#woojin blurbs
sparklingskz · 5 years
the other side | kim woojin
▸ genre: fluff, neighbors au
▸ description: you heard a voice from the other side of your wall singing along to the music you were playing, which was... odd?
▸ word count: 2.2k
▸ a/n: sorry for taking a bit long to post.... i’ve just been stressed with school and life :(
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The moment you stepped foot into your apartment you sighed in relief, peeling off your jacket and putting your things down on the table.
It had been a shitty day.
Between your teachers giving you way too many assignments, your co-workers screaming at each other and someone spilling their coffee on your shirt, you could definitely say you weren't in the best of moods. That's why you were just craving to get into bed, watch a movie and officially declare the day as over.
The faint smell of coffee on your clothes called for a shower, though.
You made your way to the bathroom, preparing some towels and pressing play on your showering playlist. Yes, you knew the walls were thin and you would probably get complains from some of your annoying neighbors. Did you care? Not at all, because what you needed in that precise moment was to destress, and what better way to do it than singing as if no one could hear you?
Well, turns out that last part was probably not true. 
You were shampooing your hair, enthusiastically busting out the lyrics of "Shape of You" alongside Ed Sheeran, when you heard a voice joining you, coming from the other side of your wall. You immediately froze, your voice dying in your throat and your hands coming to a halt in your hair. A tiny bit of embarrassment came over you, when you realized that a complete stranger was actively listening to your party of one. You focused on the voice, which showed no signs of stopping whatsoever and just kept singing even though you had become silent.
Mystery Voice Person was really good at singing, you noted. After listening for a few seconds, you decided to just throw all of your embarrassment out the window and started singing along again, both of your voices mixing together to finish the song.
When the next song started playing, you were half expecting the stranger to abandon the improvised duet-thing you had going on, but the moment Ariana Grande's voice filled the room you heard a small gasp followed by the same voice singing along. You, of course, immediately joined, and admittedly became a bit jealous due to the fact that Mystery Voice Person could hit such high notes so effortlessly.
A few minutes later and to your dismay, you didn't really have a reason to stay in the shower anymore, as you had finished washing up. That meant that it was time to turn off the music, but a part of you wanted to continue singing with the stranger, however odd it was. You let the song that was already playing come to an end, hearing how the person sang the final notes, and then got out of the shower. You stopped the music, and didn't hear any other sound coming from the other side of your wall.
Turns out that Mystery Voice Person joining your impromptu shower singing session wasn't a one-time occurrence, as in the course of the next few weeks it became common to hear the sound of their voice coming from the apartment next to you.
It was like this game that you had created, where one of you would start playing music and, if the other knew the song (which was most of the time), the both of you would sing along to it. Your music taste was really similar, ranging from slow ballads to hype songs that made you want to start dancing in the spot.
With the course of time you figured out that you guys shared both your bathroom and your living room wall, so you started to play music every time you took a shower or when you had free time and were just lounging in the sofa, looking forward to seeing if the stranger would join or not. That was, if he wasn't the one playing the music first.
Sometimes, you would come home from work and hear the faint sound of a song getting louder as you neared your apartment, and a smile would take over your face when you thought of your neighbor listening to it, waiting for you to join.
It was a pretty fun dynamic, to say the least.
Even though you hadn't met this neighbor face to face, the fact that you shared something as simple as music felt special. Sometimes one of the two of you would laugh at some ridiculous song choices the other would make (Barbie Girl was part of your playlist once), and other times you would notice the other had a bad day when their music consisted of pretty sad tunes. When that happened, you always tried to cheer the other up by singing in the most awful tones you could muster, earning some heartfelt laughter in return.
You didn't feel the need to see each other in person (you never happened to meet when entering your apartments anyways), as you considered that singing together was enough. You did exchange names around a week after the first time you sang together, that being the longest conversation you had held with each other.
"So," you said while getting closer to the wall so you could be heard more clearly, pausing the song that had started playing after the last one. "We've been singing together for like a week now and I don't know your name, Mystery Voice Person."
You could hear the sound of a breathy laugh coming from the other side of the wall. "My name is Woojin, and yours?"
"I'm y/n," you said after smiling, pressing play on the song.
It was an ordinary day, same old routine. Getting home, putting away your belongings, preparing something to eat, and then heading to the shower while pressing play on your music.
However, you felt that something was missing that day.
During these past weeks, when you showered at that hour Woojin had joined your singing, which meant that he was usually home around that time.
However, that day you were met with complete silence from the other side of the wall.
You didn't think much of it as first, as it wasn't an obligation of some sort to always be there when the other one played music. People had lives, so Woojin was probably just busy and wasn't home. Or, he just wasn't in the mood to sing that day. Whatever it was, you just hoped he was okay.
You started to become a bit worried when four whole days had passed with no interaction with Woojin. The weird thing is you had actually heard sounds coming from his apartment, like him walking or moving stuff around. You weren't about to go knock on his door and ask him what was going on, because it wasn't like you had an official agreement to what you were doing and you guys definitely weren't friends. Right? You were just neighbors who happened to really like singing together. 
On the fifth day of you not hearing any singing from Woojin, you happened to be released from work early and decided to use that time to relax a bit; maybe take a bath, go for a walk or watch something on Netflix while munching on some food. You ultimately decided on the latter, grabbing some snacks from the kitchen and heading towards the living room, ready to just plop down on the sofa and not move from that position for at least a few hours.
It was when you heard the muffled sound of someone crying that you stopped in your tracks, focusing your attention solely on finding out where it was from.
It sounded like it was coming from the direction of Woojin's apartment.
Food abandoned on the coffee table, you didn't lose one more second and got closer to the wall, moving over to the spot where the crying could be heard more clearly. You softly placed your hands on the surface, wondering if it would be appropriate to say something or not.
