4nn1e-leedb · 5 years
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4nn1e-leedb · 5 years
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4nn1e-leedb · 5 years
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4nn1e-leedb · 5 years
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Lazy mornings
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4nn1e-leedb · 5 years
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Some 80s outfit aesthetics~
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4nn1e-leedb · 5 years
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4nn1e-leedb · 5 years
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Dark mood :>
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4nn1e-leedb · 5 years
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Hello, guys!
Here comes some vaporwave & art hoe aesthetics~~
Have a nice productive week💓
P.S. use photos with credits only :>
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4nn1e-leedb · 6 years
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Ugh #grunge #aesthetic #tumblr
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4nn1e-leedb · 6 years
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Use with credits only
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4nn1e-leedb · 6 years
School Related Vocab
만점을 받다 : get a full score, ace the test
낙제점을 받다 : flunk, receive a failing grade
장학금 신청하다 : apply for a scholarship
청강하다 : audit a class
학사학위 : bachelor’s degree
휴강하다 : cancel a class
따라잡다 : catch up (on work)
뒤처지다 : fall behind (on work)
컨닝하다 : cheat on a test
경쟁하다/겨루다 : compete
벼락치기를 하다 : cram for a test
학교를 중퇴하다 : drop out of school
학위를 따다 : earn a degree
평가하다 : evaluate
~와 사이가 좋다 : to get along with ~
퇴학 당하다 : get expelled
정학 당하다 : get suspended
알게 되다/ 안면이 있다 : to get/be acquainted
제출하다 : hand in
재시험을 치다 : retake an exam
교정을 보다 : proofread
밤새 공부하다 : pull an all-nighter (to study)
~의 손을 들다 : raise one’s hand
유급하다 : repeat a grade
유학하다 : study abroad
휴학하다 : take a leave of abscence, take time off from school
시험을 보다 : take an exams
필기하다 : take notes
학구전 : studious
우수한 성적으로 : with flying colors, with excellent results
구내식당 : cafeteria
급우 /반 친구 : classmate
졸업생 : alumnus
교환학생 : exchange student
우등생 : honor student
신입생/1학년 : freshman
과제 : assignment
학점 : credit
나머지공부 : detention
졸업장 : diploma
기숙사 : dormitory
전공 : major / 복수공부 : double major / 부전공 : minor
선택과목 : electives
특별활동 : extracurricular activities
교수진 : faculty
평점 : GPA, grade average
중간고사 : midterms / 기말고사 : finals
교장선생님 : principal/headmaster
학교폭력 (괴롭힘) : school bullying
수업을 빼먹다/땡땡이 치다 : skip class
2개국어 가능한/사용자 : bilingual
다국어 가능한/사용자 : multilingual
출처: 소통 5
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4nn1e-leedb · 6 years
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Hey guys! I didn't die, I'm alive 😅Just so many things to cope with lately that I literally have no spare minute ㅠㅠ New bullet journal spreads are coming soon, probably after my IELTS test which is this Saturday🙀Wish me luck Have a nice day, love y'all P.S. Really excited about this dungaree dress I bought recently :з
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4nn1e-leedb · 6 years
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Hey guys~ I've spotted a tendency for me to post here while being ill, so yeah. Here we go again. Laying in bad instead of attending classes😒 However staying at home does not necessarily mean not being productive, right? Btw I'm having Ielts exam in two weeks, so this is the opportunity to spend more time preparing 🤗 And of course I can't but show you my new flower friend~🌱 Hope y'all stay productive and good luck yo all of you passing any kind of examinations~
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4nn1e-leedb · 6 years
How to be good at interviews:
I’m having next Wednesday my first professional interview (eeeeek) so I decided to share the research I’m doing. I googled all of this and chose the information I found most important, and organized it. I truly hope it’s helpful for someone out there :)
always do your homework: learn about the organization, its ideas and story 
don’t necessarily memorize responses, but try to have a planned general strategy for answering common interview questions
practice in front of the mirror
be ready to briefly describe related experience
compare your qualifications to what the organization wants from you
“What’s your biggest weakness?” Think of a genuine issue you have as well as ways you have managed to work with/around it.
“What’s your biggest strengths?” Stand out from the crowd and don’t be afraid to speak about your strengths in an authentic and compelling way. See if your strengths align with the company’s needs.
“ Why do you want this job?”/ “Why should we hire you?” Stay focused on why your background makes you an ideal candidate and tell them how you are going to contribute to that department and that company. 
“Tell me about yourself.” Don’t tell them your life story, instead discuss what your interests are relating to the job and why your background makes you a great candidate.
