adventures-of-an-idiot · 3 years
Hi. Welp, Raya and The Last Dragon recently came out on Disney + and I've got to say, I liked it. Since the trailers dropped, I've been wanting to see it, not only for the sweet-looking animation style (which made Raya look really hot btw) that I'm really into, but also because it just seemed so fresh. Watching the movie actually felt like a wave of freshness. Yes. It did. I think I'm just numb to the bullshit Disney has been putting out recently. Also **SPOILER WARNING** for anyone who hasn't watched the movie yet.
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First of all, I really really enjoyed the character of Raya. I'm so glad they didn't go with the screaming WOMEN POWER move like they did with other female leads nowadays (ehem captain marvel ehem). Instead, they put a badass woman on screen with the coolest outfit busting out Spider-Man worthy moves all while wielding her sword. I mean, that's literally what women power is, showing that women can hold their own, not shoving the phrase down our throats. But I digress. I just love this character, who was so trusting, which cost her only family, and now is trying to fix her mistake with the glimmer of hope that everyone else had given up on, while trusting no one. She literally is suspicious of a little boy, thinking that he might have poisoned her food. Overall, I think her character works almost perfectly along with the storyline. I also HAVE to mention that there's one scene which I absolutely love, which is when everyone is just running away from the Druun while Raya is walking the opposite direction to finish off Namaari. I know it probably was done may times before, but I think that scene was just breathtaking.
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So the theme of this movies is trust. And I think it worked really well with this story and the character of Raya. There's not much to talk about, except that I would have liked Raya to learn how to trust people along her journey instead of having Sisu just keep telling her to do so. There are also many instances where Raya is proved right, instead of wrong, which kinda makes the ending a tiny bit weird.
Side Characters
I liked the fact that each town is not necessarily evil, but more towards trying to achieve prosperity for their citizens. I was surprised when the chief of Fang wanted to capture Raya for the sole purpose to avoid social stigma against her people, and instead be recognized as heroes. That's not a bad motivation for a villain, and was certainly something new for the Disney animated movies. I was also concerned that Namaari was just going to just be a direct opposite for Raya to beat in the final battle. But guess what? Their rivalry was pretty well-done. Raya is perfectly justified for hating Namaari and especially during the last battle, since she killed Sisu. I found the rest of the side characters enjoyable enough. Captain Boun and Tong were pretty fun, I'm not sure about the baby though. I mean, I dont even know why she's there in the first place, and I personally could have done without her. Its not that I hate her or anything, but she doesn't exactly contribute to the plot.
Ooooookay. A lot of people have been criticizing the shape and design of the dragon, but I for one, didn't have a problem with it. I don't think there's a specific way to draw dragons, it's not like anybody's seen any to tell what it really looks like. What I DID have a problem with was her overall character. I mean, first of all, I just didn't find her "quips" to be really funny. Such as the "one kid who didn't do much but ended up with the same grade". yeaaaah. There are many more, which I can't remember for the life of me, probably because it was bland, and I personally didn't find any of them funny. Also I found it really weird that whenever they found a gem, a certain dialogue would take place. It goes a little something like this :
Raya: OMG! You're glowing!
Sisu: Yeah! That's my brother's __________ 's magic!
And this dialogue is literally repeated every time they found a piece of the gem, which I found really weird. I think if they were to do that, maybe a little story about the brother in question would be in order.
Alternate Ending
If it were me, I think that, since the dragons didn't come back before, I don't see the reason for them to come back now. They should stay dead. Who knows? Maybe you can use that for a follow-up movie. I think it would have been better if Sisu and Raya had more bonding scenes, because throughout the movie, you don't really think them as good friends or anything. Sisu was honestly more of a burden then a friend. This would make the Sisu death scene more hard-hitting, and mean something to Raya. It would also drive home the theme, where Sisu dies trying to prove the importance of trust.
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adventures-of-an-idiot · 3 years
My Thoughts On WW 1984
Ok so, Wonder Woman 1984 wasn’t the greatest movie. Many people have been criticizing its campiness and CGI, but I for one understood that part. I think I understand what Patty Jenkins wanted to go for here, which is to capture the essence of the ’90s Wonder Woman. I don’t mind that and I actually thought it was an interesting concept. When the trailer came out, I was like “ ah shit what the fuck, why the hell are they making some dumb 90’s movie with super stereotypical characters that everyone knows about? oh please Barbara is literally electro from the amazing spider man!”. But another part of me was hoping they had some other trick up their sleeve.
In my opinion, I think the whole concept of the movie was fine, and even the message that it was trying to drive. HONESTY. Don’t just take the easy way out. That’s one thing that I applaud the writers for doing is that they actually understand what Wonder Woman stands for. The only problem is, if they do want to make a flashy, campy 90’s vibe Wonder Woman, you HAVE to bring something new to the table. And that is where Wonder Woman 1984 fails. Every scene has been done many times and its easy to predict what’s going to happen.
I also think that the main villains of the movie should have been fleshed out more properly. For example, maybe right after the Themyscira scene, we could have had Maxwell Lord in court, fighting for the rights of his son. I know that isn’t great but you get my point. Maxwell Lord in this movie, was made to be a guy driven by the feeling that he needed to be successful, so that his son could look up to him. Which comes to what I said about bringing something new. Max could have been an antagonist fueled by anger and despair and turned evil. That would actually have been awesome to see kind-of modern characters and how they would be in the past.
Next up, Barbara. I can kinda understand why they put her in, but that doesn’t really make it any better. Being totally honest, she was annoying and if I could I would have skipped her scenes. And the sole reason why is that is because I don’t feel the need to see anything about her because I already know what’s going to happen. She’s so quirky, no high heels, yada yada yada. But maybe it would have been better if she was used as a window for us, the viewers. And they take the viewers on a journey on how to be your own Wonder Woman which I think would have been pretty meaningful. I’m not gonna talk about Cheetah or Steve cause I think everyone already knows what I’m going to say.
In conclusion, I wouldn’t go as far to say as that Wonder Woman 194 was great movie because it all come down to one facto and one factor only. Did you enjoy it? And the answer for me, is no. But I do think the movie’s heart is in the right place and the script just got too lost in its own theme.
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