witchnoob · 5 years
Magic to Replenish Energy
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(Had to make a new version because tumblr messed with the gif on the original and won’t let me edit my own posts…)
As a spoonie witch, using magic to help regain my mental and physical energy has been extremely helpful. I decided to compile some resources to make life easier!
Mental reboost tea spell
Easy energy tea spell
Energy boost tea
Rejuvenating tea
Morning coffee spell
Daily energy chant (for your morning drink)
Lemon cayenne wakefulness potion
Spoonie spell for energy + Spoons spell
Rain energy spell
Electric charge spell (storms)
Solar charged spell
Energy boost spell
Pick me up energy spell
The “I’m Tired, I’m Dying” Spell
Full bloom spell
Odds and ends:
Moon bathing + Energy bath
Energy shower scrub
Recharge yourself (with crystals)
Sun meditations
Motivation charm bag
Spell jar/sachet for energy
“I Shouldn’t Be Awake But I Have to Be” Jar Spell
Emoji spell for healing from burnout
Sigils for energy: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Related resources:
What to do when witchcraft drains you
Spells and sigils for energy
Witchy things to do when you’re low on spoons
Simple spell work for low energy days
You may also like:
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Spoonie witch masterpost
Bedridden witchcraft series
How to return to the craft
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witchnoob · 5 years
Just made this one. Let’s see what happens today!
Wrath's Morning Coffee Spell
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Goal: Feel empowered and energized for the coming day, and add a dash of wellness.
Materials: a cup of coffee or latte or iced coffee (or tea), worry stone of your choice, vitamin supplement of your choice (or prescription meds), and the Strength tarot card from your deck.
Procedure: Take the vitamin, drink your coffee, hold your worry stone, run it through your fingers. After finishing that, place the stone on top of the tarot card and repeat this chant 3 times (edit the chant if you substitute anything):
I’m awake, I’m present in mind and body, I’m energized with coffee, and with the air I breath, I’m well with the vitamins I need to be healthy, I claim Strength in my day, with the Strength in my heart. I am the Lion, I am the proud, the mighty, the tough. I may be frail in form, but in nature I am the bold, I am the Strength, the strength of character, of will, Empowered by all I might need, I am the owner of my day.
Continue about your day as normal, feeling stronger for your self-care. Keep the worry stone with you.
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witchnoob · 5 years
☕beverage magic/potions☕
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general ☕
potions 101  ✧  coffee magic  ✧  hot chocolate magic   ✧  infused water magic  ✧  general tea magic  ✧ floral tea magic  ✧  herbal tea magic  ✧ fruit tea magic   ✧ smoothie Potions   ✧ milkshake magic  ✧
tea potion recipes! ☕
Hamilton Nonstop Motivation Spell 
elixir of the wounded heart tea potion
death stranding bonds potion -  a potion be for strengthening bonds
“nuka-cola” potion -  a frosty potion recipe for emotional healing and positive disposition.
dog days are over - pop culture spell to bring happy days and self love
harry potter potions! ☕
veritaserum tea - a potion for spilling tea
polyjuice potion -  to help you take on the qualities of someone else 
felix felicis - pop culture spell to bring luck and confidence
amortenia tea - pop culture tea spell to bring or strengthen love
wolfsbane potion -  for when you find yourself transforming
pepperup potion -  for the common cold. not for serious problems.
draught of living death -  potion for peaceful sleep without dreams 
bioshock potions! ☕
murder of crows vigor potion -  a potion to summon fowl forces to protect you 
possession vigor potion -  a potion that distracts your enemies from you, and brings their ill-attention to one another instead 
charge vigor potion -  a potion that helps with those you tend to knock heads with, a magical aid to keep them at bay, or arm’s length. 
undertow vigor potion -  a potion that helps shift power of advantages to you, whether in magical or mundane issues, offers you tactical advantages 
shock jockey vigor potion -  a potion to stun enemies, and make them more susceptible to baneful magic with lightning elementals involved 
return to sender vigor potion -  a potion to help shield the drinker, and return any harm that is sent your way 
bucking bronco vigor potion -  a potion to help throw people off your back, and keep them away for some time
devil’s kiss vigor potion -  a potion that allows the drinker to cast a fire elemental on someone else (particularly a spurned lover)
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witchnoob · 5 years
casual enchantments for the everyday witch
+ enchant your lip balm or lipstick for a boost of confidence when speaking
+ enchant a middle finger ring to jinx anyone who you flip off with bad luck 
+ enchant your earrings or ear studs for better hearing or to hear when people are talking shit about you
+ enchant your bus or train card so that you’ll never miss a bus or train again
+ enchant eyeliner to make your eyes more striking or to instil fears in the hearts of anyone who you glare at
+ enchant a wristwatch to remind you to look at it at vital times if you’re going to be late
+ enchant shoes to motivate your feet to pick up the pace 
+ enchant a pen to attract compliments about your handwriting or keep your handwriting from devolving into chicken scratch
+ enchant earphones or headphones to repel people who want to bother you when you’re listening to your music
+ enchant coin purses or wallets to keep you from dropping cards or losing your money
+ enchant a box of sweets or candy or mints for a boost of happiness
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witchnoob · 5 years
thanks for the info!