“Why did you leave your last job/position/school?” Do not go into details about your dissatisfaction, tell them that while you valued the experience and education you received, you felt that the time had come to seek outo a new opportunity, expand your skills and knowledge, and to find a company with wich you could grow. Try to put a positive spin on things. Be honest if you were fired but don’t trash your previous boss.
“Where do you see yourself in five years?”  Be honest about what your greater aspirations are.
And much much much more (from your behaviour to work experiences, education, interests and motivation or problems and challeges you’ve faced previously), I would encourage you to try to write down some topics for each questions that work for you. Being prepared is everything.
sleep and eat well so you look rested and healthy on the big day
give yourself time to calm down/meditate/relax
don’t noodle around on your phone or electronic device while waiting - it may communicate boredom and frivolousness, maybe stick your notebook/notes
What to wear: normally it’s best to dress neutral, professionally/formal, not overly fashionable or trendy, and brightly colored clothing is bad. Make sure your clothes are neat and wrinkle free, and make sure your image is very clean and neat.
What to bring: if revelant, extra copies of your resume on quality paper, a notepad or professional binder and pen, information you might need to complete an application.
make eye contact
show courtesy to everyone during the interview, this means everyone from the reception staff to the interviewer herself
have good posture
avoid fidgeting too much or playing with your hair/touching face
have a good handshake
don’t cross your arms over your chest
walk, act, talk with confidence
be comfortable and relaxed
choose the words you say
don’t place stuff on their desk
manage your reactions - facial and body expressions give clues on how you feel: project a positive image
show interest and enthusiasm
show warmth and personality - being personable is about getting the interviewer’s emotional side to like you and believe in you
don’t lie to make it seem like you know something you don’t. You probably won’t fool your interviewer, and admitting to not know something is much more impressive than lying
be honest
keep things simple and short, talk in 30-90 second chunks. Any less and you’re likely to seem unqualified; any more and your interviewer is likely to lose interest in what you’re saying
THINK OF QUESTIONS TO ASK: participating actively during the interview gives a good impression of your level of interest in the job. Most of times it is more adequeate to ask in the end of the interview.  But I feel like you really need to make sure your questions are adequate. Examples:
“What types of training opportunities do you offer?”
“What are the chances for professional growth in this job opportunity?”
“Is there anything else I can provide you with that would be helpful?”
ALWAYS ask the “ When can I expect to hear back from you about the position?” question if  the interviewer does not tell you. 
Good questions are open-ended, and thus cannot be answered with a “yes” or “no.” Better questions are behavioral: they ask how things are done or have happened in the past, because current and past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.
shake hands with the interviewer - try to invest some feeling into the handshake and pleasantries, even if you think you bombed the interview
hold your head high and keep your cool
your emotions are probably teetering at the highest of highs or the lowest of lows, but try to stay measured
project a cool confidence, not cockiness, and walk out of the interview with your head held high
when you know in your heart and your gut that you bring to the table something just as valuable as a paycheck and maybe much more – your tremendous experience, intellect and instinct – you’ll carry yourself differently. You won’t trip over your words in an effort to please His Majesty or Her Highness, because you’ll see yourself and the interviewer as equals on a level playing field. 
you are valuable and unique. You have something very special in you and you deserve to be given a chance. good luck!
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4nn1e-leedb · 6 years
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writing an essay in college is very different from writing an essay in high school. personally, i write more research/history papers than literary essays (the liberal arts life and curse), so this is going to be a post on how a general research-y essay that has a thesis and arguments. 
don’t open with a quote and don’t be overly broad. 
avoid generalizations 
your intro should address the topic of your essay (ex. the significance of gardens in renaissance society), and then narrow down to what you want to talk about in regards to your topic (ex. the political influence of the Medici gardens during the renaissance)
thesis! it should include the argument you want to make about the narrowed down topic, and three (or however many your class requires) reasons to support it. I like to think of it as W = X + Y + Z. 
your thesis explains who, what and why in a concise manner. 
topic sentences should not be a word for word copy of your thesis.
the order of arguments in your thesis is the order of your paragraphs 
depending on the length of your essay, there should be at least two justifications to your argument. 
so, just as the intro has a formula, X = A + B, and so forth. 
