2huheadcanons · 6 months
❄️It’s been fun, I’m officially leaving the blog. As mentioned in the previous post, I can still be reached at the other blog if needed for any reason.
Sorry things have just been in a stasis for so long.
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2huheadcanons · 9 months
Update News
❄️Okay, this was a difficult decision to make considering it took this long, but with the fact that our body’s mental, emotional, and physical health are all in shambles and we’ve just been lacking in motivation to keep this blog going, I’ve decided to hand it off completely to a close friend of mine whom I happened to meet through this blog in the first place. Hopefully they’ll be able to run this smoother than I ever have.
It is kinda disappointing that I feel the need to do this, considering the blog started as a personal archive, a passion project of sorts, but as it gained visibility it started to get a bit overwhelming. I’ll probably still check up on things though of course, and if anyone wants to reach us(Mod Koishi and Mod Weiss) for any reason, we can still be found here.
For now though, until the new mod gets settled in, I’ll stick around a bit longer.
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2huheadcanons · 2 years
❄️So great news, the PCP I went to gave me a prescription-grade cough syrup since literally everything else was doing absolute jack, and the kind they gave me is actually working???? Like no joke, this is the ONLY thing that any medical professional that I’ve seen for this dumb chronic cough had given me that actually showed signs of improvement. The coughing fits are now mild enough to be bearable, and as long as I don’t take a dose within 4 hours of the last, I can take it as needed for whenever I need it suppressed
Also the pain in my ribs is basically gone with the cough waaaay reduced, so yeah, surprisingly, the primary care doctor actually did way more for me than urgent care, or even the fucking pulmonologist did, which is wild
Anyway, not gonna complain so long as I’m not in unbearable pain on top of being unable to catch my breath anymore
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2huheadcanons · 2 years
❄️Uh so some time has passed and I forgot to give an update:
So my physical health has only worsened since my last message, despite my efforts to get medical attention. I’ve had this aggressive chronic cough for like, 3 months now, and regardless of everything I have tried, it’s still sticking around to the point where I’m like 90% sure my lungs are gonna be permanently fucked up.
I’ve tried medication, cough syrup, tea with honey, a nebulizer, an inhaler, you name it, I’ve tried it and honestly it’s only ever made things worse, we’re talking full blown coughing fits that last literal hours with only seconds of a window to get air, and I can’t afford to go to the ER. I’m having to be off medication until it’s discovered what the hell this illness is because none of the doctors I’ve gone to can seem to figure it out(tbh it feels like they’re not even trying but what can ya do?)
With the cough already being an ongoing issue, I’ve also now started to deal with intense pain in the right side of my ribs, and despite there being no physical evidence, a close friend theorized that the endless coughing could have potentially cracked one of my ribs. I have no proof for this though, so I don’t know how accurate that is, but it sure feels like something’s broken.
I got no clue what to do, tbh. I have an appointment for a primary care doctor today, but considering even the pulmonologist couldn’t figure out what the fuck is going on(and charged me hundreds of dollars for the visit on top of medication for asthma that didn’t work), I doubt the PCP will be able to do any better
I’m not looking for pity, I know my health is pretty much fucked until somebody can accurately tell me what’s wrong and how to deal with it. I’ve done basically all I can within financial limits. I’ve already had several emotional breakdowns about it but crying also makes the pain worse. I can’t win and it sucks, even more so that all the people who have the ability and equipment to stop this don’t actually care enough to do so affordably.
Anyway, that’s what’s on my plate right now, I’m sorry again for being mostly MIA, but getting rid of this chronic cough is my top priority at the moment, then I can get a handle the rest of my physical health issues one at a time.
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2huheadcanons · 2 years
take all the time you need
❄️Honestly, thank you. The biggest priority on my plate right now is a trip to urgent care first thing tomorrow morning since I couldn’t be seen earlier today due to a 3-4 hour wait time. Some kind of respiratory infection or other, hope it can be taken care of ASAP. It’s not COVID at least, I don’t have any other symptoms, but it could still be something serious
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2huheadcanons · 2 years
Wellness check up, you guys hanging or are you uh... hanging? Apologies for poor taste in joke decor if it wasn't to your taste.
❄️Probably a bit in poor taste but I appreciate you checking in. I wish I could say I was doing okay, I’ve been struggling with a handful of medical setbacks and mod Hydra’s been stacked with life business so neither of us have had any motivation to be active on here.
