6ubi6les · 3 years
See Emily Play / Pink Floyd
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6ubi6les · 3 years
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6ubi6les · 3 years
PluralKit commands
alright, so i’ve noticed that the pk website can be a little confusing for a lot of people, so i thought i’d make a little commands cheat sheet for systems who have just started out using the bot in discord servers
short cuts and tips - pk;autoproxy [off/latch/front/member] : this command makes it so you don’t have to use the member proxies every time you talk, for example pk;autoproxy front that makes it so that whoever is fronting is automatically proxied in the server. this only works in the server that you use the command it, so you don’t have to worry about hopping into another server and having the proxy on.  pk;autoproxy off : this just turns it off, so  you have to do it manually again - all of the commands can be shortened to make it easier. i’m just going to list them all here pk;system —> pk;s pk;member —> pk;m pk;group —> pk;g pk;autoproxy —> pk;ap  - if you have spaces in your name, you need to put it in quotes to pull it up, so for example if you put your full name it would look like  pk;member “John Joe”  if you don’t have the quotes around it, it won’t register properly. you could also just put in your specific code and that’ll work fine.  - you can always use your specific member code in place of your name for all of these commands
system commands - pk;system new [name] : this is the command to create and name your entire system, so for example  pk;system new snail system - pk;system rename [name] : this command lets you rename your entire system if you ever want to do that - pk;system description : here you can write a little description about your system if you want to, so people can have a little info on your system if they were to look it up - pk;system privacy [subject] : this one lets you set specific parts of your systems information to private, so for example if i wanted to set my system description to private, i would use pk;system privacy description private - pk;system tag [tag] : so for this one, most systems have tags that show up at the end of each members name to prevent confusion on who is from which system if there are multiple systems in chat. i’ll use our system as an example again. pk;system tag || 🐌 🌱 we added the double lines to ours because we like to put emojis in our names, so it help differentiate which emojis are the system tag and which emojis are part of out name - pk;system avatar [url/picture] : this command lets you have a little profile picture for your entire system as a whole - pk:system list : this shows you the complete list of everyone in the system - pk;system front : this command shows you who is fronting at the time - pk;system front history : this shows you the last 10 people who’ve fronted in the system (if they logged it of course) and how long they were fronting. -pk;system front percent : this one is super useful when looking for how much each person fronts compared to the others in the system 
member commands - pk;member new [name] : this creates a new member in the system and assigns them a specific code they can use to pull themselves up. i’ll use myself as an example pk;member new John  - pk;member [name] : this command just pulls up the person, so for example pk;member John - pk;member [name] rename [new name] : this command lets you rename that member if you ever have to pk;member John rename Joe - pk;member [name] description [description] : this lets you add a little description to each person in the system. we like to answer a few basic questions in ours so it looks like this pk;member John description  age member role in system other info the member wants to add you can obviously change it up and add more as you learn more about yourself, but every time you do this command, you’re starting your description from scratch, so you’ll need to rewrite previous information - pk;member [name] avatar [url/picture] : this command lets you put a profile picture for your specific proxy - pk;member [name] [private/public] : this command lets you private specific members descriptions/names/ages/etc for example pk;member John public - pk;member [name] proxy: text : this command lets you proxy members profiles, so they can speak as themselves in the server for example  pk;member John proxy j: text  now every time i want to type as myself, i have to start with “j: ” like this j: sup and it will change the message so that it’s from me rather than the main discord account - pk;member [name] pronouns [pronouns] : this command lets you add pronouns to the members profiles, so for example  pk;member John pronouns he/him - pk;member [name] birthday [date] : this command lets you add a birthday to the members profiles, and it looks something like this  pk;member John birthday April 13 - pk;member [name] color [hex code] : this command lets you assign a color to members profile. it only adds it to the profile and not the proxy, but it’s still pretty neat. it looks like this  pk;member John color  #0715cd - pk;member [name] delete : this command is for if you ever need to delete a member for some reason pk;member John delete
group commands - the group commands can be used for a lot of different things like subsystems or just to help differentiate specific things. we use out groups to separate fictives by their sources - pk;group new [name] : this is the command to create a new group  pk;group new Fictives - pk;group [name] : this just pulls up the group profile  pk;group Fictives - pk;group [name] list : this lists all the members in the group  pk;group Fictives list  - pk;group [name] description [description] : this lets you add a description to a group if you want to so for example pk;group Fictives description (insert description here) - pk;group [group name] [add/remove] [member name/names] : this is the command that lets you add to the group and you can either do it one at a time or all at once like this pk;group Fictives add John pk;group Fictives add John Dave  again, you can also use the codes assigned to each member, but don’t put commas between them because that will just cause an error - pk;group [name] icon [url/picture] : this command lets you add a profile picture for a specific group  - pk;group [name] delete : this lets you delete a group if you have to for some reason, but it doesn’t delete the members in the group, so don’t worry about that. it’d look something like this pk;group Fictives delete
switching commands - pk;switch [name] : this logs the time of your switch and displays the new fronter on the profile. so it’d look like this pk;switch John - pk;switch move [time] : this command lets you move your switches back for example pk;switch move 17:00 this will only be registered if it’s in military time, so keep that in mind when logging pm switches you also can’t have specific switches overlap each other, so when moving a switch back, you can’t go  past the time of the switch before it. for example, if i wanted to move my switch to 4 pm but someone else was already logged at 5pm, i can’t overlap their log - pk;switch delete : this command deletes your latest switch that was logged - pk;switch out : this lets you switchout without having anyone logged for switching in. this will show in the front history and front percent as “no fronter” 
that’s all i can think of right now for the basics. hopefully it’s at least a little bit helpful, and if any other systems want to add on that’s fine. just remember that pk is a bot to help systems differentiate each alter while sharing one base account, and it makes us uncomfortable when singlets use it for roleplaying 
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6ubi6les · 3 years
hi! we have two names we'd like for you to try out, mars and mal, and we use they/them, he/him, and zig/zig/zigs/zigs/ziggyself pronouns, which are singular. we don't really need any validation for our they or he pronouns, so if you just did something for our ziggyself pronouns, that would be great. our interests are david bowie, the films velvet goldmine and the man who fell to earth, the band placebo, hyenas, weird makeup, and just glam rock in general. thank you for doing this! ♡
— hi!! this is mars! zig likes to watch films like velvet goldmine and the man who fell to earth. i've never heard of those before, i'd love to watch them with zig sometime! zig is also a fan of david bowie!! i wonder what zigs favorite song of his is? mars' interests are very cool!
— mal is a big fan of the band placebo!! they sound awesome, zig has some good taste. zig also likes weird makeup and glam rock! i wonder if mal ever wears any makeup ziggyself? zig likes hyenas, which seems very fitting in a way. do you think zig has ever seen a hyena at the zoo? i hope mal is doing well and has a great day/night!
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6ubi6les · 3 years
my main is @gothiero so if u came here from my death spells blog which idk why u would in november 2020 ,,,,, go follow @gothiero bc im too lazy to change the bio on my death spells blog lol
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