acutelesbean · 2 years
honestly the whole identity movement sounds like nothing but excuses to create tension between people not to actually create solutions. the whole identity movement is an alt righ movement disguised as liberal 
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acutelesbean · 2 years
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acutelesbean · 2 years
The argument, however niche (it’s very niche) appearing for the first time in human history that people can and should be attracted to one another regardless of biological sex is a direct result of kids forming friendships, relationships, and entire communities and social circles with people they’ve never met online, resulting in a whole group of kids who think of people as disembodied concepts and selfies and personal posts. In this essay, I will-
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acutelesbean · 2 years
Having a gender non conforming (GNC) character who is a masculine woman or feminine man, will always be far more valuable and important than having a GNC character that is “nonbinary”. It shows viewers that there are many ways to be a woman or man, not that stepping outside of traditional gender roles renders you not actually a woman or man at all. It fights against gender roles, instead of just creating new ones.
You will never see me assuming that a GNC woman isn’t a woman, or that a GNC man isn’t a man, because that assumption is sexist and regressive, as it implies that there is only a certain degree that a woman can be GNC before she’s no longer a woman, and that there is only a certain degree that a man can be GNC before he’s no longer a man. It’s a strict enforcing of gender roles, and that doesn’t change just because you slap they/them pronouns on it.
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acutelesbean · 2 years
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acutelesbean · 2 years
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acutelesbean · 2 years
most of the effects of HRT are in fact reversible during the first year you troglodyte. you claim to be pro science pro biology but know nothing about what these life saving medicines do.
From a ProTrans Site
Some of the effects of hormone therapy are reversible, if you stop taking them. The degree to which they can be reversed depends on how long you have been taking testosterone. Clitoral growth, facial hair growth, voice changes and male-pattern baldness are not reversible.
(Not shown but on the site: it can cause cancerous conditions in you uterus, vaginal atrophy, high blood pressure and heart problems)
Many of the effects of hormone therapy are reversible, if you stop taking them. The degree to which they can be reversed depends on how long you have been taking them. Some breast growth, and possibly reduced or absent fertility are not reversible.
(I didn't care enough about moids to look more)
Now tell me is it mostly reversible or do you only consider males?
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acutelesbean · 2 years
here’s my perspective:
liberal feminism is individualist. it affirms anything a woman does out of choice regardless of the impact of said choice. for example, if a woman chooses to appear in hardcore pornography, great! she chose it! liberal feminism neglects to look at the impact of such actions—young boys and men see this, fetishize it, expect women to enact it in real life. young women and girls see it, think that maybe it’s worth a try because that other woman enjoys it, think there’s something wrong with them for not enjoying it, and possibly get hurt.
radical feminism is not individualist. it is collectivist. in the case of hardcore pornography used above, radical feminism doesn’t care that one individual woman said she liked being in porn. it doesn’t matter because of the great majority of women and girls that are trafficked, raped, abused, and murdered for men’s sexual gratification. it doesn’t matter because of all of the harm the industry does to women and girls at large. the choice of one doesn’t matter when it adds to the collective harm of women as a marginalized class.
radical feminism recognizes women as a sex-based marginalized class. as radical feminists, we have to examine what harms women as a class, not as individuals. liberal feminism—pervasive mostly in the western, developed world—focuses on individual harm, individual autonomy, while failing to realize that a great number of women around the globe do not even have the ability to be autonomous, let alone determine what they do or do not want to do with their lives.
if a majority of women involved in the porn industry are being harmed by it, does it matter that a minority say they enjoy it? if a majority of women are harmed by beauty standards and the beauty industry, does it matter that some women like wearing makeup and shaving their body hair? if a majority of women seek safety in female-only spaces, does it matter that some women don’t care for them? why are a small number of women—mostly white, upper-middle class, western, straight, femininity supporting women—praised for being and claim to be feminists when all they do is reinforce patriarchal values and neglect a majority of their sisters around the world?
more than that, why do liberal feminists not care to do any real analysis of the structures that harm women if a few women claim to enjoy it? why are they mainly listening to the “sex work is work!” crowd and not the countless numbers of women who were traumatized by the industry? why, as a culture, are we prioritizing patriarchal and capitalist values and proclaiming them as feminist? why do liberal feminists not think beyond their relatively small western bubble? why are the reasons for willingly entering the porn industry, per se, (i.e. childhood sexual abuse) not considered? why are the repercussions not considered?
one of my main beliefs is that no woman has a choice until all women have a choice. i don’t care if a relatively small number of white western women (the majority that i see supporting liberal feminism, and also trans rights activists) ‘enjoy’ commodifying themselves because the majority of women don’t have the choice to be commodified. i don’t care if a woman likes wearing makeup because the makeup industry harms women. i don’t care if you choose to reinforce the patriarchy because your privilege protects you from a great deal of its harm because this choice of yours gives men more reason to believe that women enjoy enforced femininity, objectification, abuse, rape, so on and so forth. your choice is meaningless because none of us live in a vacuum.
unless all women are liberated, no woman is liberated. we should prioritize our work around our sisters of all colors, from all parts of the globe whose sex prevents them from having many of the choices we do in the west. we should use our choice to have a voice to uplift the voices of women without such privilege.
