alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
Choose what to believe
Because what you believe
Will become real for you.
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alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
True empowerment means claiming our Freedom and
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completing a phase of our self-Transformation
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alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
Do you love yourself enough to receive to the fullest?
To understand the process of receiving, we put together a model called 'The fountain of receiving'
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It flows from the bottom to the top, and overflows, just like a regular fountain.
At the bottom, when the fountain hasn't begun to flow, we are empty. This is a place where we have received absolutely nothing and hence we feel Empty.
As the fountain starts to flow, we feel a Desire to receive. We haven't received yet, but we feel the need to. The desire may be secret or well-known to us, but it is present.
Once we acknowledge our desire, we allow ourself to receive. In this place of Allowing, we let go of resistance or blockages that hold us back from receiving.
As the fountain rises, it grows and expands. This is where our ability to receive is Expanding. We allow in more than we previously did, our self worth has increased and we believe we deserve more.
After we know that we are worthy to receive, we become more selective with what we wish to receive and start Magnetizing what we want towards us. It is where we consciously manifest what we like.
Once the fountain gains momentum, we reach a space of Alignment, where the act of receiving comes naturally to us. It feels like fate or destiny. Receiving happens effortlessly and in every moment.
This leads us to a place of Receiving all that life has to offer us. We are living our full potential and we have infinite capacity to Receive. We reach the Epitome of receiving.
When we reach the peak of the fountain and have received to the fullest, we start Overflowing. From this space, you can truly give to others. All that overflows is extra to you and hence can be happily shared.
This begins a new cycle of giving back, after you have received. This is when you can truly be of service to others.
If you serve from a space of emptiness or lack, you will always be drained. That is why it is so important to complete your fountain of receiving process.
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alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
I have experienced glitches in my own reality on several occasions that made me realize that the existence of parallel realities is a reality.
Several times I have walked on familiar streets where I have crossed stores that I know and weeks or moths later seen them disappear into some other type of outlet. Went and asked the outlet owners if they are new there but they have told me they were around for at least 6 years.
It was the same mysterious lane in that street I visited weeks later and that outlet had transformed again into something else. This time I knew for sure it was not a mistake of me remembering incorrectly.
Yet again I asked if they were new but they said they weren't.
Yet again after months I passed the same lane and the store was moved a few blocks away from its original destination.
At first I thought it must be about that mysterious lane but it wasn't limited to that.
I noticed those glitches a few more times in different locations and sometimes in my own home.
There were two versions of reality that played out and this time it didn't happen with me alone but my friend was witness to it.
In one reality I ate 3 spring rolls and there was a glitch that happened when my spring roll disappeared from my plate and there were just 2. Since we had ordered food and were quite aware of the quantity, we wondered what had taken place.
I then realized that in the original reality I had 3 spring rolls in my plate and in this glitched version, I ate the 3rd one mid way walking to my sofa and hence when I sat down I had only 2.
The glitch played out again in the same house when in one reality my sister had kept cold milk out of the fridge and heated it up in one reality and in the other reality she hadn't heated it up. I remember this one so vividly coz I had slightly burnt my finger when I touched the hot milk and the burning sensation was still on my finger when I jumped into the parallel reality where the milk was still cold and wasn't heated yet.
I haven't witnessed these incidents alone so it couldn't be all in my head. I have experienced parallel realities and I feel pretty normal about it now as our life is full of probable relaities and we are constantly jumping between them.
Sometimes we pay attention and sometimes we don't. If you look closely, you may notice a glitch or two too!
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alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
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alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
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alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
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alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
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alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
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alchemistofthenewage · 20 hours
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Why we aren't able to experience unconditional love on Earth?
Why so many people experience heart break on this realm? And why humans don't know what love is?.. not yet at least 
Earth relationships are imperfect and humans are imperfect but that's not just a fact to admit and discard. There is much we can do about it and much we need to do about it.
First of all,in this matter of love, let me get some illusions out of the way about what love is not:
Love is not glorifying the other, love is not compromise, love is not self hate, love is not pain.
Having said that I have noticed that almost most people experience love in this manner. You cannot love another while you are still struggling to love yourself, (except if are a mother to a baby). If you do so love another more than yourself, sooner or later it leads to resentment, emptiness or heartbreak.
As humans, we are unhealed, projecting our lack of love onto people who have more self love than us, creating toxic attachments or codependencies to cover up for our inadequacy. Also we are attracted to people who have qualities we wish to possess or access (or those that lay dormant in us and we haven't claimed within us)
Now what is love really and can we experience it on this realm?