A and B should be backed up with some sources/quotes. don’t forget that if you are quoting from class notes to put either the prof’s last name, or (class notes)
be sure to have clear and concise arguments, don’t be flowery
USE WORDS THAT ARE ACCURATE. thesaurus is great but if you use a word that sounds cool but doesn’t capture the meaning you want to convey then don’t use it, because it may just change the meaning of your argument
quote whatever isn’t yours. it is completely fine if 90% of your sentences are quotes. its weird to get used to, but don’t worry about it. 
the worst part in my opinion. 
synthesize don’t summarize. show how your arguments relate back to the thesis.
try not to copy paste your thesis into the conclusion, word it so that the readers understands that through XYZ, you were able to conclude and support argument W (referring back to the thesis formula)
do not add any new information, do not add quotes. 
your final sentence should tie up the essay in a pretty bow, but try to avoid clichés 
when writing the body paragraphs, your ‘weakest’ paragraph should be in the middle, strongest as your last, and the second best as your first.
if you’re stumped on the intro, skip it. write out the body first, then the intro and you’ll be able to concisely word your thesis
think of your essay as an infomercial. your intro is the loud and clear HERES MY PRODUCT, the body is blasting information on why the product is so cool, and the conclusion is the final push for the viewer to buy that product. make your teacher want to agree with your thesis! 
use a mix of paraphrase and quotes!
don’t forget your works cited lmao (the MLA Handbook is a gr8 tool, also OWL Purdue)
prime time for essay writing is in the morning or at night, but make sure you edit it meticulously 
stay humble, study hard 
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4nn1e-leedb · 6 years
bullet journal ideas masterpost
Over 250+ spread ideas!🎊
hoping your dreams are fulfilled, your grades are awesome and your skin is glowing in 2018!
my tips for bullet journalling
Year in Review
highlights / reflection
achievements this year
lessons learnt / growth as a person
things you want to improve on
advice you’ve received / given
best music/movies/tv shows/etc of the past year
friends made during this past year
commonplace journal pages
things you’ve discovered during the past year
useful tips during the past year
odd facts and trivia during the past year
topics to explore during the past year
questions to ask during the past year
New Year, New You
calendar / future log / yearly or monthly logs
things to look forward to this year
upcoming books/music/movies/tv shows being released this year
maslow’s hierarchy of needs self-reflection spread
goals / new year’s resolutions + steps to put it into action
skills you want to learn this year e.g. coding
habits you want to break / habits you want to pick up
diary: day-to-day happenings
budgets: monthly/yearly budgets
inspiration spread for new projects
level 10 life: rate areas (academic, personal, mental, physical, spiritual, social, financial) of your life out of 10, and write down goals to improve that rating!
monthly overviews (e.g. progress on goals)
assignment due dates calendar
18 things to do by the end of 2018
Special Pages for Special Friends
business cards from networking events
gift ideas for your friends/family/significant other
birthday / anniversary calendar
emergency contacts / phone numbers of important people
friendship journal:
memories / moments they were there for you
how you met
moments you want to share in the future
their mbti/hogwarts house
their best qualities
Trackers/Logs/______ of the Day
gratitude journal - # things you’re grateful for every day
habit trackers
motivational quotes
news headlines / this day in history
daily affirmations
currently reading / watching / listening to / feeling / eating / wanting etc.
time usage (read: wastage) tracker
k-drama or tv show episode tracker (always forget what ep I’m up to :S)
expenses tracker / tax deductibles
dream diary (tracker, plot(?), lucid or not, dream meanings)
new album or song releases
photo diary / sketch diary
follower milestones
social media post tracker
household duties/chores tracker
grades tracker
year in pixels
TIL (today I learned)
appointments: dentist, optometrist, doctor, therapist, etc.
bills: car / internet / rent etc
tax: income statements and work expenses receipts
membership/licence renewals
weight tracker
resting heart rate tracker (gives general idea of cardio fitness)
water intake tracker sleep log / time to bed / time awake / total hours slept
exercise log: number of reps / steps / minutes
mood trackers
period tracker
Various Creative Spread Ideas
day-to-day / life planning spreads
skincare routines
perfect/ideal morning routine 
self-care reminders
exercise routines
bucket list
firsts: kiss, date, house, vacation, car, concert, etc.
DIYs to attempt
savings jar (doodle it!)
yearly / monthly recurring tasks
usernames/passwords (hints only for security!) 
5 or 10 year plans
dream job
dream house
planning for moving houses
dream wedding / planning
date ideas
make a worse case scenarios primer
summary tutorials for your reference e.g. step-by-step tax returns
studyblr ideas
topics I need to revise
finals study timetable/plan
aspirations: what you want to be and why / how to get there
class timetable
assignment ideas
project schedules / team meeting dates
professors’ emails/office hours
assessment results
anti-procrastination page
motivations to study
skills you want to learn or are useful e.g. coding
formulas page
courses you want to take and their pre-reqs
college comparisons
back to school shopping list
textbook list with prices
language learning
vocabulary lists
grammar structures
media (books/tv shows/movies) to consume in that language
self-reflection / personality traits
best and worst characteristics
what to be mindful of / what you need to work on
mbti types you’re most compatible with 
fears and how you want to overcome them
letters to your future self (include hopes and dreams)
letters to your past self (include achievements and things to be proud of!)