Full Moon in Pisces (9/13/2019)
Before I go forward with the post about Pluto, I really felt an urge to post about the full moon in Pisces that’s happening tomorrow on Friday the 13th. This full moon is very special to me for obvious reasons because it’s taking place in my natal moon sign and it’s my lunar return, but I feel like this one for the collective will be so potent in finally giving us the leeway to manifest and call in what we want. Speaking things into existence whether it be verbally or in written form will be the most powerful this full moon. I’m looking at the astrology chart of the time of the full moon as well as the tarot cards that  I pulled as well as a few messages that I’m feeling intuitively called to share. I’ll also have some crystals, herbs, etc. down at the bottom of this post that I recommend working with during this full moon.
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Before I get into dissecting the chart, I want to specifically talk about the full moon and what exactly the vibe of it is, and how you can work with this energy in regards to your magick and setting intention. Neptune, the planet that rules over Pisces, is going to be meeting up with the full moon. This creates an energy of wonkiness, for lack of a better word. Neptune is whatever you want him to be, and Pisces is generally nowhere to be seen on the physical plane. This energy is dreamy, nostalgic, romantic, and highly emotional. This is a good time to do dream work, automatic writing, and astral projection. I see people working with the element of water to aid in their manifestations (the two-cup method, maybe?). When you speak something into existence on this full moon, you best believe that it will manifest. One thing that you need to keep in mind though is that, although you’re manifesting all of these things that seem too good to be true, it’s not going to happen overnight. The pieces need to fall into place and you need to make sure that you’re not forcing anything. Pisces energy, more than anything, requires you to entirely let go of control, put everything in the universe’s hands, and be patient- but only after you’re put in the work to forgive and let go in order to be ready for what you’re trying to call in. This is the full moon to really get in touch with your intuition. 
This full moon, along with Neptune in the sign of Pisces, will be in opposition to the Virgo stellium we have going on. Virgo is practical, reasonable, logical, and analytical. Pisces is idealistic, dreamy, martyr-like, and creative. This is a very emotional undercurrent that the collective is feeling right now. I’m feeling that this opposition is really bringing out the best and the worst of people right now. Alongside this opposition, for the past few months, Pluto and Saturn have been retrograde and will station direct next week. These two planets have made everything feel like the ground has been shaken up beneath you, but ultimately it’s for your highest purpose. Saturn was revealing the aspects of your life that were unstable and unhealthy, and Pluto was forcibly getting rid of them, regardless of if you were ready or not. With both these planets stationing direct next week, get ready to build a new foundation for yourself, so to speak, in whatever aspect of your life you feel intuitively called towards.  
We’re in Virgo season and experiencing a very personal Virgo stellium (Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Venus) so I see many of you putting yourselves on a new diet or making major lifestyle changes. I also see meditation coming into many of your daily routines. On the day of the full moon, Venus and Mercury are going to come into a direct conjunction. These two planets meeting will bring harmony to relationships/partnerships. Mercury rules writing, speaking, and communication, so when it meets up with Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics, I’m seeing that the full moon will be a good time to speak and write your intentions to manifest them. Venus is also very creative, so I see people using their creativity to get a point across. I even see people using art to help them visualize the life or the outcome that they ultimately want for themselves. Visualization is going to play a big part in the magick that we work during this full moon because it’s very harmonious with Pisces’ daydreaming idealism.
Neptune is also retrograde at the time of me writing this, and so, what I’m feeling is that Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn have all been pushing these karmic occurrences or soul connections to the surface. Sometimes, people from our past lives often reincarnate themselves in this life just to spend time with us. You’ll know when someone from your past life is back because you will both feel an immediate connection. This is a time where soulmates and dare I say it, twin flames, will be revealing themselves for the next week. They’ve already been revealing themselves during the time Saturn and Pluto have been retrograde. You’ll have an instant knowing that you meeting these people didn’t happen by accident, but you met at the exact divine timing of which you were meant to. You’ll see signs and synchronicities all over the place before and after you meet these people. Bear in mind, these people come into your life to help you grow and learn, just as you’re in theirs to help them grow and learn. These people typically don’t stay forever. Also, not every single person you encounter is a soul tie or karmic bond. You’ll know when you encounter one of these people because the connection will feel so powerful in an instant, and it won’t make logical sense, but it will make intuitive sense.
