4equipo · 2 years
Cálculo diferencial
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4equipo · 2 years
Cultura ambiental y desarrollo sustentable
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La cultura ambiental es una dimensión de la cultura general integral, es la manera como los seres humanos se relacionan con el medio ambiente.El problema del progresivodeterioro ambientaly social se ha atribuido a ciertas creencias o formas de ver elmundo que establecen, en gran parte, los valores y las actitudes con respecto al medio ambiente. Esto determina la cultura ambiental queidentifica a los pueblos.
Para el municipio de San Mateo Atenco, el problema de inundación, no solo afecta sus viviendas, sino también a sus lugares de trabajo, vialidades, así como su producción de zapato y el lugar donde es producido su producto; por ello se considera que es de suma importancia tratar este tipo de problemática de riesgoque impactan de forma económica, social, ambiental y territorial; se sabe que el principal factor es la ubicación de los asentamientos en zonas no aptas o zonas muy bajas, las cuales son propensas a inundaciones; la solución no está en retirar las viviendas y a las miles de familias establecidas en un área urbana, sino darle solución eficaz al problema, con propuestas innovadoras, concientizando a la población de la situación y del riesgo en el cual se encuentran. El problema viene de los demás municipios y San Mateo Atenco recibe los daños de los demás; principalmente al oriente del municipio, con las descargas de aguas residuales. A pesar de que se realizan obras año con año y en cada administración, son a corto plazo, y no se mitiga totalmente el problema, buscar soluciones a corto plazo y de carácter local, no solucionaría el problema, más sin embargo deben tomarse en cuenta, algunas medidas que disminuyan la situación, tales como el no tirar basura, mejorar y dar mantenimiento al drenaje,por mencionar alguna.
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4equipo · 2 years
Inglés IV
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We traveled to Mexico City, when we arrived at night it was raining, we stayed in a hotel, we came to Mexico because we wanted to know the Xochitla ecological park, which is a foundation that helps with the environment, when we arrived at the park They explained to us what we were going to do during the following days, they also told us what their main purposes are, which are:
Protect nature and biodiversity.
Promote environmental education.
Support communities.
Generate the resources that guarantee the permanence of our projects.
After giving us the talk and explaining what we were going to do, we began with the first task, which was to collect the paper that was no longer useful to be able to make a new homemade paper, after making our homemade paper, we went on to prepare the land for Our garden for the fall, it was a bit tired since it was very hot, the next day we had to learn how to sow the seeds of dahlia which is the national flower of Mexico, then we were able to know
Every corner of the park is really beautiful, today we had to get up early to go and collect the garbage that is around the park, and finally we had to water the trees, plants and orchards that were in the park, tomorrow finally we will be able to go to plant the orchard since the land is finally ready, the next day we will be able to go to the zoo, and finally we will be able to camp where they will allow us to live with nature, perform adventure activities, as well as creating unforgettable memories.When our adventures in the Xochitla ecological park finish we will publish our experiences.
Lomelin Aquino Natalia
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OMCA (Mexican Organization for the Conservation of the Environment) was born in 2009 in the City of Playa del Carmen, in the State of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Thanks to the initiative of a group of young people who decided to act together to contribute to the conservation of natural resources.
OMCA is a non-partisan and non-profit civil association, which seeks through its activities the improvement of public policies, the generation and dissemination of information, the empowerment and participation of society, and the promotion of education as a tool basic and fundamental for the balanced and lasting development in Mexico.
When we arrived at the Association the weather in the morning was sunny, so we decided to go to eat and then we went to the hotel where we would stay for those days that it was near the association, in the afternoon it began to cloud and shortly after it began to rain.
1. We had a talk about the sustainable use of natural resources.
2. We participate in activities for social benefit.
3. They told us about solid waste management.
4 .. We separate the garbage into organic and inorganic waste.
5. We took a walk around the place.
For the following days:
1. We will know the rest of the facilities.
2. We are going to compost.
3. We would have a talk about renewable energies.
Medina Heraz Sharon Michel
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We met in the center of Mexico City where we later stayed at the Hilton Mexico City Santa Fe hotel, it was a sunny climate where after our destination is Xochimilco and surroundings where it took us two hours to get there, it is located in a mountainous area.