I’d invest in seeking out a new mod if there were anyone else within my social circle who enjoyed Touhou as much as we do, but sadly we’re the only ones and I don’t trust many others to carry this blog in a way that will continue to welcome every fan regardless of race, sexuality, gender, etc. I’ve been trying throughout the years to maintain this blog as a safe space as well as an outlet for both my sub-mods (alters, for those who aren’t aware that I, Mod Weiss, am part of a DID system) and a general means to archive personal headcanons by myself and all who stop by here. It’s basically become a part of myself and I’d hate to watch it devolve into something I can no longer recognize.
I want to say that once things start to calm down, I’ll officially get this blog up and running again, but I’m not sure when that will be and I don’t want to bring any false hopes. I’m so sorry for all the hiatuses, I’m doing my best.
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2huheadcanons · 2 years
i can't believe two who is hecking dead. AGAIN.
❄️I’m really sorry about all the hiatuses, I’ve personally been low on energy and mod Hydra has been busy with life and hasn’t had the time to be very active. I know they’re poor excuses, but please be patient with us as much as possible.
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
Chen is the child of the cat-turned-god-of-trains Tama, which is how Yukari keeps getting these trains
Yoooo I like this one
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
Keinne is Heidas twin from a previous generation, which is why both having history/memory based powers
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
Seija Kijin's slow growth powers come from her human father's side of the family who is merely a yokai bounty hunter with regular equipment that fell happily in love with Seija's amanojaku mother. With how affable Seija is with her interactions post danmaku amanojaku impossible spell card. Who can honestly disagree the would be assassin of a father didn't fall for the mother not because of her looks?
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
The only motive Seija Kijin didn't lie to Sukuna Shinmyoumaru. Is that she did want the weak to rule gensokyo if it meant this weak evil yokai has to take charge of it by her own hands. Seija's bravery for her conviction is one thing. Her hardest objective however to achieve this is to turn gensokyo against each other. As a united alliance will destroy Seija along with any of her current resources. Knowing full well Seija is just appealing to the masses and is only in it for power and image.
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
That Seija headcanon refers to natural born yokai being more resilient due to being created from stories. Like some gestalt conciousness entity from the minds of humans brought to reality itself. I imagine the more their stories exist to the common public the better chance someone like a yokai have a better chance at ressurecting. This only applies to actual yokai and not hybrids like say the fortune teller human turned yokai. The flaw is that Seija only has prior memories when brought back.
Reference to this HC
Thanks for explaining :)
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
Amanojaku hate everyone equally. But that applies to the ones on Earth. Even so no Amanojaku can be protective kin amongst the other. There is no love and friendship in war after all. And so infighting amanojaku vs amanojaku must be done in order to keep amanojaku paranoid, spiteful, narcissistic all the qualities to unleash the hateful madness that is inside them upon the world. No good and evil is safe. All is fair game to them and how much long you are an amusing toy alive depends on them.
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
Seija Kijin considers death to humans her very anathema. She recognizes if things like Amanojaku are created from human stories then keeping a sizable amount alive would be beneficial and that is provided she eliminates every major player off of Gensokyo before she secures her rule within the Eastern wonderland. Seija then sets her minds into consideration which human factions that embodies evil shall worship her as a deity while the rest she considers heretical shall be purged from her cult.
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
Revenge theory based on fan speculation related to Seija Kijin's claim to Reimu the amanojaku yokai have been oppressed. Seija's appearance as the only earth amanojaku in gensokyo implys she is the only remaining sole survivor. The amanojaku died from their own hubris after the old generation shrine maiden the sages and every yokai on the surface had them killed off for tipping off the balance between human and yokai by hogging the humans themselves. 2nd part to come.
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Reference to this HC
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
Seija Kijin allys with Flandre Scarlet, Nue Houjuu, Koishi Komeiji as the drama they create helps her take in fear easier in return she caters to their needs. They help fill her bad emotion craving, she protects and trains them in return. Think of it this way as two symbiotic animals helping each other's problems but with more range of rewards in it for them.
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2huheadcanons · 3 years
Seija Kijin spares the lives of her bounty hunter assassins as she knows they cannot pile up resources taking her down forever when there are other troubling incidents that will happen besides her sooner or later. Seija Kijin may be a villain but she at least is careful enough not to commit acts of stupid evil that would cost her own life.
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