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Personally I ocillate between occult magic and a lingering sense of doubt 😂😅 which is yours?
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Why the law of attraction is not working and how to fix it
First things first, the law of attraction is always working. Whenever you claim that the law of attraction is not working, you’re actually using this very law to convince yourself that indeed – it’s not working for you. And that, my friend, is a vicious cycle. 
However, you have to understand that there’s so much more to the law of attraction than those hyped steps: ask, believe, receive. It took me some time to fully comprehend the crucial principles, and now I’m going to share them with you.
So, why the law of attraction is ‘not working’?
You don’t practice detachment. Pretty often, people become too obsessed with their manifestations. They think about the thing they want to manifest 24/7 and complain about the lack of it. Wrong! Seriously, don’t you have better things to do? Whenever you put something on a high pedestal, you create resistance. Actually, an ocean of resistance. Learn how to detach and trust the Universe.
You don’t do shadow work. Take care of the quality of your canvas before you start painting. Oftentimes all of the past traumas and limiting subconscious beliefs are holding you back. Let go of them. Heal them and then move on. You can’t hold on to this kind of negative energy forever. 
You don’t express gratitude. If you’re not grateful for the things you already have, you’ll never be able to upgrade your life. Lack of gratitude keeps you entangled in the lower vibration. Gratitude is the magical frequency. The more you are thankful, the more you attract things to be thankful for.
You’re not specific. If you change your mind all the time, you send mixed signals and receive mixed results. Maybe for the first time in your life, ask yourself these questions: What do I really want? What does my ideal life look like? Vision boards and scripting can be very beneficial because they show the Universe your perfect blueprint.
You’re not living in the present moment. If you always think of the past or worry about the future, you lose all of the precious possibilities the present moment can offer. Now is the only existing time in this Universe, so learn how to be more conscious.
You don’t work on your vibration. Everything that surrounds you is in the vibrational alignment with your state of being. When your vibration is low, you attract more things vibrating at the same frequency. It’s super important to raise your vibration and to learn how to maintain the higher state of being.
You don’t nurture self-love. If you don’t love yourself, if you’re constantly criticizing yourself, it impacts your energy and your entire belief system. This self-hate is going to manifest in every aspect of your life. It’s almost impossible to create anything if you’re devoid of the most important thing: love. And love starts within you.
I would highly encourage you to try some of these strategies. They’ve had a profound impact on my own reality. One of my current goals is to manifest a book deal for the novel I’m working on, and thanks to these strategies, I’ve noticed a huge positive shift! I’ve started to attract the right people and circumstances into my life. It’s like having a magic wand!
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“I drank to drown my pain, but the damned pain learned how to swim.”
-Frida Kahlo
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“Mallory’s experience with reluctant yet diligent motherhood, and with the instinct to detach in order to survive, resonates with the experiences of women throughout the ages, from mine to the nomadic woman wandering across the ice 30,000 years ago. Not all women who become mothers WANT to do so, and many do it anyway — and do it well — under crushingly difficult circumstances. It’s not the story we usually tell, though, because it’s harsh, and contradictory to what society presumes motherhood should be.”
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White supremacy will use any excuse to be racist while forgetting its own history of abuse and violence.
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Faces of Protest: The Fight for Hong Kong  Photographs by Adam Ferguson 
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Women supporting women in public bathrooms is so precious 😭 on that note let’s be just as supportive and inclusive of our trans sisters using public bathrooms.
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Whatever you do don’t let them silence you!
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dark academia: stem + medicine
math: solving problems in the middle of the night, equations are written on the windowpane, quick calculations in your head, seeing mathematics as a secret language and barrier from the rest of the world, using probability theory to present a person’s life before their very eyes, understanding the algorithms governing every single step of „fate“ and how to manipulate them for your favor, cryptic notebooks, and lost alleyways
engineering: the power to create something that surpasses that is more than humans will ever be, governing and shaping the future of a whole civilization, late-night philosophizing on the nature and difference between humans and machines, crammed study sessions and tired blood-shot eyes
biology: extensive knowledge about herbology and toxicology, knowing almost every plant-based toxin and toxic mushroom in the local area, midnight at the lab with lowlights on and the dark hallways shrouded in mystery, glancing white lab-coats from the corner of your eye
chemistry: spending hours upon hours alone in the lab, perfecting formulas and conducting research because you just know the breakthrough is so close, sudden heureka moments in the middle of the night, inhaling new substances at secret meetings in old buildings to reach a state no human has reached before, prolonged shared eye contact and knowing smiles, the sound of a pen hastingly scribbling chemical formulas into a notebook
physics: „after all, murder is just the redistribution of matter, and matter is my specialty“, pointing out constellations in the sky, seeing patterns no one has seen before, wearing black turtlenecks and long coats while discussing quantum mechanics, hushed whispers, the melancholy of the endless search for another inhabitable planet, coffee cups left on the window sill
comp sci: the sound of typing at lightning speed, a lone screen glowing the absolute dark, losing track of time as you completely lose yourself in your code, trying again and again and again until it finally works, absolute dedication, crafting algorithms that can be used for good – but also for evil, code marathons isolating you from the rest of the world, being able to change lives at the press of a button
medicine: death looms always an inch too close, becoming as natural as life, white coats looming over the dissection table, staring at Rembrandt’s „the anatomy lessons of dr. nicholaes tulp“ in absolute awe, gloves covered in blood, syringes and needles in hand, hollowed laughter, being the last one in the library, knowing too well what sacrifice means
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“You can cheer the end of Sulaimani and still be anti-war. You can condemn the way Sulaimani was executed but still be relieved that he is no longer around to terrorize people. You can be anti-US imperialism and anti-Iranian dictatorship and brutality. Being anti-US imperialism, being anti-Trump’s reckless disregard for humanity does not mean that you should make Sulaimani a symbol of freedom, or Leftist ideology. Sulamani was a butcher. Trump is a dangerous megalomanic. The Ayatollah’s are just as guilty, dripping with the blood of millions across the region funding terrorist groups and proxy wars. Let Sulaimani die the butcher he was, with a fitting illegal end- the same he dished out to thousands-, without turning him into an anti-imperialist hero of the people- and by extension justifying the Iranian regime. The only loyalty you should have should be for the ordinary people of Iran, Iraq and the region. It is 2020, and it is about time we started viewing such issues in all their complexities, realizing that multiple truths can co-exist and that a simplistic analysis serves no one but those hungering for war.”
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Important reminder that there is nothing feminist about war.
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Afghanistan. Iraq. Syria. Yemen. Libya. The cycle continues through US interventionism, neocolonialism, imperialism and industrial war machine.
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Blame the system. Blame the ideology. Blame those that uphold and support and voted for him.
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The army is a tool of patriarchal and colonial violence.
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Please be careful out there. Black Lives Matter. Love and solidarity.
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