whichoneisme · 3 months
Don't dismiss your feelings, don't call them stupid and push them away. Rather, look at them and ask: What does this remind me of? What is the deeper reason I feel this way? And be gentle to yourself.
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whichoneisme · 3 months
Let yourself enjoy what is enjoyable, don't allow your thoughts to make you feel bad. If you're having fun and a bad thought shows up, laugh at it, ignore it, don't assign value to it. Just be happy.
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whichoneisme · 3 months
Most of us are not raised to actively encounter our destiny. We may not know that we have one. As children, we are seldom told we have a place in life that is uniquely ours alone. Instead, we are encouraged to believe that our life should somehow fulfill the expectations of others, that we will (or should) find our satisfactions as they have found theirs. Rather than being taught to ask ourselves who we are, we are schooled to ask others. We are, in effect, trained to listen to others' versions of ourselves. We are brought up in our life as told to us by someone else! When we survey our lives, seeking to fulfill our creativity, we often see we had a dream that went glimmering because we believed, and those around us believed, that the dream was beyond our reach. Many of us would have been, or at least might have been, done, tried something, if... If we had known who we really were.
Julia Cameron
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whichoneisme · 3 months
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whichoneisme · 3 months
7 things to remind yourself of every day …
1. I am unique
2. I am worthwhile
3. I am worthy
4. I can change
5. I can make it
6. I can succeed
7. I can be happy and have a great life.
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whichoneisme · 3 months
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whichoneisme · 3 years
Scared is how you’re feeling; brave is what you’re doing.
Emma Donoghue (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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whichoneisme · 4 years
7 Self-Compassion Stress Relievers
1. Start the morning with a time of silence so that you feel calm, and are grounded for the day.
2. Set good intentions for yourself. Make sure your automatic thoughts are positive and healthy.
3. Focus on your breathing to relieve anxiety, and create a sense of being strong and in control.
4. Stretch to release any tightness or tension – so you don’t keep carrying the stresses of the day.
5. Set small, realistic and manageable tasks so you don’t start to panic, and feel overwhelmed.
6. Keep your focus on right now – don’t worry about later. Judt do you best to live this moment fruitfully.
7. Before you go to bed, think of 3 things that went right – and end the day with gratitude – then rest, and get some sleep.
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whichoneisme · 4 years
When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say “Why me”, say “Try me.”
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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whichoneisme · 4 years
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whichoneisme · 4 years
“Be strong enough to let go, and wise enough to wait for what you deserve.”
— Unknown
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whichoneisme · 4 years
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whichoneisme · 4 years
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whichoneisme · 4 years
In solitude there is healing. Speak to your soul. Listen to your heart. Sometimes in the absence of noise we find answers.
Dodinsky (via aspiritualwarrior)
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whichoneisme · 4 years
One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.
Brigitte Nicole (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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whichoneisme · 4 years
Help for for Coping with Panic
1. Remember, feelings of panic are just exaggerations of normal bodily stress reactions.
2. Sensations are neither harmful nor dangerous - just unpleasant. Nothing worse will happen.
3. Stop adding to the panic with frightening thoughts of where panic will lead.
4. Stay in the present. Be aware of what is happening to you rather than concerning yourself with how much worse it might get.
5. Wait and give the fear time to pass.
6. Notice that when you stop adding to panic with frightening thoughts, the fear begins to fade.
7. Focus on coping with facing the fear rather than trying to avoid it or escape from it.
8. Look around you. Plan what you will do next as the panic subsides.
9. Think about the progress made so far, despite all the difficulties.
10. When you are ready to go on, do so in an easy, relaxed manner. There is no hurry.
Each time you cope with panic, you reduce your fear.
Source: http://www.panicsupport4u.com/coping.htm
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whichoneisme · 4 years
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