.
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logogreffe · 1 year
What does "tu t'en sors ?" mean in French ?
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You have left your son in charge of assembling a brand new desk. You know the task is quite hard for his tiny brain. So you enter the room asking "Tu t'en sors, fils ?" which literally means "Are you getting out of it , son ?" You're basically asking how he is doing with the task at hand.
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petitfrench · 2 months
Mon journal français
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"L'affirmation et la négation" class
aAfirmative and negative sentences (excercises)
Translated one book Page "Le Petit Prince"
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aeide-thea · 6 months
die eigentliche Frage: wie viel Duolingo muss ich noch machen, bevor ich hoffen kann, hier auf Deutsch zu schreiben?
(viel mehr, bevor ich etwas Interessantes sagen kann! aber die Katze sitzt jetzt auf mir, was nicht interessant zu hören, aber ganz angenehm zu erleben ist. 😽)
#lol i need 2 know SO many more words.#like. great that i have now solidly incorporated ‘Zeichentrickfilme’ in2 my working vocab#but uh#pace our friend Duo i gotta say i’m not sure how much use i’m gonna get out of that one#vs i still dk how 2 say like. ‘depressed.’ ‘genderqueer.’ lol#at least thx 2 C— i’ve got ‘dicke Katze’ down. Kaffee- und Katzeklatsch: ein Blog#also like. do i gotta caps properly in a blog context. like i will if i have 2 but like. does not spark joy#everybody wants 2 teach you standard orthography which is great but like. some of us want 2 understand the stylistic impact of rulebreaking!#anyway. in unrelated conclusion it IS maddening that i know basically 0 swedish BUT when i reach for eg ‘nothing’ i sure do end up at#‘ingenting’ before ‘nichts.’ similarly ‘och’ before ‘und’ sometimes. deeply unuseful!!#however i guess maybe someday the like. 2 phrases i remember will come in handy 4 me#‘du är vacker. jag vill knulla dig i röven. vill du också det?’#one can only hope 😇#anyway. peut-être que demain je bloggerai en français. qui sait#my mission‚ should i choose to accept it: ​bastardizing ALL languages i only half-remember 🤘#in conclusion i vaguely remember that in the construction ‘something Adjective’ you caps the adjective but not why lol#i mean i assume it’s for Substantive Reasons but like. if it’s modifying a pronoun why is it a substantive. however.#ours (whomst suck at deutsch) not 2 reason why‚ &c.#right. okay. good morning!!
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beetjenederlands · 11 months
Bonjour, je étudie français pour ma copine suisse et sa famille. Would love to find others to practice with
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cerisep0urrie · 1 year
💼 vocabulaire métier - job vocabulary
(mf) - masculine & feminine noun
(m) - masculine noun
(f) - feminine noun
acteur (m), actrice (f) - actor, actress
architecte (mf) - architect
artiste (mf) - artist
avocat (m), avocate (f) - lawyer
banquier (m), banquière (f) - banker
boulanger (m), boulangère (f) - baker
charpentier (m), charpentière (f) - carpenter
caissier (m), caissière (f) - cashier
chef (m), cheffe (f) - chef/cook
comptable (mf) - accountant
chanteur (m), chanteuse (f) - singer
entraîneur (m), entraîneuse (f) - trainer/coach
électricien (m), électricienne (f) - electrician
écrivain (m), écrivaine (f) - writer/author
dentiste (mf) - dentist
ingénieur (m), ingénieure (f) - engineer
fermier (m), fermière (f) - farmer
pêcheur (m), pêcheuse (f) - fisherman
jardinier (m), jardinière (f) - garderner
juge (mf) - judge
médecin (m) / docteur (m) - doctor
mécanicien (m), mécanicienne (f) - mechanic
musicien (m), musicienne (f) - musician
serveur (m), serveuse (f) - waiter, waitress
infirmier (m), infirmière (f) - nurse
peintre (mf) - painter
pharmacien (m), pharmacienne (f) - pharamacist
photographe (mf) - photographer
pompier (m), pompière (f) - firefighter
pilote (mf) - pilot
plombier (m), plombière (f) - plumber
policier (m), policière (f) - police officer
professeur (m), professeure (f) - teacher
thérapeute (mf) - therapist
vétérinaire (mf) - veterinarian
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vangoghs-other-ear · 4 months
l'ours blanc- polar bear l'éléphant de mer- elephant seal l'ours kodiak- alaskan brown bear la banquise- ice floe la chaleur corporelle- body heat le pôle nord- north pole l'océan arctique- arctic ocean
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salut, salut~! i’m back, and today I thought I’d share with you my usual study routine when it comes to french! before we begin though, please remember that everyone is different and what works for me might not be the best for you <3 ok, c’est parti!!