inspirational people
stress management tips
charities to donate to and why you support them
volunteering activities
fun, cute, and aesthetic spread ideas
things worth staying alive for / getting out of bed for
a spread with all the things you were worried about which turned out fine
message page from your friends to you
“i can’t live without ______”
creative crafts spread: tips / equipment / tutorials
aesthetic colour moodboards
happy / comforting / relaxing / funny things spread 
seasons (summer/autumn/winter/spring) spread
rainy day spread
holidays spreads: christmas / easter / halloween / thanksgiving
idioms and proverbs from all different cultures
flowers spread: fav flowers, meanings, bouquet/arrangements, press ‘em!
crystals spread: fav gemstones (doodle ‘em), meanings
succulents spread: fav succulents, terrarium layout ideas
coffee/tea spread: paint with coffee / fav blends / best cafes
what’s in my bag (doodle it!)
outfit ideas / polyvore style collections
magazine clippings
shower thoughts / hypothetical ideas spread
draw my life spread / personal timeline
favourite characters e.g. gudetama, kumamon, etc. (doodle ‘em!)
interesting words list (ephemeral, mellifluous, serendipity, scintillating etc)
ideal date ideas
wedding anniversary ideas (like 1st is paper, 25th silver, 30th pearl, 40th ruby, 50th gold, 60th diamond)
baby animals spread (duckies, puppies, bunnies!!)
#just bullet journal things
bujo spread layouts and devices to try out (e.g. chronodex, parallel time ladder) 
key/legend (keep it simple!)
colour palettes/swatches
washi tape / pens / markers swatches
banners / fonts
ticket stubs / receipts
stickers / stamps
cutouts of info brochures
pressed flowers
calligraphy / brush lettering / handwriting practice
favourite stationery
_______ that you want to do* / have done* (kind of bucket list) *watch, read, listen to, try, taste, cook, play etc. 
tv shows
arts/crafts e.g. paper quilling
sports e.g. archery
how to play / equipment / etc.
video games
board games
books / movies / tv shows
summary / review
favourite characters
meaningful moments / moments that made you laugh / cry
(for the media critic) artful moments:
best descriptive passages
best cinematography
best action scenes
best use of soundtracks
(basically moments that make it deserving of awards)
album reviews
favourite songs
playlists for every mood and all seasons
meaningful lyrics
songs you shazamed
favourite genres and exemplar songs
reasons why i love my bias / bias wrecker / group
letter to your bias
comeback concepts / favourite outfits
visual/picture tutorials for makeup styles
calendar of your favs’ schedules during comeback season
awards / achievements / records broken / milestones
translated lyrics
kpop songs vocab lists
upcoming releases
on this day
pics of your favourite artworks/artists + write about it
art styles you want to emulate
explain techniques for different media e.g. watercolour wet-on-wet
doodle ideas
natal chart readings/aspects/placements
solar return reading for the incoming year / transits
synastry / compatibility chart readings
constellation/star charts
symbol reference page for planets, zodiac signs, aspects
meal plans
shopping lists
interesting foods: (doodle ‘em!) taste / texture / smell (e.g. truffles, caviar)
cafes/restaurants you want to go to + their specialty dish (photo)
cocktails you want to mix/taste (doodle ‘em!)
interesting articles + moral/ethical issues it prompted you to think about
controversial topics on the news and for/against arguments/your thoughts
on this day in history
fav websites / blogs
jokes / puns / pickup lines
favourite poems / quotes / short stories
burn book - write things that make you angry/sad and rip the page out
wreck it journal - e.g. colour, scribble, stickers all over this page
places to visit
travel itinerary
cultural parables
useful phrases in the language and their meaning
travel memories spread: things you did / places you went / selfies
postcard collection
packing list
friendly and not-so-friendly people that you met in foreign lands
short story ideas
plot brainstorming spreads
journal prompts
character designs
foreign words which can’t be directly translated into english
Follow optomstudies for daily original posts and study masterposts!  Links: all originals + langblr posts + 15-part college 101 series + web directory!
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4nn1e-leedb · 6 years
Essay things: 69 Words to use after “The poet/writer/author can...”
attempt to show
advance the idea/plot
anticipate the reader
appeal to
build up a picture
borrow images/phrases/ideas
bring out
comment upon
concentrate on
confine him/herself
conceive of something as
compare/make comparisons
confront us with
disarm us
draw our attention to
develop an idea
dwell on an idea
expand an image
evoke an atmosphere
exploit the gullibility of the reader
extend our understanding
fill in details
fix our attention on
focus on
fuse together
give an impression of
give an edge to
give vividness to
give immediacy to
introduce an idea
linger on
lead us to an awareness
maintain suspense
make a point
make an appeal to
present a picture/image/idea
produce an effect
recreate an experience
remind us of
set the stage
use subterfuge
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