The Sun is going to be in conjunction with Mars in the sign of Virgo as well. This is creating a sense of urgency and impatience, which has been building up globally for a while now, but everything is going to reach a head tomorrow on the full moon. The Sun-Mars conjunction is a test to see if we’ll act on our impulses and start trying to force things to happen. You need to keep in mind during this time that patience is key and you can’t control everything. You need to keep yourself open and receptive. In terms of minor inconveniences, don’t get hung up on these overall insignificant annoyances or delays. Find a detour and keep going. Meditate on it and trust your inner voice. 
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Looking at what I’m seeing in the tarot, I pulled a Celtic Cross spread and got a pretty powerful message.
Position 1: 8 of Pentacles
Position 2: The Hanged Man
Position 3: 3 of Pentacles
Position 4: 9 of Pentacles
Position 5: 6 of Cups
Position 6: 2 of Swords
Position 7: 6 of Wands
Position 8: King of Swords
Position 9: King of Pentacles
Position 10: Ace of Wands
Right off the bat, look at all the pentacles there are in this reading. If you’ve been trying to start a business or find a job that suits your life purpose, you’ve been putting in the work and this full moon will bring out opportunities left and right for you. What have you been trying to build for yourself? Set your intention and wait for whatever it is that you want to trickle into your life. The number 8 represents an infinite evolutionary cycle, ever flowing and ever-changing as we change. The energy we’re working with on this full moon is in favor of speaking what seems to be impossible into existence, however, it requires patience and mindfulness. Don’t stop working and improving yourself after the full moon, keep it up because work ultimately brings in the results. Vibrating from a higher level will bring in these higher-vibration desires you have. The universe will match the energy you’re putting out, nothing more and nothing less. Keep your vibes high.
You’re being supported by intuition and disconnecting from the frustration of minor day-to-day inconveniences. Keeping your eyes on the bigger picture will do wonders in the long run. However, don’t remain passive. Know what you want and go for it, but not in a way that makes you become domineering and ultimately end up disappointing and exhausting yourself.
The collective has undergone so much change and evolution in this year. Mercury-Venus will be a reminder that we’re stronger when we’re bounded by love and acceptance rather than hate and bitterness. This is a good sign for business partnerships or people who are trying to network/brand themselves. Generally, you’ll meet the right people at the right time and everything will feel like it’s falling into place.
Visualization will be such a helpful tool in trying to call in what you want for yourself. If when you visualize something, it makes you feel content and secure, set the intention and call it in. Realizing that you deserve peace is the first step to achieving it. You’ve been putting so much effort into this because you realize that you deserve the life that you want for yourself. This full moon will help with that. The Law of Attraction doesn’t have overnight shipping, so be patient and stay present and mindful in the moment.
Random acts of kindness, giving or receiving, create feelings of unity and gratitude. This is the full moon to put your energy into creating emotion or evoking emotion out of people. You never know how seeing or experiencing a piece of art could impact others and/or yourself. 
It’s up to you how you will receive or even if you will receive what you asked for. If you don’t really believe it will happen, then it won’t. Don’t doubt anything. Are you making the effort to change and improve or are you sticking your fingers in your ears, refusing to be honest with yourself, and just hoping that everything will work out despite the fact that you’re entirely closed off? Are you helping or hurting your own cause?
I’m really feeling so much potential for the collective. This full moon, when in conjunction with Neptune, is providing all the otherworldly support we need in order to receive what we’re asking for. The opposing Virgo stellium is the practical remainder we need to remember that there are steps we must take in order to reach the outcome.
The King of Swords is a reminder to be discriminating and honest about what exactly you want in your energy field. If you don’t feel at peace with your environment, set the boundaries or even cut the cords with whatever is creating this agitation and uneasiness. The Universe wants to provide and give abundance, but in order to receive in it’s entirety, you need to put in the time, energy, and work for it. Not only will the rewards you reap be much sweeter in the end, you’ve also just balanced out your karma. The Universe is feeling your blood, sweat, tears, and intention and therefore will provide back to you in threefold. 