"... Woojin?" you asked, loud enough to be heard from the other side of the wall but still trying to sound gentle.
The crying seemed to stop for a moment, before Woojin answered. 
"Um." It sounded like he was trying to compose himself, followed by a sniffle. "Yes?"
"Are you ok?" You obviously knew he wasn't, but what else could you ask? You weren't about to demand him to tell you what was wrong.
Another sniffle. "Yeah, don't worry about me."
Hell, how could you not be worried when he practically disappeared from your sort-of-friendship without notice, and now he was there, sounding like he was having a hard time?
"Hey, I know we don't really know each other but... If you need someone to talk to, I'm here." After a few moments, you added "Even if it's through the wall."
A few seconds passed in complete silence, and then you heard some movement on the other side.
When Woojin spoke again, his voice sounded much closer, as if he had moved right next to where you were standing. "Um..." He seemed to hesitate for a moment. "It's just that I talked with my parents and they aren't very pleased with the idea of me studying music. They think that it's an unstable career, that I'm not good enough for it, that I'm not going to earn enough money... You know the drill." He sighed.
Well shit.
"Oh... That sucks, not gonna lie." You were able to hear a small chuckle.
"Yeah, so that's why I distanced myself from music for a bit, I'm really confused and thinking if I should just change majors completely." He sounded defeated.
"Woojin, your parent's opinions aren't yours. Do you love it? Do you love music?"
"Yes." He didn't hesitate.
"There you go. That's what matters in the end, the only path you should take is the one that makes you happy. If they see how hard you work for it and how much passion you put into music, maybe they'll see how important it is to you and they'll change their minds. Or maybe they won't, but you'll still have other people supporting you for who you truly are." You stopped your motivational speech for a second, waiting to see if he would say something. He didn't, so you continued. "And you definitely have the talent to study music, trust me. You shouldn't abandon it, as it sounds like you were meant for it."
A few more seconds of silence passed, when you heard him start crying again, and you panicked.
"Wait, did I say something wrong? I'm sorry! Woojin? What's wrong?"
"No, it's just... I really needed to hear that."
You visibly relaxed, and smiled. "Tell me if I'm overstepping, but you sound like you need a tight hug right now, and I'm happy to provide."
You heard the sound of steps getting softer by the second, followed by a door opening and closing. You held your breath in anticipation, just as the sound of your door bell ringing filled your apartment.
Rapidly heading towards your front door, you opened it to reveal a red-eyed, messy haired Woojin. You instantly opened your arms in invitation, and he was quick to wrap his own around you.
It was the first time you were seeing him in person, which meant that you would be able to stop imagining how he looked like every time his beautiful voice reached your ears. You weren't able to catch many details about him as he was currently hugging you, but you noted that he was pretty tall, your face barely reaching his shoulder, and that the smell of his cologne was very pleasant.
You stayed in that position for a few more seconds, and you tried to convey as much support in that hug as you could. He then pulled away, and quickly reached to rub at his eyes with the end of his hoodie's sleeve (he had actual sweater paws).
"Wow, I can't believe this is our first time officially meeting and I'm crying my eyes out." He laughed, and you followed.
"Hey, we've listened to each other's sad playlists, I'd say there's nothing to be embarrassed of after that."
"True, true."
"Are you feeling any better?" You softly asked.
"Definitely... You're right, I need to do what makes me happy, and that's definitely music. I just need a way to deal with my parents." He grimaced.
"You can think about that later, how about we stop standing in my doorway and you come inside to watch something on the TV to distract yourself? At least for a while," you offered.
He didn't hesitate to nod. "But only if we're watching a comedy or something, I can't handle any more crying right now."
You let out a chuckle. "You're picking, then." You moved to the side to let him inside your apartment.
And that's how you found yourself sitting in the sofa with Woojin, movie forgotten in the background as you both got to know each other over a huge bowl of popcorn. 
Who knew you would be able to get to know someone over the fact that you sang songs together from two different apartments, only separated by a thin wall?
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thewonandonly · 5 years
[1:25am] sleeping under the L wasn’t the most ideal place to stay the night. but what could you do? you had no money, no way to find shelter for the night. you didn’t have a sleeping bag or a cot. you’d have to settle for the little healthy patch of grass you found. all you had was the clothes on your back and a little bag of food.
it seemed you weren’t the only person to reach the area under the lighting trail, as there was a whole area there with benches and fire pits, but, no one was there. the fire pit seemed to only just been snuffed and was letting off some smoke.
you resting against the grass, keeping your hands shoved in your pockets as you tried to keep your mind off how your family would react finding out you ran away from home and all the problems you’ve been having recently.
when your stresses began to disappear, you felt someone settle beside you, and you jolted away, looking to them.
“hi,” the guy smiled. his eyes disappeared behind his lids and he chuckled, “you don’t have to be scared. i thought we would warm up faster if we huddled together.”
you scooted further away, “uh...”
“it’s okay!” he lifted his head, “i’m woojin. i’m also a runaway.” as you took a deeper look onto his face, you could notice scars across his face and as he smiled, they crinkled with his nose, “is this your first time running away? you don’t have to worry. i’ll show you the ropes.”
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chaoticminhos · 5 years
[4:28 pm]
you snuggled further into your boyfriends hoodie and sighed into the phone.
“i miss you.”
“i miss you, too, baby.” woojin spoke on the other end of the line, “i’ll be home in a few days.”
you were so proud of your boyfriends success as a singer, but not seeing him for weeks at a time because of tours was always hard.
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6ixfics · 4 years
shy / woojin
rated G! word count: 485
**gender neutral!
woojin’s your best friend. your bestest friend. you’d established the fact that you both are free to voice out opinions and listen to each other’s problems through the years, so it’s a little concerning that he’s dead silent for the past 20 minutes.
shit, was i a little bit too obvious at lunch with the rest yesterday? you wonder, remembering the slightest of touches as you sat beside him in the fast food chain booth the day before. did i expose myself? nice one, y/n. now you’re going to lose your best friend before you lose your crush.