We can experience affection and admiration which is very different from love. It is just a passing feeling.
True love cannot be experienced until we heal ourselves. Until we are full to the brim, overflowing with love and then emanating that love out. 
Also even after we reach this place of emanating love as an individual, we cannot attach to one form /one person or one object or subject to express that love. Love is free of form and attachment and it emanates in all directions.
This means that you feel it inside you and you can choose any form to project it on, be it a flower, a place or a person but it won't be fixed. It keeps flowing,  in all directions and hence, love happens in the moment.
Humans were never meant to be in a single relationship. That is a system of the matrix. They were all meant to emanate love and make connections. Some connections lasting longer, some momentary but very mutual. When two healthy individuals, emanating and overflowing with love connect and have an exchange and are whole and complete within themselves,  it generates more love, amplified love. That's how you create more love in the world. That is the meaning of a sacred union and it isn't restricted to a certain person.
Your ability to generate love depends on how complete you are as a person and how in flow you are with life. You attract people on the same wavelength as you.
When we keep seeking for this feeling of wholeness outside of us, like people in this world are programmed to do, you are perpetuating a cycle of pain and heartbreak and it's a chain reaction that doesn't end until you put an end to it. 
We can put an end to pain by learning how to love. When humans learn to love, this planet will be liberated of pain and the vibration of this planet can rise very quickly.
It may be the most basic thing to do but it isn't easy too. 
It requires us to let go of a lot of baggage, a lot of pain and shift the focus onto ourself.
I don't know if most people are ready to let go of their addictions and illusions but when they are numb to the world around them, the only option left will be  to go within. ❣️❣️❣️
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The collective unconscious
To understand Carl Jung’s Red Book observations, you must first understand his concept of the collective unconscious. Unlike many other Western thinkers, who presume the mind of a newborn baby is a blank slate, Jung believed that this slate comes imprinted with a rough sketch — a universal layer that is inherited as a product of human evolution, not developed through personal experience.
Jung believed that the collective unconscious exists independently of individual consciousness and is common to all human beings. It contains archetypes, which are universally understood patterns or symbols shared among individuals across cultures and ages. These archetypes act as psychological blueprints that shape how we understand and respond to the world around us. They influence our perceptions, behaviors, and emotional reactions, and are expressed through myths, religions, dreams, and other cultural phenomena.
In The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Jung wrote that the collective unconscious guarantees “in every single individual a similarity and even a sameness of experience and also of the way it is represented imaginatively.” According to Jung, this would explain why so many geographically isolated civilizations ended up incorporating suspiciously similar symbols and themes — archetypes — into their art, oral traditions, and even dreams. (Exhibit A: the flood myth from the Book of Genesis.)
These archetypes — which range from catastrophes to caring mothers — are sometimes referred to as “psychic organs,” as a helpful analogy. Just as physical organs achieve homeostasis inside the human body, so do psychic organs maintain balance inside the human mind. But while the functions of physical organs can be measured by outside observers, psychic organs are best investigated through direct experience. This was true in Jung’s time and arguably still is today.
To investigate archetypes, Carl Jung aimed to switch off his conscious mind and see what came up in his thoughts. Jung ventured so deep into his unconscious that he had conversations with figments of his imagination, who appeared — as in dreams — to be autonomous entities, possessing knowledge he did not consciously possess. Jung’s biographer and friend, Barbara Hannah, said he “made it a rule never to let a figure or figures that he encountered leave until they had told him why they had appeared to him.”
Inner space
“An incessant stream of fantasies had been released,” is how Carl Jung described the experiments in his autobiographical text Memories, Dreams, Reflections. “I stood helpless before an alien world; everything in it seemed difficult and incomprehensible.” But Jung was no ordinary lucid dreamer; armed with both general and specialized psychiatric knowledge, he aimed to figure out exactly what this other, unknowable part of himself was attempting to tell him.
Excerpt taken from:
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Zero point field or the All Knowing Consciousness is real.
The truth must come to light:
"The communication of the world did not occur in the visible realm of Newton, but in the subatomic world of Werner Heisenberg. Cells and DNA communicated through frequencies. The brain perceived and made its own record of the world in pulsating waves. A substructure underpins the universe that is essentially a recording medium of everything, providing a means for everything to communicate with everything else. People are indivisible from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated entity. It increases order in the rest of the world. The consciousness of human beings has incredible powers, to heal ourselves, to heal the world – in a sense, to make it as we wish it to be."
-The Field by Lynne McTaggart
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The problem is
We waste all our energy in fighting the dark
When all we had to do
Was to use that power
To Stand in our own Light 🌅👑
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