#western world
indizombie · 1 month
The genocide in Gaza is unique in that every devastating chapter has been documented extensively and made available for the world to see. Every crime has played out exactly as boasted about by its perpetrators. Despite all this, the Western world has persisted and continues to persist with the material and political support that has made it all possible.
Hamza Ali Shah, ‘This Is the West’s Genocide Too’, Tribune
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prosperity-post · 25 days
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"The cactusfolk were a young culture, but they already knew the pains of death and joys of birth."
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"Visitors to the town of Hardbristle found the locals to be quite prickly."
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I'm in love with the Cactusfolk. From little Kirri to Bristly Bill. It'll be fun to keep up with this race of creatures and hopefully WotC will be able to keep their cards fresh.
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mirkobloom77 · 17 days
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‼️🇵🇸🇾🇪 Yemen’s Houthis launch rockets at Western ships in Red Sea
🔸 Sources: Al Jazeera
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katchwreck · 1 year
Liberals will whine about the self-supposed “horrors” of Soviet “forced industrialization” when this is what European industrialization looked like:
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Has there been any serious attempt in calculating as of how many people that died because of work-related circumstances in the West over the period of capitalistic industrialization while furthering the enrichment and power of the bourgeoisie?
We can safely imagine it had to have been tremendously many.
Here is a serious attempt made by the German Marxist Robert Kurz:
However, the book has, as of 2023, not been translated into other languages from the original German.
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cooki3face · 4 months
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to those of you who are celebrating or are trying to make the best of what you can during these times. When I was little I always found it hard during the holidays because when I went to school and when I went out to stores with my family , everyone was excited for the holidays, decorated for Christmas and for the holidays and it was traditional for children in school to do holiday arts and crafts that were on theme for whatever holiday we were celebrating at the time. I was raised muslim, so early on I was told that Santa clause wasn’t real and neither was the Easter bunny or certain large mascots of these traditional holidays we celebrate in the west and I was educated about the history of said holidays and why my family chose not to celebrate these holidays.
We choose to try and curate joy and be festive during the holidays despite the underlying truth of the origin of most holidays and we do so in such flamboyant ways. As I move throughout my life, I carry with me my upbringing and the truth while I join friends and family in their festivities. There is always a part of me who cannot fully indulge. Today, we celebrate Christmas and before thanksgiving and we’ll continue to move through the new year and beyond to celebrate other holidays. Please remember that where there is a dark truth, especially in the west, we tend to have a desire to cover it up and reconstruct it to be something much less daunting and shift attention from the horrors and atrocities that mark such festive days of the year.
Carry with you the truth as you celebrate. You don’t have to not enjoy your holidays, not enjoy your time with your family, not enjoy the food you are able to eat, not enjoy the art you’re able to create, not enjoy the gifts you’re able to give. But, as a human being, you do have a responsibility to acknowledge injustice, to acknowledge the truth behind stories told, to acknowledge the atrocities that have happened and carry on behind the tendency to tell lies or deny the harsh truth, and you absolutely have a responsibility to acknowledge those of us in this world who bleed all the same whose lives are being taken from them, whose rights are being robbed, and who are being exploited in the name of western values, society, and tradition.
May peace be upon you ❤️ , happy holidays!
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aloeverawrites · 9 months
"Western countries to cut down on their meat consumption for the benefit of the environment. Animal agriculture is a leading contributor to a number of major environmental issues, including deforestation and rising greenhouse gas emissions.
In April 2022, one study from the University of Bonn in Germany suggested that meat consumption must drop by at least 75 percent in rich countries, which are putting an unnecessary strain on the planet through a high demand for animal products. "
'If all humans consumed as much meat as Europeans or North Americans, we would certainly miss the international climate targets and many ecosystems would collapse,'"
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rchetypal · 4 months
"We are an unbalanced race, so our nervous system is very inferior in a way; we are highly gifted, both wind- and flame-like, but we have little earth. Therefore we are chiefly bandits, warriors, pirates, and madmen." — C.G. Jung
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Victor Huguenin (French, 1802-1860) Hébé, 1849
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oursonwithagirl · 2 months
very important right now
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prosperity-post · 28 days
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A character from Shandalar in a Standard set? OMG! And he cares about modal spells? Can you even make a deck that's predominantly modal spells? This is interesting!
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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The “West” in the 21st century.
by @LegendesCarto
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myboredgeneration · 3 months
I don't understand why the Western leaders play deaf against Zionist supremacy while even taking a breath is labeled racism in the west?
And I don't understand why Non-Jewish people advocating Israel?
Even sane Jews don't do it.
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oh-my-damn · 6 months
the state of the world literally depends on the US choosing someone who is liberal or a democrat in their next election and that thought fucking terrifies me.
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sensessences · 7 months
i have a genuine question: how do you live in a city, in a country, truly immersed in purposeful community if you live in Europe? Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it is impossible, but I am saying that I don't know how to. There is people and nice people, but it feels like community and social intermingling is so unheard of, at least for the places where I have come to this land to work and to learn everything is so solitary and unkind, with relations and caring needing strictly to be justified. I struggle with this because where I am from people are even famous for being open, altruistic, and political, meanwhile I feel like I am in a place that does have better labour laws and salary, but it feels so souless. My current seeing of things is that unless I give in to a perspective of further negligence and vanity, that then I won't be able to sync or thrive here.