“woojin,” you turn to look at him, startling him. he blinks at you, humming in response. “you good? you’ve been silent for like, almost half an hour.”
he sets his can of sprite down on the table. “i just… need to tell you something,” he twiddles with the ends of his t-shirt, his eyes fixated on his hands. “but uh, i don’t exactly know how to bring myself to say it, i– it’s a little nerve-wracking for me.”
“what? we talked about this, you can tell me,” you reassure him, giving him a light shove in the shoulder he chuckles softly, looking up at you. “i won’t judge. neither do i kinkshame, so if this is about you having a food-play kink or whatever–”
he flicks your forehead to shut you up. “that’s a little farfetched,” his laughter dies down. “you have to um, promise me you won’t like, walk out the door or anything. really, this is fucking scary,” he scrunches his face up, pursing his lips into a tight line.
“you know i, um, have a crush on you?”
you look at him as a soft oh tumbles out between your lips, your mouth falling agape. you watch as woojin nervously rubs the back of his neck, his knee unable to keep still on the couch. he tuts, then laughs, gently smacking your forearm.
“h-hey, don’t just… look at me like that,” he composes himself. “it’s okay if you don’t want to—or can’t—give me an answer! it’s not a big deal, seriously, i mean, in the end we’re still best friends and–”
“if i told you your feelings are reciprocated, is it still not a big deal?” you cut him off, your free hand placed on top of his on your forearm. “i like you too. or well, i liked you, and then i thought it was dumb because we’re like, really close friends and i tried to brush it off but then i realise that i still, really, really like you. i like you, woojin.”
woojin can’t control the happiness that’s clearly written all over his face. he laughs, rolls his eyes, before considering you again, squeezing your hand gently.
“god, you’re so cute when you’re shy too,” you tease, getting pulled in his chest immediately, playfully hitting your head.
“take it back!”
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
Woojin tells you that he wants to grow old with you while he softly plays with your hair
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mochikis · 5 years
[ sun & moon ] you’ve never met woojin before, but the moment you caught sight of his ridiculous hat you fell in love.
but he was with your sister. your sister was his world, his earth. and to your sister, woojin was the sun. the one who grants life to the earth, who enables the flowers to florish.
you were nothing but the moon, revolving around your sister, protecting her whilst not being able to do anything. not able to get any closer to the sun.
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jaeminfilm · 5 years
you’re barely breathing as you wait for woojin to pass you by, which is considerably hard when you had been sobbing just seconds before. you hear his laughter as he talks on the phone, just one fence dividing you both.
it’s nearly midnight, and you’ve been crying on the soccer field for ten minutes. you know that you’ll be crying for another hour at least– you don’t know how to cope with all the emotions in your chest but to cry. and you wanted to be alone, you wanted to be outside, away from your stuffy dorm where your two roommates were sleeping.
apparently the divine being above didn’t want that.
you breathe slowly, lightly, struggling to remain quiet as you watch the entrance to the field from your peripheral vision to wait for woojin to pass by it. to pray that woojin would pass by it. once he passes by it, you’re safe to cry alone again. 
except then it gets quiet. you don’t hear woojin’s laughter, and he doesn’t seem to be on the phone with anyone anymore.
you wait– maybe he’s just walking real slow. you hope he’s walking real slow.
but then, to your horror as you look towards the entrance waiting for him to pass by, you instead see his head peek in.
and your first instinct is to cry.
“woojin, no,” you whine, already unable to stop yourself from bursting into tears again. woojin’s face of curiosity– the one that had been wondering what you were doing on the soccer field near midnight– suddenly turns into one of soft tenderness. “you weren’t supposed to come in.”
“come here,” he says, walking towards you with open arms. you stay where you are until he meets you there, wrapping his arms around you and gently resting his head on yours. you’re too sad to even push him away, and despite you telling him that he shouldn’t have entered the field, that he should have left you alone, you wrap your arms around him and press your cheek against his chest.
his shirt is plain white and you’re sure that there’ll be patches of concealer and streaks of mascara on it after.
“i’m proud of you,” he says, one hand rubbing up and down your back and the other laid gently on your head. “you did amazing no matter what.”
“this is ugly,” you reply, your actions of tightening your hold on him and further burying your face in his chest contradicting your words.
woojin chuckles, “it’s dark anyway, i can’t see you crying.”
“that’s a lie,” you retort immediately through your tears, fully aware that there were dim lampposts lighting the soccer field through the darkness. he laughs immediately.
“why did you even try to hide?”
“because i didn’t want you to come in! you weren’t supposed to see me fall apart like this,” you whine, finally pulling away from him to turn your back to him. you face the fence now, uselessly wiping at the tears that keep falling.
“but i saw you, of course i would come in?” he says, questioning your thought process. “i saw you in here and i never saw you come out, so of course i knew you were in here. i wasn’t going to leave you.” 
“well, i was banking on you not having seen me in the first place,” you respond bitterly. you turn around, facing him again with your arms crossed. you really hadn’t wanted him to see you fall apart like this. 
yet woojin had found you and was comforting you, a grown eighteen year old, at midnight in the middle of a soccer field instead of doing what he needed to do.
“and you. you have homework. what are you doing here dealing with me? you should have just left and done your homework,” you scold, even though the tears and hiccups and sobs between every few words prevent woojin from taking you seriously.
“it’s okay,” he laughs, pulling you in again and nuzzling your head. “you’re like my little sibling. you’re more important.”
there’s silence for a while, with only your sniffles filling the air.