no. 1 - reading! (10-15 min)
i usually start my study with some reading to get my head into the gear of another language. i’ll pick an article or page from a book that i’m interested in and read it through, seeing how much i can understand and summarising it as best i can once i’m done. then i’ll reread it, and highlight the words i don’t know or can’t remember. i’ll look up the meanings, and these go in my set of flashcards on zorbi. from there, i like to translate about 5-10 sentences or so, thinking carefully about how my word choice can best convey the meaning.
no. 2 - flashcards! (5 min)
now that i’ve done some reading, i’ll review my flashcards. these i’ve compiled over a little while, picking out words i don’t know yet or frequently forget and studying them to make sure i can recall them confidently. i don’t spend too long on this, and rather do short sessions often because i find it helps me remember them better.
no. 3 - writing! (10-15 min)
next up, writing! most of the time i’ll either go with a diary entry about my day, a bit about the topic i just read up on or anything generally interesting that i’ve encountered in the last few days. because the things i write about are so relevant to my life, i find it has helped me to be able to comfortably express myself quicker than other methods i’ve tried. i’ll write without looking at any grammar notes or vocab, just remembering everything i can off the top of my head and correct after i’m done. sometimes i don’t have any mistakes, but more often than not i’ll have made a few small errors such as ‘un’ instead of ‘une’ or a misspelled adjective.
here i have a 5 minute break :D
no. 4 - grammar! (10-15 min)
grammar is something i struggle with in french, so as much as i hate it, i have to include it in my usual routine to get it to stick. i’ll either practice bits of grammar i made mistakes on during my writing, or look for something new to learn on YouTube and make notes. most of the time this is the slowest part of my session - since i like to write quite fast and freely, i often forget simple things when it comes to grammar, so here i have to really slow down and take my time.
no. 5 - speaking! (10-15 min)
to finish up, i’ll practice speaking. i do this in a number of ways - sometimes i’ll chat with a study buddy on zoom, call up a few of my friends who are native speakers or record myself speaking on my phone and go back and review my pronunciation. i like to work on making my words clear and precise, and try to talk about things out of my comfort zone. because i’m not based in france or another french speaking country, i don’t get much chance to speak, so i usually have a lot to say here!!
well, there you go! this is what a typical study session looks like for me. obviously there is always variation where i’ll try different techniques, switch up the order/types of stuff i do or work for a shorter or longer period depending on my energy levels, but this is more or less it! thanks for reading, et je t’aime! <3
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jimbojim997 · 9 months
Today I Learned: French Words & Expressions
s’enchevêtrer – to get tangled up; (fig.) become muddled, mixed-up
Il ne savait que dire, bredouillait, et ses phrases s'enchevêtraient.
identifiant (m) – username, login ID
Pour se connecter à ce site, il faut un identifiant et un mot de passe.
se terrer – to hide away
Il s'était terré dans sa chambre pour lire.
d’un ridicule (achevé) – (utterly) ridiculous
Se retrouver dans cette situation dans cette tenue était d’un ridicule achevé.
frayeur (f) – fright, fear
Cette chute de ski lui a procuré une belle frayeur !
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logogreffe · 1 year
What does "J'en ai marre ! " mean in French ?
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J'en ai marre ! // I'm fed up !
J'en ai marre de toi ! // I'm sick of you !
T'en as pas marre de lui ? // Aren't you tired of him ?
Vous en avez pas marre de râler sans arrêt ? // Aren't you guys tired of bitching all the time?
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petitfrench · 2 months
One of my biggest red flags is that I'm learning French, also trying to study for two very important tests, and thinking it would be really easy to learn Mandarin...
Someone, please stop me
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Some activities you can do during Christmas season.
👉Et toi? Quelle (s) activité(s) fais-tu à Noël?
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