Overall: Recognize your own power. Claim it. Step into it. Watch how sparks fly and how easily things flow into your life once you make these practical changes to feel more connected to the Universe and the collective spirit. When you clean up your physical environment, you’re also making order in your mind. This full moon is the time to release old energy that’s trickling into your emotional body. Cleaning your environment and making a list of all the things you know are weighing you down will recycle this energy and ultimately make you stronger. There’s no obligation to be the same person you were 5 months ago or even 5 minutes ago. We are always flowing and changing, even if you don’t realize it, and this full moon is the time to tune into that. 
Crystals, Herbs, Energies, Mediums of Magick, and Scents to be Working With on this Full Moon: 
This full moon is known as the “Harvest Moon.” In ancient Egypt, September 13-14 were known as the Ceremony of Lighting the Fire, which honored Nephthys and the spirits of the dead. This is a time to work with fire, tap into faerie magick, and balance out the energies of the light and the dark. This is when you should clean up any and all mental and emotional clutter you may have been experiencing. Visualization, automatic writing, dream work, and astral projection will all be incredibly powerful right now. Writing down your intentions will do wonders as well, since Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of writing and communication.
Crystals: amethyst, moonstone, selenite, citrine, peridot, lapis lazuli, dendrite chalcedony 
Herbs: fennel, rye, peony, mugwort, wheat, narcissus, skullcap, hazel, ash trees (not sure why I felt so compelled to write this one)
Scents: storax, bergamot, dragon’s blood, frankincense
I see people connecting to and working with their solar plexus, throat, third eye, and heart chakras as well. Thank you for reading! Happy early full moon! Blessed be <3
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witchnoob · 5 years
Stop talking shit about your tarot card pulls!
10 of SWORDS is the END OF A CYCLE
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witchnoob · 5 years
The “putting every cool rock I see on his altar like a crow” is my favorite one. I’ve never related doing that with crows or birds lmaoo Hey, wait a sec. Do Apollo still likes crows? Crows still like him after what he did to them? Hmph.
How I want to worship Apollo
Wearing (ethically sourced) gold and various opal jewelry
Wearing short flowy dresses or shorts and tanks as well as the cutest ankle boots or going barefoot while looking like an ambiguous gender/fae
Wearing body glitter everywhere, changing my hair color whenever I want no matter how dark my hair as and wearing every color of color contacts
Learning a new language every year including dead ones such as Ancient Greek and Latin
Learning a new instrument every year as well
Visiting the Temple of Delphi
Becoming a master of herbs and folk remedies (not in place of modern medicine, mind you)
Drinking wine and making fresh bread as offerings to him
Having a small, non-butcher, and free-range farm with bee hives and rows of flowers and plants and fruit trees.
Hand made wands of every wood and stone
How I actually worship Apollo
Making Spotify playlists of songs I really like for Apollo to hear
Buying the cheapest moscato once a month to drink in front of my altar and while watching Masterchef
Being bilingual and just practicing my Spanish at work
Solely dying my hair various shades of red
Knowing like 10 herbal remedies from my Grandmother, but creating them for my coworkers
Writing as many fantasy stories I can since I see it as an art
Visiting orchards and farmers markets whenever possible
Wearing whatever the hell is comfortable, but with cute ankle boots
Wearing my binder whenever the hell I want
Putting every cool rock I see on his altar like a crow
Every now and then, I use a bath bomb and put on a face mask, and when my fiance asks why, I say that I’m worshipping my body in place of Apollo’s and it has nothing to do the fight I had at work and yes I know I have a hot pocket on a plate with me in the bath and a bunch of top-10 cryptid sightings videos queued on my phone, what of it?
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witchnoob · 5 years
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moon cycle calendar for september 2019
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witchnoob · 5 years
In all seriousness....
Can someone tell me what the f*ck is up with nightvale? I'm intrigued but also concerned.
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witchnoob · 5 years
How would/should a recon Hellenic polytheist purify things? Their space and objects they want to use for sacred things. As well as themselves?
I just finished setting up and consecrating my new altar, so this is a particularly appropriate topic to write about now.
Before going in-depth, I’ll start with a reminder: there are different types, or “levels” if you will, of purification in Hellenic polytheism. The most basic is what I would call everyday purification, or purification from lyma; then there is expiation, to get rid of severe pollution or miasma; lastly, there is consecration, the process of making something sacred. I won’t discuss expiation much here, as it is necessary only in specific situations which I assume don’t apply to most people. (If you’re interested in it, I’d recommend reading the Greek tragedies, especially Aeschylus’ Oresteia and Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris, which deal in part with expiatory rites after murder.)