“just know, i’ll always find you whenever you need me. even if you try to hide,” he murmurs into your hair, still cradling you. “now, how about i walk you back to your building?”
and so woojin takes your hand, not letting go of you until he leaves you at your door with a soft kiss on your forehead.
“i’ll always be proud of you. and i’ll always be here for you.”
that’s a promise from the big brother you never had.
– excerpts from fics i’ll never write
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deargguks · 5 years
[𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞] dressed in darkness and the minute illumination of a single candle, the living room is left barren, void of anything but the benevolent lulling of your voice to happy birthday, (which shakily cracks at some parts, but woojin doesn’t notice, for he’s far too fixated on the lovely smile folded onto your lips.) 
you slide the small platter onto the coffee table, observing his wide-eyed reaction with a break in the middle of the melody to elicite a soft chuckle, lit faintly with a golden kiss to every inch of skin. ethereal, almost, woojin thinks. (your next few words is what earned that almost.)
“happy twenty third birthday, you old man.” you dart just out of reach of his titillating fingers, knowing full well he had every intention to tickle you for the side comment. “hey, show some respect, i spent like five hours to figure out how to make fried chicken and that weird cheese sauce you like.”
woojin laughs, melodic against breathy exhales, giving up on his cruel revenge and gaze straying once more onto the platter of cheese drizzled chicken, paradoxically standing with its single flag of a red and white striped candle.
it’s endearing in a weirdly peculiar way, and even though he had already celebrated his birthday with the other members, this one feels just as special. (if not a bit more. but woojin doesn’t admit to that; it might just be a bit too much for poor chan to handle after spending a whole week organizing his party.) 
gingerly, he pulls you down onto the floor to sit with him, pressing a light peck against your temple that remains warm even after he pulls away. “it looks great.” 
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blushyhwangs · 5 years
[ 5:43 PM ] coming back from the slopes with woojin and collapsing onto the couch in his arms
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minheeology · 2 years
honey ➳ k. suhyun
pairing: kim suhyun (shin) x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: light cursing, slight (?) angst??? idk maybe if you squint.
a/n: i love when i get ghost9 requests! thank you so much for sending this in anon!
i wrote this while listening to honey by boy pablo <3 i hope you enjoy
lazy days with suhyun were rare, so when one did come along, you made the most of it. you knew he was tired from everything he had going on- comebacks, tours, recordings- and you wanted nothing more than to see your boyfriend rest.
that brought you to where you were now, laying beside him on his bunk. the bed was small, but you two didn't mind, as it just brought you two closer together.
you were currently watching a romcom you two had come across on netflix, but neither one of you were paying much attention to it. in fact, you both had just been admiring each other for the last ten minutes. you both cherished moments like this, ones where you could simply be together and not have to worry about anything.
"you're so pretty," you whispered to suhyun, brushing a strand of hair out of his face, "how did i get so lucky?"
"i could ask the same thing," suhyun had a slight blush on his cheeks, "we barely see each other because of me, yet you stick around. i'm definitely the lucky one."
suhyun always had a habit of bringing that up- the fact that you two rarely saw each other because of him and the career he chose. you could tell that he felt bad because of this, but you didn't blame him one bit. none of it was his fault. after all, you two started dating after he made his debut, so you knew what you were getting into. you hated that he blamed himself.
"hey, listen to me," you placed your hand on his cheek, watching as he adjusted his gaze so he was looking at you, "i love being your significant other, okay? i love having you as my boyfriend. ever since the moment i met you, i knew i was in it for the long haul, no matter what. i've never felt like this about anyone before. being apart from you only makes me fall more in love with you. it makes every moment we spend together that much more special. i love you, suhyun."
suhyun was stunned. not only was he very much touched by your words, but you'd said the three words you'd both been too scared to say. after a few seconds, a bright smile broke out onto your boyfriend's lips.
"i love you too, y/n." he finally spoke, "i don't think i'll ever get tired of saying that."
a grin formed on your lips as you kissed him softly, "like i said, i'm so lucky."
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chocolvte · 4 years
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STRAY KIDS REACTION . . they find out that their s/o is skipping meals
author’s note — this post was requested but i am unable to find the ask atm.
listen to i’m dead by duckwrth feat. sabrina claudio
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「 bang chan 」
channie would take this really seriously. he never makes you feel weird or messed up for struggling with skipping meals, but he does ask you to try to be honest with him and tell him when you’re having a hard time. he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself. chan is such a care giver. he would feel so heart broken watching you struggle with something like this and not being able to do much to help you. he would do everything he could to comfort you and let you know that he’s there for you. even on your bad days, he just gently holds you hand and reassures you that he’s still proud of you for trying.
「 minho 」
he knows it’s messed up, but minho’s first reaction is anger. it comes from a place of fear, fear that something awful could happen to you, that maybe he hasn’t been taking as good a care of you as he thought he was. he would have to take a breath, not wanting to say anything to make it worse, but also not really knowing what to say to make it better for you. he didn’t know how to comfort you and that frustrated him. ‘i’m sorry i didn’t notice,’ were the words he finally said to you, blinking tears away. ‘i should have noticed and helped you.’ he knew it didn’t make sense to blame himself, but he did. he felt like he let you down, but he was determined to be there for you from now on.
「 changbin 」
binnie would feel sad for a little while, but he would quickly realize that he needs to focus on you! he would put so much energy into researching eating disorders and learning about the strategies you can use to get better and he can use to help you do that. he wants to be as supportive as possible and he’s going to do that through his actions, since he doesn’t always know exactly what to say. so even if he doesn’t always know how to comfort you with words, he’s always there to cuddle you when it’s hard.