The program is The Program for the rational and efficient use of water (PUREA) aims to inform, raise awareness, dimension and internalize concepts and behaviors that allow awareness of the need to establish mechanisms and systems that facilitate the possibility of reducing the amount of water used in order to make a rational and efficient use of it.
As a first volunteer activity, I was helping to hold conferences on the importance and what is the function of this program.  Another voluntary activity was to help carry out the projects they had to carry out in said foundation. As a third voluntary activity, it was able to distribute 100 water purification filters to the most vulnerable families in various communities. As another activity, I was able to give a general talk to the visited communities about the importance of hygiene as well as the importance of water to avoid diseases. Another activity is that I organize a group of people where I voluntarily support to make the water filters, and explain how they are used as well as in the program I can contribute some activities to be carried out in the next few days and also voluntarily Help purify the water using filtration media.
As the first activity to carry out the next days are: visiting families who want to buy water filters.  Another activity is to visit families interested in wanting to build a water system to be able to store their water and give it proper use.  And as the last activity is to create a group of people interested in helping this project to be able to achieve its objective, which is to publicize the importance of water and the care that we must do as well as help people who do not have those necessary resources and that they have a shortage of water in their homes.
Ortega Flores Liliana
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Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental, A.C
Destination Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental, A.C
They do not have their own accommodation, they will have to stay in the hotels around.
Air, Climate Change and Energy:
In terms of air quality, it carries out three important activities to comply with the legal framework of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA) to guarantee a healthy environment by protecting the atmosphere: 1) it promotes and guarantees effective mechanisms of transparency, social participation and accountability, which promote the updating and application of the norms; 2) it proposes updating the health standards for criteria pollutants according to the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the standards regarding emissions of pollutants from fuels and vehicles; and 3) the establishment of monitoring plans and programs to measure air pollutants.
Name and Purpose:
The Mexican Center for Environmental Law, A.C. (CEMDA) began in 1993 under the context of the signing of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). A group of lawyers, among them the teacher Gustavo Alanís, saw in the legal system an opportunity to achieve the correct protection of the environment. The purpose of CEMDA is to defend the human right to a healthy environment, which implies the protection of the environment and natural resources of Mexico. Its main work axis is the current legal-environmental system, through its strengthening, harmonization, consolidation, application and effective compliance.
Activities achieved:
• Establish highly relevant legal precedents that help encourage compliance with the law in future investment projects.
• Contribute to the defense and protection of Mexico's biocultural heritage, our water resources, as well as beaches, forests, jungles, Protected Natural Areas, as well as threatened and endangered plant and animal species.
• Demonstrate that, following institutional channels, working within the current legal framework and respecting people's human rights, it is possible to harmonize the economic development required by the country with the protection of the environment.
• Provide advice and training for the preparation and updating of environmental laws.
• Influence decision makers and relevant stakeholders to develop and implement public policies that are in line with the environmental challenges that are presented to Mexico.
Planned activities:
• Water for ecosystems, and the human right to water and sanitation.
• Biodiversity and defense of biocultural heritage.
• Fishing
• Sustainable tourism
•Sustainable development.
Rosales Castañeda María de los Ángeles
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The monarch butterfly is in danger due to the destruction of its natural habitat
Fundación Carlos Slim
It is a non-profit organization, committed to generating innovative solutions to strengthen health services for the benefit of the most vulnerable populations.
It is committed to transparency, the dissemination of knowledge and accountability.
It has no conflict of interest, does not pursue commercial purposes, does not promote the acquisition of products or services, nor does it operate with third-party intermediaries.
Monarch butterflies come to the state of Michoacán (Mexico) to reproduce
If there is a known insect in North America, it is the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus), which spends the winter on the coast of California (United States) to gather strength and start a long migration, when spring arrives, to Mexico, which is where will play.
Climate change is also wreaking havoc on this species of insects that synchronizes their migration with spring and with the flowering of flowering plants. It is estimated that these butterflies travel more than 5,000 kilometers each year.