Let’s start with everyday purification. I’ve found Labrys’ book Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship to be particularly accurate in explaining what it is (distinguishing it from more severe pollution) and how it’s done:
For living humans to approach the world of the Gods demands physical, mental and spiritual purity. This may be attained through the simple ritual cleansing that is a prerequisite to any ceremony.There are, however, particular states of “contamination” or Miasma that prohibit any attempt to approach the Gods whatsoever. To be purified from Miasma requires special ritualistic actions. (Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship, p. 73-74)
Cleansing (Khernips): this should be a bowl or basin, wide enough to be filled with water, which may be used for the ceremonial washing of the hands or face before each ritual. (idem, p. 40)
The book also mentions hand-washing as the third step in a ritual: “all participants wash their hands in the cleansing basin” (p. 92).
This is accurate to ancient sources, which describe people washing their hands and sometimes face before ritual. See, for example, how Achilles prepares for prayer in the Iliad (16.225-232):
Ἔνθα δέ οἱ δέπας ἔσκε τετυγμένον, οὐδέ τις ἄλλοςοὔτ᾽ ἀνδρῶν πίνεσκεν ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ αἴθοπα οἶνον,οὔτέ τεῳ σπένδεσκε θεῶν, ὅτε μὴ Διὶ πατρί˙τό ῥα τότ᾽ ἐκ χηλοῖο λαβὼν ἐκάθηρε θεείῳπρῶτον, ἔπειτα δ᾽ ἔνιψ᾽ ὕδατος καλῇσι ῥοῇσι,νίψατο δ᾽ αὐτὸς χεῖρας, ἀφύσσατο δ᾽ αἴθοπα οἶνον˙εὔχετ᾽ ἔπειτα στὰς μέσῳ ἕρκεϊ, λεῖβε δὲ οἶνονοὐρανὸν εἰσανιδών˙ Δία δ᾽ οὐ λάθε τερπικέραυνον.
His beautifully crafted cup was there; no other mandrank from it the fire-coloured wine,and neither did he libate from it to any God other than Father Zeus;taking it from the chest, he purified it with sulphurfirst, then washed it with beautiful flowing water,washed his own hands, and drew the fire-coloured wine;then, standing in the middle of the courtyard, he prayed and spilled the winewith his eyes to the sky; and he did not go unnoticed by Zeus who rejoices in thunder. (transl. my own)
That’s really all it takes: a little washing with pure water. Water from a flowing spring is best, or if you live by the sea, seawater. I’m lucky to live in a country with very fresh and clean tap water, so I’m comfortable using it for purification, but if that’s not your case and you don’t have access to natural water sources either, you might want to consider buying bottled water for this purpose.
Now let’s move on to consecration. This is, to give a slightly tongue-in-cheek explanation, a purification level-up: its purpose isn’t just to cleanse something/someone, but to bring it/them into a sacred state. Anything that is to be used in ritual, including ritual space, should be consecrated. (This is why the requirements for cleanliness when entering an Ancient Greek temple were particularly stringent - these weren’t requirements for everyday ritual purity, but for entering a highly sacred, consecrated space.) Naturally, since consecration is a kind of level-up from purification, it requires more elaborate rites.
There are many different methods for this. Purification by fire, particularly by flaming torch, was common; so was sulphur, as evidenced by the Iliad quote above; bathing objects/people in seawater was another option. I personally use the tried and true method of what is commonly called khernips, that is, a flame extinguished in pure water. I begin by washing the space I want to use (for example, a shelf or cabinet surface) then anoint every ritual object, including statues. I also anoint myself. If I feel it to be necessary, I might recite a small prayer as I do so, something like: “Khairete Theoi, I consecrate this (object’s name) to your service. May it be sacred to you, and only come into contact with that which is pure.”
Lastly, since consecration requires a high level of purity, I often shower and dress in fresh clothes before beginning, and I always veil my hair. By contrast, for a regular, simple ritual, I consider it enough to bind my hair (which I do anyway) and wash my hands and face.
I hope this helps, and may the Gods keep you always
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witchnoob · 5 years
How to Enchant an Object
1. Always start with intent. What is the goal of the enchantment? Beauty? Fear? Love? Once decided, gather your ingredients. Remember that they can be physical, such as dried herbs or crystals, or it can be your own energy.
2. Select an object to enchant. I find that jewelry works very well with enchantments, but almost any object will do. Personally, I believe that the material of the object you are enchanting will affect how long the spell lasts (I’ve found that metal holds it the longest).
3. Pick a time to do the spell. Depending on your beliefs, the time of day, lunar cycle, or day of week may strengthen or weaken the effects of your enchantment.