「 hyunjin 」
being an idol, hyunjin knows the pressure to look perfect. but he would feel deeply saddened to know that you inflict that pressure onto yourself. part of him would wonder if it was his fault, if he had influenced you to hurt yourself like this in some way. he might become a touch more protective after you told him how you were having a hard time eating regular meals. he would want to have a long talk with you about it so that he could figure out how to best help you recover. if it would help to have someone to eat with you, he would happily do that, or if you needed him to text or call with reminders he would do that too. because he loves you very much and he doesn’t want to see you hurting yourself.
「 jisung 」
it would just about break jisung’s heart to hear that his baby was being so mean to themself. we all know this boy is a teddy bear. he honestly might cry just because he loves you so much that your pain feels like his pain too. he would be SO supportive. even on your worse days, he’s always encouraging and sweet and he never treats you like you’re fragile or there’s something wrong with you. he would want to know what things are triggering for you, so he can avoid them, but he wouldn’t bring it up unless you do.
「 felix 」
the way he would be so upset. like you would not live this down. of course, he’s super understanding and sweet and he gets that eating isn’t easy, but he’s not going to let you get away with skipping meals. he doesn’t want to force you or make you panic, so he lets you decide what you eat and how much of it, but it has to be something, three times a day. those are your rules. and if your habit was really bad, he would expect pictures of everything. your health is important to him and he’s not taking any chances, even if other people think he’s a little overprotective.
from lix (1:34 pm) – ???
from lix (1:34 pm) – y/n, i swear, if you didn’t have lunch today i’m coming down there.
from lix (1:35 pm) – if you’re not going to feed yourself, i will.
「 seungmin 」
at first, seungmin would just be really glad that you trusted him enough to tell him, but then he would feel kind of angry and sad. he hates that you don’t love yourself the way that he does and honestly he does have days where it’s frustrating trying to understand where you’re coming from. like why can’t you just eat? it leads to a fight between you, which seungmin feels really guilty about. like he knows it’s not your fault, it just really hurts him seeing you not eating properly and he feels like he failed you. ‘i never should have yelled at you, sweetheart. i’m so sorry.’
「 jeongin 」
this is one thing that jeongin would take really seriously. he’s pretty low key about most other things. like he’s not nearly as over protective as some of the other members (looking at you, felix), but he cares a lot about you taking good care of your health. when he realized that you were skipping meals, he would get angry. not at you, but at himself for not noticing more quickly and taking better care of you. most of the time, you’re both very independent, but now he would baby you a little. he makes sure you’re eating every meal. he would go so far as to make you send him pictures of what you’re eating. he doesn’t want to be overbearing, but he also doesn’t want to see you hurting yourself by not eating properly. he would never yell at you, but he would scold you if he saw you slipping into old habits.
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sparklingskz · 5 years
fun fair | kim woojin
▸ genre: fluff and more fluff
▸  pairing: reader x woojin
▸ description: a day in the fair went from third-wheeling your best friend to meeting the sweetest guy.
▸ word count: 1.5k
▸ warnings: swearing
▸  a/n: wanted to post this before starting my requests!! they’re coming soon uwu
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“Come on y/n, we’re going to the love tunnel!” Your best friend exclaimed.
Amazing. You didn’t even know how you got here, third-wheeling your best friend on a date. You were supposed to hang out alone, just the two of you, but this guy from college your friend coincidentally had a crush on suddenly ran into you and asked if he could spend the day with her. So there you were, tagging along on the rides as to not waste your fair ticket. However, the love tunnel was the one attraction you were not planning on riding.
“No way. I’m not going in there alone while you guys make out on the boat behind me. Nope.” You told your best friend.
“Come on, y/n,” she then got closer to you and whispered, “I need the moral support. Who knows if I fuck up and he hates me? I’d feel better knowing you’re there with me, even if it’s on another boat.” She pleaded.
Ugh, she pulled out the puppy eyes. “Okay, but you owe me.” You resigned.
“Yay!” She exclaimed. “And who knows, maybe you get paired up with a hottie.” She elbowed you suggestively.
“People don’t go in there alone, so it’s probably only going to be me.” You rolled your eyes.
The three of you headed towards the attraction, getting in line. It wasn’t too long, so after a few minutes you were getting on a boat, right behind your friend and her date.
Right when you thought you were going to ride this thing alone, someone got into the boat with you. You turned your head towards them and were met with a guy around your age.
Said guy was really attractive, you might add.
“Hey, I’m Woojin.” He introduced himself with a smile.
“I’m y/n,” you said. “You’re here alone? I thought I’d be the only one.” You laughed.
“I was tricked into third-wheeling my best friends, but they said they’d buy me dinner if I went into the love tunnel, so here I am.”
“I’m third-wheeling too, but I’m probably not going to get any free dinner out of this.”
He laughed. “You should if your couple is as clingy as them.” Woojin said, pointing behind him.
You both turned around to look at Woojin’s friends, but they were kissing so you looked away immediately.
“I can see that.” You chuckled.
You both stayed in silence for a few seconds, until Woojin spoke.
“We still have around a minute until the ride ends, I suggest as we’re both sad third-wheelers we take this chance and get to know each other.”
“Who said I was a sad third-wheeler?” You inquired playfully.
“I don’t know about you, but going out with Jisung and Minho is sad when you’re single. They’re super cute together, and that makes me a sad third-wheeler.” He pouted.
After a second of admiring his pouting face, you spoke. “I didn’t even know this guy would show up today,” you pointed to your friend and her date, “I was just hoping to have a good day at the fair.”
“Hey, being alone doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Did you get on more rides? Try the food?”
“We’ve gotten on other rides but haven’t had a chance to eat yet. Now that you mention it, I’m actually starving.”
He seemed thoughtful for a moment. “Well, how about we ditch the couples and spend the rest of the evening together? Our first stop can be the food truck.”
You pondered your options. Woojin didn’t seem like he was a serial killer, so how bad would it be to hang out with him? If anything happened, your best friend was in the same fair, so you could ditch any second. Besides, spending some time away from the couple did sound tempting.