Illegal logging threatens the future of monarch butterflies. In Michoacán this practice has been prohibited since 1986, when the authorities decided to protect the forests where monarch butterflies breed. However, there are still loggers here who exert strong pressure and threat
In order to protect the Monarch Butterfly, 160 pollinator gardens will be installed along seven hectares that are on the migratory route of this insect.
Carlos Slim Foundation, pointed out that the investment they make is 50 million dollars for the conservation of the butterfly, money that is distributed to organizations that investigate and protect the insect.
Various campaigns join the collection of garbage from the forests where butterflies live
In February, the National Action Plan for the conservation of the Monarch will be launched.
"Route of the Monarch", which aims to build 160 gardens in the State of Mexico so that the butterfly can feed and rest.
It is planned to start for the monarch butterflies on their way back, to sow it with seed mixtures that include milkweed and other species that feed nectar to the monarch butterflies.
Conanp announced that one of the jobs that the environmental gendarmerie will carry out will be to monitor the fir forests in order to protect the sanctuaries from illegal logging.
Salazar Cruz Naomi
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4equipo · 2 years
Física II
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Descripción del prototipo
Este prototipo tiene una forma circular, del material adecuado del que podría ser elaborado seria de acero inoxidable pues el metal tiene larga duración además de que es resistente al agua, la forma que tiene este prototipo es para hacer un separe de basura con el agua, puesto que dentro del prototipo se quede la basura, de igual forma dentro de este circulo88 tiene un filtro para que salga el agua que la basura trae. Teniendo en cuenta que las coladeras miden aproximadamente 63 x 53 x 20 cm y pesa 70 kg, este prototipo está diseñado para aguantar de 2 a 3 kilos de basura en un mes, ya que depende de la basura que se encuentre en el prototipo. Para poder sacar la basura procedemos a sacar el prototipo para después con pinzas diseñadas especialmente para recoger basura, obtener la basura acumulada en el mismo, al recolectar la basura procedemos a separar la basura de forma orgánica e inorgánica.
La forma que posee este prototipo y los materiales están diseñados para un mejor servicio a sí mismo para una mejor resistencia, y así mismo la calidad de material es de gran importancia por su soporte.
¿Por qué se considera un proyecto verde?
Nuestro prototipo entiende el medioambiente en un sentido amplio, no sólo se centran en acciones para el cuidado del medioambiente como el reciclaje o la conservación de los recursos naturales. También se preocupan de distintos elementos que intervienen directa o indirectamente en esta área, desde la calidad del aire hasta nuestro modelo de vida
Componentes y función de cada uno de ellos.
Materiales por emplear.
Barras de acero inoxidable
Tubo de acero Inoxidable
Maquina para soldar
Cortador de tubos
Pegamento para acero
Barras de acero inoxidable y tubo de acero inoxidable: Es una aleación de acero con un 10% de cromo, lo que lo hace resistente a la corrosión ya que el cromo que contiene y otros metales poseen gran afinidad con el oxígeno que conforman una capa pasiva que lo protege haciéndolo un acero de elevada pureza.
Máquina para soldar: Herramienta que es usada principalmente para la unión de piezas, mediante la aplicación del calor. Estas máquinas necesitan para trabajar la energía, la cual proviene de un arco de electricidad.
Cortador de tubos: El cortatubo es una herramienta de corte para tubos de metal, especialmente usado sobre cobre. Se emplea para realizar cortes en ángulo recto.
¿Qué problema social resuelve y cómo lo resuelve?
El problema socio-ambiental que resuelve nuestro prototipo son las enfermedades ocasionadas por las aguas negras, que se estancan gracias a que las coladeras se tapan con la basura tirada en las calles.
Por lo cual hemos empleado un prototipo, el cual ayuda a que las aguas estancadas fluyan por los desagües, para evitar las inundaciones en las calles y que la comunidad este en contacto directo con las aguas negras estancadas, para evitar enfermedades.
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4equipo · 2 years
Apreciación y expresión del arte
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4equipo · 2 years
Nociones de derecho
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