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renegade-hierophant · 9 months
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Nato, a rotting relic of the Cold War, today exist only to inflict suffering and steal resources while it inevitably rots away, and now it's almost its time, it's scared and lashes in anger, but the world endures and prepares the final blow, for the rotting monster is almost dead
The post is machine translated
The translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Oggi, 9 febbraio, un giornalista di RIA Novosti ha chiesto a Mao Ning - Portavoce del Ministero degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Popolare Cinese - un commento sulle dichiarazioni di Jens Stoltenberg (NATO) sul fatto che "ciò che accade oggi in Europa riguarda al Conflitto Ucraino potrebbe influenzare le azioni della Cina in Asia", e che la Cina "sta aumentando la sua attività di raccolta di informazioni in Europa" 🤪
⭐️ La risposta di Mao Ning:
💬 "La NATO ha continuato ad andare ben oltre la sua tradizionale Area di Difesa e ha chiesto ai suoi membri di aumentare le spese militari e di espandere le attività militari, e ora muove accuse e critiche contro la Cina. Questo è un doppio standard da manuale" 📖
💬 "La Cina è impegnata sulla Via dello Sviluppo Pacifico e ha un track-record migliore di qualsiasi altro grande paese nel sostenere la Pace e la Sicurezza. Non abbiamo mai invaso nessun paese, non abbiamo mai iniziato alcuna guerra per procura. Non ci siamo mai impegnati in operazioni militari globali o minacciato altri paesi con la forza" 🕊
💬 "Ciò che la NATO dovrebbe fare è abbandonare la mentalità della Guerra Fredda e il pregiudizio ideologico, e riflettere su che tipo di ruolo abbia svolto nella stabilità europea e globale, piuttosto che alimentare la tensione in tutto il mondo e promuovere la narrativa della "Minaccia Cinese" 😵‍💫
🔍 Per chi volesse approfondire questo tema, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Zhao Lijian: "La NATO si è ridotta ad essere uno strumento di egemonia. [...] Pur affermando di essere un'organizzazione difensiva, la NATO ha costantemente creato scontri e problemi. Mentre chiedeva a paesi terzi di attenersi alle basilari norme che regolano le relazioni internazionali, la NATO ha condotto guerre contro paesi sovrani e ha sparato i suoi proiettili indiscriminatamente portando alla morte di civili e allo sfollamento" - post completo 📄
🔺Zuo Dapei: "La NATO è un'alleanza di aggressione militare imperialista formata da paesi capitalisti sviluppati in Europa e Nord America. Le azioni militare condotte dalla NATO dimostrano che essa non è un'alleanza militare atta alla protezione della sicurezza degli Stati membri, ma una macchina da guerra aggressiva dei paesi imperialisti europei e americani" | serie di post: I, II, III, IV, V, VI 📄
🔺Li Zhanshu: "Loro [Paesi NATO] stanno mettendo insieme strutture a blocchi ristretti e stanno anche perseguendo una strategia indo-pacifica proprio per frenare il nostro sviluppo attraverso due oceani: Pacifico e Indiano. [...] Combatteremo insieme alla Russia contro la loro egemonia e la loro politica di potere" - post completo 📄
🔺China Daily: "La NATO è un relitto della Guerra Fredda e il Conflitto Russo-Ucraino è colpa della NATO" ⚔️
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Today, February 9, a journalist from RIA Novosti asked Mao Ning - Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China - for a comment on Jens Stoltenberg's (NATO) statements that "what is happening in Europe today concerns conflict could affect China's actions in Asia", and that China "is increasing its intelligence-gathering activity in Europe" 🤪
⭐️ Mao Ning's answer:
💬 “NATO has continued to go far beyond its traditional Defense Area and has asked its members to increase military spending and expand military activities, and is now leveling accusations and criticisms against China. This is a double standard from manual" 📖
💬 “China is committed to the Way of Pacific Development and has a better track record than any other major country in supporting Peace and Security. We have never invaded any country, we have never started any proxy war. never engaged in global military operations or threatened other countries with force" 🕊
💬 "What NATO should do is abandon the Cold War mentality and ideological bias, and reflect on what kind of role it has played in European and global stability, rather than fueling tension around the world and promoting the narrative of " Chinese threat" 😵‍💫
🔍 For those wishing to learn more about this topic, they can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺Zhao Lijian: "NATO has reduced itself to being an instrument of hegemony. [...] While claiming to be a defensive organization, NATO has constantly created confrontations and problems. While asking third countries to abide by the basic rules that regulate international relations, NATO has waged wars against sovereign countries and fired its projectiles indiscriminately leading to civilian deaths and displacement" - full post 📄
🔺Zuo Dapei: "NATO is an alliance of imperialist military aggression formed by developed capitalist countries in Europe and North America. The military actions conducted by NATO demonstrate that it is not a military alliance fit to protect the security of member states, but an aggressive war machine of the European and American imperialist countries" | series of posts: I, II, III, IV, V, VI 📄
🔺Li Zhanshu: “They [NATO countries] are putting together small block structures and are also pursuing an Indo-Pacific strategy precisely to curb our development across two oceans: Pacific and Indian. [...] We will fight together with Russia against their hegemony and power politics" - full post 📄
🔺China Daily: "NATO is a relict of the Cold War and the Russo-Ukrainian conflict is NATO's fault" ⚔️
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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