“That sounds like a good plan.”
Woojin smiled and right in that moment the ride came to an end. You both got out of the boat and headed towards the exit, when you saw your friend looking at you.
You turned towards Woojin. “Let me tell my friend we’re hanging out real quick and we can go eat.”
“Okay, I’ll do the same.” He said, turning towards his friends.
You approached your best friend and saw she was holding hands with the guy, so apparently she made some progress.
“Hey,” you started saying, “I met this guy called Woojin and he seems really nice, so I’m going to spend the rest of the evening with him…”
Your friend gave you a look of “you’re leaving me alone with my crush what are you doing I’m scared”, and you gave her one back that said “you did this to me first now let me hang out with the cute guy, you owe me”
Your friend sighed. “Okay, text me so we can leave together at the end of the day.”
You nodded and watched them walk away. You then turned around to see Woojin still speaking with his friends, so you took the chance to take a good look at him. He was tall, broad-shouldered, had dark hair, and his eyes crinkled as he laughed at something his friend said, needless to say it was adorable.
The next second he was coming over, and you had to pretend you weren’t staring at him.
“Shall we go eat?” He said while smiling.
You smiled back. “Let’s go”
So, apparently Woojin was the funniest, nicest guy you’ve met.
You bought yourselves lunch and got to know each other while you ate. You found out he was a year older than you, was a music major and practiced kendo when he was younger, plus he had 8 loud best friends he seemed to love very much. You also talked about random stuff; he had this ability to make any subject sound interesting.
Once you finished eating you were deciding to what attraction you should head first.
“I would ride the rollercoaster but we just ate, and throwing up isn’t in my plans right now.” You said.
“Well said. How about we go to the Ferris wheel? I think it’s pretty calm.” Woojin suggested.
And that’s how you headed towards the tall attraction, both of you chatting incessantly. Then you realized you were going to be in a very small space high above the ground with this man you’re probably developing an attraction for, and got a bit nervous.
Woojin noticed your hesitance. “Are you scared of heights?”
If only he knew what you were nervous about.
“No, it’s nothing.”
Yes, very convincing y/n, you thought.
“That’s good, because we’re next.” Woojin said, as you guys were guided into one of the Ferris wheel’s carts. Thankfully for you they weren’t that small, so you both were barely touching each other.
The ride started moving and you went up. Usually you weren’t a fan of the Ferris wheel because you found it boring, but with Woojin by your side an awkward silence didn’t exist.
They say time flies when you’re having fun.
You were able to confirm that statement this day, as you didn’t even notice when the sky turned darker with how much fun you were having with Woojin. You went on all the rides and tried more food, and you further confirmed your growing attraction to him.
Suddenly, it was basically time for you to leave.
“I think we have time for one more attraction, what do you want to do?” You asked Woojin.
You were walking along the game stands, those where you could play and win a prize.
“How about we try one of those? That one where you have to shoot a target with water looks pretty fun.” Woojin answered.
“Yeah, why not?”
You paid for a chance to play and got into position. You were really focused on shooting the targets, but your points weren’t enough for a prize. You put the water gun down and looked at Woojin to see how he did, right when the host exclaimed.
“You win! Pick your prize, young man.”
Woojin turned towards you. “Pick, y/n.” He said with a smile.
You felt yourself blushing a little. You looked at the options, and a cute dolphin plushie caught your eye.
“The dolphin one, please.”
The worker picked up the plushie from the display and gave it to Woojin, who immediately gave it to you with a smile.
“Thank you, Woojin.” You said, returning the smile.
Right in that moment you got a text from your best friend.
are you done? I’m waiting in the car
“Apparently I have to go.” You told Woojin, pouting a little.
You really didn’t want this day to end, but it was late and you had to go home.
“It’s okay, I probably have to go find my friends too.” He said.
You both fell into a somewhat awkward silence, none of you wanting to say goodbye nor knowing how to. Then, Woojin spoke.
“Maybe I should have your number, who knows if I’ll have to third wheel again in the future and need someone to keep me company…”
You smiled. “Give me your phone.”
You entered your phone number into his contacts and gave the device back to him.
“It was very nice to meet you, Woojin.”
“You too, y/n.”
“Text me, okay?”
And with the vision of Woojin’s smile and his crinkly eyes, you walked towards your friend’s car.
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woobitty · 3 years
[11:28 PM]
Woojin turned on his side and with his hand propping his head up, he asked “Are you coming to watch my live performance?” You imitated his action and answered “I don’t think I can” 
Woojin stared at you in disbelief, his mouth slightly agape, before turning his back to you. You scooted closer to him on your bed and spooned him. “Woojin, you know I can’t,” you whispered in his ear. 
With thoughts swirling in his head, he suddenlu sprang upright. “Ok!....Maybe, just maybe, you could blend in with the staff?“ slightly raising his eyebrow. His suggestion sent you into a fit of laughter. ”Why? why're you laughing? “ he questioned, also unable to hide his smile at the sight of you laughing.
“Woojin” you started as you got up to match his stance “I’ll always be there to support you but I don’t think your boss would allow it.“ “I know” he sighed. You pulled his face to you and placed a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll watch you live and ill make sure I'm here to celebrate your debut with you.“ His demeanor softened at your reassuring words. 
“I love you“
“I love you too“
“No, I love you more“
“I love you most“
you both fell back into the bed in a fit of giggles
this is my first timestamp or even first writing ive ever done. sorry in advance but i hope you like it. 
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renjunsbabygirl · 4 years
1:57 AM
"Oh my god," you gasp squeezing your breast as you watch Changbin's cock thrust in and out of you. "You fuck me so good, babe."