4. Place the object amid your spell components. So, if using physical components, place it in a glass bowl (or the floor, a hole in the ground, etc.) with your ingredients. If using energy, place it in your hands, or alternatively, hold your hands over the object (note: or another body part. It doesn’t have to be hands. I have done enchantments that are completed with a kiss, or require stomping. Again, it all depends on the intent).
5. Regardless of the type of ingredients you are using, imagine that your selected object is filling with new powers. The energy from your body - or from your ingredients - is being sucked out and absorbed. What color is this energy? Does it move quickly or slowly? Does it make a sound, or give off a smell? How do you feel imaging it? If it were to talk, what would it say? Know the energy. When you feel as though the object you are enchanting is teeming with new powers, gently bring your mind back to the present. Your enchantment is complete.
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witchnoob · 5 years
✨🌳🌱Readings for the Rainforest🌱🌳✨
**Edited to include additional readers who will be joining me in this fundraising effort! Please reblog this version when you see it!**
We all know the devastation that the Amazon fires are causing. From ecological to social destruction. You can read more about this tragedy here: x x x 
It’s time to put our money and effort where our reblogging fingers are. 
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In an effort to do what I can to aid those affected, I’m going to be running a fundraiser! Starting today, and running at least until Friday, September 6th, I’ll be offering tarot readings by donation, featuring #thebottanicaldeck by Jessica Bott, @thecrackedamethyst. This deck is all about the beauty and bounty of plants and how they can heal us. We need to  help nature heal now too. We need to aid the indigenous people who are fighting for their lives and their land.
50% of the total proceeds will go straight to either The Rainforest Trust or Amazon Watch, and hopefully we’ll raise enough to be able to donate to both organizations. The suggested donation for this event is between $5-$10 per card. I have all of my tarot reading guidelines listed here. 
Help me reach a goal of donating at least $100! Which should be doable, so lets smash this and show people that the pagan community doesn’t just talk the talk of caring for our planet and fellow humans!
✨ If you’d like to request a reading, please use the form on the home page of my site, or email me at [email protected], not through tumblr! That way I can keep better track of our donations and goals!
✨If you’d like to donate, but don’t want a reading, that’s fantastic! Thank you so much for your generous spirit! You can send your donation directly to an organization that you like and send me a screenshot and I’ll include your donation in the totals at the end, or you can send a donation through paypal and 100% of that will go toward the total donation!
Follow me on instagram, twitter, and sign up for updates on the homepage of my site therestlesswitch.com! 
-Kai ✨
More Readers that are Participating!
Some Wonderful People are joining me in this fundraiser! If you’d also like to join us and help raise donations, and you can do some divination or other witchy service in return, let me know through either message on here or email me! 
✨🌱@crystalcube3009 will be offering readings as well! Message them through tumblr dm for more information! My sincerest thanks for your generous offering!
✨🌱@executionair will be offering tarot readings as well! Check out their post here for all their info! Thank you so much, you wonderful person, you! 
✨🌱 @hazelrose6367 will also be offering readings! They made a post about it here, check it out for all the relevant info! Thanks to you, most magical human!
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witchnoob · 5 years
🌟Major Arcana Basics🌟
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0. The Fool
Upright: Unlimited potential, new beginnings, care-free, spontaneity, innocence
Reversed: Naivety, holding back, recklessness
Astrology: Uranus
Element: Air
1. The Magician
Upright: Manifestation, willpower, resourcefulness, power, inspired action
Reversed: Manipulation, illusions, out of touch, poor planning, untapped talents
Astrology: Mercury
Element: Air
2. High Priestess
Upright: Intuition, sacred knowledge, divine feminine, the subconscious mind
Reversed: Secrets, disconnected from intuition, withdrawal and silence
Astrology: Moon
Element: Water
3. The Empress
Upright: Femininity, beauty, nature, nurturing, abundance
Reversed: Creative block, dependence on others
Astrology: Venus
Element: Earth
4. The Emperor
Upright: Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure
Reversed: Domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility
Astrology: Aries
Element: Fire
5. The Hierophant
Upright: Spiritual wisdom, religious, beliefs, conformity, tradition, institution
Reversed: Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo
Astrology: Taurus
Element: Earth
6. The Lovers
Upright: Love, harmony, relationships, values, alignment, choices
Reversed: Self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of value
Astrology: Gemini
Element: Air
7. The Chariot