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acutelesbean · 2 years
flat out non-sensical
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Happy ace day y’all 💜🖤🤍
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acutelesbean · 2 years
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“hIjAb iS a cHoIcE!!!1!”
Sure, and look at the options.
EDIT: As this has gotten some attention, I just want to add some important links:
Yasmine Mohammed’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/YasMohammedxx
Her Free Hearts Free Minds foundation: https://freeheartsfreeminds.com
Free Hearts Free Minds Patreon: https://patreon.com/FreeHeartsFreeMinds
#FreeFromHijab: https://twitter.com/hashtag/FreeFromHijab
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acutelesbean · 2 years
Jesus they're actually teaching Contrapoints' shit in colleges now??
At least my philosophy professor (of phenomenology) is. I think he genuinely believes this postmodern bullshit, unlike some teachers who are just trying avoid this decade's McCarthyism. Once he said that it's ableist to assume that humans are bipedal because "some people are in wheelchairs".
Bless his heart (derogatory)
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acutelesbean · 2 years
Man, the closest to a ‘golden age’ of being a homosexual must have been the late 2000′s, early 2010′s…I remember being a young teen going through the realization that I was gay and going online to spaces where it was actually okay in their eyes to be a homosexual.
So many YouTubers who were based around serious and light-hearted discussions about being lesbians really helped me, as well as seeing gay men express themselves since that helped me learn more about the LGB community. I felt like things were looking up for us and that even though being gay was different and could sometimes be scary, there would always be this community to back each other up. It was going to be okay to be a gender non-conforming lesbian, because the older women I saw on my laptop screen were trying to make it so.
And then in about 2015-2016, something shifted right before my eyes. It’s not like the trans community didn’t exist before - I knew them well enough, and was 100% supportive of them, but they had grown much louder. I think the most damning thing for me personally was watching all the lesbian idols I had come to know on places like YouTube started coming out as trans men or nonbinary. I couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed each time, even though I had been taught by now that this feeling of disappointment was “transphobia”. These were my role models, my only connection to gender non-conforming females since I lived in a small conservative town in the armpit of Florida.
I tried to be supportive all the same, even though it seemed like every day those channels I watched or blogs I read started to disappear or change themselves to being about exclusively trans topics. It was like these people thought that the legalization of gay marriage in America was the end-all to oppression or issues for homosexuals, and so they had to move on to the next thing. I felt frustrated, but also pressured to joining the bandwagon, accepting that trans people were the oppressed now, and “cis” gay people had power over them even if it didn’t make much sense to me.
I wish I could go back to those times. Most libfems and tras really think that because gays can marry now and sometimes commercials on TV will show a gay couple, they don’t need to care about us anymore. But I’m still here. There’s plenty of people still here. This is a very America-centered post as well, since I’m sure the experience of anyone outside of it may be different, but my personal experience really opened my eyes to the trans community and their ‘allies’. Greedy consuming erasers.
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acutelesbean · 2 years
when people talk of female socialisation they’re not saying there is one universal female experience that all women have that is exactly the same… they’re saying that in every society women are socialised into a role that is intended to ensure our subjugation and keep us subservient to men. and all women share in this experience, despite its infinite variations cross-culturally: we are intended to be second-class citizens and that’s easier to maintain if we are socialised as such.
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acutelesbean · 2 years
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these are literally just. mental illnesses not sexualities im not even joking u need therapy and not a little flag and a funny greek word to call yourself
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acutelesbean · 2 years
remember "q slur" discourse?
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acutelesbean · 2 years
Honestly don’t know why people think that being trans and being gay are the same/similar things. Gay people don’t have to undergo mayor surgery nor start crossex hormones nor change their name and official papers to match the way they look nor etc,etc,etc. 
Though some trans people might be actual homosexuals, not all homosexuals are trans.  
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acutelesbean · 2 years
I cannot tell you how much I hate the implication that I “identify” as gay. I reject the suggestion that my homosexuality is an identity. When I say I’m gay, it isn’t a statement of identity, it is a statement of material, irreducible, absolute biological fact. It’s as immutable as the colour of my eyes.
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