Changbin chuckles spreading your legs farther apart to get better access. "Damn right. No one knows your body like me, huh babe?" He leans forwards connecting your lips with his in a messy hot kiss. " I love you so much."
"I love you more," you said, moaning afterwards. You reach down to rub your clit to orgasm faster. Changbin groans loudly, his neck veins visible from the intense pleasure of feeling your walls clenching around his cock.
You feel the knot forming in your belly; you're close.
"I'm gonna cum," you gasp rubbing your clit faster. "Fuck me harder."
"With pleasure," Changbin grunts releasing your legs. He stops his rapid thrusting. You began to whine, but Changbin picks you up by your hips, making you gasp in shock. You wrap your legs around his torso. You thought he was going to fuck you against the wall like he normally does but he doesn't. All while standing, he thrusts back into you.
"Shit," you curse, hands gripping his shoulders as his hold your hips in a death grip. He starts off slow and then increases his speed as he hears your moans getting louder.
He's memorized by you. The way you're moaning his name, clawing at his chest, your beautiful tits bouncing in his face; god, he can't get enough of you.
"I'm cumming," you gasp for the second time that night feeling the knot forming in the pit of your belly. "I'm gonna cum. Fuck, kiss me, kiss me," you pleaded.
He grants your wish, smashing his lips to yours in a sloppy wet kiss filled with tongue and lip biting. He fucks into you harder than before feeling your walls clench around his cock, making him moan into the dirty kiss.
"Cum for me," he grunts against your lips. "Say my name."
The knot in your belly snaps. You orgasm, crying out his name. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a makeshift hug. Your legs vigorously shake as your orgasm passes through.
Changbin smirks slowing down to ride your high out.
He removes his cock, gently setting you on your knees in front of him. "Open your mouth, tongue out," he commands pumping his still hard cock. You obey his orders, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out for him to cum on.
He pumps his cock rapidly. His abs and muscular arms flexing the faster he pumps. "Yes Y/N, fuck," he moans releasing his semen onto your tongue. "Hold it."
He too gets on his knees, caressing your cheek. He sticks his tongue out licking a stride of his cum off your tongue before pulling you into another messy for the third time that night. His cum runs off your tongue into his mouth. Some, of course, falling down your chin which he happily licks off.
He pulls back, gulping down the remains of his cum.
"Are you okay?" He ask rubbing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. "I didn't go too hard, did I?"
You shake your head no. "I think that was hottest sex we've ever had," you chuckle making his heart swell with adoration. "I love you, Binnie."
He smiles cupping your cheeks, kissing you passionately. "I love you more, baby. So much."
I love binne omfg 💕 request for skz, nct, super m, exo and bts are open!
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6ixfics · 4 years
[10:28pm] falling asleep next to woojin every night, and though he isn't one for immense physical contact, his presence was enough for you to be assured that you are safe, always.
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moonlightskids · 4 years
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friends to lovers
in all years of friendship with changbin, there’s only one thing you had never understood and that is the science behind writing lyrics. you can understand his fixation with the gym and growing muscles, even his obsession with ariana grande, but lyrics? no, it doesn’t matter how many times he or even jisung explains it to you, you cannot get it.
as of right now, you’re sitting on the couch next to jisung, he’s explaing something about the lyrics he’s writing at the moment and you’re trying your best to listen intently but every word he says is like it’s in another lenguage and your eyes fly from his phone screen to his arms, not in a creepy way, they’re just bigger than you remember.
“when did your arms get so big?”, your question caughts him unprepared just like the rest of the boys scattered around the livingroom who are now looking at you. jisung is quick to catch tho, he always is when is time to brag, “yeah noona, i can kick your ass now”, he says seriously standing up from the couch and flexing his new ‘guns’.
you chuckle at the reference of the many times you’ve beat him in arm wrestling, so now that he has a little muscles he thinks he can act all coky, well think twice, “mhm, maybe if you didn’t have your zipper down”, his face immediately changes from cocky to embarrased, red covering his ears before he’s trying to zip his fly which is in fact not open, “ha! i made you look~”, you hear someone snort and before he can catch you and actually beat your ass you’re fixed behind changbin.
“are you ever gonna stop annoying him?”, you shake your head, smile still big on your face, “no i don’t think i will”. jisung is back to sitting on the couch pout on his lips as seungmin teases him even more. you look at the clock over the livingroom tv, 7pm, is time to go.
“binnie~”, you sing song next to his ear, “is time to go~”, he follows your eyes to the clock before fixing his position in the stool he’s sitting on, “i don’t think so”, you whine placing your cheek on his broad shoulder, “c’mmon binnie, you promised”.
there’s just one thing changbin hates more than eating too many carbs at night and that is going out with your friends. sadly, today is one of those days where he’ll have to do both. you’re supposed to catch on with some of your high school friends and you decided to make him your +1.
“where are the two of you going?”, chan asks looking from the laptop on his lap, “dinner with my friends”, you explain as you nudge changbin to move from his sit to the door.
“well, (name)”, minho says, smirk already plastered on his face, “if changbin doesn’t wanna go, i’ll go with you”, he finishes placing his hand on your shoulder, “really?”, you wouldn’t mind, i mean minho is a really interesting person with a really really face to stare at and that way you wouldn’t be bothering changbin.