Upright: Control, willpower, success, action, determination
Reversed: Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction
Astrology: Cancer
Element: Water
8. Strength
Upright: Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion
Reversed: Inner strength, self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion
Astrology: Leo
Element: Fire
9. The Hermit
Upright: Soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal
Astrology: Virgo
Element: Earth
10. The Wheel of Fortune
Upright: Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
Reversed: Bad luck, resistance to change, breaking cycles
Astrology: Jupiter
Element: Fire
11. Justice
Upright: Justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law
Reversed: Unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty
Astrology: Libra
Element: Air
12. Hanged Man
Upright: Pause, surrender, letting go, new perspective
Reversed: Delays, resistance, stalling, indecision
Astrology: Neptune
Element: Water
13. Death
Upright: Endings, change, transformation, transition
Reversed: Resistance to change, personal transformation
Astrology: Scorpio
Element: Water
14. Temperance
Upright: Balance, moderation, patience, purpose
Reversed: Imbalance, excess, self-healing, re-alignment
Astrology: Sagittarius
Element: Fire
15. The Devil
Upright: Shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction, sexuality
Reversed: Releasing limiting beliefs, exploring dark thoughts, detachment
Astrology: Capricorn
Element: Earth
Ayin➡️Clear vision
16. The Tower
Upright: Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening
Reversed: Personal transformation, fear of change, averting disaster
Astrology: Mars
Element: Fire
17. The Star
Upright: Hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality
Reversed: Lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection
Astrology: Aquarius
Element: Air
18. The Moon
Upright: Illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition
Reversed: Release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion
Astrology: Pisces
Element: Water
Kaph➡️Hidden problems
19. The Sun
Upright: Positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality
Reversed: Inner child, feeling down, over optimistic
Astrology: Sun
Element: Fire
20. Judgment
Upright: Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution
Reversed: Self-doubt, inner critic, ignoring the call
Astrology: Pluto
Element: Fire
21. The World
Upright: Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel
Reversed: Seeking personal closure, short-cuts, delays
Astrology: Saturn
Element: Earth
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witchnoob · 5 years
Types of water
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💧Rain Water 💧 
Multipurpose, Growth, Rebirth, good for Spells that Gain Power over time
💧River Water💧
Moving on, Focusing Energy, Warding, Breaking through Rough Paths, and Good for Powering Tools
💧Storm Water💧
Emotional Strength, Confidence, Motivation, Force, Charging, Strengthens Spells, and Good for Curses
💧Snow Water💧
Purity, Endings, Change, good for Slow-moving Spells
💧Sea Water💧 
Cleansing, Healing, Banishing, and Protection
💧Dew Water💧
Love, Fertility, Delicate Magick, Fae Work
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witchnoob · 5 years
I don’t feel alright with the last one. but yea, great <3
broke witch hacks 🍄
🌙 use old socks to make spell satchets! these are also great because theyve spent a lot of time with you, so the spell will have an enhanced effect :))
🌙 buy your herbs in bulk!!!!!!!!! never pay more than a dollar for a lil bag of herbs! buy huge bags of them, you wont regret this! i recently bought a huge container of cinnamon sticks, i absolutely love it.
🌙 if you simply cannot get a physical copy of a book, download a pdf of old grimoires and spellbooks! theres so much knowledge out there, you just have to go find it!
🌙 cant afford fancy herbs? thats okay! table salt can be used in almost every recipe, (savory) and has cleansing properties. it can also protect against misfortune. pepper is also good for banishing negativity, and if you can get your hands on some cinnamon or sage those are wonderful for drawing love and happiness, and sage is perfect for cleansing.
🌙 if you cant afford a big fancy leather vintage whatever book for your bos, its okay! a composition book is fine. better yet, you can use the notes app on your phone! this is great for if youre on the go.
🌙 not being able to afford fancy shiny gems and crystals is okay!!!!!! stones you find yourself have a much more sentimental value and can be used just as youd use any other rock.
🌙 you dont have to dress witchy!!!!!!!!! witches can wear whatever, they dont have to wear all black and crystal necklaces! although thats the aesthetic i hope to achieve
🌙 meditate. even if its the only magick you can do! try energy work!!!!
🌙 collect rocks and sticks and stones and plants you find! go outside hunting for cool rocks! talk to the bugs! hug the trees!
🌙 hotels sometimes have tea in the lobby, steal a crap ton of teabags because fuck capitalism
the most magickal tool is yourself. you are divine 💘
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witchnoob · 5 years
🌟Tips for interpreting Tarot🌟
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1. The most important clues may be in the background! 
