akinwaleowi30 · 3 years
In lieu of a side dish 🤲😄 Gamers in general and gamers in each genre probably have some interesting ones,
idiosyncrasies that is, but maybe dishes too?😄 Happy thanksgiving!🦃🦃🦃
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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🥩Cool brainstorming idea the author says some notable gdevs used that helped improve their games is they found inspiration from different games they used to play as children. Have you tried this technique before?
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
~❤ Aceno de cabeça de aprovação. Eu me pergunto como @nba, @mlb, @nhl @wnba e @nfl permitem que seus deficientes visuais compartilhem a experiência?
~~Tão selvagens que ficam bem detalhados nas descrições táteis como aquele lance de passagem um. ~~~Considerando que é em tempo real E no estádio, isso provavelmente bate forte.
~~~~5 estrelas ⭐ Muito respeito a esse time
~~~~~Tenho que perguntar, como você tornaria a experiência deles ainda melhor?
Repassar @nofrontspodcast
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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Você já viu ou criou alguma maneira legal de a personalidade dos jogadores ser criada e / ou transmitida no pôquer móvel?
~~ Se você tem um jogo de pôquer móvel favorito, por favor, deixe o nome abaixo 🙏
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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Ooit een droom en / of nachtmerrie gehad over game-design? Een ervaring op zijn zachtst gezegd haha. Deel gerust in de comments, maar begrijp het zeker als je dat niet wilt haha 😄 Beide kunstwerken van Israëlische kunstenaar ~ Netanel Morhan
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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Os exemplos começam com uma ou duas páginas. Expandi minha ideia do que um movimento "aoe" poderia ser. Tiremos o chapéu para a tripulação em Overwatch. Artigo completo sobre "https://www.esports.net/wiki/guides/aoe-meaning/"
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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Je weet het misschien al, maar die "this.gameObject.SetActive(false);" regel is een snelle manier om game-objecten, inclusief de projectielen die ze afvuren terwijl ze leven, tijdelijk uit de sc��ne te houden.
~ Ik activeer de mijne op een collider, maar een timer zou waarschijnlijk ook kunnen werken. Kan waarschijnlijk ook aan andere dingen dan game-objecten werken.
~~ Lijkt nog niet al te zwaar, maar ken je een lichtere manier om hetzelfde doel te bereiken?
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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Wat zijn enkele van je favoriete ultimates?Van http://gamingglossary.com/games/hots/ult/#:~:text=Ult%20is%20shorthand%20for%20'Ultimate,the%20tide%20of%20any%20battle.
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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When I can't see the forest for the trees. If you ever feel the same and want to give something new a try there's an audiobook, obv physical, and probably more manifestations. Have a good one 🌅 and if you have any zen books you enjoy please feel free to leave their title below in the comments
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
Destroy Gunners Σ gameplay. Instead of multiple buttons with different type of shots they made it a 2 step process to change shot type. Maybe frustrating on higher levels but it definitely adds to the excitement of not knowing whether you'll successfully make the change in time and its a rewarding feeling when you do.
Link to full gameplay vid with another battle = https://lnkd.in/ejmPMDs
on space schooner's YouTube channel
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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Feels like learning about photosynthesis for the first time even though Ive been walking past trees my whole life 🌳 😄. If you have one for mobile games or if I stumble across one I'll share it ~ Some of the changes could be micro transactions and ads could replace the consumer to retailer arrow? But google play or the app store take 30℅? Also last time i checked the app store charges developers at least annually?
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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Kobe's myer approach update: so far it has helped in some of 50 50s of you vs you. "Yup x, y, and z happened butttt you're still gonna kill the game though right?" 😄🔪
The movies have been pretty listenable so far if you want something to listen to while you work
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
Level 4 of Ardeal Gameplay a (Google play game), if you would like to see gameplay of level 3 YouTube video
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
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Figure his interviews would be a portal into his noggin = link to this 1hr long one 🍯 which was labeled as one of his last below== he goes a bunch of stuff into what kind of things he would pay attention to that lead to his success, who he would talk to for advice and what being a workaholic was like on his family=== Vanessa sounds pretty badass btw ===== one funny story he shared was sometimes before big games he would listen to the mike myers Halloween song over and over so he would be immune to the hype and waves of the game, just focus on the mission🔪😄
Link = https://youtu.be/T9GvDekiJ9c
thank you @valuetainment for a great interview!
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akinwaleowi30 · 4 years
2k made a mamba forever edition👏.= Being the standard of work ethic in a field with the accolades to match I hope more stories of his self talk keep coming out == Forgive and hopefully alleviate my ignorance, is Sid Meier the game dev Kobe?
Vid from @complex
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