“nop”, is all changbin says before pulling you to the door grabing both of your coats and closing the door on minho’s face. “what was all that about”, you inquire looking at him through the elevator mirror, he shrugs his shoulders before changing the topic, “are we taking a cab or walking?”
you walk, figuring it’ll be better to take the cab on the way back. the place isn’t that far away anyways, but by the time you arrive your group had already ordered the food and the alcohol, a lot of both. changbin and you sit on one side of the table and listen intently to your friend’s story as you eat.
maybe you are a light head and maybe since changbin doesn’t drink you decide to drink for him or maybe the story was so interesting you lost count of how many shots you had taken and didn’t relaize how drunk you were till your best friend was pulling you to your feet and you almost fall.
but he’s a good friend so after saying goodbye to the group, he carries you all the way to the entrance were the cab is waiting and lets you put your head on his lap and even comply to your request for him to pet you till you get to the dorms again. it’s too late and you’re too drunk to be going home alone, so in the quietest way your drunk self can, he sneaks you into the apartment.
the boys are still up and they are more than happy to see you like that, “oh, i love drunk (name)”, chan says, laptop forgotten and big smile on his face, “watch”, he starts before looking directly at you, “hey (name)”, he’s leaning over the counter and you do the same, clouded eyes looking at him, “hey handsome”, you hear snickers behind.
“we’re going to bed”, changbin says mather of factly, before anyone can start anything else with you, but you don’t like when he orders you around and now you don’t feel like going to sleep, at least not that easily so you do something you know it’ll get him worked out, “only if you cuddle me to sleep”, hearing you request out loud sends all the blood to changbin’s face making the younger boys snicker again.
“if he isn’t gonna do it, i’ll do it”, jisung intervines, “i’m a great cuddler”, you gasp at the prospect, “and his arms have gotten bigger”, you say as if that was a requirement for cuddling.
“yeah”, jisung continues, “and i’m 2 whole centimeters taller than him”, he finishes with a satisfied smile at changbin’s annoyed expression.
“oh, then what about hyunjin, he’s a whole12 centimeters taller”, you say excited now at being able to choose your cuddle partner, even if no one compares to your best friend, “can i cuddle him?”
“no”, changbin replies instantly, giving one last killer look directed to the boy in question, even though he has done no wrong, before holding tighter to your wrist and pulling you into his room with more strenght than needed, “you’re mean, binnie”, you complain with a pout. without a word, he starts rummaging through his clothes till he finds some clothes that’ll fit you and orders you to change in the bathroom while he changes there.
aftee you had struggeled enough with the too big sweatpants he lend you, you choose to only wear the oversized shirt, discarring your own clothes on the tap of the toilet. a knock on the door distracts you from the sudden rush of nausea you feel, opening the door, you find changbin in his own pajamas, a mock of your own outfit, a sleeveless shirt and some sweatpants.
he’s places a bunch of bottles next to the sink and turns to you, “we need to wash your face”, taking the band on your wrist he takes his time to tie your hair up before taking a make up remover and start working on your face.
after his third attempt to taking off your mascara and your loud complains he drops the sheet inside the sink, “you do it then”, his rude tone should have hurt your feelings but you’re too drunk to notice. so taking a new sheet, you resume changbin’s work, pouting at the mirror, when you completely fail. there’s mascara all over your face now and you’re too sleepy to work it out.
thankfully, always kind felix passes by you, stopping when he hears your loud sigh, a sweet smile on his face when he figures out the situation, “need some help noona”, you nod, “yes please”, he takes the sheet from your hands and finishes cleaning your face before passing you what he assumes is the soap bottle, “open your hands”, you obey and rub them together before applying the foam on your skin and then proceed to rinse it. felix pats your face softly before moving to the rest of the bottles.
“what now”, you look at the mess in the sink trying to focus on the letters of the bottles to figure what’s next on your skin care routine, “i don’t know”, you mumble, “i’m seeing double”
“i’ll do it”, changbin’s standing on the door again, a frown still on his face and his arms crossed, “night noona”, after felix flies out the bathroom, your best friend closes the door, taking his time to finish what he started while you enjoy his soft fingers and the concentrated expression on his face, “what”, his voice is soft and so is the look he gives you, “nothing”.
when you’re done, changbin takes all the things back to his room, you right behind him. laying on his bed, he leaves the spot next to the wall for you and you climb on, getting under the covers before he turns the lights off.
turning on your side you can distinguish his profile, lips formed into a pout as he looks at the ceiling, even in your hazy state your heart still goes crazy just by looking at him, “binnie?”, your voice is barely audible and he hums in response, “are you mad at me?”, he shakes his head, “no”, there’s a moment of silence before you speak again, “then why are you acting like this?”, he sighs, turning on his side so he’s looking at you, the only light illuminating the room is the moonlight coming through the closed curtains, “i’m not mad”, he starts, his finger placing a piece of your hair behind your ear, “it just bothers me how much you flirt with the rest of the boys”
“are you perhaps...”, you say between giggles, “...jealous?”, another sigh, “yes”, his response leaves you dumbfounded, he is? jealous? and he notices your confusion a soft smile gracing his lips, “surprised?”, you nod, your mouth still slightly open, “why? is not like i’ve been hiding it”
regaining your composture you try to fix your eyes on his, “what haven’t you been hiding?”, he chuckles, finding cute how out of character you seem right now, he scoops closer to you, so close his breath fans the hair out of your face, “that i like you”, your breath hitches in your throat at his heartfelt confession.
his hand brushes through your hair landing on the nape of your neck waiting for you to react, “i-“, you clear your throat embarrased by how insecure you sound, “i like you too changbin”, he smirks, hold tight on your hair, “i know”.
leaning in, he presses his lips on yours, they’re soft and move slow, taking your breath away, he goes deeper, giving your lower lip a bite. your hand grabs his shirt your leg moving on it’s own as it goes over his hip, his free hand finding it’s way to your ass and giving it a squeeze.
he pulls away leaving you dazzed to come back after a second to place a peck on your moth and then another one, “do you still think hyunjin would be a better cuddler?”, you shake your head eagerly, the hand on his shirt making it’s way to his back, pulling him to you to tuck your face in the crook of his neck to which he lets out a short laugh, circling his own arms around your waist, “good night (name)”
this is not a request but i had this idea last night and since i have so little works about changbin i choose to do it, hope you guys like it!
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