In the Rider Waite Smith deck, many cards show a figure with a number of significant items behind his or her back. What happens behind one’s back is, for oneself, something unseen, shadowy, something to which one has no conscious access. This could point to the idea that the figure in the foreground is unaware of the nature or scope of their issues. You can’t grasp what you cannot see, and that can reveal a lot about the nature of the card’s meaning.
2. The color of the sky reveals a lot!
Again referencing the Rider Waite Smith deck, the color of the sky on a given card often leads to a simple but important clue for its interpretation.
3. Pay close attention to proportions!
In the image of the Four of Wands, the figures are depicted much smaller than is the case in other images; they fall short. Or perhaps they are of normal height and are painted so small in order to emphasize the comparatively huge size of the wands. This sort of thing can be found in many other cards. 
4. Court cards represent developed personalities or facets of oneself!
The Queen: impulsive, an initiator, an investigator (water type)
The King: thorough, intensive, consolidating (fire type)
The Knight: magnifying, expanding, a drawer of consequences (air type)
The Page: makes something tangible out of or with the element in question (earth type)
4. Pay attention to numbers!
Numerology can play a big role in your interpretations of the cards, especially in the Minor Arcana:
Ones (Aces): Something new with vast potential is indicated when you have many aces in your readings. They are pure energy without form - and it depends on you to shape it and bring the opportunities that they represent into fruition. Because they are raw, they are also unstable, and can very quickly overwhelm if not taking care.
Twos: Coming together in pairs is the theme of the twos, and all the complexities that this union represents. We leave the individuality of the ones, and the twos are a taste of union. 
Threes: Group dynamics rule the threes in the tarot, and they depict different outcomes that can occur when a group comes together - whether they are groups of individuals, or groups of ideas. Because it is also symbolically thought of as completion (the first polygon, the holy trinity, etc) it also indicates an initial completion of a first phase of some sort.
Fours: The fours usually indicate that some foundation has been created and is ready to grow and evolve. To grow and evolve is the key here, because though the foundation is created, there is some disappointment indicated sometimes because things may not have progressed entirely as hoped for - thus, the fours are also the universe’s way of pushing us to grow and move forward.
Fives: Change, fluctuations and conflict are represented by the fives. After the fours, the fives are amplifications of that same energy. When that energy explodes, the fives ask us to look within ourselves for a deeper reason of why to progress. To move forward and beyond these instabilities, we have to push forward.
Sixes: While the fives represent conflict, the sixes represent the movement away from that conflict into a solution, whether they are internal or external, whether that means reconciliation or letting go. They are the cards of overcoming suffering, light after the dark.
Sevens: When seeing many sevens in a reading it usually indicates that it is a time to step back and introspect. The sevens ask us to assess, and reevaluate whether the path that you are taking is what is best for you. Sometimes this is a lonely pursuit, but this period is needed to go forward with your authentic desires.
Eights: A completion of a second phase is indicated with the eights, and usually corresponds to some sort of achievement, whether in the worldly sense, or in an emotional sense. Growth either way is indicated here, and sometimes it can take place in a form where we least expected it.
Nines: Nearing completion is indicated by the nines, and this can take the form of entering a plateau of some sort. What looks like the finish line, may actually be just a transitory stage. While the feeling of completion is here, it is usually just a pause before the final part of the cycle comes.
Tens: In the tens, we see the actual completion of the cycle, that something has come to a full circle - it indicates that from this point forward, we can move towards a new beginning.  ✨🔮✨ Sources: Biddytarot, The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot by Johannes Fiebig and Evelin Burger, Understanding Tarot by Liz Dean
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witchnoob · 5 years
Tarot - Minor Arcana Suits ✨
in a reading, if you have mostly…
conditions are primarily in the realm of thought
situation is in the very early stages of development 
you are being provided insight into the core of who you are 
they represent intention and consciousness 
you are being inspired to take action 
element: fire 
key words: ideas, growth, ambition, expansion
conditions are primarily felt in the realm of emotion or spirit 
you need to pay attention to your intuition for this situation 
thoughts and feelings are blending together 
things may not be manifesting outwardly yet 
element: water 
key words: emotion, desire, inner experience, spirit
conditions are in the realm of action 
there is a lot of activity, acceleration, and/or agitation 
associated with power and conflict 
you’re in the last stages of effort and/or difficulty before the final result 
swords do have a double edge - be cognizant of your thoughts/ambitions/actions 
element: air 
key words: action, movement, struggle, keenness 
conditions are taking form, you’re in the realm of manifestation 
dealing with the physical plane of life 
situations surrounding work, health, finances, material possessions 
you are being presented with the end result - what’s come to fruition 
element: earth 
key words: manifestation, realization, proof, prosperity 
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